American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 9, issue 4, 1915
- Judicial Control of Administrative and Legislative Acts in France pp. 637-665

- James W. Garner
- The Substitution of Rule for Discretion in Public Law1 pp. 666-676

- Ernst Freund
- The Trend Within the British Empire pp. 677-695

- Theodore H. Boggs
- The Congressional Caucus of Today pp. 696-706

- Wilder H. Haines
- The Early History of the Tradition of the Constitution pp. 707-734

- Frank I. Schechter
- The New American Government and its Work. By James T. Young. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915. Pp. xi, 658.) pp. 787-789

- Anonymous
- Das Internationale Landkriegsrecht Erläutert. By Dr.Karl Strupp. (Frankfurt am Main: Joseph Baer & Co., 1914. Pp. xii, 252.) pp. 789-790

- Jesse S. Reeves
- Die Geschichte der Pan-Amerikanischen Bewegung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer völkerrechtlichen Bedeutung. By Dr.Robert Büchi. (Völkerrechtliche Monographien herausgegeben von Dr.Walter Schücking und Dr.Hans Wehberg Heft 2, Breslau, 1914, J. U. Kern's Verlag. Pp. xvi, 189.) pp. 790-791

- Jesse S. Reeves
- Bender's War Revenue Law 1914. By the Publisher's Editorial Staff. (Albany, N. Y.: Matthew Bender and Company, 1914. Pp. xxviii. 181.) pp. 791-792

- J. Wallace Bryan
- The Monroe Doctrine: National or International? By William I. Hull. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1915. Pp. vii, 129.) pp. 792-792

- Robert T. Crane
- Woman's Work in Municipalities. By Mary Ritter Beard. (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1915. Pp. x, 337.) pp. 792-793

- Robert T. Crane
- Cyclopedia of American Government. Edited by Andrew C. McLaughlin and Albert Bushnell Hart. (New York and London: D. Appleton and Company, 1915. 3 volumes. Pp. xxxiv, 732; vi, 773; v, 785.) pp. 793-798

- John A. Fairlie
- The Natural History of the State: An Introduction to Political Science. By Henry Jones Ford. (Princeton University Press, 1915. Pp. i–viii, 1–188) pp. 798-799

- J. Q. Dealey
- The Formal Bases of Law. By Giorgio del Vecchio. Translated by John Lisle. Modern Legal Philosophy Series, Vol X. (Boston: The Boston Book Co., 1914. Pp. lvii, 418.) pp. 799-802

- Morris Raphael Cohen
- Societal Evolution. By Albert Galloway Keller. (New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. ix + 338.) pp. 802-803

- Henry Jones Ford
- Applied City Government. By Herman G. James. (New York: Harper and Bros. Pp. ix + 106.) pp. 803-804

- Henry Jones Ford
Volume 9, issue 3, 1915
- Education for the Bar in the United States pp. 437-448

- Simeon E. Baldwin
- The Bicameral System in State Legislation pp. 449-466

- James D. Barnett
- The Presidential Preference Primary pp. 467-487

- Francis W. Dickey
- Scientific Management of the Public Business1 pp. 488-495

- Morris L. Cooke
- City Manager Plan in Ohio1 pp. 496-503

- L. D. Upson
- Some Reflections on the City Manager Plan of Government1 pp. 504-506

- Herman G. James
- Court Organization for a Metropolitan District1 pp. 507-518

- Herbert Harley
- Repeal of the Judiciary Act of 1801 pp. 519-528

- William S. Carpenter
- Limitations on the Treaty-Making Power Under the Constitution of the United States. By Henry St. George Tucker. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1915. Pp. xxi, 444.) pp. 595-598

- Lindsay Rogers
- Austria-Hungary and the War. By Ernest Ludwig, with an introduction by Dr.Constantin Theodor Dumba. (New York: J. S. Ogilvie. 1915. Pp. 217, with two appendices.) pp. 598-602

- N. Dwight Harris
- Les Finances de Guerre de L'Angleterre. By Gaston Jèze, Professeur-adjoint a la Faculté de Droit de L'Université de Paris. (Paris: Giard et Brière. 1915. Pp. 248.) pp. 602-604

- James W. Garner
- A History of French Public Law. By Jean Brissaud. Translated by James W. Garner. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1915. Pp. lviii + 581.) pp. 604-605

- J. M. Vincent
- War: Its Conduct and Legal Results. By T. Baty and J. H. Morgan. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1915. Pp. xxviii, 578.) - Manual of Emergency Legislation … Passed and Made in Consequence of the War. Edited by Alexander Pulling. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1914. Pp. xi. 572.) pp. 605-608

- Lindsay Rogers
- Les Principes Généraux du Droit Administratif. Deuxième édition. By Gaston Jèze. (Paris: Giard et Brière. 1914. Pp. xlvii, 542.) pp. 608-612

- James W. Garner
- The Philosophy of Law. By Josef Kohler. (Boston: The Boston Book Company. 1914. Pp. xliv, 390.) pp. 612-614

- Orrin K. McMurray
Volume 9, issue 2, 1915
- Reform in China1 pp. 209-224

- Frank J. Goodnow
- Remarks on President Goodnow's Paper pp. 224-226

- Sudhindra Bose
- The Southern Slav Question pp. 227-251

- Norman Dwight Harris
- Governmental Reorganization in Illinois1 pp. 252-257

- John A. Fairlie
- Administrative Reorganization in Iowa1 pp. 258-263

- F. E. Horack
- The Reorganization of State Government in Kansas1 pp. 264-272

- C. A. Dykstra
- Administrative Reorganization in Minnesota1 pp. 273-286

- Jeremiah S. Young
- Reorganization of State Government in Oregon1 pp. 287-293

- James D. Barnett
- The Reorganization of State Government1 pp. 294-303

- Herman G. James
- The Executive Council, with Special Reference to Massachusetts1 pp. 304-308

- A. N. Holcombe
- Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution. By A. V. Dicey. Eighth edition. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1915. Pp. cv, 577.) pp. 385-389

- E. P.,
- Intervention and Colonization in Africa. By Norman Dwight Harris, with an introduction by James T. Shotwell. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1914. Pp. xviii, 384.) pp. 389-391

- C. S. Allin
- The Legislative Union of England and Scotland. By P. Hume Brown. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1914. Pp. xii, 208.) pp. 391-393

- Edward Porritt
- The Law and the Poor. By Edward Abbott Parry. (New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. Pp. xxi, 316.) pp. 394-395

- Anonymous
- Party Government in the United States of America. By William Milligan Sloane. (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1914. Pp. xvii, 451.) pp. 395-398

- Victor J. West
- The Individual Delinquent. By Dr.William Healy. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1915. Pp. 830.) pp. 398-399

- Adolf Meyer
- The Dread of Responsibility. By Émile Faguet. Translated from the French by Emily James Putnam. (New York: G. P. Putnam Sons, 1914. Pp. xv, 221.) pp. 399-401

- J. W. Garner
- The Passing of the Great Reform Bill. By J. R. M. Butler. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914. Pp. xiii, 454.) - The Genesis of Parliamentary Reform. By George Stead Veitch, with introduction by Ramsay Muir. (London: Constable and Company. Pp xxxi, 397.) pp. 401-405

- Edward Porritt
- Thirty Years. Anglo-French Reminiscences (1876–1906). By SirThomas Barclay. (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company. 1914. Pp. viii, 389 pp. 405-406

- John H. Latané
- The Principles and Practice of Prize Law. By Viscount Tiverton. (London: Butterworth and Company, 1914. Pp. xix, 218.) pp. 406-408

- Philip Marshall Brown
- Harrington and his Oceana. By H. F. Russell Smith. (Cambridge University Press, 1914. Pp. 223.) pp. 408-409

- Raymond G. Gettell
- Progressive Democracy. By Herbert Croly. (New York: Macmillan Company. Pp. vii, 438.) pp. 409-410

- Henry Jones Ford
- The Political Science of John Adams. By C. M. Walsh. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. xii, 374.) pp. 410-411

- Henry Jones Ford
- The Modern City and Its Problems. By Frederic C. Howe, Ph.D. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915. Pp. x, 390.) pp. 411-412

- William Bennett Munro
Volume 9, issue 1, 1915
- Law and Organization: Presidential Address the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association pp. 1-15

- John Bassett Moore
- The Causes of the Great War pp. 16-35

- Edward Raymond Turner
- Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States on Constitutional Questions, 1911–1914 pp. 36-49

- Emlin McClain
- The essence of democracy pp. 50-56

- Wilhelm Hasbach
- The Federal Trade Commission: The Development of the Law which led to its Establishment pp. 57-67

- James A. Fayne
- Sub-Committees of Congress1 pp. 68-92

- Burton L. French
- The Validity of Rate Regulations, State and Federal. By Robert P. Reeder, of the Philadelphia Bar. (Philadelphia: T. and J. N. Johnson Company, 1914. Pp. ix, 440.) pp. 160-163

- Edward S. Corwin
- The Confederation of Europe: A Study of the European Alliance, 1813–1823, as an Experiment in the International Organization of Peace. By Walter Alison Phillips, M.A. (London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1914. Pp. xv, 315.) pp. 163-166

- John H. Latané
- “L'État et les Fonctionnaires: Études Economiques et Sociales, Publiées avec le concours du Collège libre des Sciences sociales.” By Alexander Lefas. (Paris: Giard et Brière, 1913. Pp. lxix, 397.) pp. 166-168

- James W. Garner
- The American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy. By Charles Grove Haines. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914. Pp. xvii, 365.) pp. 168-170

- W. F. Dodd
- Law, Legislative and Municipal Reference Libraries. By John B. Kaiser. (Boston: Boston Book Company, 1914. Pp. 467.) pp. 170-172

- John A. Lapp
- The Neutrality Laws of the United States. By Charles G. Fenwick. (Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1913. Pp. 201.) pp. 172-174

- Robert T. Crane
- An Economic History of Russia. By James Mavor. (New York: J. M. Dent and Sons, 1914. Vol. I, pp. 614; vol. II, pp. 630.) pp. 174-176

- Samuel N. Harper
- Outlines of International Law. By Charles H. Stockton, Rear-Admiral U. S. N., Retired. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1914. Pp. xvii, 616.) pp. 177-178

- C. G. Fenwick
- Die Judikature des Ständigen Schiedshofs von 1899–1913. Dritter Teil. (München und Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot. 1914. Pp. 368) pp. 178-179

- C. G. Fenwick
- Municipal Life and Government in Germany. By William Harbutt Dawson. (London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1914. Pp. 507) pp. 179-180

- Karl F. Geiser
- America and the Philippines. By Carl Crow. (New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1914. Pp. xi, 287.) pp. 181-181

- Henry Jones Ford
- The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs. By J. Castell Hopkins, F.S.S., F.R.G.S. Thirteenth Year of Issue. (Toronto: The Annual Review Publishing Company. Pp. 766. Supplement, pp. 70.) pp. 181-182

- Edward Porritt
- Municipal Charters—A Discussion of the Essentials of a City Charter with Models for Adoption. By Nathan Matthews. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914. Pp. 210.) pp. 183-184

- H. G. J.,
- Documents Illustrative of International Law. By T. J. Lawrence. (New York: Heath and Company, 1914. Pp. vi, 351.) pp. 184-185

- Robert T. Crane
- Essai sur la legitimité des gouvernements dans ses rapports avec les gouvernements de fait. By Raymond Gaudu. (Paris: Librairie Felix Alcan. Pp. xviii, 821.) pp. 185-187

- Charles G. Fenwick
- The Great Society. By Graham Wallas. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914. Pp. xii, 383.) pp. 185-185

- Henry Jones Ford
- Foreigners in Turkey. By Philip Marshall Brown. (Princeton University Press, 1914. Pp. iv, 118.) pp. 187-187

- Robert T. Crane
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