American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 79, issue 5, 1997
- Challenges for Agricultural Economists Facing the Twenty-First Century pp. 1373-1382

- Walter J. Armbruster
- Rethinking Markets pp. 1383-1393

- Daniel Bromley
- A View From the Federal Statistical System pp. 1394-1400

- Katharine Abraham
- The Changing Role of Public Policy in Canadian Agriculture pp. 1401-1409

- H. Bruce Huff
- The Urban-Rural Income Gap in China: Implications for Global Food Markets pp. 1410-1418

- Colin Carter
- Agriculture and the Changing Nation-State: Implications for Policy and Political Economy pp. 1419-1428

- James T. Bonnen, Douglas D. Hedley and David Schweikhardt
- The American States and Their Evolving Impact on Agricultural Policies pp. 1429-1433

- William P. Browne and William Knudson
- Agriculture and the Changing Nation-State: Implications for Policy and Political Economy: Discussion pp. 1434-1436

- Brian T. Oleson
- An Analysis of Consumer Food Shopping Behavior Using Supermarket Scanner Data: Differences by Income and Location pp. 1437-1443

- Eugene Jones
- Food Expenditures and Socioeconomic Characteristics: Focus on Income Class pp. 1444-1451

- Donald R. McDowell, Joyce E. Allen-Smith and Patricia E. McLean-Meyinsse
- Income and Racial Differentials in Selected Nutrient Intakes pp. 1452-1460

- Adesoji Adelaja, Rodolfo Nayga and Tara C. Lauderbach
- Income and Food Consumption: A Variety of Answers: Discussion pp. 1461-1464

- Jean D. Kinsey
- World Food Needs Toward 2020 pp. 1465-1466

- Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Rajul Pandya-Lorch
- Critical Issues Suggested by Trends in Food, Population, and the Environment to the Year 2020 pp. 1467-1470

- Mark W. Rosegrant and Mercedita A. Sombilla
- The Impact of Livestock and Fisheries on Food Availability and Demand in 2020 pp. 1471-1475

- Christopher Delgado, Pierre Crosson and Claude Courbois
- Trouble Down on the Farm: What Role for Agriculture in Meeting “Food Needs” in the Next Twenty Years? pp. 1476-1479

- Lawrence Haddad, Patrick Webb and Alison Slack
- Critical Resource, Technology, and Environmental Issues for Meeting Future Grain Production Needs in Asia pp. 1480-1484

- Peter Hazell and John Kerr
- World Food Needs Toward 2020: Discussion pp. 1485-1486

- Wallace Tyner
- World Food Needs Toward 2020: Discussion pp. 1487-1488

- David Zilberman
- The NOAA Panel Report: A New Beginning or the End of an Era? pp. 1489-1494

- Alan Randall
- Anchoring and Adjustment in Single-Bounded, Contingent-Valuation Questions pp. 1495-1500

- Kevin Boyle, F. Reed Johnson and Daniel W. McCollum
- Contingent Valuation: Theoretical Advances and Empirical Tests Since the NOAA Panel pp. 1501-1507

- Richard Carson
- Economic Development with Environmental Security: Policy Conundrum in Rural Canada pp. 1508-1514

- Gerrit van Kooten and Louise M. Arthur
- Farm Production Policy Versus Rural Life Policy pp. 1515-1524

- David Freshwater
- The Economics of Agricultural, Rural, and Environmental Policy in Canada: Discussion pp. 1525-1526

- William H. Furtan
- Policy Conundrums in Rural North America: Discussion pp. 1527-1529

- Thomas G. Johnson
- Sizing Up Social Science Research pp. 1530-1533

- Vincent H. Smith and Philip Pardey
- Measuring the Benefits of Policy Research pp. 1534-1538

- George Norton and Jeffrey Alwang
- The Value of Economic Research pp. 1539-1544

- David Zilberman and Amir Heiman
- Valuing Social Science Research and Policy Analysis pp. 1545-1550

- Charles Timmer
- Measuring the Benefits of Agricultural Economics Research: Discussion pp. 1551-1553

- Bruce Gardner
- Marketing Boards: The Canadian Experience Revisited pp. 1554-1562

- Michele M. Veeman
- Farm-Level Consequences of Canadian and U.S. Dairy Policies pp. 1563-1572

- Robert Romain
- Developments in Organized Marketing Arrangements: Discussion pp. 1573-1575

- Richard R. Barichello
- Intellectual Property Rights: Technology Transfer and Resource Implications pp. 1576-1583

- Jock Langford
- Assessing the Implications of Intellectual Property Rights on Plant and Animal Agriculture pp. 1584-1591

- W. Lesser
- The Economics of Intellectual Property Rights: Discussion pp. 1592-1594

- Murray Fulton
- The Food Stamp Program, Welfare Reform, and the Aggregate Economy pp. 1595-1599

- Betsey A. Kuhn, Michael LeBlanc and Craig Gundersen
- Maintaining Food and Nutrition Security in the United States with Welfare Reform pp. 1600-1607

- Carol S. Kramer-LeBlanc, P. Peter Basiotis and Eileen T. Kennedy
- Effects of Welfare Reform on Rural Counties and Labor Markets pp. 1608-1613

- Stephan Goetz and David Freshwater
- Welfare Reform: Discussion pp. 1614-1615

- Glenn L. Nelson
- Welfare Reform: Discussion pp. 1616-1619

- Joyce E. Allen-Smith
- Air Pollution and Acute Respiratory Illness: Evidence from Taiwan and Los Angeles pp. 1620-1624

- Anna Alberini and Alan Krupnick
- The Health Benefits of Air Pollution Control in Delhi pp. 1625-1629

- Maureen Cropper, Nathalie Simon, Anna Alberini, Seema Arora and P.K. Sharma
- Transferability of Air Pollution Control Health Benefits Estimates from the United States to Developing Countries: Evidence from the Bangkok Study pp. 1630-1635

- Lauraine G. Chestnut, Bart D. Ostro and Nuntavarn Vichit-Vadakan
- Air Pollution Requires Multipollutant Analysis: The Case of Santiago, Chile pp. 1636-1641

- Gunnar Eskeland
- Evidence of Capitalization of Direct Government Payments into U.S. Cropland Values pp. 1642-1650

- Charles H. Barnard, Gerald Whittaker, David Westenbarger and Mary Ahearn
- Examining the Use of National Databases in a Hedonic Analysis of Regional Farmland Values pp. 1651-1656

- Fritz M. Roka and Raymond B. Palmquist
- Spatial, Productivity, and Environmental Determinants of Farmland Values pp. 1657-1664

- Anita Regmi
- New Opportunities for Using Farmland Values in the Analysis of Economic Issues: Discussion pp. 1665-1668

- John E. Reynolds
- Forecasting Retail Food Prices Under Current Conditions pp. 1669-1672

- Annette L. Clauson
- Consumer Food Prices from the Ground Up pp. 1673-1676

- Robert E. Young, Lori Wilcox, Brian Willott, Gary Adams and D. Scott Brown
- Commodity Markets, Farm-Retail Spreads, and Macroeconomic Condition Assumptions in Food Price Forecasting pp. 1677-1680

- John M. Urbanchuk
- Forecasting CPI Food Prices: An Assessment pp. 1681-1685

- Fred Joutz
- The Elimination of the Canadian and Australian Wheat Boards: A Move from Triopoly to Perfect Competition in the World Wheat Market pp. 1742-1748

- Gregory William DeVos
Volume 79, issue 4, 1997
- Agricultural Productivity Revisited pp. 1045-1063

- V. Eldon Ball, Jean-Christophe Bureau, Richard Nehring and Agapi Somwaru
- International Productivity Patterns: Accounting for Input Quality, Infrastructure, and Research pp. 1064-1076

- Barbara J. Craig, Philip Pardey and Johannes Roseboom
- The Changing Values of the Cooperative and Its Business Focus pp. 1077-1082

- Abigail M. Hind
- Measuring the Importance of Transaction Costs in Cattle Marketing pp. 1083-1095

- Jill Hobbs
- Optimal Capacity in the Anhydrous Ammonia Industry pp. 1096-1107

- Kyle Stiegert and Thomas Hertel
- The Dynamics of Convenience and the Brazilian Soybean Boom pp. 1108-1118

- Darren L. Frechette
- Reducing Yield Variation in Peach Orchards by Geographic Scattering pp. 1119-1126

- T. Jeffrey Price, Michael E. Wetzstein and Mark W. Rieger
- Theory and Measurement of Exotic Options in U.S. Agricultural Support Programs pp. 1127-1139

- Viswanath Tirupattur, Robert J. Hauser and Phelim P. Boyle
- Optimal Sequential Grain Marketing Decisions under Risk Aversion and Price Uncertainty pp. 1140-1152

- Leroy Blakeslee
- Generalized Models of Japanese Demand for Fish pp. 1153-1163

- James Eales, Catherine Durham and Cathy R. Wessells
- Variations on Invariance or Some Unpleasant Nonparametric Arithmetic pp. 1164-1176

- James Chalfant and Bin Zhang
- Functional Separability and Elasticities of Complementarity pp. 1177-1181

- H. Youn Kim
- On Price Indices in the Almost Ideal Demand System pp. 1182-1185

- Frank Asche and Cathy R. Wessells
- The Logic of Testing Structural Change in Meat Demand: A Methodological Analysis and Appraisal pp. 1186-1192

- George Davis
- Potential Demand for Drought Insurance in Burkina Faso and Its Determinants pp. 1193-1207

- Takeshi Sakurai and Thomas Reardon
- Commodity Price Stabilization in a Peasant Economy pp. 1208-1217

- Israel Finkelshtain and James Chalfant
- Optimal Management of a Renewable and Replaceable Resource: The Case of Coastal Groundwater pp. 1218-1228

- Darrell Krulce, James Roumasset and Tom Wilson
- Intellectual Property Rights and the Welfare Effects of Agricultural R&D pp. 1229-1242

- GianCarlo Moschini and Harvey Lapan
- Functional Forms, Exogenous Shifts, and Economic Surplus Changes pp. 1243-1251

- Xueyan Zhao, John D. Mullen and Gary R. Griffith
- The Effects of Imperfect Competition on the Size and Distribution of Research Benefits pp. 1252-1265

- Mingxia Zhang
- Reforms, the Weather, and Productivity Growth in China's Grain Sector pp. 1266-1277

- Bin Zhang and Colin Carter
- Labor Migration and Returns to Rural Education in China pp. 1278-1287

- Yaohui Zhao
- Measuring the Extent of Coalition Formation in Group Decision Making pp. 1288-1299

- Fred J. Ruppel and P. Lynn Kennedy
- Third-Country Effects and Second-Best Grain Trade Policies: Export Subsidies and Bilateral Liberalization pp. 1300-1310

- Richard Gray
- Returns, Interest Rates, and Inflation: How They Explain Changes in Farmland Values pp. 1311-1318

- Charles Moss
- Priorities and Preferences in the Allocation of MPP Branded Funds to Agribusiness Firms pp. 1319-1331

- Kim L. Jensen and Paul Jakus
- Monetary Shocks and Relative Farm Prices: A Re-examination pp. 1332-1339

- Alan Isaac and David E. Rapach
- Asymmetric Adjustment of Dynamic Factors at the Firm Level pp. 1340-1351

- Alfons Oude Lansink and Spiro Stefanou
- Development of Statistical Discriminant Mathematical Programming Model Via Resampling Estimation Techniques pp. 1352-1362

- Houshmand A. Ziari, David Leatham and Paul N. Ellinger
- The Calculation of Research Benefits with Linear and Nonlinear Specifications of Demand and Supply: Comment pp. 1363-1367

- Elamin H. Elbasha
- The Calculation of Research Benefits with Linear and Nonlinear Specifications of Demand and Supply: Reply pp. 1368-1371

- Geoff W. Edwards and Jan P. Voon
Volume 79, issue 3, 1997
- An Evaluation of the Canada-U.S. Wheat Agreement of 1994 pp. 703-714

- Colin Carter and Donald MacLaren
- Comparative Advantage and Government Budget Effects: An Application to the Grain Trade of the Former USSR pp. 715-725

- William Liefert
- Wheat Rusts and the Costs of Genetic Diversity in the Punjab of Pakistan pp. 726-737

- Derek Byerlee and Edward Souza
- Research and Productivity in Mexican Agriculture pp. 738-753

- Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo and C. Shumway
- Does Lack of Access to Formal Credit Constrain Agricultural Production? Evidence from the Land Tenancy Market in Rural India pp. 754-763

- Anjini Kochar
- Education in Production: Measuring Labor Quality and Management pp. 764-772

- Dennis Yang
- The Economics and Econometrics of Damage Control pp. 773-785

- Atanu Saha, C. Shumway and Arthur Havenner
- Damage Control and Increasing Returns: Further Results pp. 786-791

- David Hennessy
- The Performance of Nested Logit Models When Welfare Estimation Is the Goal pp. 792-802

- Joseph Herriges and Catherine Kling
- Limiting Environmental Program Contradictions: A Demand Systems Application to Fishery Management pp. 803-813

- Frank A. Ward, Richard A. Cole, Robert A. Deitner and Catherine A. Green-Hammond
- Demand for Prepared Meals by U.S. Households pp. 814-824

- John Park and Oral Capps
- A Two-Stage Analysis of the Effectiveness of Promotion Programs for U.S. Apples pp. 825-837

- Timothy J. Richards, Pieter. Van Ispelen and Albert Kagan
- State- and County-Level Determinants of Food Manufacturing Establishment Growth: 1987–93 pp. 838-850

- Stephan Goetz
- A Spatial Equilibrium Model for Imperfectly Competitive Milk Markets pp. 851-859

- Tsunemasa Kawaguchi, Nobuhiro Suzuki and Harry Kaiser
- Market Imperfections and Output Loss in the Presence of Expenditure Constraint: A Generalized Shadow Price Approach pp. 860-871

- Anjana Bhattacharyya and Subal Kumbhakar
- Nonparametric Tests of Profit Maximization in Oligopoly with Application to the Beef Packing Industry pp. 872-879

- Paul J. Driscoll, S. Murthy Kambhampaty and Wayne D. Purcell
- Farm Income Variability and the Supply of Off-Farm Labor pp. 880-887

- Ashok Mishra and Barry Goodwin
- Discount Schedules and Grower Incentives in Grain Marketing pp. 888-901

- David Hennessy and Thomas Wahl
- Economic Evaluation of the Farmers' Market Nutrition Program pp. 902-917

- Richard Just and Quinn Weninger
- New Evidence on Agricultural Commodity Return Performance under Time-Varying Risk pp. 918-930

- Bruce Bjornson and Colin Carter
- Dynamic Optimization of Nitrogen Use When Groundwater Contamination Is Internalized at the Standard in the Long Run pp. 931-945

- Satya N. Yadav
- Determinants of Ditch Company Share Prices in the South Platte River Basin pp. 946-951

- D. Jay Goodman and Charles W. Howe
- Allocation and Pricing at the Water District Level pp. 952-963

- David Zilberman
- An Astructural Analysis of National Forest Policy and Employment pp. 964-974

- Diana M. Burton
- A Cointegration Analysis of Canadian Wood Pulp Prices pp. 975-986

- Janaki R.R. Alavalapati, Wiktor Adamowicz and Martin Luckert
- An Integrated Model of Québec-Ontario-U.S. Northeast Softwood Lumber Markets pp. 987-1000

- Jean-Thomas Bernard, Luc Bouthillier, Jérôme Catimel and Nancy Gélinas
- Trade-off between Structural Diversity and Economic Objectives in Forest Management pp. 1001-1012

- Hayri Onal
- Spike Models in Contingent Valuation pp. 1013-1023

- Bengt Kriström
- Budgetary and Producer Welfare Effects of Revenue Insurance pp. 1024-1034

- David Hennessy, Bruce Babcock and Dermot Hayes
- Oligopoly Power in the Food and Tobacco Industries pp. 1035-1043

- Sanjib Bhuyan and Rigoberto Lopez
Volume 79, issue 2, 1997
- Hotelling's Theory, Enhancement, and the Taking of the Redwood National Park pp. 287-298

- Peter Berck and William R. Bentley
- Land Use with Heterogeneous Land Quality: An Application of an Area Base Model pp. 299-310

- Ian W. Hardie and Peter J. Parks
- Spatial and Temporal Specialization in Forest Ecosystem Management Under Sole Ownership pp. 311-326

- Stephen Swallow, Piyali Talukdar and David N. Wear
- Dynamic Optimal Management of Wind-Erosive Rangelands pp. 327-340

- Dayuan Hu, Richard Ready and Angelos Pagoulatos
- Diversification in Agricultural Production: A Dynamic Model of Optimal Cropping to Manage Soil Erosion pp. 341-356

- Renan Goetz
- Structural Versus Reduced-Form Estimation of Optimal Stopping Problems pp. 357-368

- Bill Provencher
- Tenure Security, Investment and Productivity in Gambian Agriculture: A Generalized Probit Analysis pp. 369-382

- Joseph Hayes, Michael Roth and Lydia Zepeda
- The Seasonal and Spatial Dimensions of Sorghum Market Liberalization in Mexico pp. 383-393

- E. Leigh Bivings
- The Meaning of Kinship in Sharecropping Contracts pp. 394-406

- Seiichi Fukui
- Auctioning Conservation Contracts: A Theoretical Analysis and an Application pp. 407-418

- Uwe Latacz-Lohmann and Carel Van der Hamsvoort
- Implications of Disaster Assistance Reform for Non-insured Crops pp. 419-429

- Joy Harwood and Agapi Somwaru
- Designing and Rating an Area Yield Crop Insurance Contract pp. 430-438

- Jerry R. Skees, J. Roy Black and Barry Barnett
- The Pricing of Revenue Assurance pp. 439-451

- Jeffrey Stokes, William I. Nayda and Burton English
- Hedonic Cost Models and the Pricing of Milk Components pp. 452-462

- Steven Buccola and Yoko Iizuka
- Estimating the Values of Cattle Characteristics Using an Ordered Probit Model pp. 463-476

- Gary Crow
- Transfer Costs, Spatial Arbitrage, and Testing for Food Market Integration pp. 477-487

- Bob Baulch
- Toward a Positive Economic Theory of Hedging pp. 488-499

- Robert A. Collins
- On Market Equilibrium Analysis pp. 500-513

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Thomas L. Cox
- A Spatial Analysis of Maize Marketing Policy Reforms in Zambia pp. 514-523

- William Masters and Paul Preckel
- The Effect of Farm Supply Shifts on Concentration and Market Power in the Food Processing Sector pp. 524-531

- Stephen Hamilton and David Sunding
- Dynamics of Beef Cow Herd Size: An Inventory Approach pp. 532-542

- John D. Schmitz
- Technical Change and Model Specification: U.S. Agricultural Production pp. 543-554

- Hongil Lim and C. Shumway
- The Effect of Supply Management on Herd Size in Alberta Dairy pp. 555-565

- Timothy J. Richards and Scott R. Jeffrey
- Dietary Bounds and Unshackled Demand Specifications pp. 566-572

- Paul J. Driscoll and Anya M. McGuirk
- A Microeconometric Analysis of Consumer Taste Determination and Taste Change for Beef pp. 573-582

- Eric J. Wailes and Gail Cramer
- The Role of Husbands and Wives in Farm Technology Choice pp. 583-588

- Lydia Zepeda and Marco Castillo
- Commercialization and the Balance of Women's Dual Roles in Non-Income-Pooling West African Households pp. 589-594

- Lisa C. Smith and Jean-Paul Chavas
- Female Labor Force Participation: A Comparison between Urban and Rural Families pp. 595-601

- Antonella Caiumi and Federico Perali
- Bargaining Models for Farm Household Decision Making: Discussion pp. 602-604

- Mary Marchant
- Can Developing Countries Afford the New Food System? A Case Study of the Chinese Agricultural Sector pp. 605-612

- Won W. Koo and Marvin Duncan
- Will Foreign Capital Build Food Systems in Developing Countries? pp. 613-620

- Alan Barkema, Mark Drabenstott and Scott Ryckman
- Farmers and Markets: The Political Economy of New Paradigms pp. 621-627

- Charles Timmer
- From Subsistence to Commercial Production Systems: The Transformation of Asian Agriculture pp. 628-634

- Prabhu Pingali
- Liberalization and Rural Market Integration in China pp. 635-642

- Scott Rozelle, Albert Park, Jikun Huang and Hehui Jin
- From Subsistence Systems to Commercial Agriculture: The Need for a New Development Paradigm: Discussion pp. 643-645

- Alex F. McCalla
- Assessing the Role of Public Research and Extension Policies in Promoting Improved Performance of the Agro-Food Marketing System pp. 646-650

- Larry G. Hamm
- Rethinking the Role of Government in Agri-Food Markets pp. 651-656

- Julie Caswell
- Potential Effects of Information Technologies on the Economic Performance of Agricultural and Food Markets pp. 657-662

- Sarahelen Thompson and Steven T. Sonka
- The Impact of Freer Markets and Trade on Agri-Food Marketing Policy and Government Institutions: Discussion pp. 663-665

- Richard Kilmer
- The Link between Public and Private Interhousehold Transfers: Implications for the Design of Safety Net Programs in Developing Countries pp. 666-671

- Kene Ezemenari
- Food Aid Impacts on Safety Nets: Theory and Evidence—A Conceptual Perspective on Safety Nets pp. 672-677

- Mesfin Bezuneh and Brady Deaton
- Public Works as an Anti-Poverty Program: An Overview of Cross-Country Experience pp. 678-683

- K. Subbarao
- The Role of Safety Nets during the Process of Economic Growth: Discussion pp. 684-687

- Thomas Jayne
- Creedy, John. Economics of Higher Education: Analysis of Taxes Versus Fees. Aldershot UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 1995, xiii + 152 pp., price unknown pp. 688-690

- Brady J. Deaton
- Just Our Size Videos. Tractors, Combines and Things on the Grow; Tractors, Cotton-Pickers and the Stuff Kids Wear pp. 690-691

- Mike Ellerbrock
- Krueger, A.O., ed. The Political Economy of American Trade Policy. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1996, ix + 460 pp., $70.00 cloth pp. 691-693

- John Beghin
- Theil, Henri. Studies in Global Econometrics. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, ix + 109 pp., hardcover, price unknown pp. 693-694

- David Bessler
Volume 79, issue 1, 1997
- Catholic High Schools and Rural Academic Achievement pp. 1-12

- William Sander
- Effects of Health Information and Generic Advertising on U.S. Meat Demand pp. 13-23

- John Jackson
- Using Benefit-Cost Criteria for Settling Federalism Disputes: An Application to Food Safety Regulation pp. 24-38

- Julie Caswell and Jaana K. Kleinschmit v. L.
- The Economics of Cosmetic Pesticide Use pp. 39-46

- Erik Lichtenberg
- Damage Control Productivity: Why Econometrics Matters pp. 47-61

- Alain Carpentier and Robert Weaver
- Weak Separability and the Estimation of Elasticities in Multistage Demand Systems pp. 62-79

- David Edgerton
- Do Roads Cause Deforestation? Using Satellite Images in Econometric Analysis of Land Use pp. 80-88

- Gerald Nelson and Daniel Hellerstein
- Predicting the Effects of Market Reform in Zimbabwe: A Stated Preference Approach pp. 89-99

- Lawrence Rubey and Frank Lupi
- Product Aggregation Bias as a Specification Error in Demand Systems pp. 100-109

- George Davis
- Structural Change, Capital Investment and Productivity in the Food Processing Industry pp. 110-125

- Catherine Morrison Paul
- Dynamic Adjustment in Vertically Linked Markets: The Case of the U.S. Beef Industry pp. 126-138

- Brian L. Buhr and Hanho Kim
- Market Delineation and Demand Structure pp. 139-150

- Kjell G Salvanes
- Calibrating Benefit Function Transfer to Assess the Conservation Reserve Program pp. 151-162

- Peter Feather and Daniel Hellerstein
- Water Conservation Policy Analysis: An Interregional, Multi-Output, Primal-Dual Optimization Approach pp. 163-177

- Glenn Schaible
- A Biophysical Model of Corn Yield: Integrating Climatic and Social Determinants pp. 178-190

- Robert Kaufmann and Seth E. Snell
- Estimation and Use of a Multivariate Parametric Model for Simulating Heteroskedastic, Correlated, Nonnormal Random Variables: The Case of Corn Belt Corn, Soybean, and Wheat Yields pp. 191-205

- Octavio Ramirez
- Systemic Risk, Reinsurance, and the Failure of Crop Insurance Markets pp. 206-215

- Mario Miranda and Joseph W. Glauber
- An Expected-Indemnity Approach to the Measurement of Moral Hazard in Crop Insurance pp. 216-226

- Keith Coble, Thomas O. Knight, Rulon D. Pope and Jeffery Williams
- Land Development and Pigouvian Taxes: The Case of Peatland pp. 227-234

- Renan Goetz
- Optimal Marketing of Nursery Crops from Container-Based Production Systems pp. 235-245

- James W. Mjelde and Charles R. Hall
- Household Consumption of Cheese: An Inverse Hyperbolic Sine Double-Hurdle Model with Dependent Errors pp. 246-251

- Steven T. Yen and Andrew Jones
- A Randomized Response Approach to Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation pp. 252-266

- Joe Kerkvliet
- Aggregation, Flexible Forms, and Estimation of Food Consumption Parameters: Comment pp. 267-268

- Howarth Bouis and Lawrence Haddad
- Aggregation, Flexible Forms, and Estimation of Food Consumption Parameters: Reply pp. 269-271

- Cyrus A. Ramezani, Donald Rose and Suzanne P. Murphy
- Bredahl, Maury E., Nicole Ballenger, John C. Dunmore, and Terry L. Roe, eds. Agriculture, Trade, and the Environment: Discovering and Measuring the Critical Linkages. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1996, vii + 310 pp., price unknown pp. 272-273

- Tim Josling
- Campbell, John R. Reclaiming a Lost Heritage: Land Grant and Other Higher Education Initiatives for the Twenty-first Century. Ames IA: Iowa State University Press, 1995, xviii + 269 pp., $32.95 pp. 273-275

- Donald Uchtmann
- Hieronymus, T.A. A Revisionist Chronology of Papers. Urbana IL: Office for Futures and Options Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996, 396 pp., paper $20.00 pp. 275-277

- Kandice H. Kahl
- Hildebrand, Peter E., and John T. Russell. Adaptability Analysis: A Method for the Design, Analysis and Interpretation of On-Farm Research-Extension. Ames IA: Iowa State University Press, 1996, x + 189 pp., paper $24.95 pp. 277-278

- Richard K. Perrin
- Islam, Nurul, and Saji Thomas. Foodgrain Price Stabilization in Developing Countries: Issues and Experiences in Asia. Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, Food Policy Review No. 3, 1996, viii + 136 pp., paper $4.50 pp. 278-279

- Steven Buccola
- Jakobsson, Kristin M., and Andrew K. Dragun. Contingent Valuation and Endangered Species. Cheltenham, UK, and Brookfield VT: Edward Elgar, 1996, xxiii + 269 pp., hard cover $79.95 pp. 279-280

- Richard C. Bishop
- Lampkin, N.H., and S. Padel. The Economics of Organic Farming—An International Perspective. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK: CAB International, 1994, 467 pp., price unknown pp. 280-282

- Harold S. Ricker
- Rowley, Charles K., ed. The Political Economy of the Minimal State. Cheltenham, U.K., and Brookfield VT: Edward Elgar, 1996, xxxiii + 300 pp., hardcover $80.00 pp. 282-284

- Alan Randall
- Tomich, T.P., P. Kiiby, and B.F. Johnston. Transforming Agrarian Economies: Opportunities Seized, Opportunities Missed. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1995, 474 pp., price unknown pp. 284-285

- Thomas Reardon
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