American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 82, issue 5, 2000
- Economic Growth and Low Incomes in Agriculture pp. 1059-1074

- Bruce Gardner
- The Growth Performance of Agriculture in Subsaharan Africa pp. 1075-1086

- Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
- Industrialization and Consolidation in the U.S. Food Sector: Implications for Competition and Welfare pp. 1087-1104

- Richard J. Sexton
- Information Technology and Cattle-Beef Supply Chains pp. 1105-1111

- Victoria Salin
- Pricing Linkages in the Supply Chain: The Case for Structural Adjustments in the Beef Industry pp. 1112-1122

- Ronald W. Ward and Thomas Stevens
- A Faster, Leaner, Supply Chain: New Uses of Information Technology pp. 1123-1129

- Jean Kinsey
- Information Technology and Changing Supply Chain Behavior: Discussion pp. 1130-1132

- Brian L. Buhr
- Responsiveness, Flexibility, and Market Liberalization in China's Agriculture pp. 1133-1139

- Jikun Huang
- From Common Heritage to Divergence: Why the Transition Countries are Drifting Apart by Measures of Agricultural Performance pp. 1140-1148

- Zvi Lerman
- Impact of Initial Conditions and Reform Policies on Agricultural Performance in Central and Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, and East Asia pp. 1149-1155

- Karen Macours and Johan Swinnen
- From Transition to Development: The Economics and Policies of Rural Transition in East Asia, the Former Soviet Union, and Central and Eastern Europe: Discussion pp. 1156-1158

- Gershon Feder
- Food Safety Requirements and Food Exports from Developing Countries: The Case of Fish Exports from Kenya to the European Union pp. 1159-1169

- Winnie Mitullah
- Agrifood Grades and Standards in the Extended Mercosur: Their Role in the Changing Agrifood System pp. 1170-1176

- Elizabeth M. M. Q. Farina and Thomas Reardon
- Future Market Development Issues Impacting Central America's Nontraditional Agricultural Export Sector: Guatemala Case Study pp. 1177-1183

- Guillermo E. Sánchez
- Location Choice of Commercial Fishermen with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences pp. 1184-1190

- Johan A. Mistiaen and Ivar E. Strand
- The Cost of Sea Turtle Preservation: The Case of Hawaii's Pelagic Longliners pp. 1191-1197

- Rita Curtis and Robert Hicks
- Spatial Search and Fishing Location Choice: Methodological Challenges of Empirical Modeling pp. 1198-1206

- Martin Smith
- Spatial Statistics and Econometrics for Models in Fisheries Economics: Discussion pp. 1207-1209

- Mark M. Fleming
- Incorporating Space into Fisheries Models: Comment pp. 1210-1212

- James Wilen
- Agricultural Trade and Productivity Growth: A State-level Analysis pp. 1213-1218

- Munisamy Gopinath and P. Lynn Kennedy
- Competitiveness of Agricultural Commodities in the United States: Expanding Our View pp. 1219-1223

- Darren Hudson and Don Ethridge
- Agrobiotechnology and Competitiveness pp. 1224-1233

- Nicholas G. Kalaitzandonakes
- Competitiveness of U.S. Agriculture: Concepts, Issues, and Policy: Discussion pp. 1234-1237

- Terry Roe
- Development of the Interactive Broiler Income Spreadsheet pp. 1240-1246

- Tara Shofner
Volume 82, issue 4, 2000
- The Optimal Timing of Evaluation of Genebank Accessions and the Effects of Biotechnology pp. 797-811

- Bonwoo Koo and Brian Wright
- Searching an Ex Situ Collection of Wheat Genetic Resources pp. 812-827

- Douglas Gollin, Melinda Smale and Bent Skovmand
- Setting Efficient Incentives for Agricultural Research: Lessons from Principal-Agent Theory pp. 828-841

- Wallace Huffman and Richard Just
- Crop Insurance under Catastrophic Risk pp. 842-855

- John Duncan and Robert Myers
- Constrained Efficient Contracts for Area Yield Crop Insurance pp. 856-864

- James A. Vercammen
- Size and Productivity in the U.S. Milling and Baking Industries pp. 865-880

- Steven Buccola, Fujii Yoko and Xia Yin
- Hedging Multiple Price Uncertainty in International Grain Trade pp. 881-896

- Michael S. Haigh and Matthew Holt
- The Demand for Hedging and the Value of Hedging Opportunities pp. 897-907

- Darren L. Frechette
- The Role of Farmers' Behavioral Attitudes and Heterogeneity in Futures Contracts Usage pp. 908-919

- Joost Pennings and Raymond M. Leuthold
- Financial Structure of Farm Businesses under Imperfect Capital Markets pp. 920-933

- Peter J. Barry, Ralph W. Bierlen and Narda L. Sotomayor
- Using Consumption and Asset Return Data to Estimate Farmers' Time Preferences and Risk Attitudes pp. 934-947

- Sergio Lence
- A Strong Test of the von Liebig Hypothesis pp. 948-955

- Peter Berck, Jacqueline Geoghegan and Stephen Stohs
- Investment under Uncertainty and Dynamic Adjustment in the Finnish Pork Industry pp. 956-967

- Kyösti S. Pietola and Robert Myers
- Regional Shifts in Pork Production: Implications for Competition and Food Safety pp. 968-978

- Hayri Onal, Laurian Unnevehr and Aleksandar Bekric
- Slippage Effects of the Conservation Reserve Program pp. 979-992

- JunJie Wu
- Land Tenure and the Adoption of Conservation Practices pp. 993-1005

- Meredith J. Soule, Abebayehu Tegene and Keith D. Wiebe
- The Interstate River Compact as a Water Allocation Mechanism: Efficiency Aspects pp. 1006-1015

- Lynne Lewis, Charles W. Howe and James Shope
- Preference Learning in Consecutive Experimental Auctions pp. 1016-1021

- Jason Shogren, John List and Dermot Hayes
- Estimation of Censored Demand Equations from Large Cross-Section Data pp. 1022-1037

- Federico Perali and Jean-Paul Chavas
- Government Spending, Growth and Poverty in Rural India pp. 1038-1051

- Shenggen Fan, Peter Hazell and Sukhadeo Thorat
- Barry, Peter J., Paul N. Ellinger, John A. Hopkin, and C.B. Baker. Financial Management in Agriculture, 6th ed. Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers, 2000, 678 pp., $66.25 pp. 1052-1053

- Danny Klinefelter
- Harriss-White, Barbara (editor). Agricultural Markets From Theory to Practice: Field Experience in Developing Countries. New York, NY: St. Martins Press, Inc., 1999, 384 pp., $79.95 pp. 1053-1054

- Donald W. Larson
- Conrad, Jon. Resource Economics. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press, 1999. 213 pp. Price unknown pp. 1054-1055

- W. Shaw
- Fuglie, Keith O. and David E. Schimmelpfennig, eds. Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research: New Institutional Arrangements and Economic Implications. Ames IA: Iowa State University Press, 2000, xv + 354 pp., $84.95 pp. 1055-1057

- Jim Oehmke
Volume 82, issue 3, 2000
- A Semiparametric Distribution for Willingness to Pay and Statistical Inference with Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Data pp. 487-500

- Mark An
- The Effect of Nesting Structure Specification on Welfare Estimation in a Random Utility Model of Recreation Demand: An Application to the Demand for Recreational Fishing pp. 501-514

- A. Brett Hauber and George Parsons
- Brand Choice and Purchase Frequency Revisited: An Application to Recreation Behavior pp. 515-526

- W. Shaw and J Shonkwiler
- Insect Population Dynamics, Pesticide Use, and Farmworker Health pp. 527-540

- David Sunding and Joshua Graff Zivin
- The Economic Threshold with a Stochastic Pest Population: A Real Options Approach pp. 541-555

- Jean-Daniel M. Saphores
- Optimal Control of Vector-Virus-Plant Interactions: The Case of Potato Leafroll Virus Net Necrosis pp. 556-569

- Thomas Marsh, Ray G. Huffaker and Garrell E. Long
- How to Improve the Management of Renewable Resources: The Case of Canada's Northern Cod Fishery pp. 570-580

- R. Quentin Grafton, Leif Sandal and Stein Ivar Steinshamn
- Sustainability as Intergenerational Fairness: Efficiency, Uncertainty, and Numerical Methods pp. 581-593

- Richard Woodward
- The Composition of Rural Employment Growth in the “New Economy” pp. 594-605

- Timothy Wojan
- Broiler Production Contracts as a Multi-Agent Problem: Common Risk, Incentives and Heterogeneity pp. 606-622

- Rachael Goodhue
- Efficiency and Market Power in Greek Food Industries pp. 623-629

- K. Oustapassidis, Aspasia Vlachvei and Ourania Notta
- Estimating Intertemporal Supply Response in the Fed Beef Market: Comment pp. 630-634

- Camilo Sarmiento and P Allen
- The Effects of the Macroeconomy and Welfare Reform on Food Stamp Caseloads pp. 635-641

- David Figlio, Craig Gundersen and James Ziliak
- Pre-1997 Trends in Welfare and Food Assistance in a National Sample of Families pp. 642-648

- Parke Wilde, Sandra Hofferth, Stephen Stanhope, Mary Noonan and Nancy Collins
- Welfare and Food Assistance at the State and Sub-State Level: A Framework for Evaluating Economic and Programmatic Changes pp. 649-655

- Jennifer Olmsted
- The Food Stamp Program in an Era of Welfare Reform: Discussion pp. 656-658

- Marianne Page
- Distribution of Generic Advertising Benefits Across Participating Firms pp. 659-664

- Chanjin Chung and Harry Kaiser
- The Incidence of the Costs and Benefits of Generic Advertising pp. 665-671

- Nicholas Piggott
- Distributional Impacts of Generic Advertising on Related Commodity Markets pp. 672-678

- Henry Kinnucan and Yuliang Miao
- Distributional Impacts of Generic Advertising: Comments pp. 679-681

- Donald Liu
- The International Financial Criss: Macroeconomic Linkages to Agriculture pp. 682-687

- Mathew Shane and William Liefert
- How the Financial Crisis Affected World Agriculture: A General Equilibrium Perspective pp. 688-694

- Xinshen Diao and Terry Roe
- International Financial Volatility and Agricultural Commodity Trade: A Primer pp. 695-700

- Suchada V. Langley, Marcelo Giugale, William H. Meyers and Charles Hallahan
- International Financial Volatility and Agricultural Commodity Trade: A Primer: Discussion pp. 701-702

- Lawrence Klein
- The International Financial Crisis: Macroeconomic Linkages to Agriculture: Discussion pp. 703-706

- Timothy Kehoe
- Modeling How a Financial Crisis Affects World Agriculture: Discussion pp. 707-708

- John A. Miranowski
- Assessing the Effects of the WTO Agreement on Rice Markets: What can We Learn from the First Five Years? pp. 709-717

- Daniel Sumner, Frank H. Buck and Hyunok Lee
- Agricultural Market Liberalization and Instability of Domestic Agricultural Markets: The Case of the CAP pp. 718-726

- Stanley Thompson, Roland Herrmann and Wolfgang Gohout
- If a Tree Falls in the Forest: The Effects of Liberalization if Tariffs are Nonbinding: Discussion pp. 727-728

- Joseph W. Glauber
- What has the GATT/WTO Agricultural Agreement Actually Done?: Discussion pp. 729-730

- Will Martin
- Agriculture, Climate, and Technology: Why are the Tropics Falling Behind? pp. 731-737

- John Luke Gallup and Jeffrey D. Sachs
- Understanding the Political Economy of Agriculture in the Tropics pp. 738-742

- Margaret S. McMillan and William Masters
- How Far Away Is Africa? Technological Spillovers to Agriculture and Productivity pp. 743-749

- Daniel Johnson and Robert E. Evenson
- Economy-Wide Effects of Climate Variability and Climate Prediction in Mozambique pp. 750-754

- Channing Arndt and Melanie Bacou
- An Examination of Nearly Green Programs: Case Study for Canada pp. 755-761

- James Rude
- How Decoupled Is U.S. Agricultural Support for Major Crops? pp. 762-767

- C. Edwin Young and Paul Westcott
- North American Farm Programs and the WTO pp. 768-774

- Mary E. Burfisher, Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder
- New Farm Programs in North America and Their Treatment in the WTO: Discussion pp. 775-777

- Tim Josling
- Crissman, Charles C., John M. Antle, and Susan M. Capalbo, eds. Economic, Environmental and Health Tradeoffs in Agriculture: Pesticides and the Sustainability of Andean Potato Production. Norwell MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, 281 pp., $169.95 pp. 778-780

- George Frisvold
- Deaton, Angus. The Analysis of Household Surveys: A Microeconometric Approach to Development Policy. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press (Published for the World Bank), 1996, 479 pp., $39.95 pp. 780-782

- Parke Wilde
- Graham, Edward M., and J. David Richardson, eds. Global Competition Policy. Washington DC: Institute for International Economics, 1997, 616 pp., price unknown pp. 782-784

- Bruno Larue
- O'Rourke, Kevin H., and Jeffrey G. Williamson. Globalization and History: The Evolution of a Nineteenth Century Atlantic Economy. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999, 333 pp., $45 pp. 784-785

- Thomas Grennes
Volume 82, issue 2, 2000
- Transactions Costs and Agricultural Household Supply Response pp. 245-259

- Nigel Key, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Alain de Janvry
- Inventory Dynamics under Transaction Costs pp. 260-273

- Jean-Paul Chavas, Paula M. Despins and T. Randall Fortenbery
- Optimal Temporal Policies in Fluid Milk Advertising pp. 274-286

- Philip R. Vande Kamp and Harry Kaiser
- The Returns from Schooling in a Diversified Rural Economy pp. 287-297

- J. Edward Taylor and Antonio Yunez-Naude
- A Test of Nutritional Quality Signaling in Food Markets Prior to Implementation of Mandatory Labeling pp. 298-309

- Eliza M. Mojduszka and Julie Caswell
- No Such Thing as a Free Safe Lunch: The Cost of Food Safety Regulation in the Meat Industry pp. 310-322

- John Antle
- An Analysis of Occupational Health in Pork Production pp. 323-333

- Terrance Hurley, James B. Kliebenstein and Peter Orazem
- Scale Economies and Consolidation in Hog Slaughter pp. 334-346

- James MacDonald and Michael Ollinger
- Efficient Redistribution Using Quotas and Subsidies in the Presence of Misrepresentation and Cheating pp. 347-359

- Konstantinos Giannakas and Murray Fulton
- Surplus Distribution from the Introduction of a Biotechnology Innovation pp. 360-369

- José Benjamin Falck-Zepeda, Greg Traxler and Robert G. Nelson
- Convergence in U.S. Productivity Growth for Agriculture: Implications of Interstate Research Spillovers for Funding Agricultural Research pp. 370-388

- Alan McCunn and Wallace Huffman
- Foreign Transfers and Tropical Deforestation: What Terms of Conditionality? pp. 389-399

- Daan van Soest and Robert Lensink
- Cumulative Effects and Optimal Targeting of Conservation Efforts: Steelhead Trout Habitat Enhancement in Oregon pp. 400-413

- JunJie Wu, Richard M. Adams and William G. Boggess
- Valuing Water Supply Reliability pp. 414-426

- Ronald C. Griffin and James W. Mjelde
- Joint Production and Averting Expenditure Measures of Willingness to Pay: Do Water Expenditures Really Measure Avoidance Costs? pp. 427-437

- Bryan Hubbell and Jeffrey Jordan
- Survey Response-Related Biases in Contingent Valuation: Concepts, Remedies, and Empirical Application to Valuing Aquatic Plant Management pp. 438-450

- Mark L. Messonnier, John Bergstrom, Christopher Cornwell, R. Jeff Teasley and H. Ken Cordell
- Nonparametric and Semi-Nonparametric Recreational Demand Analysis pp. 451-462

- Joseph Cooper
- Nonparametric Estimation of Crop Insurance Rates Revisited pp. 463-478

- Alan Ker and Barry Goodwin
- Vosti, Stephen A., and Thomas Reardon, eds. Sustainability, Growth, and Poverty Alleviation: A Policy and Agroecological Perspective. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, price unknown pp. 479-480

- J. Edward Taylor
- Swinbank, Alan, and Carolyn Tanner. Farm Policy and Trade Conflict: The Uruguay Round and CAP Reform. Thames Essay of the Trade Policy Research Centre, London. The University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor, 1996, 190 pp., $44.50 pp. 480-485

- David Kelch
- Frisvold, George, and Betsey Kuhn, eds. Global Environmental Change and Agriculture: Assessing the Impacts. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 1999, 354 pp., price unknown pp. 485-486

- Ariel Dinar
Volume 82, issue 1, 2000
- Stop-and-Go Agricultural Policies pp. 1-13

- Jean-Marc Bourgeon and Robert Chambers
- The Goals of U.S. Agricultural Policy: A Mechanism Design Approach pp. 14-24

- Brent Hueth
- Rent Sharing in Multi-Site Hog Production pp. 25-37

- Brian P. Cozzarin and Randall Westgren
- Is Part-Time Farming Really a Step in the Way Out of Agricultural? pp. 38-48

- Ayal Kimhi
- The Output Decision of a Risk-Neutral Producer under Risk of Liquidation pp. 49-58

- Oliver Mahul
- Information Value and Risk Premium in Agricultural Production: The Case of Split Nitrogen Application for Corn pp. 59-70

- Philippe Bontems and Alban Thomas
- Valuation of Credit Risk in Agricultural Mortgages pp. 71-81

- Bruce Sherrick, Peter J. Barry and Paul N. Ellinger
- Does Market Timing Contribute to the Cattle Cycle? pp. 82-96

- Stephen Hamilton and Terry L. Kastens
- The Economics of Livestock Waste and Its Regulation pp. 97-117

- Robert Innes
- Estimating the Demand for a New Technology: Bt Cotton and Insecticide Policies pp. 118-132

- Bryan Hubbell, Michele Marra and Gerald A. Carlson
- Hedonic Prices for Fish: Tuna Prices in Hawaii pp. 133-144

- Kenneth McConnell and Ivar E. Strand
- Timber Price Dynamics Following a Natural Catastrophe pp. 145-160

- Jeffrey P. Prestemon and Thomas P. Holmes
- Unilateral Resource Management in a Two-Country General Equilibrium Model of Trade in a Renewable Fishery Resource pp. 161-172

- Ali Emami and Richard S. Johnston
- The Impact of the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement on U.S. Wine Exports pp. 173-182

- Dale Heien and Eric N. Sims
- Trade Liberalization and Agricultural Chemical Use: United States and Mexico pp. 183-199

- Shon P. Williams and C. Shumway
- The Monthly Food Stamp Cycle: Shooping Frequency and Food Intake Decisions in an Endogenous Switching Regression Framework pp. 200-213

- Parke Wilde and Christine K. Ranney
- Aggregation without Separability: Tests of the United States and Mexican Agricultural Production Data pp. 214-230

- George Davis, Ni Lin and C. Shumway
- Variations on Invariance or Some Unpleasant Nonparametric Arithmetic: Comment pp. 231-233

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Variations on Invariance or Some Unpleasant Nonparametric Arithmetic: Reply pp. 234-235

- James Chalfant and Zhang Bin
- A Unified Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Equilibrium Displacement Models: Comment pp. 236-240

- William Griffiths and Xueyan Zhao
- A Unified Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Equilibrium Displacement Models: Reply pp. 241-243

- George Davis and M. Cristina Espinoza
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