American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 86, issue 5, 2004
- Mad Cows and Bt Potatoes: Global Public Goods in the Food System pp. 1159-1166

- Laurian Unnevehr
- Krutilla's Legacy: Twenty-First-Century Challenges for Environmental Economics pp. 1167-1178

- V. Smith
- Crop Insurance Reconsidered pp. 1179-1195

- Joseph W. Glauber
- Group Contracts for Voluntary Nonpoint Source Pollution Reductions: Evidence from Experimental Auctions pp. 1196-1202

- Michael A. Taylor, Brent Sohngen, Alan Randall and Helen Pushkarskaya
- Exploring the Performance of Ambient-Based Policy Instruments When Nonpoint Source Polluters Can Cooperate pp. 1203-1210

- Gregory Poe, William D. Schulze, Kathleen Segerson, Jordan Suter and Christian Vossler
- Auction Design for Voluntary Conservation Programs pp. 1211-1217

- Timothy Cason and Lata Gangadharan
- Incentive Mechanism Testbeds: Discussion pp. 1218-1219

- Jason Shogren
- Policy Explorations and Implications for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control: Discussion pp. 1220-1221

- Marc Ribaudo
- Who Do Consumers Trust for Information: The Case of Genetically Modified Foods? pp. 1222-1229

- Wallace Huffman, Matthew Rousu, Jason Shogren and Abebayehu Tegene
- Political Economy of the Media and Consumer Perceptions of Biotechnology pp. 1230-1237

- Jill McCluskey and Johan Swinnen
- Media Coverage of Biotech Foods and Influence on Consumer Choice pp. 1238-1246

- Steven Vickner
- Information, Consumers, and GMF: A Comment pp. 1247-1248

- Amir Heiman, Yanhong Jin, Gregg Graff and David Zilberman
- Redesigning Cooperative Boundaries: The Emergence of New Models pp. 1249-1253

- Michael L. Cook and Fabio R. Chaddad
- Adapting Cooperative Structure to the New Global Environment pp. 1254-1261

- Robin Cross and Steven Buccola
- Trading Mechanisms for New-Generation Cooperative Stock: The Architecture of Organizational Formation and Demise pp. 1262-1268

- Steven J. Holland and Robert King
- Designing Organizations for a Globalized World: Calavo's Transition from Cooperative to Corporation pp. 1269-1275

- Lois Stanford and Julie A. Hogeland
- Local Social and Economic Conditions, Spatial Concentrations of Poverty, and Poverty Dynamics pp. 1276-1281

- Mindy S. Crandall and Bruce A. Weber
- Poverty over Time and Location: An Examination of Metro-Nonmetro Differences pp. 1282-1288

- John Ulimwengu and David S. Kraybill
- Policy Intervention and Poverty in Rural America pp. 1289-1296

- Hema Swaminathan and Jill L. Findeis
- Poverty, Policy, and Space: Discussion pp. 1297-1298

- Jeffrey Alwang
- Agricultural Profits and Farm Household Wealth pp. 1299-1307

- Steven Blank, Kenneth W. Erickson, Charles Moss and Richard Nehring
- Productivity, Economies, and Efficiency in U.S. Agriculture: A Look at Contracts pp. 1308-1314

- Catherine Morrison Paul, Richard Nehring and David Banker
- Convergence of Productivity: An Analysis of the Catch-up Hypothesis within a Panel of States pp. 1315-1321

- V. Eldon Ball, Charles Hallahan and Richard Nehring
- Agricultural Innovation and New Ventures: Assessing the Commercial Potential pp. 1322-1329

- Allan Gray, Michael Boehlje, Vincent Amanor-Boadu and Joan Fulton
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Agri-Food System pp. 1330-1336

- William Knudson, Allen Wysocki, Joseph Champagne and H. Christopher Peterson
- Value and University Innovation pp. 1337-1344

- Steven T. Sonka and David L. Chicoine
- Discussant's Response pp. 1345-1346

- Michael V. Martin
- Explaining Agricultural Land Expansion and Deforestation in Developing Countries pp. 1347-1353

- Edward Barbier
- Panel Data Evidence on Upland Agricultural Land Use in the Philippines: Can Economic Policy Reforms Reduce Environmental Damages? pp. 1354-1360

- Ian Coxhead and Bayou Demeke
- Smallholder Labor and Deforestation: A Systems Approach pp. 1361-1366

- Gerald Shively and Monica Fisher
- Poverty, Structural Transformation, and Land Use in El Salvador: Learning from Household Panel Data pp. 1367-1374

- Claudio González-Vega, Jorge Rodríguez-Meza, Douglas Southgate and Jorge Maldonado
- An Evaluation of Feedyard Management Training and Experience pp. 1377-1383

- Rik R. Smith
Volume 86, issue 4, 2004
- Better Technology, Better Plots, or Better Farmers? Identifying Changes in Productivity and Risk among Malagasy Rice Farmers pp. 869-888

- Christopher Barrett, Christine M. Moser, Oloro V. McHugh and Joeli Barison
- Determinants of Residential Land-Use Conversion and Sprawl at the Rural-Urban Fringe pp. 889-904

- Carmen Carrion-Flores and Elena Irwin
- Targeting Conservation Investments in Heterogeneous Landscapes: A Distance-Function Approach and Application to Watershed Management pp. 905-918

- Paul Ferraro
- Marginal Property Tax Effects of Conservation Easements: A Vermont Case Study pp. 919-932

- Jonathan R. King and Christopher M. Anderson
- Playing with Fire: Endogenous Risk in Resource Management pp. 933-948

- Jonathan Yoder
- Environmental Regulation and the Spatial Structure of the U.S. Dairy Sector pp. 949-962

- Murat Isik
- Effects of Regulations on Expected Catch, Expected Harvest, and Site Choice of Recreational Anglers pp. 963-974

- David Scrogin, Kevin Boyle, George Parsons and Andrew J. Plantinga
- Assessing Public Priorities for Experiment Station Research: Contingent Value and Public Preferences for Agricultural Research pp. 975-989

- Stephen Swallow and Marisa J. Mazzotta
- Evaluation of USDA Interval Forecasts of Corn and Soybean Prices pp. 990-1004

- Scott Irwin and Darrel L. Good
- Pricing Weather Derivatives pp. 1005-1017

- Dwight R. Sanders
- Volatility and Price Jumps in Agricultural Futures Prices—Evidence from Wheat Options pp. 1018-1031

- Steen Koekebakker and Gudbrand Lien
- Ranking Crop Yield Models Using Out-of-Sample Likelihood Functions pp. 1032-1043

- Bailey Norwood, Matthew C. Roberts and Jayson Lusk
- Parametric Decomposition of Output Growth Using A Stochastic Input Distance Function pp. 1044-1057

- Giannis Karagiannis, Peter Midmore and Vangelis Tzouvelekas
- An Empirical Analysis of Acreage Effects of Participation in the Federal Crop Insurance Program pp. 1058-1077

- Barry Goodwin, Monte L. Vandeveer and John L. Deal
- Price Dynamics in a Vertical Sector: The Case of Butter pp. 1078-1093

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Aashish Mehta
- Food Demand in Mexico: An Application of the Amemiya-Tobin Approach to the Estimation of a Censored Food System pp. 1094-1107

- Diansheng Dong, Brian W. Gould and Harry Kaiser
- Using Elasticities from an Almost Ideal Demand System? Watch Out for Group Expenditure! pp. 1108-1116

- Wyatt Thompson
- Incorporating Generalized Marginal Budget Shares in a Mixed Demand System pp. 1117-1126

- Toshinobu Matsuda
- Efficient Estimation of Hedonic Inverse Input Demand Systems pp. 1127-1137

- Dadi Kristofersson and Kyrre Rickertsen
- Panel Estimates of the Canadian Rural/Urban Women's Wage Gap pp. 1138-1151

- Esperanza Vera-Toscano, Euan Phimister and Alfons Weersink
- Agricultural Policy Reform in the WTO pp. 1152-1153

- T. Randall Fortenbery
- Agricultural Productivity: Measurement and Sources of Growth pp. 1153-1154

- Timothy Dalton
- Policy Instruments for Environmental and Natural Resource Management pp. 1154-1156

- Sylvia Brandt
- The Nature of the Farm: Contracts, Risk, and Organization in Agriculture pp. 1156-1157

- Bruce Gardner
- The Curse of American Agricultural Abundance: A Sustainable Solution pp. 1157-1158

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
Volume 86, issue 3, 2004
- Actuarial Fairness of Crop Insurance Rates with Constant Rate Relativities pp. 563-575

- Bruce Babcock, Chad Hart and Dermot Hayes
- A Heteroskedastic Multivariate Tobit Analysis of Price Dynamics in the Presence of Price Floors pp. 576-593

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Kwansoo Kim
- Entry, Exit, and Farm Size: Assessing an Experiment in Dairy Price Policy pp. 594-604

- Jeremy Foltz
- Limited-Entry Licensing: Insights from a Duration Model pp. 605-618

- Martin Smith
- Multi-Output, Nonfrontier Primal Measures of Capacity and Capacity Utilization pp. 619-633

- Ronald G. Felthoven and Catherine Morrison Paul
- Innovation and Trade with Endogenous Market Failure: The Case of Genetically Modified Products pp. 634-648

- Harvey Lapan and GianCarlo Moschini
- Influence of Informed Buyers in Markets Susceptible to the Lemons Problem pp. 649-659

- Philippe Mahenc
- Bidding for Cattle in the Texas Panhandle pp. 660-674

- John Crespi and Richard J. Sexton
- A Spatial Econometric Approach to the Economics of Site-Specific Nitrogen Management in Corn Production pp. 675-687

- Luc Anselin, Rodolfo Bongiovanni and Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer
- The Manure Hits the Land: Economic and Environmental Implications When Land Application of Nutrients Is Constrained pp. 688-700

- Jonathan D. Kaplan, Robert Johansson and Mark Peters
- The Fast Decay Process in Outdoor Recreational Activities and the Use of Alternative Count Data Models pp. 701-715

- Rakhal Sarker and Yves Surry
- Time Allocation between Farm and Off-Farm Activities in Israeli Farm Households pp. 716-721

- Ayal Kimhi and Eliel Rapaport
- Farming Efficiency and the Determinants of Multiple Job Holding by Farm Operators pp. 722-729

- Barry Goodwin and Ashok Mishra
- Extended and Full Incomes at the Household and Individual Level: An Application to Farm Households pp. 730-736

- Raffaella Castagnini, Martina Menon and Federico Perali
- Discussion: Off-Farm Employment, Government Policy, and the Structure of Agriculture—An International Perspective pp. 737-739

- Wallace Huffman
- Organizational Economics in the Food, Agribusiness, and Agricultural Sectors pp. 740-743

- Michael Cook and Peter Barry
- Organizational Economics in Agriculture Policy Analysis pp. 744-749

- James MacDonald, Mary C. Ahearn and David Banker
- Organizational Issues in the Agrifood Sector: Toward a Comparative Approach pp. 750-755

- Claude Menard and Peter Klein
- Organizational Economics Research in the U.S. Agricultural Sector and the Contracting and Organizations Research Institute pp. 756-761

- Michael Sykuta and Harvey James
- The Use of Electronic Technology in Teaching Farm Record Keeping pp. 762-766

- Damona Doye
- Role of Technology for Reaching Underserved Audiences pp. 767-771

- Russell Tronstad, Trent Teegerstrom and Daniel E. Osgood
- The Farmdoc Project: This Is Still Your Father's Extension Program pp. 772-777

- Scott Irwin, Gary Schnitkey, Darrel L. Good and Paul N. Ellinger
- Agricultural Management e-School: Extension Education over the Internet pp. 778-781

- William M. Edwards and Timothy R. Eggers
- Does Economic Development Impact the Foreign Direct Investment-Trade Relationship? A Gravity-Model Approach pp. 782-787

- Munisamy Gopinath and Rodrigo Echeverria
- Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth: The Case of the Retail Food Industry in Developing Countries pp. 788-794

- Terry Roe and Xinshen Diao
- Impact of Foreign Direct Investment and Trade on Economic Growth: Evidence from Developing Countries pp. 795-801

- Shiva S. Makki and Agapi Somwaru
- Discussion of Growth and Foreign Direct Investment: Does Policy Play a Role? pp. 802-804

- Varadarajan Chari
- Optimal Environmental Taxation from Society's Perspective pp. 805-812

- William K. Jaeger
- Calibration Bias in the Analysis of Environmental Taxes pp. 813-818

- Richard Howarth
- A Nondistortionary Property of Environmental Taxes pp. 819-825

- Talbot Page
- Comments on Talbot Page, William Jaeger, and Richard Howarth pp. 826-828

- Robin Boadway
- Quality Incentives and Supply Chains: Managing Salmonella in Pork Production pp. 829-834

- Peter Bogetoft and Henrik Ballebye Olesen
- Grower Risk Aversion and the Cost of Moral Hazard in Livestock Production Contracts pp. 835-841

- Pierre Dubois and Tomislav Vukina
- Identity Preservation, Multitasking, and Agricultural Contract Design pp. 842-847

- Brent Hueth and Tigran Melkonyan
- Using Production Data to Design Efficient Contracts pp. 848-853

- Ethan Ligon
- Economy-Energy-Environment Simulation pp. 854-855

- Christopher Clark
- Economics of Water Resources: The Contributions of Dan Yaron pp. 855-857

- Willard Delavan
- Climate Change Policy after Kyoto, Blueprint for a Realistic Approach pp. 857-858

- Barry C. Field
- Essays in Panel Data Econometrics pp. 858-859

- Douglas Miller
- Economics of Sustainable Energy in Agriculture pp. 859-860

- Wallace Tyner
Volume 86, issue 2, 2004
- Incentive-Compatible Pollution Control Policies under Asymmetric Information on Both Risk Preferences and Technology pp. 291-306

- Jeffrey Peterson and Richard N. Boisvert
- Revealing Preferences for Leisure Time from Stated Preference Data pp. 307-320

- Douglas M. Larson, Sabina L. Shaikh and DavidF. Layton
- Productivity and Land Enhancing Technologies in Northern Ethiopia: Health, Public Investments, and Sequential Adoption pp. 321-331

- Gregory Amacher and Jeffrey Alwang
- A Composed-Error Model for Estimating Pest-Damage Functions and the Impact of the Western Corn Rootworm Soybean Variant in Illinois pp. 332-344

- Michael E. Gray and Kevin L. Steffey
- Risk and the Value of Bt Corn pp. 345-358

- Terrance Hurley, Paul Mitchell and Marlin E. Rice
- Optimal Sharing of Foodborne Illness Prevention between Consumers and Industry: The Effect of Regulation and Liability pp. 359-374

- Brian Roe
- The Cost Effectiveness of the U.S. Export Enhancement Program Bonus Allocation Mechanism pp. 375-388

- Humei Wang and Richard J. Sexton
- Experimental Auction Procedure: Impact on Valuation of Quality Differentiated Goods pp. 389-405

- Ty Feldkamp and Ted Schroeder
- Crop Insurance Valuation under Alternative Yield Distributions pp. 406-419

- Bruce Sherrick, Fabio C. Zanini, Gary Schnitkey and Scott Irwin
- Aggregation in Area-Yield Crop Insurance: The Linear Additive Model pp. 420-431

- Bharat Ramaswami and Terry Roe
- Fractional Integration in Agricultural Futures Price Volatilities pp. 432-443

- Hyun Jin and Darren L. Frechette
- Consistency in Mixed Demand Systems: Contingent Valuation and Travel Cost Data pp. 444-454

- Maria A. Cunha-e-Sá, Maria M. Ducla-Soares, Luis Nunes and Philippe Polome
- A Diagrammatic Exposition of Weak Complementarity and the Willig Condition pp. 455-466

- V. Smith and Spencer Banzhaf
- Are Choice Experiments Incentive Compatible? A Test with Quality Differentiated Beef Steaks pp. 467-482

- Jayson Lusk and Ted Schroeder
- Estimating Farm Equipment Depreciation: Which Functional Form Is Best? pp. 483-491

- Jing Wu and Gregory Perry
- How Productive Is Infrastructure? A New Approach and Evidence from Rural India pp. 492-501

- Xiaobo Zhang and Shenggen Fan
- Family Composition and Off-Farm Participation Decisions in Israeli Farm Households pp. 502-512

- Ayal Kimhi
- Renewable Resources with Endogenous Age Classes and Allocation of Land pp. 513-530

- Seppo Salo and Olli Tahvonen
- Optimal Feedback Controls: Comparative Evaluation of the Cod Fisheries in Denmark, Iceland, and Norway pp. 531-542

- Ragnar Arnason, Leif Sandal, Stein Ivar Steinshamn and Niels Vestergaard
- When Do Export Subsidies Have a Redistributional Role? Comment pp. 543-548

- Julian Alston, Vincent H. Smith and James Vercammen
- When Do Export Subsidies Have a Redistributional Role? Reply pp. 549-552

- Garth Holloway
- Agroecological Innovations: Increasing Food Production with Participatory Development pp. 553-554

- Laura McCann
- Geographically Weighted Regression: The Analysis of Spatially Varying Relationships pp. 554-556

- Daniel McMillen
- Innovation in Natural Resource Management: The Role of Property Rights and Collective Action in Developing Countries pp. 556-558

- Gerald Shively
- The Environment, Our Natural Resources, and Modern Technology pp. 558-560

- Scott R. Templeton
- Agricultural Prices and Commodity Market Analysis -super-1 pp. 560-561

- Andrew Barkley
Volume 86, issue 1, 2004
- Managing Resistance Evolution in Two Pests to Two Toxins with Refugia pp. 1-13

- Michael Livingston, Gerald A. Carlson and Paul Fackler
- Manure Applications and Nutrient Standards pp. 14-25

- Darrell Bosch and James W. Pease
- From Microlevel Decisions to Landscape Changes: An Assessment of Agricultural Conservation Policies pp. 26-41

- JunJie Wu, Richard M. Adams, Catherine Kling and Katsuya Tanaka
- Inserting GM Products into the Food Chain: The Market and Welfare Effects of Different Labeling and Regulatory Regimes pp. 42-60

- Murray Fulton and Konstantinos Giannakas
- The Dynamics of Agricultural Biotechnology Adoption: Lessons from series rBST Use in Wisconsin, 1994–2001 pp. 61-72

- Bradford L. Barham, Jeremy Foltz, Douglas Jackson-Smith and Sunung Moon
- Genetic Information in Agricultural Productivity and Product Development pp. 73-87

- John A. Miranowski and Bruce Babcock
- Two-Step Econometric Estimation of Farm Characteristics Affecting Marketing Contract Decisions pp. 88-102

- Ani Katchova and Mario Miranda
- Factors Influencing Farmers' Crop Insurance Decisions pp. 103-114

- Bruce Sherrick, Peter J. Barry, Paul N. Ellinger and Gary Schnitkey
- Hog Producer Preferences for Marketing Contract Attributes pp. 115-123

- Brian Roe, Thomas Sporleder and Betsy Belleville
- The Competitive Implications of Top-of-the-Market and Related Contract-Pricing Clauses pp. 124-138

- Tian Xia and Richard J. Sexton
- Decomposing the Variation in Generic Advertising Response over Time pp. 139-153

- Todd Schmit and Harry Kaiser
- Does Food Safety Information Impact U.S. Meat Demand? pp. 154-174

- Nicholas Piggott and Thomas Marsh
- Recruiting Agricultural Economics Graduate Students: Student Demand for Program Attributes pp. 175-184

- Darrell R. Mark, Jayson Lusk and M. Scott Daniel
- Generalized Moments Estimation for Spatial Panel Data: Indonesian Rice Farming pp. 185-198

- Viliam Druska and William Horrace
- Stochastic Production and Heterogeneous Risk Preferences: Commercial Fishers' Gear Choices pp. 199-212

- Håkan Eggert and Ragnar Tveterås
- Valuation on the Frontier: Calibrating Actual and Hypothetical Statements of Value pp. 213-221

- Richard A. Hofler and John List
- Negative Values in Vickrey Auctions pp. 222-235

- David Dickinson
- Buyer Collusion and Efficiency of Government Intervention in Wheat Markets in Northern India: An Asymmetric Structural Auctions Analysis pp. 236-253

- A. Banerji and J.V. Meenakshi
- Seasonal Adjustment in a Market for Female Agricultural Workers pp. 254-266

- Lovell Jarvis and Esperanza Vera-Toscano
- How Valuable Is On-Farm Work to Farmers? pp. 267-281

- Madior Fall and Thierry Magnac
- Lectures on Economic Growth pp. 282-283

- Joydeep Bhattacharya
- The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions, and International Trade pp. 283-285

- Yoshiro Higano
- American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century: How It Flourished and What It Cost pp. 285-287

- David Orden
- Globalization and Its Discontents pp. 287-288

- Jeffrey Wagner
- Economic Policy Reforms and the Indian Economy pp. 288-289

- Sunil Kanwar
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