American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 64, issue 5, 1982
- Agricultural Economics Beyond the Farm Gate pp. 803-810

- Leo Polopolus
- Agriculture and Natural Resource Adequacy pp. 811-820

- Emery N. Castle
- Political Economic Markets: PERTs and PESTs in Food and Agriculture pp. 821-833

- Gordon Rausser
- Land and Water Problems: An Institutional Perspective pp. 834-844

- Daniel Bromley
- Agriculture in the Centrally Planned Economies pp. 845-853

- D. Johnson
- Macroeconomic Policies and Their Impact Upon the Farm Sector pp. 854-860

- Dennis R. Starleaf
- Impact of Macroeconomic Policies Upon Agricultural Trade and International Agricultural Development pp. 861-868

- Alex F. McCalla
- Current Macroeconomic Policies and U.S. Agriculture: Discussion pp. 869-871

- Leo V. Mayer
- Current Macroeconomic Policies and U.S. Agriculture: Discussion pp. 872-873

- Marvin Duncan
- Future Directions of Extension Economics Programs pp. 874-878

- John T. Woeste
- The Changing Professional Role of the Extension Economist pp. 879-883

- L. T. Wallace
- Future Directions of Extension Economics Programs: Discussion pp. 884-885

- William W. Wood
- The Changing Professional Role of the Extension Economist: Discussion pp. 886-888

- John E. Ikerd
- Food Problems and Emerging Policy Responses in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 889-896

- Cheryl Christensen and Larry Witucki
- Farming Systems Research: Issues in Research Strategy and Technology Design pp. 897-904

- Derek Byerlee, Larry Harrington and Donald L. Winkelmann
- Farming Systems Research: Issues in Research Strategy and Technology Design: Discussion pp. 905-906

- Peter E. Hildebrand
- Food Problems and Emerging Policy Responses in Sub-Saharan Africa: Discussion pp. 907-908

- John W. Thomas
- User Fees, Deregulation, and Marketing Efficiency pp. 909-915

- Edward V. Jesse, Allen B. Paul and Aaron C. Johnson
- Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Orders: A Critique of the Issues and State of Analysis pp. 916-923

- Ben C. French
- User Fees, Deregulation, and Marketing Efficiency: Discussion pp. 924-925

- Dennis R. Henderson
- Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Orders: A Critique of the Issues and State of Analysis: Discussion pp. 926-927

- Ronald W. Ward
- The New Resource Economics: Old Ideas and New Applications pp. 928-934

- Terry L. Anderson
- Economic Criteria in Environmental Regulation: Prospects for the 1980s pp. 935-941

- Zach Willey
- The New Resource Economics: Old Ideas and New Applications: Discussion pp. 942-943

- Frank A. Ward
- The New Political Economy of Natural Resources: Discussion pp. 944-946

- Scott C. Matulich
- Organization and Well-Being of the Farming Industry: Reflections on the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 pp. 947-956

- James Johnson and Kenneth Clayton
- The 1981 Agriculture and Food Act: Implications for Farm Prices, Incomes, and Government Outlays to Farmers pp. 957-964

- Daryll E. Ray, Elton Li and James Richardson
- Implications of the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981: Discussion pp. 965-966

- William C. Bailey
- Implications of the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981: Discussion pp. 967-969

- A. L. Frederick
- Computer Use in the Agricultural Economics Classroom pp. 970-977

- Kerry K. Litzenberg
- Microcomputers: Useful in All of Agricultural Economics and Extension pp. 978-985

- Earl I. Fuller
- Computer Use in the Agricultural Economics Classroom: Discussion pp. 986-987

- Ernest Bentley
- Microcomputers: Useful in All of Agricultural Economics and Extension: Discussion pp. 988

- Ted R. Nelson
- International Trade in Labor Versus Commodities: U.S.-Mexican Agriculture pp. 989-998

- Wallace Huffman
- Labor Market Policies and Institutions in an Industrializing Agriculture pp. 999-1006

- James S. Holt
- Farm Labor Issues and Policies: Discussion pp. 1007-1008

- Philip L. Martin and Richard Mines
- The Current Status of Food and Nutrition Policy and the Food Programs pp. 1009-1016

- Benjamin Senauer
- Linkages between Socioeconomic Characteristics, Food Expenditure Patterns, and Nutritional Status of Low Income Households: A Critical Review pp. 1017-1025

- Carlton G. Davis
- Political Economics of U.S. Food and Nutrition Policy: Discussion pp. 1026-1027

- G. William Hoagland
- Political Economics of U.S. Food and Nutrition Policy: Discussion pp. 1028-1029

- David W. Price
- Tax Policy: Implications for Producers and the Agricultural Sector pp. 1030-1038

- Michael Boehlje and Hoy Carman
- Impacts of Reduced Tillage on Operating Inputs and Machinery Requirements pp. 1039-1046

- Francis Epplin, Thomas F. Tice, Alan E. Baquet and Steven J. Handke
- Tax Policy: Implications for Producers and the Agricultural Sector: Discussion pp. 1047-1049

- George L. Casler
- Impacts of Reduced Tillage on Operating Inputs and Machinery Requirements: Discussion pp. 1050-1052

- Bartelt Eleveld
- Salary Patterns of Agricultural Economists in the Early 1980s pp. 1053-1061

- Robert Strauss and Michael J. Tarr
- Modeling the Earnings and Productivity of Agricultural Economists: Discussion pp. 1062-1064

- Leroy Davis
- The Professional Agricultural Economics Labor Market: Discussion pp. 1065-1067

- Linda K. Lee
- The Professional Agricultural Economics Labor Market: Discussion pp. 1068-1070

- Emanuel Melichar
Volume 64, issue 4, 1982
- Why Do Farmers Fail? Farm Bankruptcies 1910–78 pp. 609-615

- Lawrence E. Shepard and Robert A. Collins
- Welfare Implications of Oligopoly in U.S. Food Manufacturing pp. 616-624

- Micha Gisser
- A Trend Projection of High Fructose Corn Syrup Substitution for Sugar pp. 625-633

- Hoy Carman
- Imports and the Supply of Winter Tomatoes: An Application of Rational Expectations pp. 634-641

- J Shonkwiler and Robert D. Emerson
- Australian Wheat Policy 1948–79: A Welfare Evaluation pp. 642-654

- John W. Longworth and Philip Knopke
- Efficiency and Equity in the Producer Levy of India pp. 655-663

- Yujiro Hayami, Keijiro Otsuka and K. Subbarao
- The Intercountry Agricultural Production Function: Another View pp. 664-672

- Yair Mundlak and René Hellinghausen
- The Irrigation Demand for Electricity pp. 673-680

- Ruth J. Maddigan, Colleen Gallagher Rizy and Wen S. Chern
- Optimal Allocation of Farm Irrigation Water during Peak Seasons pp. 681-689

- Dan Yaron and Ariel Dinar
- A Damage Function to Evaluate Erosion Control Economics pp. 690-698

- David J. Walker
- An Economic Analysis of Technology in the Meat Products Industry pp. 699-709

- V. Eldon Ball and Robert G. Chambers
- Farmland Accumulation and Prices pp. 710-719

- Haim Shalit and Andrew Schmitz
- Goal Programming via Multidimensional Scaling Applied to Senegalese Subsistence Farms pp. 720-727

- Douglas Barnett, Brian Blake and Bruce McCarl
- A Multi-Year, Stochastic, Farm Simulation Model for Northern Nigeria: An Experimental Design Approach pp. 728-737

- Eric W. Crawford and Robert A. Milligan
- Segmented Regression, Threshold Effects, and Police Expenditures in Small Cities pp. 738-746

- Thomas Stinson and Andrea Lubov
- Cross-Hedging Wholesale Pork Products Using Live Hog Futures pp. 747-751

- Marvin L. Hayenga and Dennis D. DiPietre
- Rural Area Consumer Demand and Regional Input-Output Analysis pp. 752-755

- Thomas L. Martin and Mark S. Henry
- Development versus Preservation in the Snake River Birds of Prey Conservation Area pp. 756-760

- William F. Hyde, Alan Dickerman and Douglas Stone
- Online Databases Relevant to Agricultural Economics pp. 761-767

- Judith A. Siess and John Braden
- Cropping Activities in Agricultural Sector Models: A Methodological Proposal pp. 768-772

- Bruce McCarl
- An Opportunity Cost View of Fixed Asset Theory and the Overproduction Trap: Comment pp. 773-775

- Glenn L. Johnson
- An Opportunity Cost View of Fixed Asset Theory and the Overproduction Trap: Reply pp. 776-777

- Marc A. Johnson and E. C. Pasour
- Simulating the Impacts of Credit Policy and Fertilizer Subsidy on Central Luzon Rice Farms, the Philippines: Comment pp. 778

- Joseph Yassour
- Simulating the Impacts of Credit Policy and Fertilizer Subsidy on Central Luzon Rice Farms, the Philippines: Reply pp. 779-780

- Mark W. Rosegrant and Robert W. Herdt
- Common Property Externalities: Isolation, Assurance, and Resource Depletion in a Traditional Grazing Context: Comment pp. 781-782

- Joel M. Guttman
- Common Property Externalities: Isolation, Assurance, and Resource Depletion in a Traditional Grazing Context: Comment pp. 783-784

- Raymond B. Palmquist and E. C. Pasour
- Common Property Externalities: Isolation, Assurance, and Resource Depletion in a Traditional Grazing Context: Reply pp. 785-788

- Carlisle Runge
- Minimizing Mean Absolute Deviations to Exactly Solve Expected Utility Problems: Comment pp. 789-791

- Steven T. Buccola
- Minimizing Mean Absolute Deviations to Exactly Solve Expected Utility Problems: Reply pp. 792-793

- Donald Johnson and Michael Boehlje
- Bauer, P. T. Equality, the Third World, and Economic Delusion. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1981, x + 293 pp., $17.50 pp. 794

- Glenn L. Johnson
- Bowden, Gerald. Coastal Aquaculture Law and Policy: A Case Study of California. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1981, xiv + 241 pp., $26.25 pp. 795-796

- Warren E. Johnston
- Bender, F. E., L. W. Douglass, and A. Kramer. Statistical Methods for Food and Agriculture. Westport CT: AVI Publishing Co., 1982, vii + 345 pp., $25.00 paper pp. 795

- David Dickey
- Friedland, William, et al. Manufacturing Green Gold, Capital, Labor and Technology in the Lettuce Industry. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981, x + 159 pp., price unknown pp. 796-797

- Richard Mines
- Just, Richard E., Darrell L. Hueth, and Andrew Schmitz. Applied Welfare Economics and Public Policy. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1982, xviii + 491 pages, $24.95 pp. 797-798

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- McMillen, Wheeler. Feeding Multitudes: A History of How Farmers Made America Rich. Danville IL: Interstate Printers and Publishers, xviii + 491 pp., $12.00 paperback pp. 798

- George A. Ecker
- Penson, John B., Jr., Danny A. Klinefelter, and David A. Lins. Farm Investment and Financial Analysis. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, 1982, xviii + 301 pp., $24.95 pp. 798-799

- Duane Neuman
- Shang, Yung C. Aquaculture Economics: Basic Concepts and Methods of Analysis. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1981, xvi + 153 pp., $20.00 pp. 799-800

- James C. Cato
- Sisson, Charles Adair. Tax Burdens in American Agriculture: An Intersectoral Comparison. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1982, viii + 154 pp, $14.40 pp. 800-801

- Michael Boehlje
Volume 64, issue 3, 1982
- Food Prices, Expectations, and Inflation pp. 419-430

- Carl Van Duyne
- Interpreting and Enforcing Section 2 of the Capper-Volstead Act pp. 431-443

- E. V. Jesse, B. W. Marion, A. C. Manchester and Aaron. C. Johnson
- Migration to the United States and Mexican Rural Development: A Case Study pp. 444-454

- Richard Mines and Alain de Janvry
- Distributional Constraints on Acceptance of Nonpoint Pollution Controls pp. 455-462

- William M. Park and Leonard Shabman
- Management of a Multiple Cohort Fishery: The Hard Clam in Great South Bay pp. 463-474

- Jon M. Conrad
- Dynamic Modeling of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery pp. 475-482

- Vito J. Blomo, John P. Nichols, Wade L. Griffin and William E. Grant
- U.S. Demand for Selected Groundfish Products, 1967–80 pp. 483-489

- Eugene Tsoa, William E. Schrank and Noel Roy
- A Translog Cost Function Analysis of U.S. Agriculture, 1939–77 pp. 490-498

- Subhash Ray
- The Off-Farm Labor Supply of Farmers pp. 499-509

- Daniel Sumner
- Analysis of a Small Open Economy: The Case of Energy Prices in Canada pp. 510-519

- Ramon Lopez
- Toward a Theory of Agricultural Insurance pp. 510-529

- Syed Ahsan, Ali A. G. Ali and N. John Kurian
- Forecasting U.S. Pork Production Using a Random Coefficient Model pp. 530-538

- Bruce L. Dixon and Larry J. Martin
- A Nonlinear Expenditure System Using a Linear Logit Specification pp. 539-546

- Timothy Tyrrell and Timothy Mount
- Agricultural Runoff as a Nonpoint Externality: A Theoretical Development pp. 547-552

- Ronald C. Griffin and Daniel Bromley
- Dynamic Adjustment in Monthly Consumer Demands for Meats pp. 553-557

- Michael Wohlgenant and William Hahn
- Supply Dynamics: The Case of U.S. Broilers and Turkeys pp. 558-564

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Stanley R. Johnson
- The Impact of Price Risk on Sow Farrowings, 1967–78 pp. 565-568

- Christopher Hurt and Philip Garcia
- The Lead-Lag Relationship between Canadian and U.S. Wheat Prices pp. 569-572

- John Spriggs, Michael Kaylen and David Bessler
- Economics of the Water Blanket Technique for Greenhouse Heating pp. 573-577

- John Braden, Sheryl S. Lazarus and Paul N. Walker
- The Gains from Price Stabilization: A Quantitative Assessment pp. 578-580

- James Dunn and Dale M. Heien
- Expected Profit, Price Change, and Risk Aversion pp. 581-584

- Rulon D. Pope
- Should Quadratic Programming Problems Be Approximated? pp. 585-589

- Bruce McCarl and Thomas Tice
- A Decomposition Solution for Spatial Equilibrium Problems pp. 590-594

- Kerry Litzenberg, Bruce McCarl and Joe Polito
- Behavior and Productivity Implications of Institutional and Project Funding of Research: Comment pp. 595-598

- William Becker
- Behavior and Productivity Implications of Institutional and Project Funding of Research: Reply pp. 599-602

- Maury E. Bredahl, W. Keith Bryant and Vernon Ruttan
- Dillon, John L., and J. Brian Hardaker. Farm Management Research for Small Farm Development. FAO Agr. Serv. Bull. 41. Rome: FAO, 1980, x + 145 pp., $10 + $1 postage. Order No. F-2119 from UNIPUB, New York City pp. 603-604

- Delane E. Welsch
- Burbach, Roger, and Patricia Flynn. Agribusiness in the Americas. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1980, 314 pp., $6.50 pp. 603

- Kamal Dow
- Halvorsen, Robert, and Michael G. Ruby. Benefit-Cost Analysis of Air-Pollution Control. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath Co., 1981, xv + 264 pp., $26.95 pp. 604-605

- Glenn Blomquist
- Healy, Robert G., and James L. Short. The Market for Rural Land: Trends, Issues, and Policies. Washington DC: The Conservation Foundation, 1981, xviii + 306 pp., $12.50 pp. 605-606

- Steven E. Hastings
- Schmitz, Andrew, Alex F. McCalla, Donald O. Mitchell, and Colin A. Carter. Grain Export Cartels. Cambridge MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1981, xxi + 298 pp., $35.00 pp. 606-607

- Keith J. Collins
- Tisdell, C. A. Science and Technology Policy: Priorities of Governments. London: Chapman and Hall, 1981, xii + 222 pp., $25.00 pp. 607-608

- James Nielson
- Yates, P. Lamartine. Mexico's Agricultural Dilemma. Tucson AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1981, xv + 291 pp., $8.95 pp. 608

- Julio Hernandez-Estrada
Volume 64, issue 2, 1982
- The Influence of Psychic Costs on Rural-Urban Migration pp. 177-187

- Brady J. Deaton, Larry C. Morgan and Kurt R. Anschel
- Constraints on Oxen Cultivation in the Sahel pp. 188-196

- Christopher L. Delgado and John McIntire
- Optimal Grain Carryovers in Open Economies: A Graphical Analysis pp. 197-204

- Keith Knapp
- Asymmetry in Retail, Wholesale, and Shipping Point Pricing for Fresh Vegetables pp. 205-212

- Ronald W. Ward
- The Structure of Food Demand: Interrelatedness and Duality pp. 213-221

- Dale M. Heien
- Inventory Adjustment and Dynamic Winery Behavior pp. 222-231

- Michael Wohlgenant
- Private Investment in Forest Management and the Long-Term Supply of Timber pp. 232-241

- Darius M. Adams, Richard W. Haynes, George F. Dutrow, Richard L. Barber and Joseph M. Vasievich
- The Countercyclical Aspects of the U.S. Meat Import Act of 1979 pp. 243-248

- James R. Simpson
- Demand Elasticities for Soybean Meal in the European Community pp. 249-253

- Hendrik C. Knipscheer, Lowell D. Hill and Bruce L. Dixon
- Incorporating Technological Change in the Demand for Formula Feed in France pp. 254-259

- Yves Surry and Karl Meilke
- Rational Expectations in Agricultural Economics Research and Policy Analysis pp. 260-265

- Brian S. Fisher
- Rational Expectations and Competitive Pricing and Storage pp. 266-270

- Peter G. Helmberger, Robert Weaver and Kathleen T. Haygood
- Agricultural Price Supports and Cost of Production pp. 271-275

- John R. Groenewegen and Kenneth C. Clayton
- Rail/Truck Competition for Grain Traffic in Minnesota: Implications for Rate Making pp. 276-279

- Gregory H. Michaels, Richard A. Levins and Jerry Fruin
- The Effect of Electricity Prices, Lift, and Distance on Irrigation Development in Idaho pp. 280-285

- Joel R. Hamilton, Gary S. Barranco and David J. Walker
- Price Specification in Milk Supply Response Analysis pp. 286-288

- Richard A. Levins
- Data Analysis with Computer Graphics: Production Functions pp. 289-297

- Ted F. Bay and Richard A. Schoney
- Using the Semivariance to Estimate Safety-First Rules pp. 298-300

- Peter Berck and Jairus M. Hihn
- Determinants of Agricultural Economics Faculty Salaries pp. 301-303

- Josef M. Broder and Rod F. Ziemer
- Third World Development: Food, Employment, and Growth Interactions pp. 304-311

- John W. Mellor
- Soviet Grain and Wheat Import Demands in 1981–85 pp. 312-322

- Padma Desai
- China as a Factor in the World Food Situation pp. 323-331

- Anthony M. Tang
- Food versus Feed and the Dynamics of the World Food Situation: Discussion pp. 332-334

- Charles Y. Liu
- Food versus Feed and the Dynamics of the World Food Situation: Discussion pp. 335-338

- Pan A. Yotopoulos
- Trade in Products and International Migration in Seasonal Labor Markets pp. 339-346

- Robert D. Emerson
- Employment Implications of Exporting Processed U.S. Agricultural Products pp. 347-354

- David Blandford and Richard N. Boisvert
- International Trade and Agricultural Labor Markets: Farm Policy as Quasi-Adjustment Policy pp. 355-361

- D. Johnson
- International Trade and Agricultural Labor Markets: Discussion pp. 362-363

- Hans G. Hirsch
- International Trade and Agricultural Labor Markets: Discussion pp. 364-366

- Colin Carter
- An Appraisal of Expected Utility Hypothesis Tests Constructed from Responses to Hypothetical Questions and Experimental Choices pp. 367-375

- Lindon Robison
- Empirical Estimation and Use of Risk Preferences: An Appraisal of Estimation Methods That Use Actual Economic Decisions pp. 376-383

- Rulon D. Pope
- Application of Risk Preference Estimates in Firm-Household and Agricultural Sector Models pp. 384-390

- Peter B. R. Hazell
- Empirical Estimation and Use of Risk Preferences: Discussion pp. 391-393

- Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
- Empirical Estimation and Use of Risk Preference: Discussion pp. 394-396

- Terry Roe
- Brandt, W. North-South: A Program for Survival. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1980, 304 pp., $4.95 and Sewell, John W. The United States and World Development: Agenda, 1980. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980, 242 pp., price unknown pp. 397-398

- Irma Adelman
- Bapna, S. L. Aggregate Supply Response of Crops in a Developing Region. New Delhi, India: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1980, x + 164 pp., Rs 45.00 pp. 397

- Todd E. Petzel
- Gardner, Bruce L. The Governing of Agriculture. Lawrence: The Regents Press of Kansas, 1981, xii + 140 pp., $8.90 paperback pp. 398-399

- Kenneth R. Farrell
- Khan, Mahmood Hasan. Underdeveloped and Agrarian Structure in Pakistan. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1981, xviii + 308 pp., $22.50 pp. 399-400

- William C. Thiesenhusen
- Leistritz, F. Larry, and Steven H. Murdock. The Socioeconomic Impact of Resource Development: Methods for Assessment. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1981, xviii + 286 pp., $23.75 pp. 400-401

- Dean F. Schreiner
- Martin, Lee R., ed. A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Volume 3. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981, xiv + 653 pp., $35.00 pp. 401-402

- David H. Boyne
- A Study of Agricultural Economics Literature, Volume 3 pp. 402-403

- Lee M. Day
- A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Volume 3 pp. 403-404

- Lester V. Manderscheid
- Schmandt, Jurgen, et al. Nutrition Policy in Transition. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, 1980, xxv + 289 pp., $29.95 pp. 405-406

- Roger Hitchner
- National Research Council. Surface Mining: Soil, Coal, and Society. Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1981, xiii + 233 pp., $11.50 pp. 405

- Constance Boris
Volume 64, issue 1, 1982
- Measuring Producers' Advantage from Classified Pricing of Milk pp. 1-7

- Dae Hee Song and M. C. Hallberg
- Farm Real Estate Price Components, 1920–78 pp. 8-18

- Emery N. Castle and Irving Hoch
- Some Emerging Rights in Agricultural Land pp. 19-27

- John Braden
- Commodity Programs and Control Theory pp. 28-38

- James Richardson and Daryll E. Ray
- Distribution of Research Gains in Multistage Production Systems pp. 39-46

- John Freebairn, J. S. Davis and G. W. Edwards
- Optimal Expenditures for Agricultural Research and Extension: Implications of Underfunding pp. 47-55

- Fred C. White and Joseph Havlicek
- Disequilibrium Market Analysis: An Application to the U.S. Fed Beef Sector pp. 56-62

- Rod F. Ziemer and Fred C. White
- Price Trends at Livestock Auctions pp. 63-69

- Steven T. Buccola
- Import Substitution for Livestock Feed the Caribbean Community pp. 70-79

- Clifton Charles, David Blandford and Richard N. Boisvert
- The Demand for Calories in Developing Countries pp. 80-86

- Odin K. Knudsen and Pasquale Scandizzo
- Choice of Varieties by Sri Lanka Rice Farmers: Comparing Alternative Decision Models pp. 87-93

- H. M. G. Herath, J. Brian Hardaker and Jock Anderson
- Adoption of Interrelated Agricultural Innovations: Complementarity and the Impacts of Risk, Scale, and Credit pp. 94-101

- Gershon Feder
- Estimation of Recreation Benefits from Measured Utility Functions pp. 102-109

- P. A. Findlater and J. A. Sinden
- The Scarcity Syndrome pp. 110-114

- Don Paarlberg
- Households and Farm Establishments in the 1980s: Implications for Data pp. 115-118

- Lyle P. Schertz
- Farm Size, Tenure, and Economic Efficiency in a Sample of Illinois Grain Farms pp. 119-123

- Philip Garcia, Steven T. Sonka and Man Sik Yoo
- Analysis of Fringe Benefits for Nonmetropolitan versus Metropolitan Employee Compensation pp. 124-128

- Helen Jensen
- Predicting the Direct Benefits of a Food Price-Reporting or Preference-Changing Program pp. 129-133

- W. H. Lesser and W. K. Bryant
- Engel Analysis with Lorenz and Concentration Curves pp. 134-139

- James R. Blaylock and David Smallwood
- Causality Tests in Livestock Markets pp. 140-144

- David Bessler and Jon A. Brandt
- On Information and Innovation Diffusion: A Bayesian Approach pp. 145-147

- Gershon Feder and Gerald T. O'Mara
- Estimation of Substitution Possibilities between Water and Other Production Inputs pp. 148-151

- Frederick G. Babin, Cleve E. Willis and P Allen
- Duality, the Output Effect, and Applied Comparative Statics pp. 152-156

- Robert G. Chambers
- Optimum Effort and Rent Distribution in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery: Comment pp. 157-159

- Lee G. Anderson
- Optimum Effort and Rent Distribution in the Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery: Reply pp. 160

- Wade L. Griffin, Ronald D. Lacewell and John P. Nichols
- The Impact of Component Pricing of Soybeans and Milk: Comment pp. 161-163

- William H. Lesser
- The Impact of Component Pricing of Soybeans and Milk: Reply pp. 164

- Richard Perrin
- Clawson, Marion. New Deal Planning: The National Resources Planning Board. Baltimore Md: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981, xxii + 356 pp., $32.50 pp. 165-166

- John D. Millett
- Ghatak, Subrata. Technology Transfer to Developing Countries: The Case Study of the Fertilizer Industry. Greenwich CT: Jai Press, 1981, xix ' 181 pp. $28.50 pp. 166

- Gunvant M Desai
- Harsh, Stephen B., Larry J. Conner, and Gerald D. Schwab. Managing the Farm Business. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981, xv + 384 pp., $18.95 pp. 166-167

- Robert L. Johnstone
- Kamien, Morton I., and Nancy L. Schwartz. Dynamic Optimization: The Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control in Economics and Management. New York: Elsevier North-Holland Publishing Co., 1981, xi + 331 pp., $32.95 pp. 167-168

- Colin W. Clark
- Labys, Walter C. Market Structure, Bargaining Power, and Resource Price Formation. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, 1980, xiv + 238 pp., price unknown pp. 168-169

- Gordon W. Smith
- Vogeler, Ingolf. The Myth of the Family Farm: Agribusiness Dominance of U.S. Agriculture. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1981, xix + 352 pages, $25.00 pp. 169-170

- Harold D. Guither
- Uchtmann, Donald L., J. W. Looney, N. G. P. Krausz, and H. W. Hannah. Agricultural Law: Principles and Cases. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1981, xxiv + 664 pp., $24.95 pp. 169

- Philip E. Harris
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