American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 104, issue 4, 2010
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-viii

- Anonymous
- When Distance Mattered: Geographic Scale and the Development of European Representative Assemblies pp. 625-643

- David Stasavage
- Economic versus Cultural Differences: Forms of Ethnic Diversity and Public Goods Provision pp. 644-662

- Kate Baldwin and John D. Huber
- Dynamic Public Opinion: Communication Effects over Time pp. 663-680

- Dennis Chong and James N. Druckman
- Agonistic Homegoing: Frederick Douglass, Joseph Lowery, and the Democratic Value of African American Public Mourning pp. 681-697

- Simon Stow
- Coalition-directed Voting in Multiparty Democracies pp. 698-719

- Raymond M. Duch, Jeff May and David Armstrong
- Party Affiliation, Partisanship, and Political Beliefs: A Field Experiment pp. 720-744

- Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber and Ebonya Washington
- Competition between Specialized Candidates pp. 745-765

- Stefan Krasa and Mattias K Polborn
- Limitation Riders and Congressional Influence over Bureaucratic Policy Decisions pp. 766-782

- Jason A. Macdonald
- The President and the Distribution of Federal Spending pp. 783-799

- Christopher R. Berry, Barry C. Burden and William G. Howell
- Fullness and Dearth: Depth Experience and Democratic Life pp. 800-816

- Stephen K. White
- Political Consequences of the Carceral State pp. 817-833

- Vesla M. Weaver and Amy E. Lerman
Volume 104, issue 3, 2010
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-viii

- Anonymous
- International System and Technologies of Rebellion: How the End of the Cold War Shaped Internal Conflict pp. 415-429

- Stathis N. Kalyvas and Laia Balcells
- Regime Type, the Fate of Leaders, and War pp. 430-445

- Alexandre Debs and H.E. Goemans
- Regime Change and Revolutionary Entrepreneurs pp. 446-466

- Ethan Bueno de Mesquita
- A Liberal Defense of Black Nationalism pp. 467-481

- Andrew Valls
- Nodding or Needling: Analyzing Delegate Responsiveness in an Authoritarian Parliament pp. 482-502

- Edmund Malesky and Paul Schuler
- The Conditional Impact of Incumbency on Government Formation pp. 503-518

- Lanny W. Martin and Randolph T. Stevenson
- Leapfrog Representation and Extremism: A Study of American Voters and Their Members in Congress pp. 519-542

- Joseph Bafumi and Michael C. Herron
- Political Polarization and the Size of Government pp. 543-565

- Erik Lindqvist and Robert Östling
- Who Wants To Deliberate—And Why? pp. 566-583

- Michael A. Neblo, Kevin M. Esterling, Ryan P. Kennedy, David M.J. Lazer and Anand E. Sokhey
- Familiarity Breeds Investment: Diaspora Networks and International Investment pp. 584-600

- David Leblang
- Real Exchange Rates and Competitiveness: The Political Economy of Skill Formation, Wage Compression, and Electoral Systems pp. 601-623

- Torben Iversen and David Soskice
- Attitudes toward Highly Skilled and Low-skilled Immigration: Evidence from a Survey Experiment—Erratum pp. 624-624

- Jens Hainmueller and Michael J. Hiscox
Volume 104, issue 2, 2010
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-viii

- Anonymous
- “A Good Work for Our Race To-Day”: Interests, Virtues, and the Achievement of Justice in Frederick Douglass's Freedmen's Monument Speech pp. 209-225

- Peter C. Myers
- Are Survey Experiments Externally Valid? pp. 226-242

- Jason Barabas and Jennifer Jerit
- Direct Democracy and Local Public Goods: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Indonesia pp. 243-267

- Benjamin Olken
- Estimating the Electoral Effects of Voter Turnout pp. 268-288

- Thomas G. Hansford and Brad T. Gomez
- Ministerial Selection and Intraparty Organization in the Contemporary British Parliament pp. 289-306

- Christopher Kam, William T. Bianco, Itai Sened and Regina Smyth
- Migrant Remittances and Exchange Rate Regimes in the Developing World pp. 307-323

- David Andrew Singer
- Activists and Conflict Extension in American Party Politics pp. 324-346

- Geoffrey C. Layman, Thomas M. Carsey, John C. Green, Richard Herrera and Rosalyn Cooperman
- Diplomatic Calculus in Anarchy: How Communication Matters pp. 347-368

- Robert F. Trager
- Historical Knowledge and Quantitative Analysis: The Case of the Origins of Proportional Representation pp. 369-392

- Marcus Kreuzer
- Coevolution of Capitalism and Political Representation: The Choice of Electoral Systems pp. 393-403

- Thomas Cusack, Torben Iversen and David Soskice
- Electoral Markets, Party Strategies, and Proportional Representation pp. 404-413

- Carles Boix
Volume 104, issue 1, 2010
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-viii

- Anonymous
- Are Coethnics More Effective Counterinsurgents? Evidence from the Second Chechen War pp. 1-20

- Jason Lyall
- Cross-cutting Cleavages and Ethnic Voting: An Experimental Study of Cousinage in Mali pp. 21-39

- Thad Dunning and Lauren Harrison
- Politicized Places: Explaining Where and When Immigrants Provoke Local Opposition pp. 40-60

- Daniel J. Hopkins
- Attitudes toward Highly Skilled and Low-skilled Immigration: Evidence from a Survey Experiment pp. 61-84

- Jens Hainmueller and Michael J. Hiscox
- Personality and Civic Engagement: An Integrative Framework for the Study of Trait Effects on Political Behavior pp. 85-110

- Jeffery J. Mondak, Matthew V. Hibbing, Damarys Canache, Mitchell A. Seligson and Mary R. Anderson
- Personality and Political Attitudes: Relationships across Issue Domains and Political Contexts pp. 111-133

- Alan S. Gerber, Gregory A. Huber, David Doherty, Conor M. Dowling and Shang E. Ha
- Without Foundations: Plato's Lysis and Postmodern Friendship pp. 134-150

- Paul W. Ludwig
- Broad Bills or Particularistic Policy? Historical Patterns in American State Legislatures pp. 151-170

- Gerald Gamm and Thad Kousser
- Building Strategic Capacity: The Political Underpinnings of Coordinated Wage Bargaining pp. 171-188

- John S. Ahlquist
- Taking People As They Are: Islam As a “Realistic Utopia” in the Political Theory of Sayyid Qutb pp. 189-207

- Andrew F. March
Volume 103, issue 4, 2009
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-viii

- Anonymous
- MPs for Sale? Returns to Office in Postwar British Politics pp. 513-533

- Andrew C. Eggers and Jens Hainmueller
- Assessing Partisan Bias in Federal Public Corruption Prosecutions pp. 534-554

- Sanford C. Gordon
- When Left Is Right: Party Ideology and Policy in Post-Communist Europe pp. 555-569

- Margit Tavits and Natalia Letki
- The Case for Responsible Parties pp. 570-587

- Dan Bernhardt, John Duggan and Francesco Squintani
- Closing the Deal: Negotiating Civil Rights Legislation pp. 588-606

- Gyung-Ho Jeong, Gary J. Miller and Itai Sened
- Legislative Involvement in Parliamentary Systems: Opportunities, Conflict, and Institutional Constraints pp. 607-621

- Fabio Franchino and Bjørn Høyland
- Deference, Dissent, and Dispute Resolution: An Experimental Intervention Using Mass Media to Change Norms and Behavior in Rwanda pp. 622-644

- Elizabeth Levy Paluck and Donald P. Green
- Why Resource-poor Dictators Allow Freer Media: A Theory and Evidence from Panel Data pp. 645-668

- Georgy Egorov, Sergei Guriev and Konstantin Sonin
- Trade-based Diffusion of Labor Rights: A Panel Study, 1986–2002 pp. 669-690

- Brian Greenhill, Layna Mosley and Aseem Prakash
- Claiming Rights across Borders: International Human Rights and Democratic Sovereignty pp. 691-704

- Seyla Benhabib
Volume 103, issue 3, 2009
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-viii

- Anonymous
- Religious Competition and Ethnic Mobilization in Latin America: Why the Catholic Church Promotes Indigenous Movements in Mexico pp. 323-342

- Guillermo Trejo
- Campaign Communications in U.S. Congressional Elections pp. 343-366

- James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer and Michael Parkin
- Gay Rights in the States: Public Opinion and Policy Responsiveness pp. 367-386

- Jeffrey R. Lax and Justin H. Phillips
- Myopic Voters and Natural Disaster Policy pp. 387-406

- Andrew Healy and Neil Malhotra
- Partisanship and Economic Behavior: Do Partisan Differences in Economic Forecasts Predict Real Economic Behavior? pp. 407-426

- Alan S. Gerber and Gregory A. Huber
- Birthrights: Freedom, Responsibility, and Democratic Comportment in Aeschylus' Oresteia pp. 427-441

- Elizabeth Markovits
- The Language of Liberty and Law: James Wilson on America's Written Constitution pp. 442-455

- James R. Zink
- Moral and Criminal Responsibility in Plato's Laws pp. 456-473

- Lorraine Smith Pangle
- The Constraining Capacity of Legal Doctrine on the U.S. Supreme Court pp. 474-495

- Brandon L. Bartels
- Constitutional Power and Competing Risks: Monarchs, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and the Termination of East and West European Cabinets pp. 496-512

- Petra Schleiter and Edward Morgan-Jones
Volume 103, issue 2, 2009
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-vii

- Anonymous
- A Model of Social Identity with an Application to Political Economy: Nation, Class, and Redistribution pp. 147-174

- Moses Shayo
- Moral Bias in Large Elections: Theory and Experimental Evidence pp. 175-192

- Timothy Feddersen, Sean Gailmard and Alvaro Sandroni
- The Transforming Power of Democracy: Regime Type and the Distribution of Electricity pp. 193-213

- David S. Brown and Ahmed Mobarak
- Representation Rethought: On Trustees, Delegates, and Gyroscopes in the Study of Political Representation and Democracy pp. 214-230

- Andrew Rehfeld
- From Violence to Voting: War and Political Participation in Uganda pp. 231-247

- Christopher Blattman
- Should Peacemakers Take Sides? Major Power Mediation, Coercion, and Bias pp. 248-263

- Katja Favretto
- Helping Hand or Grabbing Hand? State Bureaucracy and Privatization Effectiveness pp. 264-283

- J. David Brown, John Earle and Scott Gehlbach
- Who Wants To Revise Privatization? The Complementarity of Market Skills and Institutions pp. 284-304

- Irina Denisova, Markus Eller, Timothy Frye and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
- The Design of Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws: The Triumph of Freedom over Determinism pp. 305-321

- Ana J. Samuel
Volume 103, issue 1, 2009
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-vii

- Anonymous
- Shaping Democratic Practice and the Causes of Electoral Fraud: The Case of Nineteenth-Century Germany pp. 1-21

- Daniel Ziblatt
- Do Electoral Quotas Work after They Are Withdrawn? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India pp. 23-35

- Rikhil Bhavnani
- Who Loses in American Democracy? A Count of Votes Demonstrates the Limited Representation of African Americans pp. 37-57

- Zoltan L. Hajnal
- Spatial Voting in the 2004 Presidential Election pp. 59-81

- Stephen A. Jessee
- The Electoral Implications of Candidate Ambiguity pp. 83-98

- Michael Tomz and Robert P. van Houweling
- When Do Legislators Pass on Pork? The Role of Political Parties in Determining Legislator Effort pp. 99-112

- Philip Keefer and Stuti Khemani
- Exporting the Bomb: Why States Provide Sensitive Nuclear Assistance pp. 113-133

- Matthew Kroenig
- Analysis and History of Political Thought pp. 135-146

- Peter J. Steinberger
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