American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 22, issue 4, 1940
- Price Analyses, Wars, and Depressions pp. 673-679

- Mordecai Ezekiel
- War-Time Price Control in the United Kingdom pp. 680-690

- J. H. Richter-Altschaffer
- Democratic Telesis and County Agricultural Planning pp. 691-700

- Bryce Ryan
- Crop-Yield Index Numbers pp. 701-713

- E. J. Working
- The British Program for Farm Labor — as A Contribution to American Thinking on the Subject pp. 714-728

- M. R. Benedict
- Contributions of Soil Science and Agronomy to Rural Land Classification pp. 729-739

- Charles E. Kellogg
- Contribution of Cooperation to the Problem of Distribution pp. 740-752

- W. E. Paulson
- Procedures Which Increase the Usefulness of Farm Management Research pp. 753-761

- Wylie D. Goodsell, Raymond J. Jessen and Walter W. Wilcox
- The Student With an Urban Background and Agricultural Economics pp. 762-765

- Harry Schwartz
- A Check on A Multiple Correlation Result pp. 766-768

- Mordecai Ezekiel
- Comparison of Results of Two Methods of Analysis pp. 769-772

- Einar Jensen
- Role of Soil Depletion in Land Valuation pp. 773-776

- J. J. Livers and G. H. Craig
- Relative Importance of Changes in Demand and Quantity on Producer Revenues pp. 776-779

- Harlow W. Halvorson and Warren C. Waite
- Land Economics, Richard T. Ely and George S. Wehrwein. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1940. Pp. 512. $4.00 pp. 783-787

- M. R. Benedict
- Productivity, Wages, and National Income, Spurgeon Bell. The Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C., 1940. Pp. xii+344. $3.00 pp. 787-789

- Sidney Hoos
- Why Farmers Are Poor, Anna Rochester. New York, International Publishers, 1940. Pp. 317. $2.75 pp. 789-791

- Paul A. Baran
- World Wheat Planning and Economic Planning in General, Paul de Hevesy. London, Oxford University Press, 1939. Pp. xiv+907. $12.00 pp. 791-794

- O. B. Jesness
- The Control of Competition in Canada, Lloyd G. Reynolds. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1940. Pp. xiv+324. $3.50 pp. 794-796

- George Stigler
- Supply Responses in Milk Production in the Cabot-Marshfield Area of Vermont, R. H. Allen, Erling Hole, and R. L. Mighell. U. S. Dept. of Agri., Technical Bulletin No. 709, 1940. Pp. 60 pp. 796-799

- John A. Hopkins
- Legal Aspects of Farm Tenancy in Illinois, H. W. Hannah and Joseph Ackerman. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bul. 465, 1940. Pp. 239–273 pp. 799-800

- Marshall Harris
- The Variate Difference Method, Gerhard Tinter. Cowles Commission for Research in Economics, Bloomington, Indiana, Principia Press, 1940. Pp. xiii+175. $2.50 pp. 800-801

- Mordecai Ezekiel
- The Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Markets of New York City, William C. Crow, W. T. Calhoun, and J. W. Park. U. S. Bureau of Agri. Econ. and Agri. Marketing Service, Washington, D. C., 1940. Pp. 123. $0.25 pp. 802-804

- R. G. Bressler and D. O. Hammerberg
- Milk Distribution as a Public Utility, W. P. Mortenson. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Pp. xviii+221. $2.50 pp. 805

- J. M. Cowden
- Whale Oil: An Economic Analysis, Karl Brandt. Food Research Institute, Stanford University, California, 1940. Pp. xii+264. $3.00 pp. 806-807

- Robert M. Walsh
- Product Standards and Labeling for Consumers, Alice L. Edwards. New York, Ronald Press, 1940. Pp. 134. $2.50 pp. 806

- Alison Comish Thorne
- Tobacco: A Study of Its Consumption in the United States, Jack J. Gottsegen. New York, Pitman Publishing Corporation, 1940. Pp. xxix+279. $3.75 pp. 808-809

- E. L. Jackson
- Agricultural Economics 1913–1938, Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Oxford, England. Oxford University Press. Pp. 79, 2/6 pp. 809-810

- M. R. Benedict
- Order and Possibility in Social Life, Douglas G. Haring and Mary E. Johnson. New York: Richard R. Smith Press, 1940. Pp. xii+ 772. $5.00 pp. 810-811

- Judson T. Landis
- The Diary of Alexander James McPhail, Edited by Harold A. Innis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1940. Pp. 289. $2.50 pp. 811-814

- Harald S. Patton
- Population Trends and Adjustments in Arkansas, Wm. H. Metzler. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 388, 1940. Pp. 59 pp. 814-815

- Dorothy Swaine Thomas
- Rural Regions of the United States, A. R. Mangus. Work Projects Administration, Division of Research, 1940. Pp. 230 pp. 815-816

- N. L. Whetten
- Suye Mura: a Japanese Village, John F. Embree. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1939. Pp. xxviii+354. $3.00 and St. Denis: a French-Canadian Parish, Horace Miner. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1939. Pp. xx+283. $3.00 pp. 816-817

- C. Arnold Anderson
- George Martin Peterson 1897–1940 pp. 827-828

- J.M.t
- Frederick Pattison Weaver 1882–1940 pp. 829

- F.F.L.
Volume 22, issue 3, 1940
- Time Preference and Conservation pp. 533-543

- Arthur C. Bunce
- Supply Schedules—"Long-Time" and "Short-Time" pp. 544-557

- R. L. Mighell and R. H. Allen
- Training and Recruitment of Agricultural Economic Personnel: IV. A Training Program pp. 558-559

- Thomas Cooper
- Training and Recruitment of Agricultural Economic Personnel: V. For Public Service pp. 560-561

- John D. Black
- Training and Recruitment of Agricultural Economic Personnel: VI. An Administrator's View pp. 562-566

- F. F. Hill
- Training and Recruitment of Agricultural Economic Personnel: VII. The Government Service as a Career pp. 567-569

- Charles F. Sarle
- Dr. Schultz on Farm Management Research pp. 570-580

- John D. Black
- Part-Time Farming Research pp. 581-600

- Leonard A. Salter and Larry F. Diehl
- Trading in Wheat and Corn Futures in Relation to Price Movements pp. 601-612

- Paul Mehl
- Economic Phases in Soil Erosion Control pp. 613-620

- P. E. McNall
- Henry L. Ellsworth, Commissioner of Patents pp. 621-627

- T. Swann Harding
- The Committee on Land Tenure in the Corn Belt pp. 628-633

- H. C. M. Case, Theodore Schultz, G. S. Wehrwein and Joseph Ackerman
- Suggestions for a Sample Census of Agriculture in the West pp. 633-637

- Marion Clawson
- Social Aspects of Land Use in Delaware pp. 637-640

- R. O. Bausman
- Financing of Agriculture in Russia pp. 640-646

- Vladimir Katkoff
- Competition Among Grains, Naum Jasny, Stanford Univ. California, Food Research Institute, 1940. 606 Pp. $4.00 pp. 651-652

- Ronald L. Mighell
- Farm Appraisal, William G. Murray. Ames, Iowa, Iowa State College Press, 1940, Pp. ix+254. $2.25 pp. 652-653

- Stanley W. Warren
- Origins of Class Struggle in Louisiana, Roger W. Shugg. Baton Rouge. Louisiana State University Press, 1939, 372 pp. $3.50 pp. 653-655

- Wilson Gee
- Business Cycles in the United States, 1919–1932. (Statistical Testing of Business Cycle Theory, Volume II), J. Tinbergen, League of Nations, Economic Intelligence Service, Geneva, 1939. Pp. 244. $1.25 pp. 655-657

- Gerhard Tinter
- Tests of Significance: What They Mean and How to Use Them, John H. Smith, Studies in Business Administration, Volume X, Number 1. University of Chicago Press. 1939. Pp. 90. $1.00 pp. 657-658

- Gerhard Tinter
- The Geographic Basis of American Economic Life, Harold Hull McCarty, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1940, Pp. xxiii+702, $3.75 pp. 658-661

- Arthur C. Bunce
- A Dynamic Study of Pig Production in Denmark, Trygve Haavelmo. Studier Fra Aarhus Universitets Økonomiske Institut, Nr. 4, Copenhagen, Ejnar Munksgaard, 1939, Pp. 48, Kr. 2 pp. 658

- O. V. Wells
- Agricultural Atlas of Sweden, compiled on behalf of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture by Olof Jonasson, Ernst Höijer, and Thure Björkman. (Maps prepared under supervision of Olof Jonasson), Stockholm, Lantbrukssällskapets Tidskriftsaktiebolag, 1938, Pp. 176 pp. 661-662

- O. E. Baker
- British Agriculture, Viscount Astor and B. Seebohm Rowntree. London, Longmans, Green and Company, 1938. Pp. xx+469, 15s pp. 662-664

- Howard J. Stover
- Agrarian China, compiled by Institute of Pacific Relations from selected source materials from Chinese authors. Introduction by R. H. Tawney. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press. Pp. xviii+258. $2.50 pp. 664-665

- Fred J. Rossiter
- Federal, State, and Local Administrative Relationships in Agriculture, Carleton R. Ball. Bureau of Public Administration. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1938. Two volumes, 1140 pp. $10.00 pp. 665-666

- Asher Hobson
- The Changing West; An Economic Theory about Our Golden Age, William Allen White. The Macmillan Co., 1939. 144 pp. $1.50 pp. 667-669

- T. N. Carver
- Youth in Agricultural Villages, Bruce L. Melvin and Elna N. Smith, Works Progress Administration, Division of Research, Research Monograph XXI, Washington, D. C., 1940. Pp. xxi+143 pp. 667

- Robin M. Williams
Volume 22, issue 2, 1940
- Training and Recruitment of Agricultural Economic Personnel: I. A General View pp. 411-414

- Henry C. Taylor
- Training and Recruitment of Agricultural Economic Personnel: II. The Civil Servant pp. 415-417

- Frederick V. Waugh
- Training and Recruitment of Agricultural Economic Personnel: III. The South pp. 418-420

- R. J. Saville
- Agricultural Labor and the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 pp. 421-429

- H. W. Hannah
- A Desirable Foreign Trade Policy for American Agriculture pp. 430-439

- Joseph S. Davis
- An Application of Analysis of Covariance to Price-Quality Relationships of Eggs pp. 440-445

- Lawrence E. Cron
- Export-Dumping Plans pp. 446-459

- F. L. Thomsen
- Role of Soil Depletion in Land Valuation pp. 460-472

- Donald B. Ibach
- County Planning for Land-use Adjustment pp. 473-483

- J. G. Crawford and Gunnar Lange
- On Agricultural Policy pp. 484-492

- R. R. Renne
- Federal-State Relationships in Agriculture pp. 493-495

- O. B. Jesness
- Memory Errors as They Affect Survey Data pp. 495-497

- Oswald Brownlee
- Market-Sharing in the Packing Industry—A Correction pp. 497

- William Nicholls
- The Structure of the American Economy. Part I. Basic Characteristics, Gardiner C. Means and Staff, National Resources Committee. Washington, D. C. 1939. Pp. viii+396. $1.00 pp. 501-503

- J. K. Galbraith
- Government and Economic Life, Leverett S. Lyon, Myron W. Watkins and Victor Abramson. Washington, D. C., Brookings Institution, 1939. Pp. xvi+519. $3.00 pp. 503-505

- Warren C. Waite
- A Policy for British Agriculture, Lord Addison of Stallingborough. London, Victor Gollancz, Ltd., 1939. Pp. 304. 7s. 6d pp. 505-506

- J. S. Davis
- History of Prairie Settlement and "Dominion Lands" Policy, Arthur S. Morton and Chester Martin. Toronto, Macmillan Company. Pp. xviii+571. $4.50 pp. 506-508

- J. F. Booth
- Public Policy: A Yearbook of the Graduate School of Public Administration, Harvard University, 1940. Edited by Carl J. Friedrich and Edward P. Mason. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1940. $3.50 pp. 509-510

- Kenneth H. Parsons
- American Husbandry, Harry J. Carman, Editor, New York, Columbia University Press, 1939. Pp. xli+582. $5.00 pp. 510-511

- J. A. Hopkins
- Land Utilization in Australia, S. M. Wadham and G. L. Wood. Melbourne University Press, 1939. Pp. 360. 21 s pp. 511-513

- George S. Wehrwein
- Revolution in Land, Charles Abrams. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1939. Pp. 320. $3.00 pp. 513-514

- Joseph Ackerman
- Does Distribution Cost Too Much?, Paul W. Stewart and J. Frederic Dewhurst. New York, The Twentieth Century Fund, 1939. Pp. 403. $3.50 pp. 514-517

- Frederick V. Waugh
- Our Use of the Land, Ayers Brinser with Ward Shepard. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1939. Pp. xvi+303 pp. 514

- Howard S. Tyler
- The Consumers' Cooperative as a Distributive Agency, Orin E. Burley. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1939. Pp. 338, $3.00 pp. 517-518

- John M. Cassels
- Economics for Consumers, Leland J. Gordon. New York, American Book Company, 1939. Pp. x+638. $3.00 pp. 518-519

- Viola Wyckoff
- Changes in Farm Power and Equipment: Tractors, Trucks and Automobiles, Eugene G. McKibben and R. Austin Griffin. Works Progress Administration National Research Project Report No. A-9 and Changes in Farm Power and Equipment: Field Implements, Eugene G. McKibben, John A. Hopkins and R. Austin Griffin. Works Progress Administration National Research Project Report No. A-11 pp. 519-520

- Lynn Robertson
- Flue-cured Tobacco Farm Management, F. L. Underwood, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Bulletin 64, 1939. Pp. 313 pp. 520-521

- Albert A. Thornbrough
- The Sociology of Rural Life, T. Lynn Smith. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1940. Pp. xx+595. $3.50 pp. 521-522

- Robert A. Polson
- Five Years of Rural Relief, Waller Wynne, Jr. Washington: Works Progress Administration, Special Report, 1938. Pp. xiii+160 and Rural Families on Relief, Carle C. Zimmerman and Nathan L. Whetten. Washington: Works Progress Administration, Research Monograph XVII, 1938. Pp. xxiv+161 pp. 522-524

- Robert E. Rapp
- Some Rural Social Agencies in Missouri. C. E. Lively and R. B. Almack, Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bulletin 307, 1939 and The Rural Population Resources of Missouri. C. E. Lively and R. B. Almack, Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bulletin 306, 1939 pp. 524

- Lowry Nelson
- The Agricultural Industries, Deane W. Malott and Boyce F. Martin, New York. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1939. Pp. 483. $4.00 pp. 524-526

- R. H. Allen
- Cooperation to the Finnish, Henry H. Bakken. Madison, Wis. Mimir, 1939. Pp. 220. $2.50 pp. 526-527

- Harry C. Trelogan
Volume 22, issue 1, 1940
- Place of Farmers, Economists and Administrators in Developing Agricultural Policy pp. 1-9

- Chester C. Davis
- Problem of Poverty in Agriculture pp. 10-29

- M. L. Wilson
- Problem of Poverty in Agriculture: Discussion by J. I. Falconer pp. 29-31

- J. I. Falconer
- Problem of Poverty in Agriculture: Discussion by Dwight Sanderson pp. 31-33

- Dwight Sanderson
- Needed Points of Development and Reorientation in Land Economic Theory pp. 34-46

- L. C. Gray and Mark Regan
- Needed Points of Development and Reorientation in Land Economic Theory: Discussions by M. M. Kelso pp. 46-51

- M. M. Kelso
- Nature and Scope of Training for Men Contemplating Work in the Field of Agricultural Economics pp. 52-59

- C. L. Alsberg
- Needed Additions to the Theoretical Equipment of an Agricultural Economist pp. 60-66

- Theodore Schultz
- New Developments in Personnel Selection, Training and Advancement in the Federal Service pp. 67-77

- Roy F. Hendrickson
- Personnel Training and Recruitment in Agricultural Economics pp. 78-80

- W. E. Grimes
- Personnel Training and Recruitment in Agricultural Economics: Discussion by O. B. Jesness pp. 80-83

- O. B. Jesness
- Early History of Agricultural Economics pp. 84-97

- Henry C. Taylor
- Agriculture in the United States, 1839 and 1939 pp. 98-110

- Arthur G. Peterson
- Agriculture in the United States, 1839 and 1939: Discussion by H. C. M. Case pp. 111-118

- H. C. M. Case
- Agriculture in the United States, 1839 and 1939: Discussion by Stanley W. Warren pp. 118-123

- Stanley W. Warren
- Agriculture in the United States, 1839 and 1939: Discussion by G. W. Forster pp. 123-126

- G. W. Forster
- Agriculture in the United States, 1839 and 1939: Discussion by D. Curtis Mumford pp. 126-130

- D. Curtis Mumford
- Agriculture in the United States, 1839 and 1939: Discussion by R. S. Kifer pp. 130-137

- R. S. Kifer
- How Should Agriculture be Financed? pp. 138-147

- William G. Murray
- Use of the Normal Value Concept as a Stabilizing Influence in Agriculture pp. 148-154

- E. C. Young
- Use of the Normal Value Concept as a Stabilizing Influence in Agriculture: Discussion by F. F. Hill pp. 154-157

- F. F. Hill
- Use of the Normal Value Concept as a Stabilizing Influence in Agriculture: Discussion by Claude L. Benner pp. 158-161

- Claude L. Benner
- Changing Organization of Agricultural Markets pp. 162-172

- A. C. Hoffman
- Economic Significance of Changes in Market Organization pp. 173-185

- Harold B. Rowe
- Economic Significance of Changes in Market Organization: Discussion by T. G. Stitts pp. 185-187

- T. G. Stitts
- Cotton, Land, and People: A Statement of the Problem pp. 188-197

- I. W. Duggan
- How Can the Southern Population Find Gainful Employment? pp. 198-205

- Rupert B. Vance
- What Changes in National Policy does the South Need? pp. 206-212

- Calvin B. Hoover
- What Changes in National Policy does the South Need?: Discussion by Francis P. Miller pp. 212-214

- Francis P. Miller
- Allocation of Milk Supplies Among Contiguous Markets pp. 215-219

- D. O. Hammerberg
- Transportation and Country Assembly of Milk pp. 220-224

- R. G. Bressler
- Market-Sharing in the Packing Industry pp. 225-240

- William H. Nicholls
- State Laws Which Limit Competition in Agricultural Products pp. 241-248

- George R. Taylor
- Determining Input-Output Relationships in Milk Production pp. 249-258

- Einar Jensen
- Supervised Farming pp. 259-263

- E. A. Starch
- Unit Reorganization Program for the Southern Great Plains pp. 264-269

- Roy I. Kimmel
- When and under What Conditions Should a Mortgage on a Farm be Foreclosed? pp. 270-276

- L. J. Norton
- How can Delinquent Loans and Foreclosed Properties Best be Serviced and Handled? pp. 277-284

- J. M. Huston
- What Elements Enter into a Desirable Resale Policy? pp. 285-291

- E. C. Johnson
- County Planning Project—A Cooperative Approach to Agricultural Planning pp. 292-301

- Bushrod W. Allin
- County Planning Project—A Cooperative Approach to Agricultural Planning: Discussion by John D. Black pp. 301-305

- John D. Black
- County Planning Project—A Cooperative Approach to Agricultural Planning: Discussion by P. V. Kepner pp. 305-310

- P. V. Kepner
- County Planning Project—A Cooperative Approach to Agricultural Planning: Discussion by D. W. Watkins pp. 310-314

- D. W. Watkins
- County Planning Project—A Cooperative Approach to Agricultural Planning: Discussion by H. C. Ramsower pp. 314-316

- H. C. Ramsower
- Agricultural Surpluses and Nutritional Deficits: A Statement of the Problem and Some Factors Affecting Its Solution pp. 317-323

- O. V. Wells
- Programs for Using Agricultural Surpluses to Reduce Malnutrition and to Benefit Farmers pp. 324-334

- Frederick V. Waugh
- Programs for Using Agricultural Surpluses to Reduce Malnutrition and to Benefit Farmers: Discussion by Norman Leon Gold pp. 334-336

- Norman Leon Gold
- Programs for Using Agricultural Surpluses to Reduce Malnutrition and to Benefit Farmers: Discussion by Hazel K. Stiebeling pp. 337-339

- Hazel K. Stiebeling
- Programs for Using Agricultural Surpluses to Reduce Malnutrition and to Benefit Farmers: Discussion by George J. Stigler pp. 339-340

- George Stigler
- New Developments in Agricultural Sampling pp. 341-349

- Arnold J. King and Glenn D. Simpson
- Agricultural Census of 1940 pp. 350-358

- Warder B. Jenkins
- Characteristics of U. S. Poultry Statistics pp. 359-366

- E. Smith Kimball
- Characteristics of U. S. Poultry Statistics: Discussion by Joseph A. Becker pp. 366-368

- Joseph A. Becker
- War Adjustments for American Agriculture pp. 369-378

- Asher Hobson
- Agriculture in Modern Life, by O. E. Baker, Ralph Borsodi, and M. L. Wilson. New York. Harper & Brothers, 1939, 303 pp. $3.50 pp. 393-396

- B. H. Hibbard
- Factories in the Field, the Story of Migratory Farm Labor in California, Carey McWilliams, Boston, Little Brown and Company, 1939, pp. 334, $2.50 pp. 396-399

- Karl Brandt
- Farming Hazards in the Drought Area, by R. S. Kifer and H. L. Stewart, Washington, D. C.; Works Progress Administration, Division of Social Research, Research Monograph XVI, 1938. Pp. xxviii+219 pp. 400-401

- R. J. Doll
- Changes in Technology and Labor Requirements in Crop Production: Corn, by Loring K. Macy, Lloyd E. Arnold, and Eugene G. McKibben. Report No. A-5, XVIII, 181 pages pp. 401-404

- Albert A. Thornbrough
- Changes in Technology and Labor Requirements in Crop Production: Cotton, by William C. Holley, and Lloyd E. Arnold. Philadelphia Works Progress Administration, National Research Project, Report No. A-7, 1998, XVI, 132 pages pp. 402-404

- Albert A. Thornbrough
- Changes in Technology and Labor Requirements in Crop Production: Wheat and Oats, by Robert B. Elwood, Lloyd E. Arnold, D. Clarence Schmutz, and Eugene G. McKibben. Philadelphia, Works Progress Administration, National Research Project, Report A-10, 1939, XV, 182 pages pp. 402-404a

- Albert A. Thornbrough
- Migratory Cotton Pickers in Arizona, by Malcolm Brown and Orin Cassmore, Urban Surveys Section, Works Progress Administration, Division of Research, Washington, D. C., 1939. Pp. xxii + 104 pp. 404-406

- Joe R. Motheral
- Arizona's Farm Laborers, by E. D. Tetreau, Arizona Bulletin No. 163, 1939, Pp. 40 pp. 404-406b

- Joe R. Motheral
- Hired Labor Requirements on Arizona Irrigated Farms, by E. D. Tetreau, Arizona Bulletin No. 160, 1938, Pp. 31 pp. 404-406a

- Joe R. Motheral
- Basic Factors and Trends of Development in Agricultural Production of the Netherlands East Indies—Grundlagen und Entwicklungsrichtung der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugung in Niederlandisch-Indien. W. K. G. Gretzer. "Berichte über Landwirtschaft." Neue Folge, 146. 18.40. R.M pp. 406-408

- K. Mengelberg
- Max Sering pp. 409

- Benjamin H. Hibbard, H. C. M. Case, William I. Myers and Henry C. Taylor
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