American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 69, issue 5, 1987
- Editor's Note pp. xvi

- Peter J. Barry
- Agricultural Economics: Finding Our Future pp. 883-889

- Daniel I. Padberg
- Public Experimentation and Innovation: An Effective Past but Uncertain Future pp. 890-899

- Wayne D. Rasmussen
- Fostering Trade in a Hostile International Environment pp. 900-905

- Premier Grant Devine
- Fostering Trade in a Hostile International Environment: An Australian Perspective pp. 906-917

- Geoffrey Miller
- Fostering Trade in a Hostile International Environment: Discussion pp. 918-919

- Joseph J. Richter and Jimmye S. Hillman
- Fostering Trade in a Hostile International Environment: Discussion pp. 920-921

- Alex F. McCalla
- The Effect of U.S. Domestic Interests on Technology Transfer Policy pp. 922-928

- Nyle C. Brady
- Aid, Food Policy Reform, and U.S. Agricultural Interests in the Third World pp. 929-935

- Walter P. Falcon
- Technology Transfer as Development Aid: Discussion pp. 936-937

- David F. Nygaard
- Technology Transfer as Development Aid: Discussion pp. 938-939

- Robert W. Herdt
- Linkages between Bilateral and Multilateral Negotiations in Agriculture pp. 940-945

- T. K. Warley
- Formal and Informal Barriers to Trade in Agricultural Products, Canada—United States pp. 946-951

- Elmer L. Menzie and Barry Prentice
- Toward Freer Trade in Canada-U.S. Agriculture: Discussion pp. 952-953

- M. L. Lerohl
- Toward Freer Trade in Canada-U.S. Agricultural Products: Discussion pp. 954-955

- Kristen Allen and George E. Rossmiller
- Agricultural Policy and the Benefits of Ozone Control pp. 956-962

- Raymond Kopp and Alan J. Krupnick
- Economic Impacts of Acid Rain on Forest, Aquatic, and Agricultural Ecosystems in Canada pp. 963-969

- Truman P. Phillips and Bruce A. Forster
- Economic Impacts of Ozone and Acid Rain: Discussion pp. 970-971

- Kathleen Segerson
- Impacts of Alternative Programs Indicated by the FAPRI Analysis pp. 972-979

- William H. Meyers, S. R. Johnson, Abner W. Womack, Jon Brandt and Robert E. Young
- Distributional Impact of Farm Programs and the Adjustment Dilemma pp. 980-987

- David Blandford
- Alternative Agricultural Programs: Discussion pp. 988-989

- Philip Abbott
- Alternative Agricultural Programs: Discussion pp. 990-991

- Kenneth C. Clayton
- Marketing Boards: The Canadian Experience pp. 992-1000

- Michele M. Veeman
- Canadian Supply— Managed Agricultural Sectors Revisited pp. 1001-1008

- Robert Saint-Louis and Yvon Proulx
- Marketing Boards in Canada: Discussion pp. 1009-1010

- W. Hartley Furtan
- Marketing Boards in Canada: Discussion pp. 1011-1012

- Stewart H. Lane
- Tax Reform Impacts on Agricultural Production and Investment Decisions pp. 1013-1020

- Gregory D. Hanson and Diane R. Bertelsen
- Distributional Impacts of the 1986 Tax Reform Act pp. 1021-1026

- David A. Lins, Susan E. Offutt and James Richardson
- Tax Reform Impacts on Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1027-1028

- Hoy Carman
- Tax Reform Impacts on Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1029-1030

- James A. Chalfant
- Competencies and Qualities of Agricultural Economics Graduates Sought by Agribusiness Employers pp. 1031-1036

- Kerry K. Litzenberg and Vernon E. Schneider
- Reforming Curricula: Challenge and Change for Agricultural Economists pp. 1037-1042

- Bernard L. Erven
- Undergraduate Agricultural Economics Curricula: Discussion pp. 1043-1044

- Joseph D. Coffey
- Undergraduate Agricultural Economics Curricula: Discussion pp. 1045-1046

- William D. Dobson
- Competitive Strategy for Farm Supply and Grain Elevator Business pp. 1047-1055

- Kenneth F. Harling and Thomas F. Funk
- Strategic Responses to Changes in Information Technology pp. 1056-1061

- Robert King and Iain G. Shuker
- Strategic Management in Agribusiness Firms: Discussion pp. 1062-1063

- Randall Westgren
- Strategic Management in Agribusiness Firms: Discussion pp. 1064-1065

- Ronald Cotterill
- Risk Attitudes Measured by the Interval Approach: A Case Study of Kansas Farmers pp. 1101-1105

- Arthur C. Thomas
Volume 69, issue 4, 1987
- Targeted Agricultural Export Subsidies and Social Welfare pp. 723-732

- Philip Abbott, Philip L. Paarlberg and Jerry A. Sharples
- A Market Equilibrium Analysis of the Impact of Risk on the U.S. Rice Industry pp. 733-739

- B Brorsen, Jean-Paul Chavas and Warren R. Grant
- Pricing and Storage of Field Crops: A Quarterly Model Applied to Soybeans pp. 740-749

- Mark Lowry, Joseph Glauber, Mario Miranda and Peter Helmberger
- Quasi-Experimental Price Elasticities of Cigarette Demand and the Bootlegging Effect pp. 750-754

- Badi Baltagi and Rajeev Goel
- An Analysis of Rubber Supply in Sri Lanka pp. 755-761

- Michael J. Hartley, Marc Nerlove and R. Kyle Peters
- Hog Cycles and Countercyclical Production Response pp. 762-770

- Dermot Hayes and Andrew Schmitz
- Beef Cow Numbers, Crop Acreage, and Crop Policy pp. 771-776

- Barry W. Bobst and Joe T. Davis
- Extension Decision Aids for the Dairy Termination Program: A Comparative Analysis pp. 777-785

- Thomas O. Knight and Kathryn A. Kubiak
- Government Programs and Adoption of Conservation Tillage Practices on Nonirrigated Wheat Farms pp. 786-795

- Gary L. Helms, DeeVon Bailey and Terrence F. Glover
- U.S. Soybean Yields: Estimation and Forecasting with Nonsymmetric Disturbances pp. 796-803

- Paul Gallagher
- Stochastic Dominance over Potential Portfolios: Caution Regarding Covariance pp. 804-812

- Bruce McCarl, Thomas O. Knight, James R. Wilson and James B. Hastie
- Nearly Optimal Linear Programming Solutions: Some Conceptual Issues and a Farm Management Application pp. 813-818

- Robert O. Burton, James S. Gidley, Barton S. Baker and Kimberly J. Reda-Wilson
- Sources of Cyclical Employment Instability in Rural Counties pp. 819-827

- Deborah J. Brown and James Pheasant
- The Necessity for Substitute Prices Recreation Demand Analyses pp. 828-837

- Donald H. Rosenthal
- Relative Prices and Money: Further Results for the United States pp. 838-842

- S. Devadoss and William H. Meyers
- Land Reform Policies in Iran pp. 843-848

- Mohammad G. Majd
- Interpreting Dual Variables for Optimization with Nonmonetary Objectives pp. 849-851

- Paul Preckel, Allen Featherstone and Timothy Baker
- Expectations and Commodity Price Dynamics: The Overshooting Model: Comment pp. 852-855

- J. Douglas Gordon
- Expectations and Commodity Price Dynamics: The Overshooting Model: Reply pp. 856

- Jeffrey Frankel
- Stochastic Efficiency versus Mean-Variance Criteria as Predictors of Adoption of Reduced Tillage: Comment pp. 857-860

- Chandra M. Shrestha, David Debertin and Kurt R. Anschel
- Salter, Leonard A., Jr. A Critical Review of Research in Land Economics. Minneapolis MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1948 pp. 861-862

- Emery N. Castle
- Beiden, Joseph N. Dirt Rich, Dirt Poor: America's Food and Farm Crisis. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986, xii + 188 pp., 7.95 English pounds pp. 862-863

- Don Paarlberg
- Browne, William P., and Don F. Hadwiger, eds. World Food Policies: Toward Agricultural Independence. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1986, 220 pp., $26.50 pp. 863-864

- Nicole S. Ballenger
- Capps, Oral, and Benjamin Senauer, eds. Food Demand Analysis, Implications for Future Consumption. Blacksburg VA: Department of Agricultural Economies, VPI and State University, 1986, xi and 292 pp., $15.00 pp. 864-865

- Gordon A. King
- Butler, Nick. The International Grain Trade: Problems and Prospects. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986, vi + 176 pp., $29.95 pp. 864

- Emilio Pagoulatos
- Castle, Emery N., Manning H. Becker, and A. Gene Nelson. Farm Business Management: The Decision-Making Process, 3rd ed. New York: Macmillan Co., 1987, xii + 413 pp., $33.75 pp. 865-866

- William M. Edwards
- Cummings, Ronald G., David S. Brookshire, and William D. Schulze, eds. Valuing Environmental Goods—An Assessment of the Contingent Valuation Method. Totowa NJ: Rowman & Allanheld, 1986, xiii + 270 pp., $49.50 pp. 866-867

- Thomas P. Holmes
- Ghai, Dharam and Lawrance D. Smith. Agricultural Prices, Policy, and Equity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1987, x + 174 pp., $24.50 pp. 867-868

- William K. Jaeger
- Hansen, Art W., and Della E. McMillan, eds. Food in Sub-Saharan Africa. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1986, xvi + 410 pp., price unknown pp. 868-869

- William O. Jones
- Hildebrand, Peter E., ed. Perspectives on Farming Systems Research and Extension. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1986, xiii + 167 pp., $20.00 pp. 869-870

- Edward D. Lotterman
- Johnson, A. C, Jr., M. B. Johnson, and R. C. Buse. Econometrics: Basic and Applied. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1987, xv + 480 pp., $29.00 pp. 870-872

- Nancy E. Bockstael
- Hill, Polly. Development Economics on Trial: The Anthropological Case for a Prosecution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, xiii + 198 pp., $34.50, $10.95 paper pp. 870

- Forrest D. Colburn
- Johnson, Glenn L. Research Methodology for Economists: Philosophy and Practice. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1986, xx + 252 pp., $27.50 pp. 872-873

- George W. Ladd
- Kennedy, John O. S. Dynamic Programming Applications to Agriculture and Natural Resources. London: Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1986, xv + 341 pp., $76.00 pp. 873

- Jon M. Conrad
- McKinzie, Lance, Timothy G. Baker, and Wallace E. Tyner. A Perspective on U.S. Farm Problems and Agricultural Policy. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1987, xvii + 189 pp., $22.50 pp. 874-875

- Eddy L. LaDue
- Ravenhill, John, ed. Africa in Economic Crisis. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986, xiii + 359 pp., $35.00 pp. 875-876

- Charles D. Whyte
- Robison, Lindon J., and Peter J. Barry. The Competitive Firm's Response to Risk. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1987, xii + 324 pp., $37.50 pp. 876-877

- Arne Hallam
- Schuh, G. Edward, and Jennifer L. McCoy, eds. Foody Agriculturey and Development in the Pacific Basin. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1986, xvii + 292 pp., $25.00 pp. 877-878

- David F. Nygaard
- Thomas, Vinod. Linking Macroeconomic and Agricultural Policies for Adjustment and Growth: The Colombian Experience. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985, 252 pp., $32.50 pp. 878-879

- Harold M. Riley
- Williams, Thomas T., ed. Human Resources Development in Rural America—Myth or Reality. Tuskegee AL: Tuskegee University, 1986, ix + 189 pp., $15.00 paper pp. 879-880

- Henry Ponder
Volume 69, issue 3, 1987
- Econometric Estimation of Producers' Risk Attitudes pp. 509-522

- John Antle
- Further Toward a Theory of Agricultural Insurance pp. 523-531

- Carl Nelson and Edna T. Loehman
- An Examination of Farm Sector Real Asset Dynamics: 1910–85 pp. 532-546

- Allen Featherstone and Timothy Baker
- Dynamic Animal Economics pp. 547-557

- Sherwin Rosen
- Long-Run Profit Functions for Multiproduct Firms pp. 558-569

- Dale Squires
- Surplus Disposal in World Markets: An Application to Egyptian Cotton pp. 570-579

- Eric A. Monke, Dennis C. Cory and Donald G. Heckerman
- Flexible Exchange Rates and Commodity Price Changes: The Case of Japan pp. 580-590

- Cathy L. Jabara and Nancy E. Schwartz
- Gains and Losses of Sugar Program Policy Options pp. 591-602

- Gwo-Jiun M. Leu, Andrew Schmitz and Ronald D. Knutson
- A Simple Repackaging Model of Recreational Choices pp. 603-612

- Elizabeth A. Wilman
- A Spatial Analysis of Primary Health Care Markets in Rural Areas pp. 613-625

- Patricia A. Cowper and John E. Kushman
- Undocumented Mexico—U.S. Migration and the Returns to Households in Rural Mexico pp. 626-638

- J. Edward Taylor
- The Seasonality of Risk and Return on Agricultural Futures Positions pp. 639-646

- J. Austin Murphy
- Methods for Selecting the Optimal Dynamic Hedge When Production is Stochastic pp. 647-657

- Larry Karp
- Valuing Information When Risk Preferences Are Nonneutral: An Application to Irrigation Scheduling pp. 658-668

- Darrell Bosch and Vernon Eidman
- Describing and Identifying the Complete Set of Target MOTAD Solutions pp. 669-676

- Francis McCamley and James B. Kliebenstein
- Does Agricultural Extension Pay? The Training and Visit System in Northwest India pp. 677-686

- Gershon Feder, Roger H. Slade and Lawrence J. Lau
- The Demand for Varied Diet with Econometric Models for Count Data pp. 687-692

- Jonq-Ying Lee
- The Component Pricing of Milk Revisited pp. 693-696

- Normand R. St-Pierre and Grant Scobie
- The Fallacy of Differencing to Reduce Multicollinearity pp. 697-700

- Oscar R. Burt
- Risk Modeling via Direct Utility Maximization Using Numerical Quadrature pp. 701-706

- Michael S. Kaylen, Paul Preckel and Edna T. Loehman
- A Second Perspective on Earl O. Heady's. Economics of Agricultural Production and Resource Use. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, 1952 pp. 707-711

- Glenn L. Johnson
- Beierlein, James G., Kenneth C. Schneeberger, and Donald D. Osburn. Principles of Agribusiness Management. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986, xx + 441 pp., $25.95 pp. 711-712

- Michael W. Woolverton
- Bromley, Daniel W., ed, Natural Resource Economics: Policy Problems and Contemporary Analysis. Boston: Kluwer Nijhoff Publishing, 1986, xiv + 234 pp., $34.95 pp. 712-713

- Chennat Gopalakrishnan
- Dahlberg, Kenneth A., ed. New Directions for Agriculture and Agricultural Research: Neglected Dimensions and Emerging Alternatives. Totowa NJ: Rowman & Allanheld, Publishers, 1986, xi + 436 pp, $45.00, $18.95 paper pp. 713-714

- Ralph W. Cummings
- Easter, K. William, John A. Dixon, and Maynard M. Hufschmidt, eds. Watershed Resources Management. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1986, xx & 236 pp., $24.00 pp. 714-715

- Marc Ribaudo
- Hazell, Peter B. R., and Roger D. Norton. Mathematical Programming for Economic Analysis in Agriculture. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1986, xiv & 400 pp., $42.50 pp. 715-716

- Paul Preckel
- Houck, James P. Elements of Agricultural Trade Policy. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. 1986, xvi & 184 pp., $29.95 pp. 716-717

- Won W. Koo
- Makeham, J. P., and L. R. Malcolm. The Economics of Tropical Farm Management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, iii + 178 pp., $39.50 pp. 717-718

- Peter E. Hildebrand
- McBride, Glynn. Agricultural Cooperatives—Their Why and Their How. Westport CT: AVI Publishing Co. 1986, xvii + 352 pp., $42.50 pp. 718-719

- Calvin R. Berry
- Mulmule, M. G. A Practical Guide to Financing Integrated Rural Development. New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons, 1985, xi + 560 pp., 40Rs pp. 719

- J. D. Von Pischke
- Stross, Randall E. The Stubborn Earth: American Agriculturalists on Chinese Soil, 1898–1937. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986, xi + 272 pp., $25.00 pp. 720-721

- Jane Gleason
- Timmer, C. Peter. Getting Prices Right: The Scope and Limits of Agricultural Price Policy. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1986, 160 pp., $25.00, $7.95 paper pp. 721-722

- Alex F. McCalla
- Williams, Jeffrey. The Economic Function of Futures Markets. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, viii + 260 pp., $39.50 pp. 722

- Todd E. Petzel
Volume 69, issue 2, 1987
- Institutional Change in the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community pp. 213-222

- Carlisle Runge and Harald von Witzke
- The EEC's Wheat Price Policies and International Trade in Differentiated Products pp. 223-229

- Harry de Gorter and Karl Meilke
- Agricultural Price Policy in General Equilibrium Models: Results and Comparisons pp. 230-246

- Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet
- Potential Benefits of Agricultural Research and Extension in Peru pp. 247-257

- George Norton, Victor G. Ganoza and Carlos Pomareda
- Substitutability for Farm Commodities: The Demand for U.S. Tobacco in Cigarette Manufacturing pp. 258-265

- Daniel Sumner and Julian Alston
- Bootstrapping Confidence Intervals: An Application to Forecasting the Supply of Pork pp. 266-273

- David M. Prescott and Thanasis Stengos
- Household Consumption of Food-Away-From-Home: Total Expenditure and by Type of Food Facility pp. 274-284

- Vicki McCracken and Jon A. Brandt
- Asymmetry in Farm-Retail Price Transmission for Major Dairy Products pp. 285-292

- Henry Kinnucan and Olan D. Forker
- Time and the Recreational Demand Model pp. 293-302

- Nancy E. Bockstael, Ivar E. Strand and Michael Hanemann
- The Political Economy of Western Water Finance: Cost Allocation and the Bonneville Unit of the Central Utah Project pp. 303-310

- Jon R. Miller
- Land Ownership Security and Farm Investment in Thailand pp. 311-320

- Gershon Feder and Tongroj Onchan
- The Distribution of Gains from Technological Advance When Input Quality Varies pp. 321-327

- Susan E. Offutt, Philip Garcia and Musa Pinar
- The Production Structure and Demand for Labor in Postwar Japanese Agriculture, 1952–82 pp. 328-337

- Yoshimi Kuroda
- Extension Program Evaluation Using Normative Decision Models pp. 338-348

- Thomas O. Knight, S. R. Johnson and Robert M. Finley
- Fertilization under Uncertainty: An Analysis Based on Producer Yield Expectations pp. 349-357

- S. SriRamaratnam, David Bessler, M. Edward Rister, John E. Matocha and James Novak
- Dynamic Analysis of Income Taxes on Farm Firms pp. 358-368

- Sermin D. Hardesty, Hoy Carman and Charles V. Moore
- Tax Policies and the Financially Constrained Farm Household pp. 369-377

- Robert G. Chambers and Ramon Lopez
- An Analogy between Risk Aversion and Homothetic Production under Certainty pp. 378-381

- Rulon D. Pope
- On Moral Hazard and Cost Sharing under Sharecropping pp. 382-383

- Pranab Bardhan and Nirvikar Singh
- A Structural View of Policy Issues in African Agricultural Development: Comment pp. 384-388

- Maurice Schiff
- A Structural View of Policy Issues in African Agricultural Development: Reply pp. 389-391

- Christopher L. Delgado and John W. Mellor
- An Opportunity Cost View of Fixed Asset Theory and the Overproduction Trap: Comment pp. 392-394

- Garnett Bradford
- Inventing New Institutions: The Design Perspective pp. 395-402

- Leonid Hurwicz
- Institutional Change in Intellectual Property Rights pp. 403-409

- R. E. Evenson and Jonathan D. Putnam
- The Household Responsibility System Reform in China: A Peasant's Institutional Choice pp. 410-415

- Justin Lin
- Institutional Design and Innovation: Discussion pp. 416-417

- David Feeny
- Institutional Design and Innovation: Discussion pp. 418-419

- Liang-Shing Fan
- Potential Economic Impacts of Agricultural Biotechnology pp. 420-425

- Robert J. Kalter and Loren W. Tauer
- Policy Implications of Agricultural Biotechnology pp. 426-431

- Darrell L. Hueth and Richard Just
- Property Rights in Plants: Implications for Biotechnology Research and Extension pp. 432-437

- Judith I. Stallmann and Allan Schmid
- The Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology: Discussion pp. 438-439

- Walter L. Fishel
- The Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology: Discussion pp. 440-442

- Luther Tweeten and Mike Welsh
- Domestic and Export Demand for U.S. Agricultural Products pp. 443-447

- Lester H. Myers, James Blaylock and T. Kelly White
- Impact of Emerging Technologies on Food and Agricultural Productive Capacity pp. 448-453

- Michael J. Phillips and Yao-chi Lu
- Optional Uses for Excess Resources in U.S. Agriculture pp. 454-458

- Joseph C. Purcell
- Domestic and Export Demand for U.S. Agricultural Products: Discussion pp. 459-460

- Jimmye S. Hillman
- Impacts of Emerging Technologies on Food and Agricultural Productive Capacity: Discussion pp. 461-462

- B. R. Eddleman
- Optional Uses for Excess Resources in U.S. Agriculture: Discussion pp. 463-464

- Verner G. Hurt
- An Econometric Analysis of the Effects of Human Capital on Size and Growth among Dairy Farms pp. 465-470

- Daniel Sumner and James D. Leiby
- Size Distribution and Growth in a Sample of Illinois Cash Grain Farms pp. 471-476

- Philip Garcia, Susan E. Offutt and Steven T. Sonka
- Farm Size and Growth in Canada pp. 477-483

- Daniel Shapiro, Ray D. Bollman and Philip Ehrensaft
- Empirical Analysis of the Size Distribution of Farms: Discussion pp. 484-485

- David Evans
- Empirical Analysis of the Size Distribution of Farms: Discussion pp. 486-487

- Bronwyn Hall
- Andrae, Gunilla, and Björn Beckman. The Wheat Trap. London: Zed Books, Ltd., 1986, xi + 180 pp., $29.95, $10.95 paper pp. 488-489

- Sylvia Lane
- Anderson, Lee G. The Economics of Fisheries Management, rev. ed. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986, xx + 296 pp., $29.95 pp. 488

- Fred L. Olson
- Berg, Robert J., and Jennifer S. Whitaker, eds. Strategies for African Development. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986, xii + 603 pp., $39.50, $15.95 paper pp. 489-490

- Lane E. Holdcroft
- Csizmadia, Erno, and Magda Szekely. Food Economy in Hungary. Budapest, Hungary: Akademiai Kiado, 1986, 218 pp., price unknown pp. 490-491

- D. Lynn Forster
- Debertin, David L. Agricultural Production Economics. New York: Macmillan Co., 1986, xviii + 366 pp., $30.00 pp. 491-492

- Sandra Archibald
- Hart, Gillian. Power, Labor, and Livelihood: Processes of Change in Rural Java. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986, xvi + 228 pp., $30.00 pp. 492-493

- Laurian Unnevehr
- Martin, Gerald G., ed. Traditional Agriculture in Southeast Asia: A Human Ecology Perspective. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1986, xxvi + 358 pp., $36.50 pp. 493-495

- Sam H. Johnson
- Nakajima, Chihiro. Subjective Equilibrium Theory of the Farm Household. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier Publishers B.V., 1986, xii + 302 pp., $57.50 pp. 495-497

- Pan A. Yotopoulos
- Reynolds, Lloyd G. Economic Growth in the Third World: An Introduction. New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 1986, viii + 149 pp., $7.95 pp. 497-498

- David Jessee
- Singh, Inderjit, Lyn Squire, and John Strauss, eds. Agricultural Household Models: Extensions, Applications, and Policy. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press for the World Bank, 1986, xi + 335 pp., $34.50 pp. 498-500

- Michael Carter
- Schaeffer, Franky. Is Capitalism Christian? Westchester IL: Good News Publishers, 1985, xxix + 461 pp., $9.95 pp. 498

- T. T. Williams
- Svobida, Lawrence. Farming the Dust Bowl. Lawrence: The University Press of Kansas, 1986, 255 pp., $7.95 pp. 500-501

- Philip Raup
- Workman, John P. Range Economics. New York: Macmillan Co., 1986, xvi + 217 pp., $34.50 pp. 501

- Myles J. Watts
Volume 69, issue 1, 1987
- Rent Seeking in International Trade: The Great Tomato War pp. 1-10

- Maury Bredahl, Andrew Schmitz and Jimmye S. Hillman
- Dominant Forms of Corporate Control in the U.S. Agribusiness Sector pp. 11-21

- Julie Caswell
- Adjustment Costs and Rational Expectations: An Application to a Tobacco Export Model pp. 22-29

- George P. Zanias
- The Poultry Market: Demand Stability and Industry Structure pp. 30-37

- Walter Thurman
- Hedging with Options under Variance Uncertainty: An Illustration of Pricing New-Crop Soybeans pp. 38-45

- Robert J. Hauser and Dane K. Andersen
- Offshore Commodity Hedging under Floating Exchange Rates pp. 46-55

- Stanley Thompson and Gary E. Bond
- Bee Pollination and Productivity Growth: The Case of Alfalfa pp. 56-63

- Alan Olmstead and Donald B. Wooten
- A Farm Firm Model of Machinery Investment Decisions pp. 64-77

- Donald W. Reid and Garnett L. Bradford
- Multiple Objectives in Agricultural Planning: A Compromise Programming Application pp. 78-86

- Carlos Romero, Francisco Amador and Antonio Barco
- Toward an Appropriate Measure of Uncertainty in a Risk Programming Model pp. 87-96

- William T. McSweeny, David E. Kenyon and Randall Kramer
- Dynamic Equilibrium in Markets for Perennial Crops pp. 97-105

- Keith Knapp
- Energy Conservation and Rebates in Commercial Food Enterprises pp. 106-114

- Kenneth Train and Judi E. Strebel
- Income Effects of Donated Commodities in Rural Panama pp. 115-122

- David L. Franklin, Marielouise W. Harrell and Jerry B. Leonard
- Optimal Control of Irrigation Scheduling Using a Random Time Frame pp. 123-133

- J. Thomas McGuckin, Craig Mapel, Robert Lansford and Ted Sammis
- Computation Techniques for Intertemporal Allocation of Natural Resources pp. 134-142

- Duane Chapman
- Reducing Moral Hazard Associated with Implied Warranties of Animal Health pp. 143-150

- Terence Centner and Michael E. Wetzstein
- Applying Theil's Multinomial Extension of the Linear Logit Model to Meat Expenditure Data pp. 151-157

- Ronald Bewley and Trevor Young
- Technical Change, Uncertainty, and Investment pp. 158-165

- Spiro Stefanou
- Agricultural Economists in the Information Age: Awareness, Usage, and Attitudes toward Electronic Bibliographic Databases pp. 166-173

- Roger A. Dahlgran
- A Note from the Editor pp. 174-175

- Peter J. Barry
- Agricultural Productive and Consumptive Use Components of Rural Land Values in Texas: Comment pp. 176-178

- Rangesan Narayanan and Ronald L. Shane
- Agricultural Productive and Consumptive Use Components of Rural Land Values in Texas: Reply pp. 179-181

- C. Pope
- Welfare Evaluations in Contingent Valuation Experiments with Discrete Responses: Comment pp. 182-184

- John Kushman
- Welfare Evaluations in Contingent Valuation Experiments with Discrete Responses: Reply pp. 185-186

- Michael Hanemann
- Least-Cost Subsidization Alternatives: Comment pp. 187

- GianCarlo Moschini
- Estimating Substitution and Expansion Effects: Comment pp. 188-192

- Thomas Hertel
- Estimating Substitution and Expansion Effects: Reply pp. 193

- Ramon Lopez
- Angell, George. Agricultural Options: Trading Puts and Calls in the New Grain and Livestock Futures Markets. New York: American Management Association, 1986, ix + 230 pp., $22.95 pp. 194

- Scott Irwin and Carl Zulauf
- Desai, D. K., and N. T. Patel. Agricultural Research Management: Case Studies of Operational Research Projects of ICAR. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., 1986, xx + 212 pp., Rs. 75.00 pp. 195-196

- Faqir Singh Bagi
- Colburn, Forest D. Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua: State, Class, and the Dilemmas of Agrarian Policy. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986, 145 pp., $17.50 pp. 195

- Philip F. Warnken
- Hughes, Dean W., Stephen C. Gabriel, Peter J. Barry, and Michael D. Boehlje. Financing the Agricultural Sector: Future Challenges and Policy Alternatives. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1986, 200 pp., $24.85 pp. 196-197

- Sermin D. Hardesty
- James, Sydney C., and Everett Stoneberg. Farm Accounting and Business Analysis, rev. ed, Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1986, vii + 312 pp., $28.95 pp. 197-198

- Reed D. Taylor
- Jones, James R., ed, East-West Agricultural Trade. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1986, xvii + 256 pp., $27.50 pp. 198-199

- Eric Monke
- Kay, Ronald D. Farm Management: Planning, Control, and Implementation, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hili Book Co., 1986, xii + 401 pp., $32.95 pp. 199-200

- Kenneth W. Paxton
- Klein, K. K., and W. H. Furtan, eds. Economics of Agricultural Research in Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1986, xvi + 188 pp., $14.95 pp. 200-201

- Murray Hawkins
- Koch, A. Robert. Economic Principles: Growth and Environment. Westport CT: AVI Publishing Co., 1986, 212 pp., $25.00 pp. 201-202

- Patricia McLean-Meyinsse
- Penson, John, Rulon Pope, and Michael Cook. Introduction to Agricultural Economics. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986, xvi + 566 pp., $29.95 pp. 202-203

- Bryan Schurle
- Poppendieck, Janet. Breadlines Kneedeep in Wheat: Food Assistance in the Great Depression. New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1986, xvii + 306 pp., $30.00 pp. 203

- Larry Witt
- Runge, C. Ford, ed, The Future of the North American Granary: Politics, Economics, and Resource Constraints in North American Agriculture. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1986, xx + 238 pp., $21.50 pp. 204-205

- S. E. Offutt
- Scott, Gregory J. Markets, Myths and Middlemen: A Study of Potato Marketing in Central Peru. Lima, Peru: International Potato Center (CIP), June 1985, xii + 184 pp., $11.75 pp. 205-206

- Howard L. Steele
- Scott, James C. Weapons of the Weak; Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. New Haven CT and London: Yale University Press, 1985, xxii + 389 pp., $35.00 pp. 206-207

- Donald C. Taylor
- Stiglitz, Joseph E., and G. Frank Mathewson, eds. New Developments in the Analysis of Market Structure. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1986, xxiv + 559 pp., $13.50 pp. 207-208

- Glen D. Whipple
- Wong, Lung-Fai. Agricultural Productivity in the Socialist Countries. Boulder CO and London: Westview Press, 1986, xvii + 195 pp., $20.00 pp. 208-210

- Joachim Elterich and Conrado Gempesaw
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