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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 23, issue 4, 1929

The German Party System pp. 859-891 Downloads
James K. Pollock
The British Political Scene Since the General Election pp. 892-907 Downloads
Roger H. Soltau
The Communist Party of the Soviet Union pp. 956-971 Downloads
Samuel N. Harper
The Duk-Duks. By Elizabeth Ann Weber. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1929. Pp. xix, 142.) - Civic Training in Soviet Russia, By Samuel N. Harper. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1929. Pp. xvii, 401.) - Great Britain: A Study of Civic Loyalty. By John M. Gaus. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1929. Pp. xxi, 329) pp. 1005-1007 Downloads
Charles A. Beard
Principles of Judicial Administration. By W. F. Willoughby. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1929. Pp. xxii, 662.) pp. 1007-1011 Downloads
Edward S. Corwin
Parliament and the British Empire: Some Constitutional Controversies Concerning Imperial Legislative Jurisdiction. By Robert Livingston Schuyler. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1929. Pp. vi, 279.) - Empire Government: An Outline of the System Prevailing in the British Commonwealth of Nations. By Manfred Nathan. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1929. Pp.256) pp. 1011-1015 Downloads
George M. Wrong
Constitutional Laws of the British Empire. By Leonard Le Marchant Minty. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd.1928. Pp.xvii, 258.) pp. 1015-1016 Downloads
Joseph R. Starr
Geschichte des neuern Schweizerischen Staatsrechts, zweiter Band: Die Zeit der Restauration und der Regeneration, 1814 bis 1848. By Eduard His. (Basel: Helbing und Lichtenhahn. 1929. Pp. xxiii, 774.) - Die Schweiz seit 1848: Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft. By Eduard Fueter. (Zurich: Orell Füssli. 1928. Pp.305.) pp. 1016-1018 Downloads
Robert C. Brooks
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria. By Joseph Redlich. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1929. Pp. xx, 547.) - Austrian War Government. By Joseph Redlich. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1929. Pp. xii, 175.) - The Balkan Pivot: Yugoslavia. By Charles A. Beard and George Radin. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1929. Pp. viii, 325.) pp. 1018-1022 Downloads
Malbone W. Graham
Quantitative Methods in Politics. By Stuart A. Rice. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf.1928. Pp. xxii, 331) pp. 1022-1027 Downloads
Carl Joachim Friedrich
The Struggle for the Freedom of the Press: 1819–1832. By William H. Wickwar. (London: Geo. Allen & Unwin. 1928. Pp. 325.) pp. 1027-1029 Downloads
Zechariah Chafee
The Development of European Law. By Munroe Smith. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1928. Pp. xxvi, 316.) pp. 1029-1030 Downloads
John Dickinson
The Western Way: The Accomplishment and Future of Modern Democracy. By Frederic Jesup Stimson. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1929. Pp. viii, 391.) - America and Europe, and Other Essays. By Alfred Zimmern. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1929. Pp. vi, 213.) pp. 1030-1032 Downloads
E.M. Sait
Democracy. By Edward McChesney Sait (New York: The Century Co.1929. Pp. vii, 108.) pp. 1032-1033 Downloads
John S. Penman
The Mandates System in Relation to Africa and the Pacific Islands. By Elizabeth van Maanen-Helmer. (London: P. S. King and Son. 1929. Pp. 331.) - British Colonial Policy and the South African Republics, 1848–1872. By C. W. de Kiewiet. (London: Longmans Green and Co.1929. Pp. xiii, 317.) - The British in Tropical Africa: An Historical Outline. By Ifor L. Evans. (Cambridge University Press. 1929. Pp. ix, 396.) pp. 1033-1035 Downloads
Rupert Emerson
The Central Americans. By Arthur Ruhl. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1928. Pp. x, 284.) - Dollars for Bullets. By Harold Norman Denny. (New York: The Dial Press. 1929. Pp.411.) - Black Democracy. By H. P. Davis. (New York: The Dial Press. 1929. Pp. xvii, 372.) pp. 1035-1037 Downloads
Raymond L. Buell
The Governance of Hawaii. By Robert M. C. Littler. (Stanford University Press. 1929. Pp. xviii, 281.) pp. 1037-1038 Downloads
William R. Castle
The Chinese Revolution, 1926–27: A Record of the Period Under the Communist Control as Seen from the Nationalist Capital, Hankow. By H. Owen Chapman. (London: Constable & Co., Ltd. 1928. Pp. xvii, 310.) - The Nationalist Program for China. By Choa-Chu Wu. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1929. Pp. iv, 112.) pp. 1038-1040 Downloads
Harley Farnsworth MacNair
Nationality; Responsibility of States; Territorial Waters: Drafts of Conventions Prepared in Anticipation of the First Conference on the Codification of International Law, The Hague, 1930. (Cambridge: Harvard Law School. 1929. Pp. vii, 399.) pp. 1040-1042 Downloads
Denys P. Myers
Executive Agents in American Foreign Relations. By Henry Merritt Wriston. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1929. Pp. xii, 874.) pp. 1042-1043 Downloads
Pitman B. Potter
Aërial Bombardment and the International Regulation of Warfare. By M. W. Royse. (New York: Harold Vinal, Ltd.1928. Pp. xv, 256.) pp. 1044-1044 Downloads
H. J. Knerr
The Making of the Constitution. By Charles Warren. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1928. Pp. xii, 832.) pp. 1044-1046 Downloads
Charles Grove Haines
The National Civil Service Reform League. By Frank Mann Stewart (Austin: University of Texas. 1929. Pp. viii, 304.) pp. 1046-1047 Downloads
Clinton Rogers Woodruff
Karl Marx: His Life and Work. By Otto Rühle. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. (New York: Viking Press. 1929. Pp.419.) pp. 1047-1048 Downloads
M. M. Bober
Government Ownership and Operation of Railroads. By Walter W. M. Splawn. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1928. Pp. xiv,478.) pp. 1049-1050 Downloads
C. E. McNeill
The New Exploration: A Philosophy of Regional Planning. By Benton MacKaye. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1928. Pp. x, 235.) pp. 1050-1051 Downloads
Thomas H. Reed
Governmental Purchasing. By Russell Forbes. (New York: Harpe & Bros.1929. Pp. xvi, 370.) pp. 1051-1052 Downloads
Lent D. Upson
Die Staatsrechtliche Stellung des Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. By Fritz Linn. (Bonn: Kurt Schroeder. 1928. Pp. 144.) pp. 1052-1053 Downloads
Johannes Mattern

Volume 23, issue 3, 1929

The Democratic Dogma And The Future of Political Science* pp. 569-592 Downloads
Edward S. Corwin
Social Order And Political Authority1 pp. 593-632 Downloads
John Dickinson
Recent Changes in The Local Government of England And Wales pp. 633-656 Downloads
I. G. Gibbon
The Bearing of Myers v. United States upon the Independence of Federal Administrative Tribunals pp. 657-673 Downloads
James Hart
Marbury v. Madison Today pp. 673-681 Downloads
J. A. C. Grant
The Report of the Steiwer Committee pp. 681-685 Downloads
James K. Pollock
Administrative Reorganization and the University of Minnesota pp. 685-687 Downloads
Harvey Walker
State Constitutional Law in 1928–1929* pp. 688-717 Downloads
Oliver P. Field
The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy. Samuel Flagg Bemis, Editor. J. Franklin Jameson, H. Barrett Learned, and James Brown Scott, Advisory Board. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf.) pp. 747-750 Downloads
Jesses S. Reeves
Canada and the United States: Some Aspects of the History of the Republic and the Dominion. By Hugh L. Keenleyside. With an Introduction by W. P. M. Kennedy. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf.1929. Pp. xvii, 396, xlii.) - Empire and Commonwealth: Studies in Governance and Self-Governance in Canada. BY Chester Martin. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1929. Pp. xxi, 385.) - Canada in the Commonwealth: From Conflict to Coöperation. By Right Hon. SirRobert Borden. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1929. Pp. xii, 144.) pp. 750-753 Downloads
George M. Wrong
Rivalry of the United States and Great Britain over Latin America, 1808–1830. By J. Fred Rippy. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1929. Pp. xii, 322.) pp. 753-755 Downloads
C. K. Webster
A History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century. By J. W. Allen (New York: The Dial Press. 1928. Pp. xxiv, 525.) pp. 755-757 Downloads
A. D. Lindsay
State and Sovereigty in Modern Germany. By Rupert Emerson. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1928. Pp. xi, 282.) pp. 757-760 Downloads
Johannes Mattern
Éléments de Droit Constitutionnel Français et Comparé. By A. Esmein. Eighth Edition, by Henry Nézard. (Paris: Sirey. 1927. Two volumes. Pp. xliii, 648; xv, 725.) pp. 760-762 Downloads
H. A. Yeomans
L'Organisation de la Justice à l'Usage des Gens du Monde. By Louis Gensoul. (Paris: Librairie de la Revue Française. 1928. Pp. 231.) pp. 762-763 Downloads
Rodney L. Mott
Staatseinheit und Föderalismus im alten Frankreich und in der Revolution. By Hedwig Hintze. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. 1928. Pp. xxx, 622.) pp. 763-765 Downloads
Helen I. Sullivan
Belgian Problems Since the War. By Louis Pierard. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1929. Pp. x, 106.) pp. 765-766 Downloads
Thomas H. Reed
Citizenship and the Survival of Civilization. By SirGeorge Newman. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1928. Pp. 254) pp. 766-769 Downloads
William E. Mosher
The New Citizenship. By Seba Eldridge. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1929. Pp. viii, 357) pp. 769-770 Downloads
Harwood L. Childs
Die Masse und Ihre Aktion; Ein Beitrag zür Soziologie der Revolution. By Theodor Geiger. (Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke. 1926. Pp. viii, 194) pp. 771-772 Downloads
Oscar Jaszi
The Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III. By L. B. Namier. (London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd.1929. Two volumes. Pp. xiv, 290; vi, 291–616) pp. 772-773 Downloads
E.P. Chase
The Government of Japan. By Naokichi Kitazawa. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1929. Pp. xiii, 130) pp. 773-774 Downloads
Harold S. Quigley
American Press Opinion: Washington to Coolidge. By Allan Nevins. (New York: D. C. Heath and Company. 1928. Pp. xxviii, 598) pp. 774-775 Downloads
Peter H. Odegard
The American Experiment. By Bernard Faÿ, in collaboration with Avery Claflin. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1929. Pp. viii, 264) pp. 775-777 Downloads
George E. G. Catlin
Danzig, Polen und der Völkerbund. By Hans Adolf Harder. (Berlin: Georg Stilke. 1928. Pp. 134) - Danziger Staats- und Völkerrecht. Zusammengestellt von Hermann Lewinsky und Richard Wagner. (Berlin: Georg Stilke. 1927. Pp. 668.) - Zusammenstellung der zwischen der Freien Stadt Danzig und der Republik Polen abgeschlossenen bedeutsamen Verträge, Abkommen und Vereinbarungen. (Danzig: Senat der Freien Stadt Danzig, 1920–1923 and 1924–1927. Two volumes.) - Entscheidungen des Hohen Kommisars des Völkerbundes in der Freien Stadt Danzig. (Danzig: Senat der Freien Stadt Danzig. 1922–1927. Five volumes.) - Zbiór dokumentów urzedowych dotyczacych stosunku Wolnego Miasta Gdańska do Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. (Collection of Documents concerning the Free City of Danzig) (Warsaw: The Foreign Office. Three volumes. Pp. 141, 276, 239.) pp. 777-778 Downloads
John B. Mason
The Peace Pact of Paris. A Study of the Briand-Kellogg Treaty. By David Hunter Miller. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1928. Pp. vii, 287.) - War as an Instrument of National Policy and Its Renunciation in the Pact of Paris. James T. Shotwell. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1929. Pp. x, 310.) pp. 779-780 Downloads
James P. Baxter
The Legal Effects of Recognition in International Law as Interpreted by the Courts of the United States. By John G. Hervey. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1928. Pp. xiv, 170.) pp. 780-781 Downloads
Charles Fairman
The American Year Book: A Record of Events and Progress, 1928. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart and William M. Schuyler (New York: The American Year Book Corporation, 1929. Pp. xxix, 892) pp. 781-782 Downloads
A. C. Hanford

Volume 23, issue 2, 1929

Social Order and Political Authority pp. 293-328 Downloads
John Dickinson
Labor Parties in Japan1 pp. 329-363 Downloads
Kenneth Colegrove
Second Session of the Seventieth Congress pp. 364-383 Downloads
Arthur W. Macmahon
Changes of Bureau Chiefs in the National Administration of the United States, 1926–29 pp. 383-403 Downloads
Arthur W. Macmahon
Public Administration, 1928 pp. 427-440 Downloads
Leonard D. White
The National Government of China1 pp. 441-449 Downloads
Harold S. Quigley
The “Dictatorship” in Yugoslavia pp. 449-459 Downloads
Malbone W. Graham
Greece Abandons Proportional Representation pp. 459-461 Downloads
Adamantios Th. Polyzoides
Group Representation Before Congress. By E. Pendleton Herring (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1929. Pp. xviii, 309.) pp. 469-471 Downloads
Peter H. Odegard
Congressional Investigating Committees. By Marshall E. Dimock. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1929. Pp.182.) - Congressional Investigations: A Study of the Origin and Development of the Power of Congress to Investigate and Punish for Contempt. By Ernest J. Eberling. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1928. Pp.452.) pp. 471-473 Downloads
George B. Galloway
Readings in Public Opinion: Its Formation and Control. By W. Brooke Graves. (New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1928. Pp. xxxiv, 1281.) pp. 473-474 Downloads
James Hart
Political Behavior. By Frank R. Kent. (New York: William Morrow and Company. 1928. Pp. x, 342.) pp. 474-476 Downloads
Peter H. Odegard
State Government. By Walter F. Dodd. Second edition. (New York: The Century Co.1928. Pp. xiv, 604.) pp. 476-477 Downloads
A. C. Hanford
Making the Fascist State. by Herbert W. Schneider. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1928. Pp. xii, 392.) - The New Fascist State: A Study of Italy under Mussolini. (By E. W. Hullinger. (New York: Rae D. Henkle Company. 1928. Pp. xiv, 298.) - Fascism: A Challenge to Democracy. By M. W. Howard. (New York: Fleming H. Revell Company. 1928. Pp. 183.) pp. 477-481 Downloads
W. Y. Elliott
The Government and Administration of Germany. By Frederick F. Blachly and Miriam E. Oatman. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1928. Pp. xiv, 770.) pp. 481-483 Downloads
Johannes Mattern
Contemporary Municipal Government of Germany. by Bertram W. Maxwell. (Baltimore: Warwick and York, Inc.1928. Pp. 162.) pp. 484-485 Downloads
Orren C. Hormell
The Psychology of Socialism. By Henry DeMan. Translated from the second German edition by Eden and Cedar Paul. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1927. Pp. 509.) pp. 485-486 Downloads
Oscar Jászi
State Administrative Supervision over Cities in the United States. By Schuyler C. Wallace. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1928. Pp. 288.) pp. 486-487 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
The Philippine Islands. BY Cameron Forbes. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Two volumes. 1928. Pp. xiv, 620; x, 636.) pp. 487-490 Downloads
Ralston Hayden
Naboth's Vineyard; the Dominican Republic, 1844–1924. By Sumner Welles. (New York: Payson and Clarke, Ltd.1928. Two Volumes. Pp. xvi, 496; vi, 497–1058) pp. 490-491 Downloads
Chester Lloyd Jones
American Foreign Relations. By John M. Mathews. (New York: Century Company. 1928. Pp. xii, 604) pp. 492-494 Downloads
Edward C. Wynne
Survey of American Foreign Relations, 1928. By Charles P. Howland. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1928. Pp. xiv, 610) pp. 494-496 Downloads
Graham H. Stuart
Far Eastern International Relations. By Hosea Ballou Morse and Harley Farnsworth MacNair. (Shanghai: The Commercial Press, Ltd.1928. Pp. xx, 1128) pp. 496-497 Downloads
Payson J. Treat
International Law. By L. Oppenheim. Vol. I. Peace. Fourth Edition. Edited by Arnold D. McNair. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1928. Pp. L., 827.) pp. 498-499 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
Losing Liberty Judicially: Prohibitory and Kindred Laws Examined. By Thomas James Norton. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1928. Pp. xvi, 252.) pp. 499-500 Downloads
F. J. Stimson
The Irish Free State, 1922–1927. By Denis Gwynn. (London: The Macmillan Company. 1928. Pp. xvi, 436.) pp. 500-502 Downloads
Walter R. Sharp
The Works Council: A German Experiment in Industrial Democracy. By C. W. Guillebaud. (Cambridge: The University Press. 1928. Pp. x, 305.) - Citizenship in the Industrial World. By G. A. Johnston. (London: Longmans, Green and Company, Ltd.1928. Pp. viii, 297.) pp. 502-504 Downloads
A. R. Ellingwood
The Worker Looks at Government. By Arthur W. Calhoun. (New York: International Publishers. 1927. Pp. 176.) pp. 504-505 Downloads
Edward S. Corwin
Judicial Interpretation of International Law in the United States. By Charles Pergler. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1928. Pp. x, 222.) pp. 505-506 Downloads
John G. Hervey

Volume 23, issue 1, 1929

Perspectives in Political Science, 1903-19281 pp. 1-16 Downloads
Jesse S. Reeves
America's Rôle in the League of Nations pp. 17-31 Downloads
Manley O. Hudson
Administrative Law and the Constitution pp. 32-46 Downloads
Marvin B. Rosenberry
Campaign Expenditures pp. 47-58 Downloads
Edward McChesney Sait
Campaign Funds in 1928 pp. 59-69 Downloads
James K. Pollock
Expansion of the Publications of the Department of State pp. 69-77 Downloads
Kenneth Colegrove
Constitutional Law in 1927–1928: The Constitutional Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the October Term, 1927 pp. 78-101 Downloads
Robert E. Cushman
Political Developments in Italy pp. 139-149 Downloads
Henry R. Spencer
The Spanish Directory and the Constitution pp. 150-159 Downloads
Malbone W. Graham
The Soviet System of Federalism pp. 159-167 Downloads
Paul P. Gronski
Abraham Lincoln, 1809–1858. By Albert J. Beveridge. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1928. Two Volumes. Pp. xxx, 607; x, 741) pp. 188-190 Downloads
William E. Barton
The Intimate Papers of Colonel House. Arranged as a Narrative by Charles Seymour. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1928. Vol. III, pp. xviii, 453; Vol. IV, pp. xii, 552.) pp. 190-191 Downloads
Charles A. Beard
The Pragmatic Revolt in Politics. By William Yandell Elliott. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1928. Pp. xiii, 540.) pp. 192-194 Downloads
R. M. MacIver
The History of European Liberalism. By Guido de Ruggiero, translated by R. G. Collingwood. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1927. Pp. xi, 476.) pp. 194-196 Downloads
W. Y. Elliott
History of American Political Thought. By Raymond G. Gettell. (New York: The Century Company. 1928. Pp. ix, 633) pp. 196-199 Downloads
Benjamin F. Wright
Ancient Chinese Political Theories. By Kuo-Cheng Wu. (Shanghai: Commercial Press, Limited. 1928. Pp. 340) pp. 199-200 Downloads
Elbert D. Thomas
The Paradoxes of Legal Science. By Benjamin N. Cardozo. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1927. Pp. 142.) pp. 200-202 Downloads
John Dickinson
Principles of the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the German National Republic. By Johannes Mattern. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1928. Pp. xv, 682.) - Abhandlungen zur Reichsverfassung. Edited by Walter Jellinek. (Berlin: George Stilke.) - Volksentscheid und Volksbegehren. Ein Beitrag zur Auslegungder Weimarer Verfassung und zur Lehre von der unmittelbaren Demokratie. By Carl Schmitt. (Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter & Co.1927.) pp. 202-205 Downloads
Carl Joachim Friedrich
State Government. By Frank G. Bates and Oliver P. Field. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1928. Pp.vii, 584.) pp. 205-207 Downloads
Morris B. Lambie
County Government and Administration in North Carolina. By Paul Woodpord Wager. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Pp. xii, 447.) pp. 207-209 Downloads
I.L. Pollock
Masks in a Pageant. By William Allen White. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1928. Pp. xi, 507.) - Prophets True and False. By Oswald Gabrison Villard. (New York: Alfred E. Knopf. 1928. Pp. x, 355.) pp. 209-210 Downloads
Harold F. Gosnell
La Agonia Antillana. By Luis Araquistain. (Madrid: Espasa-Calpe. 1928. Pp. 294.) - Mexico and its Heritage. By Ernest Gruening. (New York: The Century Company. 1928. Pp. xix, 727.) pp. 210-212 Downloads
Chester Lloyd Jones
The Far East: A Political and Diplomatic History. By Payson Jackson Treat. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1928. Pp. xi, 549.) - The Restless Pacific. By Nicholas Roosevelt. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1928. Pp. x, 291.) - Within the Walls of Nanking. By Alice Tisdale Hobart. (London: Jonathan Cape. 1928. Pp. 243.) pp. 212-215 Downloads
Harley Farnsworth MacNair
Soviet Russia in the Second Decade: a Joint Survey by the Technical Staff of the First American Trade Union Delegation. Edited by Stuart Chase, Robert Dunn, and Rexford Guy Tugwell. (New York: The John Day Company. 1928. Pp. xii, 374.) pp. 215-216 Downloads
Vera A. Micheles
American Policy Toward Russia Since 1917. A Study of Diplomatic History, International Law, and Public Opinion. By Frederick Lewis Schuman. (New York: International Publishers. 1928. Pp. ix, 399.) pp. 216-217 Downloads
James P. Baxter
The Work of the International Labor Organization. By the National Industrial Conference Board. (New York: National Industrial Conference Board, Inc. 1928. Pp. xii, 197.) pp. 217-218 Downloads
Clarence A. Berdahl
Page updated 2025-03-25