IMF Working Papers
From International Monetary Fund International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC USA. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Akshay Modi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2000/162: Forecasting Inflation in Chile Using State-Space and Regime-Switching Models

- Francisco Nadal De Simone
- 2000/161: Technological Adaptation, Trade, and Growth

- Alberto Chong and Luisa Zanforlin
- 2000/160: The Russian Default and the Contagion to Brazil

- Taimur Baig and Ilan Goldfajn
- 2000/159: An Interest Rate Defense of a Fixed Exchange Rate?

- Olivier Jeanne and Robert Flood
- 2000/158: Inflation Targeting Under Potential Output Uncertainty

- Victor Gaiduch and Benjamin Hunt
- 2000/157: What Caused the 1991 Currency Crisis in India?

- Sweta Saxena and Valerie Cerra
- 2000/156: Inside the Crisis: An Empirical Analysis of Banking Systems in Distress

- Poonam Gupta, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Enrica Detragiache
- 2000/155: Determinants of Barter in Russia: An Empirical Analysis

- Christian Mumssen, Irina Dolinskaya, Simon Commander and Irina Tytell
- 2000/154: Capital Markets and External Current Accounts: What to Expect From the Euro

- Jörg Decressin and Piti Disyatat
- 2000/153: Chile's Rapid Growth in the 1990's-Good Policies, Good Luck, or Political Change?

- Esteban Jadresic and Roberto Zahler
- 2000/152: External Capital Structure: Theory and Evidence

- Philip Lane and Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti
- 2000/151: Population Aging and Global Capital Flows in a Parallel Universe

- Robin Brooks
- 2000/150: Should Subsidized Private Transfers Replace Government Social Insurance?

- Connel Fullenkamp and Ralph Chami
- 2000/149: The Case Against Harry Dexter White: Still Not Proven

- James Boughton
- 2000/148: How Does U.S. Monetary Policy Influence Economic Conditions in Emerging Markets?

- Vivek Arora and Martin Cerisola
- 2000/147: The Benefits and Costs of Intervening in Banking Crises

- Edward Frydl and Marc Quintyn
- 2000/146: Determinants of Dollarization: The Banking Side

- Marco Terrones and Luis Catão
- 2000/145: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Banking Soundness and Recent Lessons

- International Monetary Fund
- 2000/144: Filtering the Beer: A Permanent and Transitory Decomposition

- Peter Clark and Ronald MacDonald
- 2000/143: Predictable Movements in Yen/DM Exchange Rates

- Janet Kong
- 2000/142: Domestic Competition, Cyclical Fluctuations, and Long-Run Growth in Hong Kong Sar

- Eric Zitzewitz
- 2000/141: The Impact of Monetary Policyon the Exchange Rate: Evidence From Three Small Open Economies

- Jeromin Zettelmeyer
- 2000/140: Selected Issues Concerning Monetary Policy and Institutional Design for Central Banks: A Review of Theories

- Christian Beddies
- 2000/139: Reforming Pensions: Myths, Truths, and Policy Choices

- N. Barr
- 2000/138: The Facts About Time: To-Build

- Petya Brooks
- 2000/137: Wage Flexibility and Economic Performance: Evidence Across Industrial Countries

- Magda Kandil
- 2000/136: What Should Macroeconomists Know About Health Care Policy: A Primer

- William Hsiao
- 2000/135: The Breakdown of Credit Relations Under Conditions of a Banking Crisis: A Switching Regime Approach

- Sònia Muñoz
- 2000/134: Exchange Rate Regime Transitions

- Paul Masson
- 2000/133: Fiscal Policy and Growth in the Context of European Integration

- Paul Masson
- 2000/132: Corruption, Structural Reforms, and Economic Performance in the Transition Economies

- George Abed and Hamid Davoodi
- 2000/131: The Currency Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves: Retrospect and Prospect

- Barry Eichengreen and Donald Mathieson
- 2000/130: Evidenceon the Fiscal and Macroeconomic Impact of Privatization

- Steven Barnett
- 2000/129: Can Fiscal Decentralization Strengthen Social Capital?

- International Monetary Fund
- 2000/128: Real Effective Exchange Rate and the Constant Elasticity of Substitution Assumption

- Antonio Spilimbergo and Athanasios Vamvakidis
- 2000/127: Determinants of Inflation in the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Macroeconomic Analysis

- O. Liu and Olumuyiwa Adedeji
- 2000/126: Life-Cycles, Dynasties, Savings: Implications for Closed and Small, Open Economies

- Hamid Faruqee and Douglas Laxton
- 2000/125: Costly Collateral and the Public Supply of Liquidity

- Philip Schellekens
- 2000/124: Cost of Living Adjustment and Business Cycles: Disaggregated Evidence

- Magda Kandil
- 2000/123: The Transfer Problem Revisited: Net Foreign Assets and Real Exchange Rates

- Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti and Philip Lane
- 2000/122: Exchange-Rate-Based Stabilization: A Model of Financial Fragility

- Yuri Sobolev
- 2000/121: Convergence of Per Capita Output Levels Across Regions of Bangladesh, 1982-97

- Akhand Hossain
- 2000/120: External Sector Reform and Public Enterprise Restructuring

- Rina Bhattacharya
- 2000/119: Money Demand in Guyana

- Philippe Egoume Bossogo
- 2000/118: Optimal Fiscal Strategy for Oil Exporting Countries

- Rodrigo Valdés and Eduardo Engel
- 2000/117: Inequality, Transfers and Growth: New Evidence From the Economic Transition in Poland

- Eswar Prasad and Michael Keane
- 2000/116: Corruption and the Provision of Health Care and Education Services

- Erwin Tiongson, Hamid Davoodi and Sanjeev Gupta
- 2000/115: Demographic Change in Asia: The Impacton Optimal National Saving, Investment, and the Current Account

- Ian McDonald, Serge Bésanger and Ross Guest
- 2000/114: The Corporate Sector Dynamics of Systemic Financial Crises

- Mark Stone
- 2000/113: Fiscal Reform Over Ten Years of Transition

- George Tsibouris and Vito Tanzi
- 2000/112: Review of the Experience with Oil Stabilization and Savings Funds in Selected Countries

- Ugo Fasano-Filho
- 2000/111: Bidding Behavior in Treasury Bill Auctions: Evidence From Pakistan

- International Monetary Fund
- 2000/110: Threshold Effects in the Relationship Between Inflation and Growth

- Abdelhak Senhadji and Mohsin Khan
- 2000/109: Budgetary Convergence in the WEAMU: Adjustment Through Revenue or Expenditure?

- Jean-Claude Nachega and Ousmane Dore
- 2000/108: Real Exchange Rate Response to Capital Flows in Mexico: An Empirical Analysis

- Marcelo Dabós and V. Juan-Ramon
- 2000/107: Managing Financial Crises: The Experience in East Asia

- Timothy Lane, A. Javier Hamann, Marianne Schulze-Gattas, Ales Bulir, Steven Phillips, Atish Ghosh, Alex Mourmouras and Jack Boorman
- 2000/106: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Corruption in Bureaucracies

- Era Dabla-Norris
- 2000/105: Global Financial Crises: Institutions and Incentives

- Manmohan Kumar, Paul Masson and Marcus Miller
- 2000/104: The Impact of Intersectoral Labor Reallocationon Economic Growth

- Hélène Poirson
- 2000/103: Do Asset Prices in Transition Countries Contain Information About Future Economic Activity?

- Torsten Sloek and Peter Christoffersen
- 2000/102: Indonesia: Implementing National Policies in a Decentralized Context: Special Purpose Programs to Protect the Poor

- Ehtisham Ahmad and Luc Leruth
- 2000/101: International Spillovers of Macroeconomic Shocks: A Quantitative Exploration

- Douglas Laxton and Eswar Prasad
- 2000/100: Globalization and Catching-Up: From Recession to Growth in Transition Economies

- Grzegorz Kolodko
- 2000/099: Real Exchange Rates and Productivity: Closed-Form Solutions and Some Empirical Evidence

- Jahanara Zaman
- 2000/098: Turkmenistan: The Burden of Current Agricultural Policies

- International Monetary Fund
- 2000/097: Currency Boards, Credibility, and Macroeconomic Behavior

- Amadou Sy and Luis Rivera-Batiz
- 2000/096: Aftermath of Banking Crises: Effectson Real and Monetary Variables

- Poonam Gupta
- 2000/095: The Yen-Dollar Rate: Have Interventions Mattered?

- Ramana Ramaswamy and Hossein Samiei
- 2000/094: Factor Reallocation and Growth in Developing Countries

- Hélène Poirson
- 2000/093: The New Capital Adequacy Framework: Institutional Constraints and Incentive Structures

- Cem Karacadag and Michael Taylor
- 2000/092: Financial Institutions, Financial Contagion, and Financial Crises

- Haizhou Huang and Chenggang Xu
- 2000/091: Czech Koruna and Polish Zloty Currency Options: Information Contnent and Eu-Accession Implications

- Armando Méndez Morales
- 2000/090: Bank Failures and Fiscal Austerity: Policy Presecriptions for a Developing Country

- Andrew Feltenstein
- 2000/089: Stock Returns and Output Growth in Emerging and Advanced Economies

- Paolo Mauro
- 2000/088: Spillovers Through Banking Centers: A Panel Data Analysis

- International Monetary Fund
- 2000/087: Capital Mobility and the Output-Inflation Tradeoff

- Assaf Razin, Prakash Loungani and Chi-Wa Yuen
- 2000/086: Centripetal forces in China's Economic Take-Off

- Anuradha Dayal-Gulati and Aasim Husain
- 2000/085: Real Effects of High Inflation

- Benedikt Braumann
- 2000/084: Sex Discrimination and Growth

- Berta Esteve-Volart
- 2000/083: VIVAT, CVAT and All That: New Forms of Value-Added Tax for Federal Systems

- Michael Keen
- 2000/082: Social Fractionalization, Political Instability, and the Size of Government

- Anthony Annett
- 2000/081: Assessing Fiscal Sustainability in Theory and Practice

- Nigel Chalk and Richard Hemming
- 2000/080: Seasonality and Capacity: An Application to Italy

- Federico Mini and Guido de Blasio
- 2000/079: Emergency Liquidity Support Facilities

- Dong He
- 2000/078: Rural Poverty in Developing Countries: Issues and Policies

- Mahmood Khan
- 2000/077: How Accurate Are Private Sector Forecasts: Cross-Country Evidence From Consensus Forecasts of Output Growth

- Prakash Loungani
- 2000/076: Assessing Financial System Vulnerabilities

- R. Johnston, Liliana Schumacher and Jingqing Chai
- 2000/075: A Simple Model of An International Lender of Last Resort

- Haizhou Huang and C. Goodhart
- 2000/074: Social Capital and Civil Society

- Francis Fukuyama
- 2000/073: Caribbean Approaches to Economic Stabilization

- Alvin Hilaire
- 2000/072: Terms of Trade Shocks in Africa: Are they Short-Lived or Long-Lived?

- Paul Cashin and Catherine Pattillo
- 2000/071: Financial Market Spillovers in Transition Economies

- Ratna Sahay and R. Gaston Gelos
- 2000/070: Institutions Matter in Transition, But so do Policies

- International Monetary Fund
- 2000/069: Using Credit Ratings for Capital Requirementson Lending to Emerging Market Economies: Possible Impact of a New Basel Accord

- Christian Mulder and Brieuc Monfort
- 2000/068: Banks and Monetary Shocks in Emerging Markets: How Far Can We Go with the "Credit View"?

- Luis Catão and Sergio Rodriguez
- 2000/067: Currency Crises: In Search of Common Elements

- Ranil Salgado, Jahangir Aziz and Francesco Caramazza
- 2000/066: Central Banks Use of Derivatives and Other Contingent Liabilities: Analytical Issues and Policy Implications

- Liliana Schumacher and Mario Bléjer
- 2000/065: Auction Quotas with a Foreign Duopoly

- Ling Hui Tan
- 2000/064: Does 'Grease Money' Speed Up the Wheels of Commerce?

- Daniel Kaufmann and Shang-Jin Wei
- 2000/063: Misalignment and Managed Exchange Rates: An Application to the Thai Baht

- Guay Lim
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