American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, issue 4, 1945
- The Price Policy for Agriculture Contest pp. 737-740

- L. J. Norton
- Statement by Chairman of the Award Judges pp. 741-742

- Chester C. Davis
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 743-760

- William H. Nicholls
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 761-772

- D. Johnson
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 773-784

- Frederick V. Waugh
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 785-789

- George W. Barr
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming: An Insurance Price System pp. 790-797

- Merrill K. Bennett
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 798-806

- Gordon P. Boals
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 807-812

- Karl Brandt
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 813-820

- Willard Cochrane
- A Price Policy for Agriculture Consistent With Economic Progress That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 821-828

- R. J. Eggert
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 829-836

- Paul A. Eke
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 837-843

- Carl C. Farrington
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 844-851

- Rudolph K. Froker
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 852-860

- Charles D. Hyson
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 861-870

- Adlowe L. Larson
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 871-877

- James G. Maddox
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 878-885

- Rainer Schickele
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 886-894

- Geoffrey Shepherd
- A Price Policy for Agriculture, Consistent With Economic Progress, That Will Promote Adequate and More Stable Income from Farming pp. 895-902

- L. H. Simerl
- Wartime Experience in Production Adjustment Research and Future Possibilities pp. 903-922

- Neil W. Johnson
- Wartime Experience in Production Adjustment Research and Future Possibilities: Discussion pp. 923-924

- G. A. Pond
- Wartime Experience in Production Adjustment Research and Future Possibilities: Discussion pp. 924-927

- J. B. Andrews
- Mechanization of the Cotton Harvest pp. 928-946

- Frank J. Welch and D. Gray Miley
- A Critical Examination of Marketing Research pp. 947-962

- F. L. Thomsen
- Analyzing Labor Requirements for Californi's Major Seasonal Crop Operations pp. 963-975

- Margot Wakeman Lenhart
- Will Governemental Programs Alter the Structure of Government? pp. 976-980

- O. B. Jesness
- Farm Real Estate Values in South Dakota and the Bae Index of Estimated Value Per Acre of Farm Real Estate pp. 980-984

- Gabriel Lundy
- The Consistency of U.S.D.A. Estimates of Possible Consumption and Prices of Beef and Pork in 1950 pp. 984-989

- Zenon Szatrowski
- Agricultural Price Control, Geoffrey S. Shepherd. Ames, Iowa: The Collegiate Press, Inc., 1945. Pp. vii, 361. $3.75 pp. 990-993

- H. R. Wellman
- Land Tenure in the Colonies, V. Liversage. Cambridge: The University Press, 1945. Pp. ix, 151. $2.00 pp. 993-995

- Leonard A. Salter
- Big Democracy. Paul H. Appleby. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1945, Pp. x, 198. $2.75 pp. 995-999

- William H. Nicholls
- Latin America in the Future World, George Soule, David Efron and Norman T. Ness. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 1945. Pp. xiii, 372. $3.50 pp. 999-1000

- Carl C. Taylor
- Food Regulation and Compliance, Volume I, Arthur D. Herrick, New York. Revere Publishing Company, 1944. Pp. xvi, 646. $10.00 pp. 1001-1003

- Mark T. Buchanan
- Fertilizers in the Postwar National Economy. Washington: National Planning Association, Planning Pamphlet No. 42, 1945. Pp. 48. $1.25 and A Food and Nutrition Program for the Nation. Washington: National Planning Association, Planning Pamphlet No. 46, 1945. Pp. 35. $.25 pp. 1003-1005

- E. C. Young
- Price and Related Controls in the United States, Seymour E. Harris. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1945. Pp. xx, 392. $4.00 pp. 1005-1006

- Geoffrey Shepherd
Volume 27, issue 3, 1945
- Farm Technological Advance and Total Population Growth pp. 509-525

- John M. Brewster
- Research Determination of Economies of Scale pp. 526-539

- R. G. Bressler
- Costs of Federal Agricultural Activities: Their Meaning and Classification for Purposes of Economic Analysis pp. 540-552

- E. Fenton Shepard
- War-Time Price Control of Fresh Citrus Fruits pp. 553-570

- J. Wayne Reitz
- A Proposed World Trade Board for Expanding International Trade pp. 571-590

- F. F. Elliott
- Agricultural Credit Policy in the United States, 1945 pp. 591-614

- John D. Black
- The Agricultural Economics Program of China pp. 615-619

- Pao-Chuan Chao
- A Public Farm Land Appraisal Service Its Desirability and Practicability pp. 620-633

- Karl Brandt
- Old-Age Security for the American Farm Population pp. 634-648

- Daniel K. Andrews
- How Would a Federal Sales Tax Affect Farmers? pp. 649-663

- Tyler F. Haygood
- Postwar Planning and the Rural-Urban Balance pp. 664-675

- Arthur P. Chew
- Mortgage Insurance for Farm Housing pp. 676-682

- Roy J. Burroughs
- Notes on "The Economies of Public Measures to Subsidize Food Consumption," with an Extension of the Economic Principles Outlined to Individual Commodities pp. 683-686

- Humbert S. Kahle
- Procedures of Studying Returns from Conservation Farming pp. 686-694

- George W. Collier
- Farmers Regional Purchasing Cooperatives Look to Research pp. 694-700

- Martin A. Abrahamsen
- The Structure and Function of Agricultural Export Trade in the Egyptian Economy pp. 700-701

- Mohammed ElSaid Mohammed
- The Application of Motion and Time Study Techniques to Certain Agricultural Enterprises pp. 702-704

- John W. Oberholtzer
- The Evaporated Milk Industry under Federal Marketing Agreements pp. 704-707

- Burton A. Baker
- Connecticut's Research in Milk Marketing: Another Opinion pp. 707-709

- Frederick V. Waugh
- The Farmer and the Rest of Us, Arthur Moore. Boston: Atlantic-Little, Brown & Co., 1945. Pp. 226, $2.50 pp. 711-713

- K. H. Parsons
- Food for the World, Theodore W. Schultz, Editor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1945. Pp. xiv, 353. $3.75 pp. 713-716

- Merrill K. Bennett
- Recent Trends in the Demand for American Cotton, by Cyril O'Donnell. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1945. Pp. 53 plus 28 pages of tables, $1.00 pp. 717-719

- A. B. Cox
- Wheat in the World Economy: A Guide to Wheat Studies, J. S. Davis, Helen M. Gibbs and Elizabeth B. Taylor. 1945. Pp. 222. 2$.00 and World Grain Review and Outlook, 1945, Helen C. Farnsworth and V. P. Timoshenko. 1945. Pp. 306. $3.00 pp. 719-720

- Rex W. Cox
- America's Role in the World Economy, Alvin H. Hansen. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1945. Pp. 197. $2.50 pp. 720-722

- Paul W. McCracken
- The Economics of Peace, Kenneth E. Boulding. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1945. Pp. 278. $3.75 pp. 722-724

- E. T. Weiler
- The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944. Pp. ix, 616, index. $10.00 pp. 725-726

- Robert W. Harrison
- Wages of Agricultural Labor in the United States, Louis J. Ducoff in consultation with a bureau-wide committee under the project leadership of Carl C. Taylor. Washington: Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 1944. Pp. 193 pp. 727-728

- Harry Schwartz
- Postwar Goals and Economic Reconstruction, Institute on Postwar Reconstruction, New York University, 1944. Pp. 304. $3.50, and Postwar Economic Society, Institute on Postwar Reconstruction, New York University, 1944. Pp. 305. $3.50 pp. 728-730

- J. Norman Efferson
Volume 27, issue 2, 1945
- Major Shifts in World Agriculture pp. 245-260

- C. M. Purves
- Agricultural Production after the War pp. 261-280

- Sherman E. Johnson
- Postwar Agricultural Credit Problems and Suggested Adjustments pp. 281-296

- Earl L. Butz
- Agricultural Marketing Programs after the War pp. 297-302

- Frederick V. Waugh
- The Cost of Subsistence pp. 303-314

- George Stigler
- Advances in the Techniques of Measuring and Estimating Consumer Expenditures pp. 315-344

- Dorothy S. Brady and Faith M. Williams
- Notes on "Poor Land," and "Submarginal Land" pp. 345-374

- John D. Black
- The Marginal Feed Cost of Pork and Lard pp. 375-387

- L. Jay Atkinson
- Postwar Agricultural Settlement Possibilities in Canada pp. 388-404

- W. Burton Hurd
- Postwar Land Settlement Opportunities in the Northern Great Plains pp. 405-418

- Harry A. Steele
- Labor Productivity in Agriculture in USSR and USA pp. 419-432

- N. Jasny
- Interterritorial Freight Rate Differences in Relation to the Regionalization of Industry pp. 433-452

- Ralph L. Dewey
- Research in Milk Marketing: A Review pp. 453-462

- Leon J. Steck
- Consolidated Balance Sheet And Income Statement For Agriculture pp. 463-472

- Roy J. Burroughs
- Trends in Major Cropland Use In The United States, 1909–1941 pp. 472-476

- Marion Clawson
- A Postwar Forward Pricing Plan For Agriculture pp. 476-482

- Andrew R. Aandahl
- The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich A. Hayek. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1944, Pp, xii, 250. $2.75 pp. 484-488

- Edwin G. Nourse
- The Reconstruction of World Agriculture, Karl Brandt. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1945. Pp. viii, 416. $4.00 pp. 488-490

- O. B. Jesness
- Economic Problems of Latin America, Edited by Seymour E. Harris. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., 1944. Pp. 465. $4.00 pp. 490-492

- E. C. Johnson
- The Production Credit System for Farmers, Earl L. Butz, Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1944. Pp. vii, 100. $1.00 pp. 492-495

- Bueford M. Gile
- Bread and Democracy in Germany, Alexander Gerschenkron. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1944. Pp. 289. $2.75 pp. 495-498

- Karl Brandt
- The Wealth of the Nation, H. Clyde Filley, Lincoln, Nebraska; University of Nebraska Press, 1945. Pp. X, 174. $2.00 pp. 498-500

- M. R. Benedict
- The Cambridge Economic History of Europe from the Decline of the Roman Empire: Vol. I, The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages, Edited by J. H. Clapham and the late Eileen Power. Cambridge: The University Press. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1944. Pp. xvii, 750. $7.00 pp. 500-502

- Herbert Heaton
- Demobilization of Wartime Economic Controls, John Maurice Clark. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1945. Pp. xii, 219. $1.75 pp. 502-503

- K. E. Boulding
- Readings in Business Cycle Theory. Selected by a Committee of the American Economic Association. Philadelphia: Blakiston & Company, 1944. Pp. xvi and 494. $3.75 pp. 504-505

- Edward D. Allen
Volume 27, issue 1, 1945
- Forty Years of Farm Cost Accounting Records pp. 1-17

- Andrew Boss
- Forty Years of Farm Management Surveys pp. 18-23

- S. W. Warren
- Thirty Years of Farm Financial and Production Records in Illinois pp. 24-37

- M. L. Mosher
- The Economics of Public Measures to Subsidize Food Consumption pp. 38-66

- Herman M. Southworth
- World Agricultural Policies and the Expansion of Trade pp. 67-87

- Robert B. Schwenger
- The Relation of Public to Private Lending Agencies (in Agriculture) and Recent Trends in Their Development pp. 88-103

- Murray R. Benedict
- Wage Stabilization in Agriculture pp. 104-120

- William T. Ham
- Regional Research in Agricultural Marketing pp. 121-137

- Knute Bjorka
- Post-War Irrigation Developments and the National and Regional Agricultural Economy pp. 138-152

- Marion Clawson
- Repayment Experience of Federal Reclamation Projects pp. 153-167

- Alexander Joss
- Land-Grant College Post-War Agricultural Policy pp. 168-175

- John D. Black
- Effects of Changes in Output on Farmers' Costs and Returns pp. 176-185

- Sherman E. Johnson
- Student Operation of a Laboratory Farm pp. 185-195

- William G. Murray
- Job Analysis in Agriculture pp. 195-204

- Lester Blum
- Relationship of Income to Milk Consumption pp. 204-210

- R. E. Patzig and Gideon Hadary
- The Relationship of Chocolate Milk to Total Fluid Milk Consumption pp. 210-213

- Gideon Hadary
- Food for Postwar Europe: How Much and What? M. K. Bennett. War-Peace Pamphlets No. 5 and Livestock in Continental Europe, during World War II, Helen C. Farnsworth. War-Peace Pamphlets No. 6 pp. 215-217

- Ronald L. Mighell
- The Agriculture of Wales, A. W. Ashby and I. L. Evans. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1944. Pp. 300.15s pp. 217-218

- Stanley W. Warren
- Agrarian Problems from the Baltic to the Aegean. Discussion of a Peasant Programme. London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1944. Pp. 96. $1.00 pp. 218-219

- Asher Hobson
- World Wheat Production, V. P. Timoshenko. Stanford University, California: Food Research Institute, 1944. Pp. 148. $3.00 pp. 220-222

- Julius Hendel
- Food Rationing and Supply, 1943–44, Economics, Financial and Transit Department, League of Nations. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Pp. 101. $1.00 pp. 220

- Margaret G. Reid
- Postwar Monetary Plans and Other Essays, John H. Williams. New York: Knopf, 1944. Pp. xxxii, 297. $2.50 pp. 222-224

- Arthur R. Upgren
- State and Local Finance in the National Economy, Alvin H. Hansen and Harvey S. Perloff. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1944. Pp. 310. $3.75 pp. 224-226

- Roy G. Blakey and Gustav Primosigh
- The T.V.A.: Lesson for International Application, Herman Finer. Montreal, Canada: International Labor Office. Studies and Reports, Series B, No. 37. 1944. Pp. 289. $2.00 pp. 226-228

- S. v. Ciriacy-Wantrup
- George Simon Wehrwein pp. 232

- B.H.H.
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