American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 95, issue 5, 2013
- Production Incentives from Static Decoupling: Land Use Exclusion Restrictions pp. 1049-1067

- David Just and Jaclyn D. Kropp
- Disinvestment, Farm Size, and Gradual Farm Exit: The Impact of Subsidy Decoupling in a European Context pp. 1068-1087

- Andrius Kazukauskas, Carol Newman, Daragh Clancy and Johannes Sauer
- Impact of Cost Shocks on Consumer Prices in Vertically-Related Markets: The Case of The French Soft Drink Market pp. 1088-1108

- Céline Bonnet and Vincent Réquillart
- Profit-Maximizing Land-Use Revisited: The Testable Implications of Non-joint Crop Production Under Land Constraint pp. 1109-1121

- Russell Gorddard
- Committed Procurement in Privately Negotiated Markets: Evidence from Laboratory Markets pp. 1122-1135

- Darlington M. Sabasi, Christopher T. Bastian, Dale J. Menkhaus and Owen R. Phillips
- On the Use of Honesty Priming Tasks to Mitigate Hypothetical Bias in Choice Experiments pp. 1136-1154

- Tiziana de-Magistris, Azucena Gracia and Rodolfo Nayga
- Crop Insurance Adjusted Panel Data Envelopment Analysis Efficiency Measures pp. 1155-1177

- Saleem Shaik
- An Inverse Demand System for New England Groundfish: Welfare Analysis of the Transition to Catch Share Management pp. 1178-1195

- Min-Yang A. Lee and Eric M. Thunberg
- Accounting for the Poor pp. 1196-1208

- Robert M. Townsend
- Trade Promotions and Consumer Search in Supermarket Retailing pp. 1209-1215

- Miguel Gomez, Timothy J. Richards and Jun Lee
- Slotting Allowances under Supermarket Oligopoly pp. 1216-1222

- Robert Innes and Stephen Hamilton
- How Do Supermarkets Respond to Brand-Level Demand Shocks? Evidence from the German Beer Market pp. 1223-1229

- Janine Empen and Stephen Hamilton
- Mechanization and Agricultural Technology Evolution, Agricultural Intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa: Typology of Agricultural Mechanization in Nigeria pp. 1230-1236

- Hiroyuki Takeshima, Alejandro Nin—Pratt and Xinshen Diao
- Agricultural Mechanization in Ghana: Is Specialized Agricultural Mechanization Service Provision a Viable Business Model? pp. 1237-1244

- Nazaire Houssou, Xinshen Diao, Frances Cossar, Shashi Kolavalli, Kipo Jimah and Patrick Ohene Aboagye
- The Rapid Rise of Cross-Regional Agricultural Mechanization Services in China pp. 1245-1251

- Jin Yang, Zuhui Huang, Xiaobo Zhang and Thomas Reardon
- Factor Endowments, Wage Growth, and Changing Food Self-Sufficiency: Evidence from Country-Level Panel Data pp. 1252-1258

- Keijiro Otsuka, Yanyan Liu and Futoshi Yamauchi
- Determinants of Food Deserts pp. 1259-1265

- Pedro Alviola, Rodolfo Nayga, Michael R. Thomsen and Zhongyi Wang
- The Effect of Revised WIC Food Packages on Native American Children pp. 1266-1272

- Ariun Ishdorj and Oral Capps
- Bridging the Gap: Do Farmers' Markets Help Alleviate Impacts of Food Deserts? pp. 1273-1279

- Jeremy Sage, Vicki McCracken and Rayna A. Sage
- Food Store Access, Availability, and Choice when Purchasing Fruits and Vegetables pp. 1280-1286

- Gayaneh Kyureghian and Rodolfo Nayga
- Public R&D, Private R&D, and U.S. Agricultural Productivity Growth: Dynamic and Long-Run Relationships pp. 1287-1293

- Sun Ling Wang, Paul W. Heisey, Wallace Huffman and Keith Fuglie
- Reducing the Environmental Efficiency Gap in Global Livestock Production pp. 1294-1300

- Alejandro Nin-Pratt
- Will Yield Improvements on the Forest Frontier Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? A Global Analysis of Oil Palm pp. 1301-1308

- Nelson Villoria, Alla Golub, Derek Byerlee and James Stevenson
- Impact of Agricultural Productivity Gains on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Global Analysis pp. 1309-1316

- Carol A. Jones and Ronald Sands
- Ethanol without Subsidies: An Oxymoron or the New Reality? pp. 1317-1324

- Bruce Babcock
- Economic, Energy Security, and Greenhouse Gas Effects of Biofuels: Implications for Policy pp. 1325-1331

- Madhu Khanna and Xiaoguang Chen
- On the Indirect Effect of Biofuel pp. 1332-1337

- David Zilberman, Geoffrey Barrows, Gal Hochman and Deepak Rajagopal
- Agricultural Spillover Effects of Cash Transfers: What Does LEWIE Have to Say? pp. 1338-1344

- Karen Thome, Mateusz Filipski, Justin Kagin, J. Edward Taylor and Benjamin Davis
- The Impact of Voucher Coupons on the Uptake of Fertilizer and Improved Seeds: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Mozambique pp. 1345-1351

- Michael Carter, Rachid Laajaj and Dean Yang
- Encouraging Development: Randomized Encouragement Designs in Agriculture pp. 1352-1358

- Conner Mullally, Steve Boucher and Michael Carter
- Identifying the Impact Dynamics of a Small-Farmer Development Scheme in Nicaragua pp. 1359-1365

- Emilia Tjernström, Patricia Toledo and Michael Carter
- Food and Agriculture in Ethiopia: Progress and Policy Challenges pp. 1366-1368

- Jeffrey Alwang
- Relationship Economics:The Social Capital Paradigm and Its Application to Business, Politics and Other Transactions pp. 1370-1372

- Hector O. Zapata
Volume 95, issue 4, 2013
- Conditional Election and Partisan Cycles in Government Support to the Agricultural Sector: An Empirical Analysis pp. 793-818

- Jeroen Klomp and Jakob de Haan
- Immigrant Workers and Farm Performance: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data pp. 819-841

- Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, Jakob Munch, Claus Aastrup Seidelin and Jan Rose Skaksen
- Evaluating the Trade Restrictiveness of Phytosanitary Measures on U.S. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Imports pp. 842-858

- Everett Peterson, Jason Grant, Donna Roberts and Vuko Karov
- Changes in Beef Packers' Market Power after the Livestock Mandatory Price Reporting Act: An Agent-based Auction pp. 859-876

- Christopher Boyer and B Brorsen
- The Welfare Impacts of Commodity Price Volatility: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia pp. 877-899

- Marc Bellemare, Christopher Barrett and David Just
- The Estimation of Threshold Models in Price Transmission Analysis pp. 900-916

- Friederike Greb, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel, Tatyana Krivobokova and Axel Munk
- Counterproductive Counternarcotic Strategies? pp. 917-931

- Camilla I.M. Andersson
- On Estimating the Effects of Immigrant Legalization: Do U.S. Agricultural Workers Really Benefit? pp. 932-948

- Breno Sampaio, Gustavo Ramos Sampaio and Yony Sampaio
- Are Results from Non-hypothetical Choice-based Conjoint Analyses and Non-hypothetical Recoded-ranking Conjoint Analyses Similar? pp. 949-963

- Faical Akaichi, Rodolfo Nayga and José M. Gil
- Tenure Constraints and Carbon Forestry in Africa pp. 964-975

- Edward Barbier and Anteneh T. Tesfaw
- Old Farmer Pension Program and Farm Succession: Evidence from a Population-Based Survey of Farm Households in Taiwan pp. 976-991

- Hung-Hao Chang
- Influencing Natural Forest Disturbance through Timber Harvesting: Tradeoffs among Disturbance Processes, Forest Values, and Timber Condition pp. 992-1008

- Charles Sims
- Household-Level Welfare Effects of Organic Milk Introduction pp. 1009-1028

- Hee-Jung Choi, Michael Wohlgenant and Xiaoyong Zheng
- Rules versus Discretion in Food Storage Policies pp. 1029-1044

- Christophe Gouel
- The Economics of Regulation in Agriculture: Compliance with Public and Private Standards pp. 1045-1046

- Otto Doering
- Modernising Agrifood Chains in China: Implications for Rural Development pp. 1046-1048

- David Ortega
Volume 95, issue 3, 2013
- The Firm's Management in Production: Management, Firm, and Time Effects in an Indian Ocean Tuna Fishery pp. 547-567

- François-Charles Wolff, Dale Squires and Patrice Guillotreau
- The Effect of Supercenter-format Stores on the Healthfulness of Consumers' Grocery Purchases pp. 568-589

- Richard Volpe, Abigail Okrent and Ephraim Leibtag
- Conservation Auctions: Should Information about Environmental Benefits Be Made Public? pp. 590-605

- Thilo W. Glebe
- Regulatory Policy Design for Agroecosystem Management on Public Rangelands pp. 606-627

- Tigran Melkonyan and Michael Taylor
- Small Farmers, NGOs, and a Walmart World: Welfare Effects of Supermarkets Operating in Nicaragua pp. 628-649

- Hope Michelson
- Rivalry in Price and Location by Differentiated Product Manufacturers pp. 650-668

- Timothy J. Richards, William J. Allender and Stephen Hamilton
- Robust Error Specification in a Production System pp. 669-684

- Rulon D. Pope and Jeffrey LaFrance
- Impact of a Two-Rate Property Tax on Residential Densities pp. 685-704

- Seong-Hoon Cho, SeungGyu Kim, Dayton Lambert and Roland Roberts
- Taxing Food and Beverages: Theory, Evidence, and Policy pp. 705-723

- Yuqing Zheng, Edward W. McLaughlin and Harry Kaiser
- Short- and Long-Run Determinants of Commodity Price Volatility pp. 724-738

- Berna Karali and Gabriel Power
- An Analysis of Selectivity in the Productivity Evaluation of Biotechnology: An Application to Corn pp. 739-754

- Guanming Shi, Jean-Paul Chavas, Joseph Lauer and Elizabeth Nolan
- Who Does Dot Respond to the Agricultural Resource Management Survey and Does It Matter? pp. 755-771

- Jeremy Weber and Dawn Marie Clay
- Does Sharecropping Affect Long-term Investment? Evidence from West Bengal's Tenancy Reforms pp. 772-790

- Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin and Vandana Yadav
- Valuing Environment and Natural Resources, Volumes 1 and 2 pp. 791-792

- Richard Kazmierczak
Volume 95, issue 2, 2013
- Market Power, Misconceptions, and Modern Agricultural Markets pp. 209-219

- Richard J. Sexton
- Food and Health: Can Economics Contribute to Improved Outcomes? pp. 220-227

- Laurian Unnevehr
- Incorporating Process-Based Crop Simulation Models into Global Economic Analyses pp. 228-235

- Richard Robertson, Gerald Nelson, Timothy Thomas and Mark Rosegrant
- Agronomic Weather Measures in Econometric Models of Crop Yield with Implications for Climate Change pp. 236-243

- Michael Roberts, Wolfram Schlenker and Jonathan Eyer
- Modeling the Structure of Adaptation in Climate Change Impact Assessment pp. 244-251

- Ariel Ortiz-Bobea and Richard Just
- Technological vs. Ecological Switch and the Environmental Kuznets Curve pp. 252-260

- Raouf Boucekkine, Aude Pommeret and Fabien Prieur
- Functional Form of Water Pollutants-Income Relationship under the Environmental Kuznets Curve Framework pp. 261-267

- Krishna Paudel and Biswo N. Poudel
- Endogeneity in the Environmental Kuznets Curve: An Instrumental Variables Approach pp. 268-274

- C.-Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell and Zachary D. Liscow
- The Impact of Biofuels on Commodity Food Prices: Assessment of Findings pp. 275-281

- David Zilberman, Gal Hochman, Deepak Rajagopal, Steve Sexton and Govinda Timilsina
- Global Impacts of the Biofuel Mandate under a Carbon Tax pp. 282-288

- Ujjayant Chakravorty and Marie-Hélène Hubert
- Food vs. Fuel: The Effect of Biofuel Policies pp. 289-295

- Xiaoguang Chen and Madhu Khanna
- Can India Meet Biofuel Policy Targets? Implications for Food and Fuel Prices pp. 296-302

- Madhu Khanna, Hayri Onal, Christine L. Crago and Kiyoshi Mino
- The New Normal? A Tighter Global Agricultural Supply and Demand Relation and Its Implications for Food Security pp. 303-309

- Mark W. Rosegrant, Simla Tokgoz and Prapti Bhandary
- U.S. Farm Prosperity: The New Normal or Reversion to the Mean pp. 310-317

- Michael D. Boehlje, Brent A. Gloy and Jason R. Henderson
- The New Normal? U.S. Food Expenditure Patterns and the Changing Structure of Food Retailing pp. 318-324

- Timothy Beatty and Benjamin Senauer
- The New Normal: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) pp. 325-331

- Parke Wilde
- Trait-based Adoption Models Using Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Approaches pp. 332-338

- Pilar Useche, Bradford L. Barham and Jeremy Foltz
- Farmers' Heterogeneous Valuation of Laser Land Leveling in Eastern Uttar Pradesh: An Experimental Auction to Inform Segmentation and Subsidy Strategies pp. 339-345

- Travis Lybbert, Nicholas Magnan, Anil K. Bhargava, Kajal Gulati and David Spielman
- Bundling Technology and Insurance: Packages versus Technology Traits pp. 346-352

- Jeremy Foltz, Pilar Useche and Bradford L. Barham
- Measuring Social Networks' Effects on Agricultural Technology Adoption pp. 353-359

- Annemie Maertens and Christopher Barrett
- Expanding Horizons: Can Women's Support Groups Diversify Peer Networks in Rural India? pp. 360-367

- Eeshani Kandpal and Kathy Baylis
- Relative Consumption: A Model of Peers, Status, and Labor Supply pp. 368-375

- Muhammad Bhuiyan
- Female Social Networks and Farmer Training: Can Randomized Information Exchange Improve Outcomes? pp. 376-383

- Kathryn Vasilaky
- Risk Aversion, Subjective Beliefs, and Farmer Risk Management Strategies pp. 384-389

- Luisa Menapace, Gregory Colson and Roberta Raffaelli
- Risk Perceptions And Preferences For Ethical And Safety Credence Attributes pp. 390-396

- Ellen Goddard, Jill Hobbs, Brian G. Innes, Patrycja E. Romanowska and Adrian D. Uzea
- Personal Values and Decision Making: Evidence from Environmental Footprint Labeling in Canada pp. 397-403

- Carola Grebitus, Bodo Steiner and Michele Veeman
- Modeling Grassland Conversion: Challenges of Using Satellite Imagery Data pp. 404-411

- Benjamin S. Rashford, Shannon E. Albeke and David Lewis
- The Effects Of Government Payments On Cropland Acreage, Conservation Reserve Program Enrollment, And Grassland Conversion In The Dakotas pp. 412-418

- Hongli Feng, David Hennessy and Ruiqing Miao
- Using Mixed Logit in Land Use Models: Can Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithms Facilitate Estimation? pp. 419-425

- Roger Claassen, Daniel Hellerstein and SeungGyu Kim
- Total Factor and Relative Agricultural Productivity and Deforestation pp. 426-434

- Steven K. Rose, Alla Golub and Brent Sohngen
- Implications of Alternative Agricultural Productivity Growth Assumptions on Land Management, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Mitigation Potential pp. 435-441

- Justin S. Baker, Brian Murray, Bruce McCarl, Siyi Feng and Robert Johansson
- Crop Productivity and the Global Livestock Sector: Implications for Land Use Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions pp. 442-448

- Petr Havlík, Hugo Valin, Aline Mosnier, Michael Obersteiner, Justin S. Baker, Mario Herrero, Mariana C. Rufino and Erwin Schmid
- Natural Resource Curse and Poverty in Appalachian America pp. 449-456

- Mark Partridge, Michael Betz and Linda Lobao
- The Distribution Of Household Net Worth Within And Across Rural Areas: Are There Links To The Natural Resource Base? pp. 457-462

- Alexander Marré and John Pender
- Uniqueness of Agricultural Labor Markets pp. 463-469

- Dennis U. Fisher and Ronald D. Knutson
- Immigration and Farm Labor: Policy Options and Consequences pp. 470-475

- Philip Martin
- Is There A Farm Labor Shortage? pp. 476-481

- Tom Hertz and Steven Zahniser
- The Growth Of The Federal Crop Insurance Program, 1990--2011 pp. 482-488

- Joseph W. Glauber
- What Harm Is Done By Subsidizing Crop Insurance? pp. 489-497

- Barry Goodwin and Vincent H. Smith
- Why Do We Subsidize Crop Insurance? pp. 498-504

- Keith Coble and Barry Barnett
- Wind versus Nuclear Options for Generating Electricity in a Carbon-Constrained World: Strategizing in an Energy-Rich Economy pp. 505-511

- Gerrit van Kooten, Craig Johnston and Linda Wong
- A USDA-Certified Biobased Product Introduction pp. 512-518

- Steven Vickner
- A Sugar Crossroad: Is Biomass an Opportunity or a Problem? pp. 519-526

- Paul M. Darby, Joshua Detre, Tyler Mark and Michael E. Salassi
- Brown, Zachary Steven. "The Economics of Malaria Vector Control." PhD Dissertation, Duke University. Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation pp. 527-527

- Zachary Brown and Randall Kramer
- Kaczan, David. "Designing an Incentive Program to Reduce On-Farm Deforestation in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania." MSThesis, niversity of Alberta. Outstanding Master's Thesis Award pp. 528-529

- David Kaczan
- Dobis, Elizabeth A. "A Sociodemographic Analysis of Health Care Utilization in the United States." MS Thesis, Purdue University. Outstanding Master's Thesis Honorable Mention pp. 529-530

- Dobis Elizabeth A.
- The Effects of Teaching Experience on High School Education: A Statistical Model on Factors of Educational Achievement in Math and Science pp. 531-535

- Nathaniel Schmitt
- Abstracts of Second- and Third-Place Undergraduate Papers pp. 536-536

- Bryant Zeke
Volume 95, issue 1, 2013
- Vegetable Spirits and Energy Policy pp. 1-16

- Charles Towe and Constant Tra
- Are Food Choices Really Habitual? Integrating Habits, Variety-seeking, and Compensatory Choice in a Utility-maximizing Framework pp. 17-41

- Wiktor Adamowicz and Joffre Swait
- Income and the Environment in Rural India: Is There a Poverty Trap? pp. 42-69

- Haimanti Bhattacharya and Robert Innes
- A Structural Land-Use Analysis of Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: A Proactive Approach pp. 70-93

- Jonathan Kaminski, Iddo Kan and Aliza Fleischer
- The Effects of Well Management and the Nature of the Aquifer on Groundwater Resources pp. 94-116

- Qiuqiong Huang, Jinxia Wang, Scott Rozelle, Stephen Polasky and Yang Liu
- Rent-Seeking and Incentives for Compliance in the Commons pp. 117-130

- Jorge Holzer, Douglas Lipton and Olivier François
- Revisiting the Role of Education for Agricultural Productivity pp. 131-152

- Malte Reimers and Stephan Klasen
- Dynamic Persistence of Primary Commodity Prices pp. 153-164

- Atanu Ghoshray
- Inferred and Stated Attribute Non-attendance in Food Choice Experiments pp. 165-180

- Riccardo Scarpa, Raffaele Zanoli, Viola Bruschi and Simona Naspetti
- Limited Attention to Search Costs in the Gasoline Retail Market: Evidence from a Choice Experiment on Consumer Willingness to Search pp. 181-199

- Carolina Castilla and Tim Haab
- Principles of Macroeconomics pp. 200-201

- Matt Wiser
- Artemisia annua, Artemisinin, ACTs & Malaria Control in Africa: Tradition, Science and Public Policy pp. 201-203

- William A. Amponsah
- Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty pp. 203-205

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- Explaining the Evolution of Poverty: The Case of Mozambique pp. 206-206

- Channing Arndt, M. Azhar Hussain, E. Samuel Jones, Virgulino Nhate, Finn Tarp and James Thurlow
- Stuck on Stubble? The Non-Market Value of Agricultural Byproducts for Diversified Farmers in Morocco pp. 207-207

- Nicholas Magnan, Douglas M. Larson and J. Edward Taylor
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