American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 91, issue 5, 2009
- Applied Economics—Without Apology pp. 1161-1174

- Ron Mittelhammer
- How Human Psychology Drives the Economy and Why It Matters pp. 1175-1175

- George Akerlof
- Consumption and Demand pp. 1176-1186

- Rulon D. Pope
- Distressed Rural Housing - Is Economic, Farm, or Biofuel Policy More Influential in Leading a Recovery? pp. 1187-1193

- Cole Gustafson and Saleem Shaik
- Interdependence of Macro and Agricultural Economics: How Sensitive is the Relationship? pp. 1194-1200

- Dae-Heum Kwon and Won W. Koo
- Trends and Volatility in School Finance pp. 1201-1208

- Mary Clare Ahearn, Maureen Kilkenny and Sarah Low
- Crisis in U.S. Financial Markets—Spillover and Recovery Prospects in Rural America: Discussion pp. 1209-1210

- Jason Henderson
- Risk Management in the Cooperative Contract pp. 1211-1217

- Ethan Ligon
- Incentive Pay for CEOs in Cooperative Firms pp. 1218-1223

- Brent Hueth and Philippe Marcoul
- Optimal Cooperative Pooling in a Quality-Differentiated Market pp. 1224-1232

- Tina L. Saitone and Richard J. Sexton
- Risk Sharing, CEO Incentives, and Quality Differentiation in Agricultural Cooperatives: Discussion pp. 1233-1234

- Jacques Crémer
- World Supply and Demand of Food Commodity Calories pp. 1235-1242

- Michael Roberts and Wolfram Schlenker
- Between the Corporation and the Household: Commodity Prices, Risk Management, and Agricultural Production in the United States pp. 1243-1249

- Shawn Cole and Barrett Kirwan
- Recent Commodity Price Movements in Historical Perspective pp. 1250-1256

- Daniel Sumner
- The Causes and Consequences of Rising Food Prices: Discussion pp. 1257-1258

- James D. Hamilton
- Can Field Experiments Return Agricultural Economics to the Glory Days? pp. 1259-1265

- Steven Levitt and John List
- Internal and External Validity in Economics Research: Tradeoffs between Experiments, Field Experiments, Natural Experiments, and Field Data pp. 1266-1271

- Brian Roe and David Just
- Fairness, Farmers Markets, and Local Production pp. 1272-1278

- Stephen Toler, Brian Briggeman, Jayson Lusk and Damian Adams
- Field Experiments in Food and Resource Economics Research: Discussion pp. 1279-1280

- William Schulze
- Efficiency of Income Transfers to Farmers through Public Agricultural Research: Theory and Evidence from the United States pp. 1281-1288

- Julian Alston
- Transfer Efficiency and Distributional Impacts of U.S. Farm Support: Evidence from a Macro-Micro Simulation pp. 1289-1295

- Roman Keeney
- Farm Household Income and Transfer Efficiency: An Evaluation of United States Farm Program Payments pp. 1296-1301

- Wyatt Thompson, Ashok Mishra and Joe Dewbre
- Where Does All the Money Go? Measuring Effects of Agricultural Policy Transfers on Farm Income: Discussion pp. 1302-1303

- David Abler
- Efficiency and Spatial Impacts of Development Taxes: The Critical Role of Alternative Revenue-Recycling Schemes pp. 1304-1311

- Antonio Bento, Sofia F. Franco and Daniel Kaffine
- Do Sorting and Heterogeneity Matter for Open Space Policy Analysis? An Empirical Comparison of Hedonic and Sorting Models pp. 1312-1318

- Henry Klaiber and Daniel Phaneuf
- A Valuation of Subdivision Open Space by Type pp. 1319-1325

- Charles Towe
- Open Space Issues at the Rural-Urban Fringe: Discussion pp. 1326-1327

- David Lewis
- Necessary Conditions for Valid Benefit Transfers pp. 1328-1334

- Kevin Boyle, Nicolai Kuminoff, Christopher Parmeter and Jaren Pope
- Benefit Transfer from Multiple Contingent Experiments: A Flexible Two-Step Model Combining Individual Choice Data with Community Characteristics pp. 1335-1342

- Klaus Moeltner, Robert Johnston, Randall S. Rosenberger and Joshua Duke
- Valuing Welfare Impacts of Beach Erosion: An Application of the Structural Benefit Transfer Method pp. 1343-1350

- George Van Houtven and Christine Poulos
- Advances in Environmental Benefit Transfer: Discussion pp. 1351-1352

- Richard Ready
- Informing Preservation of Multifunctional Agriculture when Primary Research Is Unavailable: An Application of Meta-Analysis pp. 1353-1359

- Robert Johnston and Joshua Duke
- Surf and Turf: Tourists’ Values for Multifunctional Working Landscapes and Water Quality in Colorado pp. 1360-1367

- Sarah Cline and Andrew Seidl
- Land Preservation Programs Achieve High Levels of Efficiency pp. 1368-1374

- Lori Lynch
- Preserving Multifunctional Agriculture: Discussion pp. 1375-1376

- John Bergstrom
- When Perception is Reality: Subjective Expectations and Contracting pp. 1377-1381

- Marc Bellemare
- Experimental Economics and the Economics of Contracts pp. 1382-1388

- David Just and Steven Wu
- Food Safety Regulations under Ambiguity pp. 1389-1396

- Tigran Melkonyan and Jens Schubert
- New Research Directions in Agricultural Contracts: Discussion pp. 1397-1398

- Brent Hueth
- An Overview of the Linkages of the Global Financial Crisis to Production Agriculture pp. 1399-1405

- Paul N. Ellinger and Vishwanath Tirupattur
- The Financial Health of Agricultural Lenders pp. 1406-1413

- Brian Briggeman, Michael Gunderson and Brent A. Gloy
- Impacts of the Financial Crisis on Risk Capacity and Exposure in Agriculture pp. 1414-1421

- Nicholas D. Paulson and Bruce Sherrick
- The Global Financial Crisis and Agricultural Financial Markets Impacts and Responses: Discussion pp. 1422-1423

- Neilson C. Conklin
- Estimating Structural Change with Smooth Transition Regressions: An Application to Meat Demand pp. 1424-1431

- Matthew Holt and Joseph Balagtas
- Markov-Switching Estimation of Spatial Maize Price Transmission Processes between Tanzania and Kenya pp. 1432-1439

- Rico Ihle, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel and Sergiy Zorya
- Estimating Long-Run Price Relationship with Structural Change of Unknown Timing: An Application to the Japanese Pork Market pp. 1440-1447

- Kenji Adachi and Donald Liu
- New Econometric Methods for Structural Change Analysis of Agricultural and Food Markets: Discussion pp. 1448-1449

- William G. Tomek and Timothy D. Mount
- Commodity Prices and Food Inflation pp. 1450-1455

- Timothy J. Richards and Geoffrey M. Pofahl
- Patterns of Pass-through of Commodity Price Shocks to Retail Prices pp. 1456-1461

- Peter Berck, Ephraim Leibtag, Alex Solis and Sofia Villas-Boas
- How Much and How Quick? Pass through of Commodity and Input Cost Changes to Retail Food Prices pp. 1462-1467

- Ephraim Leibtag
- High and Volatile Commodity Prices: What Do They Mean for Food Prices and Consumers: Discussion pp. 1468-1469

- Abebayehu Tegene
- Index of Consumer Confidence in the Safety of the United States Food System pp. 1470-1476

- Jean Kinsey, R Wes Harrison, Dennis Degeneffe, Gustavo Ferreira and Sakiko Shiratori
- What Drives Import Refusals? pp. 1477-1483

- Kathy Baylis, Andrea Martens and Lia Nogueira
- Regulatory Policies in Meat Trade: Is There Evidence for Least Trade-distorting Sanitary Regulations? pp. 1484-1490

- Simon W. Schlueter, Christine Wieck and Thomas Heckelei
- International Food Safety Regulations in the United States and the European Union—Balancing Consumer Confidence and Trade: Discussion pp. 1491-1492

- Alex Winter-Nelson
- The Profitability of Transitioning to Organic Grain Crops in Indiana pp. 1497-1504

- Samuel F. Clark
Volume 91, issue 4, 2009
- On the Collapse of Historical Civilizations pp. 863-879

- David H. Good and Rafael Reuveny
- Customs and Incentives in Contracts pp. 880-894

- Douglas Allen and Dean Lueck
- The Indirect Land Use Impacts of United States Biofuel Policies: The Importance of Acreage, Yield, and Bilateral Trade Responses pp. 895-909

- Roman Keeney and Thomas Hertel
- Export Sectors and Rural Development pp. 910-929

- Maureen Kilkenny and Mark Partridge
- Tariff Equivalent and Forgone Trade Effects of Prohibitive Technical Barriers to Trade pp. 930-941

- Chengyan Yue and John Beghin
- Food Aid, Food Prices, and Producer Disincentives in Ethiopia pp. 942-955

- Getaw Tadesse and Gerald Shively
- Farmers’ Subjective Valuation of Subsistence Crops: The Case of Traditional Maize in Mexico pp. 956-972

- Aslihan Arslan and J. Edward Taylor
- Finding Missing Markets (and a Disturbing Epilogue): Evidence from an Export Crop Adoption and Marketing Intervention in Kenya pp. 973-990

- Nava Ashraf, Xavier Gine and Dean Karlan
- State-conditional Fertilizer Yield Response on Western Kenyan Farms pp. 991-1006

- Paswel P. Marenya and Christopher Barrett
- The Impact of Agricultural Extension and Roads on Poverty and Consumption Growth in Fifteen Ethiopian Villages pp. 1007-1021

- Stefan Dercon, Daniel Gilligan, John Hoddinott and Tassew Woldehanna
- Poverty, Risk Aversion, and Path Dependence in Low-Income Countries: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia pp. 1022-1037

- Mahmud Yesuf and Randall Bluffstone
- Spatiotemporal Modeling of Asian Citrus Canker Risks: Implications for Insurance and Indemnification Fund Models pp. 1038-1055

- Barry Goodwin and Nicholas Piggott
- A Cautionary Note on Designing Discrete Choice Experiments: A Comment on Lusk and Norwood’s “Effect of Experiment Design on Choice-Based Conjoint Valuation Estimates” pp. 1056-1063

- Richard Carson, Jordan J. Louviere and Nada Wasi
- A Cautionary Note on the Design of Discrete Choice Experiments: Reply pp. 1064-1066

- Jayson Lusk and Bailey Norwood
- Riparian Buffers and Hedonic Prices: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Residential Property Values in the Neuse River Basin pp. 1067-1079

- Okmyung Bin, Craig Landry and Gregory F. Meyer
- Targeting Incentives to Reduce Habitat Fragmentation pp. 1080-1096

- David Lewis, Andrew J. Plantinga and JunJie Wu
- Does Production Labeling Stigmatize Conventional Milk? pp. 1097-1109

- Christopher Kanter, Kent Messer and Harry Kaiser
- The Benefit Function Approach to Modeling Price-Dependent Demand Systems: An Application of Duality Theory pp. 1110-1123

- Keith McLaren and Ka Wong
- Credit Market Imperfections and the Distribution of Policy Rents pp. 1124-1139

- Pavel Ciaian and Johan Swinnen
- Consumer and Market Responses to Mad Cow Disease pp. 1140-1152

- Wolfram Schlenker and Sofia Villas-Boas
- Galor, Oded. Discrete Dynamical Systems. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2007, 153 pp., $71.96 pp. 1153-1154

- Joydeep Bhattacharya
- Swinnen, J. F. M.Global Supply Chains, Standards and the Poor: How the Globalization of Food Systems and Standards Affects Rural Development and Poverty pp. 1154-1155

- Valentina Hartarska
- Worldwatch Institute Biofuels for Transport: Global Potential and Implications for Sustainable Energy and Agriculture pp. 1155-1157

- C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell
- Collier, Paul The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It pp. 1157-1159

- William Masters
- Anandajayasekeram, Ponniah, Mandivamba Rukuni, Suresh Chandra Babu, Frikkie Liebenberg, and C. L. KeswaniImpact of Science on African Agriculture and Food Security pp. 1159-1160

- John McPeak
Volume 91, issue 3, 2008
- Competition Effects of Supermarket Services pp. 555-568

- Alessandro Bonanno and Rigoberto Lopez
- The Varying Impacts of Agricultural Support Programs on U.S. Farm Household Consumption pp. 569-580

- James B. Whitaker
- Joint Estimation of Risk Preferences and Technology: Flexible Utility or Futility? pp. 581-598

- Sergio Lence
- On Crop Biodiversity, Risk Exposure, and Food Security in the Highlands of Ethiopia pp. 599-611

- Salvatore Di Falco and Jean-Paul Chavas
- Risk Averters that Love Risk? Marginal Risk Aversion in Comparison to a Reference Gamble pp. 612-626

- David Just and Travis Lybbert
- Livestock Disease Indemnity Design When Moral Hazard Is Followed by Adverse Selection pp. 627-641

- Benjamin Gramig, Richard Horan and Christopher Wolf
- On the Deadweight Cost of Production Requirements for Geographically Differentiated Agricultural Products pp. 642-655

- Pierre R. Mérel
- Who Pays the Costs of Non-GMO Segregation and Identity Preservation? pp. 656-672

- Marion Desquilbet and David S. Bullock
- Dairy Tariff-Quota Liberalization: Contrasting Bilateral and Most Favored Nation Reform Options pp. 673-684

- Jason Grant, Thomas Hertel and Thomas F. Rutherford
- Shadow Wages and Shadow Income in Farmers’ Labor Supply Functions pp. 685-696

- Kien T. Le
- Weather Risk, Wages in Kind, and the Off-Farm Labor Supply of Agricultural Households in a Developing Country pp. 697-710

- Takahiro Ito and Takashi Kurosaki
- Evaluating Alternative Policy Responses to Higher World Food Prices: The Case of Increasing Rice Prices in Madagascar pp. 711-722

- David Coady, Paul Dorosh and Bart Minten
- Political Market Power Reflected in Milk Pricing Regulations pp. 723-737

- Byeong-Il Ahn and Daniel Sumner
- The Economics of a Blend Mandate for Biofuels pp. 738-750

- Harry de Gorter and David Just
- A Nonparametric Analysis of Production Models with Multidimensional Quality pp. 751-764

- Angelo Zago
- Measuring Excess Capital Capacity in Agricultural Production pp. 765-776

- Zhengfei Guan, Subal Kumbhakar, Robert Myers and Alfons Oude Lansink
- Scale Economies and Inefficiency of U.S. Dairy Farms pp. 777-794

- Robert Mosheim and C. Lovell
- Effects of Label Information on Consumer Willingness-to-Pay for Food Attributes pp. 795-809

- Zhifeng Gao and Ted Schroeder
- An Empirical Investigation into the Excessive-Choice Effect pp. 810-825

- Bharath Arunachalam, Shida R. Henneberry, Jayson Lusk and Bailey Norwood
- What Is It About Organic Milk? An Experimental Analysis pp. 826-836

- John Bernard and Daria J. Bernard
- Comparing Open-Ended Choice Experiments and Experimental Auctions: An Application to Golden Rice pp. 837-853

- Jay Corrigan, Dinah Pura T. Depositario, Rodolfo Nayga, Ximing Wu and Tiffany P. Laude
- Just, Richard E., Julian M. Alston, and David Zilberman, Editors. Regulating Agricultural Biotechnology: Economics and Policy. New York: Springer, 2006, 732 pp., $149.00 pp. 854-855

- Leslie J. Butler
- Gentry, B., Q. Newcomer, S. Anisfeld, and M. Fotos, Editors. Emerging Markets for Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of the Panama Canal Watershed. Binghamton, NY:Haworth Press, 2007, 387 pp., $148.00 pp. 855-857

- Bob Hearne
- Adger, W. Neil, Jouni Paavoli, Saleemul Huq, and M.J. Mace, Editors. Fairness in Adaptation to Climate Change. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006, xvi + 335 pp., $62.00 pp. 857-859

- Robert Mendelsohn
- Perloff, Jeffrey M., Larry S. Karp, and Amos Golan, Editors. Estimating Market Power and Strategies. Cambridge,UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 352 pp., $88.99 pp. 859-860

- Charles Moss
- Evenson, Robert E. and Terri Raney, Editors. The Political Economy of Genetically Modified Foods. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2007, 485 pp., £112.50 pp. 860-862

- Suzanne Thornsbury
Volume 91, issue 2, 2006
- The Cotton Influence Index: An Examination of U.S. Cotton Subsidies pp. 299-309

- Omer Gokcekus and Richard Fishler
- Standards as Barriers Versus Standards as Catalysts: Assessing the Impact of HACCP Implementation on U.S. Seafood Imports pp. 310-321

- Sven Anders and Julie Caswell
- Insuring Against Losses from Transgenic Contamination: The Case of Pharmaceutical Maize pp. 322-334

- David G. Ripplinger, Dermot Hayes, A. Susana Goggi and Kendall Lamkey
- Highgrading in Quota-Regulated Fisheries: Evidence from the Icelandic Cod Fishery pp. 335-346

- Dadi Kristofersson and Kyrre Rickertsen
- Defining Access to Health Care: Evidence on the Importance of Quality and Distance in Rural Tanzania pp. 347-358

- Heather Klemick, Kenneth Leonard and Melkiory C. Masatu
- Impacts of Low-Cost Land Certification on Investment and Productivity pp. 359-373

- Stein Holden, Klaus Deininger and Hosaena Ghebru
- Public Investment and Industry Incentives in Life-Science Research pp. 374-388

- Chenggang Wang, Yin Xia and Steven Buccola
- The Procompetitive Effect of Demand-Enhancing Check-Off Programs pp. 389-401

- John Crespi and Stéphan Marette
- Valuation of New Products in Attribute Space pp. 402-415

- Geoffrey M. Pofahl and Timothy J. Richards
- Food Stamps and Food Spending: An Engel Function Approach pp. 416-430

- Parke Wilde, Lisa M. Troy and Beatrice L. Rogers
- A Multivariate Evaluation of Ex ante Risks Associated with Fed Cattle Production pp. 431-443

- Eric Belasco, Sujit K. Ghosh and Barry Goodwin
- Integrating Technology Traits and Producer Heterogeneity: A Mixed-Multinomial Model of Genetically Modified Corn Adoption pp. 444-461

- Pilar Useche, Bradford L. Barham and Jeremy Foltz
- Optimal Investment in Transportation Infrastructure When Middlemen Have Market Power: A Developing-Country Analysis pp. 462-476

- Pierre R. Mérel, Richard J. Sexton and Aya Suzuki
- The Welfare Economics of a Biofuel Tax Credit and the Interaction Effects with Price Contingent Farm Subsidies pp. 477-488

- Harry de Gorter and David Just
- On the Consumer Value of Complementarity: A Benefit Function Approach pp. 489-502

- Michele Baggio and Jean-Paul Chavas
- Inventories and Public Information in Private Negotiation: A Laboratory Market Study pp. 503-517

- Dale J. Menkhaus, Owen R. Phillips and Alla V. Yakunina
- How Closely Do Hypothetical Surveys and Laboratory Experiments Predict Field Behavior? pp. 518-534

- Jae Bong Chang, Jayson Lusk and Bailey Norwood
- A Comment on Weak Disposability in Nonparametric Production Analysis pp. 535-538

- Rolf Färe and Shawna Grosskopf
- Weak Disposability in Nonparametric Production Analysis: Reply to Färe and Grosskopf pp. 539-545

- Timo Kuosmanen and Victor Podinovski
Volume 91, issue 1, 2009
- Nonpecuniary Benefits to Farming: Implications for Supply Response to Decoupled Payments pp. 1-18

- Nigel Key and Michael Roberts
- Payment Limitations and Acreage Decisions under Risk Aversion: A Simulation Approach pp. 19-41

- Barry Goodwin
- A Model of Spatial Arbitrage with Transport Capacity Constraints and Endogenous Transport Prices pp. 42-56

- Andrew Coleman
- The Demand for Food Quality in Rural China pp. 57-69

- Xiaohua Yu and David Abler
- Conservation Payments, Liquidity Constraints, and Off-Farm Labor: Impact of the Grain-for-Green Program on Rural Households in China pp. 70-86

- Emi Uchida, Scott Rozelle and Jintao Xu
- The Commodity Terms of Trade, Unit Roots, and Nonlinear Alternatives: A Smooth Transition Approach pp. 87-105

- Joseph Balagtas and Matthew Holt
- Valuing Water Quality as a Function of Water Quality Measures pp. 106-123

- John A. Downing
- Does Animal Feeding Operation Pollution Hurt Public Health? A National Longitudinal Study of Health Externalities Identified by Geographic Shifts in Livestock Production pp. 124-137

- Stacy Sneeringer
- Pareto-Improving Water Management over Space and Time: The Honolulu Case pp. 138-153

- Basharat Pitafi and James Roumasset
- Do Futures Benefit Farmers? pp. 154-167

- Sergio Lence
- Promotion and Fast Food Demand pp. 168-183

- Timothy J. Richards and Luis Padilla
- Food Values pp. 184-196

- Jayson Lusk and Brian Briggeman
- Crop Yield Skewness Under Law of the Minimum Technology pp. 197-208

- David Hennessy
- The Value of Variable Rate Technology: An Information-Theoretic Approach pp. 209-223

- Matías L. Ruffo, Donald G. Bullock and Germán A. Bollero
- Induced Innovation in U.S. Agriculture: Time-series, Direct Econometric, and Nonparametric Tests pp. 224-236

- Yucan Liu and C. Shumway
- The Role of Risk and Transaction Costs in Contract Design: Evidence from Farmland Lease Contracts in U.S. Agriculture pp. 237-249

- Keita Fukunaga and Wallace Huffman
- Do Alternative Marketing Arrangements Increase Pork Packers' Market Power? pp. 250-263

- Xiaoyong Zheng and Tomislav Vukina
- Bundling and Licensing of Genes in Agricultural Biotechnology pp. 264-274

- Guanming Shi
- Credit Constraints: Their Existence, Determinants, and Implications for U.S. Farm and Nonfarm Sole Proprietorships pp. 275-289

- Charles Towe and Mitchell J. Morehart
- The Next Great Globalization: How Disadvantaged Nations Can Harness Their Financial Systems to Get Rich by Mishkin, Frederic S pp. 290-291

- Thomas Grennes
- Reforming Agricultural Trade for Developing Countries (Vol. 2): Quantifying the Impact of Multilateral Trade Reform edited by McCalla, Alex F. and John Nash pp. 291-292

- Ivan Kandilov
- Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System Is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What to Do About It by Jaffe, Adam B. and Josh Lerner pp. 293-294

- GianCarlo Moschini
- Beyond Food Production. The Role of Agriculture in Poverty Reduction edited by Bresciani, Fabrizio and Alberto Valdés pp. 294-295

- James C. O. Nyankori
- Amartya Sen's Work and Ideas: A Gender Perspective pp. 295-297

- Yana Rodgers
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