American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 72, issue 5, 1990
- Structural Change and the Recognition of Diversity pp. 1109-1123

- Warren E. Johnston
- Agon and Ag Ec: Styles of Persuasion in Agricultural Economics pp. 1124-1130

- Donald N. McCloskey
- Reflections on Poverty pp. 1131-1138

- Clifton R. Wharton
- Rural Credit and the Mix between Permanent and Temporary Wage Labor Contracts in Pernambuco, Brazil pp. 1139-1145

- Julie Anderson
- Access to Capital and Its Impact on Agrarian Structure and Productivity in Kenya pp. 1146-1150

- Michael Carter and Keith D. Wiebe
- The Relationship between Credit and Productivity in Chinese Agriculture: A Microeconomic Model of Disequilibrium pp. 1151-1157

- Gershon Feder, Lawrence J. Lau, Justin Lin and Xiaopeng Luo
- Analyzing the Farm-Level Impact of Agricultural Credit: Discussion pp. 1158-1160

- Richard L. Meyer
- Rural Poverty among Racial and Ethnic Minorities pp. 1161-1168

- Joyce E. Allen and Alton Thompson
- The Impacts of Structural Change and Public Policy on the Rural Disadvantaged pp. 1169-1178

- Ralph D. Christy and Enrique E. Figueroa
- Human Capital, Economic Development, and the Rural Poor: Discussion pp. 1179-1181

- Refugio I. Rochin
- Human Capital, Economic Development, and the Rural Poor: Discussion pp. 1182-1183

- Claudia Parliament
- Transactions Costs and Efficiency in Western Water Allocation pp. 1184-1192

- Bonnie Colby
- Socioeconomic Impacts of Water Farming on Rural Areas of Origin in Arizona pp. 1193-1199

- Alberta H. Charney and Gary C. Woodard
- The Economic Impacts of Agriculture-to-Urban Water Transfers on the Area of Origin: A Case Study of the Arkansas River Valley in Colorado pp. 1200-1204

- Charles W. Howe, Jeffrey K. Lazo and Kenneth R. Weber
- The Impacts and Efficiency of Agriculture-to-Urban Water Transfer: Discussion pp. 1205-1206

- Norman K. Whittlesey
- The Impacts and Efficiency of Agriculture-to-Urban Water Transfers: Discussion pp. 1207-1209

- Richard L. Gardner
- Economics of Consolidation in the Beef Sector: Research Challenges pp. 1210-1218

- Wayne D. Purcell
- Empirical Challenges in Analyzing Market Performance in the U.S. Food System pp. 1219-1226

- John Connor
- Measuring Market Power in Food-Processing Industries: Discussion pp. 1227-1229

- John Schroeter
- Structural Change in Food Systems: Discussion pp. 1230-1232

- Larry Martin
- Agricultural Changes in Eastern Europe at the Beginning of the 1990s pp. 1233-1242

- Csaba Csáki
- Agricultural Reform in Developing Countries: Reflections for Eastern Europe pp. 1243-1251

- Avishay Braverman and J. Luis Guasch
- Implications of the Structural Adjustment Experience in the Developing World for Eastern Europe: Discussion pp. 1252-1256

- Gordon Rausser
- Lessons Learned in Structural Adjustment Lending in the Developing World and Implications for Eastern Europe: Discussion pp. 1257-1258

- Robert Saint-Louis
- Resource Degradation in Africa and Latin America: Population Pressure, Policies, and Property Arrangements pp. 1259-1263

- Douglas Southgate, John Sanders and Simeon Ehui
- Resource Policy Reform in the Context of Population Pressure: The Philippines and Nepal pp. 1264-1268

- Wilfrido Cruz and Christopher Gibbs
- Natural Resource Management in the Third World: A Policy and Research Agenda pp. 1269-1273

- Jeremy Warford and Zeinab Partow
- Arresting Renewable Resource Degradation in the Third World: Discussion pp. 1274-1275

- Daniel Bromley
- Arresting Renewable Resource Degradation in the Third World: Discussion pp. 1276-1277

- Pierre Crosson
- Cost of Production and Productivity in Analyzing Trade and Competitiveness pp. 1278-1282

- Jerry A. Sharples
- Usefulness and Limitations of COP Estimates for Evaluating International Competitiveness: A Comparison of Canadian and U.S. Wheat pp. 1283-1291

- Mary Ahearn, David Culver and Richards Schoney
- International Comparisons of Agricultural Productivity: Development and Usefulness pp. 1292-1297

- Susan M. Capalbo, V. Eldon Ball and Michael G. S. Denny
- European Community Experience in Costs of Producing Wheat pp. 1298-1303

- Hervé Le Stum and Denis Camaret
- Optimal Control of Food Insecurity: A Conceptual Framework pp. 1304-1310

- Truman P. Phillips and Daphne S. Taylor
- Measuring Food Security in Africa: Conceptual, Empirical, and Policy Issues pp. 1311-1317

- John Staatz, Victoire C. D'Agostino and Shelly Sundberg
- Poverty, Food Intake, and Malnutrition: Implications for Food Security in Developing Countries pp. 1318-1322

- Maurice Schiff and Alberto Valdés
- Food Insecurity: Discussion pp. 1323-1324

- Joachim von Braun
- Computer Adoption Decision—Implications for Research and Extension: The Case of Texas Rice Producers pp. 1388-1394

- Anne Marie Jarvis
Volume 72, issue 4, 1990
- The Economic Implications of Farm Interest Groups' Beliefs pp. 851-863

- James Vercammen and Murray Fulton
- Decomposition of Milk Supply Response into Technology and Price-Induced Effects pp. 864-872

- Don Blayney and Ron Mittelhammer
- Teaching Innovations in Agricultural Economics: An Economic Approach pp. 873-882

- Roger A. Dahlgran
- The Effects of Pricing Policies on Water Conservation and Drainage pp. 883-890

- Margriet Caswell, Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman
- The Distribution of Food Consumption over a Year. A Longitudinal Analysis pp. 891-900

- David K. Guilkey, Pamela S. Haines and Barry M. Popkin
- The Effects of Management Decisions on Agricultural Bank Failures pp. 901-910

- Michael Belongia and R. Alton Gilbert
- Risk Sharing versus Low-Cost Credit Systems for International Development pp. 911-922

- M. A. Krause, R. R. Deuson, Timothy Baker, Paul Preckel, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, K. C. Reddy and K. Maliki
- Regional and Temporal Impacts of Technical Change in the U.S. Dairy Sector pp. 923-934

- Alfons Weersink and Loren W. Tauer
- Computer Use by Ohio Commercial Farmers pp. 935-945

- Marvin Batte, Eugene Jones and Gary Schnitkey
- A Farm-Level Financial Analysis of Farmers' Use of Futures and Options under Alternative Farm Programs pp. 946-957

- Calum Turvey and Timothy Baker
- Acreage Decisions under Marketing Quotas and Yield Uncertainty pp. 958-965

- Bruce Babcock
- The Mean and Variance of the Mean-Variance Decision Rule pp. 966-974

- James A. Chalfant, Robert Collender and Shankar Subramanian
- Uncertainty and Split Nitrogen Application in Corn Production pp. 975-985

- Eli Feinerman, E. Kwan Choi and Stanley R. Johnson
- Reconciling the von Liebig and Differentiable Crop Production Functions pp. 985-996

- Peter Berck and Gloria Helfand
- Factors Influencing the Adoption of Insect Management Technology pp. 997-1005

- Jayson K. Harper, M. Edward Rister, James W. Mjelde, Bastiaan M. Drees and Michael O. Way
- Confidence Intervals for Elasticities and Flexibilities: Reevaluating the Ratios of Normals Case pp. 1006-1017

- Jeffrey Dorfman, Catherine Kling and Richard J. Sexton
- Seasonality and Stock-Adjustment Models of Retail Food Store Inventory Behavior pp. 1018-1027

- Stephen E. Miller
- Dynamic Marketing and Retention Decisions for Cow-Calf Producers pp. 1028-1040

- Ted Schroeder and Allen Featherstone
- Characteristics of Grain Elevators that Contract with Railroads pp. 1041-1046

- Steven D. Hanson, Stephen B. Baumhover and C. Phillip Baumel
- Optimal Control of Generic Fluid Milk Advertising Expenditures pp. 1047-1055

- Donald J. Liu and Olan D. Forker
- Regulation in the U.S. Rice Industry, 1965–89 pp. 1056-1065

- Gail Cramer, Eric J. Wailes, Bruce Gardner and William Lin
- Variance of Agricultural Prices, Industrial Prices, and Money pp. 1066-1073

- Doo Bong Han, John B. Penson and Dennis Jansen
- Innovation in Structural Change of Local Government pp. 1074-1080

- Daniel M. Otto and Mark A. Edelman
- The Effects of Food Stamps on Food Expenditures: Comment pp. 1081-1083

- Rueben C. Buse and Jean-Paul Chavas
- The Effects of Food Stamps on Food Expenditures: Reply pp. 1084-1086

- Barbara Devaney and Thomas Fraker
- Domestic Farm Policy and the Gains from Trade: Comment pp. 1087-1090

- Bradley J. McDonald
- Domestic Farm Policy and the Gains from Trade: Reply pp. 1091-1092

- Giovanni Anania and Mary Bohman
- The Gains from Trade Debete: A Further Reply pp. 1093

- Andrew Schmitz, Dale Sigurdson and Otto Doering
- Berthelemy, J. C, and C. Morrison. Agricultural Development in Africa and the Supply of Manufactured Goods. Paris: Development Centre of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1989, 129 pp., 110 French francs pp. 1094

- Arthur Domike
- de Marchi, Neil, ed. The Popperian Legacy in Economics: Papers presented at a symposium in Amsterdam, December 1985. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, 280 pp., $37.50 pp. 1095-1096

- Emery N. Castle
- Friedberger, Mark. Shake-out: Iowa Farm Families in the 1980s. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1989, 199 pp., $22.00 pp. 1096-1097

- Arnold A. Paulsen
- Grennes, Thomas, ed. International Financial Markets and Agricultural Trade. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1990, 306 pp., $38.50 pp. 1097-1098

- C. Rosson
- Griliches, Zvi. Technology, Education and Productivity: Essays in Applied Econometrics. Cambridge MA: Basil Blackwell, 1988, 378 pp., $49.95 pp. 1098-1099

- R. E. Evenson
- Hanssens, Dominique M., Leonard J. Parsons, and Randall L. Schultz. Market Response Models: Econometric and Time Series Analysis. Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1989, xii + 388 pp., price unknown pp. 1099-1100

- Ian Sheldon
- Krueger, Anne O., Constantine Michalopoulos, and Vernon W. Ruttan. Aid and Development. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989, xiv + 386 pp., $45.00 pp. 1100-1101

- Robert E. Firestine
- Pinkerton, Evelyn, ed. Co-operative Management of Local Fisheries: New Directions for Improved Management & Community Development. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1989, xiii + 299 pp., $36.95, $21.95 paperback pp. 1101-1102

- Benjamin Muse
- Robinson, Kenneth L. Farm and Food Policies and Their Consequences. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989, x + 294 pp., $40.00 pp. 1102-1103

- Marshall A. Martin
- Rothacher, Albrecht. Japan's Agro-Food Sector, The Politics and Economics of Excess Production. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989, 222 pp., $55.00 pp. 1103-1104

- Philip Raup
- Seibel, Hans Dieter, and Michael T. Marx. Dual Financial Markets in Africa: Case Studies of Linkages Between Informal and Formal Financial Institutions. Ft. Lauderdale FL: Verlag Breitenbach Publishers, 1987, 143 pp., price unknown pp. 1104-1105

- Paulo F. Cidade de Araujo
- Sunbury, Ben. The Fall of the Farm Credit Empire. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1990, xvi + 264 pp., $27.95 pp. 1105-1106

- Glenn D. Pederson
- Wahl, Richard W. Markets for Federal Water: Subsidies, Property Rights, and the Bureau of Reclamation. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1989, xvii + 308 pp., $30.00 pp. 1106

- Robert K. Davis
Volume 72, issue 3, 1990
- Acreage Decisions Under Risk: The Case of Corn and Soybeans pp. 529-538

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Matthew Holt
- Designing Expert Systems for Effective Delivery of Extension Programming pp. 539-547

- Russell L. Gum and Steven Blank
- Cholesterol Information and Shell Egg Consumption pp. 548-555

- Deborah J. Brown and Lee F. Schrader
- Testing Restrictions on a Model of Japanese Meat Demand pp. 556-566

- Dermot Hayes, Thomas Wahl and Gary Williams
- The Determinants of the Migration of Labor out of Agriculture in the United States, 1940–85 pp. 567-573

- Andrew Barkley
- A Nonparametric Approach to Expenditure-Constrained Profit Maximization pp. 574-581

- Rolf Färe, Shawna Grosskopf and Hyunok Lee
- Improving on Shadow Price Information for Identifying Critical Farm Machinery pp. 582-588

- Bruce McCarl, D. Earl Kline and Donald A. Bender
- Nonparametric and Semiparametric Estimation: An Analysis of Multiproduct Returns to Scale pp. 589-596

- GianCarlo Moschini
- A Comparison of Alternative Crop Response Models pp. 597-603

- Michael D. Frank, Bruce R. Beattie and Mary E. Embleton
- Optimal Strategies for Marketing Calves and Yearlings from Rangeland pp. 604-613

- Lee Garoian, James W. Mjelde and J. Richard Conner
- The Impact of Information on Environmental Commodity Valuation Decisions pp. 614-621

- John Bergstrom, John R. Stoll and Alan Randall
- Relative Agricultural Prices and Monetary Policy pp. 622-630

- John S. Lapp
- A Policy Preference Function for Government Intervention in the U.S. Wheat Market pp. 631-640

- James F. Oehmke and Xianbin Yao
- Political Preference Functions and Public Policy Reform pp. 641-652

- Gordon Rausser and William Foster
- Adoption Ceilings and Modern Coarse Cereal Cultivars in India pp. 653-663

- Hans G. P. Jansen, Thomas S. Walker and Randolph Barker
- Household Inventories and Marketed Surplus in Semisubsistence Agriculture pp. 664-675

- Mitch Renkow
- Pass-Through of Exchange Rates and Tariffs in Brazil—U.S. Tobacco Trade pp. 676-681

- Gregory K. Pompelli and Daniel Pick
- A Revised Test of the Law of One Price Using Rational Price Expectations pp. 682-693

- Barry Goodwin, Thomas Grennes and Michael Wohlgenant
- Exchange Rate Risk and U.S. Agricultural Trade Flows pp. 694-700

- Daniel Pick
- Grain Price Expectations of Illinois Farmers and Grain Merchandisers pp. 701-708

- James S. Eales, Brian K. Engel, Robert J. Hauser and Sarahelen Thompson
- Imperfect Competition in Agricultural Markets and the Role of Cooperatives: A Spatial Analysis pp. 709-720

- Richard J. Sexton
- Investment Potential of Agricultural Futures Contracts pp. 721-726

- T. Randall Fortenbery and Robert J. Hauser
- The RLS Positive-Part Stein Estimator pp. 727-730

- Lee Adkins and Carter Hill
- The Effects of Food Stamps on Food Expenditures: Comment pp. 731

- Phillip S. Kott
- The Effects of Food Stamps on Food Expenditures: Reply pp. 732-733

- Barbara Devaney and Thomas Fraker
- Expenditure Constraints and Profit Maximization in U.S. Agriculture: Comment pp. 734-737

- Barry T. Coyle
- Exchange Rate Effects on Inputs and Outputs in Canadian Agriculture pp. 738-743

- Colin Carter, Richard Gray and W. H. Furtan
- Performance of Mexican Agriculture: The Effects of Economic and Agricultural Policies pp. 744-748

- Manuel R. Villa-Issa
- International Capital Markets and Structural Adjustment in U.S. Agriculture pp. 749-754

- David Orden
- International Financial Markets and Agricultural Adjustment in North America: Discussion pp. 755-757

- Terry Roe
- Performance of Mexican Agriculture: Discussion pp. 758-760

- Odin K. Knudsen
- Imperfect Information and the Theory of Government Intervention in Farm Credit Markets pp. 761-768

- Robert Innes
- The Effects of Federal Credit Programs on Farm Output pp. 769-773

- Michael Belongia and R. Alton Gilbert
- Moral Hazard in Federal Farm Lending pp. 774-779

- Eddy L. LaDue
- Imperfect Information and Intervention in Farm Credit: Discussion pp. 780-781

- Daniel Sumner
- Effect of Federal Credit Programs on Farm Output: Discussion pp. 782-783

- Howard Leathers
- Moral Hazard in Federal Farm Lending: Discussion pp. 784-785

- Marc A. Johnson
- A Price Forecasting Competition: Introduction pp. 786-787

- Christopher McIntosh and Jeffrey Dorfman
- Forecasting Multiple Time Series with Little Prior Information pp. 788-792

- David Bessler
- Forecasts from a State Space Multivariate Time-Series Model pp. 793-798

- Keith Criddle and Arthur M. Havenner
- Forecasts from a Nonparametric Approach: ACE pp. 799-803

- Peter Berck and James A. Chalfant
- Results of a Price Forecasting Competition pp. 804-808

- Jeffrey Dorfman and Christopher McIntosh
- Policies for Economic Development pp. 809-814

- Stanley Fischer and Vinod Thomas
- Adjustment Policies and Economic Development pp. 815-820

- Jacob A. Frenkel and Mohsin Khan
- A New Paradigm for Policy Reform and Economic Development pp. 821-826

- Gordon Rausser
- Policy Reform and Economic Development: Discussion pp. 827-828

- Yair Mundlak
- Policy Reform and Economic Development: Discussion pp. 829-830

- Stanley R. Johnson
- Arrow, Kenneth J., ed. The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of the International Economic Association, Delhi, India, vol. 1, Basic Issues. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988, xxii + 297 pp., $55.00 pp. 831-832

- Gunvant M. Desai
- Boland, Lawrence A. The Methodology of Economic Model Building: Methodology after Samuelson. London: Routledge, 1989, x + 194 pp., $45.00 pp. 832-834

- Jock Anderson
- Bhagwati, Jagdish. Protectionism. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1988, xiii + 147 pp., $16.95 pp. 832

- Nancy E. Schwartz
- Chan, Sucheng. This Bittersweet Soil: The Chinese in California Agriculture, 1860–1910. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986, xxv + 503 pp., price unknown pp. 834-835

- Munir Quddus
- Folmer, Henk, and Ekko van Ierland. Valuation Methods and Policy Making in Environmental Economics. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 1989, 259 pp., $89.00 pp. 835-836

- John Loomis
- Kendrick, David A. Feedback: A New Framework for Macroeconomic Policy. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988, vi + 147 pp., price $29.50 pp. 836-837

- Bruce L. Dixon
- Lipton, Michael, with Richard Longhurst. New Seeds and Poor People. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989, xiv + 473 pp., price unknown pp. 837-838

- Robert W. Herdt
- National Research Council, Alternative Agriculture. Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1989, 448 pp., price unknown pp. 838-839

- John Ikerd
- Parikh, Kirit S., Gunther Fischer, Klaus Froberg, Odd Gilbrandsen. Towards Free Trade in Agriculture. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, Publishers, 1988, xi + 357 pp., price unknown pp. 839-840

- James P. Houck
- Petit, Michael, Michele de Benedictis, Denis Britton, Martijn de Groot, Wilhelm Henrichsmeyer, and Francesco Lechi. Agricultural Policy Formation in the European Community: The Birth of Milk Quotas and CAP Reform. Hollingham, Michael A., and Richard W. Howarth. British Milk Marketing and the Common Agricultural Policy: The Origins of Confusion and Crisis. Burrell, Alison, ed. Milk Quotas in the European Community pp. 840-841

- Robert E. Jacobson
- Portes, Alejandro, Manuel Castells, and Lauren A. Benton, eds. The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced and Less Developed Countries. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989, viii + 327 pp., $39.50 pp. 841-842

- Donald C. Mead
- Roberts, Ivan, Graham Love, Heather Field, and Nico Klijn. U.S. Grain Policies and the World Market. Policy monograph no. 4, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1989, xvii + 286 pp. (Available in the United States and Canada from ISBS Inc., 5602 NE Hassalo St., Portland OR, 97213–3640.) Price unknown pp. 842-843

- Jerry A. Sharples
- Schmid, A. Allan. Benefit Cost Analysis: A Political Economy Approach. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1989, 354 pp. $29.50 pp. 843-844

- Raymond Prince
- Seibel, Hans Dieter, and Michael T. Marx. Dual Financial Markets in Africa: Case Studies of Linkages between Informal and Formal Financial Institutions. Ft. Lauderdale FL: Verlag Breitenbach Publishers, 1987, 143 pp., price unknown pp. 844-845

- Paulo F. Cidade de Araujo
- Shaffer, Ron. Community Economics: Economic Structure and Change in Smaller Communities. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1989, 322 pp., price unknown pp. 845-846

- Daniel M. Otto
- Simpson, James R. The Economics of Livestock Systems in Developing Countries. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1988, xxii + 297 pp., price unknown pp. 846-847

- John McIntire
- Ward, Ronald W. and Richard L. Kilmer. The Citrus Industry: A Domestic and International Economic Perspective. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1989, 180 pp., $22.95 pp. 847-848

- Daniel S. Tilley
Volume 72, issue 2, 1990
- Preferences of Citizens for Agricultural Policies: Evidence from a National Survey pp. 257-267

- Jayachandran N. Variyam, Jeffrey Jordan and James Epperson
- A Policy Analysis of China's Wheat Economy pp. 268-278

- Catherine Halbrendt and Conrado Gempesaw
- Argentine Agricultural Policy in a Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output Framework pp. 279-288

- Lilyan Fulginiti and Richard Perrin
- European Community Enlargement: Impact on U.S. Corn and Soybean Exports pp. 289-297

- Tassos Haniotis
- An Adjustment-Cost Rationalization of Asset Fixity Theory pp. 298-308

- Shih-Hsun Hsu and Ching-Cheng Chang
- Farmers' Marginal Propensity to Consume: An Application to Illinois Grain Farms pp. 309-316

- Michael Langemeier and George F. Patrick
- The Effect of Usage and Size on Tractor Depreciation pp. 317-325

- Gregory Perry, Ahmet Bayaner and Clair J. Nixon
- A Prospective Assessment of the Impacts of Bovine Somatotropin: A Case Study of Wisconsin pp. 326-336

- Bruce W. Marion and Robert L. Wills
- The Decision to Double Crop: An Application of Expected Utility Theory Using Stein's Theorem pp. 337-345

- Michele Marra and Gerald A. Carlson
- Orderly Marketing for Lemons: Who Benefits? pp. 346-357

- Hoy Carman and Daniel Pick
- The Strategic Role of Supermarket Buyer Intermediaries in New Product Selection: Implications for Systemwide Efficiency pp. 358-370

- Edward W. McLaughlin and Vithala R. Rao
- Simulation Modeling to Set Priorities for Research on Oyster Production pp. 371-381

- Darrell Bosch and Leonard Shabman
- Optimal Scheduling in Shrimp Mariculture: A Stochastic Growing Inventory Problem pp. 382-393

- Eithan Hochman, PingSun Leung, Lawrence W. Rowland and James A. Wyban
- Informational Efficiency of Markets for Stumpage pp. 394-405

- Courtland L. Washburn and Clark S. Binkley
- Bootstrapping in Applied Welfare Analysis pp. 406-418

- Catherine Kling and Richard J. Sexton
- Signals or Noise? Explaining the Variation in Recreation Benefit Estimates pp. 419-433

- V. Smith and Yoshiaki Kaoru
- Theoretical and Empirical Advantages of Truncated Count Data Estimators for Analysis of Deer Hunting in California pp. 434-441

- Michael Creel and John Loomis
- Elasticities in AIDS Models pp. 442-445

- Richard Green and Julian Alston
- The Demand for Cigarettes in Japan pp. 446-450

- Kim Haden
- Quasi-Experimental Price Elasticity of Liquor Demand in the United States: 1960–83 pp. 451-454

- Badi Baltagi and Rajeev Goel
- Whither Armington Trade Models? pp. 455-467

- Julian Alston, Colin Carter, Richard Green and Daniel Pick
- The Elasticity of Export Demand for U.S. Cotton pp. 468-474

- Patricia A. Duffy, Michael Wohlgenant and James Richardson
- Alternative Estimates of Fed Beef Supply Response to Risk pp. 475-487

- Frances Antonovitz and Richard Green
- Profit, Supply, and Factor Demand Functions: Comment pp. 488-492

- John Conlon
- Assessing Strategies for Control of Irrigation-Induced Salinity in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Comment pp. 493-496

- Brandt K. Stevens and Henry J. Vaux
- Assessing Strategies for Control of Irrigation-Induced Salinity in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Reply pp. 497-498

- Robert A. Young, Richard L. Gardner and Edward W. Sparling
- Separability Testing in Production Economics: Comment pp. 499-501

- Quirino Paris, Kenneth Foster and Richard D. Green
- Ciriacy-Wantrup, S. V. Resource Conservation: Economics and Policies. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1952, 395 pp pp. 502-504

- William E. Martin
- Barbier, Edward B. Economics, Natural Resources Scarcity and Development: Conventional and Alternative Views. London: Earthscan Publications Limited, 1989, xvii + 223 pp., price unknown pp. 504-505

- Bengt Hyberg
- Barry, Peter J., John A. Hopkin, and C. B. Baker. Financial Management in Agriculture, 4th ed. Danville IL: Interstate Printers and Publishers, 1988. xii + 500 pp., $24.95 pp. 505

- Gene L. Swackhamer
- Anne Booth. Agricultural Development in Indonesia. Sydney, Australia: Allen and Unwin, 1988, vii + 295 pp., price unknown pp. 506-507

- Charles Timmer
- Cohen, Ronald, ed, Satisfying Africa's Food Needs: Food Production and Commercialization in African Agriculture. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1988, 244 pp., price unknown pp. 507-508

- Simeon K. Ehui
- Dovring, Folke. Farming for Fuel: The Political Economy of Energy Sources in The United States. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1988, 152 pp., $37.95 pp. 508-509

- Fred J. Hitzhusen
- Krabbe, J. J. The Idea of Welfare Economics. UNIPUB: Wageningse Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands, 1989, x + 73 pp., $85.00 pp. 509-510

- Melvin L. Cotner
- Leuthold, Raymond M., Joan Junkus, and Jean Cordier. The Theory and Practice of Futures Markets. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, 1989, 410 pp., price unknown pp. 510-511

- Roger W. Gray
- Monke, Eric A., and Scott R. Pearson. The Policy Analysis Matrix for Agricultural Development. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1989, xi + 279 pp., $35.00 pp. 511-512

- Erik Thorbecke
- Pereira, H. C. Policy and Practice in the Management of Tropical Watersheds. London: Belhaven Press, 1989, xvi + 237 pp. Published in the United States by Westview Press, Boulder CO, $27.85 pp. 512-513

- Douglas Southgate
- Reed, David A. The Winnowing: Economic Change in Rural America. Indianapolis IN: Hudson Institute, and University Press of America, 1989, v + 65 pp., paperback, price unknown pp. 513-514

- Wayne H. Oberle
- Simpson, Donald, and Carol Sissons. Entrepreneurs in Education: Canada's Response to the International Human Resources Development Challenge. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. International Development Research Center, 1989, x + 101 pp., price unknown pp. 515-516

- Wyn F. Owen
- Tracy, Michael. Government and Agriculture in Western Europe, 1880–1988, 3rd ed. New York: New York University Press, 382 pp. $50 pp. 516-517

- Lee F. Schrader
- Tweeten, Luther. Farm Policy Analysis. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1989, ix + 399 pp., $48.50 pp. 517-518

- Leo V. Mayer
- Williamson, Jeffrey G., and Vadiraj R. Panchamukhi, eds. The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of the International Economic Association, Delhi, India, vol. 2, Sector Proportions. 1989, xxxii + 427 pp.$59. 95 pp. 518-520

- Erik Thorbecke
- von Witzke, Harald, C. Ford Runge, and Brian Job, eds. Policy Coordination in World Agriculture. Kiel, West Germany: Wissenschaftsverlag, Vauk Kiel, 1989, 247 pp., price unknown pp. 518

- Ray Borton
- Zusman, Pinhas. Individual Behavior and Social Choice in a Cooperative Settlement. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, 1988. 234 pp., price unknown pp. 520

- Avishay Braverman
Volume 72, issue 1, 1990
- Farming the Tax Code: The Impact of High Marginal Tax Rates on Agricultural Tax Shelters pp. 1-12

- James E. Long
- Temporal Analysis of Income Earned by Former Agriculture Students pp. 13-23

- Warren P. Preston, Josef M. Broder and Maria Cristina P. Almero
- The Effects of State Farm Relief Legislation on Private Lenders and Borrowers: The Experience of the 1930s pp. 24-34

- Randal R. Rucker
- Utilization, Profitability, and the Adoption of Animal Draft Power in West Africa pp. 35-48

- William K. Jaeger and Peter J. Matlon
- Integration of Spatial Markets pp. 49-62

- Merle D. Faminow and Bruce Benson
- The Value of Weather Information in Market Equilibrium pp. 63-72

- Bruce Babcock
- Calibration of Option-Based Probability Assessments in Agricultural Commodity Markets pp. 73-83

- Paul Fackler and Robert King
- The Reaction of Live Hog Futures Prices to USDA Hogs and Pigs Reports pp. 84-94

- Phil L. Colling and Scott Irwin
- A Simulation Model of the U.S. Export Enhancement Program for Wheat pp. 95-103

- Ann Hillberg Seitzinger and Philip L. Paarlberg
- Valuing Trade-Offs between Net Returns and Stewardship Practices: The Case of Soil Conservation in Saskatchewan pp. 104-113

- Gerrit van Kooten, Ward P. Weisensel and Duangdao Chinthammit
- Rural Road Abandonment: Policy Criteria and Empirical Analysis pp. 114-120

- Cathy A. Hamlett and C. Phillip Baumel
- Using the Wrong Discount Rate to Allocate an Exhaustible Resource pp. 121-130

- John Rowse
- On the Political Economy of Public Good Inputs in Agriculture pp. 131-137

- Harry de Gorter and David Zilberman
- A Game-Theoretic Model of Endogenous Public Policies pp. 138-148

- John Beghin
- Some Neglected Social Costs of Government Spending in Farm Programs pp. 149-156

- Julian Alston and Brian H. Hurd
- Revenue-Neutral Tax Policies under Price Uncertainty pp. 157-159

- Garth J. Holloway
- Monetary Impacts on Prices in the Short and Long Run: Some Evidence from New Zealand pp. 160-171

- John Robertson and David Orden
- Risk Analysis of Tillage Alternatives with Government Programs pp. 172-181

- Jeffery Williams, Richard Llewelyn and G. Art Barnaby
- Agricultural Production Technologies with Systematic and Stochastic Technical Change pp. 182-199

- Chris Fawson, C. Shumway and Robert L. Basmann
- Input Allocation in Multicrop Systems pp. 200-209

- Richard Just, David Zilberman, Eithan Hochman and Ziv Bar-Shira
- Two Practical Procedures for Estimating Multivariate Nonnormal Probability Density Functions pp. 210-217

- C. Robert Taylor
- Impact of the WIC Program on Food Expenditures pp. 218-226

- Gustavo J. Arcia, Luis A. Crouch and Richard A. Kulka
- Testing for Structural Change: The Demand for Meat pp. 227-236

- Seungmook Choi and Kim Sosin
- An Inverse Demand System for U.S. Composite Foods: A Comment pp. 237-238

- Trevor Young
- An Inverse Demand System for U.S. Composite Foods: Reply pp. 239

- Kuo Huang
- Alexandratos, Nikos, ed. World Agriculture Toward 2000: An FAD Study. New York: New York University Press, 1988, xx + 338, pp., $55.00 pp. 240-241

- Tetteh A. Kofi
- Asian Productivity Organization. Farm Finance and Agricultural Development. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization, 1988, iv + 561 pp., price unknown pp. 241

- Carlos E. Cuevas
- Barnett, Tony. Social and Economic Development—An Introduction. New York: Guilford Press, 1989, viii + 232 pp., $35.00, hardback $16.95 paper pp. 242-243

- Roger Fox
- Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics. Japanese Agricultural Policies. Canberra: Australian Publishing Service, 1988, xiv + 359 pp., price unknown pp. 242

- Bruno Larue
- Coleman, David, and Trevor Young. Principles of Agricultural Economics: Markets and Prices in Less Developed Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, 323 pp., $69.50 pp. 243-244

- Kofi K. Apraku
- Compton, J. Lin. The Transformation of International Agriculture Research and Development. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1989, xi + 237 pp., $30.00 pp. 244-245

- David O. Hansen
- Fuller, Wayne A. Measurement Error Models. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987, xxiii + 440 pp., $44.95 pp. 245-246

- Deborah J. Brown
- Greeley, Martin. Postharvest Losses, Technology, and Employment—The Case of Rice in Bangladash. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1987, xvii + 345 pp., $35.00 pp. 246-247

- Graham Donaldson
- Lofchie, Michael F. The Policy Factor: Agricultural Performance in Kenya and Tanzania. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1989, xi + 235 pp., price unknown pp. 247-248

- Bruce F. Johnston
- Luttrell, Clifton B. The High Cost of Farm Welfare. Washington DC: The CATO Institute, 1989, xi + 149 pp., $19.95 hardback, $9.95 paper pp. 248-249

- W. Cris Lewis
- Mitchell, Robert Cameron, and Richard T. Carson. Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1989, xix + 463 pp., price unknown pp. 249-250

- Richard C. Bishop
- Molnar, J. J., and H. Kinnucan, eds. Biotechnology and the New Agricultural Revolution. Boulder CO: Westview Press, AAAS Selected Symposium 108, 1989, 288 pp., price unknown pp. 250-252

- William Lesser
- Morales, Edmundo, Cocaine—White Gold Rush in Peru. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1989, 228 pp., price unknown pp. 252-253

- A. J. Coutu
- Rasmussen, Wayne D. Taking the University to the People: Seventy-Five Years of Cooperative Extension. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1989, x + 300 pp., $24.95 pp. 253-254

- Warren F. Lee
- Sperling, Daniel. New Transportation Fuels: A Strategic Approach to Technological Change. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988, x + 532 pp., $45 pp. 254

- Earle E. Gavett
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