American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 85, issue 5, 2003
- AAEA: Adapting to Meet Member Needs pp. 1095-1104

- Jon A. Brandt
- Rationality, Awe, and the Demand for Biotechnology pp. 1105-1106

- Steven T. Buccola
- The Environmental Impacts of Genetically Modified Plants: Challenges to Decision Making pp. 1107-1111

- Sandra S. Batie
- Consumers' Acceptance of (and Resistance to) Genetically Modified Foods in High-Income Countries: Effects of Labels and Information in an Uncertain Environment pp. 1112-1118

- Wallace Huffman
- Biotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Countries pp. 1119-1125

- Uma Lele
- Beyond Compliance: Sustainable Business Practices and the Bottom Line pp. 1126-1139

- Jeff Hopkins and Robert Johansson
- The Rise of Supermarkets in Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp. 1140-1146

- Thomas Reardon, Charles Timmer, Christopher Barrett and Julio Berdegue
- Supermarkets and Produce Quality and Safety Standards in Latin America pp. 1147-1154

- Fernando Balsevich, Julio Berdegue, Luis Flores, Denise Mainville and Thomas Reardon
- Supermarket Procurement Practices in Developing Countries: Redefining the Roles of the Public and Private Sectors pp. 1155-1161

- David Boselie, Spencer Henson and Dave Weatherspoon
- The Supermarket “Market” Phenomenon in Developing Countries: Implications for Smallholder Farmers and Investment pp. 1162-1163

- Joyce Cacho
- Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: The U.S. Policy Context pp. 1164-1170

- Linda M. Young
- Canadian Agriculture and the Development of a Carbon Trading and Offset System pp. 1171-1177

- Paul J. Thomassin
- Creating Incentives for the Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Developing Countries: The Role of Soil Carbon Sequestration pp. 1178-1184

- John Antle and Bocar Diagana
- Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: The Policy Context: Discussion pp. 1185-1186

- Richard Gray and Murray Fulton
- The Social Capital Paradigm: Bridging across Disciplines pp. 1187-1193

- Lindon Robison and Jan L. Flora
- Land-Use Compatibility, Change, and Policy at the Rural-Urban Fringe: Insights from Social Capital pp. 1194-1200

- Lawrence W. Libby and Jeff S. Sharp
- Social Capital, Attachment Value, and Rural Development: A Conceptual Framework and Application of Contingent Valuation pp. 1201-1207

- Sam Cordes, John Allen, Richard C. Bishop, Gary D. Lynne, Lindon Robison, Vernon D. Ryan and Ron Shaffer
- The Social Capital Paradigm: Bridging across Disciplines—An Overview pp. 1208-1210

- Emery N. Castle
- The Role of Intermediate Factor Markets in Asia's Green Revolution: Lessons for Africa? pp. 1211-1216

- Michael Johnson, Peter Hazell and Ashok Gulati
- Land Markets in Developing and Transition Economies: Impact of Liberalization and Implications for Future Reform pp. 1217-1222

- Klaus Deininger
- Producer Benefits from Input Market and Trade Liberalization: The Case of Fertilizer in China pp. 1223-1227

- Fangbin Qiao, Bryan Lohmar, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle and Linxiu Zhang
- Allocative Efficiency in Russian Agriculture: The Case of Fertilizer and Grain pp. 1228-1233

- William Liefert, Bruce Gardner and Eugenia Serova
- Diminishing Marginal Utility of Wealth and Calibration of Risk in Agriculture pp. 1234-1241

- David Just and Hikaru Peterson
- Expected Utility Violations: Implications for Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics pp. 1242-1248

- David E. Buschena
- Agricultural Risk Analysis: Adequacy of Models, Data, and Issues pp. 1249-1256

- Rulon D. Pope
- Does Risk Matter? Discussion pp. 1257-1258

- Barry Goodwin
- Financing Agricultural Research in the New Biotechnology Era pp. 1259-1265

- Yin Xia
- Observing Technological Trajectories in Patent Data: Empirical Methods to Study the Emergence and Growth of New Technologies pp. 1266-1274

- Gregory D. Graff
- Intellectual Capital in a Q-Theory of Ag-Biotech Mergers pp. 1275-1282

- Anwar Naseem
- Discussion: Economies of Scale and Scope in Agricultural Biotechnology Research pp. 1283-1284

- Jeremy Foltz
- Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Poverty Dynamics in Three Developing Countries pp. 1285-1291

- Julie Litchfield, Neil McCulloch and L. Winters
- Trade Reform, Household Effects, and Poverty in Rural China pp. 1292-1298

- Jikun Huang, Ninghui Li and Scott Rozelle
- Short- versus Long-Run Implications of Trade Liberalization for Poverty in Three Developing Countries pp. 1299-1306

- Thomas Hertel, Maros Ivanic, Paul Preckel, John Cranfield and Will Martin
- Trade Liberalization and Rural Poverty pp. 1307-1308

- Ian Coxhead
- The Public Good Value of Information from Agribusinesses on Genetically Modified Foods pp. 1309-1315

- Wallace Huffman, Matthew Rousu, Jason Shogren and Abebayehu Tegene
- An Experimental Test of the Commitment Cost Theory pp. 1316-1322

- Jayson Lusk
- Impacts of Alternative Trading Institutions and Methods of Delivery on Laboratory Market Outcomes pp. 1323-1329

- Dale J. Menkhaus, Owen R. Phillips and Chris T. Bastian
- New Developments in Experiments for Agricultural Economics: Discussion pp. 1330-1331

- John Fox
- Agricultural Productivity Growth in the Andean Community pp. 1335-1341

- Lisa M. Pfeiffer
- Report of the AJAE Editors (2002–2003) pp. 1343-1347

- Peter Berck, B Brorsen, Robert Myers and Ian Sheldon
Volume 85, issue 4, 2003
- Slotting Allowances as a Facilitating Practice by Food Processors in Wholesale Grocery Markets: Profitability and Welfare Effects pp. 797-813

- Stephen Hamilton
- Genetically Modified Crops, Corporate Pricing Strategies, and Farmers' Adoption: The Case of Bt Cotton in Argentina pp. 814-828

- Matin Qaim and Alain de Janvry
- Shared Agents and Competition in Laboratory English Auctions pp. 829-839

- Dale J. Menkhaus, Owen R. Phillips and Kalyn Coatney
- Effects of Cheap Talk on Consumer Willingness-to-Pay for Golden Rice pp. 840-856

- Jayson Lusk
- The Influence of Commodity Programs on Acreage Response to Market Price: With an Illustration Concerning Rice Policy in the United States pp. 857-871

- Jeffrey D. McDonald and Daniel Sumner
- Spatial and Temporal Marketing Considerations under Marketing Loan Programs pp. 872-887

- Alexander Saak
- Are Crop Yields Normally Distributed? A Reexamination pp. 888-901

- Joseph Atwood, Saleem Shaik and Myles Watts
- Impacts of Declining U.S. Retail Beef Demand on Farm-Level Beef Prices and Production pp. 902-913

- John M. Marsh
- Rural/Urban Welfare Program and Labor Force Participation pp. 914-927

- Maureen Kilkenny and Sonya Huffman
- Bridging the Gap between Partial and Total Factor Productivity Measures Using Directional Distance Functions pp. 928-942

- Channing Arndt, Thomas Hertel and Paul Preckel
- Efficiency and Technical Change in the Philippine Rice Sector: A Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Analysis pp. 943-963

- Chieko Umetsu, Thamana Lekprichakul and Ujjayant Chakravorty
- Protectionism, Trade, and Measures of Damage from Exotic Species Introductions pp. 964-975

- Christopher Costello and Carol McAusland
- A Joint Framework for Analysis of Agri-Environmental Payment Programs pp. 976-987

- Joseph Cooper
- Measuring Interactions among Urbanization, Land Use Regulations, and Public Finance pp. 988-999

- JunJie Wu and William G. Boggess
- Rural Amenity Values and Length of Residency pp. 1000-1015

- Robert Johnston, Stephen Swallow, Timothy J. Tyrrell and Dana Marie Bauer
- Determinants of Land Use in Amazônia: A Fine-Scale Spatial Analysis pp. 1016-1028

- Kenneth M. Chomitz and Timothy Thomas
- Efficient Estimation of Agricultural Time Series Models with Nonnormal Dependent Variables pp. 1029-1040

- Sukant K. Misra and Jeannie Nelson
- Spatial Market Arbitrage and Threshold Cointegration pp. 1041-1046

- Peter Sephton
- Eating at School: How the National School Lunch Program Affects Children's Diets pp. 1047-1061

- Philip M. Gleason and Carol W. Suitor
- The Pricing of Revenue Assurance: Comment pp. 1062-1065

- Shihong Yin and Calum Turvey
- The Pricing of Revenue Assurance: Reply pp. 1066-1069

- Jeffrey Stokes and William I. Nayda
- Nonparametric Productivity Analysis with Undesirable Outputs: Comment pp. 1070-1074

- Rolf Färe and Shawna Grosskopf
- Nonparametric Productivity Analysis with Undesirable Outputs: Reply pp. 1075-1077

- Atakelty Hailu
- Symmetric Positive Equilibrium Problem: A Framework for Rationalizing Economic Behavior with Limited Information: Comment pp. 1078-1081

- Wolfgang Britz, Thomas Heckelei and Hendrik Wolff
- Environmental Governance: A Report on the Next Generation of Environmental Policy pp. 1082-1084

- Darrell Bosch
- The Farm as Natural Habitat: Reconnecting Food Systems with Ecosystems pp. 1084-1085

- Linda Lee
- The Canadian Wheat Board: Marketing in the New Millenium pp. 1085-1086

- Sergio Lence
- Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study pp. 1087-1088

- Terry Roe
- Africa's Elephant: A Biography pp. 1088-1089

- Richard Ball
- A Comprehensive Assessment of the Role of Risk in U.S. Agriculture pp. 1089-1091

- Kandice H. Kahl
- Trade and the Environment in General Equilibrium: Evidence from Developing Economies pp. 1091-1093

- Michael Reed
Volume 85, issue 3, 2003
- Combining Revealed and Stated Preferences: Consistency Tests and Their Interpretations pp. 525-537

- Christopher Azevedo, Joseph Herriges and Catherine Kling
- Cost-Effective Targeting of Land Retirement to Improve Water Quality with Endogenous Sediment Deposition Coefficients pp. 538-553

- Madhu Khanna, Wanhong Yang, Richard Farnsworth and Hayri Onal
- Estimating Recreational User Counts pp. 554-568

- Robert Johnston and Timothy J. Tyrrell
- Does Tourism Promote Cross-Border Trade? pp. 569-579

- Satheesh Aradhyula and Russell Tronstad
- Designing Optimal Crop Revenue Insurance pp. 580-589

- Olivier Mahul and Brian Wright
- Optimal Area-Yield Crop Insurance Reconsidered pp. 590-604

- Jean-Marc Bourgeon and Robert Chambers
- An Empirical Assessment of Endogeneity Issues in Demand Analysis for Differentiated Products pp. 605-617

- Brian W. Gould
- Food Security and Agricultural Protection in South Korea pp. 618-632

- John Beghin, Jean-Christophe Bureau and Sung Joon Park
- Tracing the Effects of Agricultural Commodity Prices and Food Costs pp. 633-646

- Catherine Morrison Paul and James MacDonald
- Excess Capacity and Asymmetric Information in Developing Country Fisheries: The Malaysian Purse Seine Fishery pp. 647-662

- James E. Kirkley, Dale Squires, Mohammad Ferdous Alam and Haji Omar Ishak
- Key Issues in the World Trade Organization Negotiations on Agriculture pp. 663-667

- Tim Josling
- Nontrade Concerns: Reconciling Domestic Policy Objectives with Freer Trade in Agricultural Products pp. 668-673

- David Blandford, Richard N. Boisvert and Linda Fulponi
- Developing Countries and the World Trade Organization Negotiations pp. 674-678

- Richard R. Barichello, Alex McCalla and Alberto Valdes
- Regional Agreements and the World Trade Organization Negotiations pp. 679-683

- Johan Swinnen
- Challenges Facing the World Trade Organization Negotiations on Agriculture pp. 684-685

- M. Ann Tutwiler
- Global Public Goods, Global Programs, and Global Policies: Some Initial Findings from a World Bank Evaluation pp. 686-691

- Uma Lele and Christopher Gerrard
- International Agricultural Research as a Global Public Good pp. 692-697

- Bruce Gardner and William Lesser
- Global Health Programs: Linking Global Challenges with Country Needs pp. 698-702

- Ramesh Govindaraj and Naveen Sarna
- Pioneering Transactions, Catalyzing Markets, and Building Capacity: The Prototype Carbon Fund Contributions to Climate Policies pp. 703-707

- Franck Lecocq
- Essential Forms of Capital for Sustainable Community Development pp. 708-715

- Daniel V. Rainey, Kenneth L. Robinson, Ivye Allen and Ralph D. Christy
- Discussion: Social Capital as an Important Lever in Economic Development Policy and Private Strategy pp. 716-719

- Allan Schmid
- The Role for Government in Differentiated Product Markets: Looking to Economic Theory pp. 720-724

- David Sunding
- U.S. Food Quality Standards: Fix for Market Failure or Costly Anachronism? pp. 725-730

- Bruce Gardner
- Asymmetric Information in Product Markets: Looking to Other Sectors for Institutional Approaches pp. 731-736

- Pauline M. Ippolito
- The Political Economy of Differentiating Markets: Facing Reality inside the U.S. Department of Agriculture pp. 737-741

- Kenneth C. Clayton and Warren P. Preston
- Product Differentiation and Asymmetric Information in Agricultural and Food Market: Defining the Role for Government: Discussion pp. 742-743

- Daniel Pick
- What's Wrong with Our Models of Agricultural Land Values? pp. 744-752

- Barry Goodwin, Ashok Mishra and Francois Ortalo-Magne
- The Impacts of Different Farm Programs on Cash Rents pp. 753-761

- Sergio Lence and Ashok Mishra
- The Incidence of Government Program Payments on Agricultural Land Rents: The Challenges of Identification pp. 762-769

- Michael Roberts, Barrett Kirwan and Jeffrey Hopkins
- Discussion of Agricultural Land Values, Government Payments, and Production pp. 770-771

- Tim Phipps
- Agricultural Land Values, Government Payments, and Production: Discussion pp. 772-773

- Calum Turvey
- Global Warming and the American Economy pp. 774-776

- David Abler
- Soil Quality, Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Security in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 776-778

- Roy Carriker
- Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management: A Comparative Study of Agrarian Communities in Asia and Africa pp. 778-779

- Joshua Duke
- Post-Cowboy Economics: Pay and Prosperity in the New American West pp. 779-781

- Dana Hoag
- The Microfinance Revolution: Sustainable Finance for the Poor pp. 781-783

- Ferdaus Hossain
- Environmental Policy Analysis for Decision Making pp. 783-785

- Satish Joshi
Volume 85, issue 2, 2003
- Modeling Conditional Yield Densities pp. 291-304

- Alan Ker and Keith Coble
- Stochastic Technology, Risk Preferences, and Adoption of Site-Specific Technologies pp. 305-317

- Murat Isik and Madhu Khanna
- Crop Insurance in a Political Economy: An Alternative Perspective on Agricultural Policy pp. 318-335

- Robert Innes
- Price Stabilization and the Risk-Averse Firm pp. 336-347

- Robert Chambers and John Quiggin
- Distinguishing Errors in Measurement from Errors in Optimization pp. 348-358

- Rulon D. Pope and Richard Just
- Fertilizer Use, Risk, and Off-Farm Labor Markets in the Semi-Arid Tropics of India pp. 359-371

- Russell L. Lamb
- Specialization and Diversification in Agricultural Transformation: The Case of West Punjab, 1903–92 pp. 372-386

- Takashi Kurosaki
- Market Transparency and Market Structure: The Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999 pp. 387-395

- Azzeddine Azzam
- European Consumers' Willingness to Pay for U.S. Beef in Experimental Auction Markets pp. 396-405

- Frode Alfnes and Kyrre Rickertsen
- A Note on Estimating Nested Constant Elasticity of Substitution Preferences for Outdoor Recreation pp. 406-413

- Roger von Haefen and Daniel Phaneuf
- Estimating Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Quality in the Presence of Item Nonresponse Bias pp. 414-428

- James Brox, Ramesh Kumar and Kenneth R. Stollery
- Valuing Pre-Commercial Genetic Resources: A Maximum Entropy Approach pp. 429-436

- Armineh Zohrabian, Greg Traxler, Steven B Caudill and Melinda Smale
- Preservation of Species and Genetic Diversity pp. 437-447

- Hayri Onal
- An Optimal Control Model of Forest Carbon Sequestration pp. 448-457

- Brent Sohngen and Robert Mendelsohn
- Quasi- and Simulated-Likelihood Approaches to Censored Demand Systems: Food Consumption by Food Stamp Recipients in the United States pp. 458-478

- Steven T. Yen, Biing-Hwan Lin and David Smallwood
- The Impact of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children on Child Health pp. 479-491

- Andrea Carlson and Benjamin Senauer
- Willingness to Pay for Curbside Recycling with Detection and Mitigation of Hypothetical Bias pp. 492-502

- David Aadland and Arthur Caplan
- Employment Growth, Worker Mobility, and Rural Economic Development pp. 503-513

- Mitch Renkow
- Transforming the Asian Economy: The Unfinished Revolution pp. 514-515

- Paul Glewwe
- Cotton's Renaissance: A Study in Market Innovation pp. 515-516

- Darren Hudson
- Agriculture and Modern Technology: A Defense pp. 516-518

- Terrance Hurley
- Lords of the Harvest: Biotech, Big Money, and the Future of Food pp. 518-520

- Harry Kaiser
- Dynamic State Variable Models in Ecology: Methods and Applications pp. 520-521

- J. Barkley Rosser
- The Sustainability of Long-Term Growth: Socio-Economic and Ecological Perspectives pp. 521-523

- David Stern
Volume 85, issue 1, 2003
- The Nested PIGLOG Model: An Application to U.S. Food Demand pp. 1-15

- Nicholas Piggott
- Demand for Beef from Cattle Administered Growth Hormones or Fed Genetically Modified Corn: A Comparison of Consumers in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States pp. 16-29

- Jayson Lusk, Jutta Roosen and John Fox
- Tests for the Role of Risk Aversion on Input Use pp. 30-43

- Jutta Roosen and David Hennessy
- Prevention versus Treatment under Precautionary Regulation: A Case Study of Groundwater Contamination under Uncertainty pp. 44-58

- Erik Lichtenberg and Tony M. Penn
- Post-War Productivity Patterns in U.S. Agriculture: Influences of Aggregation Procedures in a State-Level Analysis pp. 59-80

- Albert K. A. Acquaye, Julian Alston and Philip Pardey
- What is the Value of Agricultural Economics Research? pp. 81-94

- David Schimmelpfennig and George Norton
- Valuing Varieties with Imperfect Output Quality Measurement pp. 95-107

- David Lambert and William Wilson
- Crop-Yield Distributions Revisited pp. 108-120

- Octavio Ramirez, Sukant Misra and James Field
- Production Contracts and Productivity in the U.S. Hog Sector pp. 121-133

- Nigel Key and William McBride
- Diseconomies of Size with Fixed Managerial Ability pp. 134-142

- Antonio Alvarez and Carlos Arias
- Do Single Mothers Face Greater Constraints to Workforce Participation in Non-Metropolitan Areas? pp. 143-161

- Bradford Mills and Gautam Hazarika
- Valuing Food Store Access: Policy Implications for the Food Stamp Program pp. 162-172

- Peter M. Feather
- Getting Institutions “Right” for Whom? Credit Constraints and the Impact of Property Rights on the Quantity and Composition of Investment pp. 173-186

- Michael Carter and Pedro Olinto
- A Dynamic Analysis of University Agricultural Biotechnology Patent Production pp. 187-197

- Jeremy Foltz, Kwansoo Kim and Bradford Barham
- Stop and Go Agricultural Policies with a Land Market pp. 198-215

- Robert Innes
- Strategic Behavior and Consolidation in the Agricultural Biotechnology Industry pp. 216-233

- Stanley R. Johnson and Tigran Melkonyan
- Incentives, Information Systems, and Competition pp. 234-247

- Peter Bogetoft and Henrik Ballebye Olesen
- A Simple Method of Incorporating Income Effects into Logit and Nested-Logit Models: Theory and Application pp. 248-253

- Anders Karlstrom
- Integrating Agri-Environmental Programs into Regional Production Models: An Extension of Positive Mathematical Programming pp. 254-265

- Ottmar Röhm and Stephan Dabbert
- Managing Urban Deer pp. 266-281

- Daniel Rondeau and Jon M. Conrad
- The Global Environment in the Twenty-First Century: Prospects for International Cooperation pp. 282-283

- Gary D. Lynne
- The Economics of International Trade and the Environment pp. 283-285

- Henry Thompson
- The Economics of World Wheat Markets pp. 285-286

- Andrew Schmitz
- Economics of Forestry and Rural Development pp. 286-287

- Roger Sedjo
- Land-Grant Universities and Extension into the 21st Century: Renegotiating or Abandoning a Social Contract pp. 287-289

- Jeffrey Wagner
- Rethinking Sustainability: Power, Knowledge, and Institutions pp. 289-290

- Daniel Bromley
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