American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 84, issue 5, 2002
- The Future of Farm Policy Analysis: A Household Perspective pp. 1189-1200

- Susan Offutt
- Food and Agricultural Policy for a Globalizing World: Preparing for the Future pp. 1201-1214

- Per Pinstrup-Andersen
- Food Insecurity and the Food Stamp Program pp. 1215-1228

- Helen Jensen
- High-Tech Firm Clustering: Implications for Rural Areas pp. 1229-1236

- Stephan Goetz and Anil Rupasingha
- Local Context and Advanced Technology Use by Small, Independent Manufacturers in Rural Areas pp. 1237-1245

- David McGranahan
- Deployment of Advanced Telecommunications Infrastructure in Rural America: Measuring the Digital Divide pp. 1246-1252

- Todd Gabe and Jaison Abel
- The New Rural Economy: Discussion pp. 1253-1255

- Maureen Kilkenny
- An Analysis of Grain Production Decline During the Early Transition in Ukraine: A Bayesian Inference pp. 1256-1263

- Lyubov Kurkalova and Alicia Carriquiry
- Entropy-Based Methods of Modeling Stochastic Production Efficiency pp. 1264-1270

- Douglas J. Miller
- Production Efficiency in the von Liebig Model pp. 1271-1278

- Garth Holloway and Quirino Paris
- Pearls before Swine? Potential Trade-Offs between the Human and Animal Use of Antibiotics pp. 1279-1286

- Silvia Secchi and Bruce Babcock
- How Broad Should the Scope of Antibiotics Patents Be? pp. 1287-1292

- Ramanan Laxminarayan
- Pigs, People, and Pathogens: A Social Welfare Framework for the Analysis of Animal Antibiotic Use Policy pp. 1293-1300

- Paul McNamara and Gay Y. Miller
- Antibiotic Use in Animal Agriculture and the Economics of Resistance: Discussion pp. 1301-1302

- John Antle
- Biological Pollution Prevention Strategies under Ignorance:The Case of Invasive Species pp. 1303-1310

- Richard Horan, Charles Perrings, Frank Lupi and Erwin Bulte
- The Economics of Controlling a Stochastic Biological Invasion pp. 1311-1316

- Lars Olson and Santanu Roy
- Uncertainty, Economics, and the Spread of an Invasive Plant Species pp. 1317-1322

- Mark E. Eiswerth and Gerrit van Kooten
- Modeling Native-Exotic Species within Yellowstone Lake pp. 1323-1328

- Chad Settle and Jason Shogren
- The “Learning” Supply Chain: Pipeline or Pipedream? pp. 1329-1336

- H. Christopher Peterson
- Knowledge Management and Comparative International Strategies on Vertical Information Flow in the Global Food System pp. 1337-1344

- Dee Von Bailey, Eluned Jones and David Dickinson
- Knowledge Management Frontier in the Global Food System: Network Embeddedness and Social Capital pp. 1345-1352

- Thomas Sporleder and LeeAnn E. Moss
- The Knowledge Management Frontier in the Global Food System: Discussion pp. 1353-1354

- James M. Hagen
- The Economic Equivalency of Drained and Restored Wetlands in Michigan pp. 1355-1361

- Frank Lupi, Michael D. Kaplowitz and John Hoehn
- Combining Economic and Ecological Indicators to Prioritize Salt Marsh Restoration Actions pp. 1362-1370

- Robert Johnston, Gisele Magnusson, Marisa J. Mazzotta and James Opaluch
- Landscape Indicators of Ecosystem Service Benefits pp. 1371-1378

- James Boyd and Lisa Wainger
- The Economics of Wetland Ecosystem Restoration and Mitigation: Discussion pp. 1379-1380

- Stephen Polasky
- The Effect of Age on the Probability of Participation in Wildlife-Related Activities: A Birth Year Cohort Study pp. 1384-1389

- Michelle Spence
Volume 84, issue 4, 2002
- Productivity Growth and Environmental Regulation in Mexican and U.S. Food Manufacturing pp. 887-901

- Ebru Alpay, Joe Kerkvliet and Steven Buccola
- Effective Costs and Chemical Use in United States Agricultural Production: Using the Environment as a “Free” Input pp. 902-915

- Catherine Morrison Paul, V. Eldon Ball, Ronald G. Felthoven, Arthur Grube and Richard F. Nehring
- The Creation and Spread of Technology and Total Factor Productivity in China's Agriculture pp. 916-930

- Songqing Jin, Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu and Scott Rozelle
- Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Agricultural Trade pp. 931-942

- Guedae Cho, Ian Sheldon and Steve McCorriston
- Determinants of Deforestation and the Economics of Protection: An Application to Mexico pp. 943-960

- Klaus Deininger and Bart Minten
- Effects of the Private-Label Invasion in Food Industries pp. 961-973

- Michael Ward, Jay Shimshack, Jeffrey Perloff and J. Michael Harris
- Welfare Gains from Quality Certification of Infant Foods: Results from a Market Experiment in Mali pp. 974-989

- William Masters and Diakalia Sanogo
- Prices and Health: Identifying the Effects of Nutrition, Exercise, and Medication Choices on Blood Pressure pp. 990-1002

- Shih-Neng Chen, Jason Shogren, Peter Orazem and Thomas D. Crocker
- Partial Market Liberalization and the Efficiency of Policy Reform: The Case of the European Dairy Sector pp. 1003-1020

- Zohra Mechemache, Jean-Paul Chavas, Thomas L. Cox and Vincent Réquillart
- The Adoption and Profitability of rbST on Connecticut Dairy Farms pp. 1021-1032

- Jeremy Foltz and Hsiu-Hui Chang
- Taxes and Subsidies in Vertically Related Markets pp. 1033-1041

- Marion Desquilbet and Hervé Guyomard
- Spatial Market Efficiency and Policy Regime Change: Seemingly Unrelated Error Correction Model Estimation pp. 1042-1053

- Stanley Thompson, Donggyu Sul and Martin T. Bohl
- Analysis of Environmental Efficiency Variation pp. 1054-1065

- Stijn Reinhard, C. Lovell and Geert Thijssen
- A Finite Mixture Logit Model of Recreational Angling with Serially Correlated Random Utility pp. 1066-1075

- Bill Provencher, Kenneth A. Baerenklau and Richard C. Bishop
- Inducing Patterns of Correlation and Substitution in Repeated Logit Models of Recreation Demand pp. 1076-1090

- Joseph Herriges and Daniel Phaneuf
- Language-Related Differences in a Contingent Valuation Study: English Versus Spanish pp. 1091-1102

- John Loomis, Lucas S. Bair and Armando González-Cabán
- Bequest Intentions of Forest Landowners: Theory and Empirical Evidence pp. 1103-1114

- Gregory S. Amacher, Erkki Koskela, Markku Ollikainen and M. Christine Conway
- Does Capital Market Structure Affect Farm Investment? A Comparison using French and British Farm-Level Panel Data pp. 1115-1129

- Catherine Benjamin and Euan Phimister
- The Importance of Financial Leverage and Risk Aversion in Risk-Management Strategy Selection pp. 1130-1143

- Brent A. Gloy and Timothy Baker
- Efficiency Wages, Deferred Payments, and Direct Incentives in Agriculture pp. 1144-1155

- Enrico Moretti and Jeffrey Perloff
- A Theoretical and Empirical Evaluation of the Functiona Forms Used to Estimate the Food Expenditure Equation of Food Stamp Recipients: Comment pp. 1156-1160

- Robert Breunig and Indraneel Dasgupta
- A Theoretical and Empirical Evaluation of the Functional Forms Used to Estimate the Food Expenditure Equation of Food Stamp Recipients: Reply pp. 1161-1164

- J. William Levedahl
- A Comparison of Conjoint Analysis Response Formats: Comment pp. 1165-1171

- Jayson Lusk
- A Comparison of Conjoint Analysis Response Formats: Reply pp. 1172-1175

- Thomas P. Holmes, Kevin Boyle, Mario Teisl and Brian Roe
- Agrawal, Arun. Greener Pastures: Politics, Markets and Community among a Migrant Pastoral People. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1998, 219 + xvii pp., price unknown pp. 1176-1177

- Anthony J. Bebbington
- Nelson, Gerald C. Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture: Economics and Politics. San Diego: Academic Press, 2001, 344 pp., price unknown pp. 1177-1178

- Steven Buccola
- Kraus, Christiane. Import Tariffs as Environmental Policy Instruments. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. price unknown pp. 1178-1180

- Nancy Chau
- Shiva, Vandana. Stolen Harvest. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2000, 150 pp., $40.00 pp. 1180-1181

- Richard Levins
- Meier, Gerald M., and James E. Rauch. Leading Issues in Economic Development, 7th edn. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000, 578 + xix pp., price unknown pp. 1181-1183

- John W. Mellor
- Batabyal, Amitrajeet A., ed. The Economics of International Environmental Agreements. Ashgate: Aldershot, 2000, 264 pp., price unknown pp. 1183-1185

- Michael Rauscher
Volume 84, issue 3, 2002
- Assessing a Policy Grab Bag: Federal Water Policy Reform pp. 541-556

- Marca Weinberg
- Resource Management under Production and Output Price Uncertainty: Implications for Environmental Policy pp. 557-571

- Murat Isik
- Firm Dynamics with Tradable Output Permits pp. 572-584

- Quinn Weninger and Richard Just
- The Contribution of Unmeasurable Inputs to Fisheries Production: An Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Fishing Vessels in the English Channel pp. 585-597

- Sean Pascoe and Louisa Coglan
- Induced Innovation in United States Agriculture, 1880–1990: Time Series Tests and an Error Correction Model pp. 598-614

- Colin G. Thirtle, David Schimmelpfennig and Robert E Townsend
- Rural Population Growth, 1950–1990: The Roles of Human Capital, Industry Structure, and Government Policy pp. 615-627

- Tzu-Ling Huang, Peter Orazem and Darin Wohlgemuth
- Decomposition of Productivity Growth Using Distance Functions: The Case of Dairy Farms in Three European Countries pp. 628-644

- Bernhard Brümmer, Thomas Glauben and Geert Thijssen
- Optimal Storage by Crop Producers pp. 645-659

- Paul Fackler and Michael Livingston
- Producer Experience, Learning by Doing, and Yield Performance pp. 660-678

- Barry Goodwin, Allen Featherstone and Kimberly Zeuli
- Primal/Dual Positive Math Programming: Illustrated Through an Evaluation of the Impacts of Market Resistance to Genetically Modified Grains pp. 679-690

- Paul Preckel, David Harrington and Robert Dubman
- Generic Advertising and Product Differentiation pp. 691-701

- John Crespi and Stéphan Marette
- Local versus Global Separability in Agricultural Household Models: The Factor Price Equalization Effect of Land Transfer Rights pp. 702-715

- Michael Carter and Yang Yao
- Robust Comparisons of Malnutrition in Developing Countries pp. 716-735

- David Sahn and David Stifel
- Developing Countries and the Gains from Regionalism: Links between Trade and Farm Policy Reforms in Mexico pp. 736-748

- Mary E. Burfisher, Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder
- Regional Specialization of China's Agricultural Production pp. 749-753

- Colin Carter and Bryan Lohmar
- Indian Agriculture in a Globalizing World pp. 754-761

- Ashok Gulati
- Comparative (Dis?) Advantage in Russian Agriculture pp. 762-767

- William Liefert
- Protection and Trade Liberalization under Incomplete Market Integration pp. 768-773

- John Beghin and Cheng Fang
- The Global Impacts of Farm Policy Reforms in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Countries pp. 774-781

- Mary E. Burfisher, Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder
- Developing Country Interests in Agricultural Reforms under the World Trade Organization pp. 782-790

- Xinshen Diao, Terry Roe and Agapi Somwaru
- Regionalism in the Western Hemisphere and Its Impact on U.S. Agricultural Exports: A Gravity-Model Analysis pp. 791-797

- Steven Zahniser, Daniel Pick, Greg Pompelli and Mark J. Gehlhar
- Agricultural Policy Reforms in the New Multilateral Trade Round pp. 798-799

- Merlinda D. Ingco
- Advertising Evaluation and Cross-Sectional Data Aggregation pp. 800-806

- Chanjin Chung and Harry Kaiser
- Econometric Considerations in the Use of Electronic Scanner Data to Conduct Consumer Demand Analysis pp. 807-816

- Oral Capps and H. Love
- Estimating a Brand-Level Demand System for American Cheese Products to Evaluate Unilateral and Coordinated Market Power Strategies pp. 817-823

- Ronald Cotterill and Pierre O. Samson
- Empirical Analysis Using Scanner Data: Econometric Issues and Policy Implications pp. 824-825

- Helen Jensen
- A Pro-Poor Growth Strategy to End Hunger pp. 826-831

- Benjamin Senauer
- Water Constraints and Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Growth pp. 832-838

- Mark W. Rosegrant and Ximing Cai
- Institutional Innovation in International Governance to End Hunger pp. 839-844

- Carlisle Runge
- Discussion of Action Strategies to End Global Hunger in the 21st Century pp. 845-846

- Uma Lele
- The Merger of Two Economics Ph.D. Programs at Virginia Tech pp. 847-853

- David Orden and Robert Gilles
- A Long Road to Merger of Existing Programs at Washington State University pp. 854-859

- Duane E. Leigh, Ray G. Huffaker and C. Shumway
- An Integrated Perspective on Ph.D. Programs in the Economics Department: A Discussion pp. 860-862

- John A. Miranowski
- Economic Mergers in Academe: A Discussion of Academic Mergers in Economics pp. 863-866

- John Siegfried
- Gopalkrishnan, Chennat. Classic Papers in Natural Resource Economics. New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc., 2000, 348 pp., $75 pp. 867-868

- Mahadev Bhat
- James, Sidney C., and Phillip R. Eberle. Economic and Business Principles in Farm Planning and Production. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 2000, $44.95 pp. 868-870

- E. Godfrey
- Orden, David, Robert Paarlberg, and Terry Roe. Policy Reform in American Agriculture: Analysis and Prognosis. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999, 270 pp., $38.00 pp. 870-872

- Philip Abbott
- Chambers, Robert G., and John Quiggin. Uncertainty, Production, Choice, and Agency: The State-Contingent Approach. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000, 373 pp pp. 872-874

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Battles, Ralph W., and Robert C. Thompson, Jr. Fundamentals of Agribusiness Finance. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, $39.99 pp. 874-875

- DeeVon Bailey
- Ascher, William. Why Governments Waste Natural Resources: Policy Failures in Developing Countries. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999, 333 pp., $59.00 pp. 875-877

- Richard Ball
Volume 84, issue 2, 2002
- Maki, Wilbur R., and Richard W. Lichty. Urban Regional Economics: Concepts, Tools, Applications. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2000, xviii, 496 pp., $59.95 (hardcover) pp. -536

- Gordon Mulligan
- Pigs in Space: Modeling the Spatial Structure of Hog Production in Traditional and Nontraditional Production Regions pp. 259-278

- Brian Roe, Elena Irwin and Jeff S. Sharp
- The Economics of Controlling Insect-Transmitted Plant Diseases pp. 279-291

- Cheryl Brown, Lori Lynch and David Zilberman
- Distinguishing between Equilibrium and Integration in Spatial Price Analysis pp. 292-307

- Christopher Barrett and Jau Rong Li
- Planting Decisions and Uncertain Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Crop Varieties pp. 308-319

- Alexander Saak and David Hennessy
- Optimal Producer Behavior in the Presence of Area-Yield Crop Insurance pp. 320-334

- Robert Chambers and John Quiggin
- U.S. Farm Policy and the Volatility of Commodity Prices and Farm Revenues pp. 335-351

- Sergio Lence and Dermot Hayes
- Optimal Commodity Promotion when Downstream Markets are Imperfectly Competitive pp. 352-365

- Mingxia Zhang and Richard J. Sexton
- The Sensitivity of Returns to Research Calculations to Supply Elasticity pp. 366-369

- James F. Oehmke and Eric Crawford
- Impact of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy on Agribusiness in the United Kingdom: Results of an Event Study of Equity Prices pp. 370-386

- Spencer Henson and Mario Mazzocchi
- On Jumps and ARCH Effects in Natural Resource Prices: An Application to Pacific Northwest Stumpage Prices pp. 387-400

- Jean-Daniel Saphores, Lynda Khalaf and Denis Pelletier
- Testing the Validity of Contingent Behavior Trip Responses pp. 401-414

- W. Shaw
- Using Domestic Water Analysis to Value Groundwater Recharge in the Hadejia'Jama'are Floodplain, Northern Nigeria pp. 415-426

- Gayatri Acharya and Edward Barbier
- Turnover in U.S. Agricultural Labor Markets pp. 427-437

- Lien H. Tran and Jeffrey Perloff
- Oligopsonistic Landlords, Segmented Labor Markets, and the Persistence of Tied-Labor Contracts pp. 438-453

- Arnab Basu
- Characterizing the Distribution of Macronutrient Intake among U.S. Adults: A Quantile Regression Approach pp. 454-466

- Jayachandran N. Variyam, James Blaylock and David Smallwood
- Competition, Externalities, and Input Substituting Technologies pp. 467-481

- David Hennessy
- Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights: Causes and Consequences pp. 482-494

- Konstantinos Giannakas
- Patent Rights and Trade: Analysis of Biological Products, Medicinals and Botanicals, and Pharmaceuticals pp. 495-512

- Pamela Smith
- The State-Contingent Properties of Stochastic Production Functions pp. 513-526

- Robert Chambers and John Quiggin
- Farmland Prices in the Presence of Transaction Costs: Comment pp. 527-529

- Jean-Paul Chavas
- Farmland Prices in the Presence of Transaction Costs: Reply pp. 530-531

- Sergio Lence
- Kumbhakar, S.C., and C.A.K. Lovell. Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 2000, 343 pp., $69.95 pp. 532-532

- Douglas J. Miller
- Lauck, Jon. American Agriculture and the Problem of Monopoly: The Political Economy of Grain Belt Farming, 1953–1980. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2000, 259 pp pp. 533-533

- Rachael Goodhue
- Bartsch, U., Benito Mueller, and collaborators. Fossil Fuels in a Changing Climate. Oxford UK: Oxford Univ. Press for the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 2000, xxiii + 360 pp., $65.00 (hardcover) pp. 536-537

- Joel Darmstadter
- Sampson, Gary P., and W. Bradnee Chambers, eds. Trade, Environment, and the New Millennium. New York: United Nations University Press, 1999, 388 pp pp. 537-539

- David Blandford
- Schaeffer, Peter V., and Scott Loveridge, eds. Small Town and Rural Economic Development: A Case Studies Approach. Westport CT: Praeger, 2000, 309 pp., $62.50 pp. 539-540

- Lawrence W. Libby
Volume 84, issue 1, 2002
- Random Profits and Duality pp. 1-7

- Rulon D. Pope and Richard Just
- Specification and Estimation of Production Risk, Risk Preferences and Technical Efficiency pp. 8-22

- Subal Kumbhakar
- On the Valuation of Uncertainty in Welfare Analysis pp. 23-38

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Daniel Mullarkey
- Consumption of Economic Information in Agriculture pp. 39-52

- David Just, Steven A. Wolf, Steve Wu and David Zilberman
- Marketing Orders, Grading Errors, and Price Discrimination pp. 53-66

- James Chalfant and Richard J. Sexton
- Market Emergence and Transition: Arbitrage, Transaction Costs, and Autarky in China's Grain Markets pp. 67-82

- Albert Park, Hehui Jin, Scott Rozelle and Jikun Huang
- Demand Estimation in the Presence of Stochastic Trend and Seasonality: The Case of Meat Demand in the United Kingdom pp. 83-89

- Iain Fraser and Imad A. Moosa
- Monetary Impacts and Overshooting of Agricultural Prices in an Open Economy pp. 90-103

- Sayed Saghaian, Michael Reed and Mary Marchant
- Ownership Structure in Agrifood Chains: The Marketing Cooperative pp. 104-119

- George Hendrikse and Jos Bijman
- Interactivity and Soft Computing in Portfolio Management: Should Farmers Own Food and Agribusiness Stocks? pp. 120-133

- Yann Duval and Allen Featherstone
- Forest Conservation in Costa Rica when Nonuse Benefits are Uncertain but Rising pp. 150-160

- Gerrit van Kooten and Robert A. Schipper
- Choice Modeling and Tests of Benefit Transfer pp. 161-170

- Mark Morrison, Jeffrey Bennett, Russell Blamey and Jordan Louviere
- A Model of Investment under Uncertainty: Modern Irrigation Technology and Emerging Markets in Water pp. 171-183

- Janis M. Carey and David Zilberman
- Parametric and Semiparametric Modeling of the Off-Farm Labor Supply of Agrarian Households in Transition Bulgaria pp. 184-209

- Barry Goodwin and Matthew Holt
- Female Participation and Labor Market Attachment in Rural Canada pp. 210-221

- Euan Phimister, Esperanza Vera-Toscano and Alfons Weersink
- Time Allocation Decisions Associated with Job Market Preparation: Undergraduate Perceptions versus Market Realities pp. 222-233

- Josef M. Broder
- When Do Export Subsidies Have a Redistributional Role? pp. 234-244

- Garth Holloway
- An Analysis of Ill-Posed Production Problems Using Maximum Entropy: Comment pp. 245-246

- Paul Preckel
- An Analysis of Ill-Posed Production Problems Using Maximum Entropy: Reply pp. 247-247

- Quirino Paris
- Brack, Duncan, Michael Grubb, and Craig Windram. International Trade and Climate Change Policies. London UK: Earthscan, 2000, 163 pp., $15.95, $18.95 pp. 248-249

- Per Mickwitz
- Challen, Ray. Institutions, Transaction Costs and Environmental Policy: Institutional Reform for Water Resources. Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar, 2000, 233 pp., $90.00 pp. 250-251

- Ariel Dinar
- Dragun, Andrew K. and Clem Tisdell, eds. Sustainable Agriculture and Environment: Globalisation and the Impact of Trade Liberalisation. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1999, 308pp., $100.00 pp. 251-252

- Ian Hodge
- Sen, Amartya. Development as Freedom. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999, pp. xvi, 366. Hb, ISBN 0-375-40619-0. $29.95 pp. 252-254

- Basudeb Biswas
- Grabowski, Richard. Pathways to Economic Development. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999, Hb. $80 pp. 254-256

- Steven Kyle
- Koutstaal, Paul. Economic Policy and Climate Change: Tradable Permits for Reducing Carbon Emissions. Lyme, US: Edward Elgar, 1997, 192 pp., $90.00 pp. 256-257

- Matthew Heberling
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