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IMF Working Papers

From International Monetary Fund
International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC USA.
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2000/062: Income Distribution and Tax and Government Social Spending Policies in Developing Countries Downloads
Ke-young Chu, Hamid Davoodi and Sanjeev Gupta
2000/061: Welfare Effects of Uzbekistan's Foreign Exchange Regime Downloads
International Monetary Fund
2000/060: Contagion, Monsoons, and Domestic Turmoil in Indonesia: A Case Study in the Asian Currency Crisis Downloads
Sweta Saxena and Valerie Cerra
2000/059: Alternative Methods of Estimating Potential Output and the Output Gap: An Application to Sweden Downloads
Sweta Saxena and Valerie Cerra
2000/058: Relative Prices, Inflation and Core Inflation Downloads
Scott Roger
2000/057: Deposit Insurance and Crisis Management Downloads
G. Garcia
2000/056: Monetary and Fiscal Coordination in Small Open Economies Downloads
Rupert Worrell
2000/055: Trade and Financial Contagion in Currency Crises Downloads
Ranil Salgado, Luca Ricci and Francesco Caramazza
2000/054: Comparative Macroeconomic Dynamics in the Arab World: A Panel Var Approach Downloads
Alexei Kireyev
2000/053: Unionization and Strategic Trade Policy Downloads
Phillip Swagel and Ling Hui Tan
2000/052: A Framework for Assessing Fiscal Vulnerability Downloads
Murray Petrie and Richard Hemming
2000/051: The Complier Pays Principle: The Limits of Fiscal Approaches toward Sustainable Forest Management Downloads
Luc Leruth, R. Paris and I. Ruzicka
2000/050: The Pros and Cons of Full Dollarization Downloads
Eduardo Borensztein and Andrew Berg
2000/049: The Impact of Ethnic Heterogeneityon the Quantity and Quality of Public Spending Downloads
Louis Kuijs
2000/048: Herd Behavior in Financial Markets: A Review Downloads
Sunil Sharma and Sushil Bikhchandani
2000/047: Compliance with IMF Program Indicators and Growth in Transition Economies Downloads
Anna Unigovskaya and Valerie Mercer-Blackman
2000/046: Medium-Term Determinants of Current Accounts in Industrial and Developing Countries: An Empirical Exploration Downloads
Menzie Chinn and Eswar Prasad
2000/045: Dynamic Gains From Trade: Evidence From South Africa Downloads
Arvind Subramanian and Gunnar Jonsson
2000/044: Globalization and Growth in the Twentieth Century Downloads
Nicholas Crafts
2000/043: The International Monetary System in the (Very) Long Run Downloads
Nathan Sussman and Barry Eichengreen
2000/042: Educational Choices and Educational Constraints: Evidence From Bolivia Downloads
Gabriela Inchauste
2000/041: Demographic Transition in the Middle East: Implications for Growth, Employment, and Housing Downloads
Rina Bhattacharya, Tarik Yousef and Pierre Dhonte
2000/040: Retarding Short-Term Capital Inflows Through withholding Tax Downloads
Howell Zee
2000/039: Currency Crisis and Contagion: Evidence From Exchange Rates and Sectoral Stock Indices of the Philippines and Thailand Downloads
Jun Nagayasu
2000/038: Financial Liberalization, Bank Market Structure, and Financial Deepening: An Interest Margin Analysis Downloads
Abdourahmane Sarr
2000/037: Concordance in Business Cycles Downloads
Christopher McDermott and Alasdair Scott
2000/036: The Role of the State and the Quality of the Public Sector Downloads
Vito Tanzi
2000/035: Tax Policy for Emerging Markets: Developing Countries Downloads
Howell Zee and Vito Tanzi
2000/034: Toward a Framework for Systemic Liquidity Policy Downloads
J. Hobbs, Claudia Dziobek and Dewitt Marston
2000/033: Two Approaches to Resolving Nonperforming Assets During Financial Crises Downloads
David Woo
2000/032: The Great Contractions in Russia, the Baltics and the Other Countries of the Former Soviet Union: A View From the Supply Side Downloads
International Monetary Fund
2000/031: Trade Policy in Financial Services Downloads
Brad McDonald, Geoffrey Bannister, Natalia Tamirisa, Piritta Sorsa and Jaroslaw Wieczorek
2000/030: The Transition Economies After Ten Years Downloads
Stanley Fischer and Ratna Sahay
2000/029: The Choice of Exchange Rate Regime and Monetary Target in Highly Dollarized Economies Downloads
Eduardo Borensztein and Andrew Berg
2000/028: Devaluation Expectations and the Stock Market: The Case of Mexico in 1994/95 Downloads
Torbjorn Becker, Anthony Richards and R. Gaston Gelos
2000/027: Estimation of Trade Protection in Middle East and North African Countries Downloads
Maria-Angels Oliva
2000/026: Shadow Economies Around the World: Size, Causes, and Consequences Downloads
Friedrich Schneider and Dominik Enste
2000/025: Financial Crisis and Credit Crunch in Korea: Evidence From Firm-Level Data Downloads
Jong-Wha Lee and Eduardo Borensztein
2000/024: A Framework for Price Statistics Downloads
Kimberly Zieschang
2000/023: Corruption and Military Spending Downloads
International Monetary Fund
2000/022: The Unbearable Stability of the German Wage Structure: Evidence and Interpretation Downloads
Eswar Prasad
2000/021: Monetary Policy in Transition: The Case of Mongolia Downloads
Torsten Sloek
2000/020: Bad Dreams Under Alternative Anchors: Are the Consequences Different? Downloads
Leonardo Auernheimer and Susan George
2000/019: The Interest Rate-Exchange Rate Nexus in the Asian Crisis Countries Downloads
Atish Ghosh and Gabriela Basurto
2000/018: What Will Happen to Financial Markets When the Baby Boomers Retire? Downloads
Robin Brooks
2000/017: International Trade and Productivity Growth: Exploring the Sectoral Effects for Developing Countries Downloads
Ehsan Choudhri and Dalia Hakura
2000/016: Pension System Viability and Reform Alternatives in the Czech Republic Downloads
Thomas Laursen
2000/015: Composition of Government Expenditure, Human Capital Accumulation, and Welfare Downloads
John Matovu
2000/014: Discriminating Contagion: An Alternative Explanation of Contagious Currency Crises in Emerging Markets Downloads
Pavan Ahluwalia
2000/013: Taxes and Tradable Permits As Instruments for Controlling Pollution: Theory and Practice Downloads
John Norregaard and Valerie Reppelin
2000/012: Globalization and the Future of Social Protection Downloads
Vito Tanzi
2000/011: Public Capital and Output Growth in Portugal: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Jenny Ligthart
2000/010: Intra-Arab Trade: Is it too Little? Downloads
Tarik Yousef and Hassan Al-Atrash
2000/009: Deposit-Refundon Labor: A Solution to Equilibrium Unemployment? Downloads
Ben Heijdra and Jenny Ligthart
2000/008: The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth: The Case of Spain Downloads
Paolo Mauro and Enric Fernandez
2000/007: The Japanese Banking Crisis of the 1990's: Sources and Lessons Downloads
David Woo and Akihiro Kanaya
2000/006: The "Soaring Eagle": Anatomy of the Polish Take-Off in the 1990's Downloads
International Monetary Fund
2000/005: Product Variety and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence for the Oecd Countries Downloads
Michael Funke
2000/004: Identifying Domestic and Imported Core Inflation Downloads
Hilde Bjørnland
2000/003: Does Deposit Insurance Increase Banking System Stability? Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Enrica Detragiache
2000/002: Property Prices and Speculative Bubbles: Evidence From Hong Kong SAR Downloads
Christoph Duenwald
2000/001: Improving Governance and Fighting Corruption in the Baltic and CIS Countries: The Role of the IMF Downloads
Emine Gürgen and Thomas Wolf
1999/181: Assessing External Sustainability in India Downloads
Tim Callen and Paul Cashin
1999/180: The Political Economy of Redistributive Social Security Downloads
Pierre Pestieau
1999/179: The Efficiency of Education Expenditure in Portugal Downloads
Benedict Clements
1999/178: Currency and Banking Crises: The Early Warnings of Distress Downloads
Graciela Kaminsky
1999/177: Redistribution Through Public Employment: The Case of Italy Downloads
Stephan Danninger, Alberto Alesina and Massimo Rostagno
1999/176: Fiscal Federalism and Government Size in Transition Economies: The Case of Moldova Downloads
International Monetary Fund
1999/175: Global Equilibrium Exchange Rates: Euro, Dollar, “Ins,” “Outs,” and Other Major Currencies in a Panel Cointegration Framework Downloads
Susana Garcia Cervero, Humberto Lopez, Enrique Alberola Ila and Angel Ubide
1999/174: Risk, Resources, and Education—Public Versus Private Financing of Higher Education Downloads
International Monetary Fund
1999/173: Demand for M2 in an Emerging-Market Economy: An Error-Correction Model for Malaysia Downloads
Subramanian Sriram
1999/172: Dominance Testing of Social Sector Expenditures and Taxes in Africa Downloads
David Sahn and Stephen Younger
1999/171: Flight Capital as a Portfolio Choice Downloads
Anke Hoeffler, Catherine Pattillo and Paul Collier
1999/170: Central Bank Independence and the Conduct of Monetary Policy in the United Kingdom Downloads
Hossein Samiei and Jan Martijn
1999/169: The Myth of Comoving Commodity Prices Downloads
Christopher McDermott, Alasdair Scott and Paul Cashin
1999/168: Global Liquidity and Asset Prices: Measurement, Implications, and Spillovers Downloads
Klaas Baks and Charles Kramer
1999/167: Ownership of Capital in Monetary Economies and the Inflation Tax on Equity Downloads
Thomas Cosimano, Ralph Chami and Connel Fullenkamp
1999/166: Why Do Firms Pay Antidumping Duty? Downloads
Poonam Gupta
1999/165: Rethinking Subnational Taxes: A New Look At Tax Assignment Downloads
Richard Bird
1999/164: Multiple Equilibria, Contagion, and the Emerging Market Crises Downloads
Paul Masson
1999/163: Income Distribution, Informal Safety Nets, and Social Expenditures in Uganda Downloads
Calvin McDonald, Christian Schiller and Kenichi Ueda
1999/162: The Suitability of ASEAN for a Regional Currency Arrangement Downloads
Paolo Mauro and Tamim Bayoumi
1999/161: The Disappearing Openness-Inflation Relationship: A Cross-Country Analysis of Inflation Rates Downloads
Michael Bleaney
1999/160: The 1994 Mexican Economic Crisis: The Role of Government Expenditure and Relative Prices Downloads
Eliot Kalter and Armando Ribas
1999/159: Political Economy Aspects of Trade and Financial Liberalization: Implications for Sequencing Downloads
Rina Bhattacharya
1999/158: Linkages Among Asset Markets in the United States: Tests in a Bivariate GARCH Framework Downloads
Parha Deb and Salim Darbar
1999/157: Suriname: A Case Study of High Inflation Downloads
Sukhdev Shah and Benedikt Braumann
1999/156: On the Fast Track to EU Accession: Macroeconomic Effects and Policy Challenges for Estonia Downloads
Günther Taube and Rene Weber
1999/155: Booms and Slumps in World Commodity Prices Downloads
Christopher McDermott, Paul Cashin and Alasdair Scott
1999/154: Identifying the Common Component in International Economic Fluctuations: A New Approach Downloads
Robin Lumsdaine and Eswar Prasad
1999/153: Regulation of Withdrawals in Individual Account Systems Downloads
Jan Walliser
1999/152: Has the Nature of Crises Changed? A Quarter Century of Currency Crises in Argentina Downloads
Nada Choueiri and Graciela Kaminsky
1999/151: Bank Rating Changes and Bank Stock Returns—Puzzling Evidence from the Emerging Markets Downloads
Anthony Richards and David Deddouche
1999/150: Foreign Investment in Colombia’s Financial Sector Downloads
Adolfo Barajas, Natalia Salazar and Roberto Steiner
1999/149: Why Has Inflation in the United States Remained So Low? Reassessing the Importance of Labor Costs and the Price of Imports Downloads
Jorge Chan-Lau and Stephen Tokarick
1999/148: Idiosyncratic Risk: An Empirical Analysis, with Implications for the Risk of Relative-Value Trading Strategies Downloads
Anthony Richards
1999/147: Monitoring Banking Sector Fragility: A Multivariate Logit Approach Downloads
Enrica Detragiache and Asli Demirguc-Kunt
1999/146: Sources of Contagion: Finance or Trade? Downloads
International Monetary Fund
1999/145: Trade and Industrialization in Developing Agricultural Economies Downloads
Athanasios Vamvakidis and Sergei Dodzin
1999/144: Can a Shorter Workweek Induce Higher Employment? Mandatory Reductions in the Workweek and Employment Subsidies Downloads
S. Erbas and Chera Sayers
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