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IMF Working Papers

From International Monetary Fund
International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC USA.
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2004/038: The Political Economy of Conditional and Unconditional Foreign Assistance: Grants vs. Loan Rollovers Downloads
Wolfgang Mayer and Alex Mourmouras
2004/037: Competitiveness in Bulgaria: An Assessment of the Real Effective Exchange Rate Downloads
Piritta Sorsa and Dimitar Chobanov
2004/036: China: International Trade and WTO Accession Downloads
Nicolas Blancher and Thomas Rumbaugh
2004/035: Liberalized Markets Have More Stable Exchange Rates: Short-Run Evidence From Four Transition Countries Downloads
Ales Bulir
2004/034: The Determinants of International Portfolio Holdings and Home Bias Downloads
Shujing Li, Hamid Faruqee and Isabel Yan
2004/033: An Option-Based Approach to Bank Vulnerabilities in Emerging Markets Downloads
Arnaud Jobert, Janet Kong and Jorge Chan-Lau
2004/032: The Decentralization Dilemma in India Downloads
Catriona Purfield
2004/031: Imperfect Capital Mobility in an Open Economy Model of Capital Accumulation Downloads
Vladimir Klyuev
2004/030: Fiscal Sustainability in Heavily Indebted Countries Dependenton Nonrenewable Resources: The Case of Gabon Downloads
Joseph Ntamatungiro
2004/029: Inflation Dynamics in the Dominican Republic Downloads
Oral Williams and Olumuyiwa Adedeji
2004/028: Trade Liberalization and Firm Productivity: The Case of India Downloads
Petia Topalova
2004/027: Equity Prices, Credit Default Swaps, and Bond Spreads in Emerging Markets Downloads
Jorge Chan-Lau and Yoon Sook Kim
2004/026: How Much Do Trading Partners Matter for Economic Growth? Downloads
Vivek Arora and Athanasios Vamvakidis
2004/025: Rational Speculation, Financial Crises, and Optimal Policy Responses Downloads
Jay Surti
2004/024: Monetary Magic? How the Fed Improved the Flexibility of the U.S. Economy Downloads
Tamim Bayoumi and Silvia Sgherri
2004/023: Trade Patterns Among Industrial Countries: Their Relationship to Technology Differences and Capital Mobility Downloads
Mika Saito
2004/022: Armington Elasticities in Intermediate Inputs Trade: A Problem in Using Multilateral Trade Data Downloads
Mika Saito
2004/021: Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Rules in an Open Economy Downloads
Eric Parrado
2004/020: Does Spousal Labor Smooth Fluctuations in Husbands’ Earnings? The Role of Liquidity Constraints Downloads
Mercedes Garcia-Escribano
2004/019: Six Puzzles in Electronic Money and Banking Downloads
Saleh Nsouli and Connel Fullenkamp
2004/018: China: Sources of Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations Downloads
Tao Wang
2004/017: Interest Rate Volatility and Risk in Indian Banking Downloads
International Monetary Fund
2004/016: Foreign Exchange Market Volatility in Eu Accession Countries in the Run-Up to Euro Adoption: Weathering Uncharted Waters Downloads
Istvan P Szekely and Ádám Kóbor
2004/015: What Are the Channels Through Which External Debt Affects Growth? Downloads
Hélène Poirson, Luca Ricci and Catherine Pattillo
2004/014: Exchange Rate Pass-Through in the Euro Area: The Role of Asymmetric Pricing Behavior Downloads
Hamid Faruqee
2004/013: How Private Creditors Fared in Emerging Debt Markets, 1970-2000 Downloads
Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Beatrice Weder and Christoph Klingen
2004/012: The Late 1990's Financial Crisis in Ecuador: Institutional Weaknesses, Fiscal Rigidities, and Financial Dollarization At Work Downloads
Luis Jácome
2004/011: Banking Competition, Risk, and Regulation Downloads
Alexander Tieman and Wilko Bolt
2004/010: Singapore's Unique Monetary Policy: How Does it Work? Downloads
Eric Parrado
2004/009: Timing of International Bailouts Downloads
Se-Jik Kim
2004/008: Fiscal Surveillance in a Petro Zone: The Case of the CEMAC Downloads
Johannes Wiegand
2004/007: Fiscal Sustainability: The Case of Eritrea Downloads
Ayumu Yamauchi
2004/006: A Puzzle of Microstructure Market Maker Models Downloads
Rafael Romeu
2004/005: International Dividend Repatriations Downloads
Alexander Lehmann and Ashoka Mody
2004/004: Foreign Exchange Market Organization in Selected Developing and Transition Economies: Evidence from a Survey Downloads
Jorge Canales Kriljenko
2004/003: Do Macroeconomic Effects of Capital Controls Vary by their Type? Evidence From Malaysia Downloads
Natalia Tamirisa
2004/002: Exchange Rates in Central Europe: A Blessing or a Curse? Downloads
Louis Kuijs and Alain Borghijs
2004/001: The Gains From International Monetary Cooperation Revisited Downloads
Ivan Tchakarov
2003/252: Sources of Nominal Exchange Rate Fluctuations in South Africa Downloads
Jan Gottschalk and Ashok Bhundia
2003/251: Characterizing Global Investors' Risk Appetite for Emerging Market Debt During Financial Crises Downloads
Brenda Gonzalez-Hermosillo, Vance Martin, Mardi Dungey and Renee Fry-McKibbin
2003/250: Determinants of Deflation in Hong Kong SAR Downloads
Papa N'Diaye
2003/249: External Debt, Public Investment, and Growth in Low-Income Countries Downloads
Toan Nguyen, Benedict Clements and Rina Bhattacharya
2003/248: Multinational Enterprises, International Trade, and Productivity Growth: Firm-Level Evidence From the United States Downloads
Stephen Yeaple and Wolfgang Keller
2003/247: Budget System Reform in Transitional Economies: The Case of the Former Yugoslav Republics Downloads
Jack Diamond and Duncan Last
2003/246: Volatility and Comovement in a Globalized World Economy: An Empirical Exploration Downloads
Ayhan Kose, Marco Terrones and Eswar Prasad
2003/245: China'S Integration Into the World Economy: Implications for Developing Countries Downloads
Yongzheng Yang
2003/244: The Effects of Fiscal Policieson the Economic Development of Women in the Middle East and North Africa Downloads
Nicole Laframboise and Tea Trumbic
2003/243: Evolution and Performance of Exchange Rate Regimes Downloads
Aasim Husain, Ashoka Mody, Nienke Oomes, Robin Brooks and Kenneth Rogoff
2003/242: Are Credit Default Swaps Spreads High in Emerging Markets: An Alternative Methodology for Proxying Recovery Value Downloads
Manmohan Singh
2003/241: IMF and the Baltics: A Decade of Cooperation Downloads
Adalbert Knöbl and Richard Haas
2003/240: Patterns of Shocks and Regional Monetary Cooperation in South Asia Downloads
Nephil Maskay
2003/239: Trade Liberalization Strategies: What Could South Eastern Europe Learn From Cefta and Bfta? Downloads
Antonis Adam, James McHugh and Theodora Kosma
2003/238: U.S. Investors' Emerging Market Equity Portfolios: A Security-Level Analysis Downloads
Francis Warnock and Hali Edison
2003/237: Growth, Governance, and Fiscal Policy Transmission Channels in Low-Income Countries Downloads
Naoko Kojo, Arye Hillman and Emanuele Baldacci
2003/236: Cross-Border Listings, Capital Controls, and U.S. Equity Flows to Emerging Markets Downloads
Hali Edison and Francis Warnock
2003/235: From the Front Lines At Seoul Bank: Restructuring and Reprivatization Downloads
Chungwon Kang
2003/234: Do Active Labor Market Policies Increase Employment? Downloads
Marcello Estevão
2003/233: Financial Globalization, Portfolio Diversification, and the Pattern of International Trade Downloads
Miklós Koren
2003/232: Social Impact of a Tax Reform: The Case of Ethiopia Downloads
Sònia Muñoz and Sang-Wook Cho
2003/231: Do IMF-Supported Programs Boost Private Capital Inflows? the Role of Program Size and Policy Adjustment Downloads
Roberto Benelli
2003/230: Output Response to Currency Crises Downloads
Ratna Sahay, Deepak Mishra and Poonam Gupta
2003/229: Free Trade Areas and Rules of Origin: Economics and Politics Downloads
Arvind Panagariya and Rupa Duttagupta
2003/228: Why Does Fdi Go Where it Goes? New Evidence From the Transition Economies Downloads
Yuko Kinoshita and Nauro Campos
2003/227: How Useful Are Benefit Incidence Analyses of Public Education and Health Spending Downloads
Erwin Tiongson, Hamid Davoodi and Sawitree Asawanuchit
2003/226: Dynamic Depositor Discipline in U.S. Banks Downloads
Kathleen McDill and Andrea Maechler
2003/225: Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy with Nominal and Indexed Debt Downloads
Thomas Cosimano and Michael Gapen
2003/224: What Sustains Fiscal Consolidations in Emerging Market Countries? Downloads
Benedict Clements, Sanjeev Gupta, Erwin Tiongson and Emanuele Baldacci
2003/223: Are Pegged and Intermediate Regimes More Crisis Prone? Downloads
Andrea Bubula and Inci Ötker-Robe
2003/222: Company Pension Plans, Stock Market Returns, and Labor Demand Downloads
Enrica Detragiache
2003/221: Predicting Sovereign Debt Crises Downloads
Axel Schimmelpfennig, Nouriel Roubini and Paolo Manasse
2003/220: Fiscal Rules and Countercyclical Policy: Frank Ramsey Meets Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Downloads
Evan Tanner
2003/219: The Role of Supervisory tools in Addressing Bank Borrowers' Currency Mismatches Downloads
Armando Méndez Morales and Maria del Mar Cacha
2003/218: Greater Monetary Policy Transparency for the G3: Lessons From Full-Fledged Inflation Targeters Downloads
Mark Stone
2003/217: Growth and Recovery in Mongolia During Transition Downloads
Kevin Cheng
2003/216: Social Incidence of the General Sales Tax in Pakistan Downloads
Saadia Refaqat
2003/215: Understanding the Costs of Deflation in the Japanese Context Downloads
Taimur Baig
2003/214: Dynamics of Corporate Performance in Thailand Downloads
Piyabha Kongsamut and V. Haksar
2003/213: Early Birds, Late Risers, and Sleeping Beauties: Bank Credit Growth to the Private Sector in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Balkans Downloads
Ivanna Hollar, Giovanni Dell'ariccia and Carlo Cottarelli
2003/212: Modeling Inflation in Georgia Downloads
Wojciech Maliszewski
2003/211: Mauritius: Unemployment and the Role of Institutions Downloads
James Yao and Calvin McDonald
2003/210: China's Labor Market Performance and Challenges Downloads
Tao Ran and R. Brooks
2003/209: Priorities for Further Fiscal Reforms in the Commonwealth of Independent States Downloads
Henri Lorie
2003/208: The Term Structure of Interest Rates and Monetary Policy During a Zero-Interest-Rate Period Downloads
Jun Nagayasu
2003/207: Of Openess and Distance: Trade Developments in the Commonwealth of Independent States, 1993-2002 Downloads
Katrin Elborgh-Woytek
2003/206: The United States and the New Regionalism/ Bilateralism Downloads
Yongzheng Yang and Alvin Hilaire
2003/205: Financial Development in the CIS-7 Countries: Bridging the Great Divide Downloads
Gianni De Nicolo, Sami Geadah and Dmitriy Rozhkov
2003/204: Real and Distributive Effects of Petroleum Price Liberalization: The Case of Indonesia Downloads
Benedict Clements, Sanjeev Gupta and Hong-Sang Jung
2003/203: Macro Effects of Corporate Restructuring in Japan Downloads
Se-Jik Kim
2003/202: Pricing Debit Card Payment Services: An IO Approach Downloads
Alexander Tieman and Wilko Bolt
2003/201: Puttable and Extendible Bonds: Developing Interest Rate Derivatives for Emerging Markets Downloads
Salih Neftci and Andre Santos
2003/200: The Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuationson Output and Prices: Evidence From Developing Countries Downloads
Magda Kandil and Ida Mirzaie
2003/199: Promoting Fiscal Transparency the Complementary Roles of the Imf, Financial Markets and Civil Society Downloads
Murray Petrie
2003/198: Prudential Issues in Less Diversified Economies Downloads
Aditya Narain, Pau Rabanal and Steen Byskov
2003/197: Dealing with Increased Risk of Natural Disasters: Challenges and Options Downloads
Michael Keen, Paul Freeman and Muthukumara Mani
2003/196: Crisis Resolution: Next Steps Downloads
Kenneth Kletzer, Barry Eichengreen and Ashoka Mody
2003/195: Poverty and Social Impact Analysis: A Suggested Framework Downloads
Shahabuddin Hossain
2003/194: The U.S. Dollar and the Trade Deficit: What Accounts for the Late 1990's? Downloads
Benjamin Hunt and Alessandro Rebucci
2003/193: Financial Deepening, Inequality, and Growth: A Model-Based Quantitative Evaluation Downloads
Robert Townsend and Kenichi Ueda
2003/192: Reputation, Debt, and Policy Conditionality Downloads
Rodney Ramcharan
2003/191: Who's in Charge? Ownership and Conditionality in IMF-Supported Programs Downloads
James Boughton
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