American Journal of Agricultural Economics
1919 - 2019
Continued by American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Current editor(s): Madhu Khanna, Brian E. Roe, James Vercammen and JunJie Wu From Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 35, issue 5, 1953
- Agricultural Problems as Seen by an Administrator pp. 659-667

- True D. Morse
- A Survey of Contemporary Agricultural Economics pp. 668-679

- O. V. Wells
- Discussion—Farm Management pp. 679-682

- Max Myers
- Discussion—Land Economics pp. 682-686

- Raleigh Barlowe
- Discussion—Marketing pp. 686-691

- Robert L. Clodius
- Recent Developments in Methodology pp. 692-706

- Frederick V. Waugh
- The Economic Development of Our Western Interior pp. 707-713

- Theodore Schultz
- Theoretical Framework for the Economic Analysis of Government Assistance to Resource Development: Discussion pp. 713-715

- S. V. Ciriacy-Wantrup
- Theoretical Framework for the Economic Analysis of Government Assistance to Resource Development: Discussion pp. 715-718

- Ernest A. Engelbert
- Public Water Policy for the West pp. 719-727

- Roy E. Huffman
- Economic Factors in Western Range Improvement pp. 728-741

- M. L. Upchurch
- Economic Factors in Western Range Improvement: Discussion pp. 741-743

- Karl S. Landstrom
- Long Range Production Prospects and Problems pp. 744-753

- Carl P. Heisig
- Long Range Domestic Demand Prospects for Food and Fiber pp. 754-765

- Harlow W. Halvorson
- Long Range Prospects for American Agriculture: International Trade pp. 766-783

- Karl Brandt
- The Effectiveness of Free Market Prices in Allocating Resources Within Agriculture pp. 784-794

- E. J. Working
- Free Market Prices and Resource Allocation: Discussion pp. 794-796

- Willard Cochrane
- Free Market Prices and Resource Allocation: Discussion pp. 796-799

- Rainer Schickele
- The Feasibility of Price Supports for Ferishable Farm Products pp. 800-810

- Geoffrey Shepherd
- Price Supports and the Effectiveness of Hedging pp. 811-818

- Holbrook Working
- Farm Price Supports: Discussion pp. 818-820

- John G. McNeely
- Farm Price Supports: Discussion pp. 820-822

- Jerry Foytik
- Some Applications of Activity Analysis in Agricultural Economics pp. 823-833

- Richard A. King
- An Application of the Use of Economic Models to the Dairy Industry pp. 834-849

- Anthony S. Rojko
- Use of Economic Models: Discussion pp. 849-851

- J. D. Shaffer
- Use of Economic Models: Discussion pp. 852-854

- D. A. Clarke
- Planning Within Agricultural Estimates for a Workable Modernization Program pp. 855-864

- S. R. Newell
- How the Office of Statistical Standards Can Help Develop a Program pp. 865-872

- Peyton Stapp
- A Discussion from the Viewpoint of a State Agricultural Statistician pp. 872-875

- Roy A. Bodin
- Blueprinting a Program for Improving Crop and Livestock Estimates: Discussion pp. 876-877

- Lyle D. Calvin
- Measurement of Market Demand with Particular Reference to Consumer Demand for Food pp. 878-895

- G. M. Kuznets
- Critical Review of Demand Studies: Discussion pp. 895-897

- E. L. Baum
- An Appraisal of Foreign Agricultural Technical Assistance Programs pp. 898-911

- Mervin G. Smith
- Foreign Agriculture Technical Assistance Programs: Discussion pp. 911-913

- Kenneth H. Parsons
- Foreign Agriculture Technical Assistance Programs: Discussion pp. 913-915

- Harold F. Hollands
- Controlled Experiments in Retail Merchandising pp. 916-923

- Max E. Brunk
- Economic-Engineering Methods in Marketing Research pp. 924-930

- L. L. Sammet and B. C. French
- Estimation and Use of Cost Functions in Iowa Creameries pp. 931-937

- Henry A. Homme
- Use of Production Functions in Farm Management Research pp. 938-951

- Donald B. Ibach
- Research into Management Problems of Corporate Farming pp. 953-961

- B. D. Crossmon
- Research into Obstacles to Recommended Land Use Practices pp. 962-966

- John C. Frey
- Research into Equity Considerations in Tenure and Credit pp. 967-975

- Baldur H. Kristjanson
- Report of the American Farm Economic Association Commettee on Farm Employment Estimates pp. 976-987

- Varden Fuller, Roy Gillettt, Earl Heady, Paul Homeyer and D. Johnson
- Farm Employment Estimates: Discussion pp. 988

- Walter A. Hendricks
- The Challenge of Agricultural Economics to Extension Work pp. 989-992

- R. B. Tootell
- Developing Educational Work in Agricultural Policy pp. 993-999

- G. Alvin Carpenter
- Taking Farm Management to Farmers pp. 1000-1007

- James Nielson
- The Demand for Farm Products: An Appraisal of the Applicability of Single Equation Methods to Statistical Demand Analysis for Agricultural Commodities pp. 1008-1009

- Karl A. Fox
- An Economic Analysis of the Impact of the Price Support Program Upon the Development of the Potato Industry in the United States pp. 1010-1013

- Roger W. Gray
- Systems of Farming Adapted to Highly-Productive Level Land in Illinois pp. 1014-1019

- W. N. Thompson
Volume 35, issue 4, 1953
- Linear Programming Applied to Feed-Mixing under Different Price Conditions pp. 471-483

- Walter D. Fisher and Leonard W. Schruben
- Economics in Agricultural College Curricula pp. 484-495

- John D. Black
- Agricultural Policy and Farmers' Freedom: A Suggested Framework pp. 496-510

- Dale E. Hathaway
- Agricultural Integration in Europe pp. 511-518

- J. H. Richter
- Alternative Functions for Analyzing a Fertilizer-Yield Relationship pp. 519-529

- Paul R. Johnson
- Minimizing Grain Storage Costs pp. 530-543

- George Tolley
- Hedging Reconsidered pp. 544-561

- Holbrook Working
- Forage-Grain Substitution: Its Importance in the Economics of Milk Production pp. 562-571

- Emil Rauchenstein
- Proper Planning Reduces Research Errors pp. 572-581

- R. L. Anderson
- Agricultural Problems of the Middle East pp. 582-594

- L. D. Schweng
- Some Recommendations for Standardizing Farm Management Terminology pp. 595-598

- Farm Records Sub-Committee, G. A. Pond, C. W. Crickman, J. A. Hodges, L. R. Kyle, P. E. McNall and A. G. Mueller
- The Evitability of Technological AdvanceA Rejoinder to the Cochrane-Lampe Article, "The Nature of the Race between Food Supplies and Demand in the U.S., 1951–75" pp. 599-605

- Harry C. Trelogan and Neil W. Johnson
- A Rejoinder pp. 605-606

- Willard Cochrane and Harlan C. Lampe
- A Demand Curve for Commercial Dairy Feed in Northeastern Pennsylvania pp. 606-610

- Wendell McMillan
- Price Support Semantics pp. 611-613

- Roger W. Gray
- A Four-Equation Model of the Feed-Livestock Economy and Its Endogenous Mechanism—A Correction pp. 613-615

- Richard J. Foote
- The Use of Long-Run Price Forecasts in Farm Planning pp. 615-622

- James Nielson
- Horticultural Specialties: A Neglected Segment of U. S. Agriculture pp. 622-628

- M. Truman Fossum
- Profit Maximization and Measures of Farm Success pp. 628-633

- Earl R. Swanson
- Farm Management Analysis, Lawrence A. Bradford and Glenn L. Johnson, John Wiley and Sons, 1952, Pp. xi-437. $5.75 pp. 635-637

- John A. Hopkin
- Farm Policies of the United States, 1790–1950: A Study of Their Origins and Development, Murray R. Benedict, New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1953. pp. 548. $5.00 pp. 637-638

- Walter W. Wilcox
- Time and Motion on the Farm, Brian Branston, London: Faber and Faber, Ltd., 1953. Pp. 123. 15 shillings pp. 638-640

- Harry C. Woodworth
- Research in the Economics of Forestry, William A. Duerr and Henry J. Vaux, Editors, Washington, D.C.: The Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry Foundation, 1952. Pp. xi–475. $6.00 pp. 640-642

- R. G. Wheeler
- The Land System in Palestine, History and Structure, A. Granott, London: Eyre and Spottiswoode (British Book Centre, 122 E. 55th Street, New York) 1952. Pp. xi, 359. $4.50 pp. 640

- E. Howard Moore
- Valley of Tomorrow—The TVA and Agriculture, Norman I. Wengert, Knoxville, Tenn.: Bureau of Public Administration, Univ. of Tenn., Record Extension Series, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, July 1952. Pp. xv, 151 pp. 642-643

- Ernest Feder
- The Decline of Agrarian Democracy, Grant McConnell. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1953. Pp. 219, $3.75 pp. 644-646

- W. Robert Parks
- Law and the Farmer, Jacob H. Beuscher, New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc., 1953. Pp. 406, $4.95 pp. 646

- J. B. Kohlmeyer
- Professor A. W. Ashby, C.B.E pp. 656-657

- J.R.B. and K.T.W.
- Harry C. Woodworth pp. 656

- J.R.B.
Volume 35, issue 3, 1953
- Freedom and Security as Policy Objectives pp. 317-322

- Erven J. Long
- Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Price Forecasts pp. 323-340

- Karl A. Fox
- An Experiment to Derive Productivity and Substitution Coefficients in Pork Output pp. 341-354

- Earl O. Heady, Roger C. Woodworth, Damon Catron and Gordon C. Ashton
- An Empirical Study of Price Expectations and Production Plans pp. 355-370

- Willard F. Williams
- The Process of Integration and Agricultural Problems pp. 371-380

- Stephen L. McDonald
- The "Labor Vacuum" and Cotton Mechanization pp. 381-397

- James H. Street
- Hedging—How Effective Is It? pp. 398-413

- Truman F. Graf
- Determining the Optimum Annual Rate of Laying Flock Replacement pp. 414-423

- W. B. Back and M. H. Becker
- Program Analysis in Water and Land Management Agencies pp. 423-427

- Charles Tiplitz
- The Theory of the Kinked Output Path Response pp. 427-436

- Robert L. Clodius
- Rural Industries and Agricultural Development pp. 436-438

- John M. Kuhlman
- Economic Organization of Agriculture, Theodore W. Schultz, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc. 1953, Pp. xx, 374. $5.50 pp. 441-443

- Karl Brandt
- Economies of Agricultural Production and Resource Use, Earl O. Heady, New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1952. Pp. viii, 850. $9.75 pp. 444-445

- David L. MacFarlane
- Introduction to Economies for Agriculture, John Donald Black, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953. Pp. xv, 727. $6.00 pp. 446-447

- Rainer Schickele
- Resource Conservation: Economics and Policies, S. V. Ciriacy-Wantrup. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1952. Price $6.50 pp. 447-450

- John W. Hicks
- The Canadian Grain Trade 1931–1951, D. A. MacGibbon, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1952. Pp. 227 pp. 450-452

- R. B. How
- Planning One Town, John D. Black and Ayers Brinser, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1952. Pp. 75 pp. 452-453

- Raymond J. Penn and Larry Kristjanson
- Preliminary Report on the World Social Situation, United Nations. 1952. IV. 11 (September 8, 1952). New York: Columbia University Press Pp. v, 180. $1.75. (U.N. Document No.: E/CN.5/267/Rev. 1) pp. 453-455

- Ernest Feder
- Land and People in the Philippines, J. E. Spencer, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1952. Pp. 282. $4.50 pp. 455-457

- Roland R. Renne
- The Harvest Labor Market in California, Lloyd H. Fisher, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953. Pp. xi, 183. $4.50 pp. 457-459

- John W. Mamer
- The Impact of Fluctuations in National Income on Agricultural Wages and Employment, Howard L. Parsons, and The Organizability of Farm Labor in the United States, Alexander Morin, Harvard Studies in Labor in Agriculture, Nos. 1-HL and 2-HL, Cambridge, Mass., June 1952, pp. 58 and 102 pp. 459-460

- Louis J. Ducoff
- Crete: A Case Study of an Underdeveloped Area, Leland G. Allbaugh, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1953. Pp. xx, 572. $7.50 pp. 461-462

- Lawrence Witt
- Harold Hedges pp. 463

- J. K. S. and J. G. K.
Volume 35, issue 2, 1953
- What Should Go into the Parity Price Formula? pp. 159-172

- Geoffrey Shepherd
- Land Reform and Economic Development pp. 173-187

- Raleigh Barlowe
- China's Road to Collectivization pp. 188-202

- A. Doak Barnett
- The Nature of the Race between Food Supplies and Demand in the United States, 1951–75 pp. 203-222

- Willard Cochrane and Harlan C. Lampe
- Some Economic Implications of Input-Output Relationships in Fryer Production pp. 223-235

- E. L. Baum and H. G. Walkup
- Prices as Indicative of Competition Among Retail Food Stores pp. 236-248

- Kenneth D. Naden and George A. Jackson
- Fifty Years of Farm Records in Minnesota pp. 249-259

- George A. Pond
- Fuller Usage of Punch-Card Equipment in Social Science Research through Improving Techniques pp. 260-268

- W. E. Paulson and Robert L. Smith
- Mighell on Methodology pp. 269-276

- Earl O. Heady and Russell O. Olson
- A Further Note on the Equal-Product Function pp. 276-280

- Ronald L. Mighell
- Professor Schultz Discovers the Weather pp. 280-283

- Willard Cochrane
- Farm Variability Within Block Samples pp. 283-285

- Margaret Marsh and Howard E. Conklin
- Determining Consumer Preferences by Photographs pp. 286-291

- A. S. Goldman and R. L. Baker
- A Criteria for Public Land Ownership pp. 291-295

- Carl F. Brown
- The Story of Agricultural Economics in the United States, 1840–1932, Henry C. and Anne Dewees Taylor, Ames, Iowa: The Iowa State College Press, 1952. Pp. xv, 1121. $10.00 pp. 297-298

- O. B. Jesness
- Agricultural Policy of the United States, Harold G. Halcrow, New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1953. Pp. xiv, 458. $5.50 pp. 298-300

- O. B. Jesness
- Soil Conservation Districts in Action, W. Robert Parks, The Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa. 1952. P. 242 pp. 300-302

- Charles M. Hardin
- Reporting Agriculture, by William B. Ward, professor of agricultural journalism and head of the Department of Extension Teaching and Information, Cornell University. Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1952. Pp. xi, 362 pp. 302

- Francis A. Kutish
- Business Aspects of Commercial Poultry Farming, L. B. Darrah. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1952. Pp. xv, 204. $4.00 pp. 302-303

- Edward Karpoff
- Claude O. Brannen 1884–1953 pp. 315

- J. A. B. and C. B. G.
Volume 35, issue 1, 1953
- A Theoretical Scaffolding for Considering Governmental Pricing Policies in Agriculture pp. 1-14

- Willard Cochrane
- Temperature Insurance—An Alternative to Frost Insurance in Citrus pp. 15-28

- Ivan M. Lee
- What is the Place of the Equal-Product Function? pp. 29-43

- Ronald L. Mighell
- A Four-Equation Model of the Feed-Livestock Economy and Its Endogenous Mechanism pp. 44-61

- Richard J. Foote
- Relative Costs and Benefits of Land Reclamation in the Humid Southeast and the Semiarid West pp. 62-73

- Rudolph Ulrich
- Economic Nature of the Cooperative Association pp. 74-87

- Richard Phillips
- The Socialization Process in Czechoslovak Agriculture pp. 88-98

- Frank Meissner
- Short-Run Effects of Income Change on Expenditure pp. 99-109

- George K. Brinegar
- Economic Effects of Flexible Land Credit Arrangements pp. 110-121

- Virgil L. Hurlburt
- A Brief Note on Schools of Thought pp. 122

- Harold G. Halcrow and George K. Brinegar
- Production Functions Derived from Farm Records—A Correction pp. 123

- Gerhard Tintner and O. H. Brownlee
- The Price Elasticity of Demand for Fluid Skim Milk pp. 124-129

- Donald J. Baker and Charles H. Berry
- Consolidation of the Dairy Industry in Wisconsin pp. 129-135

- L. John Kutish
- Consumer Choice and Research in Standards for Consumer Grades pp. 135-139

- Norman Nybroten
- Agricultural Prices, New Second Edition, F. L. Thomsen and R. J. Foote: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1952. Pp. xi, 509, $6.50 pp. 142-143

- Don Paarlberg
- Agricultural Price and Income Policy, Geoffrey S. Shepherd. Ames: The Iowa State College Press, Third Edition, 1952. Pp. x, 288 pp. 143-145

- G. E. Brandow
- Beet Sugar Economics, R. H. Cottrell, Editor, Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers Ltd. 1952. Pp. xi, 379. $5.00 pp. 145-146

- R. T. Burdick
- Farming and Democracy, A. Whitney Griswold. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1952. Pp. ix, 227. $3.00 pp. 146-148

- Joe R. Motheral
- City Milk Distribution, R. G. Bressler, Jr., Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1952. $6.00 pp. 148-150

- D. Johnson
- Agricultural Cooperatives in Czechoslovakia, Ladislav Feierabend, New York: Mid-European Studies Center, 110 West 75 Street, New York, 1952, pp. 125. $1.00 and Agricultural Conditions in Czechoslovakia, 1950. William Horbaly, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1951, pp. 103. $3.00 pp. 150-152

- Frank Meissner
- Lewis Cecil Gray 1881–1952 pp. 157

- E. H. W. and H. C. T.
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