American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 93, issue 5, 2011
- Welfare Impacts of Alternative Biofuel and Energy Policies pp. 1235-1256

- Jingbo Cui, Harvey Lapan, GianCarlo Moschini and Joseph Cooper
- The Economic Returns to U.S. Public Agricultural Research pp. 1257-1277

- Julian Alston, Matthew A. Andersen, Jennifer S. James and Philip Pardey
- Pigs in Cyberspace: A Natural Experiment Testing Differences between Online and Offline Club-Pig Auctions pp. 1278-1291

- Brian Roe, Timothy E. Wyszynski and Jafar Olimov
- Parsimonious Multi-dimensional Impact Assessment pp. 1292-1311

- John Antle
- Consumer Response to Commodity-Specific and Broad-Based Promotion Programs for Fruits and Vegetables pp. 1312-1327

- Bradley J. Rickard, Jura Liaukonyte, Harry Kaiser and Timothy J. Richards
- Agricultural Support Policies in Imperfectly Competitive Markets: Why Market Power Matters in Policy Design pp. 1328-1340

- Carlo Russo, Rachael Goodhue and Richard J. Sexton
- On the Distribution of Crop Yields: Does the Central Limit Theorem Apply? pp. 1341-1357

- Phoebe Koundouri and Nikolaos Kourogenis
- Are Valuations from Nonhypothetical Choice Experiments Different from Those of Experimental Auctions? pp. 1358-1373

- Azucena Gracia, Maria Loureiro and Rodolfo Nayga
- Bayesian Estimation of a Censored Linear Almost Ideal Demand System: Food Demand in Pakistan pp. 1374-1390

- Panagiotis Kasteridis, Steven T. Yen and Cheng Fang
- Pension Transfers and farm household technical efficiency: Evidence from South Africa pp. 1391-1405

- Stefania Lovo
- Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know pp. 1406-1408

- Norbert Wilson
- Case Studies in Food Policy for Developing Countries pp. 1408-1410

- Benjamin Senauer
- The Microtheory of Innovative Entrepreneurship pp. 1410-1412

- Gail Cramer
Volume 93, issue 4, 2011
- Geography Matters: International Trade Patterns and the Indirect Land Use Effects of Biofuels pp. 919-935

- Nelson Villoria and Thomas Hertel
- A Fully Calibrated Generalized Constant-Elasticity-of-Substitution Programming Model of Agricultural Supply pp. 936-948

- Pierre Mérel, Leo Simon and Fujin Yi
- Spatial Price Discrimination in Agricultural Product Procurement Markets: A Computational Economics Approach pp. 949-967

- Marten Graubner, Alfons Balmann and Richard J. Sexton
- Estimation of Mixture Models using Cross-Validation Optimization: Implications for Crop Yield Distribution Modeling pp. 968-982

- Joshua D. Woodard and Bruce Sherrick
- The Development and Estimation of a Latent Choice Multinomial Logit Model with Application to Contingent Valuation pp. 983-992

- Steven B Caudill, Peter Groothuis and John Whitehead
- North American Oriented Strand Board Markets, Arbitrage Activity, and Market Price Dynamics: A Smooth Transition Approach pp. 993-1014

- Barry Goodwin, Matthew Holt and Jeffrey P. Prestemon
- Cheap Talk Scripts and Online Choice Experiments: "Looking Beyond the Mean" pp. 1015-1031

- Glynn Tonsor and Robert Shupp
- Impact of Counter-Urbanization on Size, Population Mix, and Welfare of an Agricultural Region pp. 1032-1047

- Eli Feinerman, Israel Finkelshtain, Anat Tchetchik and Mordehai Delgo
- Migratory Responses to Agricultural Risk in Northern Nigeria pp. 1048-1061

- Andrew Dillon, Valerie Mueller and Sheu Salau
- Whose Fast and Whose Feast? Intrahousehold Asymmetries in Dietary Diversity Response Among East African Pastoralists pp. 1062-1081

- Kira M. Villa, Christopher Barrett and David Just
- How Much Does the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Reduce Food Insecurity? pp. 1082-1098

- Caroline Ratcliffe, Signe-Mary McKernan and Sisi Zhang
- Does the National School Lunch Program Improve Children's Dietary Outcomes? pp. 1099-1130

- Benjamin Campbell, Rodolfo Nayga, John Park and Andres Silva
- A Model of Labeling with Horizontal Differentiation and Cost Variability pp. 1131-1150

- Alexander Saak
- The Productivity of Nanobiotechnology Research and Education in U.S. Universities pp. 1151-1167

- William L. Weber and Yin Xia
- Structural Agricultural Land Use Modeling for Spatial Agro-Environmental Policy Analysis pp. 1168-1188

- Carlo Fezzi and Ian Bateman
- Effects of Size-Based Environmental Regulations: Evidence of Regulatory Avoidance pp. 1189-1211

- Stacy Sneeringer and Nigel Key
- Agricultural Water Security and Instream Flows for Endangered Species pp. 1212-1228

- David Newburn, Nicholas Brozovic and Mariano Mezzatesta
- Agricultural Economics Series: Critical Concepts in Economics pp. 1229-1230

- Patricia A. Duffy
- Sustainability Science for Watershed Landscapes pp. 1231-1233

- Eduardo Segarra
Volume 93, issue 3, 2011
- Why Do Rural Firms Live Longer? pp. 669-688

- Li Yu, Peter Orazem and Robert W. Jolly
- Does Local Labeling Complement or Compete with Other Sustainable Labels? A Conjoint Analysis of Direct and Joint Values for Fresh Produce Claim pp. 689-702

- Yuko Onozaka and Dawn Thilmany
- Relaxing Heteroscedasticity Assumptions in Area-Yield Crop Insurance Rating pp. 703-713

- Ardian Harri, Keith Coble, Alan Ker and Barry J. Goodwin
- Capital Services in U.S. Agriculture: Concepts, Comparisons, and the Treatment of Interest Rates pp. 714-734

- Matt A. Andersen, Julian Alston and Philip Pardey
- Market Evidence of Packer Willingness to Pay for Traceability pp. 735-751

- Sebastien Pouliot
- Measurement of Dynamic Efficiency: A Directional Distance Function Parametric Approach pp. 752-763

- Teresa Serra, Alfons Oude Lansink and Spiro Stefanou
- Switching to Perennial Energy Crops Under Uncertainty and Costly Reversibility pp. 764-779

- Feng Song, Jinhua Zhao and Scott Swinton
- Estimating the Environmental Impact of Land and Production Decisions with Multivariate Selection Rules and Panel Data pp. 780-798

- Anne Lacroix and Alban Thomas
- A Conceptional Analysis of Dynamics and Production in Bioeconomic Models pp. 799-808

- Stein Ivar Steinshamn
- Exploring Scale Effects of Best/Worst Rank Ordered Choice Data to Estimate Benefits of Tourism in Alpine Grazing Commons pp. 809-824

- Riccardo Scarpa, Sandra Notaro, Jordan Louviere and Roberta Raffaelli
- Does Adaptation to Climate Change Provide Food Security? A Micro-Perspective from Ethiopia pp. 825-842

- Salvatore Di Falco, Marcella Veronesi and Mahmud Yesuf
- Medium- and Long-Term Participation in Microcredit: An Evaluation Using a New Panel Dataset from Bangladesh pp. 843-862

- Asad Islam
- Government Policy and Agricultural Productivity in Indonesia pp. 863-880

- Nicholas Rada, Steven T. Buccola and Keith Fuglie
- Agricultural Distortions, Structural Change, and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Analysis pp. 881-902

- Benjamin N. Dennis and Talan B. İşcan
- Explorations in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Essays in Honor of Gardner M. Brown, Jr pp. 902-903

- Barry C. Field
- Distortions to Agricultural Incentives: A Global Perspective pp. 903-907

- Andrew Schmitz
- A. P. Giannini and the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics pp. 907-908

- Luther Tweeten
- Globalization and the Rural-Urban Divide pp. 908-910

- Steven Deller
- The Union of Their Dreams: Power, Hope, and Struggle in Cesar Chavez's Farmworker Movement pp. 910-912

- Philip Martin
- Micro-Econometrics: Methods of Moments and Limited Dependent Variables, 2nd Edition pp. 912-913

- Joseph Herriges
Volume 93, issue 2, 2011
- The Global Supply and Demand for Agricultural Land in 2050: A Perfect Storm in the Making?-super- 1 pp. 259-275

- Thomas Hertel
- Innovation and Productivity Growth pp. 276-296

- Dale Jorgenson
- Economic Incentives to Improve Water Quality in Agricultural Landscapes: Some New Variations on Old Ideas pp. 297-309

- Catherine Kling
- Governance Structures, Political Economy and Public Policy pp. 310-316

- Gordon Rausser and Johan Swinnen
- Political Institutions and Agricultural Trade Interventions in Africa pp. 317-323

- Robert Bates and Steven Block
- Constitutional Reforms and Food Policy pp. 324-331

- Alessandro Olper and Valentina Raimondi
- The Political Economy of Food Policies: The Role of Political Institutions: Discussion pp. 332-333

- Harry de Gorter
- A Global General Equilibrium Analysis of Biofuel Mandates and Greenhouse Gas Emissions pp. 334-341

- Jayson Beckman, Carol Adaire Jones and Ronald Sands
- Food, Fuel, Forests, and the Pricing of Ecosystem Services pp. 342-348

- Angelo Gurgel, Tim Cronin, John Reilly, Sergey Paltsev, David Kicklighter and Jerry Melillo
- Total Factor Productivity Change in Agriculture and Emissions from Deforestation pp. 349-355

- Suk-won Choi, Brent Sohngen, Steven Rose, Thomas Hertel and Alla Golub
- Land Use and Climate Change: A Global Perspective on Mitigation Options: Discussion pp. 356-357

- Ralph J. Alig
- Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Genetically Modified Foods with Product-Enhancing Nutritional Attributes pp. 358-363

- Gregory Colson and Wallace Huffman
- Do Positive Nutrition Shelf Labels Affect Consumer Behavior? Findings from a Field Experiment with Scanner Data pp. 364-369

- Joshua Berning, Hayley Chouinard and Jill McCluskey
- Reading Food Labels, Food Prices, and Adult Lifestyle Choices: Regular Physical Activity and Healthy Weight pp. 370-377

- Yanni Chen and Wallace Huffman
- Adult Obesity and the Price and Availability of Food in the United States pp. 378-384

- Lisa M. Powell and Euna Han
- Information, Prices, and Healthy Lifestyle Choices of Adults: Discussion pp. 385-386

- Jayson Lusk
- Information, Prices, and Healthy Lifestyle Choices of Adults: Discussion pp. 387-388

- Zhuo Chen
- Economies of Scope of Lending and Mobilizing Deposits in Microfinance Institutions: A Semiparametric Analysis pp. 389-398

- Valentina Hartarska, Christopher Parmeter and Denis Nadolnyak
- Systemic Risk, Index Insurance, and Optimal Management of Agricultural Loan Portfolios in Developing Countries pp. 399-406

- Mario Miranda and Claudio Gonzalez-Vega
- Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh: A Household Labor Market Approach pp. 407-414

- Richard Carson, Phoebe Koundouri and Celine Nauges
- Microfinance, Rural Finance, and Development: Multiple Products for Multiple Challenges: Discussion pp. 415-417

- Calum Turvey
- Dynamics of Biofuel Stock Prices: A Bayesian Approach pp. 418-425

- Xiaodong Du, Dermot Hayes and Cindy L. Yu
- Estimating the Risk-Return Tradeoff in Agribusiness Stocks: Linkages with the Broader Stock Market pp. 426-433

- Jeffrey Dorfman and Myung D. Park
- Bayesian State-Space Estimation of Stochastic Volatility for Storable Commodities pp. 434-440

- Berna Karali, Gabriel Power and Ariun Ishdorj
- Discussion of Volatility in Agribusiness-Oriented Asset Markets: Peeking Through a Bayesian Window pp. 441-443

- Justin L. Tobias
- The Decision to Import pp. 444-449

- Mark Gibson and Tim Graciano
- Trade Dynamics under Policy Uncertainty pp. 450-456

- Kim Ruhl
- Does the Type of Exports Affect the Odds that an Overseas Office Exists? pp. 457-462

- Andrew Cassey
- Entry Fixed Costs to Trade: Estimates, Dynamics, and Policy: Discussion pp. 463-464

- Terry Roe
- Alternative Pathways for Fulfilling the RFS Mandate pp. 465-472

- Wallace Tyner, Frank J. Dooley and Daniela Viteri
- Supply of Cellulosic Biofuel Feedstocks and Regional Production Pattern pp. 473-480

- Madhu Khanna, Xiaoguang Chen, Haixiao Huang and Hayri Onal
- What to Conclude About Biofuel Mandates from Evolving Prices for Renewable Identification Numbers? pp. 481-487

- Wyatt Thompson, Seth Meyer and Pat Westhoff
- Effects of Biofuel Mandates in a Context of Ethanol Demand Constraints, Cellulosic Biofuel Costs, and Compliance Mechanisms: Discussion pp. 488-489

- Vernon Eidman
- Production and Risk Prevention Response of Free Range Chicken Producers in Viet Nam to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreaks pp. 490-497

- Jennifer Ifft, David Roland-Holst and David Zilberman
- The Quasi-Option Value of Delayed Input Use under Catastrophic Drought Risk: The Case of No-Till in Morocco pp. 498-504

- Nicholas Magnan, Travis Lybbert, Rachid Mrabet and Aziz Fadlaoui
- Concept and Unintended Consequences of Weather Index Insurance: The Case of Mexico pp. 505-511

- Alan Fuchs and Hendrik Wolff
- Covariate Catastrophic Risk Management in the Developing World: Discussion pp. 512-513

- Christopher Barrett
- Are Experimental Auctions Demand Revealing when Values are Affiliated? pp. 514-520

- Jay Corrigan and Matthew Rousu
- The Role of Training in Experimental Auctions pp. 521-527

- Andreas Drichoutis, Rodolfo Nayga and Panagiotis Lazaridis
- Social Desirability Bias in Real, Hypothetical, and Inferred Valuation Experiments pp. 528-534

- Bailey Norwood and Jayson Lusk
- Methodological Developments and Issues in Experimental Auctions: Discussion pp. 535-536

- Gregory Colson
- Assessment of Environmental Impacts Embodied in U.S.-China and U.S.-India Trade and Related Climate Change Policies pp. 537-544

- Xiaodong Du, Fengxia Dong, Dermot Hayes and Tristan Brown
- Does Trade Liberalization Induce More Greenhouse Gas Emissions? The Case of Mexico and the United States Under NAFTA pp. 545-552

- Tun-hsiang Yu, Man-Keun Kim and Seong-Hoon Cho
- Is There Anything New about Border Tax Adjustments and Climate Policy? pp. 553-557

- Ian Sheldon
- Trade Liberalization, Climate Change Policies, and The Environment: The Growing Interaction and Impact: Discussion pp. 558-559

- Witsanu Attavanich, Bruce McCarl and Randi Hughes-Fraire
- Food Trade and Food Safety Violations: What Can We Learn From Import Refusal Data? pp. 560-565

- Jean Buzby and Donna Roberts
- Food Import Refusals: Evidence from the European Union pp. 566-572

- Kathy Baylis, Lia Nogueira and Kathryn Pace
- Trade Deflection Arising from U.S. Import Refusals and Detentions in Fishery and Seafood Trade pp. 573-580

- Jason Grant and Sven Anders
- Border Inspections and Import Refusals in Agri-Food Trade: Issues and Empirical Evidence: Discussion pp. 581-582

- David Orden
- Defining Sustainable Food Market Segments: Do Motivations and Values Vary by Shopping Locale? pp. 583-589

- Yuko Onozaka, Gretchen Nurse and Dawn Thilmany
- Consumer Preferences for Product Origin and Processing Scale: The Case of Organic Baby Foods pp. 590-596

- Hikaru Peterson and Xianghong Li
- Retailer Decisions about Organic Imports and Organic Private Labels pp. 597-603

- Edward Jaenicke, Carolyn Dimitri and Lydia Oberholtzer
- Consumer-Driven Changes in Food Marketing Channels: Organics and Sustainable Food Systems in the United States: Discussion pp. 604-605

- Marvin Batte
- Farm Commodity Payments and Imputation in the Agricultural Resource Management Survey pp. 606-612

- Michael W. Robbins and T. Kirk White
- Comparative Survey Imputation Methods for Farm Household Income pp. 613-618

- Mary Ahearn, David Banker, Dawn Marie Clay and Daniel Milkove
- Imputing Missing Information in the Estimation of Production Functions and Systems pp. 619-626

- Charles Moss and Ashok Mishra
- Economic Implications of Imputation in Agricultural Economic Data: Discussion pp. 627-628

- Sujit K. Ghosh
- Natural Selection: 2006 E. Coli Recall of Fresh Spinach pp. 629-635

- Jean Kinsey, Jon Seltzer, Xudong Ma and Jeff Rush
- Rembrandt Enterprises, Broken Eggs pp. 636-641

- Kevin Kimle
- The Acquisition of IBP by Tyson Foods in 2001: Pre- and Post-Merger Financial Performance pp. 642-647

- Michelle Wolfe, Scott Stressman and Mark Manfredo
- Invited paper case study: Discussion pp. 648-649

- H. Christopher Peterson
- Comparing Alberta University Student and General Population Awareness of Co-operatives pp. 655-662

- Haicong Lei
- Report of the AJAE Editors for 2009 pp. 664-671

- Jeffrey Dorfman, Erik Lichtenberg, Paul Preckel and Walter Thurman
Volume 93, issue 1, 2010
- Do Zoning Regulations Rob Rural Landowners' Equity? pp. 1-25

- Xiangping Liu and Lori Lynch
- Subsidies and Crowding Out: A Double-Hurdle Model of Fertilizer Demand in Malawi pp. 26-42

- Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Thomas Jayne and Ephraim Chirwa
- Does Microfinance Reduce Rural Poverty? Evidence Based on Household Panel Data from Northern Ethiopia pp. 43-55

- Guush Berhane and Cornelis Gardebroek
- Should We Track Migrant Households When Collecting Household Panel Data? Household Relocation, Economic Mobility, and Attrition Biases in the Rural Philippines pp. 56-82

- Nobuhiko Fuwa
- Are Consumers in Developing Countries Willing to Pay More for Micronutrient-Dense Biofortified Foods? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Uganda pp. 83-97

- Shyamal Chowdhury, J.V. Meenakshi, Keith I. Tomlins and Constance Owori
- Bootstrapping Your Fish or Fishing for Bootstraps? Precision of Welfare Loss Estimates from a Globally Concave Inverse Demand Model of Commercial Fish Landings in the U.S. Great Lakes pp. 98-112

- Christiana E. Hilmer, Matthew Holt and Richard C. Bishop
- Slippage in Conservation Cost Sharing pp. 113-129

- Erik Lichtenberg and Ricardo Smith-Ramírez
- Sequential Adoption of Package Technologies: The Dynamics of Stacked Trait Corn Adoption pp. 130-143

- Ursula Aldana, Jeremy Foltz, Bradford L. Barham and Pilar Useche
- Heterogeneity and Distributional Form of Farm-Level Yields pp. 144-160

- Roger Claassen and Richard Just
- A Reduced-Form Model for Dynamic Efficiency Measurement: Application to Dairy Farms in Germany and The Netherlands pp. 161-174

- Grigorios Emvalomatis, Spiro Stefanou and Alfons Oude Lansink
- Habit Formation and Demand for Sugar-Sweetened Beverages pp. 175-193

- Chen Zhen, Michael Wohlgenant, Shawn Karns and Phillip Kaufman
- A Benefit-Cost Analysis of U.S. Agricultural Trade Promotion pp. 194-208

- Henry Kinnucan and Hailong Cai
- Bid-Ask Spreads, Volume, and Volatility: Evidence from Livestock Markets pp. 209-225

- Julieta Frank and Philip Garcia
- Who Participates in Household Scanning Panels? pp. 226-240

- Jayson Lusk and Kathleen Brooks
- The Economics of American Agriculture: Evolution and Global Developments pp. 241-242

- Mariah Tanner Ehmke
- Sustainable Resource Use: Institutional Dynamics and Economics pp. 242-244

- Thomas H. Stevens
- Water and Disasters pp. 244-245

- Dannele E. Peck
- Frontiers in Resource and Rural Economics: Human-Nature, Rural-Urban Interdependencies pp. 245-247

- Jeffrey Wagner
- Family Farming: A New Economic Vision pp. 247-249

- Christopher T. Bastian
- Public Expenditures, Growth, and Poverty pp. 249-252

- Gerard E. D'Souza
- From Parastatals to Private Trade: Lessons from Asian Agriculture pp. 252-254

- Jeffrey Reimer
- Asia's New Institutional Architecture: Evolving Structures for Managing Trade, Financial, and Security Relations pp. 254-256

- Devesh Roy
- Happiness: A Revolution in Economics pp. 256-257

- Bailey Norwood
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