American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 68, issue 5, 1986
- Megatrends Affecting Agriculture: Implications for Agricultural Economics pp. 1053-1064

- Joseph Havlicek
- A Century of Science in Agriculture: Lessons for Science Policy pp. 1065-1080

- James T. Bonnen
- Genetic Engineering Applied to Agriculture: Opportunities and Concerns pp. 1081-1087

- Winston J. Brill
- Reexamining Agricultural Policy: Selected Issues and Alternatives pp. 1088-1095

- Randall Kramer
- Agricultural Factions pp. 1096-1101

- Rulon D. Pope
- Focusing on the Specific Problems of Agriculture: A Fresh Look at an Old Policy Approach pp. 1102-1108

- Willard Cochrane
- Agricultural Policy: Where Do We Go from Here? Discussion pp. 1109-1112

- Susan E. Offutt
- The Present Status of Objective Social Indicators: A Review of Theory and Measurement pp. 1113-1120

- Karl A. Fox
- Microeconomic Indicators of the Farm Sector and Policy Implications pp. 1121-1129

- Kenneth Baum and James D. Johnson
- Economic and Social Indicators for the Farm Sector: Discussion pp. 1130-1131

- John Antle and Raymond Kopp
- Economic and Social Indicators for the Farm Sector: Discussion pp. 1132-1134

- Leroy J. Hushak
- Economic Factors Shaping Western Water Allocation pp. 1135-1142

- Henry J. Vaux
- Why Are There So Few Transactions among Water Users? pp. 1143-1151

- Robert A. Young
- Evolving Water Institutions in an Urbanizing West: Discussion pp. 1152-1154

- William E. Martin
- Vertical Integration in Agricultural and Food Marketing pp. 1155-1160

- Richard L. Kilmer
- Responses to Forces Shaping Agricultural Marketing: Contracting pp. 1161-1166

- Lee F. Schrader
- Cooperatives and the Forces Shaping Agricultural Marketing pp. 1167-1172

- Richard J. Sexton
- Responses to Forces Shaping Agricultural Marketing: Discussion pp. 1173-1174

- Bernard L. Sanders
- Economic Linkages between Agriculture and Other Sectors within Rural America pp. 1175-1180

- Daniel M. Otto
- Changes in Income Sources in Rural America pp. 1181-1187

- Glen C. Pulver and Glenn Rogers
- Fiscal Stress in Rural America: Some Straws in the Wind pp. 1188-1193

- James Hite and Holley Ulbrich
- The Changing Face of Rural America: Discussion pp. 1194-1195

- Russell Youmans
- U.S. Agriculture in a General Equilibrium Framework: Analysis with a Social Accounting Matrix pp. 1196-1207

- Irma Adelman and Sherman Robinson
- Optimal Control of General Equilibrium Models pp. 1208-1211

- John Derpanopoulos
- CGE Models and Development Policy Analysis: Problems, Pitfalls, and Challenges pp. 1212-1216

- Ramon L. Clarete and James Roumasset
- Doable General Equilibrium Models: Discussion pp. 1217-1218

- S. R. Johnson
- Optimal Control of General Equilibrium Models: Discussion pp. 1219-1221

- Richard E. Howitt
- Doable General Equilibrium Models: Discussion pp. 1222-1224

- Thomas Hertel
- Regulating Pollution Sources under a Differential Groundwater Protection Strategy pp. 1225-1228

- Robert Shafer Raucher
- Interdependent Risk and Institutional Coordination for Nonpoint Externalities in Groundwater pp. 1229-1233

- J. Walter Milon
- Sources of Uncertainty in Economic Analyses of Management Strategies for Controlling Groundwater Contamination pp. 1234-1239

- Walter O. Spofford, Alan J. Krupnick and Eric F. Wood
- Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Dietary Status: An Appraisal pp. 1240-1246

- Karen J. Morgan
- Existing Food Policies and Their Relationship to Hunger and Nutrition pp. 1247-1252

- Joyce E. Allen and Doris Epson Newton
- Needed Directions in Domestic Food Assistance Policies and Programs pp. 1253-1257

- Carlton G. Davis and Benjamin Senauer
- Hunger and Nutrition in America: Discussion pp. 1258-1260

- Christine K. Ranney
- Risk Sharing in the Design of Environmental Policy pp. 1261-1265

- Kathleen Segerson
- Designing Public Policy toward Hazardous Wastes: The Role of Administrative Regulations and Legal Liability Rules pp. 1266-1271

- Gary V. Johnson and Thomas S. Ulen
- On the Evaluation of Government Programs to Reduce Environmental Risk pp. 1272-1275

- Jon M. Conrad
- Liability Rules and Risk Sharing in Environmental and Resource Policy: Discussion pp. 1276-1278

- Robert Cooter
- International Capital Flows and Agricultural Exports pp. 1279-1285

- John Dutton, Thomas Grennes and Paul R. Johnson
- The Latin American Debt Burden: Consequences for International Adjustment and Agricultural Trade pp. 1286-1291

- S. Elaine Grigsby and Emilio Pagoulatos
- International Borrowing and Agricultural Export Markets: Discussion pp. 1292-1294

- Terry Roe
- International Borrowing and Agricultural Export Markets: Discussion pp. 1295-1296

- Won W. Koo
- Restructuring Agricultural Economics Extension to Meet Changing Needs pp. 1297-1306

- Ronald D. Knutson
- Restructuring Agricultural Economics Extension to Meet Changing Needs: Discussion pp. 1307-1309

- Michael L. Cook
- Restructuring Agricultural Economics Extension to Meet Changing Needs: Discussion pp. 1310-1312

- Vernon Eidman
- Restructuring Agricultural Economics Extension to Meet Changing Needs: Discussion pp. 1313-1315

- Lawrence W. Libby
- Restructuring Agricultural Economics Extension to Meet Changing Needs: Discussion pp. 1316-1318

- J. Michael Sprott
- Nonfarm Equity in Agriculture: Past, Present, and Future pp. 1319-1323

- John R. Fiske, Marvin Batte and Warren F. Lee
- Analysis of Nonfarm Equity Forms of Investment Applicable to Agriculture pp. 1324-1329

- Stephen F. Matthews and David H. Harrington
- Market Requirements and Pricing for External Equity Shares in Farm Businesses pp. 1330-1336

- Robert A. Collins and H. Joseph Bourn
- Use of Equity Capital in Financing Future Agricultural Production: Discussion pp. 1337-1339

- Philip Raup
- The Conditions for Harmony between Third World Agricultural Development and U.S. Farm Exports pp. 1340-1346

- Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet
- The Effects of Agricultural Growth on Agricultural Imports in Developing Countries pp. 1347-1352

- Earl Kellogg, Richard Kodl and Philip Garcia
- Farm Development in Poor Countries: The Disputed Consequences for U.S. Farm Trade pp. 1353-1357

- Robert L. Paarlberg
- Third World Development and Trade: Discussion pp. 1358-1359

- Tesfa G. Ghebremedhin
- Third World Development and Trade: Discussion pp. 1360-1361

- E. Wesley Peterson
- Forward Pricing Strategies for the South Central Illinois Corn Producer pp. 1395-1400

- Sharon K. Rich
Volume 68, issue 4, 1986
- The Effects of Tax Policy on Aggregate Agricultural Investment pp. 767-777

- Michael LeBlanc and James Hrubovcak
- Distributional Welfare Implications of an Irrigation Water Subsidy pp. 778-786

- William Foster, Linda Calvin, Grace M. Johns and Patricia Rottschaefer
- Evaluating Institutional Alternatives for Managing an Interrelated Stream-Aquifer System pp. 787-797

- Robert A. Young, Hubert J. Morel-Seytoux and John T. Daubert
- The Effects of Well Depth and Land Quality on the Choice of Irrigation Technology pp. 798-811

- Margriet F. Caswell and David Zilberman
- Land Quality and Prices pp. 812-819

- Willis Peterson
- Domestic Farm Policy and the Gains from Trade pp. 820-827

- Andrew Schmitz, Dale Sigurdson and Otto Doering
- Farm Debt, Default, and Foreclosure: An Economic Rationale for Policy Action pp. 828-837

- Howard Leathers and Jean-Paul Chavas
- The Impact of Farmland Price Changes on Farm Size and Financial Structure pp. 838-848

- J. DeBoer-Lowenberg and Michael Boehlje
- Analyzing Equity Capital Programs of Banks for Cooperatives pp. 849-856

- Ismail Ahmad, Ken D. Duft and Ron Mittelhammer
- Expenditure Constraints and Profit Maximization in U.S. Agriculture pp. 857-865

- Hyunok Lee and Robert G. Chambers
- Implications of Private Salmon Aquaculture on Prices, Production, and Management of Salmon Resources pp. 866-879

- James Anderson and James Wilen
- Cross-Compliance as a Soil Conservation Strategy: A Case Study pp. 880-885

- Sandra S. Batie and Alyson G. Sappington
- The Benefits of Pollution Control: The Case of Ozone and U.S. Agriculture pp. 886-893

- R. M. Adams, S. A. Hamilton and Bruce McCarl
- An Empirical Analysis of Intertemporal and Demographic Variations in Consumer Preferences pp. 894-907

- Mary F. Kokoski
- Prices and Quality Effects in Cross-Sectional Demand Analysis pp. 908-919

- Thomas L. Cox and Michael Wohlgenant
- The Effect of the Value of Time on Food Consumption Patterns in Developing Countries: Evidence from Sri Lanka pp. 920-927

- Benjamin Senauer, David Sahn and Harold Alderman
- Multiproduct Cost Relationships for Retail Fertilizer Plants pp. 928-938

- Jay Akridge and Thomas Hertel
- Dynamic Input Decisions in Econometric Production Models pp. 939-949

- John Antle and Stephen A. Hatchett
- Investment in U.S. Agriculture pp. 950-960

- Utpal Vasavada and Robert G. Chambers
- Food Pricing Policy in Developing Countries: Bias against Agriculture or for Urban Consumers? pp. 961-969

- Derek Byerlee and Gustavo Sain
- A Variance Components Approach to Food Grain Market Integration in Northern Nigeria pp. 970-979

- Christopher L. Delgado
- Choice of Depreciation Methods for Farm Firms pp. 980-989

- Wesley Musser, Bernard V. Tew and Fred C. White
- A Critique of Exchange Rate Treatment in Agricultural Trade Models: Comment pp. 990-993

- David Orden
- A Critique of Exchange Rate Treatment in Agricultural Trade Models: Reply pp. 994-997

- Robert G. Chambers and Richard Just
- Increasing Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Comment pp. 998-999

- Arthur J. Dommen
- Heterogenous Expectations and Farmland Prices: Comment pp. 1000-1002

- Kuo-Ching Lin and E. C. Pasour
- Heterogenous Expectations and Farmland Prices: Reply pp. 1003-1006

- Keith C. Brown and Deborah J. Brown
- A Reformulation of the Portfolio Model of Hedging: Comment pp. 1007-1009

- Kandice H. Kahl
- A Reformulation of the Portfolio Model of Hedging: Reply pp. 1010-1012

- Stewart L. Brown
- Cross Compliance for Erosion Control: Anticipating Efficiency and Distributive Impacts: Comment pp. 1013-1015

- Richard T. Clark and Daryll D. Raitt
- Cross Compliance for Erosion Control: Anticipating Efficiency and Distributive Impacts: Reply pp. 1016-1017

- David E. Ervin, William D. Heffernan and Gary P. Green
- U.S. Demand for Selected Groundfish Products, 1967–80: Comment pp. 1018-1020

- Stephen R. Crutchfield
- U.S. Demand for Selected Groundfish Products, 1967–80: Comment pp. 1021-1024

- Biing-Hwan Lin, Richard S. Johnston and R. Bruce Rettig
- U.S. Demand for Selected Groundfish Products, 1967–80: Reply pp. 1025-1027

- Eugene Tsoa, William E. Schrank and Noel Roy
- Residual Supplier Model of Coarse Grains Trade: Comment pp. 1028-1029

- Edward O. Fryar
- Barlowe, Raleigh. Land Resource Economics: The Economics of Real Estate, 4th ed. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986, x + 559 pp., $31.95 pp. 1030

- Paul W. Barkley
- Brown, Lester R., Edward C. Wolf, Linda Starke, William D. Chandler, Christopher Flavin, Sandra Postel, and Cynthia Pollock. State of the World 1986—A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society. New York: W. M. Norton & Co., 1986, 263 pp., $9.95 pp. 1031-1033

- David J. Allee
- Barzelay, Michael. The Politicized Market Economy: Alcohol in Brazil's Energy Strategy. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986, xiv + 289 pp., $32.50 pp. 1031

- Edward Allen
- Canter, Larry W., Samuel F. Atkinson, and F. Larry Leistritz. Impact of Growth: A Guide for Socio-Economic Assessment and Planning. Chelsea MI: Lewis Publishers, 1985, xxvi + 533 pp., $49.95 pp. 1033-1034

- Leroy J. Hushak
- Curry Foundation. Confrontation or Negotiation: United States Policy and European Agriculture. New York: Associated Faculty Press, 1985, xvi + 303 pp., $27.50 pp. 1034-1036

- Charles E. Hanrahan
- Fomby, Thomas B., Carter Hill, and Stanley R. Johnson. Advanced Econometric Methods. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1984, xix + 624 pp., $54.00 pp. 1036

- Lester V. Manderscheid
- Forbes, J. D. Institutions and Influence Groups in Canadian Farm and Food Policy. Toronto: The Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 1985, 131 pp., $13.00 pp. 1037-1038

- Mary Anne Normile
- Gever, John, Robert Kaufmann, David Skole, and Charles Vorosmarty. Beyond Oil: The Threat to Food and Fuel in the Coming Decades. (A Project of Carrying Capacity, Inc.) Cambridge MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1986, xxxi + 304 pp., $34.95, $14.95 paper pp. 1038-1039

- Gary C. Taylor
- Grindle, Merilee S. State and Countryside: Development Policy and Agrarian Politics in Latin America. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986, xi + 255 pp., $25.00, $11.95 paper pp. 1039-1040

- John Bailey
- Hazell, Peter, Carlos Pomareda, and Alberto Valdes, eds. Crop Insurance for Agricultural Development: Issues and Experience. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986, xvii + 322 pp., $32.50 pp. 1040-1041

- David Freshwater and David Trechter
- Johnson, D. Gale, Kenzo Hemmi, and Pierre Lardinois. Agricultural Policy and Trade: Adjusting Domestic Progams in an International Framework. New York: New York University Press, 1985, xi + 132 pp., $25.00 pp. 1041-1043

- Walter Gardiner
- Koo, Won W., and Donald W. Larson, eds. Transportation Models for Agricultural Products. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1985, xxi + 211 pp., $25.00 pp. 1043

- J. Michael Harris
- Labys, Walter C., and Peter K. Pollak. Commodity Models for Forecasting and Policy Analysis. New York: Nichols Publishing Co., 1984, vi + 209 pp., $38.50 pp. 1043-1044

- J. Douglas Gordon
- McCloskey, Donald N. The Rhetoric of Economics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985, xx + 209 pp., $21.50 pp. 1044-1045

- James D. Shaffer
- Marion, Bruce W., and NC-117 Committee. The Organization and Performance of the U.S. Food System. Lexington MA: Lexington Books, 1986, xxxviii + 532 pp., $39.00 pp. 1045-1047

- Douglas F. Greer
- Sanderson, Steven E. The Transformation of Mexican Agriculture: International Structure and the Politics of Rural Change. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986, xxii + 324 pp., $42.00, $10.95 paper pp. 1047-1049

- Myles J. Mielke
- Muir, James F., and Ronald J. Roberts, eds. Recent Advances in Aquaculture, vol. 2. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1985, 282 pp., $42.00 pp. 1047

- Thomas L. Wellborn
- Weber, Adolf, and Manfred Sievers. Instability in World Food Production: Statistical Analysis, Graphical Presentation and Interpretation. Kiel, West Germany: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel, 1985, xv + 154 pp., $30.00 pp. 1049-1050

- James Cole
- World Bank, East Asia and Pacific Regional Office. China: Long-Term Issue and Options. Annex B—Agriculture to the Year 2000: Prospects and Options. Washington DC: World Bank (BK0601), 1985, xxi + 144 pp., $14.95 paper pp. 1050-1051

- Frederic Surls M.
Volume 68, issue 3, 1986
- Farmers' Stepwise Adoption of Technological Packages: Evidence from the Mexican Altiplano pp. 519-527

- Derek Byerlee and Edith Hesse de Polanco
- Oligopolistic Behavior by Public Agencies in International Trade: The World Wheat Market pp. 528-542

- Philip L. Paarlberg and Philip Abbott
- The Structure of Constant Elasticity Demand Models pp. 543-552

- Jeffrey LaFrance
- Cycles in Agricultural Production: The Case of Aquaculture pp. 553-561

- Larry Karp, Arye Sadeh and Wade L. Griffin
- Seasonality in the Consumer Response to Milk Advertising with Implications for Milk Promotion Policy pp. 562-571

- Henry Kinnucan and Olan D. Forker
- A Confusion of Agricultural Economists?—A Professional Interest Survey and Essay pp. 572-594

- Rulon D. Pope and Arne Hallam
- Ranking of Agricultural Economics Departments by Citations pp. 595-604

- Richard P. Beilock, Leo C. Polopolus and Mario Correal
- The Costs of Equal Land Distribution: The Case of the Israeli Moshavim pp. 605-614

- Peter Berck and Amnon Levy
- Testing Long-Run Productivity Models for the Canadian and U.S. Agricultural Sectors pp. 615-625

- Susan M. Capalbo and Michael G. S. Denny
- Prices as Proxies for Prices pp. 626-633

- Peter V. Garrod and Roland Roberts
- Consumer Demand for Rice Grain Quality and Returns to Research for Quality Improvement in Southeast Asia pp. 634-641

- Laurian Unnevehr
- Cost-Sharing Arrangements under Sharecropping: Moral Hazard, Incentive Flexibility, and Risk pp. 642-652

- Avishay Braverman and Joseph Stiglitz
- Rate Making for Farm-Level Crop Insurance: Implications for Adverse Selection pp. 653-659

- Jerry R. Skees and Michael Reed
- Theoretical and Empirical Specifications Issues in Travel Cost Demand Studies pp. 660-667

- Mary Jo Kealy and Bishop Richard C.
- The Relative Efficiency of Agricultural Source Water Pollution Control Policies pp. 668-677

- James Shortle and James W. Dunn
- Optimal Governing Instrument, Operation Level, and Enforcement in Natural Resource Regulation: The Case of the Fishery pp. 678-690

- Lee G. Anderson and Dwight R. Lee
- Investment and Disinvestment Principles with Nonconstant Prices and Varying Firm Size Applied to Beef-Breeding Herds pp. 691-703

- James N. Trapp
- Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Approximately Optimal Control of Corn Rootworm and Soybean Cyst Nematode pp. 704-715

- Thomas P. Zacharias and Arthur H. Grube
- Input and Marketing Economies: Impact on Structural Change in Cotton Farming on the Texas High Plains pp. 716-720

- Edward G. Smith, Ronald D. Knutson and James Richardson
- A Note on Qualitative Forecast Evaluation pp. 721-726

- Gopal Naik and Raymond M. Leuthold
- An Alternative Approach to Decisions under Uncertainty Using the Empirical Moment-Generating Function pp. 727-731

- Robert Collender and James A. Chalfant
- Small-Sample Evaluation of Mean-Variance Production Function Estimators pp. 732-738

- Steven T. Buccola and Bruce McCarl
- An Economic Model of Soil Conservation: Comment pp. 739-742

- Clyde Kiker and Gary Lynne
- An Economic Model of Soil Conservation: Reply pp. 743-744

- K. E. McConnell
- A General Measure of Output-Variable Input Demand Elasticities: Comment pp. 745-746

- Richard N. Boisvert
- Armbruster, Walter J., and Lester H. Myers, eds. Research on Effectiveness of Agricultural Commodity Promotion. Oak Brook IL: Farm Foundation, 1985, 213 pp., free or charge pp. 747-748

- John P. Nichols
- Bergsten, C. Fred, and William R. Cline. The United States-Japan Economic Problem. Washington DC: Institute for International Economics, 1985, x + 164 pp., $10.00 pp. 748-749

- James R. Jones
- Chuta, Enyinna, and Carl Leidholm. Employment and Growth in Small-Scale Industry: Empirical Evidence and Policy Assessment from Sierra Leone. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985, xviii + 179 pp., $29.95 pp. 749-751

- M. Elizabeth O'Malley
- Denison, Edward F. Trends in American Economic Growth, 1929–1982. Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1985, xxv + 141 pp., price unknown pp. 751-752

- Roger K. Conway
- El-Swaify, S. A., W. C. Moldenhauer, and Andrew Lo. Soil Erosion and Conservation. Ankeny IA: Soil Conservation Society of America, 1985, 793 pages, $35.00 pp. 752-753

- John D. Sutton
- Duerr, William A. Forestry Economics as Problem Solving. Distributed by Orange Student Book Store, 175 Marshall St., Syracuse NY 13210, 1986, xii + 446 pp., $17.65 pp. 752

- Dean N. Quinney
- Fox, Karl A. Social System Accounts: Linking Social and Economic Indicators Through Tangible Behavior Settings. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1985, xv + 221 pp., $29.00 pp. 753-754

- Rueben C. Buse and A. C. Johnson
- Grigg, David. The World Food Problem, 1950–1980. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985, 276 pp., $39.95 pp. 754-755

- Joseph W. Willett
- Halcrow, Harold. Agricultural Policy Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1984, vii + 342 pp., $34.95 pp. 755-756

- Daryll E. Ray
- Hayami, Yujiro, and Vernon W. Ruttan. Agricultural Development: An International Perspective (revised and expanded). Baltimore MD, and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985, xxi + 506 pp., $18.95 paper pp. 756-757

- Darrell F. Fienup
- Helms, Douglas, and Susan L. Flader, eds. The History of Soil and Water Conservation. Washington DC: Sponsored by the Agricultural History Society; University of California Press, 1985, 244 pp., $15.00 pp. 757-760

- William Dyer Anderson
- Johansson, Per-Olov, and Karl-Gustav Lofgren. The Economics of Forestry and Natural Resources. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985, xiii + 292 pp., $49.95 pp. 760

- Frederick Norbury
- Marris, Stephen. Deficits and the Dollar: The World Economy at Risk. Washington DC: Institute for International Economics, 1985, xxxvii + 343 pp., $15.00 pp. 760-761

- Michael Belongia
- Matthews, Alan. The Common Agricultural Policy and the Less Developed Countries. Dublin, Ireland: Gill and Macmillan, 1985, xiii + 268 pp., £20.00 pp. 761-762

- E. Wesley Peterson
- Mellor, John W., and Gunvant M. Desai, eds. Agricultural Change and Rural Poverty: Variations on a Theme by Dharam Narain. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985, xix + 223 pp., $24.95 pp. 762-764

- Romesh K. Diwan
- U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, Public Policy, and the Changing Structure of American Agriculture, OTA-F-285. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, March 1986, vi + 374 pp., $13.00 pp. 764-766

- Fred Kuchler and Susan Offutt
Volume 68, issue 2, 1986
- Cooperatives' Tax "Advantages": Growth, Retained Earnings, and Equity Rotation pp. 207-213

- Richard E. Caves and Bruce Petersen
- The Formation of Cooperatives: A Game-Theoretic Approach with Implications for Cooperative Finance, Decision Making, and Stability pp. 214-225

- Richard J. Sexton
- Freight Charge Variations in Truck Transport Markets: Price Discrimination or Competitive Pricing? pp. 226-236

- Richard Beilock, Peter Garrod and Walter Miklius
- A Portfolio Analysis of Poor Rural Wage-Working Families' Assets and Debts pp. 237-245

- Keith W. Bryant
- U.S.-Mexican Trade in Winter Vegetables and Illegal Immigration pp. 246-260

- S. J. Torok and Wallace Huffman
- The Econometrics of Damage Control: Why Specification Matters pp. 261-273

- Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman
- Economic Impact of Public Pest Information: Soybean Insect Forecasts in Illinois pp. 274-279

- L. Joe Moffitt, Richard L. Farnsworth, Luis R. Zavaleta and Marcos Kogan
- A Comparison of Direct and Indirect Methods for Estimating Environmental Benefits pp. 280-290

- V. Smith, William H. Desvousges and Ann Fisher
- The Travel Cost Model for Lake Recreation: A Comparison of Two Methods for Incorporating Site Quality and Substitution Effects pp. 291-297

- Peter P. Caulkins, Richard C. Bishop and Nicolaas W. Bouwes
- A Stochastic Dominance Comparison of Water-Conserving Irrigation Strategies pp. 298-305

- Thomas Harris and Harry P. Mapp
- The Distribution of Economic Rents Arising from Subsidized Water When Land Is Leased pp. 306-312

- Ray G. Huffaker and B. Delworth Gardner
- Liquidation Bias in Futures Price Spreads pp. 313-321

- Allen B. Paul
- Adult Equivalent Scales Once More—A Developmental Approach pp. 322-333

- John R. Tedford, Oral Capps and Joseph Havlicek
- Testing for Nonnormality in Farm Net Returns pp. 334-343

- Steven T. Buccola
- Expectations and Commodity Price Dynamics: The Overshooting Model pp. 344-348

- Jeffrey Frankel
- Cross-Compliance for Erosion Control: Anticipating Efficiency and Distributive Impacts: Comment pp. 349-350

- Stephen J. Dinehart
- Cross-Compliance for Erosion Control: Anticipating Efficiency and Distributive Impacts: Reply pp. 351-352

- David E. Ervin, William D. Heffernan and Gary P. Green
- Testing Asset Fixity for U.S. Agriculture: Comment pp. 353-354

- Tenpao Lee and C. Phillip Baumel
- Testing Asset Fixity for U.S. Agriculture: Reply pp. 355-357

- Utpal Vasavada and Robert G. Chambers
- Soil Conservation with Uncertain Revenues and Input Supplies: Comment pp. 358-360

- James Shortle and Spiro Stefanou
- Soil Conservation with Uncertain Revenues and Input Supplies: Reply pp. 361-363

- William T. McSweeny and Randall Kramer
- Farm-Level Economics of Soil Conservation in the Palouse Area of the Northwest: Comment pp. 364-366

- Daniel Taylor, Douglas L. Young, David J. Walker and Edgar L. Michalson
- Farm-Level Economics of Soil Conservation in the Palouse Area of the Northwest: Reply pp. 367-369

- Oscar R. Burt
- Reliability of Linear Programming Software: An Experience with the IBM Mathematical Programming System Series: Comment pp. 370-372

- V. A. Sposito and Burton English
- Reliability of Linear Programming Software: An Experience with the IBM Mathematical Programming System Series: Reply pp. 373-374

- Thomas F. Tice and Marilyn G. Kletke
- Views on Agricultural Economics' Role in Economic Thought pp. 375-380

- James P. Houck
- Agricultural Economists as World Leaders in Applied Econometrics, 1917–33 pp. 381-386

- Karl A. Fox
- Future Challenges for Modeling in Agricultural Economics pp. 387-394

- S. R. Johnson
- Agricultural Economics, Contributions: Discussion pp. 395-396

- D. Johnson
- Agricultural Economics, Contributions: Discussion pp. 397-398

- Marc Nerlove
- Macroeconomic Linkages, Taxes, and Subsidies in the U.S. Agricultural Sector pp. 399-412

- Gordon Rausser, James A. Chalfant, H. Love and Kostas G. Stamoulis
- Some Political Economy Aspects of Macroeconomic Linkages with Agriculture pp. 413-417

- Margaret Andrews and Gordon Rausser
- Overshooting Agricultural Commodity Markets and Public Policy: Discussion pp. 418-419

- Jeffrey Frankel
- Overshooting Agricultural Commodity Markets and Public Policy: Discussion pp. 420-421

- Maurice Obstfeld
- Monetary Policy, Real Exchange Rates, and U.S. Agricultural Exports pp. 422-427

- Dallas S. Batten and Michael Belongia
- The Consequences of a Floating Exchange Rate for the U.S. Wheat Market pp. 428-433

- Nancy E. Schwartz
- The Effect of Exchange Rate Distortions on Grain Export Markets, The Case of Argentina pp. 434-440

- S. E. Grigsby and Carlos Arnade
- Public Policy, the Exchange Rate, and Agricultural Exports: Discussion pp. 441-442

- Emilio Pagoulatos
- Public Policy, the Exchange Rate, and Agricultural Exports: Discussion pp. 443-444

- David Orden
- Towards an Agricultural Economy for China in a New Age: Progress, Problems, Response, and Prospects pp. 445-450

- Ruofeng Niu and Peter H. Calkins
- Prospects and Some Policy Problems of Agricultural Development in China pp. 451-457

- Nicholas R. Lardy
- Prospects and Some Policy Problems of Agricultural Development in China: Discussion pp. 458-460

- Terry Sicular
- Prospects and Some Policy Problems of Agricultural Development in China: Discussion pp. 461-463

- Charles Timmer
- Agriculture, Forestry, and Related Benefits of Air Pollution Control: A Review and Some Observations pp. 464-472

- Richard M. Adams
- The Cost of Abating Sulfur, Nitrogen, and Ozone Air Pollutants pp. 473-478

- Lester Lave
- Economic Evaluation of Air Pollution Damage and Control: Discussion pp. 479-481

- Kathleen Segerson
- Economic Evaluation of Air Pollution Damage and Control: Discussion pp. 482-484

- Robert Mendelsohn
- Ahmed, Iftikhar, ed. Technology and Rural Women: Conceptual and Empirical Issues. Winchester MA: Allen and Unwin, xvi + 383 pp., $28.50 pp. 485-486

- Nadine R. Horenstein
- Barker, Randolph, Robert W. Herdt, with Beth Rose. The Rice Economy of Asia. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1985, 324 pp., $30, $12 paper pp. 486-487

- Sara J. Schwartz and Jitendar S. Mann
- Bowler, Ian R. Agriculture Under the Common Agricultural Policy. Manchester U.K.: Manchester University Press, 1985, 255 pp., $27.50 and Clout, Hugh. A Rural Policy for the EEC? London: Methuen, 1984, 214 pp., $29.95, $12.95 paper pp. 487-488

- Robert L. Paarlberg
- Clawson, Marion. Shelter in America: Costs, Supply, Constraints, and the Role of Forests. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1985, xvi + 345 pp., $10.00 pp. 488-489

- Carol B. Meeks
- Csaki, Csaba. Simulation and Systems Analysis in Agriculture. Amsterdam and Budapest: Elsevier Science Publishers and Akademiai Kiado, 1985, 262 pp., $55.75 pp. 489-490

- Douglas L. Maxwell
- The Curry Foundation. Agriculture, Stability, and Growth: Toward a Cooperative Approach. New York: Associated Faculty Press, xii + 240 pp., $22.50 pp. 490-491

- Dale E. Hathaway
- De Haen, Hartwig, Glenn L. Johnson, and Stefan Tangermann, eds, Agriculture and International Relations; Analysis and Policy: Essays in Memory of Theodor Heidhues. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985, x + 306 pp., $27.50 pp. 491-492

- Philip L. Paarlberg
- Fair, Ray C. Specification, Estimation, and Analysis of Macroeconometric Models. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1984, 479 pp., $35.00 pp. 492-493

- Clark Edwards
- Fogel, Walter, ed. California Farm Labor Relations and Law. Los Angeles: Institute of Industrial Relations (UCLA), 1985, xxi + 225 pp., $10.00 pp. 494

- Jack Runyan
- Gardner, Bruce L., ed. U.S. Agricultural Policy: The 1985 Farm Legislation. Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1985, 385 pp., $12.95 pp. 494-496

- Keith Collins
- Griliches, Zvi, ed. R&D; Patents, and Productivity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984, xi + 512 pp., $50.00 pp. 496-498

- John Lunn
- Kaldor, Nicholas. Economics Without Equilibrium. New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1985,79 pp., $12.50 pp. 498-499

- James D. Shaffer
- Ohkawa, Kazushi and Gustav Ranis, eds. Japan and the Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985, viii + 456 pp., $45.00 pp. 499-500

- James P. Houck
- Pacey, Arnold, and Philip Payne, eds. Agricultural Development and Nutrition. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1985, by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Children's Fund, 255 pp., $25.00 pp. 500-502

- Carol A. Goodloe
- Schwarzweller, Harry K., ed. Research in Rural Sociology and Development, vol. 1, Focus on Agriculture. Greenwich CT: JAI Press, 1984, xvii + 353 pp., $47.50 pp. 502-504

- Eugene A. Wilkening
- Simpson, James R., Tadashi Yoshida, Akira Miyazaki, and Ryohei Kada. Technological Change in Japan's Beef Industry. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1985, xii + 264 pp., $26.50 pp. 504-505

- James N. Trapp
- Zysman, John. Governments, Markets and Growth. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 358 pp., $24.50 pp. 505-506

- R. D. Peterson
Volume 68, issue 1, 1986
- An Analysis of Growth of U.S. Farmland Prices, 1963–82 pp. 1-9

- Julian Alston
- Econometric Modeling of the Capitalization Formula for Farmland Prices pp. 10-26

- Oscar R. Burt
- Imperfectly Competitive Equilibria in International Commodity Markets pp. 27-36

- Charles Kolstad and Anthony E. Burris
- The Impact of Food Stamps on Food Expenditures: Rejection of the Traditional Model pp. 37-43

- Benjamin Senauer and Nathan Young
- A Nonlinear Programming Analysis of Production Response to Multiple Component Milk Pricing pp. 44-54

- Jack J. Kirkland and Ron Mittelhammer
- Aggregate Milk Supply Response and Investment Behavior on U.S. Dairy Farms pp. 55-66

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Richard M. Klemme
- The Determinants of Full-Empty Truck Movements pp. 67-76

- Richard Beilock and Richard L. Kilmer
- Cooperation and Part-Time Farming in the Israeli Moshav pp. 77-87

- Joel M. Guttman and Nava Haruvi
- Evaluating the Returns to Postharvest Research in the Florida Citrus-Processing Subsector pp. 88-94

- H. A. Stranahan and J Shonkwiler
- Competition from Fish Farming in Influencing Rent Dissipation: The Crawfish Fishery pp. 95-101

- Frederick W. Bell
- Testing Market Integration pp. 102-109

- Martin Ravallion
- Agricultural Credit Programs and Production Efficiency: An Analysis of Traditional Farming in Southeastern Minas Gerais, Brazil pp. 110-119

- Timothy G. Taylor, H. Evan Drummond and Aloisio T. Gomes
- To Violate or Not Violate the Law: An Example from Egyptian Agriculture pp. 120-126

- Dyaa K. Abdou, B. Delworth Gardner and Richard Green
- The Choice of Crop Rotation: A Modeling Approach and Case Study pp. 127-136

- Talaat El-Nazer and Bruce McCarl
- Risk Aversion versus Expected Profit Maximization with a Progressive Income Tax pp. 137-143

- C. Robert Taylor
- Forecasting Vector Autoregressions with Bayesian Priors pp. 144-151

- David Bessler and John L. Kling
- Risk Analysis with Single-Index Portfolio Models: An Application to Farm Planning pp. 152-161

- Robert A. Collins and Peter J. Barry
- A Note on the Use of the Cobb-Douglas Profit Function pp. 162-164

- Ramesh Chand and J. L. Kaul
- Welfare Implications of Oligopoly in U.S. Food Manufacturing: Comment pp. 165-167

- Tim Hazledine and Sean Cahill
- Welfare Implications of Oligopoly in U.S. Food Manufacturing: Reply pp. 168-169

- Micha Gisser
- A Model of Cooperative Finance: Comment pp. 170-172

- Bruce L. Jones
- A Model of Cooperative Finance: Reply pp. 173-176

- John J. VanSickle and George W. Ladd
- The Demand for Calories in Developing Countries: Comment pp. 177-179

- Leon Podkaminer
- The Demand for Calories in Developing Countries: Reply pp. 180-181

- Odin K. Knudsen and Pasquale Scandizzo
- The Adoption of Reduced Tillage: The Role of Human Capital and Other Variables: Comment pp. 182-183

- John Braden and James S. Eales
- The Adoption of Reduced Tillage: The Role of Human Capital and Other Variables: Reply pp. 184

- Michael R. Rahm and Wallace Huffman
- Participation in Farm Commodity Programs: A Stochastic Dominance Analysis: Comment pp. 185-188

- Arthur H. Grube
- Participation in Farm Commodity Programs: A Stochastic Dominance Analysis: Reply pp. 189-190

- Randall Kramer and Rulon D. Pope
- Beattie, Bruce R., and C. Robert Taylor. The Economics of Production. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1985, xv + 258 pp., $38.95 pp. 191

- Glenn J. Knowles
- Kumar, Manmohan S. Growth, Acquisition and Investment, An Analysis of the Growth of Industrial Firms and Their Overseas Activities. Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1984, 211 pp., $37.50 pp. 192-193

- Russell C. Parker
- Holderness, B. A. British Agriculture Since 1945. Manchester U.K.: Manchester University Press, 1985, 185 pp., $25.00 pp. 192

- Marshall Cohen
- Mangel, Marc. Decision and Control in Uncertain Resource Systems. Orlando FL: Academic Press, 1985, xiii + 255 pp., $39.50 pp. 193-194

- L. Joe Moffitt
- Morishima, Michio. The Economics of Industrial Society. Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press, ix + 301 pp., $49.50, $15.95 paper pp. 194-195

- Alex F. McCalla
- Mukoti, Bula. Agriculture and Employment in Developing Countries: Strategies for Effective Rural Development. Boulder CO: Westview Press, x + 144 pp., $16.50 pp. 195

- Graham Donaldson
- Rees, Albert. Striking a Balance: Making National Economic Policy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984, x + 118 pp., $12.50 pp. 196

- Dennis R. Starleaf
- Reynolds, Lloyd G. Economic Growth of the Third World. New Haven CT: Yale University Press, xii + 469 pp., $35.00 pp. 196-198

- Vernon Ruttan
- Roseberry, William. Coffee and Capitalism in the Venezuelan Andes. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1983, xv + 256 pp. $22.50 pp. 198-199

- Lehman B. Fletcher
- Schutjer, Wayne A., and C. Shannon Stokes, eds. Rural Development and Human Fertility. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., ix + 318 pp., $38.50 pp. 199-201

- Stewart Tolnay
- Simon, Julian L., and Herman Kahn, eds. The Resourceful Earth: A Response to Global 2000. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1984, 585 pp., $19.85 pp. 201-202

- Carlisle Runge
- Timberlake, Lloyd. Africa in Crisis: The Causes, the Cures of Environmental Bankruptcy. Washington DC: Earthscan, 1985, 232 pp., $6.25 pp. 202-203

- Carl C. Mabbs-Zeno
- Zartman, William, and Christopher Delgado, eds. The Political Economy of Ivory Coast. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1984, vii + 255 pp., $28.95 pp. 203-204

- Mary E. Burfisher
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