American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 61, issue 5, 1979
- Choices and Consequences pp. 839-848

- Richard A. King
- Working with Other Disciplines pp. 849-859

- Earl R. Swanson
- Agricultural Trade: Protectionism, Policy, and the Tokyo/Geneva Negotiating Round pp. 860-873

- James P. Houck
- The Dynamics of Supply: Retrospect and Prospect pp. 874-888

- Marc Nerlove
- Commodity Programs and Inflation pp. 889-895

- J. B. Penn
- Inflation and Productivity pp. 896-902

- Vernon Ruttan
- The Distributional Consequences of Recent Inflation pp. 903-908

- K. L. Robinson
- Inflation, Agriculture, and the Food Economy: Discussion pp. 909-911

- Wallace Barr
- Inflation, Agriculture, and the Food Economy: Discussion pp. 912-914

- Dale M. Hoover
- Approaches to Measuring Public Goods Demands pp. 915-920

- A. Myrick Freeman
- Values of Marine Recreational Fishing: Measurement and Impact of Measurement pp. 921-925

- Kenneth E. McConnell
- Measuring Values of Extramarket Goods: Are Indirect Measures Biased? pp. 926-930

- Richard C. Bishop and Thomas A. Heberlein
- Valuing Nonmarket Goods—Conceptual and Empirical Issues: Discussion pp. 931-932

- Sandra S. Batie and Leonard Shabman
- Small Farm Definition and Public Policy pp. 933-939

- Thomas A. Carlin and John Crecink
- Toward an Agenda for Small Farm Research pp. 940-946

- J. Patrick Madden and Heather Tischbein
- Small Farms Definition and Policy Research Agenda: Discussion pp. 947-948

- William E. Myers
- Small Farms Definition and Policy Research Agenda: Discussion pp. 949-950

- Allen R. Thompson
- Small Farms Definition and Policy Research Agenda: Discussion pp. 951-952

- Peter M. Emerson
- Settlement Size, Real Income, and the Rural Turnaround pp. 953-959

- Irving Hoch
- Residential Preferences, Quality of Life, and the Population Turnaround pp. 960-966

- Don A. Dillman
- Modeling Rural Growth pp. 967-972

- Clark Edwards
- Rural Employment and Rural-Urban Population Shifts: Discussion pp. 973-974

- Brady J. Deaton
- Rural Employment and Rural-Urban Population Shifts: Discussion pp. 975-976

- Ron E. Shaffer
- The Segments of the World Population at Nutritional Risk pp. 977-981

- Leonard Joy
- Estimating Consumption Parameters for Food Policy Analysis pp. 982-987

- Charles Timmer and Harold Alderman
- Target Group-Oriented Food Programs: Cost Effectiveness Comparisons pp. 988-994

- Marcelo Selowsky
- Some Issues in Transportation Policy: Problems in Preference Articulation pp. 995-1002

- James D. Shaffer
- Issues in Freight Transportation Regulation pp. 1003-1009

- Wesley R. Kriebel and Phillip Baumel
- Issues in Freight Transportation Regulation: Discussion pp. 1010-1011

- James Springrose
- Issues in Freight Transportation Regulation: Discussion pp. 1012-1013

- Ken Casavant
- Issues in Freight Transportation Regulation: Discussion pp. 1014-1015

- Lynn W. Robbins
- Changing Patterns of World Trade pp. 1016-1021

- Dale E. Hathaway
- Australia, Canada, and the United States: Trade Partners or Competitors pp. 1022-1029

- Alex F. McCalla, Andrew Schmitz and Gary G. Storey
- Agricultural Trade Issues among Pacific Ocean Countries: Discussion pp. 1030-1032

- Robert L. Thompson
- Agricultural Trade Issues among Pacific Ocean Countries: Discussion pp. 1033-1035

- Leo V. Mayer
- The Effects of Changes in Population Characteristics on U.S. Consumption of Selected Foods pp. 1036-1045

- Larry Salathe
- The Effect of Demographic Shifts and Changes in the Income Distribution on Food-Away-from-Home Expenditure pp. 1046-1057

- Benjamin Sexauer
- Demographic Change and the Demand for Food: Discussion pp. 1058-1060

- R. A. Schrimper
- Demographic Change and the Demand for Food: Discussion pp. 1061-1062

- David W. Price
- Risk Preferences of Agricultural Producers: Their Use in Extension and Research pp. 1063-1070

- Douglas L. Young
- Analysis of Risk Management Strategies for Agricultural Producers pp. 1071-1077

- Harry P. Mapp, Michael L. Hardin, Odell L. Walker and Tillak Persaud
- Risk Management and Risk Preferences in Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1078-1080

- David Bessler
- Risk Management and Risk Preferences in Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1081-1082

- Thomas A. Miller
- Risk Management and Risk Preferences in Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1083-1084

- Steven T. Sonka
- Capital Gains versus Current Income in the Farming Sector pp. 1085-1092

- Emanuel Melichar
- The Economics of Asset Values and Current Income in Farming pp. 1093-1097

- Robert D. Reinsel and Edward I. Reinsel
- Implications of Divergence in Sources of Returns in Agriculture pp. 1098-1102

- James S. Plaxico
- Land Prices, Inflation, and Farm Income: Discussion pp. 1103-1104

- R. J. McConnen
- Land Prices, Inflation, and Farm Income: Discussion pp. 1105-1106

- Duane G. Harris
- Returns to Public Irrigation Development and the Concomitant Costs of Commodity Programs pp. 1107-1114

- William E. Martin
- On Augmenting Community Economic Performance by New or Continuing Irrigation Developments pp. 1115-1123

- Herbert H. Stoevener and Roger G. Kraynick
- Returns to Public Irrigation Development and the Concomitant Cost of Commodity Programs: Discussion pp. 1124-1125

- H. O. Carter
- On Augmenting Community Economic Performance by New or Continuing Irrigation Developments: Discussion pp. 1126-1127

- W. Cris Lewis
Volume 61, issue 4_Part_2, 1979
- Foreword pp. i

- Richard King, William T. Boehm, R. James Hildreth and Dale Dahl
- Observations on the Political Economics of Regulations pp. 721-731

- James D. Shaffer
- Economic Analysis of the Regulation of Agriculture pp. 732-740

- Bruce Gardner
- The Economics of Regulation: A Critique pp. 741-745

- Jane Campana
- Regulation and Economic Analysis in the U.S. Department of Agriculture pp. 746-750

- Howard W. Hjort
- The Politics of Policy Analysis pp. 751-754

- Nina Cornell
- Economists, Regulation, and Public Policy pp. 755-759

- R. James Hildreth
- Research Needs of the Regulated pp. 760-765

- Timothy M. Hammonds and Doyle A. Eiler
- Regulation Analysis as a Research Focus in Agricultural Economics pp. 766-774

- Dale C. Dahl
- Pre-Regulation Research: The Triumph of Policy Analysis pp. 775-778

- Thomas P. Grumbly
- Post-Regulation Research: Milk Marketing Order Regulations pp. 779-786

- Boyd M. Buxton
- A Regulator's Perspective on Regulatory Research pp. 787-790

- Gary L. Seevers
- Cumulative Impacts of Regulation pp. 791-797

- Barry Bosworth
- Food Industry Structure and Performance pp. 798-800

- Willard F. Mueller
- Food Protection: A Research Agenda pp. 801-806

- William T. Boehm
- Price and Income Policy Issues pp. 807-809

- Preston E. Laferney and J. B. Penn
- Product Market Regulation: Implications for Research pp. 810-817

- John W. Helmuth
- Environmental Regulation: A Framework for Determining Research Needs pp. 818-823

- Wesley D. Seitz
- Agricultural Workplace Safety: A Perspective on Research Needs pp. 824-835

- Stan G. Daberkow and Conrad F. Fritsch
- Economic Research Conference on U.S. Food System Regulation pp. 836-837

- Richard A. King
Volume 61, issue 3, 1979
- Resource and Environmental Constraints to Growth pp. 395-408

- V. Smith and John V. Krutilla
- State-Financed Property Tax Relief pp. 409-419

- Fred C. White
- The Price and Profit Performance of Leading Food Chains pp. 420-433

- Bruce W. Marion, Willard F. Mueller, Ronald Cotterill, Frederick E. Geithman and John R. Schmelzer
- The Influence of Domestic Pricing Policies and Buffer Stocks on Price Stability in the World Wheat Industry pp. 434-447

- A. C. Zwart and Karl Meilke
- Rural Household Savings Behavior in South Korea, 1962–76 pp. 448-454

- K. N. Hyun, D. W. Adams and L. J. Hushak
- Farm-Level Fertilizer Demand for Mexican Wheat Varieties in the Indian Punjab pp. 455-462

- Surjit S. Sidhu and Carlos A. Baanante
- Determinants of Supply Elasticity in Interdependent Markets pp. 463-475

- Bruce Gardner
- Endogenous Input Prices in Linear Programming Models pp. 476-481

- Peter B. R. Hazell
- A Semi-Strong Form Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Hog Futures Market pp. 482-489

- Raymond M. Leuthold and Peter A. Hartmann
- Risk Preferences and Flood Insurance pp. 490-495

- E. D. Attanasi and M. R. Karlinger
- Flood Insurance or Disaster Loans: An Economic Evaluation pp. 496-505

- Michael J. Rettger and Richard N. Boisvert
- Sensitivity of Efficient Frontiers Developed for Farm Enterprise Choice Decisions pp. 506-511

- Bryan Schurle and Bernard L. Erven
- The Effects of Trade Intervention on International Price Instability pp. 512-516

- Malcolm D. Bale and Ernst Lutz
- Import Tariffs and Price Formation in the World Wheat Market pp. 517-522

- Colin Carter and Andrew Schmitz
- Capital-Surplus, Labor-Short Economies: Yemen as a Challenge to Rural Development Strategies pp. 523-528

- John M. Cohen and David B. Lewis
- The Effect of Water Quality on Rural Nonfarm Residential Property Values pp. 529-534

- Donald J. Epp and K. S. Al-Ani
- Procedures in Estimating Benefits of Water Quality Change pp. 535-539

- Nicolaas W. Bouwes and Robert Schneider
- The Demand for Agricultural Research: A Colombian Illustration pp. 540-545

- Grant Scobie
- Kentucky's ANSER: The Agricultural Network Serving Extension and Research pp. 546-550

- David Debertin, Lynn W. Robbins and Larry D. Jones
- Corn Acreage Response-Function Estimation with Pooled Time-Series and Cross-Sectional Data pp. 551-553

- James K. Whittaker and Robert L. Bancroft
- A Note on the Use of Exponential Functions for Estimating Farm Size Distributions pp. 554-557

- Bruce Dixon and Steven T. Sonka
- Perfect Aggregation Conditions for Quadratic Programming Models pp. 558-560

- N. Oguchi and A. Guccione
- The Factor Share Approach to Production Function "Estimation": Actual or Estimated Equilibrium Shares? pp. 561-564

- C. Shumway, Hovav Talpaz and Bruce R. Beattie
- On Agricultural Productivity Differences among Countries pp. 565-570

- Dũng Nguyen
- The Economics of Adopting Solar Energy Systems for Crop Irrigation: Comment pp. 571-572

- J. Walter Milon
- The Economics of Adopting Solar Energy Systems for Crop Irrigation: Reply pp. 573

- Martin T. Katzman and Ronald W. Matlin
- Oligopoly Pricing in the World Wheat Market: Comment pp. 574-576

- Thomas Grennes and Paul R. Johnson
- Oligopoly Pricing in the World Wheat Market: Reply pp. 578-580

- Chris M. Alaouze, A. S. Watson and N. H. Sturgess
- Bell, Frederick W. Food from the Sea: The Economics & Politics of Ocean Fisheries. Westview Special Studies in Natural Resources and Energy Management. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978, xxvi + 380 pp., $25.00, $12.00 paper pp. 581

- Leah J. Smith
- Binswanger, Hans P. The Economics of Tractors in South Asia—An Analytical Review. New York: Agricultural Development Council, and Hyderabad, India: International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, 1978, 96 pp., price unknown pp. 581-582

- R. S. Tripathi
- Granger, C. W. J., and Paul Newbold. Forecasting Economic Time Series. New York: Academic Press, 1977, xiii + 333 pp., $22.00 pp. 582-583

- Robert G. Chambers
- Grennes, Thomas, Paul R. Johnson, and Marie Thursby. The Economics of World Grain Trade. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1978, 129 pp., $16.95 pp. 583-584

- Michael V. Martin
- Hyer, Edgar A., and John A. Rogalla. Farm Management. San Luis Obispo, Calif.: Farm Management Publishing Co., 1978, viii + 271 pp., price unknown pp. 584

- Leroy F. Rogers
- Lave, Lester B., and Eugene P. Seskin. Air Pollution and Human Health. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press for Resources for the Future, 1977, xx + 368 pp., $22.50 pp. 584-586

- John A. Jaksch
- Meister, Anton D., Carl C. Chen, and Earl O. Heady. Quadratic Programming Models Applied to Agricultural Policies. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1978, no pp., $6.00 pp. 586-587

- Larry J. Martin
- O'Rourke, A. Desmond. The Changing Dimensions of U.S. Agricultural Policy. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978, xiii + 241 pp., $10.95 pp. 587-588

- Bob F. Jones
- Palmer, John L., and Joseph A. Pechman, eds. Welfare in Rural Areas: The North Carolina-Iowa Income Maintenance Experiment. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1978, xiii + 273 pp., $11.95, $4.95 paper pp. 588-589

- Harry W. Ayer
- Wortman, Sterling, and Ralph W. Cummings, Jr. To Feed This World. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978, xiv + 440 pp., $25.00 pp. 589-590

- Alain de Janvry
Volume 61, issue 2, 1979
- Grain Marketing Systems: The Case of the United States versus Canada pp. 199-212

- Alex F. McCalla and Andrew Schmitz
- The Effects of Federal Milk Orders on the Economic Performance of U.S. Milk Markets pp. 213-227

- W. D. Dobson and Larry E. Salathe
- The Influence of Consumer Price Information on Retail Pricing and Consumer Behavior pp. 228-237

- D. Grant Devine and Bruce W. Marion
- The Impact on the Canadian Rapeseed Industry from Changes in Transport and Tariff Rates pp. 238-248

- W. H. Furtan, J. G. Nagy and G. G. Storey
- A Critique of Exchange Rate Treatment in Agricultural Trade Models pp. 249-257

- Robert G. Chambers and Richard Just
- Application of a Simulative Approach to Evaluating Alternative Methods for the Control of Agricultural Pests pp. 258-267

- Katherine H. Reichelderfer and Filmore E. Bender
- Revenue and Cost Uncertainty, Generalized Mean-Variance, and the Linear Complementarity Problem pp. 268-275

- Quirino Paris
- Production Function Estimation and Related Risk Considerations pp. 276-284

- Richard Just and Rulon D. Pope
- Financial Impacts of Government Support Price Programs pp. 285-296

- Michael Boehlje and Steven Griffin
- A Quarterly Econometric Model of United States Livestock and Feed Grain Markets and Some of Its Policy Implications pp. 297-308

- Enrique Arzac and Maurice Wilkinson
- Internalizing Externalities of Phosphorus Discharges from Crop Production to Surface Water: Effluent Taxes versus Uniform Reductions pp. 309-312

- James J. Jacobs and George L. Casler
- Measurement of Economic Benefits for Potential Public Goods pp. 313-317

- Ian Hardie and Ivar Strand
- Returns to Operator Education in Saskatchewan Agriculture pp. 318-321

- W. H. Furtan and Ray Bollman
- A Note on the Use of Sample Estimates in Optimization Models pp. 322-326

- Ross G. Drynan
- The Value of Unrealized Farm Land Capital Gains pp. 327-330

- James S. Plaxico and Darrel D. Kletke
- Inflation and Farm Tractor Replacement in the U.S.: A Simulation Model pp. 331-334

- J. M. Bates, A. J. Rayner and P. R. Custance
- Relationships among North American Fats and Oils Prices pp. 335-341

- G. R. Griffith and Karl Meilke
- Trade Benefits to All: A Design of the Beef Import Liberalization in Japan pp. 342-347

- Yujiro Hayami
- Distributional Aspects of Price Intervention pp. 348-350

- Malcolm D. Bale
- Risk Management in Imperfect Markets: Commodity Procurement Strategy in the Food Manufacturing Sector pp. 351-357

- Marvin L. Hayenga
- Domestic Food Programs and Their Related Impacts on Retail Food Prices pp. 358-362

- Michael Belongia
- Farm Planning and Calf Marketing Strategies for Risk Management: An Application of Linear Programming and Statistical Decision Theory pp. 363-370

- Tesfaye Gebremeskel and C. Shumway
- Endangered Species, Irreversibilities, and Uncertainty: A Comment pp. 371-375

- V. Smith and John V. Krutilla
- Endangered Species, Irreversibility, and Uncertainty: A Reply pp. 376-379

- Richard C. Bishop
- The Potential Impact of Changes in Income Distribution on Food Demand and Human Nutrition: Comment pp. 380-381

- Karen J. Morgan
- The Potential Impact of Changes in Income Distribution on Food Demand and Human Nutrition: Reply pp. 382-383

- Per Pinstrup-Andersen
- Hexem, R. W., and E. O. Heady. Water Production Functions for Irrigated Agriculture. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1978, xvi + 215, $8.95 pp. 384-385

- Charles V. Moore
- Adams, F. Gerard, and Sonia A. Klein, eds. Stabilizing World Commodity Markets. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1978, xvii + 21 pp., $24.95 pp. 384

- Anne E. Peck
- Kravis, Irving B., Alan Heston, and Robert Summers. International Comparisons of Real Product and Purchasing Power. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (for the World Bank), 1978, ix + 264 pp., $20.00, $7.50 paper pp. 385-387

- Folke Dovring
- Krutilla, John V., Anthony C. Fisher, with Richard E. Rice. Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Coal Development, Northern Great Plains. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978, xix + 208 pp., $16.00 pp. 387-388

- Lonnie L. Jones
- Singh, Inderjit. Elements of Farm Management Economics. New Delhi: Affiliated East-West Press, 1977, 133 pp., Rs. 10.50 pp. 388

- V. Rajagopalan
- Sosnick, Stephen H. Hired Hands: Seasonal Farm Workers in the United States. Santa Barbara, Calif.: NcNally and Loftin, 1978, ix + 453 pp., price unknown pp. 389-390

- Joe B. Stevens
- Tyner, Wallace E., and Robert J. Kalter. Western Coal: Promise or Problem. Cambridge, Mass.: Lexington Books, xii + 181 pp., $18.00 pp. 390-391

- F. Leistritz
Volume 61, issue 1, 1979
- Artistic Research Tools for Scientific Minds pp. 1-11

- George W. Ladd
- International Farm Prices and the Social Cost of Cheap Food Policies pp. 12-21

- Willis L. Peterson
- Modeling International Grain Trade with Government Controlled Markets pp. 22-31

- Philip Abbott
- Approximately Optimal Carryover Levels for Wheat in the United States pp. 32-40

- C. Robert Taylor and Hovav Talpaz
- Cattle as a Store of Wealth in Swaziland: Implications for Livestock Development and Overgrazing in Eastern and Southern Africa pp. 41-47

- M. H. Doran, A. R. C. Low and R. L. Kemp
- Agricultural Development and Land Tenancy in a Peasant Economy: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis pp. 48-57

- Pranab Bardhan
- The Elasticity of Foreign Demand for U.S. Agricultural Products: The Importance of the Price Transmission Elasticity pp. 58-63

- Maury E. Bredahl, William H. Meyers and Keith J. Collins
- Effects of Farm Size on Economic Efficiency: The Case of Pakistan pp. 64-69

- Mahmood H. Khan and Dennis R. Maki
- Toward an Optimal Rate of Growth in Agricultural Production Research and Extension pp. 70-76

- Marlys Knutson and Luther G. Tweeten
- Potential for Increased Income on Small Farms in Appalachian Kentucky pp. 77-82

- Fred J. Stewart, Harry H. Hall and Eldon D. Smith
- Some Fiscal Impacts of Farmers Home Administration Home Loan Activity on a Rural County pp. 83-86

- James T. Lindley and Patricia A. Wiseman
- A Routing Algorithm Using the Nearest-Neighbor Concept pp. 87-90

- M. C. Hallberg and W. R. Kriebel
- A Framework for Economic Analysis of Livestock and Crop Byproducts Utilization pp. 91-96

- Wen-yuan Huang
- Pesticides, Information, and Pest Management under Uncertainty pp. 97-103

- Gershon Feder
- Graduate Students from Less Developed Countries: The Continuing Demand for U.S. Training pp. 104-106

- Russell Stevenson
- An Economic Evaluation of Alternative Peanut Policies: Comment pp. 107-110

- James N. Trapp
- Resource Allocation and Risk: A Case Study of Smallholder Agriculture in Kenya: Comment pp. 111-113

- Douglas L. Young
- Resource Allocation and Risk: A Case Study of Small-holder Agriculture in Kenya: Reply pp. 114-115

- Jerome M. Wolgin
- Property Rights and the Political Economy of Resource Scarcity: Comment pp. 116-118

- William Sander
- Property Rights and the Political Economy of Resource Scarcity: Reply pp. 119

- Emery N. Castle
- Trade Models with Differentiated Products pp. 120-127

- Paul R. Johnson, Thomas Grennes and Marie Thursby
- Quantitative Evaluation of Stabilization Policies in International Commodity Markets pp. 128-134

- David Blandford and Seon Lee
- The Role of Government Interference in International Commodity Trade Models pp. 135-140

- Philip Abbott
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 141-142

- W. C. Labys
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 143-144

- Robert Stern
- A Modeling Approach to Flows of Funds in Localized Financial Markets pp. 145-150

- Michael Boehlje, Duane G. Harris and James Hoskins
- Incorporation of General Economic Outcomes in Econometric Projections Models for Agriculture pp. 151-157

- John B. Penson and Dean W. Hughes
- Application of Portfolio Theory to Farmer and Lender Behavior pp. 158-164

- Lindon Robison and John R. Brake
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 165-166

- Marvin Duncan
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 167-169

- William McD. Herr
- Some Basic Problems of Research into Competition in Agricultural Markets pp. 170-177

- Allen B. Paul
- Government Regulation of Competition in the Food Industry pp. 178-185

- Bruce W. Marion
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 186-187

- James M. Folsom
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 188-189

- Lester H. Myers
- Proceedings: Discussion pp. 190-191

- Albert J. Ortego
- Ritson, Christopher. Agricultural Economics, Principles and Policy. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1977, xii + 409 pp., $18.95 pp. 192-194

- P. J. van Blokland
- Lappe, Frances Moore, and Joseph Collins. Food First—Beyond the Myth of Scarcity. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1977, 466 pp., $10.95 pp. 192

- Duncan A. Harkin
- Rossmiller, George E., ed. Agricultural Sector Planning: A General Simulation Approach. East Lansing: Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University, 1978, xvi + 430 pp., $15.00, $8.00 softbound pp. 194-195

- James B. Fitch
- Schmid, A. Allan. Properly, Power, and Public Choice. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1978, xiv + 316 pp., price unknown pp. 195-196

- Terry L. Anderson
- Rhodes, V. James. The Agricultural Marketing System. Columbus, Ohio: Grid, 1978, xiv + 430 pp., $19.95 pp. 196-197

- Raymond J. Folwell
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