American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (joanna.bergh@oup.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 67, issue 5, 1985
- Limits on Price Analysis pp. 905-915

- William G. Tomek
- A Hungry World: Lessons from a Land-Grant-School Perspective pp. 916-927

- Harold O. Carter
- Space, Agriculture, and Organization pp. 928-937

- Mancur Olson
- Agricultural Land Markets and Soil Erosion: Policy Relevance and Conceptual Issues pp. 938-942

- David E. Ervin and John W. Mill
- The Impact of Soil Conservation Investments on Land Prices pp. 943-947

- Kent Gardner and Richard Barrows
- User Costs of Soil Erosion and Their Effect on Agricultural Land Prices: Costate Variables and Capitalized Hamiltonians pp. 948-953

- Greg Hertzler, Carlos A. Ibanez-Meier and Robert W. Jolly
- Soil Erosion and Land Prices: Discussion pp. 954-956

- Jerald J. Fletcher
- Microbial Pathogens in Raw Pork, Chicken, and Beef: Benefit Estimates for Control Using Irradiation pp. 957-965

- Tanya Roberts
- Antibiotics in Animal Feeds: Risks and Costs pp. 966-970

- Clark R. Burbee, Robert Green and Masao Matsumoto
- The Political Economics of Risk/Benefit Assessment: The Case of Pesticides pp. 971-977

- Eileen O. van Ravenswaay and Pat T. Skelding
- Human Health Risk in Food and the Environment: Economics of Selected Options for Control: Discussion pp. 978-979

- Fay H. Dworkin
- Basis and Exchange Rate Risk in Offshore Futures Trading pp. 980-985

- Stanley Thompson and Gary E. Bond
- Use of Futures Markets for Exports by Less Developed Countries pp. 986-991

- Sarahelen Thompson
- Market Regulation and International Use of Futures Markets pp. 992-998

- Betsey A. Kuhn, Frieda W. Shaviro and Margaret M. Burke
- International Use of U.S. Futures Markets: Discussion pp. 999-1001

- Todd E. Petzel
- The Need to Rethink Agricultural Policy in General and to Perform Some Radical Surgery on Commodity Programs in Particular pp. 1002-1009

- Willard Cochrane
- Shifting Foundations of Agricultural Policy Analysis: Welfare Economics When Risk Markets Are Incomplete pp. 1010-1016

- Carlisle Runge and Robert J. Myers
- The Need to Rethink Agricultural Policy in General and to Perform Some Radical Surgery on Commodity Programs in Particular: Discussion pp. 1017-1019

- G. William Hoagland
- Shifting Foundations of Agricultural Policy Analysis When Risk Markets Are Incomplete: Discussion pp. 1020-1021

- Randall Kramer
- Methodology, Ideology, and the Economics of Poticy: Why Resource Economists Disagree pp. 1022-1029

- Alan Randall
- Natural Resource Economics: Methodological Orientations and Policy Effectiveness pp. 1030-1034

- Leonard Shabman
- Observations on the Frontiers and Fringes of the Neoclassical Paradigm pp. 1035-1038

- William D. Schulze and Charles W. Howe
- Information, Incentives, and Property Rights: The Emergence of an Alternative Paradigm pp. 1039-1043

- B. Delworth Gardner
- Rising Demand and Unstable Supply: The Prospects for Soviet Grain Imports pp. 1044-1048

- Elizabeth Clayton
- Soviet Agricultural Policies and the Feed-Livestock Sector pp. 1049-1054

- Edward Cook
- China's Grain and Meat Economy: Recent Developments and Implications for Trade pp. 1055-1062

- Terry Sicular
- Agriculture in the Soviet Union and China: Implications for Trade: Discussion pp. 1063-1066

- Thomas B. Wiens
- The Development and Adoption of High-Yielding Varieties of Wheat and Rice in Developing Countries pp. 1067-1073

- Dana G. Dalrymple
- The Influence of Intemational Research on the Size of National Research Systems pp. 1074-1079

- Robert E. Evenson, Carl E. Pray and Grant Scobie
- The Contribution of International Agricultural Research to World Agriculture pp. 1080-1084

- Jock Anderson, Robert W. Herdt and Grant Scobie
- International Research and Third World Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1085-1086

- Randolph Barker
- The Distribution of Income and Wealth of Farm Operator Households pp. 1087-1094

- Mary Ahearn, Jim Johnson and Roger Strickland
- The Role of Fringe Benefits in Operator Off-Farm Labor Supply pp. 1095-1099

- Helen Jensen and Priscilla Salant
- Income Distribution Implications of Rural Household Production pp. 1100-1104

- W. Keith Bryant and Cathleen D. Zick
- Measuring the Well-Being of Farm Households: Farm, Off-Farm, and In-Kind Sources of Income: Discussion pp. 1105-1107

- Jean Kinsey
- Incidence, Intensity, and Duration of Financial Stress among Farm Firms pp. 1108-1115

- Robert W. Jolly, Arnold Paulsen, James D. Johnson, Kenneth H. Baum and Richard Prescott
- Effects of Sustained Financial Stress on the Financial Structure and Performance of the Farm Sector pp. 1116-1122

- Dean W. Hughes, James Richardson and M. Edward Rister
- Solutions (or Resolutions) of Financial Stress Problems from the Private and Public Sectors pp. 1123-1128

- John R. Brake and Michael D. Boehlje
- Financial Stress among Farm Firms: Discussion pp. 1129-1130

- David A. Lins
- Financial Stress Among Farm Firms: Discussion pp. 1131-1132

- Lauren Soth
- Financial Stress among Farm Firms: Discussion pp. 1133-1135

- Alan R. Tubbs
- Economic Forces Shaping the Food-Processing Industry pp. 1136-1142

- John Connor, Dale Heien, Jean Kinsey and Robert Wills
- Technical Forces Shaping the U.S. Food-Processing Industry pp. 1143-1148

- Gary W. Sanderson and Bernard S. Schweigert
- Trends in the U.S. Food-Processing Industry: Implications for Modeling and Policy Analysis in a Dynamic Interactive Environment pp. 1149-1154

- Sandra O. Archibald, Alex F. McCalla and Chester O. McCorkle
- What's Ahead for the U.S. Food-Processing Industry? Discussion pp. 1155-1157

- Clifton Cox and Robert Foster
- Impacts of Technology and Structural Change on Agricultural Economy, Rural Communities, and the Environment pp. 1158-1163

- Yao-chi Lu
- Microeconomic Impacts of Emerging Technologies pp. 1164-1169

- Michael J. Phillips
- Emerging Agricultural Technologies, Public Policy, and Implications for Third World Agriculture: The Case of Biotechnology pp. 1170-1175

- Frederick H. Buttel and Randolph Barker
- Impacts of Emerging Technologies on U.S. and Third World Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1176-1177

- W. Burt Sundquist
- Condition of Rural Financial Intermediaries pp. 1178-1183

- Emanuel Melichar and George D. Irwin
- Impact of the Farm Financial Crisis on Agribusiness Firms and Rural Communities pp. 1184-1190

- Roger G. Ginder, Kenneth E. Stone and Daniel Otto
- Interaction Effects on Rural Financial Intermediaries of Financial Stress and Deregulation pp. 1191-1195

- Peter J. Barry and Freddie L. Barnard
- Interaction Effects on Rural Financial Intermediaries of Financial Stress and Deregulation: Discussion pp. 1196-1197

- Michael Belongia and Kenneth C. Carraro
- Effects of Financial Stress on Rural Communities: Discussion pp. 1198-1199

- Warren F. Lee
- Trends and Characteristics of Ph.D. Degrees in Agricultural Economics in the United States pp. 1200-1206

- R. A. Schrimper
- An Econometric Model of the Market for New Ph.D.s in Agricultural Economics in the United States pp. 1207-1214

- Wallace Huffman and Peter Orazem
- Agribusiness and Professional M.S. Degree Programs in Agricultural Economics in the United States pp. 1215-1222

- Charles E. French and Bernard L. Erven
- The Market for Agricultural Economists: Discussion pp. 1223-1224

- Vernon E. Schneider
- The Market for Agricultural Economists: Discussion pp. 1225

- Michael Cook
- Economic, Legal, and Hydrologic Dimensions of Potential Interstate Water Markets pp. 1226-1230

- Charles W. Howe
- Irrigated Agriculture and Groundwater Quality—A Framework for Policy Development pp. 1231-1237

- Bonnie Colby
- Nonpoint Agricultural Pollution: Pesticide Contamination of Groundwater Supplies pp. 1238-1243

- Glen D. Anderson, James Opaluch and W. Michael Sullivan
- Issues in Water Resource Economics: Discussion pp. 1244-1246

- John A. Miranowski
- Aeconomicus Agriculturae: Who Shall Lead Us? pp. 1247-1250

- John Patrick Jordan
- Federal Funding of SAES Economics Research: Trends and Possible Strategies for Improved Support pp. 1251-1255

- Robert L. Christensen and Roland R. Robinson
- The Alternative Funding of Agricultural Economics Research: The Experience of the Past Decade and Challenge to the Profession pp. 1256-1261

- Warren E. Johnston
- Funding Agricultural Economics Research: Discussion pp. 1262-1263

- Charles M. Benbrook
- An Economic Analysis of Underground Pipeline Irrigation Delivery System Investments: A Case Study in the Texas Rice Belt pp. 1291-1297

- Edward W. Schulze
Volume 67, issue 4, 1985
- The Political Economy of Extension Program Design: Institutional Maintenance Issues in the Organization and Delivery of Extension Programs pp. 717-725

- George R. McDowell
- Biological Technology and Agricultural Policy: An Assessment of Azolla in Philippine Rice Production pp. 726-732

- Mark W. Rosegrant, James Roumasset and Arsenio Balisacan
- Statistical Significance of Indicators of Efficiency and Incentives: Examples from West African Agriculture pp. 733-738

- John McIntire and Christopher L. Delgado
- Competitive Storage, Rational Expectations, and Short-Run Food Price Determination pp. 739-748

- Michael Wohlgenant
- Intertemporal Allocation in the Corn and Soybean Markets with Rational Expectations pp. 749-760

- David Giles, Barry A. Goss and Olive P. L. Chin
- Endogenous Local Public Extension Policy pp. 761-768

- Wallace Huffman and Mark McNulty
- An Economic Analysis of Alternative Grazing Fee Systems pp. 769-778

- Bruce McCarl and Ray F. Brokken
- Land Allocation under Uncertainty for Alternative Specifications of Return Distributions pp. 779-786

- Robert Collender and David Zilberman
- Demonstration of the Use of Lower Partial Moments to Improve Safety-First Probability Limits pp. 787-793

- Joseph Atwood
- Cash Rents and Land Values in U.S. Agriculture pp. 794-805

- Lindon Robison, David A. Lins and Ravi VenKataraman
- Is the United States Really Underinvesting in Agricultural Research? pp. 806-812

- Glenn Fox
- Analysis of Selected Marketing Strategies: A Whole-Farm Simulation Approach pp. 813-820

- DeeVon Bailey and James Richardson
- Regulation in a Dynamic Market: The U.S. Dairy Industry pp. 821-832

- Jeffrey LaFrance and Harry de Gorter
- The Estimation of Indifference Maps by Expected Utility Analysis pp. 833-838

- Jeffrey Bennett and Ben Smith
- Stochastic Efficiency versus Mean-Variance Criteria as Predictors of Adoption of Reduced Tillage pp. 839-845

- John Lee, Deborah J. Brown and Stephen Lovejoy
- Risk Modeling Using Direct Solution of Nonlinear Approximations of the Utility Function pp. 846-852

- David Lambert and Bruce McCarl
- Human Capital, Adjustments in Subjective Probabilities, and the Demand for Pest Controls pp. 853-861

- Prabhu L. Pingali and Gerald A. Carlson
- Household Demand for Convenience and Nonconvenience Foods pp. 862-869

- Oral Capps, John R. Tedford and Joseph Havlicek
- Risk Aversion and the Recommended Hedging Ratio pp. 870-872

- Gary E. Bond and Stanley Thompson
- Testing a von Liebig Crop Response Function against Polynomial Specifications pp. 873-880

- Christopher Ackello-Ogutu, Quirino Paris and William A. Williams
- The Impact of Component Pricing of Soybeans and Milk: Comment pp. 881-882

- Robert B. Schwart
- Adams, Dale W., Douglas H. Graham, and J. D. von Pischke, eds. Undermining Rural Development with Cheap Credit. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1984, xviii + 318 pp., $25.00 pp. 883-884

- John R. Brake
- Broemeling, Lyle D. Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1985, xii + 454 pp., $59.75 pp. 884-885

- Richard M. Todd
- Halstead, John M., Robert A. Chase, Steve H. Murdock, and F. Larry Leistritz. Socioeconomic Impact Management: Design and Implementation. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1984, xiv + 258 pp. $32.50 pp. 885-886

- Lloyd D. Bender
- Harris, Simeon, Alan Swinback, and Guy Wilkinson. The Food and Farm Policies of the European Community. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1983, 360 pp., $29.95. Brian E. Hill, The Common Agricultural Policy: Past, Present, and Future. New York: Metheun Corp., 1984, 168 pp., $11.95 paper pp. 886-887

- Tim Josling
- Hayenga, Marvin, V. James Rhodes, Jon A. Brandt, and Ronald E. Deiter. The U.S. Pork Sector: Changing Structure and Organization. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1985, xii + 172 pp., $16.50 pp. 887-888

- Clement E. Ward
- Hendry, David F., and Kenneth F. Wallis, eds. Econometrics and Quantitative Economics. Oxford, U.K., and New York: Basil Blackwell, 1984, 320 pp., $45 pp. 888-890

- Thomas Fomby
- Kohler, Heinz. Statistics for Business and Economics. Glenview IL and London: Scott, Foresman & Co. 1985, 770 pp., $30.95 pp. 890-891

- Andrew Sterrett
- Kohls, Richard L., and Joseph N. Uhl. Marketing of Agricultural Products, 6th ed. New York: Macmillan Co., 1985, xi + 624 pp., price unknown pp. 891-892

- Charles R. Handy
- National Research Council. Developing Strategies for Rangeland Management. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1984, xxi + 2,022 pp., $55.00 pp. 892-893

- Edward Bradley
- Olson, Mancur. The Rise and Decline of Nations. New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 1982, xi + 273 pp., $14.95 pp. 893-895

- Allan Schmid
- Perkins, Dwight H., and Shahid Yusuf. Rural Development in China. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, x + 235 pp., $25.00 pp. 895

- Francis C. Tuan
- Sahota, Gian S., and Carlos A. Rocca. Income Distribution: Theory, Modeling, and Case Study of Brazil. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1985, ix + 236 pp., $24.95 pp. 895-896

- Peter T. Knight
- Scandizzo, Pasquale, Peter Hazell, and Jock Anderson. Risky Agricultural Markets: Price Forecasting and the Need for Intervention Policies. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1984, xii + 143 pp., $14.95 paper pp. 896-897

- Jeffrey Williams
- Slabotzky, Albert. Grain Contracts and Arbitration For Shipments from the United States and Canada. London: Lloyd's of London Press, viii + 109 pp., $40.00 pp. 897-898

- Allen B. Paul
- Storey, Gary G., Andrew Schmitz, and Alexander H. Sarris. International Agricultural Trade: Advanced Readings in Price Formation, Market Structure, and Price Instability. Boulder CO: Westview Press, Westview Replica Edition, 1984, 303 pp., $28.50 pp. 898-899

- William E. Kost
- Streit, Manfred E., ed. Futures Markets: Modelling, Managing, and Monitoring Futures Trading. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publisher, 1983, ix + 324 pp., $34.95 pp. 899-901

- Kandice H. Kahl
- Woo, Henry K. H. The Unseen Dimensions of Wealth: Towards a Generalized Economic Theory. Fremont CA: Victoria Press, xv + 435 pp., $35.00 pp. 901-902

- Henry M. Peskin
Volume 67, issue 3, 1985
- Output, Input, and Productivity Measurement in U.S. Agriculture 1948–79 pp. 475-486

- V. Eldon Ball
- A Dynamic Analysis of Marketing Orders, Voting, and Welfare pp. 487-496

- Peter Berck and Jeffrey Perloff
- Portfolio Diversification, Futures Markets, and Uncertain Consumption Prices pp. 497-507

- Peter Berck and Stephen Cecchetti
- A Reformulation of the Portfolio Model of Hedging pp. 508-512

- Stewart L. Brown
- Agricultural Lending Decision: A Multiattribute Analysis pp. 513-520

- Roger D. Stover, R. Kenneth Teas and Roy Gardner
- Marketing Margins and Price Uncertainty: The Case of the U.S. Wheat Market pp. 521-528

- B Brorsen, Jean-Paul Chavas, Warren R. Grant and L. D. Schnake
- Goals and Consequences of Rice Policy in Japan, 1965–80 pp. 529-538

- Keijiro Otsuka and Yujiro Hayami
- Market Impacts of Technological Change for Sorghum in Indian Near-Subsistence Agriculture pp. 539-549

- Jere Behrman and K. Murty
- A Stochastic Dominance Comparison of Reduced Tillage Systems in Corn and Soybean Production under Risk pp. 550-556

- Richard M. Klemme
- Effects of Rising Relative Energy Prices on Soil Erosion and Its Control pp. 558-562

- Lee D. Zinser, John A. Miranowski, James Shortle and Michael J. Monson
- Participation in Pest Management Groups pp. 563-566

- Sarah P. Rook and Gerald A. Carlson
- An Economic Analysis of Soybean Integrated Pest Management pp. 567-572

- Catherine Greene, Randall Kramer, George Norton, Edwin G. Rajotte and McPherson Robert M.
- Estimating the Market for Tomatoes pp. 573-582

- Rafi Melnick and Haim Shalit
- Pricing Efficiency in Centralized and Noncentralized Markets pp. 583-590

- Steven T. Buccola
- Short-Term Adjustments in Yellow Sheet Carcass Prices for Red Meats pp. 591-599

- John M. Marsh and Gary W. Brester
- Before- and After-Tax Size Economies: An Example for Cash Grain Production in Illinois pp. 600-608

- Marvin Batte and Steven T. Sonka
- The Effects of Cashing out Food Stamps on Food Expenditures pp. 609-613

- Darrell Hollonbeck, James C. Ohls and Barbara Posner
- On Discarding Low Quality Produce pp. 614-618

- Dung Nguyen and Trang T. Vo
- The Demand for Irrigation Water in the High Plains of Texas, 1957–80 pp. 619-626

- Michael Nieswiadomy
- Expected Utility, Debt-Equity Structure, and Risk Balancing pp. 627-629

- Robert A. Collins
- Theory of the Firm with Joint Price and Output Risk and a Forward Market pp. 630-635

- Dwight Grant
- Modeling Dynamic Agricultural Production Response: The Case of Swine Production pp. 636-646

- Jean-Paul Chavas, James Kliebenstein and Thomas D. Crenshaw
- Coupon Redemption and the Demand for Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice: A Switching Regression Analysis pp. 647-653

- Jonq-Ying Lee and Mark G. Brown
- Production Risk and Optimal Fertilizer Rates: A Random Coefficient Model pp. 654-659

- Joyotee Smith and Gloria Umali
- Methods of Estimating the Input Coefficients for Linear Programming Models pp. 660-665

- Subhash Ray
- Monetary Returns to Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Agricultural Economics pp. 666-673

- Josef M. Broder and Rodney P. Deprey
- Management of a Multiple Cohort Fishery: Comment pp. 674-675

- Yu-Mong Hsiao
- Management of a Multiple Cohort Fishery: Reply pp. 676-678

- Jon M. Conrad
- Landownership and the Adoption of Minimum Tillage: Comment pp. 679-681

- Ralph E. Heimlich
- Landownership and the Adoption of Minimum Tillage: Reply pp. 682-683

- Linda K. Lee and William H. Stewart
- Constraints on Oxen Cultivation in the Sahel: Comment pp. 684-685

- Eric W. Crawford and Gregory C. Lassiter
- Constraints on Oxen Cultivation in the Sahel: Reply pp. 686-687

- Christopher L. Delgado and John McIntire
- Agricultural Development and Land Tenancy in a Peasant Economy: Comment pp. 688-690

- Samar K. Datta and Jeffrey Nugent
- Agricultural Development and Land Tenancy in a Peasant Economy: Reply pp. 691-692

- Pranab Bardhan
- Barry, Peter J., ed. Risk Management in Agriculture. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1984, x + 282 pp., $34.95 pp. 693

- Richard L. Farnsworth
- Berry, Jeffrey M. Feeding Hungry People: Rulemaking in the Food Stamp Program. New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1984, 173 pp., $24.00 pp. 694

- Stephen J. Hiemstra
- Connor, John M., Richard T. Rogers, Bruce W. Marion, and Willard F. Mueller. The Food Manufacturing Industries: Structure, Strategies, Performance and Policies. Lexington MA: D.C. Heath & Co., 1985, xxii + 474 pp., $38.00 pp. 695-697

- John C. Narver
- Cramer, Gail L., and Clarence W. Jensen. Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, ix + 441 pp., $29.95 pp. 697

- Dale W Adams
- Eicher, Carl K. and John M. Staatz. Agricultural Development in the Third World. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, x + 491 pp., $37.50, $16.50 paper pp. 697-699

- Wade F. Gregory
- Esman, Milton J., and Norman T. Uphoff. Local Organizations—Intermediaries in Rural Development. Ithaca NY, and London: Cornell University Press, 1984, 391 pp., $35.00 pp. 699-700

- D. Woods Thomas
- Francks, Penelope. Technology and Agricultural Development in Pre-War Japan. New Haven: Yale University Press, xiii + 322 pp., $30.00 pp. 700-701

- Kazuo Sato
- Harmston, Floyd K. The Community as an Economic System. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1983, 333 pp., $17.95 paper pp. 701-702

- Paul W. Barkley
- Kash, Don E., and Robert W. Rycroft. U.S. Energy Policy: Crisis and Complacency. Norman OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1984, xviii + 334 pp., $19.95 pp. 702-703

- Vernon Eidman
- Kendrick, John W., ed. International Comparisons of Productivity and Causes of the Slowdown. Cambridge MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1984, xix + 425 pp., $39.95 pp. 703-705

- Edwin Dean
- Kneese, Allen V. Measuring the Benefits of Clean Air and Water. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1984, xii + 159 pp. $5.95 paper pp. 705

- Marc Ribaudo
- Lawrence, Paul R., and Davis Dyer. Renewing American Industry. New York: Free Press, 1983, xiii + 384 pp., $22.95 pp. 706

- Bruce J. Walter
- Lea, David A. M., and D. P. Chaudhri, eds. Rural Development and the State. New York: Metheun & Co., 1983, 351 pp., $18.95 pp. 707

- Melvin G. Blase
- Peterson, George, and Alan Randall, eds. Valuation of Wildland Resource Benefits. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1984, xiii + 258 pp., $25.00 pp. 708-709

- R. B. Held
- Rausser, Gordon C., and Kenneth R. Farrell, eds. Alternative Agricultural and Food Policies and the 1985 Farm Bill pp. 709-711

- Kenneth L. Robinson
- Seidel, Andrew D., and Philip M. Ginsberg. Commodities Trading: Foundations, Analysis, and Operations. Englewood Cliffs N J: Prentice-Hall, 1983, xxv + 464 pp., $39.95 pp. 711-712

- Raymond M. Leuthold
- Spraos, John. Inequalising Trade? A Study of Traditional North/South Specialisation in the Context of Terms of Trade Concepts. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press (Oxford University Press), vi + 169 pp., $32.50. (Direct orders may be placed with Oxford University Press, 16-00 Pollitt Drive, Fairlawn NJ 07410) pp. 712-714

- Terry Roe
- Wennergen, E. Boyd, Charles H. Anholt, and Morris D. Whittaker. Agricultural Development in Bangladesh. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1984, 373 pp., $26.50 pp. 714-715

- Richard Nehring
- Young, Brigitta. Prospects for Soviet Grain Production, Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1983, xiv + 216 pp., $20.00 pp. 715-716

- Edward C. Cook
Volume 67, issue 2, 1985
- Evaluating Price Enhancement by Processing Cooperatives pp. 183-192

- Robert L. Wills
- Estimating Supply Response in the Presence of Farm Programs pp. 193-203

- David R. Lee and Peter G. Helmberger
- The Dynamics of Agriculture Supply: A Reconsideration pp. 204-214

- Zvi Eckstein
- Planting and Removal Relationships for Perennial Crops: An Application to Cling Peaches pp. 215-223

- Ben C. French, Gordon A. King and Dwight D. Minami
- The Choices of Irrigation Technologies in California pp. 224-234

- Margriet Caswell and David Zilberman
- Effects of an Increase in the Federal Excise Tax on Cigarettes pp. 235-242

- Daniel Sumner and Michael Wohlgenant
- Government Intervention in Poultry Industries: A Cross-Country Comparison pp. 243-250

- Kenneth F. Harling and Robert L. Thompson
- Least-Cost Subsidization Alternatives pp. 251-256

- Robert G. Chambers
- Nonpecuniary Job Preferences and Welfare Losses among Migrant Agricultural Workers pp. 257-265

- Lucia Dunn
- Evidence on Farm Use Value Assessment, Tax Shifts, and State School Aid pp. 266-270

- David L. Chicoine and A. Donald Hendricks
- Agricultural Income Tax Expenditures—A Microeconomic Analysis pp. 271-278

- Gregory D. Hanson and Vernon Eidman
- Dominant Enterprise Size in the Swine Production Industry pp. 279-288

- Paul N. Wilson and Vernon Eidman
- Improving the Efficiency of Stochastic Dominance Techniques Using Convex Set Stochastic Dominance pp. 289-295

- Mark J. Cochran, Lindon Robison and Weldon Lodwick
- An Alternative View of Pricing in Retail Food Markets pp. 296-306

- Bruce Benson and Merle D. Faminow
- Monthly Price Premiums and Discounts between Steer Calves and Yearlings pp. 307-314

- John M. Marsh
- A Carcass Merit Pricing System for the Pork Industry pp. 315-319

- Marvin L. Hayenga, Barbara S. Grisdale, Robert G. Kauffman, H. Russell Cross and Lauren L. Christian
- A Consideration in Estimating "Almost Nonsimultaneous" Market Models pp. 320-324

- James K. Binkley
- Institutional Affiliation of Contributors to the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1973–83 pp. 325-327

- James R. Simpson and John T. Steele
- Retail Food Cooperatives: Testing the "Small Is Beautiful" Hypothesis: Comment pp. 328-329

- Terence Centner
- Retail Food Cooperatives: Testing the "Small Is Beautiful" Hypothesis: Reply pp. 330

- Ronald Cotterill
- Will USDA Farm Programs Remain Highly Resistant to Change? pp. 331-335

- W. D. Dobson
- Structuring Incentives for Change in U.S. Farm Programs pp. 336-340

- Bruce Gardner
- Needed Changes in the Farmers Home Administration Lending Programs pp. 341-344

- Peter J. Barry
- Food Program Policy Initiatives in an Era of Farm Surpluses pp. 345-349

- Stephen J. Hiemstra
- Prospects for Fundamental Change in Farm and Food Programs: Discussion pp. 350-351

- J. Bruce Bullock
- Needed Changes in the Farmers Home Administration Lending Programs: Discussion pp. 352-353

- Eddy LaDue
- Food Program Policy Initiatives in an Era of Farm Surpluses: Discussion pp. 354-355

- Benjamin Senauer
- Uncertainty and Open Access: Implications from the Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma Game pp. 356-359

- John Braden
- The Commons as a Natural Barrier to Entry: Why There Are So Few Fish Farms pp. 360-363

- Peter Berck and Jeffrey Perloff
- The Optimal Commons pp. 364-367

- Barry C. Field
- The Innovation of Rules and the Structure of Incentives in Open Access Resources pp. 368-372

- Carlisle Runge
- Restraint under Open Access: Are Voluntary Incentives Sufficient or Is Coercion Required?: Discussion pp. 373-376

- Ronald N. Johnson
- The Specific Role of Interest in Financial and Economic Analysis under Inflation: Real, Nominal, or a Combination of Both pp. 377-383

- Leon Shashua and Yaaqov Goldschmidt
- The Impact of Inflation on the Real Income of U.S. Farmers pp. 384-389

- Dennis R. Starleaf, William H. Meyers and Womack Abner W.
- Credit Constraints, Interest Rates, and Agricultural Prices pp. 390-395

- Robert G. Chambers
- The Specific Role of Interest in Financial and Economic Analysis under Inflation: Discussion pp. 396-397

- John E. Buehler
- The Impact of Inflation on the Real Income of U.S. Farmers: Discussion pp. 398-399

- Michael Belongia
- The Effects of Inflation on the Welfare and Performance of Agriculture: Discussion pp. 400-401

- Maury E. Bredahl
- Primal versus Dual Methods for Measuring the Impact of Ozone on Cash Grain Farmers pp. 402-406

- Bruce L. Dixon, Philip Garcia and Mjelde James W.
- The Effect of Aggregate Response Assumptions on Environmental Impact Analyses pp. 407-413

- Scott A. Hamilton, Bruce McCarl and Richard M. Adams
- Optimal Measurement of Factors Affecting Crop Production: Maximum Likelihood Methods pp. 414-418

- Scott Atkinson, Adams Richard M. and Thomas D. Crocker
- Methods for Measuring the Economic Impact of Ambient Pollutants on the Agricultural Sector: Discussion pp. 419-420

- Michael E. Wetzstein
- Methods for Measuring the Economic Impact of Ambient Pollutants on the Agricultural Sector: Discussion pp. 421-422

- James Richardson
- The Role of Public Policy in the Diffusion of Improved Agricultural Technology pp. 423-428

- Gershon Feder and Roger Slade
- Human Capital, Adaptive Ability, and the Distributional Implications of Agricultural Policy pp. 429-434

- Wallace Huffman
- Risk Aversion, Technology Choice, and Equity Effects of Agricultural Policy pp. 435-440

- Richard Just and David Zilberman
- Equity Implications of Public Policy in an Unstable Agricultural Economy: Discussion pp. 441-442

- Robert E. Evenson
- Equity Implications of Public Policy in an Unstable Agricultural Economy: Discussion pp. 443-445

- Willis Peterson
- Boehlje, Michael D., and Vernon R. Eidman. Farm Management. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984, xv + 806 pp., $32.95 pp. 446-447

- D. Lynn Forster
- Casavant, Kenneth L., and Craig L. Infanger. Economics and Agricultural Management: An Introduction. Reston VA: Reston Publishing Co., 1984, xi + 286 pp., $23.95. (Instructor's manual provided free of charge. Manual was not received with text and was not reviewed.) pp. 447

- George J. Conneman
- Crosson, Pierre R., with Anthony T. Stout. Productivity Effects of Cropland Erosion in the United States. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983, 103 pp., $11 paper pp. 447-449

- David J. Walker and Douglas L. Young
- Duncan, Greg J. Years of Poverty, Years of Plenty. Ann Arbor MI: Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, 1984, xvi + 184 pp., $14 pp. 449-450

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Eicher, Carl K., and Doyle C. Baker. Research on Agricultural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Critical Survey. East Lansing: Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University, 1982, xi + 335 pp., $8.00 pp. 450-451

- Carol J. Lancaster
- Ghatak, Subrata, and Ken Ingersent. Agriculture and Economic Development. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, 380 pp., $27.50, $10.95 paper pp. 451-452

- Ray W. Nightingale
- Horwich, George, and David L. Weimer. Oil Price Shocks, Market Response and Contingency Planning. Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute, 1984, xvi + 220 pp., $16.95, $8.95 paper pp. 452-453

- Anthony E. Burris
- Johnson, Paul R. The Economics of the Tobacco Industry. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1984, xi + 157 pp., $27.95 pp. 453-454

- Garnett Bradford
- Judge, George G., W. E. Griffiths, R. Carter Hill, Helmut Lütkepohl, and Tsoung-Chao Lee. The Theory and Practice of Econometrics, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985, xxix + 1,019 pp., $46.95 pp. 454

- Peter J. Schmidt
- Luenberger, David G. Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 2nd ed. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1984, xviii + 491 pp., $32.95 pp. 454-455

- Quirino Paris
- Maddala, G. S. Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983, xi + 401 pp., $39.50 pp. 455-456

- Ann A. McDermed
- McCall, John J., ed. The Economics of Information and Uncertainty. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982, 324 pp., $48.00 pp. 456-458

- Edna P. Loehman
- Meadows, Donella, John Richardson, and Gerhart Brickman, eds. Groping in the Dark. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982, xxvii + 311 pp., $28.95 paper pp. 458-459

- Joseph Havlicek
- Rivlin, Alice M., ed. Economic Choices 1984. Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1984, xii + 171 pp., $22.95, $8.95 paper pp. 459-460

- R. J. Hildreth
- Schluter, Michael. Constraints on Kenya's Food and Beverage Exports. Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute in collaboration with the Institute for Development Studies at the University of Nairobi, 1984, 118 pp., price unknown pp. 460-461

- Lawrence A. Witucki
- Tietenberg, Thomas H. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. Glenview IL: Scott Foresman and Co., 1984, 482 pp., $24.95 pp. 461-462

- Frederic O. Sargent
- Warner, Paul D., and James A. Christenson. The Cooperative Extension Service: A National Assessment. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1984, xviii + 195 pp., $24.50, $10.95 paper pp. 462-463

- William W. Wood
Volume 67, issue 1, 1985
- The Political Economy of Agricultural Research and Extension: Grants, Votes, and Reapportionment pp. 1-14

- Susan Rose-Ackerman and Robert Evenson
- Forward and Futures Contracts as Preharvest Commodity Marketing Instruments pp. 15-23

- Ray D. Nelson
- Forecasting and Hedging: An Illustration of Risk Reduction in the Hog Industry pp. 24-31

- Jon A. Brandt
- Hedging Feedlot Cattle: A Canadian Perspective pp. 32-39

- Colin Carter and R. M. A. Loyns
- Supply Response and Investment in the Canadian Food Processing Industry pp. 40-48

- Ramon Lopez
- Analysis of Food Stamp Participation Using Qualitative Choice Models pp. 49-59

- Oral Capps and Randall Kramer
- Use of Life Insurance to Fund the Farm Purchase from Heirs pp. 60-69

- Loren W. Tauer
- Optimal Market Pools for Agricultural Cooperatives pp. 70-80

- Steven T. Buccola and Abdelbagi Subaei
- Agricultural Productive and Consumptive Use Components of Rural Land Values in Texas pp. 81-86

- C. Pope
- An Intercountry Comparison of Agricultural Production Efficiency pp. 87-92

- Toshihiko Kawagoe and Yujiro Hayami
- Errors in the Numerical Assessment of the Benefits of Price Stabilization pp. 93-100

- L. Jay Helms
- Grain Storage in Developing Areas: Location and Size of Facilities pp. 101-111

- Cesar D. B. Monterosso, Charles L. Wright, Maria Ceclília S. Lacerda and Noboru Ofugi
- The Effect of Acidification Damages on the Economic Value of the Adirondack Fishery to New York Anglers pp. 112-119

- John K. Mullen and Fredric C. Menz
- A Programming Model with Stochastic Technology and Prices: The Case of Australian Agriculture pp. 120-129

- Quirino Paris and Christopher D. Easter
- "Small" or "Large" Farm: Some Methodological Considerations pp. 130-132

- Howard E. Doran
- Understanding Retained Patronage Refunds in Agricultural Cooperatives: Comment pp. 133-134

- C. Brice Ratchford
- Understanding Retained Patronage Refunds in Agricultural Cooperatives: Reply pp. 135

- Charles R. Knoeber and David L. Baumer
- Testing Asset Fixity for U.S. Agriculture: Comment pp. 136-138

- Clark Edwards
- Testing Asset Fixity for Agriculture: Reply pp. 139-140

- Robert G. Chambers and Utpal Vasavada
- Flexible Consumer Demand Functions and Linear Estimation: Comment pp. 141-142

- Michael Wohlgenant
- Flexible Consumer Demand Functions and Linear Estimation: Reply pp. 143

- Gurushri Swamy and Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
- Welfare Implications of Oligopoly in U.S. Food Manufacturing: Comment pp. 144-145

- Genevieve M. Kenney
- Welfare Implications of Oligopoly in U.S. Food Manufacturing: Reply pp. 146

- Micha Gisser
- Farmers' Subjective Probabilities in Northern Thailand: Comment pp. 147-148

- Tom Knight, S. R. Johnson and Robert M. Finley
- Farmers' Subjective Probabilities in Northern Thailand: Reply pp. 149-152

- William Grisley and Earl D. Kellogg
- Multiple Optimal Solutions in Linear Programming Models: A Further Comment pp. 153

- Ronald E. Miller
- Multiple Optimal Solutions in Linear Programming Models: A Further Reply pp. 154-155

- Quirino Paris
- Alberts, Tom. Agrarian Reform and Rural Poverty: A Case Study of Peru. Boulder CO: Westview Replica Edition, Westview Press, 1983, xiv + 306 pp., $24.00 pp. 156-157

- Don Kanel
- Bridger, G. A., and J. T. Winpenny. Planning Development Projects: A Practical Guide to the Choice and Appraisal of Public Sector Investments. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1983, xiv + 209 pp., £8.50 pp. 157

- J. Price Gittinger
- Clawson, Marion. The Federal Lands Revisited. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983, x + 302 pp., $25 hardcover, $8.95 paper pp. 157-158

- Kenneth C. Nobe
- Doll, John P., and Frank Orazem. Production Economics, Theory with Applications, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984, ix + 470 pp., $32.95 pp. 158-159

- Thomas A. Miller
- Douglass, Gordon K., ed. Agricultural Sustainability in a Changing World Order. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1984, xiv + 282 pp., $25.00 pp. 159-161

- Dale Hoover
- Emerson, Robert D., ed. Seasonal Agricultural Labor Markets in the United States. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1984, xvi + 564 pp., $28.40 paper pp. 161-162

- Jeffrey Perloff
- Farris, Paul L., ed., Future Frontiers in Agricultural Marketing Research. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1983, vii + 341 pp., $25.50 pp. 162-164

- Leo C. Polopolus
- Geisler, Charles C., and Frank J. Popper, eds. Land Reform, American Style. Totowa NJ: Rowman & Allanheld, 1984, x + 353 pp., $28 pp. 164-166

- William C. Thiesenhusen
- Greig, W. Smith. Economics and Management of Food Processing. Westport CT: AVI Publishing Co., 1984, xii + 521 pp., $57.50 pp. 166-167

- James MacDonald
- Grennes, Thomas. International Economics. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1984, x + 645 pp., $27.95 pp. 167-168

- Nancy E. Schwartz
- Hedlund, Stefan. Crisis in Soviet Agriculture. New York: St. Martins Press, 1984, 228 pp., $27.50 pp. 168-170

- Emily Moore
- Johnson, D. Gale, and G. Edward Schuh, eds. The Role of Markets in the World Food Economy. Boulder CO: Western Press, 1983, 326 pp., $22.50 pp. 170

- Kenneth R. Farrell
- McKenzie, Richard B. Fugitive Industry: The Economics and Politics of Deindustrialization. Cambridge MA.: Ballinger Publishing, Co., 1984, xxvi + 281 pp., $22.95, $11.95 paper pp. 170-171

- Candee S. Harris
- Nelson, Richard R., and Felicity Skidmore, eds. American Families and the Economy: The High Cost of Living. Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1983, 307 pp., $18.75 pp. 171-172

- Paul M. Ryscavage
- Ness, Gayl D., and Hirofumi Ando. The Land is Shrinking: Population Planning in Asia. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, xix + 225 pp., $25 pp. 172-173

- H. Yuan Tien
- Schick, Allen, ed. Making Economic Policy in Congress. Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1983, xii + 282 pp., $19.95, $10.95 paper pp. 173-175

- Lynn Daft
- Stout, B. A. Energy Use and Management in Agriculture. North Scituate MA: Breton Publishers, 1984, xi & 318 pp., $20.00 pp. 175-176

- Joel R. Hamilton
- Von Witzke, Harald. A Model of Relative and Absolute Income Differences in Agriculture. Forum No.5. Kiel, West Germany: Kieler Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, 1983, 78 pp. $12.50 pp. 176

- Bernard F. Stanton
- Waugh, Frederick V. Selected Writings on Agricultural Policy and Economic Analysis. (James P. Houck and Martin E. Abel, eds.), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984, xiii & 466 pp., $29.50 pp. 176-178

- Richard A. King
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