American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 30, issue 4, 1948
- Current Proposals for the Organization of Conservation and Land-Use Programs in Agriculture, the United States pp. 619-644

- Charles M. Hardin
- The Economics of Rotations with Farm and Production Policy Applications pp. 645-664

- Earl O. Heady
- Objectives and Methods of Government Pricing of Farm Products pp. 665-679

- W. M. Drummond
- Appraisal of the Economic Classification of Farms pp. 680-702

- K. L. Bachman, J. C. Ellickson, W. D. Goodsell and Ray Hurley
- Provision for Nutrition in the Formulation of Agricultural Programs pp. 703-712

- John D. Black
- The Effect of Size of Herd on Milk Production Costs pp. 713-723

- Walter W. Wilcox and Emil Rauchenstein
- Allocation of Agricultural Income pp. 724-749

- D. Johnson
- Some Problems in Deflating Farmers' Debt Paying Performances pp. 750-755

- W. K. Burkett
- A Method of Predicting Numbers of Hens and Pullets on Indiana Farms January 1 pp. 756-761

- Hugh A. Johnson and Don Paarlberg
- Economic Information in Farm Journals pp. 761-764

- O. Ulrey
- Productivity of Agricultural Workers by Size of Enterprise and by Regions pp. 764-770

- Jacob Oser
- An Educational Program in Agricultural Law pp. 770-776

- H. W. Hannah
- Measuring the Economic Productivity of Land pp. 777-783

- W. H. Pine
- Soil Conservation—An International Study, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Washington, D. C., 1948 pp. 784-786

- Alvin T. M. Lee
- Soil and Steel P. Alston Waring and Clinton S. Golden. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1947. Pp. viii, 240. $3.00 pp. 787-789

- Lowry Nelson
- Farming and Democracy, A. Witney Griswold. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1948. Pp. ix, 227. $3.00 pp. 789-791

- Clifford M. Hardin
- The Agrarian Revolt in Western Canada, Paul F. Sharp. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press, 1948. Pp. ix, 204. $3.00 pp. 791-794

- Sol Sinclair
- The Bright Tobacco Industry, 1860–1929, Nannie May Tilley. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1948. Pp xiv, 754. $8.00 pp. 794-796

- Dana G. Card
- Agricultural Economics of Bengal, Part 1, Parimalkumar Ray, Calcutta: The University of Calcutta, 1947. Pp. xxii. 235. Rs. 8 or 12s pp. 797-799

- Austin A. Dowell
- Economics, an Introductory Analysis, Paul A. Samuelson. (New York: McGraw-Hill Company, 1948.) Pp. xx, 622. $4.50 pp. 799-802

- Arnold Brekke
- Adam Smith Today: The Wealth of Nations, Simplified, Shortened, and Modernized, Arthur Hugh Jenkins. New York: Richard R. Smith, 1948. Pp. 480. $5.00 pp. 802-803

- K. E. Boulding
Volume 30, issue 3, 1948
- Excise Taxes and Economic Stability pp. 399-410

- Frederick V. Waugh
- The Efficiency and Stability of American Agriculture pp. 411-421

- Walter W. Wilcox
- Iranian Agriculture—Present and Prospective pp. 422-442

- A. G. Black
- Production Costs as Criteria of Resource Allocation and Policy pp. 443-466

- Ronald Jones
- Charecteristics of the Marginal Cost Curve pp. 467-499

- W. E. Paulson
- A New System of Farm Accounting pp. 500-517

- A. L. Jolly
- Impact of the War on United States Flour Consumption pp. 518-536

- William O. Jones
- Agriculture and History pp. 537-544

- Rodney C. Loehr
- The Objectives and Methods of Agricultural Economics pp. 545-552

- Bushrod W. Allin
- Discussion: Agricultural Economics and History pp. 553-555

- Wilbur H. Glover
- The Objectives and Methods of Agricultural Economics: Discussion pp. 555-557

- Theodore Saloutos
- Estimating Cash Consideration in Real Estate Transfers from Internal Revenue Stamps pp. 558-561

- Norman Nybroten
- Can Sufficient Private Credit be Obtained for FHA Insured Farm Real Estate Loans? pp. 561-566

- Clyde E. Stewart
- Relation of Feed, Labor, and Other Costs to Butterfat Test pp. 566-573

- L. F. Miller and Homer J. Preston
- Inverse Carrying Charges in Futures Markets pp. 574-575

- Roland S. Vaile
- Problem Research pp. 576-578

- V. Webster Johnson
- Relationship of Land Values to Warranted Values, 1910–48 pp. 579-588

- Harald C. Larsen
- Pricing of Production Credit to Farmers pp. 588-591

- Norris T. Pritchard
- Farm Accounting and Management, Ford Sturrock. London: Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, 1947. Pp. xii, 211. 16 shillings pp. 592-593

- S. A. Engene
- A Critical Review of Research in Land Economics, Leonard A. Salter, Jr. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1948. Pp. 253. $4.00 pp. 593-596

- R. R. Renne
- The American Individual Enterprise System: Its Nature, Evolution and Future, Vols. I and II. By the Economic Principles Commission of the National Association of Manufacturers. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1946. Pp. xiii, 1119. $10.00 pp. 596-599

- O. H. Brownlee
- Open Markets, Vernon A. Mund. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948. Pp. xi, 264. $3.00 pp. 599-602

- Adlowe L. Larson
- America's Sheep Trails: History, Personalities, Edward N. Wentworth. Ames: The Iowa State College Press, 1948. Pp. xxii, 667. $7.00 pp. 602-603

- W. H. Glover
- Land Economics, Ronald R. Renne. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1947, Pp. xiv, 736. $5.00 pp. 604-606

- Raymond J. Penn
Volume 30, issue 2, 1948
- Elementary Models in Farm Production Economics Research pp. 201-225

- Earl O. Heady
- American Sugar Policy—1948 Version pp. 226-242

- William C. Pendleton
- Farm Planning as a Basis for Extending Agricultural Credit pp. 243-258

- Ayers Brinser and Richard G. Wheeler
- The Heart of China's Problem, the Land Tenure System pp. 259-270

- Shu-Ching Lee
- Data Needs for Agricultural Research and Marketing pp. 271-281

- R. L. Gillett and M. C. Bond
- Agricultural Data Needs in Extension Work pp. 282-291

- C. D. Caparoon and E. A. Jorgensen
- The Use of Agricultural Statistics in Schools pp. 292-301

- Walter H. Ebling and Louis M. Sasman
- The Use of Agricultural Statistics in Schools: Discussion pp. 301-303

- Samuel J. Gilbert
- The Plight of the Collective Farms pp. 304-321

- Naum Jasny
- Notes pp. 322-331

- Vilhelm Irgens Pettersson
- Modifying the Federal Income Tax to Promote Greater Stability of Farm Income pp. 331-339

- E. Lloyd Barber
- Using Agricultural Census Data in a Study of the Chicken Enterprise in Central Indiana pp. 339-350

- Berryman R. Hurt
- Developing a Technique for Determining Types of Farming pp. 350-357

- Frank P. King
- A Device for Analyzing YieldsShort Cut to Yield-Curve Problems pp. 357-364

- S. W. Mendum
- Comment on "How Efficient is American Agriculture?" pp. 364-368

- Karl S. Landstrom
- Trends in Output and Employment, George J. Stigler, New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1947. Pp. ix, 67. $1.00 pp. 369-370

- J. P. Cavin
- Agricultural Market Control under Federal Statutes, George L. Mehren, Berkeley: California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1947. Pp. 48 Mimeo pp. 370-372

- E. W. Gaumnitz
- Agricultural Price Policy, Geoffrey S. Shepherd, Ames. The Iowa State College Press, 1947. Pp. vii, 440. $4.50 pp. 372-374

- Harlow W. Halvorson
- Family Farm Policy, edited by Joseph Ackerman and Marshall Harris, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1947. Pp. xxii, 518. $4.00 pp. 374-377

- C. V. Plath
- Financial Needs of the Devastated Countries—Interim Report. Occasional Paper No. 1 Department of Economic Affairs, United Nations, Lake Success, New York, 1947. Pp. 50 $0.50 pp. 377-378

- Earl L. Butz
- Survey of Current Inflationary and Deflationary Tendencies. Paper No. 2, Department of Economic Affairs, United Nations, Lake Success, New York, 1947. Pp. 86. $0.50 pp. 378-379

- Earl L. Butz
- The Structure of Transcontinental Railroad Rates. Stuart Daggett and John P. Carter, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1947. Pp. VIII, 165 pp. 379-381

- George L. Mehren
- Gloucestershire: A Physical, Social and Economic Survey and Plan, Gordon E. Payne, Gloucestershire: County Council and Joint Planning Committees, 1947. Pp. 320, 47 maps. $5. 50 pp. 381-385

- Robert W. Harrison
- Postwar Problems of Migration. New York: Milbank Memorial Fund. 1947. Pp. 173. $1.00 pp. 385-386

- Lowry Nelson
Volume 30, issue 1, 1948
- Theory of the Inverse Carrying Charge in Futures Markets pp. 1-28

- Holbrook Working
- Some Economic Aspects of Agricultural Control pp. 29-42

- George L. Mehren
- Reorientation of Agricultural Marketing and Price Research pp. 43-54

- William H. Nicholls
- Marketing Research and Welfare Economics pp. 55-68

- O. H. Brownlee
- The Unrra Experience in Relation to Developments in Food and Agriculture pp. 69-77

- David L. MacFarlane
- Farm Ownership in the United States: An Appraisal of the Present Situation and Emerging Problems pp. 78-100

- John F. Timmons
- The Role of Econometric Models in Economic Research pp. 101-116

- Gershon Cooper
- The Use of Econometric Models in the Study of Agricultural Policy pp. 117-130

- D. Johnson
- The Use of Econometric Models in Agricultural Micro-Economic Studies pp. 131-139

- George M. Kuznets
- The Use of Econometric Models in Agricultural Micro-Economic Studies: Discussion pp. 139-141

- J. P. Cavin
- A Farm Income Stabilization Program Could Be Self-Financing pp. 142-150

- Geoffrey Shepherd
- District Court Upholds Constitutionality of Maryland Forest Conservation Law pp. 150-156

- Alvin T. M. Lee
- The Industrial Alternative for Farmers pp. 156-161

- Sidney Schmukler
- Low-Cost Adequate Diets pp. 161-167

- Esther F. Phipard and Margaret G. Reid
- Forward Prices for Agriculture, D. Gale Johnson. University of Chicago Press, 1947. Pp. xi, 253. $3.00 pp. 169-173

- George L. Mehren
- Farm Management, J. D. Black, M. Clawson, C. R. Sayre, and W. W. Wilcox. The Macmillan Company, 1947. Pp. xii, 1073. $5.50 pp. 173-175

- Frank T. Hady
- A Second Review pp. 175-176

- S. W. Warren
- America's Needs and Resources, by J. Frederick Dewhurst and Associates. The Twentieth Century Fund. 1947. Pp. xii, 812 pp. 176-178

- L. Jay Atkinson
- Marketing, an Institutional Approach, Edward A. Duddy and David A. Revzan, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1947. Pp. 661. $4.50 pp. 178-181

- G. B. Wood
- History of Agriculture in Ontario 1613–1880. R. L. Jones, Toronto, The University of Toronto Press, 1946. Pp. xvi, 420. $4.25 pp. 181-183

- G. L. Burton
- Modern Farm Management: Principles and Practices. Andrew Boss and George A. Pond. St. Paul: Itasca Press, The Webb Publishing Company, 1947. Pp. xi, 494. $5.00 pp. 183-186

- J. A. Hodges
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