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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 10, issue 4, 1916

The British Empire and closer union pp. 635-653 Downloads
Theodore H. Boggs
The Frequency and Duration of Parliaments pp. 654-682 Downloads
James G. Randall
Need for a more Democratic Procedure of Amending the Constitution1 pp. 683-688 Downloads
Seba Eldridge
Amending Procedure of the Federal Constitution1 pp. 689-699 Downloads
Jacob Tanger
The Judicial Veto and Political Democracy1 pp. 700-709 Downloads
Blaine F. Moore
The Operation of the Direct Primary in Michigan pp. 710-726 Downloads
Arthur C. Millspaugh
The Postal Power of Congress, a Study in Constitutional Expansion. By Lindsay RogersPh.D., LL.D., adjunct professor of political science in the University of Virginia. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series xxxiv, No. 2. 1916.) pp. 773-775 Downloads
Edward S. Corwin
History and Procedure of the House of Representatives. By DeAlva Stanwood Alexander. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1916. Pp. xv, 435) pp. 775-778 Downloads
Geddes W. Rutherford
Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers. By William Howard Taft. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1916. Pp. 165.) pp. 778-781 Downloads
Wm. A. Schaper
Woodrow Wilson. The Man and His Work. By Henry Jones Ford. (New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1916. Pp. 332.) pp. 781-782 Downloads
Frank Abbott Magruder
The Federal Executive. By John Philip Hill. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1916. Pp. viii, 269.) pp. 782-783 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Third Party Movements Since the Civil War, with Special Reference to Iowa: A Study in Social Politics. By Fred E. Haynes. (Iowa City: The State Historical Society of Iowa. 1916. Pp. 564.) pp. 784-784 Downloads
A. C. Millspaugh
Criminality and Economic Conditions. By William Adrian Bonger. Translated by Henry P. Horton. With an editorial preface by Edward Lindsey, and with an introduction by Frank H. Norcross. In the Modern Criminal Science Series, No 8. (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1916. Pp. xxxi, 706.) pp. 785-788 Downloads
George Elliott Howard
The Single Tax Movement in the United States. By Arthur Nichols Young. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1916. Pp. x, 340.) pp. 789-790 Downloads
Frank W. Garrison
The Socialism of To-Day. Edited by William English Walling, J. G. Phelps Stokes, and others. (New York: H. Holt and Company. 1916. Pp. xvi, 642.) pp. 790-791 Downloads
J. Q. Dealey
The Problem of the Commonwealth. By L. Curtis. (Toronto: The Macmillan Company. 1916. Pp. xii, 247.) pp. 791-795 Downloads
Theodore H. Boggs
Nationality in Modern History. By J. Holland Rose. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1916. Pp. xi, 202.) pp. 795-797 Downloads
Mary Lee Hickman
The Law of Contraband of War. By H. Reason Pyke. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1915. Pp. xl, 314.) pp. 797-798 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
Anglo-American Isthmian Diplomacy, 1815–1915. By Mary Wilhelmine Williams. (Washington: American Historical Association. 1916. Pp. xii, 356.) pp. 798-799 Downloads
Robert T. Crane

Volume 10, issue 3, 1916

The Political Theory of the Disruption1 pp. 437-464 Downloads
Harold J. Laski
Origin of the Friar Lands Question in the Philippines pp. 465-480 Downloads
Charles H. Cunningham
Presidential Special Agents in Diplomacy pp. 481-499 Downloads
Henry Merritt Wriston
Problems of Percentages in Direct Government pp. 500-514 Downloads
C. O. Gardner
Proper Safeguards for the Initiative and Referendum Petition pp. 515-531 Downloads
W. A. Schnader
Recent Experience with the Initiative and Referendum pp. 532-539 Downloads
Robert E. Cushman
Safeguarding the Petition in the Initiative and the Referendum pp. 540-545 Downloads
F. W. Coker
The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Edited from the original manuscripts and authentic editions with introductions and notes by C. E. VaughanM.A., Litt.D., In two volumes. (Cambridge: at the University Press. 1915.) pp. 591-593 Downloads
Samuel C. Chew
Vicarious Liability. By T. Baty. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1916. Pp. 244.) pp. 593-594 Downloads
Il Fine dello Stato. By Alessandro Bonucci. (Athanaeum: Rome. Pp. 452.) pp. 594-595 Downloads
Robert T. Crane
The American Year Book. A Record of Events and Progress. 1915. Edited by Francis G. Wickware. (New York and London: D. Appleton and Company. 1916. Pp. xviii, 862.) pp. 595-596 Downloads
C. G. F.,
William Branch Giles: A Study in the Politics of Virginia and the Nation from 1790 to 1830. By Dice Robins Anderson. (Menasha, Wis.: George Banta Publishing Company, 1914. Pp. 271.) pp. 596-597 Downloads
John H. Latané
Abraham Lincoln: The Lawyer-Statesman. By John T. Richards. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1916. Pp. vii, 260.) pp. 597-599 Downloads
James Miller Leake
City Planning: A series of papers presenting the essential elements of a city plan. Edited by John Nolen. (New York and London: D. Appleton and Company, 1916. Pp. xxvi, 447. National Municipal League Series.) pp. 600-601 Downloads
A. M. H.,
The Law and the Practice of Muncipal Home Rule. By Howard Lee McBain. (New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. xviii + 724.) pp. 601-602 Downloads
Herman G. James
A Model City Charter and Municipal Home Rule. As prepared by the Committee on Municipal Program of the National Municipal League. March 15, 1916 pp. 602-605 Downloads
Charles A. Beard
English Public Health Administration. By B. G. Bannington, (London: P. S. King & Son. 1915. Pp. 338.) pp. 605-606 Downloads
W. W. Ford
Transportation Rates and their Regulation. By H. G. Brown. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916. Pp. 347.) pp. 606-607 Downloads
Oscar L. Pond
Why War. By Frederick C. HowePh.D., LL.D., commissioner of immigration at the port of New York. (New York: Scribner's. 1916. Pp. xvi and 366.) pp. 607-609 Downloads
Edward Raymond Turner
Treaties, Their Making and Enforcement. By Samuel B. Crandall. Second edition. (Washington: John Byrne and Company. 1916. Pp. xxxii, 663.) pp. 609-611 Downloads
Arthur K. Kuhn

Volume 10, issue 2, 1916

Nationalism in the British Empire1 pp. 223-234 Downloads
A. Maurice Low
Judicial Determinations by Administrative Commissions1 pp. 235-250 Downloads
Charles W. Needham
Administrative Decisions in Connection with Immigration1 pp. 251-261 Downloads
Louis F. Post
“Government Contests” Before the Administrative Tribunals of the Land Department1 pp. 262-270 Downloads
Philip P. Wells
The Land Department as an Administrative Tribunal1 pp. 271-289 Downloads
Charles R. Pierce
The Board of Appeals, Department of the Interior1 pp. 290-295 Downloads
Edward C. Finney
Standardization of Salaries and Grades in Civil Service1 pp. 296-314 Downloads
Robert Moses
Standardization and Inspection1 pp. 315-319 Downloads
J. A. Dunaway
The Monroe Doctrine: An Interpretation. By Albert Bushnell Hart. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1916. Pp. xiv, 445 pp. 370-372 Downloads
John H. Latané
The Challenge of the Future: A Study in American Foreign Policy. By Roland G. Usher. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1916. Pp. xxi, 350.) pp. 373-374 Downloads
John H. Latané
A History of England and the British Empire. In four volumes. Vol. IV, 1802–1914. By Arthur D. Innes. (New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. xxxv, 604. With maps pp. 374-377 Downloads
E. P.,
Law and Order in Industry. By Julius Henry Cohen. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1916. Pp. xviii, 292.) pp. 377-377 Downloads
George E. Barnett
The Recognition Policy of the United States. By Julius GoebelJr., (New York: Columbia University. 1915. Pp. 228.) pp. 378-378 Downloads
Robert T. Crane
The Industrial and Commercial Schools of the United States and Germany. A Comparative Study. By Prof.Frederick W. Roman. (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1915. Pp. xv, 382.) pp. 379-380 Downloads
Edward F. Buchner
Das Englische Prisenrecht. By Charles Henry Huberich. (Berlin: Carl Heymanns. 1915. Pp. viii, 135.) pp. 380-381 Downloads
Robert T. Crane
Comparative Free Government. By Jesse Macy and John W. Gannaway. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1915. Pp. xviii, 754.) pp. 381-382 Downloads
Thomas F. Moran
Bibliography of Municipal Government. By William Bennett Munro. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1915. Pp. ix, 416.) pp. 382-383 Downloads
Robert T. Crane
American Municipal Progress. New and Revised Edition. By Charles Zueblin. (New York: Macmillan. 1916. Pp. xiv, 522.) pp. 383-384 Downloads
Frank Abbott Magruder
The Diplomacy of the Great War. By Arthur Bullard. (The Macmillan Company: New York. 1916. Pp. xii and 344.) pp. 384-387 Downloads
Edward Raymond Turner
The Operation of the Initiative, Referendum, and Recall in Oregon. By James D. Barnett. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1915. Pp. 295.) pp. 387-389 Downloads
Arthur C. Millspaugh
Your Congress. By Lynn Haines. (Washington, D. C.: National Voters' League. 1915. Pp. 160.) pp. 389-392 Downloads
Wilder H. Haines
Evolution of Law: Select Readings on the Origin and Development of Legal Institutions. Vol. I: Sources of Ancient and Primitive Law. Vol. II: Primitive and Ancient Legal Institutions. Compiled by Albert Kocourek, professor of jurisprudence in Northwestern University; and John H. Wigmore, professor of law in Northwestern University. (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company. Pp. xii, 704; xvii, 702.) pp. 392-394 Downloads
George Elliott Howard
Imperial Architects. Being an account of proposals in the direction of a closer imperial union, made previous to the opening of the first colonial conference of 1887. By Alfred Leroy Burt. With an introduction by H. E. Egerton. (Oxford: B. H. Blackwell, 1913. Pp. vii, 228 pp. 394-396 Downloads
E. P.,
A Manual of the Federal Trade Commission. By Richard S. Harvey and Ernest W. Bradford. (Washington, D. C.: John Byrne and Company. 1916. Pp. 457.) pp. 396-397 Downloads
The American City. By Henry C. Wright, First Deputy Commissioner, Department of Public Charities, New York City. (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Co.1916. Pp. 178.) pp. 397-398 Downloads
Frank Abbott Magruder
The Diplomacy of the War of 1812. By Frank A. UpdykePh.D., Ira Allen Eastman Professor of Political Science, Dartmouth College, The Albert Shaw Lectures on Diplomatic History, 1914. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1915. Pp. 494.) pp. 398-400 Downloads
Jesse S. Reeves
Principles and Methods of Municipal Administration. By William Bennett Munro. (New York: Macmillan, 1916. Pp. xi, 491.) pp. 400-402 Downloads
Frank Abbott Magruder
Men of the Old Stone Age. By Henry Fairfield Osborn. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1915. Pp. xxvi, 545.) pp. 402-403 Downloads
Henry Jones Ford
The Collected Papers of John Westlake on Public International Law. Edited by L. OppenheimM.A., LL.D., (Cambridge University Press. 1914. Pp. xxx, 706.) pp. 403-406 Downloads
A. S. Hershey
Empire and Armament. The Evolution of American Imperialism and the Problem of National Defense. By Jennings C. Wise. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1915. Pp. 353.) pp. 406-407 Downloads
Robert M. McElroy
West Point in Our Next War. The Only Way to Create and to Maintain an Army. By Maxwell van Tandt Woodhull. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1915. Pp. 266.) pp. 408-408 Downloads
Robert McNutt McElroy
Regulation of Railroads and Public Utilities in Wisconsin. By Fred L. Holmes. (New York and London: D. Appleton and Company. 1915. Pp. xi, 375.) pp. 408-409 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Pathological Lying, Accusation and Swindling. By William Healy and Mary Tenney Healy. Criminal Science monographs No. 1: Supplement to the Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. (Boston: Little, Brown and Co.1915. Pp. 286.) pp. 409-411 Downloads
Knight Dunlap
Principles of Labor Legislation. By John R. Commons and John B. Andrews. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1916. Pp. 524. $2.) pp. 411-412 Downloads
D. A. McCabe

Volume 10, issue 1, 1916

Principles of Legislation pp. 1-19 Downloads
Ernst Freund
The Attempted Revision of the State Constitution of New York pp. 20-43 Downloads
Gilbert Giddings Benjamin
Language and the Sentiment of Nationality pp. 44-69 Downloads
Carl Darling Buck
The Justiciability of International Disputes1 pp. 70-79 Downloads
Jesse S. Reeves
Quasi-Legislative Powers of State Boards of Health1 pp. 80-95 Downloads
U. G. Dubach
The Diplomacy of the War of 1914. The Beginnings of the War. By Ellery C. Stowell, Assistant Professor of International Law at Columbia University. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. Pp. xxii, 728.) pp. 164-166 Downloads
Amos S. Hershey
American Diplomacy. By Carl Russell FishPh.D., Professor of American History, University of Wisconsin. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1915. Pp. 541.) pp. 166-168 Downloads
F. A. Updyke
Electoral Reform in England and Wales. The Development and Operation of the Parliamentary Franchise, 1832–1885. By Charles SeymourM.A., Ph.D., (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1915. Pp. xix, 564.) pp. 168-171 Downloads
E. P.,
Law and its Administration. By Harlan F. Stone. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1915. Pp. 232.) pp. 172-173 Downloads
W. W. W.,
Maryland Constitutional Law. By Alfred S. Niles. (Baltimore: Hepbron and Haydon. 1915. Pp. 588.) pp. 172-172 Downloads
W. W. W.,
Nationalism and War in the Near East. By a Diplomatist. Edited by Lord Courtney of Penwith. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1915. Pp. xxvi, 428.) pp. 174-175 Downloads
Carl D. Buck
Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy. By Charles A. Beard. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1915. Pp. ix, 474.) pp. 175-177 Downloads
Frank I. Schechter
Socialized Germany. By Frederic C. HoweLL.D., (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1915. Pp. x, 342.) pp. 177-180 Downloads
Walter James Shepard
Government and Politics of the German Empire. By Fritz-Konrad Krüger. (Yonkers-on-Hudson: New York. World Book Company. 1915. Pp. xi, 340.) pp. 180-182 Downloads
Walter James Shepard
The Diplomatic Protection of Citizens Abroad or the Law of International Claims. By Edwin M. Borchard. (New York: The Banks Law Publishing Company. 1915. Pp. xxxvii, 988.) pp. 182-184 Downloads
Philip Marshall Brown
Outline of International Law. By Arnold Bennett Hall. (Chicago: LaSalle Extension University. 1915. Pp. v, 255.) pp. 184-185 Downloads
Philip Marshall Brown
The People's Government. By David Jayne Hill. (New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1915. Pp. 287.) pp. 185-187 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
The History of Twelve Days, July 24th to August 4th, 1914. Being an Account of the Negotiations Preceding the Outbreak of War, Based on the Official Publications. By J. W. HeadlamM.A., formerly Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. (New York: Scribner's. 1915. Pp. xxiv and 412.) pp. 187-189 Downloads
Edward Raymond Turner
The European War of 1914: Its Causes, Purposes, and Probable Results. By John William BurgessPh.D., J.U.D., LL.D., Formerly Professor of Constitutional and International Law, and Dean of the Faculties of Political Science, Philosophy, and Pure Science, in Columbia University. (Chicago: McClurg and Co.1915. Pp. ix and 209.) pp. 189-191 Downloads
Edward Raymond Turner
Pan-Americanism. A Forecast of the Inevitable Clash Between the United States and Europe's Victor. By Roland G. Usher. (New York: The Century Company. 1915.) pp. 191-193 Downloads
James Miller Leake
Reflections on Violence. By Georges Sorel. Trans. by T. E. Hulme. (New York: B. W. Huebsch. 1915. Pp. 229.) pp. 193-195 Downloads
A. O. Lovejoy
The Enforcement of Decrees in Equity. By Charles Andrews Huston. Harvard Studies in Jurisprudence, No. 1. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. Pp. xxi, 189.) pp. 195-196 Downloads
J. Wallace Bryan
The Reconciliation of Government with Liberty. By John W. Burgess. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1915. Pp. xix, 394.) pp. 196-198 Downloads
Lindsay Rogers
Undercurrents in American Politics. By A. T. Hadley. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. 1915. Pp. 185.) - The Liberty of Citizenship. By S. W. McCall. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. 1915. Pp. 134.) pp. 198-199 Downloads
J. M. Mathews
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