American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 73, issue 5, 1991
- Some Almost-Ideal Remedies for Healing Land Grant Universities pp. 1307-1321

- Bruce R. Beattie
- Open Economies: Implications for Global Agriculture pp. 1322-1329

- G. Edward Schuh
- Sound Judgment and Common Sense: The Professional Legacy of Fred Waugh pp. 1330-1333

- James P. Houck
- Population and the Environment: A Parable of Firewood and Other Tales pp. 1334-1347

- Marc Nerlove
- Macroeconomic Policy and Agricultural Economics Research pp. 1348-1354

- David Orden and Lance A. Fisher
- Analyzing Extension's Role in Macroeconomic Policy Education pp. 1355-1363

- William M. Snell and Craig L. Infanger
- Macroeconomic Policy Research: Discussion pp. 1364-1366

- John B. Penson
- Analyzing Extension's Role in Macroeconomic Policy Education: Discussion pp. 1367-1369

- Gary F. Fairchild
- Economic Literacy: A Marketable Product for Land Grant Universities pp. 1370-1377

- Kimberly Reda-Wilson
- Education in Economics: Evidence on Determinants of Effectiveness pp. 1378-1385

- Robert J. Highsmith and William Baumol
- Toward Increased AAEA Involvement in Economics Education: Discussion pp. 1386-1387

- Marc A. Johnson
- Contaminated Collateral and Lender Liability: CERCLA and the New Age Banker pp. 1388-1393

- Michael T. Olexa
- Environmental Regulations and Agricultural Lending pp. 1394-1398

- Michael A. Mazzocco
- Environmental Quality Constraints and Farm-Level Decision Making pp. 1399-1404

- Calum Turvey
- Financing Agriculture Under Changing Environmental Regulation: Discussion pp. 1405-1406

- Charles Moss
- Financing Agriculture Under Changing Environmental Regulation: Discussion pp. 1407-1409

- Neil E. Harl
- Discounting Human Lives pp. 1410-1415

- Maureen Cropper, Sema K. Aydede and Paul R. Portney
- A Classification Tree for Predicting Consumer Preferences for Risk Reduction pp. 1416-1421

- John K. Horowitz and Richard Carson
- Utility-Based Measures of Health pp. 1422-1427

- William Evans and W Viscusi
- Evaluating Programs That Save Lives: Discussion pp. 1428-1429

- Eileen van Ravenswaay
- Evaluating Programs That Save Lives: Discussion pp. 1430

- David Zilberman
- Impacts of Structural Adjustment Programs on African Women Farmers and Female-Headed Households pp. 1431-1439

- Jean M. Due and Christina H. Gladwin
- Can Structural Adjustment Work for Women Farmers pp. 1440-1447

- Rekha Mehra
- The Gendered Impacts of Structural Adjustment Programs in Africa: Discussion pp. 1448-1451

- David Sahn and Lawrence Haddad
- The Gendered Impacts of Structural Adjustment Programs in Africa: Discussion pp. 1452-1455

- Uma Lele
- Agribusiness Competitiveness across National Boundaries pp. 1456-1464

- Larry Martin, Randall Westgren and Erna van Duren
- Information Technology, Coordination, and Competitiveness in the Food and Agribusiness Sector pp. 1465-1471

- Deborah H. Streeter, Steven T. Sonka and Michael A. Hudson
- Agribusiness Competitiveness in the 1990s: Discussion pp. 1472-1473

- Michael L. Cook and Maury E. Bredahl
- Agribusiness Competitiveness in the 1990s: Discussion pp. 1474-1475

- Dean A. Mefford
- Limited Resource Farmers: The Impacts of Farm Policy pp. 1476-1479

- Leroy Davis
- Limited Resource Farmers' Productivity: Some Evidence from Georgia pp. 1480-1484

- Mack C. Nelson, Nathaniel B. Brown and Letitia F. Toomer
- Limited Resource Farmers and the Marketing System pp. 1485-1489

- Magid A. Dagher, Ralph D. Christy and Patricia E. McLean-Meyinsse
- Limited Resource Farmers: Discussion pp. 1490-1491

- Handy Williamson
- Limited Resource Farmers and the Marketing System: Discussion pp. 1492-1493

- Tesfa G. Gebremedhin
- Agricultural Economics and Limited Resource Farmers' Production Decisions: Discussion pp. 1494-1495

- Dewitt Jones
- Consumer's Surplus versus Compensating Variation Revisited pp. 1496-1507

- Jeffrey LaFrance
- Applied General Equilibrium Welfare Analysis pp. 1508-1516

- Walter Thurman
- Applied General Equilibrium Welfare Analysis: Discussion pp. 1517-1519

- Darrell L. Hueth and Richard Just
- Exact Welfare Measures of the Price Effects of the U.S. Dairy Program: Discussion pp. 1520-1522

- Wen S. Chern
- The North American Hog and Pork Industry: Implications of a Countervailing Duty on Pork pp. 1562-1569

- Harry R. Stoddart
Volume 73, issue 4, 1991
- The Farm-Retail Price Spread in an Imperfectly Competitive Food Industry pp. 979-989

- Garth J. Holloway
- Marketing Margins, Market Power, and Price Uncertainty pp. 990-999

- John Schroeter and Azzeddine Azzam
- The Creation of Dominant Firm Market Power in the Coconut Oil Export Market pp. 1000-1008

- David E. Buschena and Jeffrey Perloff
- Federalism, Opportunism, and Multilateral Trade Negotiations in Agriculture pp. 1009-1019

- Fred J. Ruppel, Fred O. Boadu and E. Wesley Peterson
- A Simple Multiperiod Minimum Risk Hedge Model pp. 1020-1026

- Kenneth Mathews and Duncan M. Holthausen
- Farm Labor Legislation: A Computer Program to Assist Growers pp. 1027-1035

- Jeffrey Alwang, David Wooddall-Gainey and Thomas G. Johnson
- Food-Pricing Policy in Developing Countries: Further Evidence on Cereal Producer Prices pp. 1036-1043

- Daphne S. Taylor and Truman P. Phillips
- An Analytical Model of Farmers' Demand for Replacement Seed pp. 1044-1052

- Paul W. Heisey and John P. Brennan
- Cost Effectiveness and Equity Aspects of Soil Conservation Programs in a Highly Erodible Region pp. 1053-1062

- Douglas L. Young, Paul L. Kanjo and David J. Walker
- The On-Farm Costs of Reducing Groundwater Pollution pp. 1063-1073

- Scott L. Johnson, Richard M. Adams and Gregory Perry
- Public Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology Field Tests: Economic Implications of Alternative Approaches pp. 1074-1082

- Bruce A. Larson and Mary K. Knudson
- Allocable Fixed Inputs as a Cause of Joint Production: A Cost Function Approach pp. 1083-1090

- Howard Leathers
- Modeling Interdependence: An Approach to Simulation and Elicitation pp. 1091-1097

- Paul Fackler
- A Generalized Measure of Farm-Specific Technical Efficiency pp. 1098-1104

- Philip J. Dawson, John Lingard and Christopher H. Woodford
- Planting Flexibility and Land Allocation pp. 1105-1115

- Paul Westcott
- Productivity Growth in U.S. Agriculture under Dynamic Adjustment pp. 1116-1125

- Yir-Hueih Luh and Spiro Stefanou
- Dynamic Decisions under Risk: Application of Ito Stochastic Control in Agriculture pp. 1126-1137

- Greg Hertzler
- Causality between Dairy Farm Size and Productivity pp. 1138-1145

- Alfons Weersink and Loren W. Tauer
- Dual Second- and Third-Order Translog Models of Production pp. 1146-1160

- Paul J. Driscoll and Richard Boisvert
- A Bioeconomic Analysis of the Texas Shrimp Fishery and Its Optimal Management pp. 1161-1170

- Hayri Onal, Bruce McCarl, Wade L. Griffin, Gary Matlock and Jerry Clark
- Unstable Models from Incorrect Forms pp. 1171-1181

- Julian Alston and James A. Chalfant
- Estimating Interrelated Demands for Meats Using New Measures for Ground and Table Cut Beef pp. 1182-1194

- Gary. W. Brester and Michael Wohlgenant
- Advertising, Information, and Product Quality: The Case of Butter pp. 1195-1203

- Hui-Shung Chang and Henry Kinnucan
- Quality Variation and Quantity Aggregation in Consumer Demand for Food pp. 1204-1212

- Julie A. Nelson
- Animal Stocking under Conditions of Declining Forage Nutrients pp. 1213-1223

- Ray G. Huffaker and James Wilen
- Producer Welfare Consequences of Regulating Chemical Residues on Agricultural Crops: Maleic Hydrazide and Tobacco pp. 1224-1232

- William Foster and Bruce Babcock
- Providing Crop Disaster Assistance through a Modified Deficiency Payment Program pp. 1233-1243

- Mario Miranda and Joseph W. Glauber
- Explaining Price Policy Bias in Agriculture: The Calculus of Support-Maximizing Politicians pp. 1244-1254

- Harry de Gorter and Yacov Tsur
- Statistical Efficiency of Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation pp. 1255-1263

- Michael Hanemann, John Loomis and Barbara Kanninen
- Some Further Evidence on the Law of One Price: The Law of One Price Still Holds pp. 1264-1273

- John Baffes
- Results of a Price-Forecasting Competition: Comment pp. 1274-1276

- Abebayehu Tegene
- Results of a Price-Forecasting Competition: Reply pp. 1277-1278

- Jeffrey Dorfman and Christopher McIntosh
- Ex Ante Evaluation of the Economic Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology: The Case of Porcine Somatotropin: Comment pp. 1279-1283

- Martin I. Meltzer
- Ex Ante Evaluation of the Economic Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology: The Case of Porcine Somatotropin: Reply pp. 1284-1287

- Catharine M. Lemieux and Michael Wohlgenant
- The EEC's Wheat Trade Policies and International Trade in Differentiated Products: Reply pp. 1288-1289

- Harry de Gorter and Karl Meilke
- Garst, Rachel, and Tom Barry. Feeding the Crisis: U.S. Food Aid and Farm Policy in Central America. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, xii plus 275 pp., $12.95 pp. 1290-1291

- Donald W. Larson
- Allen, Kristen, ed. Agricultural Policies in a New Decade. Washington DC: Resources for the Future and National Planning Association, 1990, xv + 357 pp., price unknown pp. 1290

- Allan E. Lines
- Hayami, Yujiro, Ma. Agnes R. Quisumbing, and Lourdes S. Adriano. Toward an Alternative Land Reform Paradigm: A Philippine Perspective. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1990, 209 pp., price unknown pp. 1291-1292

- Max R. Langham
- Jacobson, Robert E., and Con O'Leary. Dairy Coop Issues in Ireland. Center for Cooperative Studies, University College, Cork, Ireland, 1990. 144 pp., price unknown pp. 1292-1293

- Leon Garoyan
- Neher, Philip A. Natural Resource Economics: Conservation and Exploitation. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge Univesity Press, 1990, ix ' 360pp., $62.50, $24.95 paper pp. 1293-1294

- Chuck Howe
- Pearce, David, Edward Barbier, and Anil Markandya. Sustainable Development: Economics and Environment in the Third World. Aldershot, England: Edward Elgar, 1990, xi + 217 pp., price unknown pp. 1294

- Douglas Southgate
- Pollack, Norman. The Humane Economy: Populism, Capitalism, and Democracy. New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1990, xiv + 214 pp., $40.00 pp. 1295

- Marc A. Johnson
- Prosterman, Roy L., Mary N. Temple, and Timothy M. Hanstad, eds. Agrarian Reform and Grassroots Development: Ten Case Studies. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1990, x + 339 pp., price unknown pp. 1295-1296

- Peter Dorner
- Raeburn, J. R., and J. O. Jones. The History of the International Association of Agricultural Economics: Towards Rural Welfare Worldwide. Aldershot, England: Dartmouth, 1990, x + 187 pp., price unknown pp. 1296-1297

- Jimmye S. Hillman
- Riad El-Ghonemy, M. The Political Economy of Rural Poverty: The Case for Land Reform. London: Routledge, 1990, 337 pp., $52.50 pp. 1297-1298

- Philip Raup
- Sanderson, Fred, II, ed. Agricultural Protectionism in the Industrialized World. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1990, 488 pp., price unknown pp. 1298-1299

- Shida Rastegari Henneberry
- Schmitz, Andrew, ed. Free Trade and Agricultural Diversification: Canada and the United States. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1989, 366 pp., $42.50 pp. 1299-1300

- Mark Simone
- Singh, Inderjit. The Great Ascent: The Rural Poor in South Asia. Baltimore MD, and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990, xiv + 444 pp., price unknown pp. 1300-1302

- Bruce F. Johnston
- Tsakok, Isabelle Agricultural Price Policy: A Practitioner's Guide to Partial Equilibrium Analysis. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1990, x + 305 pp., $54.50, $19.95 paper pp. 1302-1304

- Gerald Nelson
- Stout, B. A. Handbook of Energy for World Agriculture. London and New York: Elsevier, Applied Science, 1990, 504 pp., $135.00 pp. 1302

- Roger K. Conway
- Tyagi, D. S. Managing India's Food Economy: Problems and Alternatives. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1990, 240 pp., Rs. 165 pp. 1304-1305

- Uma Lele
Volume 73, issue 3, 1991
- Marketed Surplus under Risk: Do Peasants Agree with Sandmo? pp. 557-567

- Israel Finkelshtain and James A. Chalfant
- Market Integration, Efficiency of Arbitrage, and Imperfect Competition: Methodology and Application to U.S. Celery pp. 568-580

- Richard J. Sexton, Catherine Kling and Hoy Carman
- An Empirical Analysis of Economic Performance under the Marketing Order for Raisins pp. 581-593

- Ben C. French and Carole Frank Nuckton
- Are Farrowing Intentions Rational Forecasts? pp. 594-600

- David E. Runkle
- The Welfare Analytics of Transaction Costs, Externalities, and Institutional Choice pp. 601-614

- Ronald C. Griffin
- Factor Demands in the U.S. Food-Manufacturing Industry pp. 615-620

- Kuo Huang
- Government Intervention in Imperfectly Competitive Agricultural Input Markets pp. 621-632

- Steve McCorriston and Ian Sheldon
- Supply Impact of the Milk Diversion and Dairy Termination Programs pp. 633-640

- Bruce L. Dixon, Calvin R. Berry and Dwi Susanto
- Determinants of Agricultural Economics Faculty Retirement pp. 641-651

- Josef M. Broder, Fred C. White and Teresa D. Taylor
- Local Economic Conditions and Wage Labor Decisions of Farm and Rural Nonfarm Couples pp. 652-670

- J. G. Tokle and Wallace Huffman
- The Impact of Wage Differentials on Choosing to Work in Agriculture pp. 671-680

- Jeffrey Perloff
- Labor Contracting and a Theory of Contract Choice in California Agriculture pp. 681-692

- Ann Vandeman, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Alain de Janvry
- The Welfare Effects of Targeted Export Subsidies: A General Equilibrium Approach pp. 693-702

- Mary Bohman, Colin Carter and Jeffrey Dorfman
- The Costs of Indonesian Sugar Policy: A Policy Analysis Matrix Approach pp. 703-712

- Gerald Nelson and Martin Panggabean
- Education and Innovation Adoption in Agriculture: Evidence from Hybrid Rice in China pp. 713-723

- Justin Lin
- Incorporating Technological Change in Diffusion Models pp. 724-733

- Mary K. Knudson
- A Bayesian Approach to Explaining Sequential Adoption of Components of a Technological Package pp. 734-742

- Howard Leathers and Melinda Smale
- On Testing the Structure of Risk Preferences in Agricultural Supply Analysis pp. 743-748

- Rulon D. Pope and Richard Just
- Factor Price Stabilization and the Competitive Firm pp. 749-756

- S. Devadoss and E. Kwan Choi
- Interactions between Agricultural and Resource Policy: The Importance of Attitudes toward Risk pp. 757-764

- Howard Leathers and John Quiggin
- Joint Risk Preference-Technology Estimation with a Primal System pp. 765-774

- H. Love and Steven T. Buccola
- Construction of True Cost of Food Indexes from Estimated Engel Curves pp. 775-783

- William Noel Blisard and James R. Blaylock
- Wife's Employment, Food Expenditures, and Apparent Nutrient Intake: Evidence from Canada pp. 784-794

- Susan Horton and Cathy Campbell
- Long-Run versus Short-Run Planning Horizons and the Rangeland Stocking Rate Decision pp. 795-807

- L. Allen Torell, Kenneth Lyon and E. Godfrey
- Testing for Consistent Aggregation pp. 808-818

- Robert G. Chambers and Rulon D. Pope
- On Nonlinear Dynamics: The Case of the Pork Cycle pp. 819-828

- Jean-Paul Chavas and Matthew Holt
- State-Space Modeling of Cyclical Supply, Seasonal Demand, and Agricultural Inventories pp. 829-840

- Jeffrey Dorfman and Arthur Havenner
- Perennial Crop Supply Response: A Kalman Filter Approach pp. 841-849

- Keith Knapp and Kazim Konyar
- Measuring the Potential Contribution of Plant Breeding to Crop Yields: Flue-Cured Tobacco, 1954–87 pp. 850-859

- Bruce Babcock and William Foster
- Using Count Data Models in Travel Cost Analysis with Aggregate Data pp. 860-866

- Daniel Hellerstein
- A Model of Production with Supply Management for the Canadian Agricultural Sector: Comment pp. 868-870

- Carl Nelson
- A Model of Production with Supply Management for the Canadian Agricultural Sector: Reply pp. 871-873

- GianCarlo Moschini
- Elasticities in AIDS Models: A Clarification and Extension pp. 874-875

- Richard Green and Julian Alston
- Emerging Issues in the Allocation of Public Agricultural Research Funds pp. 876-881

- George Frisvold
- Plant Variety Protection, Private Funding, and Public Sector Research Priorities pp. 882-886

- Mary K. Knudson and Carl E. Pray
- Inventions Intended for Use in Agriculture and Related Industries: International Comparisons pp. 887-891

- Robert E. Evenson
- International Technology Transfer: Private Channels and Public Welfare pp. 892-897

- Margot Anderson and Bruce A. Larson
- Technology Policy and Agriculture: Discussion pp. 898-900

- John Reilly and Roger Conway
- Technology Policy and Agriculture: Discussion pp. 901-902

- Marie E. Walsh
- Technology Policy and Agriculture: Discussion pp. 903-904

- James F. Oehmke
- The Effect of the 1990 Farm Bill on Agricultural Trade pp. 905-908

- George E. Rossmiller and Rachel A. Nugent
- The 1990 Farm Bill and the Uruguay Round pp. 909-912

- Carlisle Runge
- Impacts of the 1990 Farm Bill on Consumers pp. 913-916

- Carol S. Kramer
- Farm Policy Reform and the Environment pp. 917-921

- John Antle
- Special Interests and the 1990 Farm Bill pp. 922-923

- B. Delworth Gardner
- The 1990 Farm Bill and the Uruguay Round: Discussion pp. 924-925

- Daniel Sumner
- Data Needs to Assess Environmental Quality Issues Related to Agriculture and Rural Areas pp. 926-932

- Jerald J. Fletcher and Tim T. Phipps
- Data Needs to Address Economic Issues in Food Safety pp. 933-942

- Tanya Roberts and David Smallwood
- Data Needs to Assess Environmental Quality Issues Related to Agricultural and Rural Areas: Discussion pp. 943-944

- David E. Ervin
- Data Needs to Address Economic Issues in Food Safety: Discussion pp. 945-946

- Julie Caswell
- The Role of Aid and Capital Flows in Economic Development pp. 947-950

- Uma Lele and Ijaz Nabi
- Investments to Transfer Poultry Production to Developing Countries pp. 951-954

- Gary Vocke
- International Capital Markets and Interest Groups pp. 955-962

- Terry Roe
- International Capital Markets and Development Funds for Agriculture: Discussion pp. 963-964

- Ralph W. Cummings
- Anderson, Kym. Changing Comparative Advantages in China: Effects on Food, Feed, and Fibre Markets. Paris: OECD, 1990, 118 pp., price unknown pp. 965-966

- Colin Carter
- Bouman, F. J. A. Small, Short and Unsecured: Informal Rural Finance in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989, xi + 145 pp., Rs 120 pp. 966-967

- Mario Lamberte
- Drèze, Jean, and Amartya Sen. Hunger and Public Action. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989, xviii + 373 pp., $45.00, $15.95 paper pp. 967-968

- Dana G. Dalrymple
- Eicher, Carl M., and John M. Staatz, eds. Agricultural Development in the Third World, 2nd ed. Baltimore MD: John Hopkins University Press, 1990, x + 550 pp., $55.00, $18.95 paper pp. 968-969

- Ronald L. Tinnermeier
- Fleischer, Beverly, Agricultural Risk Management, Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1990, xv + 149 pp., $25.00 and Smidts, A. Decision Making Under Risk. Wageningen Economic Series No. 18. Wageningen, Holland: Agricultural University, 1990, 329 pp., price unknown pp. 969-970

- Walter L. Fishel
- Gray, Kenneth R., ed. Soviet Agriculture: Comparative Perspectives. Ames: 1990, xiii + 284 pp., $29.95 and Wädekin, Karl-Eugen, ed. Communist Agriculture: Farming in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. London and New York: 1990, xviii + 331 pp., $112.00 pp. 970-971

- Joseph Havlicek
- Jackson, John H. Restructuring the GATT System. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1990, vi + 121 pp., $14.95 pp. 971-972

- Bradley J. McDonald
- Lobao, Linda M. Locality and Inequality: Farm and Industry Structure and Socioeconomic Conditions. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990, xiv + 291 pp., $16.95 pp. 972-973

- Jerry R. Skees
- Longworth, John W., ed., China's Rural Development Miracle, with International Comparisons. Queensland: University of Queensland Press, 1989, 450 pp. plus list of participants, price unknown pp. 973-975

- Richard L. Meyer
- Pearce, David, Edward Barbier, and Anil Markandya. Sustainable Development: Economics and Environment in the Third World, Brookfield VT: Edward Elgar, 1990, vii + 217 pp., $48.95 pp. 975-976

- Daniel Bromley
- van der Meer, Cornelis L. J., and Saburo Yamada. Japanese Agriculture, A Comparative Economic Analysis. London: Routledge, 1990, xvi + 217 pp., $65.00 pp. 976-977

- Frank Hsiao
Volume 73, issue 2, 1991
- Area-Yield Crop Insurance Reconsidered pp. 233-242

- Mario Miranda
- Scientific Principle and Practice in Agricultural Economics: An Historical Review pp. 243-254

- Harold F. Breimyer
- Rent Seeking: The Potash Dispute between Canada and the United States pp. 255-265

- Valerie J. Picketts, Andrew Schmitz and Troy G. Schmitz
- Effects of Technological Change and Institutional Reform on Production Growth in Chinese Agriculture pp. 266-275

- Shenggen Fan
- Farmer Behavior under Risk of Failure pp. 276-288

- William Foster and Gordon Rausser
- Valuing the Multidimensional Impacts of Environmental Policy: Theory and Methods pp. 289-299

- John Hoehn
- Tax Versus Quota Regulation: A Stochastic Model of the Fishery pp. 300-308

- Robert A. Androkovich and Kenneth R. Stollery
- Endangered Species and the Safe Minimum Standard pp. 309-312

- Richard Ready and Richard C. Bishop
- Demands for Local Public Sector Outputs in Rural and Urban Municipalities pp. 313-325

- Melville McMillan and Joe Amoako-Tuffour
- Distributional Effects of Household Linkages pp. 326-333

- G. Andrew Bernat and Thomas G. Johnson
- Economic Impacts, Value Added, and Benefits in Regional Project Analysis pp. 334-344

- Joel R. Hamilton, M. Henry Robison, Norman K. Whittlesey and John Ellis
- Technical Change, Land Quality, and Income Distribution: A General Equilibrium Analysis pp. 345-360

- Ian Coxhead, Peter Warr and John Crawford
- Modeling Agricultural Growth Multipliers pp. 361-374

- Steven Haggblade, Jeffrey Hammer and Peter Hazell
- Private Property Rights and Forest Preservation in Karnataka Western Ghats, India pp. 375-387

- M. G. Bhat and R. G. Huffaker
- Impact Targets versus Discharge Standards in Agricultural Pollution Management pp. 388-397

- John Braden, Robert S. Larson and Edwin E. Herricks
- Tax Reform and Land-Using Sectors in the U.S. Economy: A General Equilibrium Analysis pp. 398-409

- Roy Boyd and David H. Newman
- Consumer's Surplus Revisited pp. 410-414

- J Shonkwiler
- The Calculation of Research Benefits with Linear and Nonlinear Specifications of Demand and Supply Functions pp. 415-420

- Jan P. Voon and Geoff W. Edwards
- Dairy Farm Efficiency Measurement Using Stochastic Frontiers and Neoclassical Duality pp. 421-428

- Boris Bravo-Ureta and Laszlo Rieger
- Prospect Theory and Risk Preferences of Oregon Seed Producers pp. 429-435

- Alan Collins, Wesley Musser and Robert Mason
- Robustness of the Mean-Variance Model with Truncated Probability Distributions pp. 436-445

- Steven D. Hanson, George W. Ladd and Charles F. Curtiss
- Evaluating Robust Regression Techniques for Detrending Crop Yield Data with Nonnormal Errors pp. 446-451

- Scott Swinton and Robert King
- Cointegration Tests and Spatial Price Linkages in Regional Cattle Markets pp. 452-464

- Barry Goodwin and Ted Schroeder
- A Comparison of Video Cattle Auction and Regional Market Prices pp. 465-475

- DeeVon Bailey, Monte C. Peterson and B Brorsen
- Evaluating Prior Beliefs in a Demand System: The Case of Meat Demand in Canada pp. 476-490

- James A. Chalfant, Richard Gray and Kenneth J. White
- Ex Post Flexibility and Choice of Capacity for Loss Reduction pp. 491-495

- L. Dean Hiebert
- The Application and Economic Interpretation of Selectivity Models pp. 496-501

- Chung L. Huang, Robert Raunikar and Sukant Misra
- The Impact of Increased LDC Food Production on LDC Food Imports: Comment pp. 503-505

- Patrick J. Gormely
- The Impact of Increased Food Production on Less Developed Country Food Imports: Reply pp. 506

- Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet
- Marketing Order Impacts on Farm—Retail Price Spreads: Comment pp. 507-510

- Nicholas J. Powers
- Marketing Order Impacts on Farm-Retail Price Spreads: Reply pp. 511-514

- Gray D. Thompson and Charles C. Lyon
- Rice in Asia: Is It Becoming an Inferior Good? Comment pp. 515-521

- Jikun Huang, Cristina C. David and Bart Duff
- Rice in Asia: Is It Becoming an Commercial Good? Comment pp. 522-527

- Howarth Bouis
- Rice in Asia: Is It Becoming an Inferior Good? Reply pp. 528-532

- Shoichi Ito, E. Wesley Peterson and Warren R. Grant
- The Efficiency of Alternative Policies for the EC's Common Agricultural Policy: Comment pp. 533-534

- Alison Burrell
- The Efficiency of Alternative Policies for the EC's Common Agricultural Policy: Reply pp. 535-537

- Harry de Gorter and Karl Meilke
- Becker, Tilman. Die Weizenexportpolitik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (Wheat Export Policy of the European Community). Agrarwirtschaft Special Study No. 121. Frankfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany: Alfred Strothe Publishers, 1989, 242 pp., 44.5 DM (approx. $27.81) pp. 538-539

- Stephen W. Hiemstra
- Atkin, Michael. Agricultural Commodity Markets: A Guide to Futures Trading. London: Routledge, 1989, 249 pp., $79.95 pp. 538

- Michael W. Woolverton
- Coombs, H. C. The Return of Scarcity: Strategies for an Economic Future. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1990, x + 171 pp., $39.50, $17.95 paper pp. 539-540

- D. Lynn Forster
- Demissie, Ejigou. Small-Scale Agriculture in America: Race, Economics, and the Future, 1st ed. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1990, x + 135 pp., $20.00 pp. 540-541

- Donald R. McDowell
- Ferguson, Roy C., II. Managing for Profit in Commercial Agriculture. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1900, xvii + 208 pp., $47.20 pp. 541-542

- William J. Brown
- Hancock, Graham. Lords of Poverty: The Power, Prestige, and Corruption of the International Aid Business. New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1989, 234 pp., $17.95 pp. 542-544

- Eugene Jones
- Harl, Neil E. The Farm Debt Crisis of the 1980s. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1990, xix + 305 pp., $24.95 pp. 544-545

- Jerome M. Stam and Robert Collender
- Morse, George W., ed. The Retention and Expansion of Existing Businesses: Theory and Practice in Business Visitation Programs. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1990, xvii + 195 pp., $21.95 pp. 545-546

- Gary B. Hansen
- Moyer, H. Wayne and Timothy E. Josling. Agricultural Policy Reform: Policy and Process in the EC and the USA. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1990, xx + 235 pp., $27.95 pp. 546-548

- Robert D. Reinsel
- Pasour, E. C., Jr. Agricultural and the State: Market Processes and Bureaucracy. The Independent Institute. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1990, 258 pp., $39.95 pp. 547-548

- Sandra S. Batie
Volume 73, issue 1, 1991
- Formally Testing the Present Value Model of Farmland Prices pp. 1-10

- Barry Falk
- Campaign Contributions and House Voting on Sugar and Dairy Legislation pp. 11-17

- David Abler
- The Aggregate Effects of Risk in Agricultural Sector pp. 18-24

- Jack Meyer and Lindon Robison
- Application of Computer Graphics to Undergraduate Instruction in Agricultural Economics pp. 25-35

- David Debertin and Larry D. Jones
- Supply Response Under Proportional Profits Taxation pp. 36-39

- John Quiggin
- An Econometric Model of the U.S. Beekeeping Industry pp. 40-54

- Lois Schertz Willett and Ben C. French
- Put-Call Parity and Arbitrage Bounds for Options on Grain Futures pp. 55-65

- William Wilson and Hung-Gay Fung
- Production, Hedging, and Speculative Decisions with Options and Futures Markets pp. 66-74

- Harvey Lapan, GianCarlo Moschini and Steven D. Hanson
- Dynamically Optimal After-Tax Grain Storage, Cash Grain Sale, and Hedging Strategies pp. 75-88

- Russell Tronstad and C. Robert Taylor
- Price Changes, Supply Elasticities, Industry Organization, and Dairy Output Distribution pp. 89-102

- Adesoji Adelaja
- Does Arbitraging Matter? Spatial Trade Models and Discriminatory Trade Policies pp. 103-117

- Giovanni Anania and Alex F. McCalla
- Dynamic Adjustment in the Japanese Livestock Industry Under Beef Import Liberalization pp. 118-132

- Thomas Wahl, Dermot Hayes and Gary Williams
- The Competitive Structure of U.S. Agricultural Exports pp. 133-141

- Daniel Pick and Timothy Park
- Are More Exports Always Better? Comparing Cash and In-Kind Export Subsidies pp. 142-154

- Robert G. Chambers and Philip L. Paarlberg
- Testing for Input Substitution in a Regulated Fishery pp. 155-164

- Diane Dupont
- Efficient Spatial Allocation of Irrigation Water pp. 165-173

- Ujjayant Chakravorty and James Roumasset
- Optimal Control of Fish Growth pp. 174-183

- Oscar J. Cacho, Henry Kinnucan and Upton Hatch
- Farm Production Decisions Under Cross and Conservation Compliance pp. 184-193

- Dana L. Hoag and Herb A. Holloway
- Measuring the Economic Efficiency of Producing Rural Road Services pp. 194-201

- Steven Deller and Carl Nelson
- Dietary Effects of the Food Stamp Program pp. 202-211

- Barbara Devaney and Robert Moffitt
- Demand for Food Fats and Oils: The Role of Demographic Variables and Government Donations pp. 212-221

- Brian W. Gould, Thomas L. Cox and Federico Perali
- Bowes, Michael D., and John V. Krutilla. Multiple-Use Management: The Economics of Public Forestlands. Washington DC: Resources for the Future, 1989, xxiii + 357 pp., $40.00 pp. 222-223

- Richard J. Brazee
- Braden, John B., and Stephen B. Lovejoy, eds. Agriculture and Water Quality: International Perspective. Boulder CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1990, xii + 224 pp., $25 pp. 223-224

- Clyde F. Kiker
- Cohn, Theodore H. The International Politics of Agricultural Trade: Canadian-American Relations in a Global Agricultural Context. Vancouver, B.C.: The University of British Columbia, 1990, x + 267 pp., $36.95 pp. 224-225

- Leo V. Mayer
- Fuguitt, Glenn V., David L. Brown, and Calvin L. Beale. Rural and Small Town America. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1989, xxvii + 471 pp., $55.00 pp. 225-226

- C. Shannon Stokes
- James, W. E., S. Naya, and G. M. Meier. Asian Development: Economic Success and Policy Lessons. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989, 281 pp., $37.50, $13.50 paper pp. 226

- Alfred Thieme
- Pearce, D. W., and R. K. Turner. Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990, 378 pp., $42.50, $19.50 paper pp. 227-228

- Jeffrey Bennett
- Moore, Richard H. Japanese Agriculture, Patterns of Rural Development. Boulder: Westview Press, 1990, 337 pp., $35.00 pp. 227

- Fred H. Sanderson
- Rawski, Thomas G. Economic Growth in Prewar China. Berkeley: University of Califoronia Press, xxxiii + 448 pp, $48.00 pp. 228-229

- Terry Sicular
- Reitsma, H. A., and J. M. G. Kleinpenning. The Third World in Perspective, 2nd ed. The Netherlands: Van Gorcum, Assen/Maastricht, 1989, xxii + 435 pp., price unknown pp. 229-230

- Peter Dorner
- Sicular, Terry, ed. Food Price Policy in Asia: A Comparative Study. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 1989, viii + 307 pp., $49.95, $16.95 paper pp. 230-231

- Howarth Bouis
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