American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 115, issue 4, 2021
- Can Exposure to Celebrities Reduce Prejudice? The Effect of Mohamed Salah on Islamophobic Behaviors and Attitudes pp. 1111-1128

- Alrababa’h, Ala’, William Marble, Salma Mousa and Alexandra A. Siegel
- Overcoming the Political Exclusion of Migrants: Theory and Experimental Evidence from India pp. 1129-1146

- Nikhar Gaikwad and Gareth Nellis
- Jeremy Bentham: Pauperism, Colonialism, and Imperialism pp. 1147-1158

- Barbara Arneil
- Workplace Contact and Support for Anti-Immigration Parties pp. 1159-1174

- Henrik Andersson and Sirus Dehdari
- Reexamining the Effect of Refugees on Civil Conflict: A Global Subnational Analysis pp. 1175-1196

- Yang-Yang Zhou and Andrew Shaver
- A “Common Spectacle” of the Race: Garveyism’s Visual Politics of Founding pp. 1197-1209

- Adom Getachew
- A Logical Model for Predicting Minority Representation: Application to Redistricting and Voting Rights Cases pp. 1210-1225

- Yuki Atsusaka
- Public Perceptions of Women’s Inclusion and Feelings of Political Efficacy pp. 1226-1241

- Katelyn E. Stauffer
- Gender, Candidate Emotional Expression, and Voter Reactions During Televised Debates pp. 1242-1257

- Constantine Boussalis, Travis G. Coan, Mirya R. Holman and Stefan Müller
- Acute Financial Hardship and Voter Turnout: Theory and Evidence from the Sequence of Bank Working Days pp. 1258-1274

- Max Schaub
- Members of Parliament are Minimally Accountable for Their Issue Stances (and They Know It) pp. 1275-1291

- Chris Hanretty, Jonathan Mellon and Patrick English
- Congress and Community: Coresidence and Social Influence in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1801–1861 pp. 1292-1307

- William Minozzi and Gregory A. Caldeira
- Understanding and Reducing Biases in Elite Beliefs About the Electorate pp. 1308-1324

- Miguel M. Pereira
- Educative Interventions to Combat Misinformation: Evidence from a Field Experiment in India pp. 1325-1341

- Sumitra Badrinathan
- Does Public Diplomacy Sway Foreign Public Opinion? Identifying the Effect of High-Level Visits pp. 1342-1357

- Benjamin E. Goldsmith, Yusaku Horiuchi and Kelly Matush
- Democratic Subversion: Elite Cooptation and Opposition Fragmentation pp. 1358-1372

- Leonardo R. Arriola, Jed DeVaro and Anne Meng
- Swords and Plowshares: Property Rights, Collective Action, and Nonstate Governance in the Jewish Community of Palestine 1920–1948 pp. 1373-1387

- David Muchlinski
- Minority Party Capacity in Congress pp. 1388-1405

- Andrew O. Ballard and James M. Curry
- Executive Power in Crisis pp. 1406-1423

- Kenneth Lowande and Jon C. Rogowski
- Split Feelings: Understanding Implicit and Explicit Political Persuasion pp. 1424-1441

- Timothy J. Ryan and Yanna Krupnikov
- Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Prosperity: Party Competition and Policy Outcomes in 50 States pp. 1442-1463

- Gerald Gamm and Thad Kousser
- Is Deliberation an Antidote to Extreme Partisan Polarization? Reflections on “America in One Room” pp. 1464-1481

- James Fishkin, Alice Siu, Larry Diamond and Norman Bradburn
- Reconsidering the Link Between Self-Reported Personality Traits and Political Preferences pp. 1482-1498

- Bert N. Bakker, Yphtach Lelkes and Ariel Malka
- The Opinion-Mobilizing Effect of Social Protest against Police Violence: Evidence from the 2020 George Floyd Protests pp. 1499-1507

- Tyler T. Reny and Benjamin J. Newman
- Activating Animus: The Uniquely Social Roots of Trump Support pp. 1508-1516

- Lilliana Mason, Julie Wronski and John V. Kane
- Effectiveness of Incumbent’s Strategic Communication during Economic Crisis under Electoral Authoritarianism: Evidence from Turkey pp. 1517-1523

- Selim Erdem Aytaç
- A Plague on Politics? The COVID Crisis, Expertise, and the Future of Legitimation pp. 1524-1529

- Michael A. Neblo and Jeremy L. Wallace
Volume 115, issue 3, 2021
- “Send Back the Bloodstained Money”: Frederick Douglass on Tainted Gifts pp. 729-741

- Emma Saunders-Hastings
- Counter-Majoritarian Democracy: Persistent Minorities, Federalism, and the Power of Numbers pp. 742-756

- Arash Abizadeh
- Close to Home: Place-Based Mobilization in Racialized Contexts pp. 757-774

- Sally A. Nuamah and Thomas Ogorzalek
- The Politics of the Mundane pp. 775-789

- Roberto F. Carlos
- Does the Meeting Style Matter? The Effects of Exposure to Participatory and Deliberative School Board Meetings pp. 790-804

- Jonathan E. Collins
- Turnout and Amendment Four: Mobilizing Eligible Voters Close to Formerly Incarcerated Floridians pp. 805-820

- Kevin Morris
- “Clocks Must Always Be Turned Back”: Brown v. Board of Education and the Racial Origins of Constitutional Originalism pp. 821-834

- Calvin Terbeek
- Bargaining and Strategic Voting on Appellate Courts pp. 835-850

- Giri Parameswaran, Charles M. Cameron and Lewis A. Kornhauser
- Constitutional Reform and the Gender Diversification of Peak Courts pp. 851-868

- Nancy Arrington, Leeann Bass, Adam Glynn, Jeffrey K. Staton, Brian Delgado and Staffan I. Lindberg
- Gender and Party Discipline: Evidence from Africa’s Emerging Party Systems pp. 869-884

- Amanda Clayton and Pär Zetterberg
- Playing to the Gallery: Emotive Rhetoric in Parliaments pp. 885-899

- Moritz Osnabrügge, Sara B. Hobolt and Toni Rodon
- Social Origins of Dictatorships: Elite Networks and Political Transitions in Haiti pp. 900-916

- Suresh Naidu, James A. Robinson and Lauren E. Young
- Nonunitary Parties, Government Formation, and Gamson’s Law pp. 917-930

- Gary W. Cox
- Studying Policy Design Quality in Comparative Perspective pp. 931-947

- Xavier Fernández-I-Marín, Christoph Knill and Yves Steinebach
- The Two-Pronged Middle Class: The Old Bourgeoisie, New State-Engineered Middle Class, and Democratic Development pp. 948-966

- Tomila V. Lankina and Alexander Libman
- Cooperative Capacities of the Rational: Revising Rawls’s Account of Prudential Reasoning pp. 967-981

- Jacqueline Basu
- The Journey Home: Violence, Anchoring, and Refugee Decisions to Return pp. 982-998

- Faten Ghosn, Tiffany S. Chu, Miranda Simon, Alex Braithwaite, Michael Frith and Joanna Jandali
- Partisan Polarization Is the Primary Psychological Motivation behind Political Fake News Sharing on Twitter pp. 999-1015

- Mathias Osmundsen, Alexander Bor, Peter Bjerregaard Vahlstrup, Anja Bechmann and Michael Bang Petersen
- Whose News? Class-Biased Economic Reporting in the United States pp. 1016-1033

- Alan M. Jacobs, J. Scott Matthews, Timothy Hicks and Eric Merkley
- How to Read James Fitzjames Stephen: Technocracy and Pluralism in a Misunderstood Victorian pp. 1034-1047

- Gregory Conti
- Increasing Precision without Altering Treatment Effects: Repeated Measures Designs in Survey Experiments pp. 1048-1065

- Scott Clifford, Geoffrey Sheagley and Spencer Piston
- Does Halting Refugee Resettlement Reduce Crime? Evidence from the US Refugee Ban pp. 1066-1073

- Daniel Masterson and Vasil Yasenov
- Campaign Finance Regulations and Public Policy pp. 1074-1081

- Martin Gilens, Shawn Patterson and Pavielle Haines
- The Democratic Deficit in U.S. Education Governance pp. 1082-1089

- Vladimir Kogan, Stéphane Lavertu and Zachary Peskowitz
- Party over Pocketbook? How Party Cues Influence Opinion When Citizens Have a Stake in Policy pp. 1090-1096

- Rune Slothuus and Martin Bisgaard
- Off-Cycle and Off Center: Election Timing and Representation in Municipal Government pp. 1097-1103

- Adam M. Dynes, Michael T. Hartney and Sam D. Hayes
- Does Health Vulnerability Predict Voting for Right-Wing Populist Parties in Europe? pp. 1104-1109

- Nolan M. Kavanagh, Anil Menon and Justin E. Heinze
- Constitutional Origins and Liberal Democracy: A Global Analysis, 1900–2015 — ERRATUM pp. 1110-1110

- Gabriel L. Negretto and Mariano Sánchez-Talanquer
Volume 115, issue 2, 2021
- Women Thinkers and the Canon of International Thought: Recovery, Rejection, and Reconstitution pp. 347-359

- Kimberly Hutchings and Patricia Owens
- From Thin to Thick Representation: How a Female President Shapes Female Parliamentary Behavior pp. 360-378

- Michael Wahman, Nikolaos Frantzeskakis and Tevfik Murat Yildirim
- To Emerge? Breadwinning, Motherhood, and Women’s Decisions to Run for Office pp. 379-394

- Rachel Bernhard, Shauna Shames and Dawn Langan Teele
- How Do Campaign Spending Limits Affect Elections? Evidence from the United Kingdom 1885–2019 pp. 395-411

- Alexander Fouirnaies
- Universal Suffrage as Decolonization pp. 412-428

- Kevin Duong
- Why Parties Displace Their Voters: Gentrification, Coalitional Change, and the Demise of Public Housing pp. 429-449

- Winston Chou and Rafaela Dancygier
- When Are Legislators Responsive to Ethnic Minorities? Testing the Role of Electoral Incentives and Candidate Selection for Mitigating Ethnocentric Responsiveness pp. 450-466

- Peter Thisted Dinesen, Malte Dahl and Mikkel Schiøler
- Pride amid Prejudice: The Influence of LGBT+ Rights Activism in a Socially Conservative Society pp. 467-485

- Phillip M. Ayoub, Douglas Page and Sam Whitt
- Why Austerity? The Mass Politics of a Contested Policy pp. 486-505

- Kirk Bansak, Michael M. Bechtel and Yotam Margalit
- Triggering Ideological Thinking: How Elections Foster Coherence of Welfare State Attitudes pp. 506-521

- Tobias Heide-Jørgensen
- Constitutional Origins and Liberal Democracy: A Global Analysis, 1900–2015 pp. 522-536

- Gabriel L. Negretto and Mariano Sánchez-Talanquer
- Four Costly Signaling Mechanisms pp. 537-549

- Kai Quek
- Gone For Good: Deindustrialization, White Voter Backlash, and US Presidential Voting pp. 550-567

- Leonardo Baccini and Stephen Weymouth
- Slavery, Reconstruction, and Bureaucratic Capacity in the American South pp. 568-584

- Pavithra Suryanarayan and Steven White
- When Unfamiliarity Breeds Contempt: How Partisan Selective Exposure Sustains Oppositional Media Hostility pp. 585-598

- Erik Peterson and Ali Kagalwala
- Control without Confirmation: The Politics of Vacancies in Presidential Appointments pp. 599-614

- Christina M. Kinane
- Platonic Theocracy, Liberalism, and Authoritarianism in Leo Strauss’s Philosophy and Law pp. 615-628

- Deliberation, Single-Peakedness, and Coherent Aggregation pp. 629-648

- Soroush Rafiee Rad and Olivier Roy
- A Dynamic Model of Speech for the Social Sciences pp. 649-666

- Dean Knox and Christopher Lucas
- The Political Economy of Governance Quality pp. 667-685

- Michael M. Ting
- Family Matters: How Immigrant Histories Can Promote Inclusion pp. 686-693

- Scott Williamson, Claire L. Adida, Adeline Lo, Melina R. Platas, Lauren Prather and Seth H. Werfel
- Suppressing Black Votes: A Historical Case Study of Voting Restrictions in Louisiana pp. 694-700

- Luke Keele, William Cubbison and Ismail White
- Socialist Threat? Radical Party Entry, Electoral Alliances, and the Introduction of Proportional Representation pp. 701-708

- André Walter
- Do Commodity Price Shocks Cause Armed Conflict? A Meta-Analysis of Natural Experiments pp. 709-716

- Graeme Blair, Darin Christensen and Aaron Rudkin
- Sustained Government Engagement Improves Subsequent Pandemic Risk Reporting In Conflict Zones pp. 717-724

- Dotan Haim, Nico Ravanilla and Renard Sexton
- When the Money Stops: Fluctuations in Financial Remittances and Incumbent Approval in Central Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia—Corrigendum pp. 725-727

- Katerina Tertytchnaya, Catherine E. de Vries, Hector Solaz and David Doyle
- When Are Legislators Responsive to Ethnic Minorities? Testing the Role of Electoral Incentives and Candidate Selection for Mitigating Ethnocentric Responsiveness – ERRATUM pp. 728-728

- Peter Thisted Dinesen, Malte Dahl and Mikkel Schiøler
Volume 115, issue 1, 2021
- Minimal Secularism: Lessons for, and from, India pp. 1-13

- Cécile Laborde
- Fundraising for Stigmatized Groups: A Text Message Donation Experiment pp. 14-30

- Katerina Linos, Laura Jakli and Melissa Carlson
- The Wane of Command: Evidence on Drone Strikes and Control within Terrorist Organizations pp. 31-50

- Anouk S. Rigterink
- UN Peacekeeping and the Rule of Law pp. 51-68

- Robert A. Blair
- David Hume’s Balancing Act: The Political Discourses and the Sinews of War pp. 69-81

- Danielle Charette
- Emigrant Inclusion in Home Country Elections: Theory and Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa pp. 82-96

- Elizabeth Iams Wellman
- Electoral Accountability and Particularistic Legislation: Evidence from an Electoral Reform in Mexico pp. 97-113

- Lucia Motolinia
- Local News, Information, and the Nationalization of U.S. Elections pp. 114-129

- Daniel J. Moskowitz
- Political Advertising Online and Offline pp. 130-149

- Erika Franklin Fowler, Michael M. Franz, Gregory J. Martin, Zachary Peskowitz and Travis N. Ridout
- Hot Politics? Affective Responses to Political Rhetoric pp. 150-164

- Bert N. Bakker, Gijs Schumacher and Matthijs Rooduijn
- Idiosyncratic Information and Vague Communication pp. 165-178

- Takakazu Honryo and Makoto Yano
- The Non-Democratic Roots of Mass Education: Evidence from 200 Years pp. 179-198

- Agustina S. Paglayan
- Overcoming History Through Exit or Integration: Deep-Rooted Sources of Support for the European Union pp. 199-217

- Kai Gehring
- Explanations of Institutional Change: Reflecting on a “Missing Diagonal” pp. 218-233

- Johannes Gerschewski
- Seniority-Based Nominations and Political Careers pp. 234-251

- Alexandra Cirone, Gary W. Cox and Jon Fiva
- Attributing Policy Influence under Coalition Governance pp. 252-268

- David Fortunato, Nick C. N. Lin, Randolph T. Stevenson and Mathias Wessel Tromborg
- Citizens as Complicits: Distrust in Politicians and Biased Social Dissemination of Political Information pp. 269-285

- Troels Bøggild, Lene Aarøe and Michael Bang Petersen
- Radicalism in Mass Movements: Asymmetric Information and Endogenous Leadership pp. 286-306

- Heng Chen and Wing Suen
- Women’s Descriptive Representation and Gendered Import Tax Discrimination pp. 307-315

- Timm Betz, David Fortunato and O’brien, Diana Z.
- Fake It ‘Til You Make It: A Natural Experiment to Identify European Politicians’ Benefit from Twitter Bots pp. 316-322

- Bruno Castanho Silva and Sven-Oliver Proksch
- Democracy and Depression: A Cross-National Study of Depressive Symptoms and Nonparticipation pp. 323-330

- Claudia Landwehr and Christopher Ojeda
- Reconciling the Theoretical and Empirical Study of International Norms: A New Approach to Measurement pp. 331-338

- Tyler Girard
- Measuring the Significance of Policy Outputs with Positive Unlabeled Learning pp. 339-346

- Radoslaw Zubek, Abhishek Dasgupta and David Doyle
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