American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 60, issue 5, 1978
- Perspective on Farm Size pp. 727-737

- B. F. Stanton
- Some Forces Affecting the Changing Structure, Organization, and Control of American Agriculture pp. 738-748

- Harold O. Carter and Warren E. Johnston
- Institutional Economics and Political Economy Revisited: Implications for Agricultural Economics pp. 749-758

- Gary G. Storey
- The Changing Organization, Structure, and Control of Canadian Agriculture pp. 759-768

- Terrence S. Veeman and Michele M. Veeman
- Agriculture Loses Its Uniqueness pp. 769-776

- Don Paarlberg
- Consumers and Food Policy in North America pp. 777-781

- Carol Tucker Foreman
- North American Food and Agricultural Policy: Conflict and Cooperation—A General Introduction pp. 782-784

- Alex F. McCalla
- U.S. and Canadian Food and Agricultural Policies: Goals and Objectives, Conflict and Cooperation pp. 785-788

- Howard W. Hjort
- National Agricultural Policies and Market Relations pp. 789-792

- D. Johnson
- North American Food and Agricultural Policy with Respect to Agricultural Inputs: Conflict and Cooperation pp. 793-796

- Elmer L. Menzie
- North American Food and Agricultural Policies: Conflict and Cooperation—Trade Interdependencies pp. 797-799

- W. J. Anderson
- What Is Known about Human Nutritional Needs pp. 800-802

- H. S. Olcott
- Human Nutrition and Health pp. 803-805

- Philip L. White
- Nutrition Policies, Programs, and Politics pp. 806-809

- Sol Chafkin
- Discussion: Can Human Nutrition Be the Leading Goal for Food and Agricultural Policies? pp. 810-812

- R. M. A. Loyns
- Farming Systems Research to Improve the Livelihood of Small Farmers pp. 813-818

- D. W. Norman
- Farming Systems Research to Improve the Livelihood of Small Farmers: Discussion pp. 819-820

- Delane E. Welsch
- Aspects of Rural Labor Market Operation: A Javanese Case Study pp. 821-826

- Gillian Hart and Daniel Sisler
- Aspects of Rural Labor Market Operation: A Javanese Case Study: Discussion pp. 827-829

- Peter J. Matlon
- Improving Managerial Capabilities of Limited Resource Farmers pp. 830-833

- K. J. McKenzie
- Improving Managerial Capabilities of Limited Resource Farmers: Discussion pp. 834-835

- Leroy Davis
- Public Policy and the Control of Agricultural Production pp. 836-843

- Bruce Gardner
- Public Policy and the Control of Agricultural Production: Discussion pp. 844-847

- Neil E. Harl
- The Control of Agricultural Processing and Distribution pp. 848-855

- Willard F. Mueller
- Public Policy and the Control of Agricultural Processing and Distribution: Discussion pp. 856-858

- R. J. Herder
- India—A Drive Towards Self-Sufficiency in Food Grains pp. 859-864

- J. S. Sarma
- Import Substitution and Implicit Taxation of Agriculture in Brazil pp. 865-871

- Eliseu Roberto de Andrade Alves and Affonso Celso Pastore
- Chinese Agriculture: Continued Self-Reliance pp. 872-877

- Thomas B. Wiens
- The Role of Marketing Boards in Stabilizing Commodity Markets pp. 878-884

- Larry J. Martin and T. K. Warley
- Public Intervention and Producer Supply Response pp. 885-890

- Gordon Rausser and D. Peter Stonehouse
- Public Intervention and Producer Supply Response: Discussion pp. 891-893

- L. T. Wallace
- Effects of Marketing Boards on the Agribusiness Sector pp. 894-898

- Thomas F. Funk and Martin T. Rice
- Effects of Marketing Boards on the Agribusiness Sector: Discussion pp. 899-900

- Bruce W. Marion
- Developments in the Economic Theory of Information pp. 901-905

- Ludwig M. Eisgruber
- Developments in the Economic Theory of Information: Discussion pp. 906-907

- D. Lynn Forster
- The Developing Technology of Computerized Information Systems pp. 908-912

- Stephen B. Harsh
- The Developing Technology of Computerized Information Systems: Discussion pp. 913-914

- Ron E. Shaffer
- Interfacing Research and Extension in Information Delivery Systems pp. 915-920

- Craig L. Infanger, Lynn W. Robbins and David Debertin
- Interfacing Research and Extension in Information Delivery Systems: Discussion pp. 921-922

- Harold W. Walker
- Economies of Size and the 160-Acre Limitation: Fact and Fancy pp. 923-928

- William E. Martin
- Reclamation Policy and the Water Subsidy: An Analysis of the Distributional Consequences of Emerging Policy Choices pp. 929-934

- E. Phillip LeVeen and George E. Goldman
- Demographic, Economic, and Fiscal Impacts of Alternative Westlands Reclamation Act Enforcement Scenarios pp. 935-940

- Peter L. Bass and Edward M. Kirshner
- Consequences of Acreage Limitation and Other Provisions of Federal Reclamation Law: Discussion pp. 941-942

- David Holland
- Consequences of Acreage Limitation and Other Provisions of Federal Reclamation Law: Discussion pp. 943-944

- Robert K. Davis
- Rural Development Planning: A Science? pp. 945-949

- J. A. MacMillan and J. D. Graham
- Rural Industrialization and the Changing Distribution of Family Incomes pp. 950-954

- Brady J. Deaton and Maurice Landes
- The Incremental Nature of Public Service Delivery: Implications for Rural Areas pp. 955-960

- Lonnie L. Jones and Steve H. Murdock
- Viability of Rural Communities: Discussion pp. 961-963

- Frank M. Goode
- Returns to Agricultural Research and Extension Programs: An Ex-Ante Approach pp. 964-968

- A. A. Araji, R. J. Sim and R. L. Gardner
- Assessing Returns to Agricultural Extension pp. 969-975

- Wallace Huffman
- Projecting Agricultural Productivity and Its Economic Impact pp. 976-980

- Yao-chi Lu, Leroy Quance and Chun-lan Liu
- Assessing and Projecting the Effects of Agricultural Research, Extension, and Technology: Discussion pp. 981-982

- R. F. Hutton
- Assessing and Projecting the Effects of Agricultural Research, Extension, and Technology: Discussion pp. 983-984

- William W. Wood
- Innovations in Teaching: An Introduction pp. 985-986

- Carl W. O'Connor and Dean N. Osterman
- Simulation and Gaming Models: Application in Teaching and Extension Programs pp. 987-992

- Michael D. Boehlje and Vernon Eidman
- Designing an Instructional Package: The Use of Probabilities in Farm Decision Making pp. 993-997

- A. Gene Nelson and Tiffin D. Harris
- Field Experience in Public Affairs Management: The Michigan State University Approach pp. 998-1002

- Lester V. Manderscheid and Bernie Ferres
- Innovations in Undergraduate and Extension Teaching: Discussion pp. 1003-1007

- Odell L. Walker
- Concepts of Value for Marine Recreational Fishing pp. 1008-1012

- John F. Dwyer and Michael D. Bowes
- The Role of Economic Models in Evaluating Commercial Fishery Resources pp. 1013-1019

- Curtis C. Harris and Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
- Theoretical and Empirical Considerations for Estimating Capacity and Capacity Utilization in Commercial Fisheries pp. 1020-1025

- Fred J. Prochaska
- Seafood Processing Capacity in Commercial Fisheries Management: Discussion pp. 1026-1027

- Nancy E. Bockstael
- Seafood Processing Capacity in Commercial Fisheries Management: Discussion pp. 1028-1029

- Frank Orth
- The Regional Consequences of the Canadian Tariff Structure pp. 1030-1035

- Tim Hazledine
- The Regional Consequences of the Canadian Tariff Structure: Discussion pp. 1036-1037

- Robert L. Thompson
- Regional Policies for Agriculture: The Effects and the Future pp. 1038-1042

- George E. Lee
- Regional Policies for Agriculture: The Effects and the Future: Discussion pp. 1043-1044

- David R. Harvey
- The Development of a Food and Agriculture Policy in Quebec pp. 1045-1052

- Francois Dagenais and Robert St. Louis
- The Development of a Food and Agriculture Policy in Quebec: Discussion pp. 1051-1052

- Robert St. Louis
Volume 60, issue 4, 1978
- Economic and Policy Implications of the 160-Acre Limitation in Federal Reclamation Law pp. 575-588

- David Seckler and Robert A. Young
- Farm Size and Economic Efficiency: The Case of California pp. 589-600

- Bruce F. Hall and E. Phillip LeVeen
- An Approach to the Delineation of Rural Banking Markets pp. 601-608

- Stephen A. Mathis, Duane G. Harris and Michael Boehlje
- Food Delivery Programs and Other Factors Affecting Nutrient Intake of Children pp. 609-618

- David W. Price, Donald A. West, Genevieve E. Scheier and Dorothy Z. Price
- The Expected Utility Hypothesis and Demand-Supply Restrictions pp. 619-627

- Rulon D. Pope
- Decomposition Analysis of Derived Demand for Factor Inputs: The Case of Rice Production in Japan pp. 628-635

- Toshiyuki Kako
- Patron Valuation of a Farmer Cooperative under Alternative Finance Policies pp. 636-641

- James G. Beierlein and Lee F. Schrader
- Efficiencies in Large-Scale Dairying: Incentives for Future Structural Change pp. 642-647

- Scott C. Matulich
- The Economics of Adopting Solar Energy Systems for Crop Irrigation pp. 648-654

- Martin T. Katzman and Ronald W. Matlin
- Tobacco Technology and Agricultural Labor pp. 655-660

- Philip L. Martin and Stanley S. Johnson
- World Food Sufficiency and Meat Consumption pp. 661-666

- Peter Svedberg
- Short-Run Predictive Models for Retail Meat Sales pp. 667-673

- B. W. Marion and F. E. Walker
- Estimating Components of Demand Elasticities from Cross-Sectional Data pp. 674-677

- C. S. Thraen, J. W. Hammond and B. M. Buxton
- The Farmer Decision Process in Purchasing Broiler Feeds pp. 678-682

- Thomas F. Funk and Frank C. Tarte
- The Impact of Alternative Objectives on Feedlot Rations for Beef Steers pp. 683-688

- Bryan E. Melton, Earl O. Heady, Richard L. Willham and M. Peter Hoffman
- Welfare Analysis of Long-Term Forest Products Price Stabilization: Note pp. 689-690

- R. G. Cummings and R. N. Johnson
- New Health Practitioners and Rural Health Care pp. 691-694

- Richard M. Scheffler and John E. Kushman
- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Flammability Standards pp. 695-700

- Rachel Dardis, Susan Aaronson and Ying-Nan Lin
- A Critique of the Use of BLS Data for Market Structure-Price Analysis pp. 701-705

- Frederick E. Geithman and Bruce W. Marion
- U.S. Agricultural Production Capacity: Reply pp. 706-708

- Luther Tweeten, Leroy Quance and Chung Yeh
- Note from the Book Review Editor pp. 709

- Herbert H. Stoevener
- Martin, Lee R., ed. A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Vol. 2. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1977, 473 pp., $25.00. $18.00 to AAEA members through 30 November 1979 pp. 709-712

- A. N. Halter
- A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Vol. 2 pp. 712-714

- Joseph Havlicek
- A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Vol. 2 pp. 714-716

- Gordon A. King
Volume 60, issue 3, 1978
- Effects of Market-Share and Antimerger Policies on the Fluid Milk-Processing Industry pp. 385-392

- Richard L. Kilmer and David E. Hahn
- A Pooled Cross-Section Time Series Model of Coupon Promotions pp. 393-401

- Ronald W. Ward and James E. Davis
- The Potential Impact of Changes in Income Distribution on Food Demand and Human Nutrition pp. 402-415

- Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Elizabeth Caicedo
- An Analytical Framework for Extension Community Development Programming in Local Government pp. 416-424

- George R. McDowell
- Risk Attitudes of Subsistence Farmers in Northeast Brazil: A Sampling Approach pp. 425-435

- John L. Dillon and Pasquale Scandizzo
- A Model of Crop Selection in Semi-subsistence Agriculture and an Application to Mixed Agriculture in Fiji pp. 436-444

- A. John De Boer and Satish Chandra
- The Role of Education in the Dynamics of Supply pp. 445-451

- Todd E. Petzel
- A "Putty-Clay" Approach to Aggregation of Production/Pollution Possibilities: An Application in Dairy Waste Control pp. 452-459

- L. Joe Moffitt, David Zilberman and Richard Just
- Adult Equivalent Scales: An Alternative Approach pp. 460-468

- Rueben C. Buse and Larry E. Salathe
- Optimal Pesticide Application for Controlling the Boll Weevil on Cotton pp. 469-475

- H. Talpaz, G. L. Curry, P. J. H. Sharpe, D. W. DeMichele and R. E. Frisbie
- Active Learning, Control Theory, and Agricultural Policy pp. 476-490

- Gordon Rausser
- Nontariff Barriers: Major Problem in Agricultural Trade pp. 491-501

- Jimmye s. Hillman
- Retail and Wholesale Demand and Marketing Order Policy for Fresh Navel Oranges pp. 502-509

- Glenn Nelson and Tom H. Robinson
- Regional Economic Impacts of Policies to Control Erosion and Sedimentation in Illinois and Other Corn Belt States pp. 510-517

- Craig Osteen and Wesley D. Seitz
- On the Statistical Estimation of Isoquants and Their Role in Livestock Production Decisions pp. 518-523

- Oscar R. Burt
- Deletion Criteria for Principal Components Regression Analysis pp. 524-527

- Thomas Fomby and Carter Hill
- Estimating Irreversible Supply Functions pp. 528-531

- Bruce Traill, David Colman and Trevor Young
- Price, Income, and Foreign Exchange Reserve Elasticity for Asian Rice Imports pp. 532-535

- Badrul Islam
- Uncertainty and Incentive Effects in Share Contracts pp. 536-539

- L. Dean Hiebert
- Some Evidence on Weather-Crop-Yield Interaction pp. 540-543

- J. Roy Black and Stanley Thompson
- Machinery Selection and Crop Planning on a State Farm in Iraq pp. 544-549

- Abdulla Danok, Bruce McCarl and T. Kelley White
- How Farmers Viewed Farm and Food Policy Issues Compared with Selected Provisions of the 1977 Agricultural Act pp. 550-554

- Harold D. Guither and Bob F. Jones
- Landspreading: An Alternative for Sludge Disposal pp. 555-558

- Stephen L. Ott and D. Lynn Forster
- The Welfare Effects of Erosion Controls, Banning Pesticides, and Limiting Fertilizer Application in the Corn Belt: Comment pp. 559

- Clayton Ogg
- The Welfare Effects of Erosion Controls, Banning Pesticides, and Limiting Fertilizer Application in the Corn Belt: Reply pp. 560-561

- C. Robert Taylor and Klaus K. Frohberg
- Buchanan, James S. Freedom in Constitutional Contract: Perspectives of a Political Economist. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1977, xii + 311 pp., $13.50 pp. 562-563

- Alan Randall
- Anderson, Lee G. The Economics of Fisheries Management. Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977, xviii + 214 pp., $14.00 pp. 562

- R. Bruce Rettig
- Gibbons, Boyd. Wye Island: Outsiders, Insiders, and Resistence to Change. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977, xiii + 227 pp., $10.95 pp. 564-565

- Paul Barkeley
- Maddala, G. S. Econometrics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1977, xii + 516 pp., $19.50 pp. 565-566

- William G. Tomek
- Papageorgiou, George J., ed, Mathematical Land Use Theory. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D. C. Heath Co., 1976, xx + 307 pp., $27.50 pp. 566-567

- Ronald A. Oliveira
Volume 60, issue 2, 1978
- Oligopoly Pricing in the World Wheat Market pp. 173-185

- Chris M. Alaouze, A. S. Watson and N. H. Sturgess
- The 1973 Food Price Inflation pp. 186-196

- Albert Eckstein and Dale Heien
- Factor Intensities and Locational Linkages of Rural Consumption Patterns in Sierra Leone pp. 197-206

- Robert King and Derek Byerlee
- Water Utilization and Reallocation in Chile: A Study of the Pirque Valley pp. 207-213

- Loren L. Parks and David E. Hansen
- Rural Banks and Farm Loan Participation pp. 214-224

- Peter J. Barry
- The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977: Issues and Decisions pp. 225-235

- R. G. F. Spitze
- Microeconomics of Technical Change: What's a Better Animal Worth? pp. 236-240

- George W. Ladd and Craig Gibson
- Measurement of Economic Uncertainty in Public Water Resource Development: An Extension pp. 241-244

- Lloyd J. Mercer and W. Douglas Morgan
- The Formulation of Price Expectations: An Empirical Test of Theoretical Models pp. 245-248

- B. S. Fisher and Carolyn Tanner
- Teaching Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty to Farmers pp. 249-253

- John Holt and Kim B. Anderson
- Adjustments in a Farm Business in Response to an Energy Crisis pp. 254-258

- Robert Burton and R. G. Kline
- The Tradeoff between Expected Return and Risk Among Cornbelt Farmers pp. 259-263

- Lars Brink and Bruce McCarl
- Schooling and the Agricultural Minimum Wage pp. 264-268

- H. F. Gallasch and Bruce Gardner
- On the Foundations of Intertemporal Choice pp. 269-275

- John Ferejohn and Talbot Page
- Adaptive Economics and Natural Resources Policy pp. 276-283

- Richard H. Day
- Scarcity and Growth Reconsidered pp. 284-289

- V. Smith
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 290-292

- Alan Randall
- Appropriate Technology for U.S. Agriculture: Are Small Farms the Coming Thing? Introductory Comments pp. 293-294

- Otto C. Doering
- How is Scale and Structure Determined in Agriculture? pp. 295-302

- B. Delworth Gardner and Rulon D. Pope
- Some Questions of Value and Scale in American Agriculture pp. 303-308

- Philip Raup
- Some Nonfarm Effects of Changes in Agricultural Technology pp. 309-315

- Paul W. Barkley
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 316-321

- Jerry A. Moles
- Time Allocation in Rural Philippine Households pp. 322-330

- Robert E. Evenson
- Household Allocation of Voluntary Labor in the Production of Fire Protection: Minnesota Evidence pp. 331-337

- Thomas Stinson
- The Demand for Home-Produced Food by Rural Families pp. 338-344

- Henry Kinnucan and Benjamin Sexauer
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 345-347

- Robert T. Michael
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 348-350

- Barbara S. Zoloth
- Martin, Lee R., ed. A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Vol. 1. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977, 540 pp., $25.00. $18.00 to AAEA members through 31 May 1979 pp. 351-353

- James P. Houck
- Note from the Book Review Editor pp. 351

- Herbert H. Stoevener
- A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Vol. 1 pp. 353-356

- C. B. Baker
- A Survey of Agricultural Economics Literature, Vol. 1 pp. 356-359

- B. Delworth Gardner
Volume 60, issue 1, 1978
- Property Rights and the Potitical Economy of Resource Scarcity pp. 1-9

- Emery N. Castle
- Endangered Species and Uncertainty: The Economics of a Safe Minimum Standard pp. 10-18

- Richard C. Bishop
- Systems of Land Tenure, Allocative Efficiency, and Economic Development pp. 19-28

- P. C. Ip and C. W. Stahl
- Macroeconomic Policy, Investment, and Urban Unemployment in Less Developed Countries pp. 29-36

- Walter Haessel
- Agriculture's Three Economies in a Changing Resource Environment pp. 37-47

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Supply Shifts and the Size of Research Benefits pp. 48-58

- R. K. Lindner and F. G. Jarrett
- Japanese Agricultural Distortions and Their Welfare Value pp. 59-64

- Malcolm D. Bale and Bruce L. Greenshields
- A Model for Evaluating the Effects of Thai Government Taxation of Rice Exports on Trade and Welfare pp. 65-73

- Chung Ming Wong
- Welfare Implications of Grain Price Stabilization: Some Empirical Evidence for the United States pp. 74-84

- Panos A. Konandreas and Andrew Schmitz
- The Impact of Technical Change on Income Distribution: The Case of Rice in Colombia pp. 85-92

- Grant Scobie and Rafael Posada T.
- Alternative Estimates of Static and Dynamic Demand Systems for Canada pp. 93-107

- Richard Green, Zuhair A. Hassan and S. R. Johnson
- Food Distribution and Food Stamp Program Effects on Food Consumption and Nutritional "Achievement" of Low Income Persons in Kern County, California pp. 108-116

- Sylvia Lane
- Monthly Steer and Heifer Supply pp. 117-125

- Glenn Nelson and Thomas Spreen
- Effects of Protein and Fat Pricing on Farm Milk Prices for the Five Major U.S. Dairy Breeds pp. 126-131

- Blair J. Smith and Stephen D. Snyder
- Insulating Trade Policies, Inventories, and Wheat Price Stability pp. 132-134

- Thomas Grennes, Paul R. Johnson and Marie Thursby
- Impact of Alternative Remote Access Computer Systems on Extension Programs pp. 135-139

- Eddy L. LaDue
- An Assessment of Suffolk County's Farmland Preservation Program pp. 140-143

- William G. Lesher and Doyle A. Eiler
- U.S. Agricultural Production Capacity: Comment pp. 144-147

- Pierre Crosson
- Possible Implications of Voids in USDA Cattle Slaughter Data: Comment pp. 148-150

- Enrique Ospina and C. Shumway
- A Note from the Editor pp. 151

- V. James Rhodes
- Anderson, Jock R., John L. Dillon, and J. Brian Hardaker. Agricultural Decision Analysis. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1977, 344 pp., $17.50 pp. 152-153

- Gerald A. Carlson
- Arndt, Thomas M., Dana G. Dalrymple, and Vernon W. Ruttan, eds. Resource Allocation and Productivity in National and International Agricultural Research. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977, xxvii + 617 pp., $25.00 pp. 153-154

- Grant Scobie
- Downing, Paul B., ed. Local Public Service Pricing Policies and Their Effect on Urban Spatial Structure. Vancouver, Canada: British Columbia Institute for Economic Policy Analysis, University of British Columbia Press, 1977, xvi + 461 pp., $9.95 pp. 154-155

- Melville McMillan
- Ervin, David, James Fitch, Kenneth Godwin, Bruce Shepard, and Herbert Stoevener. Land Use Control: Evaluating Economic and Political Effects. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1977, 184 pp., $17.50 pp. 156-157

- Lawrence W. Libby
- Halcrow, Harold G.Food Policy for America. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1977, x + 545 pp., $19.50 pp. 157-158

- K. L. Robinson
- Maxwell, James A., and J. Richard Aronson. Financing State and Local Governments. 3rd ed., Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1977, xvi + 290 pp., $10.95, $4.95 paper pp. 158-159

- Bruce A. Weber
- Johnson, Ralph W., and Gardner M. Brown, Jr. Cleaning up Europe's Waters. Economics, Management, and Policies. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1976, xvi + 313 pp., $26.50 pp. 158

- Bruno Frey
- Tweeten, Luther, and George Brinkman. Micropolitan Development. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1976, ix, 456 pp., $20.00 pp. 160-161

- Philip Martin
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