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American Journal of Agricultural Economics

1919 - 2019

Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu

From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
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Volume 78, issue 5, 1996

Markets or Government? Balancing Imperfect and Complementary Alternatives pp. 1145-1156 Downloads
Ralph D. Christy
The Peasant in Economic Modernization pp. 1157-1167 Downloads
Yujiro Hayami
Modeling Economics and Ecology: The Importance of a Spatial Perspective pp. 1168-1180 Downloads
Nancy E. Bockstael
Reengineering the Food Supply Chain: The ECR Initiative in the Grocery Industry pp. 1181-1186 Downloads
Robert King and Paul F. Phumpiu
Consumer Trends and Changing Food Retailing Formats pp. 1187-1191 Downloads
Jean Kinsey and Benjamin Senauer
Did the Competitive Regime Switch in the 1980s? pp. 1192-1197 Downloads
John Connor
A New Era of Environmental Management in Agriculture? pp. 1198-1206 Downloads
David E. Ervin and Andrew Schmitz
The 1995 Farm Bill and Natural Resource Conservation: Major New Opportunities pp. 1207-1214 Downloads
Peter J. Kuch and Clayton W. Ogg
The Environment and the 1995 Farm Bill: Discussion pp. 1215-1216 Downloads
John A. Miranowski
The Environment and the 1995 Farm Bill: Discussion pp. 1217-1218 Downloads
Luther Tweeten
The Environment and the 1995 Farm Bill: Discussion pp. 1219-1221 Downloads
Tim Osborn
Teaching Management for Specialized Agricultural Industries pp. 1222-1227 Downloads
Robert O. Burton, Bryan W. Schurle, Jeffery Williams and Gary W. Brester
Teaching Management for Diverse Agricultural Industries pp. 1228-1232 Downloads
Alex White
Teaching Management Using Shared Resources and Emerging Technology pp. 1233-1237 Downloads
Kerry K. Litzenberg and Alfred L. Parks
Undergraduate Teaching of Management in Agricultural Economics Department: Discussion pp. 1238-1241 Downloads
J. Connor Larry
Efficient Food Safety Regulation in the Food Manufacturing Sector pp. 1242-1247 Downloads
John Antle
Using Informational Labeling to Influence the Market for Quality in Food Products pp. 1248-1253 Downloads
Julie Caswell and Eliza M. Mojduszka
Safety and Quality Regulation and Stage of Distribution pp. 1254-1260 Downloads
Garth Holloway
Regulating Safety and Quality Standards in Food Marketing, Processing, and Distribution: Discussion pp. 1261-1262 Downloads
John K. Horowitz
Cyberfarm: What Does It Look Like? What Does It Mean? pp. 1263-1268 Downloads
Steven T. Sonka and Karen F. Coaldrake
The Political Economy of Precision Farming pp. 1269-1274 Downloads
Steven A. Wolf and Frederick H. Buttel
Precision Farming and Spatial Economic Analysis: Research Challenges and Opportunities pp. 1275-1280 Downloads
Michael D. Weiss
Precision Farming and the New Information Technology: Implications for Farm Management, Policy, and Research: Discussion pp. 1281-1284 Downloads
Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer
Modeling the Costs of Food Safety Regulation pp. 1285-1290 Downloads
James MacDonald and Stephen Crutchfield
The Theoretical Benefits of Food Safety Policies: A Total Economic Value Framework pp. 1291-1296 Downloads
Eileen O. van Ravenswaay and John Hoehn
Using Benefit and Cost Information to Evaluate a Food Safety Regulation: HACCP for Meat and Poultry pp. 1297-1301 Downloads
Tanya Roberts, Jean Buzby and Michael Ollinger
The Benefits and Costs of Food Safety Policies: Discussion pp. 1302-1304 Downloads
Laurian Unnevehr
Explaining U.S. Farm Policy in 1996 and Beyond: Changes in Party Control and Changing Market Conditions pp. 1305-1313 Downloads
Robert Paarlberg and David Orden
The Political Economy of Reforming the 1992 CAP Reform pp. 1314-1323 Downloads
L.P. Mahé and Terry Roe
The Political Economy of Post-Uruguay Round Agricultural Policies in the United States and the European Union: Discussion pp. 1324-1326 Downloads
David Blandford
Explaining U.S. Farm Policy in 1996 and Beyond: Changes in Party Control and Changing Market Conditions: Discussion pp. 1327-1328 Downloads
D. Johnson
Diversification as a Risk Management Strategy in an Andean Agropastoral Community pp. 1329-1334 Downloads
Christian Jette
Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in an Uncertain Environment pp. 1335-1339 Downloads
Cheryl Doss
Factors Influencing the Payments to Women in Malian Agriculture pp. 1340-1345 Downloads
Hugo De Groote and Issiaka Dembélé
Modeling Household Behavior in Developing Countries: Discussion pp. 1346-1348 Downloads
Agnes Quisumbing
Productivity Measurement in the Presence of Quality Change pp. 1349-1354 Downloads
Barbara J. Craig and Philip Pardey
Productivity Measurement in the Presence of “Poorly Priced” Goods pp. 1355-1359 Downloads
Richard Perrin and Lilyan Fulginiti
Aggregate Productivity Measures pp. 1360-1365 Downloads
Robert Chambers and Rulon D. Pope
Productivity Measurement in the Agricultural Marketing Sector pp. 1366-1371 Downloads
Steven Buccola and Jayashree Sil
A Cost Analysis of Alternatives for Methyl Bromide for Postharvest and Quarantine Treatment of Apples and Cherries pp. 1424-1433 Downloads
Holly C. Nelson

Volume 78, issue 4, 1996

Haddad, Lawrence, M. Daniel Westbrook, Daniel Driscoll, Ellen Payongayong, Joshua Rozen, and Melvyn Weeks. Strengthening Policy Analysis: Econometric Tests Using Microcomputer Software. Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 1995, viii + 157 pp., price unavailable pp. -1138 Downloads
James L. Novak
International Comparisons of Cattle Cycles pp. 855-868 Downloads
Yair Mundlak and He Huang
The Former Soviet Union and the World Wheat Economy pp. 869-878 Downloads
James R. Jones, Shuang L. Li, Stephen Devadoss and Charlotte (Jensen) Fedane
Wheat Storage and Trade in an Efficient Global Market pp. 879-890 Downloads
Shiva S. Makki, Luther G. Tweeten and Mario Miranda
Rice Trade Liberalization and Implications for U.S. Policy pp. 891-905 Downloads
JooHo Song and Colin Carter
Methodology for Agricultural Economists: An Instrumentalist Perspective pp. 906-915 Downloads
Eldon D. Smith
Consumer Preferences for Fresh Food Items with Multiple Quality Attributes: Evidence from an Experimental Auction of Pork Chops pp. 916-923 Downloads
Jason Shogren and John Fox
A Model of Price Determination for Fresh Produce with Application to California Iceberg Lettuce pp. 924-934 Downloads
Richard J. Sexton and Mingxia Zhang
Contract Design for the Purchase of Environmental Goods from Agriculture pp. 935-945 Downloads
JunJie Wu and Bruce Babcock
FLC Usage Among California Growers under IRCA: An Empirical Analysis of Farm Labor Market Risk Management pp. 946-960 Downloads
Dawn Thilmany
The Economics of a Public Fund for Environmental Amenities: A Study of CRP Contracts pp. 961-971 Downloads
David Zilberman
Changing Time Attitudes in Intertemporal Analysis pp. 972-981 Downloads
Peter J. Barry, Lindon Robison and Gilbert Nartea
Commodity Price Dynamics and Anticipated Shocks pp. 982-990 Downloads
Shih Wen Hu and Vey Wang
Estimating Dynamic Dual Models under Nonstatic Expectations pp. 991-1003 Downloads
Yir-Hueih Luh and Spiro Stefanou
Dynamic Resource Management: Intertemporal Substitution and Risk Aversion pp. 1004-1014 Downloads
Keith Knapp and Lars Olson
Hedging with Crop Yield Futures: A Mean-Variance Analysis pp. 1015-1025 Downloads
Tomislav Vukina, Dong-feng Li and Duncan M. Holthausen
Measuring Welfare Impacts from Equilibrium Supply and Demand Curves: An Antidumping Case Study pp. 1026-1033 Downloads
Patrick N. Canning and Harry Vroomen
Information Asymmetry as a Reason for Food Industry Vertical Integration pp. 1034-1043 Downloads
David Hennessy
Competitiveness of U.S. Food Processing: Benefits from Primary Agriculture pp. 1044-1055 Downloads
Munisamy Gopinath, Terry Roe and Mathew Shane
Adoption of a Politicized Technology: bST and Wisconsin Dairy Farmers pp. 1056-1063 Downloads
Bradford L. Barham
Explaining Irrigation Technology Choices: A Microparameter Approach pp. 1064-1072 Downloads
David Zilberman and Doug Parker
Information and the Speed of Innovation Adoption pp. 1073-1081 Downloads
A.J. Fischer, A.J. Arnold and M. Gibbs
The Effect of Agricultural Policies on Land Use and Environmental Quality pp. 1082-1091 Downloads
Andrew J. Plantinga
The Timing of Land Development: An Invariance Result pp. 1092-1097 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal
Measuring the Marginal Cost of Nonuniform Environmental Regulations pp. 1098-1107 Downloads
David Sunding
Second-Best Tax Policies to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution pp. 1108-1117 Downloads
Douglas M. Larson, Gloria E. Helfand and Brett W. House
On Nonparametric Supply Response Analysis: Comment pp. 1118-1121 Downloads
David Lambert
On Nonparametric Supply Response Analysis: Reply pp. 1122-1124 Downloads
Jean-Paul Chavas and Thomas L. Cox
A Further Look at Flexibilities and Elasticities: Comment pp. 1125-1129 Downloads
James Eales
A Further Look at Flexibilities and Elasticities: Reply pp. 1130-1131 Downloads
Kuo Huang
Antle, J., and D. Sumner, eds. The Economics of Agriculture: Papers in Honor of D. Gale Johnson, vols. 1 and 2. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996, xxviii + 789 pp., $49.95 paper, $59.95 hardcover pp. 1132-1133 Downloads
Rulon D. Pope
Åslund, Anders. How Russia Became a Market Economy. Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, 1995, 378 pp., $18.95 paper and Wunderlich, Gene, ed. Agricultural Landownership in Transitional Economies. Lanham MD: University Press of America, 147 pp., $42.50 cloth, $24.50 paper pp. 1133-1136 Downloads
Verne W. House
Davis, Graham A. South American Managed Trade Policy: The Wasting of a Mineral Endowment. New York: Praeger, 1994, 168 pp., $55.00 pp. 1136-1137 Downloads
Philip Maxwell
Francis, David G. Family Agriculture: Tradition and Transformation. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd., 1995, 228 pp., £12.95 pp. 1137-1137 Downloads
Jill L. Findeis
Mellor, John W. Agriculture on the Road to Industrialization. Baltimore MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995, 358 pp., price unavailable pp. 1138-1141 Downloads
Earl D. Kellogg
Robison, Lindon J., and Peter J. Barry. Present Value Models and Investment Analysis. Northport AL: The Academic Page, 1996, xiv + 661 pp., $49.00 cloth pp. 1141-1143 Downloads
Garnett Bradford

Volume 78, issue 3, 1996

Krugman, Paul. Development, Geography, and Economic Theory. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press, 1995, ix + 117 pp., $20.00 pp. -836 Downloads
Maureen Kilkenny
Evaluation of Factors Influencing Student Class Attendance and Performance pp. 499-507 Downloads
Stephen Devadoss and John Foltz
The Inefficiency of Interest-Rate Subsidies in Commodity Price Stabilization pp. 508-516 Downloads
Bruce Gardner and Ramon Lopez
Rural Population Decline in the 1980s: Impacts of Farm Structure and Federal Farm Programs pp. 517-529 Downloads
Stephan Goetz and David Debertin
The Dynamic Responses of Crop and Livestock Prices to Money-Supply Shocks: A Bayesian Analysis Using Long-Run Identifying Restrictions pp. 530-541 Downloads
Jeffrey Dorfman and William Lastrapes
Generalization of Nonparametric Tests for Homothetic Production pp. 542-546 Downloads
Elvira Silva and Spiro Stefanou
Modeling Multiple Adoption Decisions in a Joint Framework pp. 547-557 Downloads
Jeffrey Dorfman
Measuring Returns to an Innovation in an Imperfectly Competitive Market: Application to Mechanical Harvesting of Processing Tomatoes in Taiwan pp. 558-571 Downloads
Shu-Yu Huang and Richard J. Sexton
Nonlinear Pricing Schemes for Agricultural Cooperatives pp. 572-584 Downloads
James Vercammen, Murray Fulton and Charles Hyde
Testing the Monopsony-Inefficiency Incentive for Backward Integration pp. 585-590 Downloads
Azzeddine Azzam
The Effects of Decision Making on Futures Price Volatility pp. 591-603 Downloads
David Hennessy and Thomas Wahl
A Two-Stage Rural Household Demand Analysis: Microdata Evidence from Jiangsu Province, China pp. 604-613 Downloads
X.M. Gao, Eric J. Wailes and Gail Cramer
Analysis of Food-Away-from-Home Expenditure Patterns for U.S. Households, 1982–89 pp. 614-627 Downloads
Patrick J. Byrne, Oral Capps and Atanu Saha
A Probit Latent Variable Model of Nutrition Information and Dietary Fiber Intake pp. 628-639 Downloads
Jayachandran N. Variyam, James Blaylock and David Smallwood
Closely Related Good Prices in the Travel Cost Model pp. 640-646 Downloads
John R. McKean, Richard G. Walsh and Donn M. Johnson
Supply and Demand Factors for Organic Produce pp. 647-655 Downloads
Timothy Park and Luanne Lohr
Farmers' Welfare and Changing Food Prices: Nonparametric Evidence from Rice in Madagascar pp. 656-669 Downloads
Christopher Barrett and Paul Dorosh
In-Kind Export Subsidies for Processed and Bulk Goods pp. 670-676 Downloads
Philip L. Paarlberg
Government Rail Car Regulation and the Price of Canola pp. 677-686 Downloads
Colin Carter
Off-Farm Work Decisions of Farm Couples: Estimating Structural Simultaneous Equations with Ordered Categorical Dependent Variables pp. 687-698 Downloads
Ayal Kimhi and Myoung-jae Lee
Improving Shadow Price Information: Obtaining Relevant Shadow Prices from Problems with Decomposable Objectives pp. 699-705 Downloads
Bruce McCarl, M. Edward Rister, Houshmand Ziari and Jeffrey Stokes
A Comparison of Oligopoly Welfare Loss Estimates for U.S. Food Manufacturing: Comment pp. 706-709 Downloads
Rigoberto Lopez and Sanjib Bhuyan
A Comparison of Oligopoly Welfare Loss Estimates for U.S. Food Manufacturing: Reply pp. 710-711 Downloads
John Connor and Everett Peterson
The Hot Air in R-super-2: Comment pp. 712-714 Downloads
Pascal Lavergne
The Hot Air in R-super-2: Reply pp. 715-717 Downloads
Anya M. McGuirk and Paul Driscoll
The Consolidation of Commercial Banks in Rural Markets pp. 718-720 Downloads
Eddy LaDue and Marvin Duncan
Participants in Rural Bank Consolidations pp. 721-727 Downloads
David L. Neff and Paul N. Ellinger
Post-Acquisition Performance of Rural Banks pp. 728-733 Downloads
Allen Featherstone
Transitions in Rural Financial Markets: Visions of Future Bank Structure: Discussion pp. 734-735 Downloads
Mark E. Lovonian
Implications for Future Research on Bank Consolidations in Rural Markets: Discussion pp. 736-737 Downloads
Peter S. Rose
Implications of Game Theory for International Agricultural Trade pp. 738-744 Downloads
Philip Abbott and Panu K. S. Kallio
Cooperative Game Theory and the Measurement of Political Power pp. 745-752 Downloads
David S. Bullock
Potential Benefits and Limitations of Game Theory in Agricultural Economics pp. 753-760 Downloads
John K. Horowitz, Richard Just and Sinaia Netanyahu
Applications of Game Theory in Agricultural Economics: Discussion pp. 761-763 Downloads
Terry Roe
HACCP as a Regulatory Innovation to Improve Food Safety in the Meat Industry pp. 764-769 Downloads
Laurian Unnevehr and Helen Jensen
HACCP as a Business Management Tool pp. 770-774 Downloads
Michael A. Mazzocco
HACCP as an International Trade Standard pp. 775-779 Downloads
Julie Caswell and Neal Hooker
Structural Change in Meat Industries: Implications for Food Safety Regulation pp. 780-785 Downloads
James MacDonald, Michael Ollinger, Kenneth E. Nelson and Charles R. Handy
Implications of Alternative Options for Future Levels of Support for Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 786-791 Downloads
Stefan Tangermann
Producer Subsidy Equivalents for Russian Agriculture: Estimation and Interpretation pp. 792-798 Downloads
William Liefert, David J. Sedik, Robert Koopman, Eugenia Serova and Olga Melyukhina
Use of the Producer Subsidy Equivalent as a Measure of Support to Agriculture in Transition Economies pp. 799-804 Downloads
Matthew Harley
Use of the Producer Subsidy Equivalent Measure in Transition Economies: Discussion pp. 805-807 Downloads
William H. Meyers
Agricultural Support in Eastern Europe: Discussion pp. 808-809 Downloads
Bruce Gardner
Creating Markets: Food Policy and Agricultural Reform in the Transition pp. 810-814 Downloads
Stephen Jones
Agricultural Market Reforms in South Asia pp. 815-819 Downloads
Raisuddin Ahmed
Estimating Consumer Response to Food Market Reform Using Stated Preference Data: Evidence from Eastern and Southern Africa pp. 820-824 Downloads
Thomas Jayne, Lawrence Rubey, Frank Lupi, David Tschirley and Michael Weber
Market Analysis Methods: Are Our Enriched Toolkits Well Suited to Enlivened Markets? pp. 825-829 Downloads
Christopher Barrett
Liberalized Agricultural Markets in Low-Income Economies: Discussion pp. 830-832 Downloads
Charles Timmer and Thomas D. Cabot
Bjornstad, David J., and James R. Kahn, eds. The Contingent Valuation of Environmental Resources: Methodical Issues and Research Needs. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 1996, x + 305 pp., $79.95 cloth pp. 833-834 Downloads
Richard Carson
Kagel, John H., and Alvin E. Roth, eds. The Handbook of Experimental Economics. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995, vi + 328 pp,. $55.00 pp. 834-834 Downloads
John Bergstrom
Leff, Enrique. Green Production: Toward an Environmental Rationality. New York: Guilford Press, 1995, xix + 168 pp., $16.95 paper, $36.95 hardcover pp. 836-839 Downloads
Clyde Kiker
Penson, J.B., Jr., Oral Capps, Jr., and C. Parr Rosson III. Introduction to Agricultural Economics. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1996, xviii + 525 pp., $72.20 pp. 839-841 Downloads
Robert L. Johnstone
Rowley, Thomas D., David W. Sears, Glenn L. Nelson, J. Norman Reed, and Mervin J. Yetley, eds. Rural Development Research: A Foundation for Policy. Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 1996, 261 pp., price unknown pp. 841-842 Downloads
Frank M. Goode
Ruttan, Vernon W. United States Development Assistance Policy: The Domestic Politics of Foreign Economic Aid. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, 657 pp., $65.00 pp. 842-844 Downloads
Jeffrey Alwang
Salant, Priscilla, and Anita J. Walker. Guide to Rural Data, revised edition. Washington DC: Island Press, 1995, xv + 140 pp., $22.95 paper pp. 844-845 Downloads
Tom Ilvento
Schmitz, Andrew, Garth Coffin, and Kenneth A. Rosaasen, eds. Regulation and Protectionism under GATT: Case Studies in North American Agriculture. Boulder: Westview Press, 1996, 341 pp., $64.00 pp. 845-847 Downloads
C. Rosson
Sheldon, Ian M., and Philip C. Abbott, eds. Industrial Organization and Trade in the Food Industries. Boulder: Westview Press, 1996, 328 pp., $64.00 pp. 847-850 Downloads
Frank H. Fuller
Weibull, Jorgen W. Evolutionary Game Theory. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1995, 265 pp., $30.00 pp. 850-853 Downloads
John M. Gates

Volume 78, issue 2, 1996

Goldin, Ian, and L. Alan Winters, eds. The Economics of Sustainable Development. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 1994, xx + 306 pp., price unknown pp. -484 Downloads
Brent Swallow
Nelson, Robert H. Public Lands and Private Rights: The Failure of Scientific Management. Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1995, xxiii + 373 pp., paper $24.95, cloth $61.50 pp. -487 Downloads
Craig Infanger
A Public Choice Perspective on Agricultural Policy Reform: Implications of the New Zealand Experience pp. 257-267 Downloads
Francis Scrimgeour and E.C. Pasour
Demand Response to Advertising in the Australian Meat Industry pp. 268-279 Downloads
Nicholas Piggott, James Chalfant, Julian Alston and Garry R. Griffith
Taste Changes in the Demand for Food by Demographic Groups in the United States: A Nonparametric Empirical Analysis pp. 280-289 Downloads
Rafael Cortez and Benjamin Senauer
A Demand Systems Analysis of Food Commodities by U.S. Households Segmented by Income pp. 290-300 Downloads
John Park, Rodney Holcomb, Kellie Raper and Oral Capps
Model Selection and Forecasting Ability of Theory-Constrained Food Demand Systems pp. 301-312 Downloads
Terry L. Kastens and Gary W. Brester
Multiple Policy Goals in a Trade Model with Explicit Factor Markets pp. 313-330 Downloads
Lewell F. Gunter, Ki Hong Jeong and Fred C. White
A Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity Growth: The Case of Chinese Agricultural Growth before and after Reforms pp. 331-338 Downloads
Kaliappa Kalirajan, M.B. Obwona and S. Zhao
The Role of Transportation Costs in the Economics of Commodity Markets pp. 339-353 Downloads
Bertrand M. Roehner
Quotas without Supply Control: Effects of Dairy Quota Policy in California pp. 354-366 Downloads
Daniel Sumner and Christopher Wolf
Import Quota Licenses and Market Power pp. 367-372 Downloads
Steve McCorriston
A Nonparametric Approach to the von Liebig-Paris Technology pp. 373-386 Downloads
Robert Chambers and Erik Lichtenberg
Monte Carlo Analysis of Mean Reversion in Commodity Futures Prices pp. 387-399 Downloads
Scott Irwin, Carl R. Zulauf and Thomas E. Jackson
Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Networks in Prediction of Farmer Risk Preferences pp. 400-415 Downloads
Terry L. Kastens and Allen Featherstone
Input Demand under Yield and Revenue Insurance pp. 416-427 Downloads
Bruce Babcock and David Hennessy
Crop Insurance, Moral Hazard, and Agricultural Chemical Use pp. 428-438 Downloads
Vincent H. Smith and Barry Goodwin
Modeling Farm-Level Crop Insurance Demand with Panel Data pp. 439-447 Downloads
Keith Coble, Thomas O. Knight, Rulon D. Pope and Jeffery Williams
Optimum Management of a Hierarchically Exploited Open Access Resource: A Multilevel Optimization Approach pp. 448-459 Downloads
Hayri Onal
Land Tenure and Allocative Efficiency in Niger pp. 460-471 Downloads
Sarah Gavian and Marcel Fafchamps
Bailey, Ronald, ed. The True State of the Planet. New York: The Free Press, 1995, viii + 472 pp., paper $15.00 pp. 472-473 Downloads
Mursaleena Islam and John Braden
Dietz, Frank J., Herman R.J. Vollebergh, and Jan L. de Vries, eds. Environment, Incentives and the Common Market. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995, 186 pp., cloth NLG 160.00 pp. 474-475 Downloads
Gerrit van Kooten
Doeringer, Peter B., and David G. Terkla. Troubled Waters: Economic Structure, Regulatory Reform and Fisheries Trade. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996, 206 pp., paper $39.95 pp. 475-476 Downloads
Emmanuel I.S. Ajuzie
Edwards, Victoria. Dealing in Diversity: America's Market for Nature Conservation. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 182 pp., cloth $44.95 pp. 477-478 Downloads
Elizabeth T. Kennedy
Fisher, Anthony C. Environmental and Resource Economics. Brookfield VT: Edward Elgar, 1995. 392 pp., $74.95 pp. 478-479 Downloads
Kenneth McConnell
Foldvary, Fred. Public Goods and Private Communities: The Market Provision of Social Services. Brookfield VT: Ashgate Publishing, 1994, 288 pp., $59.95 pp. 480-480 Downloads
Holley H. Ulbrich
Helmberger, Peter G., and Jean-Paul Chavas. The Economics of Agricultural Prices. Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996, 356 pp., $74.00 pp. 484-486 Downloads
Patricia J. Lindsey
Kneese Allan V. Natural Resource Economics: Selected Papers of Allen V. Kneese. Aldershot UK: Edward Elger, 1995, 478 pp., $74.95 pp. 486-486 Downloads
John M. Antle
Yandle, Bruce, ed. Land Rights: The 1990's Property Rights Rebellion. Lanham MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1995, xviii+ 333 pp., paper $22.95, cloth $57.50 pp. 487-490 Downloads
Lawrence W. Libby

Volume 78, issue 1, 1996

Barnett, Vic, Roger Payne, and Roy Steiner, eds. Agricultural Sustainability: Economic, Environmental and Statistical Considerations. Chichester, England: John Wiley and Sons, 1995, xii + 266 pp., $79.95 pp. -249 Downloads
Bruce Babcock
Extension Commercialization: How Much to Charge for Extension Services pp. 1-12 Downloads
Ariel Dinar
Optimal Dynamic Hedging in Unbiased Futures Markets pp. 13-20 Downloads
Robert Myers and Steven D. Hanson
Nutrient Elasticities in a Complete Food Demand System pp. 21-29 Downloads
Kuo Huang
Nitrogen-Land Substitution in Corn Production: A Reconciliation of Aggregate and Firm-Level Evidence pp. 30-40 Downloads
Thomas Hertel, Kyle Stiegert and Harry Vroomen
Modeling Regional Agricultural Production and Salinity Control Alternatives for Water Quality Policy Analysis pp. 41-53 Downloads
Donna J. Lee and Richard E. Howitt
Incentive Payments to Encourage Farmer Adoption of Water Quality Protection Practices pp. 54-64 Downloads
Joseph Cooper and Russ W. Keim
Uncoordinated Agricultural and Environmental Policy Making: An Application to Irrigated Agriculture in the West pp. 65-78 Downloads
Marca Weinberg and Catherine Kling
A Multilevel, Multiobjective Policy Model: The Case of Marine Aquaculture Development pp. 79-88 Downloads
Gilbert Sylvia, James Anderson and Deqin Cai
Count Data Models and the Problem of Zeros in Recreation Demand Analysis pp. 89-102 Downloads
Tim Haab and Kenneth McConnell
The Implications of Model Specification for Welfare Estimation in Nested Logit Models pp. 103-114 Downloads
Catherine Kling and Cynthia J. Thomson
Spatial Competition, Uniform Pricing, and Transportation Efficiency in the California Processing Tomato Industry pp. 115-125 Downloads
Catherine Durham, Richard J. Sexton and Joo Ho Song
Food Price Variability and Economic Reform: An ARCH Approach for Ghana pp. 126-136 Downloads
Gerald Shively
Social Supply and the Evaluation of Food Policies pp. 137-145 Downloads
Pasquale Scandizzo and Odin Knudsen
A Shadow-Price Frontier Measurement of Profit Efficiency in Chinese Agriculture pp. 146-156 Downloads
Jirong Wang, Eric J. Wailes and Gail Cramer
Welfare Measurement in Single and Multimarket Models: Theory and Application pp. 157-165 Downloads
Runar Brännlund and Bengt Kriström
Farmers' Investment Behavior: An Empirical Assessment of Two Specifications of Expectations pp. 166-174 Downloads
Geert Thijssen
Government Institutional Effects on the Value of Seasonal Climate Forecasts pp. 175-188 Downloads
James W. Mjelde, Troy N. Thompson and Clair J. Nixon
The Demand for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance: Evidence from Montana Wheat Farms pp. 189-201 Downloads
Vincent H. Smith and Alan E. Baquet
The Determinants of Wheat Variety Selection in Kansas, 1974 to 1993 pp. 202-211 Downloads
Andrew Barkley and Lori L. Porter
An Examination of the Effects of Price Supports and Federal Crop Insurance Upon the Economic Growth, Capital Structure, and Financial Survival of Wheat Growers in the Northern High Plains pp. 212-224 Downloads
Joseph A. Atwood, Myles J. Watts and Alan E. Baquet
Safety-First Criteria and Their Measures of Risk pp. 225-235 Downloads
David Bigman
Agrarian Structure and Agricultural Practice: Typology and Application to Western Sudan pp. 236-245 Downloads
Michael Kevane
Alexandratos, Nikos, ed. World Agriculture: Towards 2010: An FAO Study. Chichester, England: FAO and Wiley, 1995, xxvi + 488 pp., $115 pp. 246-247 Downloads
Jock Anderson
Banyai, Istvan. Zoom. New York: Viking, 1995, 62 pp., $13.99 pp. 247-247 Downloads
Larry S. Lev
Browne, William P. Cultivating Congress: Constituents, Issues, and Interests in Agricultural Policymaking. Lawrence KS: University of Kansas Press, 1995, 295 pp., price unknown pp. 249-250 Downloads
Carlisle Runge
Nelson, Robert H. Public Lands and Private Rights: The Failure of Scientific Management. Lanham MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 1995, xxiii + 373 pp., $24.95 (paper), $61.50 (cloth) pp. 250-251 Downloads
Craig Infanger
Sadoulet, Elisabeth, and Alain de Janvry. Quantitative Development Policy Analysis. Baltimore MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995, xii + 397 pp., $35.00 pp. 251-253 Downloads
James C.O. Nyankori
Scott, Gregory J., ed. Prices, Products and People: Analyzing Agricultural Markets in Developing Countries. Boulder CO and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers in cooperation with the International Potato Center, 1995, xxii + 495 pp., $19.95 pp. 253-254 Downloads
Christopher Barrett
Swanson, T.M., ed. The Economics and Ecology of Biodiversity Decline: The Forces Driving Global Change. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 162 pp., price unknown pp. 254-255 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal
Vanclay, Frank, and Geoffrey Lawrence. The Environmental Imperative: Eco-Social Concerns for Australian Agriculture. Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia: Central Queenland University Press, 1995, xxvi + 204 pp., $19.95 + $4.00 postage (Australian) pp. 255-255 Downloads
F. Leistritz
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