American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 87, issue 5, 2005
- Ethics and Economic Policy for the Food System pp. 1097-1112

- Per Pinstrup-Andersen
- Rethinking Food Security for the Twenty-First Century pp. 1113-1127

- Walter P. Falcon and Rosamond L. Naylor
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Area Agricultural Policies and the Interests of Developing Countries pp. 1128-1144

- Stefan Tangermann
- 2005 Galbraith Medal Recipient pp. 1145-1146

- Michael E. Porter
- International Dimensions of Obesity and Overweight Related Problems: An Economics Perspective pp. 1147-1153

- Maria Loureiro and Rodolfo Nayga
- Does Food Processing Contribute to Childhood Obesity Disparities? pp. 1154-1158

- Bo MacInnis and Gordon Rausser
- United States Demand for Food and Nutrition in the Twentieth Century pp. 1159-1166

- Timothy Beatty and Jeffrey LaFrance
- Effects of Food Stamp Participation on Body Weight and Obesity pp. 1167-1173

- Zhuo Chen, Steven T. Yen and David B. Eastwood
- Disentangling the Consequences of Direct Payment Schemes in Agriculture on Fixed Costs, Exit Decisions, and Output pp. 1174-1181

- Nancy Chau and Harry de Gorter
- Effects of Differing Farm Policies on Farm Structure and Dynamics pp. 1182-1189

- Mary Clare Ahearn, Jet Yee and Penni Korb
- The Evolution of Farm Programs and Their Contribution to Agricultural Land Values pp. 1190-1197

- Saleem Shaik, Glenn A. Helmers and Joseph A. Atwood
- Agricultural Structural Adjustments to U.S. Policies: Discussion Paper pp. 1198-1199

- David H. Harrington
- Another Look at Decoupling: Additional Evidence on the Production Effects of Direct Payments pp. 1200-1210

- Barry Goodwin and Ashok Mishra
- Farm-Level Production Effects from Participation in Government Commodity Programs: Did the 1996 Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act Make a Difference? pp. 1211-1219

- Nigel Key, Ruben N. Lubowski and Michael Roberts
- The Degree of Decoupling of Area Payments for Arable Crops in the European Union pp. 1220-1228

- Paolo Sckokai and Jesús Antón
- Production and Trade Effects of Farm Subsidies: Discussion pp. 1229-1230

- Daniel Sumner
- The Conservation Reserve Program in the Presence of a Working Land Alternative: Implications for Environmental Quality, Program Participation, and Income Transfer pp. 1231-1238

- Hongli Feng, Catherine Kling, Lyubov Kurkalova, Silvia Secchi and Philip Gassman
- How Cost-Effective Are Land Retirement Auctions? Estimating the Difference between Payments and Willingness to Accept in the Conservation Reserve Program pp. 1239-1247

- Ruben N. Lubowski and Michael Roberts
- Effectiveness of Conservation Programs in Illinois and Gains from Targeting pp. 1248-1255

- Wanhong Yang, Madhu Khanna and Richard Farnsworth
- Cost-Effectiveness of the Conservation Reserve Program: Discussion pp. 1256-1257

- Kenneth A. Baerenklau
- Implications of Commodity Price Behavior for Marketing Strategies pp. 1258-1264

- William G. Tomek and Hikaru Peterson
- Marketing Performance of Oklahoma Farmers pp. 1265-1270

- Kim B. Anderson and B Brorsen
- Does the Performance of Illinois Corn and Soybean Farmers Lag the Market? pp. 1271-1279

- Lewis A. Hagedorn, Scott Irwin, Darrel L. Good and Evelyn V. Colino
- Marketing Performance of U.S. Farmers: A Discussion pp. 1280-1281

- Terry Kastens
- HIV/AIDS and Food and Nutrition Security: Interactions and Response pp. 1282-1288

- Stuart Gillespie and Suneetha Kadiyala
- Using Empirical Information in the Era of HIV/AIDS to Inform Mitigation and Rural Development Strategies: Selected Results from African Country Studies pp. 1289-1297

- David Mather, Cynthia Donovan, Thomas Jayne and Michael Weber
- Asset Preservation in African Agriculture in the Face of HIV/AIDS: The Role of Education pp. 1298-1303

- Malcolm F. McPherson
- Using Agricultural Economics to Strengthen Nongovernmental Organizations' Food Security Programs for People Living with HIV/AIDS: An Example from Honduras pp. 1304-1309

- Paul McNamara
- Technology Adoption in Intensive Post-Green Revolution Systems pp. 1310-1316

- Douglas Gollin, Michael Morris and Derek Byerlee
- Agricultural Biotechnology Adoption in Developing Countries pp. 1317-1324

- Matin Qaim
- Agricultural Sustainability and Technology Adoption: Issues and Policies for Developing Countries pp. 1325-1334

- David R. Lee
- Issues Facing Agricultural Technology Adoption in Developing Countries: Discussion pp. 1335-1336

- Melinda Smale
- Eggcentric Behavior—Consumer Characteristics That Demonstrate Greater Willingness to Pay for Functionality pp. 1339-1344

- André M. Asselin
- Report of the AJAE Editors (2004–2005) pp. 1346-1351

- Christopher Barrett, B Brorsen, Ian Sheldon and Stephen Swallow
Volume 87, issue 4, 2005
- Specification and Estimation of Regular Inverse Demand Systems: A Distance Function Approach pp. 823-834

- Ka Wong and Keith McLaren
- Price Discrimination in the Context of Vertical Differentiation: An Application to Canadian Wheat Exports pp. 835-854

- Nathalie Lavoie
- Welfare Implications of Community Forest Plantations in Developing Countries: The Orissa Social Forestry Project pp. 855-869

- Gunnar Köhlin and Gregory S. Amacher
- Replacement of Agricultural Price Supports by Area Payments in the European Union and the Effects on Pesticide Use pp. 870-884

- Teresa Serra, David Zilberman, Barry Goodwin and Keijo Hyvonen
- Farm Poverty and Safety Nets pp. 885-899

- Craig Gundersen and Susan Offutt
- Infectious Disease, Productivity, and Scale in Open and Closed Animal Production Systems pp. 900-917

- Helen Jensen
- Optimal Hedging with a Subjective View: An Empirical Bayesian Approach pp. 918-930

- Wei Shi and Scott Irwin
- Genetically Modified Crops: Their Market and Welfare Impacts pp. 931-950

- Sergio Lence and Dermot Hayes
- Welfare Impacts of Intellectual Property Protection in the Seed Industry pp. 951-968

- Alan McCunn, Stephen Smith and William S. Niebur
- Estimating Intertemporal Preferences for Natural Resource Allocation pp. 969-983

- Richard E. Howitt, Siwa Msangi, Arnaud Reynaud and Keith Knapp
- The Farm Diversification Discount pp. 984-994

- Ani Katchova
- Spatial Complementarity of Forests and Farms: Accounting for Ecosystem Services pp. 995-1008

- Subhrendu Pattanayak and David T. Butry
- Joint Estimation of Technology Adoption and Land Allocation with Implications for the Design of Conservation Policy pp. 1009-1019

- Georgina Moreno and David Sunding
- Technology, Labor Wars, and Producer Dynamics: Explaining Consolidation in Beefpacking pp. 1020-1033

- James MacDonald and Michael Ollinger
- Spatial Modeling in Technology Adoption Decisions: The Case of Shuttle Train Elevators pp. 1034-1045

- Camilo Sarmiento and William Wilson
- Optimal Institutional Mechanisms for Funding Generic Advertising: An Experimental Analysis pp. 1046-1060

- Kent Messer, Todd Schmit and Harry Kaiser
- Serial Nonparticipation in Repeated Discrete Choice Models pp. 1061-1076

- Roger von Haefen, D. Matthew Massey and Wiktor Adamowicz
- Weak Disposability in Nonparametric Production Analysis with Undesirable Outputs pp. 1077-1082

- Timo Kuosmanen
- Auctions with and without the Right of First Refusal and National Park Service Concession Contracts pp. 1083-1088

- Hayley Chouinard
- Market Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Theory and Evidence pp. 1089-1090

- Christopher Barrett
- India's Emerging Economy: Performance and Prospects in the 1990s and Beyond pp. 1090-1091

- Indraneel Dasgupta
- The Dynamics of Deforestation and Economic Growth in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 1091-1093

- Gamini Herath
- Analysis of Panel Data pp. 1093-1095

- Kajal Lahiri
- Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics pp. 1095-1096

- Angelos Pagoulatos
Volume 87, issue 3, 2005
- The Economics of Managing Infectious Wildlife Disease pp. 537-551

- Richard Horan and Christopher Wolf
- Do Intra-Household Effects Generate the Food Stamp Cash-Out Puzzle? pp. 552-568

- Robert Breunig and Indraneel Dasgupta
- Food Stamp Benefits and Child Poverty pp. 569-581

- Dean Jolliffe, Craig Gundersen, Laura Tiehen and Joshua Winicki
- Information Exchange and Strategic Behavior in Supply Chains: Application to the Food Sector pp. 582-599

- Hamid Mohtadi and Jean D. Kinsey
- Slaughterhouse Rules: Animal Uniformity and Regulating for Food Safety in Meat Packing pp. 600-609

- David Hennessy
- Forecast Encompassing as the Necessary Condition to Reject Futures Market Efficiency: Fluid Milk Futures pp. 610-620

- Dwight R. Sanders and Mark Manfredo
- Genetically Modified Crops and Product Differentiation: Trade and Welfare Effects in the Soybean Complex pp. 621-644

- Andrei Sobolevsky, GianCarlo Moschini and Harvey Lapan
- The Diffusion of New Agricultural Technologies: The Case of Crossbred-Cow Technology in Tanzania pp. 645-659

- Awudu Abdulai and Wallace Huffman
- Consistent Estimation of Censored Demand Systems Using Panel Data pp. 660-672

- David Sahn
- The Significance and Insignificance of Demand Analysis in Evaluating Promotion Programs pp. 673-688

- George Davis
- Coupon Redemption and Its Effect on Household Cheese Purchases pp. 689-702

- Diansheng Dong and Harry Kaiser
- The Costs and Returns of Agricultural Credit Delivery pp. 703-716

- Brent A. Gloy, Michael Gunderson and Eddy L. LaDue
- Selling at the Farmgate or Traveling to Market pp. 717-734

- Marcel Fafchamps and Ruth Hill
- On Solving the Multirotational Timber Harvesting Problem with Stochastic Prices: A Linear Complementarity Formulation pp. 735-755

- Margaret Insley and Kimberly Rollins
- Time to Burn: Modeling Wildland Arson as an Autoregressive Crime Function pp. 756-770

- Jeffrey P. Prestemon and David T. Butry
- Effect of Experimental Design on Choice-Based Conjoint Valuation Estimates pp. 771-785

- Jayson Lusk and Bailey Norwood
- Forms of Scale Curves and Differential Inverse Demand Systems pp. 786-795

- Toshinobu Matsuda
- Price Behavior in a Dynamic Oligopsony: Washington Processing Potatoes—A Comment pp. 796-801

- Nathalie Lavoie
- Price Behavior in a Dynamic Oligopsony: Washington Processing Potatoes—A Reply pp. 802-803

- Timothy J. Richards, Paul M. Patterson and Ram Acharya
- Stochastic Modeling in Range Management: Selected Essays pp. 804-805

- Fathali Firoozi
- Household Decisions, Gender, and Development: A Synthesis of Recent Research pp. 805-806

- Gamini Herath
- Natural Resources and Violent Conflict: Options and Actions pp. 806-808

- Craig Infanger
- Food Fights over Free Trade pp. 808-810

- Michael Reed
- Energy at the Crossroads pp. 810-812

- James J. Winebrake
Volume 87, issue 2, 2005
- Child Growth, Shocks, and Food Aid in Rural Ethiopia pp. 273-288

- Takashi Yamano, Harold Alderman and Luc Christiaensen
- Irrigation Technology Adoption and Gains from Water Trading under Asymmetric Information pp. 289-301

- Chokri Dridi and Madhu Khanna
- Welfare Losses Due to Livestock Grazing on Public Lands: A Count Data Systemwide Treatment pp. 302-313

- J Shonkwiler and Jeffrey Englin
- The Amenity and Disamenity Impacts of Agriculture: Estimates from a Hedonic Pricing Model pp. 314-326

- Richard Ready and Charles W. Abdalla
- Correcting for On-Site Sampling in Random Utility Models pp. 327-339

- Klaus Moeltner and J Shonkwiler
- When Two Wrongs Make a Right: Second-Best Point-Nonpoint Trading Ratios pp. 340-352

- Richard Horan and James Shortle
- Computational Methods for Measuring the Difference of Empirical Distributions pp. 353-365

- Gregory Poe, Kelly L. Giraud and John Loomis
- Aggregation over Firms under Mean Scaling pp. 366-377

- Barry T. Coyle
- Do Voluntary Biotechnology Labels Matter to the Consumer? Evidence from the Fluid Milk Market pp. 378-392

- David Buschena and Vincent Smith
- Risk Perceptions, Risk Preference, and Acceptance of Risky Food pp. 393-405

- Jayson Lusk and Keith Coble
- Process Innovation Activity in a Mixed Oligopoly: The Role of Cooperatives pp. 406-422

- Konstantinos Giannakas and Murray Fulton
- The Crowding Effects of Basic and Applied Research: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of an Agricultural Biotech Industry pp. 423-438

- Stavroula Malla and Richard Gray
- Politics, Economics, and the Regulation of Direct Interstate Shipping in the Wine Industry pp. 439-452

- Gina M. Riekhof and Michael Sykuta
- A Multivariate Sample-Selection Model: Estimating Cigarette and Alcohol Demands with Zero Observations pp. 453-466

- Steven T. Yen
- Implications of Nash Bargaining for Horizontal Industry Integration pp. 467-481

- Richard Just, Siddhartha Mitra and Sinaia Netanyahu
- Estimating the Structure of Market Reaction to News: Information Events and Lumber Futures Prices pp. 482-500

- Randal R. Rucker, Walter N. Thurman and Jonathan Yoder
- Output Price Subsidies in a Stochastic World pp. 501-508

- Robert Chambers and John Quiggin
- How Do Journal Quality, Co-Authorship, and Author Order Affect Agricultural Economists' Salaries? pp. 509-523

- Christiana E. Hilmer and Michael J. Hilmer
- Estimating Recreational User Counts: Corrigendum pp. 524-527

- Robert Johnston and Timothy J. Tyrrell
- Rural Financial Markets in Asia: Policies, Paradigms, and Performance pp. 528-529

- Gamini Herath
- Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources: The Econometrics of Non-Market Valuation pp. 529-530

- John Loomis
- Advances in Ecological Economics pp. 531-532

- Scott Loveridge
- Global Justice and Transnational Politics: Essays on the Moral and Political Challenges of Globalization pp. 532-534

- Lynne Gary
- The Economics of the World Trading System pp. 534-535

- Henry Thompson
Volume 87, issue 1, 2005
- On Food Companies Liability for Obesity pp. 1-14

- Bénédicte Coestier, Estelle Gozlan and Stéphan Marette
- Moral Hazard, Inspection Policy, and Food Safety pp. 15-27

- S. Andrew Starbird
- The Generalized Composite Commodity Theorem and Food Demand Estimation pp. 28-37

- Albert Reed, J. William Levedahl and Charles Hallahan
- A Varying Coefficient Approach to Global Flexibility in Demand Analysis: A Semiparametric Approximation pp. 38-47

- Camilo Sarmiento
- Living with the Curse of Dimensionality: Closed-Loop Optimization in a Large-Scale Fisheries Simulation Model pp. 48-60

- Richard Woodward, Yong-Suhk Wui and Wade L. Griffin
- The Harvesting Decisions When a Standing Forest with Multiple Age-Classes Has Value pp. 61-76

- Jussi Uusivuori and Jari Kuuluvainen
- Modeling Discrete Choice with Uncertain Data: An Augmented MNL Estimator pp. 77-84

- Daniel Hellerstein
- Retail Price Fixity as a Facilitating Mechanism pp. 85-102

- Timothy J. Richards and Paul M. Patterson
- The Persistence of Profitability among Firms in the Food Economy pp. 103-115

- Michael Boland
- Technological Change and Economies of Scale in U.S. Poultry Processing pp. 116-129

- Milton Madison
- Behavioral and Welfare Effects of Tournaments and Fixed Performance Contracts: Some Experimental Evidence pp. 130-146

- Steven Wu and Brian Roe
- Economic Adjustments to Groundwater Depletion in the High Plains: Do Water-Saving Irrigation Systems Save Water? pp. 147-159

- Jeffrey Peterson and Ya Ding
- Farm Household Production Efficiency: Evidence from The Gambia pp. 160-179

- Jean-Paul Chavas, Ragan Petrie and Michael Roth
- Share Tenancy, Ownership Structure, and Prevented Planting Claims in Crop Insurance pp. 180-193

- Roderick Rejesus, Cesar Escalante and Ashley C. Lovell
- Credit Risk Models and Agricultural Lending pp. 194-205

- Ani Katchova and Peter J. Barry
- Collective Reputation and Quality pp. 206-213

- Jason Winfree and Jill McCluskey
- Milk by Any Other Name … Consumer Benefits from Labeled Milk pp. 214-228

- Tirtha Dhar and Jeremy Foltz
- University Life Science Programs and Agricultural Biotechnology pp. 229-243

- Yin Xia and Steven Buccola
- Slippage in the Conservation Reserve Program or Spurious Correlation? A Comment pp. 244-250

- Michael Roberts and Shawn Bucholtz
- Slippage Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program: Reply pp. 251-254

- JunJie Wu
- European Consumers' Willingness to Pay for U.S. Beef in Experimental Auction Markets: Comment pp. 255-257

- Matthew Rousu
- European Consumers' Willingness to Pay for U.S. Beef in Experimental Auction Markets: Reply pp. 258-260

- Frode Alfnes and Kyrre Rickertsen
- Tradeoffs or Synergies? Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment pp. 262-263

- Krishna Paudel
- Recent Advances in Environmental Economics pp. 263-265

- Edna Loehman
- The Commons in the New Millennium pp. 265-267

- Daniel Bromley
- Agricultural Research Policy in an Era of Privatization pp. 267-269

- Jeffrey Gillespie
- Readings in Development Economics, Volume 1: Micro-Theory pp. 269-271

- Ranjan Ray
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