American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 89, issue 5, 2007
- The Political Economy of Public Goods: Why Economists Should Care pp. 1125-1133

- Otto C. Doering
- Economics of Spatial-Dynamic Processes pp. 1134-1144

- James Wilen
- Agriculture in Economic Development: Primary Engine of Growth or Chicken and Egg? pp. 1145-1151

- Isabelle Tsakok and Bruce Gardner
- Food Aid and Poverty pp. 1152-1160

- Barrett Kirwan and Margaret McMillan
- Consistency or Conflict in OECD Agricultural Trade and Aid Policies pp. 1161-1167

- Joe Dewbre, Wyatt Thompson and Joshua Dewbre
- Causes of and Constraints to Agricultural and Economic Development: Discussion pp. 1168-1169

- Laurian Unnevehr
- Willingness to Pay for Food Safety: Sensitivity to Duration and Severity of Illness pp. 1170-1175

- James Hammitt and Kevin Haninger
- Valuing Lives Saved from Safer Food—A Cautionary Tale Revisited pp. 1176-1182

- Jason Shogren and Tommy Stamland
- WTP Estimates of the Societal Costs of U.S. Food-Borne Illness pp. 1183-1188

- Tanya Roberts
- New Estimates of the Demand for Food Safety: Discussion pp. 1189-1190

- Jayson Lusk
- The Trade-off between Private Lots and Public Open Space in Subdivisions at the Urban-Rural Fringe pp. 1191-1197

- Elizabeth Kopits, Virginia McConnell and Margaret Walls
- Open Space, Forest Conservation, and Urban Sprawl in Maryland Suburban Subdivisions pp. 1198-1204

- Erik Lichtenberg and Ian Hardie
- Impact of Designated Preservation Areas on Rate of Preservation and Rate of Conversion: Preliminary Evidence pp. 1205-1210

- Lori Lynch and Xiangping Liu
- The Effects of Moratoria on Residential Development: Evidence from a Matching Approach pp. 1211-1218

- Antonio Bento, Charles Towe and Jacqueline Geoghegan
- Estimating Within-Herd Preventive Spillovers in Livestock Disease Management pp. 1219-1225

- Benjamin Gramig and Christopher Wolf
- Biosecurity and Spread of an Infectious Animal Disease pp. 1226-1231

- David Hennessy
- Economics and Ecology of Managing Emerging Infectious Animal Diseases pp. 1232-1238

- Richard Horan and Eli P. Fenichel
- Economic Incentives for Managing Infectious Animal Disease: Discussion pp. 1239-1240

- James Shortle
- Weather Index Insurance for Agriculture and Rural Areas in Lower-Income Countries pp. 1241-1247

- Barry Barnett and Olivier Mahul
- Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Insurance Payouts in Southern India pp. 1248-1254

- Xavier Gine, Robert Townsend and James Vickery
- Using Index-Based Risk Transfer Products to Facilitate Micro Lending in Peru and Vietnam pp. 1255-1261

- Jerry R. Skees, Jason Hartell and Anne G. Murphy
- Using Weather Index Insurance to Improve Drought Response for Famine Prevention pp. 1262-1268

- Sommarat Chantarat, Christopher Barrett, Andrew G. Mude and Calum Turvey
- Researchability of Modern Agricultural Input Markets and Growing Concentration pp. 1269-1275

- Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo and Richard Just
- Agricultural Contracts: Data and Research Needs pp. 1276-1281

- Brent Hueth, Ethan Ligon and Carolyn Dimitri
- Data Needs for Consumer and Retail Firm Studies pp. 1282-1287

- Jeffrey Perloff and Mark Denbaly
- Empirical Research in an Increasingly Concentrated Industrial Environment: Discussion pp. 1288-1289

- Susan Helper
- Sixty Billion Gallons by 2030: Economic and Agricultural Impacts of Ethanol and Biodiesel Expansion pp. 1290-1295

- Daniel De La Torre Ugarte, Burton English and Kim Jensen
- Challenges to the Development of a Dedicated Energy Crop pp. 1296-1302

- Francis Epplin, Christopher Clark, Roland Roberts and Seonghuyk Hwang
- Renewable Energy Policy Alternatives for the Future pp. 1303-1310

- Wallace Tyner and Farzad Taheripour
- The Promise and Challenge of Bioenergy: Discussion pp. 1311-1312

- Vernon Eidman
- Demographic Influences on Willingness to Pay for Cold Tolerance Technology pp. 1315-1323

- Becky McCorkle
- Report of the AJAE Editors for 2006–2007 pp. 1325-1331

- Christopher Barrett, Paul Preckel, Stephen Swallow and Walter Thurman
Volume 89, issue 4, 2007
- Effects of Milk Marketing Order Regulation on the Share of Fluid-Grade Milk in the United States pp. 839-851

- Joseph Balagtas, Aaron Smith and Daniel Sumner
- Time to Eat: Household Production under Increasing Income Inequality pp. 852-863

- Daniel Hamermesh
- The Working Curve and Commodity Storage under Backwardation pp. 864-872

- Colin Carter and Cesar Revoredo-Giha
- Commodity Prices and Unit Root Tests pp. 873-889

- Dabin Wang and William G. Tomek
- Grader Bias in Cattle Markets? Evidence from Iowa pp. 890-903

- Philippe Marcoul and John Lawrence
- Gender-Based Harvesting in Wildlife Disease Management pp. 904-920

- Eli P. Fenichel and Richard Horan
- Willingness to Pay versus Expected Consumption Value in Vickrey Auctions for New Experience Goods pp. 921-931

- Frode Alfnes
- Measuring the Effects of Generic Dairy Advertising in a Multi-Market Equilibrium pp. 932-946

- Joseph Balagtas and Sounghun Kim
- Collective Marketing Arrangements for Geographically Differentiated Agricultural Products: Welfare Impacts and Policy Implications pp. 947-963

- Sergio Lence, Stéphan Marette, Dermot Hayes and William Foster
- Is Risk Aversion Really Correlated with Wealth? How Estimated Probabilities Introduce Spurious Correlation pp. 964-979

- Travis Lybbert and David Just
- Testing Household-Specific Explanations for the Inverse Productivity Relationship pp. 980-990

- Juliano J. Assunção and Luis Braido
- Risk, Wealth, and Sectoral Choice in Rural Credit Markets pp. 991-1004

- Steve Boucher and Catherine Guirkinger
- Measuring Heterogeneous Preferences for Cattle Traits among Cattle-Keeping Households in East Africa pp. 1005-1019

- Adam Drucker
- Credence Good Labeling: The Efficiency and Distributional Implications of Several Policy Approaches pp. 1020-1033

- Brian Roe and Ian Sheldon
- Deriving a Flexible Mixed Demand System: The Normalized Quadratic Model pp. 1034-1045

- GianCarlo Moschini and Pier Luigi Rizzi
- Supply Response to Countercyclical Payments and Base Acre Updating under Uncertainty: An Experimental Study pp. 1046-1057

- Christopher McIntosh, Jason Shogren and Erik Dohlman
- Is Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Pork Meat Export Prices Constrained by the Supply of Live Hogs? pp. 1058-1072

- Jean-Philippe Gervais and Naceur Khraief
- The Matching Problem (and Inventories) in Private Negotiation pp. 1073-1084

- Christopher T. Bastian and Lance B. Gittings
- Aggregation of Price Risk over Commodities: An Economic Index Number Approach pp. 1085-1097

- Barry T. Coyle
- Willingness to Pay for Agricultural Land Preservation and Policy Process Attributes: Does the Method Matter? pp. 1098-1115

- Robert Johnston and Joshua Duke
- Handbook of Environmental Economics. Volume 3. Economywide and International Environmental Issues pp. 1116-1117

- Sean Cash
- Globalization and Its Enemies pp. 1117-1119

- Chetan Ghate
- Community Policy Analysis Modeling pp. 1119-1120

- Scott Loveridge
- Sufficient Reason: Volitional Pragmatism and the Meaning of Economic Institutions pp. 1120-1122

- Gary D. Lynne
- Asian Irrigation in Transition: Responding to Challenges pp. 1122-1124

- E. Somanathan
Volume 89, issue 3, 2007
- Measuring the Impact of Meat Packing and Processing Facilities in Nonmetropolitan Counties: A Difference-in-Differences Approach pp. 557-570

- Georgeanne Artz, Peter Orazem and Daniel M. Otto
- Pricing-to-Market: Price Discrimination or Product Differentiation? pp. 571-581

- Nathalie Lavoie and Qihong Liu
- Private Crop Insurers and the Reinsurance Fund Allocation Decision pp. 582-595

- Keith Coble, Robert Dismukes and Joseph W. Glauber
- Valuing Agricultural Insurance pp. 596-606

- Robert Chambers
- Style and Performance of Agricultural Market Advisory Services pp. 607-623

- Silvina M. Cabrini, Scott Irwin and Darrel L. Good
- Cash Marketing Styles and Performance Persistence pp. 624-636

- Lewis T. Cunningham, B Brorsen and Kim B. Anderson
- Deregulation as (Welfare Reducing) Trade Reform: the Case of the Australian Wheat Board pp. 637-650

- Steve McCorriston and Donald MacLaren
- Structural Estimation of Rank-Order Tournament Games with Private Information pp. 651-664

- Tomislav Vukina and Xiaoyong Zheng
- Modeling Farm Households' Price Responses in the Presence of Transaction Costs and Heterogeneity in Labor Markets pp. 665-681

- Christian H.C.A. Henning and Arne Henningsen
- An Integrated Epidemiological-Economic Analysis of Foot and Mouth Disease: Applications to the Southern Cone of South America pp. 682-697

- Karl M. Rich and Alex Winter-Nelson
- Behavioral Incentives, Equilibrium Endemic Disease, and Health Management Policy for Farmed Animals pp. 698-711

- David Hennessy
- Who Cares about Environmental Stigmas and Does It Matter? A Latent Segmentation Analysis of Stated Preferences for Real Estate pp. 712-726

- Arianto Patunru, John Braden and Sudip Chattopadhyay
- Estimation of Area Elasticities from a Standard Profit Function pp. 727-737

- Carlos Arnade and David Kelch
- Imperfect Price Deflation in Production Systems pp. 738-754

- Rulon D. Pope, Jeffrey LaFrance and Richard Just
- Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Ecosystem Management: An Application to Waterfowl Production pp. 755-768

- Benjamin S. Rashford and Richard M. Adams
- Grading, Minimum Quality Standards, and the Labeling of Genetically Modified Products pp. 769-783

- Harvey Lapan and GianCarlo Moschini
- On the Adoption of Genetically Modified Seeds in Developing Countries and the Optimal Types of Government Intervention pp. 784-804

- Arnab Basu and Matin Qaim
- Stochastic Rangeland Use under Capital Constraints pp. 805-817

- Emilio A. Laca
- Globalization and Egalitarian Redistribution pp. 818-820

- Daniel Bromley
- The Economic Organization of the Household pp. 820-821

- Paul Glewwe
- Agriculture in the New Global Economy pp. 821-822

- Henry Kinnucan
- Feeding the World: An Economic History of Agriculture, 1800–2000 pp. 823-824

- Alex F. McCalla
- The WTO and Anti-Dumping, Volume II. Critical Perspectives on the Global Trading System and the WTO pp. 824-826

- Michael Reed
Volume 89, issue 2, 2007
- Is There Persistence in the Impact of Emergency Food Aid? Evidence on Consumption, Food Security, and Assets in Rural Ethiopia pp. 225-242

- Daniel Gilligan and John Hoddinott
- Contract Enforcement, Social Efficiency, and Distribution: Some Experimental Evidence pp. 243-258

- Steven Y. Wu and Brian Roe
- Asset Pricing in Created Markets pp. 259-272

- Richard Newell, Kerry Papps and James Sanchirico
- The Use of Conditional Cost Functions to Generate Estimable Mixed Demand Systems pp. 273-286

- Ka Wong and Hoanjae Park
- Environmental Emissions and Production Economics: Implications of the Materials Balance pp. 287-293

- Udo Ebert and Heinz Welsch
- Tenants, Landlords, and Soil Conservation pp. 294-307

- Erik Lichtenberg
- Threshold Effects in Price Transmission: The Case of Brazilian Wheat, Maize, and Soya Prices pp. 308-323

- Kelvin Balcombe, Alastair Bailey and Jonathan Brooks
- Brand-Supermarket Demand for Breakfast Cereals and Retail Competition pp. 324-337

- Benaissa Chidmi and Rigoberto Lopez
- Estimating Policy Effects on Spatial Market Efficiency: An Extension to the Parity Bounds Model pp. 338-352

- Asfaw Negassa and Robert Myers
- Synergies or Trade-Offs in University Life Sciences Research pp. 353-367

- Kwansoo Kim
- Migration, Fixed Costs, and Location-Specific Amenities: A Hazard Analysis for a Panel of Males pp. 368-382

- Wallace Huffman and Tubagus Feridhanusetyawan
- Assessing Global Computable General Equilibrium Model Validity Using Agricultural Price Volatility pp. 383-397

- Jeffrey Reimer
- Dynamic Efficiency Measurement: Theory and Application pp. 398-419

- Elvira Silva and Spiro Stefanou
- Using Ex Ante Approaches to Obtain Credible Signals for Value in Contingent Markets: Evidence from the Field pp. 420-429

- Craig Landry and John List
- Seasonal Migration and Improving Living Standards in Vietnam pp. 430-447

- Alan de Brauw and Tomoko Harigaya
- Peanut Research and Poverty Reduction: Impacts of Variety Improvement to Control Peanut Viruses in Uganda pp. 448-460

- Ingrid Rhinehart and C. Michael Deom
- Strike When the Force Is with You: Optimal Stopping with Application to Resource Equilibria pp. 461-472

- Graham Davis
- Measurement Error in Recall Surveys and the Relationship between Household Size and Food Demand pp. 473-489

- John Gibson and Bonggeun Kim
- Wildlife Damage and Agriculture: A Dynamic Analysis of Compensation Schemes pp. 490-507

- Daniel Rondeau and Erwin Bulte
- Is There a Viable Market for Area-Based Crop Insurance? pp. 508-519

- Barry Barnett and Dmitry Vedenov
- Pareto Optimal Trade in an Uncertain World: GMOs and the Precautionary Principle pp. 520-532

- Robert Chambers and Tigran Melkonyan
- Modeling Starting Point Bias as Unobserved Heterogeneity in Contingent Valuation Surveys: An Application to Air Pollution pp. 533-547

- Olivier Chanel and Stéphane Luchini
- The WTO and Anti-Dumping pp. 548-549

- David Abler
- Volatility and Growth: The Clarendon Lectures in Economics pp. 549-551

- Joydeep Bhattacharya
- Win-Win? The Paradox of Value and Interests in Business Relationships pp. 551-553

- Lazarus William
- The Reluctant Economist: Perspectives on Economics, Economic History, and Demography pp. 553-555

- Jeffrey Wagner
- Identification and Inference for Econometric Models: Essays in Honor of Thomas Rothenberg pp. 555-556

- Xiaoyong Zheng
Volume 89, issue 1, 2007
- The Term Structure of Implied Forward Volatility: Recovery and Informational Content in the Corn Options Market pp. 1-11

- Thorsten M. Egelkraut, Philip Garcia and Bruce Sherrick
- Reputations, Market Structure, and the Choice of Quality Assurance Systems in the Food Industry pp. 12-23

- Miguel Carriquiry and Bruce Babcock
- Economic Replacement of a Heterogeneous Herd pp. 24-35

- Kathryn Boys, Ning Li, Paul Preckel, Allan P. Schinckel and Kenneth Foster
- Estimating Investment Rigidity within a Threshold Regression Framework: The Case of U.S. Hog Production Sector pp. 36-51

- Brenda L. Boetel, Ruben Hoffmann and Donald Liu
- Recovering the Shadow Value of Nutrients pp. 52-62

- Timothy Beatty
- Evaluating Alternative Prescribed Burning Policies to Reduce Net Economic Damages from Wildfire pp. 63-77

- D. Evan Mercer, Jeffrey P. Prestemon, David T. Butry and John M. Pye
- Distinguishing the Source of Market Power pp. 78-90

- Kellie Raper, H. Love and C. Shumway
- The Pricing of Experience Goods: The Example of en primeur Wine pp. 91-103

- Héla Hadj Ali and Celine Nauges
- A Political Economic Analysis of U.S. Rice Export Programs to Japan and South Korea: A Game Theoretic Approach pp. 104-115

- Dae-Seob Lee and P. Lynn Kennedy
- Regional Growth and Policies in the European Union: Does the Common Agricultural Policy Have a Counter-Treatment Effect? pp. 116-134

- Roberto Esposti
- Testing Choice Experiment for Benefit Transfer with Preference Heterogeneity pp. 135-151

- Sergio Colombo, Javier Calatrava-Requena and Nick Hanley
- Consumer Benefits of Labels and Bans on GM Foods—Choice Experiments with Swedish Consumers pp. 152-161

- Fredrik Carlsson, Peter Frykblom and Carl-Johan Lagerkvist
- On the Relationship between the Student-Advisor Match and Early Career Research Productivity for Agricultural and Resource Economics Ph.D.s pp. 162-175

- Christiana E. Hilmer and Michael J. Hilmer
- Dynamic Use of Closures and Imperfectly Enforced Quotas in a Metapopulation pp. 176-189

- Guillermo Herrera
- Dynamics of Agricultural Technology Adoption: Age Structure, Reversibility, and Uncertainty pp. 190-201

- Kenneth A. Baerenklau and Keith Knapp
- Land Distribution and International Agricultural Productivity pp. 202-216

- Dietrich Vollrath
- Regulating the Liabilities of Agricultural Biotechnology pp. 210-221

- Timo Goeschl
- William J. Spillman and the Birth of Agricultural Economics pp. 210-220

- Robert Evenson
- Regulation and Development pp. 268-219

- Bharat Bhole
- Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment: Applications to Watershed Management pp. 446-223

- Jeffrey Mullen
- Foundations of Dynamic Economic Analysis: Optimal Control Theory and Applications pp. 579-224

- Spiro Stefanou
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