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American Journal of Agricultural Economics

1919 - 2019

Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu

From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
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Volume 83, issue 5, 2001

The New Food Economy: Consumers, Farms, Pharms, and Science pp. 1113-1130 Downloads
Jean D. Kinsey
Addressing the Changing Nature of Uncertainty in Agriculture pp. 1131-1153 Downloads
Richard Just
Explaining Economic Growth pp. 1154-1167 Downloads
Yair Mundlak
The Model Specification Problem from a Probabilistic Reduction Perspective pp. 1168-1176 Downloads
Aris Spanos and Anya McGuirk
The Model Specification Problem from a Probabilistic Reduction Perspective: Discussion pp. 1177-1180 Downloads
George Davis
Bayesian Specification Analysis in Econometrics pp. 1181-1186 Downloads
John Geweke and William McCausland
Bayesian Specification Analysis in Econometrics: Comment pp. 1187-1189 Downloads
Walter Thurman
Do “Decoupled” Payments Affect U.S. Crop Area? Preliminary Evidence from 1997–2000 pp. 1190-1195 Downloads
Gary Adams, Patrick Westhoff, Brian Willott and Robert E. Young
Production and Price Impacts of U.S. Crop Insurance Programs pp. 1196-1203 Downloads
C. Edwin Young, Monte L. Vandeveer and Randall D. Schnepf
The Transfer Efficiency and Trade Effects of Direct Payments pp. 1204-1214 Downloads
Joe Dewbre, Jesús Antón and Wyatt Thompton
Direct Payments, Safety Nets and Supply Response: Discussion pp. 1215-1216 Downloads
Jean-Paul Chavas
Returns to Public Investments in the Less-Favored Areas of India and China pp. 1217-1222 Downloads
Shenggen Fan and Peter Hazell
Watershed Project Performance in India: Conservation, Productivity, and Equity pp. 1223-1230 Downloads
John Kerr
Strategies for Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Ethiopian Highlands pp. 1231-1240 Downloads
John Pender, Berhanu Gebremedhin, Samuel Benin and Simeon Ehui
Strategies for Sustainable Development of Less-Favored Areas: Discussion pp. 1241-1242 Downloads
Scott Swinton
E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Markets pp. 1243-1249 Downloads
Rolf A.E. Mueller
E-Commerce and the Lessons from Nineteenth Century Exchanges pp. 1250-1257 Downloads
Jeffrey Williams
Organizational Commitment in a Mixed Oligopoly: Agricultural Cooperatives and Investor-Owned Firms pp. 1258-1265 Downloads
Murray Fulton and Konstantinos Giannakas
Endogenous Membership in Mixed Duopsonies pp. 1266-1272 Downloads
Kostas Karantininis and Angelo Zago
A New Institutional Economics Approach to Contracts and Cooperatives pp. 1273-1279 Downloads
Michael Sykuta and Michael L. Cook
Cooperative and Membership Commitment: Discussion pp. 1280-1281 Downloads
Ronald Cotterill
Welfare Reform in Rural America: What have We Learned? pp. 1282-1292 Downloads
Bruce A. Weber, Greg Duncan and Leslie A. Whitener
The Dynamics of Child Care Subsidy use by Rural Families in Oregon pp. 1293-1301 Downloads
Elizabeth Davis and Roberta B. Weber
Economic Vulnerability Among Rural Single-Mother Families pp. 1302-1311 Downloads
Shirley L. Porterfield
Impacts of Welfare Reform on Rural Families and Implications for the Reauthorization Debate: Discussion pp. 1312-1313 Downloads
Mark S. Henry
Alternative Approaches for Modeling Concave Willingness to Pay Functions in Conjoint Valuation pp. 1314-1320 Downloads
David F. Layton
Improving Statistical Efficiency and Testing Robustness of Conjoint Marginal Valuations pp. 1321-1327 Downloads
Michelle A. Haefele and John Loomis
Sources and Effects of Utility-Theoretic Inconsistency in Stated-Preference Surveys pp. 1328-1333 Downloads
F. Reed Johnson and Kristy E. Mathews
Can Stated Preference Methods be used to Value Attributes of Subsistence Hunting by Aboriginal Peoples? A Case Study in Northern Saskatchewan pp. 1334-1340 Downloads
M. K. Haener, D. Dosman, W.L. Adomowicz and Peter Boxall
Price Discrimination and Pricing to Market Behavior of Canadian Canola Exporters pp. 1343-1349 Downloads
Jennifer Brown

Volume 83, issue 4, 2001

Economies of Scale and Inefficiency in County Extension Councils: A Case for Consolidation? pp. 811-825 Downloads
Thomas Garrett
Short-Run Supply Responses in the U.S. Beef-Cattle Industry pp. 826-839 Downloads
David Aadland and DeeVon Bailey
The Theory and Econometrics of Health Information in Cross-Sectional Nutrient Demand Analysis pp. 840-851 Downloads
Jaehong Park and George Davis
How Should Food Safety Certification be Financed? pp. 852-861 Downloads
John Crespi and Stéphan Marette
Leadership and the Provision of Safe Food pp. 862-874 Downloads
David Hennessy, Jutta Roosen and John A. Miranowski
The Food Stamp Program and Food Insufficiency pp. 875-887 Downloads
Craig Gundersen and Victor Oliveira
Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Advertising: Theory and Application to Generic Commodity Promotion Programs pp. 888-902 Downloads
Julian Alston, John Freebairn and Jennifer S. James
Welfare Effects of an Export Tax: Thailand's Rice Premium pp. 903-920 Downloads
Peter Warr
Optimal Production Tax and Quota under Time Consistent Trade Policies pp. 921-933 Downloads
Jean-Philippe Gervais and Harvey Lapan
Differences in Social and Public Risk Perceptions and Conflicting Impacts on Point/Nonpoint Trading Ratios pp. 934-941 Downloads
Richard Horan
Fixed Costs, Efficient Resource Management, and Conservation pp. 942-957 Downloads
Jinhua Zhao and David Zilberman
Recycled Effluent: Should the Polluter Pay? pp. 958-971 Downloads
Eli Feinerman, Yakir Plessner and Dafna M. DiSegni Eshel
Optimal Regulation of Eutrophying Lakes, Fjords, and Rivers in the Presence of Threshold Effects pp. 972-984 Downloads
Eric Nævdal
Farmland Prices in the Presence of Transaction Costs: A Cautionary Note pp. 985-992 Downloads
Sergio Lence
Measuring Producers' Risk Preferences: A Global Risk-Attitude Construct pp. 993-1009 Downloads
Joost Pennings and Philip Garcia
Why Farmers Quit: A County-Level Analysis pp. 1010-1023 Downloads
Stephan Goetz and David Debertin
Why don't Lenders Finance High-Return Technological Change in Developing-Country Agriculture? pp. 1024-1035 Downloads
Allen Blackman
The Effects of Housing Prices, Wages, and Commuting Time on Joint Residential and Job Location Choices pp. 1036-1048 Downloads
Kim S. So, Peter Orazem and Daniel M. Otto
Symmetric Positive Equilibrium Problem: A Framework for Rationalizing Economic Behavior with Limited Information pp. 1049-1061 Downloads
Quirino Paris
Regulating Broiler Contracts: Tournaments Versus Fixed Performance Standards pp. 1062-1073 Downloads
Theofanis Tsoulouhas and Tomislav Vukina
Fads versus Fundamentals in Farmland Prices: Comment pp. 1074-1077 Downloads
Maurice Roche
Fads versus Fundamentals in Farmland Prices: Reply pp. 1078-1081 Downloads
Barry Falk, Bong-Soo Lee and Rauli Susmel
Scale Economies and Consolidation in Hog Slaughter: Comment pp. 1082-1083 Downloads
Michael Wohlgenant
Scale Economies and Consolidation in Hog Slaughter: Reply pp. 1084-1086 Downloads
James MacDonald and Michael Ollinger
Product Aggregation, Market Integration, and Relationships between Prices: An Application to World Salmon Markets: Comment pp. 1087-1089 Downloads
Dragan Miljkovic and Rodney Paul
Product Aggregation, Market Integration, and Relationships between Prices: An Application to World Salmon Markets: Reply pp. 1090-1092 Downloads
Frank Asche, Helge Bremnes and Cathy R. Wessells
Alston, Julian M., Philip G. Pardey, and Vincent H. Smith, eds. Paying for Agricultural Productivity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999, 315 pp., price unknown pp. 1093-1094 Downloads
Derek Byerlee
Rao, P.K. The Economics of Global Climatic Change. Armonk NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2000, 200 pp., $22.95 pp. 1094-1095 Downloads
Richard Howarth
Salanie, Bernard. The Economics of Contracts: A Primer. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1997, 223 pp., $32 pp. 1095-1098 Downloads
Robert Chambers
Ahmed, Raisuddin, Steven Haggblade, and Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury, eds. Out of the Shadow of Famine: Evolving Food Markets and Food Policy in Bangladesh. Baltimore MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000, 307 pp., price unknown pp. 1098-1100 Downloads
Luther Tweeten
Schertz, Lyle P., and Otto C. Doering, III. The Making of The 1996 Farm Act. Ames IA: Iowa State University Press, 1999, 206 pp., $44.95 pp. 1100-1101 Downloads
John E. Lee
Herriges, Joseph A., and Catherine L. Kling. Valuing Recreation and the Environment. Cheltenham UK and North Hampton MA: Edward Elgar, 1999, 290 pp., $95.00 pp. 1101-1105 Downloads
George Parsons
Prescott, James R., Paul Van Moeseke, and Jati Sengupta, eds. Urban-Regional Economics, Social System Accounts, and EcoBehavioral Science, Selected Writings of Karl A. Fox. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, price unknown pp. 1105-1107 Downloads
Wilber R. Maki
Haddad, Brent M. Rivers of Gold: Designing Markets to Allocate Water in California. Washington DC:Island Press, 2000, 218 pp., $30 (paperback) pp. 1107-1109 Downloads
Ronald N. Johnson
Antle, J.M., J.N. Lekakis, and G.P. Zenias, eds. Agriculture, Trade and the Environment: The Impact of Liberalization on Sustainable Development. Cheltenham UK and Northampton MA: Edward Elgar, 1999, xiii + 259 pp., $95 pp. 1109-1111 Downloads
Ian Coxhead
Rosser, Jr., J. Barkley. From Catastrophe to Chaos: A General Theory of Economic Discontinuities: Mathematics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Finance, Volume 1, 2nd ed. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 309 pp., $119.95 pp. 1111-1112 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal

Volume 83, issue 3, 2001

Preference Uncertainty in Non-Market Valuation: A Fuzzy Approach pp. 487-500 Downloads
Gerrit van Kooten, Emina Krcmar and Erwin Bulte
A Roll Call Analysis of the Endangered Species Act Amendments pp. 501-512 Downloads
Sayeed R. Mehmood and Daowei Zhang
A Hotelling-Faustmann Explanation of the Structure of Christmas Tree Prices pp. 513-525 Downloads
Tomislav Vukina, Christiana E. Hilmer and Dean Lueck
Market Incentives for Safe Foods: An Examination of Shareholder Losses from Meat and Poultry Recalls pp. 526-538 Downloads
Michael R. Thomsen and Andrew M. McKenzie
In-Store Valuation of Steak Tenderness pp. 539-550 Downloads
Jayson Lusk, John Fox, Ted Schroeder, James Mintert and Mohammad Koohmaraie
Price Cycles and Asymmetric Price Transmission in the U.S. Pork Market pp. 551-562 Downloads
Douglas J. Miller and Marvin L. Hayenga
Traders' Bidding Strategies on European Grain Export Refunds: An Analysis with Affiliated Signals pp. 563-575 Downloads
Jean-Marc Bourgeon and Yves Le Roux
The Extent, Pattern, and Degree of Market Integration: A Multivariate Approach for the Brazilian Rice Market pp. 576-592 Downloads
Gloria Gonzalez-Rivera and Steven Helfand
Optimal Insurance Against Climatic Experience pp. 593-604 Downloads
Olivier Mahul
Non-parametric Productivity Analysis with Undesirable Outputs: An Application to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry pp. 605-616 Downloads
Atakelty Hailu and Terrence S. Veeman
Assessing the Financial Performance of Forestry-Related Investment Vehicles: Capital Asset Pricing Model vs. Arbitrage Pricing Theory pp. 617-628 Downloads
Changyou Sun and Daowei Zhang
Modeling Recreation Site Choice: Do Hypothetical Choices Reflect Actual Behavior? pp. 629-642 Downloads
M. K. Haener, Peter Boxall and Wiktor Adamowicz
Problems with Market Insurance in Agriculture pp. 643-649 Downloads
Barry Goodwin
Innovations in Agricultural and Natural Disaster Insurance pp. 650-655 Downloads
Mario Miranda and Dmitry Vedenov
Managing Catastrophic Risk Through Insurance and Securitization pp. 656-661 Downloads
Olivier Mahul
Farmers' Participation in Crop Insurance Markets: Creating the Right Incentives pp. 662-667 Downloads
Shiva S. Makki and Agapi Somwaru
Social Learning Through Networks: The Adoption of New Agricultural Technologies in Ghana pp. 668-673 Downloads
Timothy Conley and Christopher Udry
Differential Risk Exposure and Stochastic Poverty Traps Among East African Pastoralists pp. 674-679 Downloads
John McPeak and Christopher Barrett
Social Capital and Agricultural Trade pp. 680-685 Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps and Bart Minten
Private Enforcement Capital and Contract Enforcement in Transition Economies pp. 686-690 Downloads
Hamish R. Gow and Johan Swinnen
Environmental Amenities and the Spatial Pattern of Urban Sprawl pp. 691-697 Downloads
JunJie Wu
The Problem of Identifying Land Use Spillovers: Measuring the Effects of Open Space on Residential Property Values pp. 698-704 Downloads
Elena Irwin and Nancy E. Bockstael
Spatial Effects in Econometric Practice in Environmental and Resource Economics pp. 705-710 Downloads
Luc Anselin
Spatial Delineation and Environmental Economics: Discussion pp. 711-713 Downloads
V. Smith
Globalization and Poverty: Lessons from the Theory and Practice of Food Security pp. 714-721 Downloads
Carlton G. Davis, Clive Y. Thomas and William A. Amponsah
Linking Globalization, Economic Growth and Poverty: Impacts of Agribusiness Strategies on Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 722-729 Downloads
Dave Weatherspoon, Joyce Cacho and Ralph Christy
Globalization and Poverty: Lessons from the Theory and Practice of Food Security: Discussion pp. 730-732 Downloads
Handy Williamson
Linking Globalization, Economic Growth and Poverty: Impacts of Agribusiness Strategies on Sub-Saharan Africa: Discussion pp. 733-735 Downloads
Norbert Wilson
Public-Private Sector Linkages in Research and Development: The Case of U.S. Agriculture pp. 736-741 Downloads
Doug Parker, Federico Castillo and David Zilberman
Public-Private Sector Linkages in Research and Development: Biotechnology and the Seed Industry in Brazil, China and India pp. 742-747 Downloads
Carl E. Pray
Public-Private Research Relationships: The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research pp. 748-753 Downloads
Eran Binenbaum, Philip Pardey and Brian Wright
Public-Private Research and Development Relationship: Disscussion pp. 754-757 Downloads
Wallace Huffman
Market Returns, Infrastructure and the Supply and Demand for Extension Services pp. 758-763 Downloads
George Frisvold, Kathleen Fernicola and Mark Langworthy
Demand, Supply and Willingness-to-Pay for Extension Services in an Emerging-Market Setting pp. 764-768 Downloads
Garth John Holloway and Simeon K. Ehui
Economics of Paid Extension: Lessons from Experience in Nicaragua pp. 769-776 Downloads
Ariel Dinar and Gabriel Keynan
The Potential for Transition to Paid Extension: Some Guiding Economic Principles pp. 777-784 Downloads
James C. Hanson and Richard Just
Singer, S. Fred. Hot Talk Cold Science: Global Warming's Unfinished Debate. Oakland CA: The Independent Institute, Revised Second Edition, 1999, 110 pp., $15.95 pp. 785-787 Downloads
T. F. Glover
Hogg, Dominic, ed. Technological Change in Agriculture: Locking in to Genetic Uniformity. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000, 296 pp., $65.00 pp. 787-788 Downloads
Frederick H. Buttel
Ingersent, Ken A., and A.J. Rayner. Agricultural Policy in Western Europe and the United States. Cheltenham, U.K., Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 1999, 450 pp. ISBN 1-85278-020-7 pp. 788-790 Downloads
Carlisle Runge
Smil, Vaclav. Feeding the World: A Challenge for the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press, 2000, 388 pp., $32.95 pp. 790-792 Downloads
Benjamin Senauer
Yang, Yongzheng and Tian, Weiming, eds. China's Agriculture at the Crossroad. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000, 313 pp., $85.00 pp. 792-795 Downloads
Hongyi Chen
Deepak Lal. Unintended Consequences: The Impact of Factor Endowments, Culture, and Politics on Long-Run Economic Performance. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 1998, 287 pp., $42.95 pp. 795-796 Downloads
Nirvikar Singh
Opschoor, J(Hans). B., Kenneth Button, and Peter Nijkamp, eds. Environmental Economics and Development. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., 1999, 619 pp., price unknown pp. 796-799 Downloads
James Roumasset
Hamilton, James T., and W. Kip Viscusi. Calculating Risks? The Spatial and Political Dimensions of Hazardous Waste Policy. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999, 326 pp., $37.50 pp. 799-802 Downloads
Erik Lichtenberg

Volume 83, issue 2, 2001

Price Behavior in a Dynamic Oligopsony: Washington Processing Potatoes pp. 259-271 Downloads
Timothy J. Richards, Paul M. Patterson and Ram N. Acharya
Dynamic Supply Response and Welfare Effects of Technological Change on Perennial Crops: The Case of Cocoa in Malaysia pp. 272-285 Downloads
Nikolaus Gotsch and Kees Burger
Transaction Costs and Cattle Marketing: The Information Content of Seller-Provided Presale Data at Bull Auctions pp. 286-301 Downloads
Jan Chvosta, Randal R. Rucker and Myles J. Watts
Spatial Market Integration in the Presence of Threshold Effects pp. 302-317 Downloads
Barry Goodwin and Nicholas Piggott
Agricultural Markets as Relative Performance Evaluation pp. 318-328 Downloads
Brent Hueth and Ethan Ligon
The Migration of Young Adults from Non-Metropolitan Counties pp. 329-340 Downloads
Bradford Mills and Gautam Hazarika
The Effect of Farmland Preservation Programs on Farmland Prices pp. 341-351 Downloads
Cynthia J. Nickerson and Lori Lynch
The Role of Amenities and Quality of Life In Rural Economic Growth pp. 352-365 Downloads
Steven Deller, Tsung-Hsiu (Sue) Tsai, David Marcouiller and Donald B.K. English
Least Squares and Entropy: A Penalty Function Perspective pp. 366-377 Downloads
Paul Preckel
Estimating Crop-Specific Production Technologies in Chinese Agriculture: A Generalized Maximum Entropy Approach pp. 378-388 Downloads
Xiaobo Zhang and Shenggen Fan
Econometric-Process Models for Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Production Systems pp. 389-401 Downloads
John Antle and Susan M. Capalbo
Evaluating Environmental Risks Using Safety-First Constraints pp. 402-413 Downloads
Zeyuan Qiu, Tony Prato and Francis McCamley
Two Nested Constant-Elasticity-of-Substitution Models of Recreational Participation and Site Choice: An ‘Alternatives’ Model and an ‘Expenditures’ Model pp. 414-427 Downloads
Edward Morey, William S. Breffle and Pamela A. Greene
Empirical Specification Requirements for Two-Constraint Models of Recreation Choice pp. 428-440 Downloads
Douglas M. Larson and Sabina L. Shaikh
A Comparison of Conjoint Analysis Response Formats pp. 441-454 Downloads
Kevin Boyle, Thomas P. Holmes, Mario Teisl and Brian Roe
Technological Change and Welfare in an Open Economy with Distortions pp. 455-464 Downloads
Richard Perrin and Lilyan Fulginiti
The Impact of Negativity on Separability Testing pp. 465-477 Downloads
James Eales and Jason R. Henderson
Stroup, Richard L., and Roger E. Meiners, eds. Cutting Green Tape: Toxic Pollutants, Environmental Regulation and the Law. New Brunswick NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2000, xviii+333 pp., $39.95 and $26.95 pp. 478-479 Downloads
Molly Espey
Bardhan, Pranab, and Christopher Udry. Development Microeconomics. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press, 1999, 242 pp., $21.95 pp. 479-480 Downloads
Michael Kevane
Véron, René. Real Markets and Environmental Change in Kerala, India: A New Understanding of the Impact of Crop Markets on Sustainable Development. Aldershot UK: Ashgate, 1999, 196 pp., $64.95 pp. 480-481 Downloads
Arun Agrawal
Wettestad, Jørgen. Designing Effective Environmental Regimes: The Key Conditions. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 261 pp., $95.00 pp. 481-483 Downloads
Lars Feld
Starrs, Paul F. Let The Cowboy Ride. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998, 356 pp., price unknown pp. 483-485 Downloads
Ray Huffaker

Volume 83, issue 1, 2001

Estimation of Profit Functions When Profit Is Not Maximum pp. 1-19 Downloads
Subal Kumbhakar
Decomposing Input Adjustments under Price and Production Uncertainty pp. 20-34 Downloads
Robert Chambers and John Quiggin
Sequential Adoption of Site-Specific Technologies and its Implications for Nitrogen Productivity: A Double Selectivity Model pp. 35-51 Downloads
Madhu Khanna
Aggregation and the Nature of Price Expectations pp. 52-63 Downloads
Darren L. Frechette
Market and Cost Structure in the U.S. Beef Packing Industry: A Plant-Level Analysis pp. 64-76 Downloads
Catherine Morrison Paul
Are Farm Size Distributions Bimodal? Evidence from Kernel Density Estimates of Dairy Farm Size Distributions pp. 77-88 Downloads
Christopher Wolf and Daniel Sumner
An Interregional Analysis of Price Discrimination and Domestic Policy Reform in the U.S. Dairy Sector pp. 89-106 Downloads
Thomas L. Cox and Jean-Paul Chavas
On the Pitfalls of Multi-Year Rollover Hedges: The Case of Hedge-to-Arrive Contracts pp. 107-119 Downloads
Sergio Lence and Marvin L. Hayenga
The Joint Influence of Agricultural and Nonfarm Factors on Real Estate Values: An Application to the Mid-Atlantic Region pp. 120-132 Downloads
Ian W. Hardie, Tulika A. Narayan and Bruce Gardner
Measuring the Welfare Effects of Nutrition Information pp. 133-149 Downloads
Mario Teisl, Nancy E. Bockstael and Alan Levy
Valuation of Environmental Goods: Correcting for Bias in Contingent Valuation Studies Based on Willingness-to-Accept pp. 150-156 Downloads
Bishwanath Goldar and Smita Misra
Welfare Losses Due to Market Power: Hicksian versus Marshallian Measurement pp. 157-165 Downloads
Pascal Lavergne, Vincent Réquillart and Michel Simioni
Capturing Experts' Uncertainty in Welfare Analysis: An Application to Organophosphate use Regulation in U.S. Apple Production pp. 166-182 Downloads
Jutta Roosen and David Hennessy
Agriculture and Ecosystem Restoration in South Florida: Assessing Trade-Offs from Water-Retention Development in the Everglades Agricultural Area pp. 183-195 Downloads
Marcel Aillery, Robbin Shoemaker and Margriet Caswell
U.S. Trade Policy on Lamb Meat: Who Gets Fleeced? pp. 196-208 Downloads
Philip L. Paarlberg and John G. Lee
Agricultural Export Subsidies as a Tool of Trade Strategy: Before and after the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 pp. 209-221 Downloads
Howard Leathers
Unconditional Elasticities in Two-Stage Demand Systems: An Approximate Solution pp. 222-229 Downloads
Alain Carpentier and Hervé Guyomard
Incorporating Quadratic Scale Curves in Inverse Demand Systems pp. 230-245 Downloads
Robert Beach and Matthew Holt
Levin, Simon A. Fragile Dominion: Complexity and the Commons. Reading MA: Perseus Books, 1999, 254 pp., $27.00 pp. 246-247 Downloads
Stephen Polasky
Dinar, Ariel, ed. The Political Economy of Water Pricing Reforms. Washington DC: Oxford University Press, 2000, 405 pp., $50.00 pp. 247-249 Downloads
R. Bruce Rettig
Easter, William, K., Mark W. Rosegrant, and Ariel Dinar, Markets for Water: Potential and Performance. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, 313 pp., price unknown pp. 249-251 Downloads
Doug Parker
Tylecote, Andrew, and Jan van der Straaten, eds. Environment, Technology and Economic Growth: The Challenge to Sustainable Development. Cheltenham UK/Northampton USA: Edward Elgar, 1997, 272 pp., $49.95 pp. 251-253 Downloads
Nobuhiko Fuwa
Carlton, Dennis W., and Jeffrey M. Perloff. Modern Industrial Organization, third ed. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley, 2000, 780 pp., price unknown pp. 254-255 Downloads
H. Love
Stavins, Robert N., ed. Economics of the Environment: Selected Readings, 4th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2000, 659 pp pp. 255-257 Downloads
Scott Barrett
Page updated 2025-03-31