American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 32, issue 4_Part_2, 1950
- Strategic Approaches to Southern Progress pp. 697-708

- Robert D. Calkins
- Economic Prospects of the South pp. 709-720

- George H. Aull
- Dynamics of Farm Adjustments in the South pp. 721-734

- Sayre Charles R.
- Dynamics of Farm Adjustments in the South: Discussion pp. 735-736

- Russell W. Bierman
- Dynamics of Farm Adjustments in the South: Discussion pp. 736-737

- Roy E. Proctor
- Cotton Price Policy in Relation to the Domestic Market pp. 738-751

- M. K. Horne
- Cotton Labor Requirements pp. 752-758

- Frank J. Welch and D. Gray Miley
- World Prospects in Cotton pp. 759-770

- E. D. White
- World Prospects in Cotton: Discussion pp. 770-772

- Ben T. Lanham
- Over-All Adjustment in Southern Agriculture pp. 773-786

- E. L. Langsford
- Over-All Adjustment in Southern Agriculture: Discussion pp. 786-787

- Carl W. Allen
- Adjustment Problems in Midwest Agriculture pp. 788-799

- J. Carroll Bottum
- Adjustment Problems in Midwest Agriculture: Discussion pp. 799-800

- J.E. Wills
- World Trade and American Agriculture pp. 801-813

- Howard R. Tolley
- Agriculture and the Conditions of Postwar Trading pp. 814-826

- Lawrence W. Witt
- Coming Developments in Agricultural Policy pp. 827-838

- D. Johnson
- Development of Agricultural Policy pp. 839-856

- Arnold Brekke
- Development of Agricultural Policy: Discussion pp. 856-857

- Frederich V. Waugh
- Agricultural Statistics as an Aid to Research, Service, and Administration pp. 858-864

- Oris V. Wells
- Current Frontiers in Farm Price Data pp. 865-877

- B. R. Stauber
- Current Frontiers in Farm Price Data: Discussion pp. 877-879

- Henry M. Taylor
- Current Frontiers in Farm Price Data: Discussion pp. 879-880

- Don Paarlberg
- Trends in the Consumption of Tobacco Products, United States, 1900–1950 pp. 881-893

- Elmo L. Jackson
- Government Programs in Tobacco pp. 894-906

- R. C. Austin
- Some Aspects of Research in the Marketing of Tobacco Leaf pp. 907-923

- Lee R. Martin
- Some Aspects of Research in the Marketing of Tobacco Leaf: Discussion pp. 923-924

- Arthur G. Conover
- Some Aspects of Research in the Marketing of Tobacco Leaf: Discussion pp. 924-930

- Charles E. Gage
- The Impact of Commodity Credit Corporation Operations of Farm Market Prices and Market Channels pp. 931-942

- O. C. Stine
- Impact of CCC Operations Upon Marketing Agencies pp. 943-954

- C. C. Farrington
- Impact of CCC Operations Upon Marketing Agencies: Discussion pp. 954-955

- Geoffrey Shepherd
- Impact of CCC Operations Upon Marketing Agencies: Discussion pp. 955-957

- Willard Cochrane
- The Role of Market News in Marketing and Some Problems pp. 958-968

- Kenneth J. McCallister
- The Influence of the Federal Food and Drug Administration in Marketing pp. 969-974

- E. W. Gaumnitz
- Central Market Quotations and Country Buying pp. 975-987

- Hugh L. Cook
- Central Market Quotations and Country Buying: Discussion pp. 988

- Herman M. Southworth
- Central Market Quotations and Country Buying: Discussion pp. 988-991

- A.G. Mathis
- Impact of Marketing Agreements and Orders on the Marketing of Milk pp. 992-1005

- Leland Spencer
- The Impact of Marketing Agreements Upon the Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables pp. 1006-1015

- Floyd F. Hedlund
- The Impact of Marketing Agreements Upon the Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables: Discussion pp. 1015-1016

- John B. Roberts
- The Impact of Marketing Agreements Upon the Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables: Discussion pp. 1016-1018

- H.G. Hamilton
- Trends in Cooperative Expansion 1900–1950 pp. 1019-1030

- H. E. Erdman
- Cooperative Expansion through Horizontal Integration pp. 1031-1047

- Joseph G. Knapp
- Vertical Integration of Agricultural Cooperatives pp. 1048-1058

- E. Fred Koller
- Vertical Integration of Agricultural Cooperatives: Discussion pp. 1058-1060

- Werner Z. Hirsch
- Vertical Integration of Agricultural Cooperatives: Discussion pp. 1060-1062

- E.A. Perregaux
- Vertical Integration of Agricultural Cooperatives: Discussion pp. 1062-1063

- Frank Robotka
- Land Economics Research in Retrospect and Prospect pp. 1064-1075

- E. H. Wiecking
- The Landlord-Tenant Relationship Program in North Carolina pp. 1076-1080

- J. C. Powell
- How it was Started; Objective, Stituations, and Difficulties Encountered pp. 1080-1085

- Eugenia P. VanLandingham
- Procedure for One Year of Work pp. 1085-1087

- Robert L. Hendrix
- Extension Methods Used to Accomplish the Job pp. 1087-1090

- Nancy W. Lewis
- Progress Made by Croppers Participating in the Program pp. 1090-1093

- W. L. Turner
- Appraisal of the Program pp. 1093-1098

- C. B. Ratchford
- Appraisal of the Program: Discussion pp. 1099

- Luke Schruben
- The Application of Static Economic Theory to Farm Management Problems pp. 1100-1112

- Irving F. Fellows
- Limitations of Static Economic Theory in Farm Management Analysis pp. 1113-1119

- H. B. James
- Limitations of Static Economic Theory in Farm Management Analysis: Discussion pp. 1120-1121

- S.A. Engene
- Limitations of Static Economic Theory in Farm Management Analysis: Discussion pp. 1121-1122

- L.C. Cunningham
- Limitations of Static Economic Theory in Farm Management Analysis: Discussion pp. 1122-1124

- R.E.L. Greene
- Application of Recent Economic Theory in Agricultural Production Economics pp. 1125-1139

- Earl O. Heady
- Needed Developments in Economic Theory as Applied to Farm Management pp. 1140-1156

- Glenn L. Johnson
- Needed Developments in Economic Theory as Applied to Farm Management: Discussion pp. 1156-1158

- C.B. Haver
- Relation of Economic Theory to the Analysis of Empirical Data in Farm Management Research pp. 1159-1168

- Kenneth L. Bachman
- Some Problems of Joint Use of Theory and Empirical Data in Farm Management Research pp. 1169-1181

- Ernest J. Nesius
- Some Fundamentals of Conservation Economics and Policy pp. 1182-1195

- Earl O. Heady
Volume 32, issue 4_Part_1, 1950
- The European Recovery ProgramPrograms, Developments and Prospects in Agriculture pp. 541-552

- J. H. Richter
- The Economics of Land Classification for Irrigation pp. 553-570

- Wallace McMartin
- The Politics of Agriculture in the United States pp. 571-583

- Charles M. Hardin
- Some Economic Changes in Food Manufacturing pp. 584-589

- Allen B. Paul
- Farm Housing in the United States and Recent Farm Housing Legislation pp. 590-603

- Paul E. Grayson
- Measuring the Volume of Agricultural Production pp. 604-623

- Heinz Krause
- Short Run Demand and Supply in the Hog Market pp. 624-643

- George Tolley
- The Problem of RElocating Families on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation pp. 644-646

- Ben Reifel
- Complementary Tools of Farm Planning pp. 647-652

- W. K. Burkett
- Changes in Time of Starting Chicks pp. 652-657

- L. B. Darrah and C.D. Kearl
- Predicting Annual Egg Production in the United States pp. 658-662

- Ralph L. Baker
- A Technique for Anticipating Change in the Volume of Egg Storage pp. 663-666

- R. L. Kohls
- The Politics of "Basic" Crops in Farm Legislation pp. 666-672

- Jacob Oser
- The Social and Economic Significance of Land Tenure in the Southwestern States, a Report of the Regional Land Tenure Research Project, Edited by Harold Hoffsommer, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1950. Pp. xv, 666. $6.00 pp. 673-676

- Russell W. Bierman
- Elements of Agricultural Economics, G. W. Forster and Marc C. Leager. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1950. Pp. xvi+441 pp. 676-678

- Erven J. Long
- An Economic Analysis of the Tax Status of Farmer Cooperatives, John H. Davis, Washington, D. C.: American Institute of Cooperation. Pp. viii, 124 pp. 678-680

- Frank Robotka
- Puerto Rico's Economic Future, Harvey S. Perloff, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1950. Pp. xviii, 435. $4.75 pp. 680-682

- Julio O. Morales
- The Structure of American Industry. Some Case Studies, Edited by Walter Adams, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1950. Pp. x, 588. $4.75 pp. 683-684

- George L. Mehren
- Urban Mortgage Lending by Life Insurance Companies, R. J. Saulnier, New York; National Bureau of Economic Research, 1950. Pp. xxi, 180. $2.50 pp. 685

- Raleigh Barlowe
- News Notes pp. 687-694

- F. F. Hill
- Warren C. Waite 1896–1950 pp. 694-695

- O. B. Jesness
Volume 32, issue 3, 1950
- Knowledge for What in the Northern Great Plains: A Symposium pp. 353-355

- M. M. Kelso
- Farmers Adaptations to Income Uncertainty pp. 356-374

- Rainer Schickele
- Stabilizing Farming by Shifting Wheat Land to Grass in the Northern Great PlainsWith Particular Emphasis on Annual Effects pp. 375-390

- Llyod E. Jones
- Institutional Methods of Meeting Weather Uncertainty in the Great Plains pp. 391-410

- E. Lloyd Barber and Philip J. Thair
- Space as a Social CostAn approach toward community design in the sparsely populated areas of the Great Plains pp. 411-430

- A. H. Anderson
- Land and Water Development Programs in the Northern Great Plains pp. 431-444

- Harry A. Steele and John Muehlbeier
- Bases of Adjusting International Trade in Foodstuffs pp. 445-457

- John D. Black
- The Milkers' Unions of the San Francisco and Los Angeles MilkshedsAn inquiry into modern industrialized dairying and collective bargaining in agriculture pp. 458-477

- Ernest Feder
- Technical Progress in Agriculture pp. 478-485

- Robert M. Salter
- Economic Aspects of Technical Progress pp. 485-489

- Sherman E. Johnson
- Some Characteristics of Agricultural Land Leasing in Egypt pp. 489-495

- Hassan Aly Dawood
- The Stanford Food Institute on "International Commodity Stockpiling as an Economic Stabilizer" pp. 495-500

- Oscar Zaglits
- Teaching Undergraduates in Agricultural Economics pp. 500-502

- R. L. Kohls
- Western Land and Water Use, Mont H. Saunderson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1950. Pp. xi, 217. $3.75 pp. 503-504

- Roland R. Renne
- The Western Range Livestock Industry, Marion Clawson. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950. Pp. xiii, 401. $5.00 pp. 505-506

- Harold G. Halcrow
- Agricultural Progress in the Cotton Belt Since 1920, John Leonard Fulmer. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1950. Pp. xiv, 236. $3.50 pp. 506-508

- R. J. Saville
- How to Make Your Farm Pay, Carl C. Malone. Ames: Iowa State College Press, 1950. Pp. xi, 371. $3.75, cloth; $2.50, leatherette pp. 509-510

- Lowell S. Hardin
- Economics with Application to Agriculture, E. F. Dummeier, R. B. Heflebower, and Theodore Norman. New York: McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, 1950, Pp. xi, 718. $4.50 pp. 511-512

- G. E. Brandow
- The Socialized Agriculture of the USSR, Naum Jasny. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1949. Pp. xv, 798. $7.50 pp. 512-515

- V. Katkoff
- The New World of Southeast Asia, Lennox A. Mills and Associates, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1949. Pp. vii. 445. $5.00 pp. 515-516

- Charles J. Shohan
- International Wheat Agreements, International Journal of Agrarian Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 3. London: Oxford University Press, September, 1949. Pp. 127. 90¢ pp. 516-519

- Robert G. F. Spitze
- The Invasion of New Zealand by People, Plants and Animals, Andrew Hill Clark. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1949. Pp. xiv, 465. $6.00 pp. 519-521

- Gordon L. Burton
- Horace Plunkett: An Anglo-American Irishman, Margaret Digby. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1949. (Distributed by the Macmillan Company, New York.) Pp. xviii, 314. $3.00 pp. 521-523

- Joseph G. Knapp
- Garantia de Precos Estaveis e Remuneradores a Agricultura de Sao Paulo. Rui, Miller Paiva. Sao Paulo, Brazil, Secretaria da Agricultura: January, 1949. Processed. Pp. 79 pp. 523-525

- William H. Nicholls
- The Economics of Agriculture, R. L. Cohen, London: Nisbet & Company, Ltd.; Cambridge: At the University Press, 1949, sixth impression revised. Pp. xvi, 216, 6 shillings net pp. 525-526

- Montell Ogdon
- Public Finance and National Income, Harold M. Somers, Philadelphia: The Blakiston Company, 1949. Pp. xii, 540. $5.00 pp. 526-528

- O. H. Brownlee
- Congress Makes a Law, Stephen Kemp Bailey. New York: Columbia University Press, 1950. Pp. xii, 282. $4.50 pp. 528-531

- Walter P. Cotton
- The Dynamics of Business Cycles, Jan Tinbergen. Translated from the Dutch and adapted for American use by J. J. Polak, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1950. Pp. x, 366. $5.00 pp. 531-533

- Gerhard Tintner
Volume 32, issue 2, 1950
- Our Agricultural and Trade Policies pp. 159-175

- Lawrence Witt
- Reducing Price Variability Confronting Primary Producers pp. 176-193

- O. H. Brownlee and D. Johnson
- Discussion: Reducing Price Variability Confronting Primary Producers pp. 193-196

- Frederick V. Waugh
- Reducing Price Variability Confronting Primary Producers: Discussion pp. 196-198

- Harold G. Halcrow
- Reducing Price Variability Confronting Primary Producers: Discussion pp. 199-200

- Albert G. Hart
- New England Dairy Farm Management Project as an Example of the Operating Unit Approach to Farm Management Analysis pp. 201-215

- Richard G. Wheeler
- Marketing Agreements and Cooperative Marketing: Some Comparative Aspects pp. 216-224

- Werner Z. Hirsch
- Technological Changes and the Future of Rural Life pp. 225-239

- Sherman E. Johnson
- Uncertainty in Market Relationships and Resource Allocation in the Short-Run pp. 240-257

- Earl O. Heady
- Problems of Landownership in Latin America pp. 258-270

- Leslie N. Gay
- Price Provisions of the Agricultural Act of 1949 pp. 271-277

- Geoffrey Shepherd
- Recent Experiences in Rehabilitation of Stripped Lands pp. 277-282

- George H. Walter
- Scope and Methods of Agricultural Economics in São Paulo, Brazil pp. 282-289

- Ruy Miller Paiva
- Cooperative and Contract Use of Farm Machinery in Norway pp. 290-299

- John C. Norby
- The Collective Farm Peasant Market pp. 299-306

- Henry W. Ware
- Suggested Plan for Assigning Corn Acreage Allotments to Individual Farms Under Present Provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 pp. 306-310

- H. W. Hannah
- Food Distribution Programs During Periods of High Level Business Activity pp. 310-313

- Walter W. Wilcox
- Market Support Given Certain Commodities by the Iowa School Lunch Program pp. 313-317

- Paul E. Nelson
- The Agrarian Problems of Madras Province, V. V. Sayana. Madras, India: The Business Week Press, 1949. Pp. xxiv, 332. £1 pp. 318-319

- Raleigh Barlowe
- Rural Welfare Services, Benson Y. Landis, New York: Columbia University Press, 1949. Pp. viii, 201. $3.00 pp. 319-320

- Christopher Sower
- Production and Welfare of Agriculture, Theodore W. Schultz. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1949. Pp. 225. $3.50 pp. 321-324

- Frederick V. Waugh
- Our Farm Program and Foreign Trade, C. Addison Hickman. New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1949. Pp. xii, 108. $2.00 pp. 324-326

- Charles M. Elkinton
- Theory in Marketing, edited by Reavis Cox and Wroe Alderson. Chicago; Richard D. Irwin, Inc. 1950. Pp. x, 340, $4.50 pp. 326-328

- Sidney Hoos
- Rural America and the Extension Service, Edmund deS. Brunner and E. Hsin Pao Yang. New York: Columbia University Press, 1949. Pp. xii, 210. $3.00 pp. 329-331

- R. B. Tootell
- Wartime Economic Planning in Agriculture, Bela Gold. New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. 594, 1949. $6.75 pp. 331-333

- Willard Cochrane
- Real Estate Principles, Henry E. Hoagland. 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1949. Pp. xi, 667. $5.00 pp. 333-334

- Sidney Schmukler
- Price Theory, Sidney Weintraub. New York: Pitman Publishing Corporation. 1949. Pp. xiii, 445. $5.00 pp. 334-336

- L. J. Atkinson
- Studies in Income and Wealth. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1949. Pp. xii, 450. $6.00 pp. 336-340

- Rainer Schickele
- Farm Wood Crops, John F. Preston. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Pp. 302. $3.75 pp. 340-341

- Charles H. Stoddard
Volume 32, issue 1, 1950
- Postwar Recovery of Western German Agriculture pp. 1-14

- Philip Raup
- Problems in Establishing Grades for Farm Products pp. 15-29

- H. E. Erdman
- What Has Happened to the Agricultural Ladder? pp. 30-47

- Raleigh Barlowe and John F. Timmons
- Planning in Cotton pp. 48-68

- Cyril O'Donnell
- The Machine Process in Agriculture and Industry pp. 69-81

- John M. Brewster
- Western Farm Areas in Two World Wars pp. 82-94

- Robert F. Wallace
- United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources pp. 95-111

- G. H. Aull, L. P. Gabbard and John F. Timmons
- Comment on Professor Parsons' Article pp. 112-122

- Frank H. Knight
- Resource Efficiency and Policy pp. 123-128

- D. Johnson
- The Soviet Livestock Industry pp. 128-134

- V. Katkoff
- Expectation in Agricultural Credit pp. 134-138

- K. O. Hanson
- Analysis of Waste in Marketing: Remarks on Methodology pp. 138-144

- E. P. Winter
- Monetary Management, E. A. Goldenweiser, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1949. Pp. xiv, 175. $2.75 pp. 145-147

- Leonard Rall
- Farm Records and Accounts, J. Norman Efferson, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1949. Pp. ix, 281, $3.25 pp. 147-148

- Karl T. Wright
- Our Conservation Job. Stephen Raushenbush. Washington, D. C.: The Public Affairs Institute, 1949. Pp. 64. $0.50 pp. 148-150

- John F. Timmons
- Planning and the Price Mechanism. James E. Meade. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1949. Pp. xiv, 130. $2.00 pp. 150-152

- Richard W. Lindholm
- Handicrafts of New England. Allen H. Eaton. New York: Harper Brothers, 1949. Pp. xxi, 374 (exclusive of illustrations). $5.00 pp. 152-153

- Caroline Sherman
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