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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 5, issue 4, 1911

Impressions of British Party Politics, 1909–1911 pp. 509-534 Downloads
Alfred L. P. Dennis
Direct Primaries and the Second Ballot pp. 535-552 Downloads
A. N. Holcombe
Spanish Interests in Morocco pp. 553-565 Downloads
George Frederick Andrews
New Forms of the Initiative and Referendum pp. 566-572 Downloads
S. Gale Lowrie
Rhodian Sea-Law. Edited from the manuscripts by Walter Ashburner. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909. Pp. ccxciii, 132.) pp. 629-632 Downloads
G. W. Scott
Sir Randal Cremer, His Life and Work. By Howard Evans. (Boston: Ginn & Co., Published for the International School of Peace, 1910. Pp. 356.) pp. 632-637 Downloads
Wm. I. Hull
War Rights on Land. By J. M. Spaight. (London: Macmillan & Co., 1911. Pp. 520.) pp. 637-638 Downloads
Frank Edward Horack
Capture in War on Land and Sea. By Hans Wehberg, Dr. Jur. Translated from Das Beuterecht in Land und Seekriege. With an introduction by John M. RobertsonM. P., (London: P. S. King & Son, 1911. Pp. xxxv, 210.) pp. 638-639 Downloads
Charles G. Fenwick
The Party System. By Hilaire Belloc and Cecil Chesterton. (London: Stephen Swift, 1911. Pp. 226.) pp. 640-642 Downloads
Edward Porritt
Second Chambers. By J. A. R. Marriott. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910. Pp. viii, 312.) pp. 642-645 Downloads
J. Wallace Bryan
The Nature and Sources of the Law. By John Chipman Gray. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1909. Pp. xii, 332.) pp. 645-647 Downloads
Arnold B. Hall
General Theory of Law. By N. M. Karkunov, translated by W. G. Hastings. (Boston: Boston Book Company, 1909. Pp. xiv, 524.) pp. 647-648 Downloads
Arnold B. Hall
Popular Law Making. By Frederic Jesup Stimson. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910. Pp. 390.) pp. 648-649 Downloads
John B. Sanborn
Index Analysis of the Federal Statutes (General and Permanent Laws) 1789–1873, together with a table of repeals and amendments. By Middleton G. BeamanA. B., LL. B., and A. K. McNamaraLL. B., (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1911.) pp. 650-651 Downloads
E. F.,
Race Distinctions in American Law. By Gilbert T. Stephenson. (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1910. Pp. xv., 388.) pp. 651-653 Downloads
J. M. Mathews
Police Administration. A Critical Study of Police Organizations in the United States and Abroad. By Leonhard Felix Fuld. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. Pp. xv, 551.) pp. 653-654 Downloads
A. R. Hatton
The Commercial Power of Congress Considered in the Light of Its Origin: The origin, development and contemporary interpretation of the commerce clause of the Federal Constitution, from the New Jersey Representations of 1778, to the Embargo Laws of Jefferson's second administration in 1809. By David Walter Brown. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. Pp. ix, 284.) pp. 654-655 Downloads
Bernard C. Steiner
Modern Theories of Criminality. By C. Bernaldo de Quiros. Translated by Dr.Alphonse de Silvio, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages in Northwestern University, with an introduction by W. W. Smithers. (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1911, Pp. xxvii, 249.) pp. 656-656 Downloads
J. W. Garner

Volume 5, issue 3, 1911

The Canadian Navy and Imperial Unity pp. 339-352 Downloads
Theodore H. Boggs
French Colonial Expansion in West Africa, The Sudan, and the Sahara pp. 353-373 Downloads
Norman Dwight Harris
Central Utilities Commissions and Home Rule: A Paper before the Madison Literary Society, May 9, 19101 pp. 374-393 Downloads
Balthasar H. Meyer
The Working of the State-Wide Referendum in Illinois pp. 394-417 Downloads
C. O. Gardner
Constitutional Developments in Foreign Countries During 19101 pp. 418-428 Downloads
W. F. Dodd
Railroad Traffic and Rates. By E. R. Johnson and G. G. Huebner. (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1911. 2 vols. Large 12mo., with forms, Maps and Charts. Pp. xvi, 524; x, 448.) pp. 466-468 Downloads
Logan G. McPherson
The State and the Doctor. By Sidney and Beatrice Webb. (New York: Longmans, Green and Co. Pp. xiii, 276. $2.00.) pp. 468-471 Downloads
A. G. Porritt
Democracy and the Party System in the United States: A Study in Extra-Constitutional Government. By M. Ostrogorski. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910. Pp. 455.) pp. 472-474 Downloads
Jesse Macy
The Conflict of Color. By B. L. Putnam Weale. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910. Pp. 341.) pp. 474-475 Downloads
Paul S. Reinsch
The American Commonwealth. By James Bryce. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1910. Two vols. Pp. xv, 742; vii, 962.) pp. 476-477 Downloads
Henry Jones Ford
The National Land System, 1785–1820. By Payson Jackson TreatPh. D., (New York: E. B. Treat & Co., pp. 440.) pp. 478-479 Downloads
George M. Janes
Crime and Criminals in 1876–1910. By R. F. QuintonM. D., Late Governor and Medical Officer of H. M. Prison, Holloway. (London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1910, pp. xvi, 259.) pp. 479-480 Downloads
A. O. Mullen
Land Problems and National Welfare. By Christopher Turnor. (New York: John Lane Company, 1911, pp. 335) pp. 480-482 Downloads
Paul S. Reinsch
Socialistic Fallacies. By Yves Guyot. English Edition. (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1909, pp. xxiii, 343) pp. 482-483 Downloads
T. L. Sidlo
Reconstruction in Texas. By Charles William Ramsdell. (Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910. Pp. 324) pp. 483-484 Downloads
Horace E. Flack
Virginia's Attitude Toward Slavery and Secession. By Beverley B. Munford. (New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1910. Pp. xiii, 330.) pp. 484-485 Downloads
Bernard C. Steiner
The Conflict Between Individualism and Collectivism in a Democracy. By Charles W. Eliot. (New York. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1910. Pp. 135.) pp. 485-486 Downloads
J. M. Mathews
Railroad Administration. By Ray Morris, Managing Editor of the Railway Age Gazette. (New York: D. Appleton & Co.1910. Pp. x, 309.) pp. 486-489 Downloads
J. A. F.,
Deutsche Prisengerichtsbarkeit, Ihre Reform durch das Haager Abkommen vom 18 Oktober, 1907. Von Dr. jur Heinrich Pohl, Gerichtsassessor, Privatdozent fur Staats, Verwaltungs und Völkerrecht an der Universität Bonn. Tubingen: (J. C. B. Mohr, 1911, pp. 233.) pp. 489-490 Downloads
G. G. Wilson
The American Year Book: A Record of Events and Progress, 1910. (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1911, Pp. xx, 868.) pp. 490-491 Downloads

Volume 5, issue 2, 1911

Aerial Jurisdiction1 pp. 171-180 Downloads
George Grafton Wilson
The Washington Meeting of the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes pp. 181-193 Downloads
Theodore Marburg
The Constitutionality of Old Age Pensions pp. 194-212 Downloads
Frank J. Goodnow
Political Institutions in Liberia pp. 213-223 Downloads
George W. Ellis
Tendencies of the Labor Legislation of 1910 pp. 224-234 Downloads
Irene Osgood Andrews
The Diary of James K. Polk during his Presidency, 1845 to 1849. Now first printed from the original manuscript in the collections of the Chicago Historical Society. Edited and annotated by Milo Milton Quaife, Assistant Professor in the Lewis Institute of Technology, with an introduction by Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin, Head of the Department of History of the University of Chicago. (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Company, 1910. 4 vols. Pp. xxxii, 498; 494; 508; 462.) pp. 288-290 Downloads
Jesse S. Reeves
The Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. By William Flavelle Monypenny. Vol. I, 1804–1837. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1910. Pp. ix, 401.) pp. 291-292 Downloads
A. G. Porritt
Britain Across the Seas—Africa: A History and Description of the British Empire, in Africa. By Sir Harry JohnstonG.C.M.G., K.C.B., D.Sc., (London: National Society's Depository. Pp. xix, 428; 237.) pp. 293-294 Downloads
Henry C. Morris
Senates and Upper Chambers. By Harold W. V. Temperley. (London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd. Pp. xvii, 343. 1910.) pp. 294-296 Downloads
George H. Haynes
The Governance of Empire. By P. A. Silburn, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Natal. (London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1910. Pp. xi. 347.) pp. 297-298 Downloads
Paul S. Reinsch
Administrative Problems of British India. By Joseph Chailley, translated by SirWilliam Meyer. (London: Macmillan and Company, 1910. Pp. xv, 590.) pp. 298-300 Downloads
Paul S. Reinsch
The Roman Empire: Essays on the Constitutional History from Domitian (81 A. D.) to the Retirement of Nicephorus III, (1081 A. D.) By F. W. Bussell. (London and New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1910. 2 vols. Pp. xiv, 402; xxiii, 521.) pp. 300-304 Downloads
William C. Morey
The Revision and Amendment of State Constitutions. By Walter Fairleigh Dodd. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1910. Pp. xviii, 350.) pp. 304-306 Downloads
William Starr Myers
Biographical Story of the Constitution; A Study of the Growth of the American Union. By Edward Elliott. (New York and London: The Knickerbocker Press, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. Pp. vii, 400.) pp. 307-307 Downloads
George L. Sioussat
A Treatise on the Law of Labor Unions. By W. A. Martin. (Washington, D. C.: John Byrne & Co., 1910. Pp. xxv, 650.) pp. 308-309 Downloads
G. E. B.,
Corruption in American Politics and Life. By Robert C. Brooks. (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1910. Pp. 309.) pp. 309-311 Downloads
Charles G. Haines
Introduction to Political Science. By Raymond Garfield Gettell. (New York: Ginn and Company, 1910. Pp. xx, 421.) pp. 311-312 Downloads
Edgar Dawson
The Great Illusion: A Study of the Relation of Military Power in Nations to their Economic and Social Advantage. By Norman Angell. (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. Pp. 388.) pp. 312-316 Downloads
Amos S. Hershey
Public Ownership of Telephones on the Continent of Europe. By Arthur N. Holcombe. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1911. Pp. xx, 482.) pp. 316-318 Downloads
Delos F. Wilcox
Cases on Administrative Law, etc. By Ernst Freund, Professor of Law in the University of Chicago. American Case Book Series, James Brown Scott, General Editor. (St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1911. Pp. xxi, 681.) pp. 318-320 Downloads

Volume 5, issue 1, 1911

The Law and the Facts: Presidential Address, Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association pp. 1-11 Downloads
Woodrow Wilson
Diplomatic Affairs and International Law, 1910 pp. 12-37 Downloads
Paul S. Reinsch
The Commission Plan of City Government1 pp. 38-56 Downloads
Oswald Ryan
Tendencies Toward Ministerial Responsibility in Germany pp. 57-69 Downloads
Walter J. Shepard
The Roman Assemblies from their Origin to the End of the Republic. By George Willis Botsford, Professor of History in Columbia University. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1909. Pp. x, 521.) pp. 119-125 Downloads
Ralph Van Deman Magoffin
The Servian People, Their Past Glory and Their Destiny. By Prince and Princess Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich. (New York: Scribner's Sons, 1910. 2 vols. Pp. 742.) pp. 125-126 Downloads
George Frederick Andrews
Das Staatsrecht des Königreichs Griechenland, by Dr.Nicolaus N. Saripolos. (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1909. Pp. 1910.) pp. 126-129 Downloads
Theodore P. Ion
Handbook of International Law. By George Grafton Wilson. (St. Paul: West Publishing Company, 1910. Pp. xxi, 623.) pp. 129-131 Downloads
Arthur K. Kuhn
The Interest of America in International Conditions. By A. T. Mahan. (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1910. Pp. 212.) pp. 131-135 Downloads
James Morton Callahan
Municipal Franchises: A Description of the Terms and Conditions under which Private Corporations Enjoy Special Privileges in the Streets of American Cities. By Delos F. WilcoxPh.D., Vol. I: Introductory, Pipe and Wire Franchises. (Rochester, New York: The Gervaise Press, 1910. Pp. xix, 1–170.) pp. 135-137 Downloads
W. F. Willoughby
Great Cities in America. By Delos F. Wilcox. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910. Pp. 426.) pp. 138-138 Downloads
Raymond Garfield Gettell
The Health of the City. By Hollis Godfrey. (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1910. Pp. 372.) pp. 139-139 Downloads
Raymond Garfield Gettell
Introduction to Political Science. By James W. Garner. (New York: American Book Company, 1910. Pp. 616.) pp. 140-141 Downloads
William A. Schaper
American Government and Politics. By Charles A. Beard. (New York; The Macmillan Company, 1910. Pp. 772.) pp. 141-142 Downloads
Charles G. Haines
The Cost of Our National Government: A Study in Political Pathology. By Henry Jones Ford, Professor of Politics in Princeton University. (New York: The Columbia University Press, 1910. Pp. xv, 1–143.) pp. 143-145 Downloads
W. F. Willoughby
Government Ownership of Railways: Considered as the Next Great Step in American Progress. By Anthony Van Wagenen. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. Pp. 255.) pp. 145-146 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
Great Britain and the Illinois Country, 1763–1774. By Clarence Edwin Carter. (Washington: American Historical Association (Justin Winsor Prize Essay for 1908), 1910. Pp. viii, 223.) pp. 146-147 Downloads
Bernard C. Steiner
The Frankpledge System. By William Alfred Morris. (Harvard Historical Series, XIV. New York: Longmans, Green, and Company1910. Pp. xiii, 194.) pp. 148-149 Downloads
Laurence M. Larson
Under the title of Social Insurance: a Program of Social Reform (The American Social Progress Series. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1910. Pp. 175) pp. 149-155 Downloads
Bernard C. Steiner
The Meaning of Social Science. By Albion W. Small. (University of Chicago Press. Chicago. 1910. Pp. 320) pp. 156-156 Downloads
C. O. Gardner
Das Wesen der Österreichischen Kommunal-Verfassung. Von Dr.Josef Redlich (Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot. 1910. Pp. 85) pp. 156-157 Downloads
J. W. Garner
Page updated 2025-03-25