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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

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Volume 62, issue 4, 1968

Some Reflections on Soviet-American Relations* pp. 1093-1103 Downloads
Merle Fainsod
A Causal Model of Civil Strife: A Comparative Analysis Using New Indices1 pp. 1104-1124 Downloads
Ted Gurr
Measuring Social and Political Requirements for System Stability in Latin America* pp. 1125-1143 Downloads
Ernest A. Duff and John F. McCamant
Protest as a Political Resource* pp. 1144-1158 Downloads
Michael Lipsky
Motivation, Incentive Systems, and the Political Party Organization* pp. 1159-1173 Downloads
M. Margaret Conway and Frank B. Feigert
Coalition Politics in North India* pp. 1174-1191 Downloads
Paul R. Brass
Sources of Local Political Involvement pp. 1192-1206 Downloads
Robert R. Alford and Harry M. Scoble
Malapportionment Party Competition, and the Functional Distribution of Governmental Expenditures* pp. 1207-1219 Downloads
Allan G. Pulsipher and James L. Weatherby
Agency Requests, Gubernatorial Support and Budget Success in State Legislatures* pp. 1220-1231 Downloads
Ira Sharkansky
The Soviet Central Committee: An Elite Analysis pp. 1232-1241 Downloads
Michael P. Gehlen and Michael McBride
The Recruitment of Candidates for the Canadian House of Commons pp. 1242-1257 Downloads
Allan Kornberg and Hal H. Winsborough
A Note of Caution in Causal Modelling pp. 1258-1264 Downloads
Hugh Donald Forbes and Edward R. Tufte
A Note on Censorship pp. 1265-1267 Downloads
Gordon Tullock
[no title] pp. 1268-1269 Downloads
Peter Bachrach and Morton S. Baratz
[no title] pp. 1268-1268 Downloads
Herbert J. Spiro
[no title] pp. 1269-1269 Downloads
Richard M. Merelman
[no title] pp. 1269-1270 Downloads
Charles F. Cnudde and Donald J. McGrone
[no title] pp. 1270-1271 Downloads
Hugh Donald Forbes and Edward R. Tufte
[no title] pp. 1271-1271 Downloads
Ghita Ionescu
[no title] pp. 1271-1272 Downloads
Bernard J. Frieden
[no title] pp. 1272-1272 Downloads
Thomas J. Anton
[no title] pp. 1272-1273 Downloads
David Lindsay
The American Party Systems. Ed. by William Nisbet Chambers & Walter Dean Burnham. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. 321. $6.75.) pp. 1275-1276 Downloads
A. E. Keir Nash
The Russian Empire 1801–1917. By Hugh Seton-Watson. (London: Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. 813. $10.00.) pp. 1276-1278 Downloads
Frederick C. Barghoorn
Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations. 3 volumes. By Gunnar Myrdal. (New York: Pantheon Books, Twentieth Century Fund, 1968, Pp. 2,284. $8.50. paper bound.) pp. 1278-1280 Downloads
Jean Grossholtz
The Modernity of Tradition; Political Development in India. By Lloyd I. Rudolph and Susanne H. Rudolph. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967. Pp. 306. $8.95.) pp. 1280-1282 Downloads
Robert L. Hardgrave
Peasant Communism in Southern Italy. By Sidney G. Tarrow. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967. Pp. 389. $8.75.) pp. 1282-1283 Downloads
Norman Kogan
Popular Government in America: Foundations and Principles. By Charles S. Hyneman with the collaboration of Charles E. Gilbert. (New York: Atherton Press, 1968. Pp. 320. $8.50.) pp. 1284-1285 Downloads
Neal Riemer
Prayer in the Public Schools: Law and Attitude Change. By William K. MuirJr. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967. Pp. 170. $5.95.) - The Dynamics of Compliance: Supreme Court Decision-Making from a New Perspective. By Richard M. Johnson. (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1967. Pp. 176. $5.95.) pp. 1285-1287 Downloads
Sheldon Goldman
Uncertain Mandate. By Ernest W. Lefever. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. 254. $7.50.) - Political Protest in the Congo. By Herbert Weiss. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965. Pp. 326. $8.50.) pp. 1287-1289 Downloads
Crawford Young
Nomos X: Representation. Edited By J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. (New York: Atherton Press, 1968. Pp. 317. $6.95.) pp. 1289-1291 Downloads
James A. Steintrager
Cuba and the United States: Long-Range Perspectives. Edited by John Plank. (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1967. Pp. 248. $6.75.) - Revolutionary Politics and the Cuban Working Class. By Maurice Zeitlin. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967. Pp. 295. $8.50.) pp. 1291-1293 Downloads
Richard R. Fagen
The Swatantra Party and Indian Conservatism. By Howard L. Erdman. (New York; Cambridge University Press, 1967. Pp. 356. $9.50.) pp. 1293-1294 Downloads
Susanne Hoeber Rudolph
Mathematical Applications in Political Science, III. Edited by Joseph L. Bernd. (Charlottesville, Virginia: The University press of Virginia, 1967. Pp. 119. $5.00.) pp. 1294-1296 Downloads
Herbert F. Weisberg
NATO and the Range of American Choice. By William T. R. Fox and Annette Baker Fox. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1967. Pp. 352. $7.95.) - NATO and Europe. By André Beaufre. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1966. Pp. 170. $3.95.) - The Atlantic Idea and Its European Rivals. By Harold Van B. Cleveland. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966. Pp. 186. $5.95.) pp. 1296-1298 Downloads
Stuart A. Scheingold
Congressional Conservatism and the New Deal: The Growth of the Conservative Coalition in Congress, 1933–1939. By James T. Patterson. (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1967. Pp. 356. $8.50.) pp. 1298-1300 Downloads
David R. Mayhew
The Japanese Communist Movement, 1920–1966. By Robert A. Scalapino. (Berkeley: The University of California Press, 1967. Pp. 412. $6.75.) pp. 1300-1301 Downloads
Solomon B. Levine
The Power Structure: Political Process in American society. By Arnold M. Rose. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967, Pp. 506. $8.50.) - Who Rules America? By William Domhoff. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1967, Pp. 184. $4.95.) - The Emergent American Society. By Lloyd Warner. et al., (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967, Pp. 667. $15.00.) pp. 1301-1303 Downloads
Andrew Hacker
Political Philosophy and Time. By John G. Gunnell. (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 1968. Pp. 314. $10.00.) pp. 1303-1304 Downloads
George Kateb
Aus Nächster Nähe: Lebenserinnerugen. Vol. I. 1884-1927. Mit der Kraft des Geistes. Vol. II. 1927-1967. By Arnold Brecht (Stuttgart: Deutsehe Verlags-Anstalt, 1967. Pp. 526, 496. DM 38 each.) pp. 1304-1306 Downloads
Gordon A. Craig
The Social Psychology of Organizations. By Daniel Katz and Robert L. Kahn. (New York: John Wiley, 1966. Pp. 498. $8.50.) pp. 1306-1307 Downloads
Lewis Anthony Dexter
Contemporary Radical Ideologies. Totalitarian Thought in the Twentieth Century. By A. James Gregor. (New York: Random House, 1968. Pp 370. $5.95.) pp. 1307-1308 Downloads
James H. Meisel
The Logic of Choice: An Investigation of the Concepts of Rule and Rationality. By Gidon Gottlieb. (New York: Macmillan Company, 1968. Pp. 188. $5.95.) pp. 1308-1309 Downloads
Stuart S. Nagel
The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx, By Shlomo Avineri. (London: Cambridge University Press, 1968. Pp. 269. $8.50.) pp. 1309-1310 Downloads
David M. Ricci
America's Political Dilemma: From Limited to Unlimited Democracy. By Gottfried Dietze. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1968. Pp. 298. $7.95.) pp. 1310-1310 Downloads
Peter Bachrach
The Function of “China” in Marx, Lenin, and Mao. By Donald M. Lowe. (BerkeleyUniversity of California Press, 1966. pp. 200. $5.00.) - Li Ta-chao and the Origins of Chinese Marxism. By Maurice Meisner. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. 326. $4.95.) pp. 1310-1312 Downloads
Mostafa Rejai
Bolingbroke and His Circle: the Politics of Nostalgia in the Age of Walpole. By Isaac Kramnick. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968. Pp. 321. $6.95.) pp. 1312-1313 Downloads
James V. Elliott
The Origins of Modern African Thought: Its Development in West Africa During the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. By Robert W. July. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. 480. $10.00.) pp. 1313-1314 Downloads
Fred M. Hatward
Freud: Political and Social Thought. By Paul Roazen. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968. Pp. 322. $6.95.) pp. 1314-1315 Downloads
William Leiss
Democracy's Dilemma: The Totalitarian Party in a Free Society. By Benjamin E. Lippincott. (New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1965. Pp. 293.) pp. 1315-1316 Downloads
Kurt P. Tauber
The Revival of Democratic Theory. By Neal Riemer. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962. Pp. 190. $225.) - The Democratic Experiment: American Political Theory. By Neal Riemer. Vol. I. (Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1967. Pp. 245. $2.85.) pp. 1316-1317 Downloads
George W. Carey
The Political Creature. By Peter Zollinger. (New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1967. Pp. 303, $7.50.) pp. 1318-1319 Downloads
Sidney Waldman
The Notion of the State: An Introduction to Political Theory. By Alexander Passerin d'En-Treves. (London: Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. 233. $2.95.) pp. 1319-1320 Downloads
Maynard Smith
Organizational Effectiveness: An Inventory of Propositions. By James L. Price. (Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1968. Pp. 212. $3.75.) pp. 1320-1321 Downloads
Dale A. Neuman
The Industrial Society: Three Essays on Ideology and Development. By Raymond Aron. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. 183. $4.95.) pp. 1321-1322 Downloads
Irving Louis Horowitz
Systems of Political Science. By Oran R. Young. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1968. Pp. 113. $4.50.) pp. 1322-1323 Downloads
Eugene J. Meehan
The Political Philosophy of Spinoza. By Robert J. McShea. (N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1968, Pp. 214. $7.50.) pp. 1323-1324 Downloads
Stanley Rosen
Party Leaders in the House of Representatives. By Randall B. Ripley (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1967. Pp. 221. $6.75.) pp. 1325-1326 Downloads
Eugene Eidenberg
Ideology and Electoral Action: A Comparative Cane Study of the National Committee for an Effective Congress. By Harry M. Scoble. (San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company, 1867. Pp. 298. $5.75.) pp. 1326-1327 Downloads
John J. Kessel
Politics and Television. By Kurt and Gladys Engel Lang. (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1968. Pp. 315. $6.95.) - Political Television. By Bernard Rubin. (Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1967. Pp. 200.) pp. 1327-1329 Downloads
Bradbury Seasholes
The Warren Court: Constitutional Decision as an Instrument of Reform. By Archibald Cox. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968. Pp. 144. $4.95.) pp. 1329-1330 Downloads
Woodford Howard
The Second American Party System: Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era. By Richard P. McCormick. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1966. Pp. 389. $7.50.) pp. 1330-1331 Downloads
William Nisbet Chambers
The Upper Home in Revolutionary America, 1763-1788. By Jackson Turner Main. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967. Pp. 311. $7.50.) pp. 1331-1332 Downloads
Joseph Cooper
Censorship of the Movies: The Social and Political Control of a Mass Medium. By Richard S. Randall. (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1968. Pp. 280. $7.95.) pp. 1332-1333 Downloads
Robert J. Steamer
Prairie State Politics: Popular Democracy in South Dakota. By Alan L. Clem. (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1967. Pp. 174. $5.00.) pp. 1333-1334 Downloads
John H. Fenton
Origins of the Fifth Amendment. By Leonard W. Levy. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Pp. 561.$12.50.) pp. 1334-1335 Downloads
Dean Alfange
On Law and Justice. By Paul A. Freund. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968. Pp. 259. $4.95.) pp. 1335-1336 Downloads
William M. Beaney
American Legal Realism: Skepticism, Reform, and the Judicial Process. By Wilfred E. RumbleJr. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1968. Pp. 245. $6.75.) pp. 1336-1337 Downloads
Michael A. Weinstein
The Pendergast Machine. By Lyle W. Dorsett. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Pp. 163. $6.00.) pp. 1337-1338 Downloads
Douglas Fox
The President as Chief Administrator. By A. J. Wann. (Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1968. Pp. 219. $6.00.) pp. 1338-1339 Downloads
Peter Woll
The Political World of the High School Teacher. By Harmon Zeigler. (Eugene: Center for the Advanced Study of Educational Administration, University of Oregon, 1966. Pp. 160. $2.00.) - The Political Life of American Teachers. By Harmon Zeigler. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967. Pp. 149. $4.95.) pp. 1339-1340 Downloads
Jack Dennis
The Politics of Food for Peace: Executive-Legislative Interaction. By Peter A. Toma, with the assistance of Frederick A. Schoenfeld. (Tucson, The University of Arizona Press, 1967. Pp. 195. $3.95.) pp. 1340-1341 Downloads
John M. Richardson
Legislative Representative in the Contemporary South. By Malcolm E. Jewell. (Durham: Duke University Press, 1967. Pp. 141. $5.50.) pp. 1341-1342 Downloads
Ralph Eisenberg
Anti-Politics in America: Reflections on the Anti-Political Temper and its Distortions 0f the Democralic Process. By John H. Bunzel. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967. Pp. 291. $6.95.) pp. 1342-1344 Downloads
Kenneth S. Sherrill
The Admirah' Lobby. By Vincent Davis. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1967. Pp. 329. $7.50.) pp. 1344-1345 Downloads
J. C. Ries
The Political Beliefs of Americans: A Study of Public Opinion. By Lloyd A. Free and Hadley Cantril. (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1967. Pp. 239. $10.00.) pp. 1345-1346 Downloads
Aage Clausen
Claus Spreckels: The Sugar King of Hawaii. By Jacob Adler. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1966. Pp. 339. $8.50.) pp. 1346-1347 Downloads
Robert Horwitz
North Carolina Politics: An Introduction. By Jack D. Fleer. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, 1968. Pp. 165.) pp. 1347-1348 Downloads
Lewis Bowman
The Development of Political Attitudes in Children. By Robert D. Hess and Judith V. Torney. (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1967. Pp. 288. $9.75.) pp. 1348-1349 Downloads
Lester W. Milbrath
Social Welfare and Urban Problems. Edited By Thomas D. Shekrard. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. Pp. 210. $6.00.) pp. 1348-1348 Downloads
York Willbern
The Politics of Accommodation: Pluralism and Democracy in the Netherlands. By Arend Lijphart. (Berkeley: University of Califonia Press, 1968. Pp. 222. $5.75.) pp. 1350-1351 Downloads
Andries Hoogerwerf
Party Democracy: Politics in an Italian Socialist Federation. By Samuel H. Barnes. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967. Pp. 27 $7.50.) pp. 1351-1352 Downloads
Timothy M. Hennessey
L'Attivisla di Partito. By Francesco Alberoni, Vittorio Capecchi, Agopik Manoukian, Franca Olivetti, and Antonio Tosi. (Bologna: Societa' Editrice II Mulino, 1967. Pp. 616. L. 10.000.) pp. 1352-1354 Downloads
Robert D. Putnam
Africa: The Politics 0f Unity. By Immanuel Wallerstein. (New York: Random House. 1967. Pp. 274. $4.95.) - Federation in East Africa: Opportunities and Problems. Ed. By Colin Leys and Peter Robson. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. Pp. 244. $3.95.) pp. 1354-1356 Downloads
Victor T. Le Vine
The Politics of Exile: Paraguay's Febrerista Party. By Paul H. Lewis. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1968. Pp. 197. $6.00.) pp. 1356-1357 Downloads
Ronald H. McDonald
Veto-Group Politics: The Case of Health-Insurance Reform in West Germany. By William Safran. (San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company, 1967. Pp. 261. $5.00.) pp. 1357-1358 Downloads
Gerhard Loewenberg
The Japanese Imperial Institution in the Tokugawa Period. By Herschel Webb. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. Pp. 296. $8.50.) pp. 1358-1360 Downloads
Akira Kubota
Political Institutions and Social Change in Continental Europe in the Nineteenth Century. By Eugene N. Anderson and Pauline R. Anderson. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967. Pp. 451. $10.00.) pp. 1360-1361 Downloads
Charles Lewis Taylor
The French Parliament; Politics in the Fifth Republic. By Philip M. Williams. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968. Pp. 136.) pp. 1361-1362 Downloads
Henry C. Galant
A Short History of Chinese Communism. By Franklin W. Houn. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1967. Pp. 237. $2.45.) pp. 1362-1363 Downloads
Dennis M. Ray
Breakthrough in Burma: Memoirs of a Revolution, 1939-1946. By Ba Maw. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968. Pp. 460, $8.75.) - Burma From Kingdom to Republic: A Historical and Political Analysis. By Frank N. Trager. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. Pp. 455. $10.00.) - Burma Through Alien Eyes. By Helen G. Trager. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966. Pp. 239. $6.50.) pp. 1363-1364 Downloads
Fred R. von der Mehden
Régime Interne et Politique Extérieure dans les Pays d'Asie. By Georges Fischer and others. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1966. Pp. 295.) pp. 1364-1365 Downloads
Robert O. Tilman
Influencing Voters: A Study 0f Campaign Rationality. By Richard Rose. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1967. Pp. 288. $5.95.) pp. 1365-1366 Downloads
Charles F. Cnudde
Southern Africa and the United States. Edited By William A. Hance. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. Pp. 171. $6.50.) pp. 1366-1367 Downloads
Edward Feit
Quebec Confronts Canada. By Edward M. Corbett. (Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. 336. $8.95.) pp. 1367-1368 Downloads
Maurice Pinard
The Democratic Revolution in West Indies. Edited By Wendell Bell. (Cambridge: Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc.1967. Pp. 232. $8.95.) pp. 1368-1369 Downloads
Morton Kroll
Canadian Labor in Politics. By Gad Horowitz. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1968. Pp. 273. $7.50.) pp. 1369-1370 Downloads
Peter Regenstreif
Pilsudski's Coup d'Etat. By Joseph Rothschild. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1966. Pp. 435. $10.00.) pp. 1370-1371 Downloads
Vaclan L. Benes
Dollars, Dependents and Dogma: Overseas Chinese Remittances to Communist China. BY Chunhsi Wu. (Stanford: The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, 1967. Pp. 231. $7.00.) pp. 1371-1372 Downloads
Yi-chun Chang
Ideas and Politics of Chilean Independence 1808-1833. By Simon Collier. (Cambridge. England: The University Press, 1967. Pp. 396, $12.50.) pp. 1372-1373 Downloads
Robert H. Dix
Latin America. Social Structures and Political Institutions. By Jacques Lambert. Translated by Helen Katel. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967. Pp. 413. $10.00.) pp. 1373-1374 Downloads
Arthur P. Whitaker
Governing the Commune of Veyrier: Politics in Swiss Local Government. By George A. CoddingJr. (Bureau of Governmental Research: Boulder, University of Colorado, 1967. Pp. 98.) pp. 1374-1375 Downloads
Benjamin R. Barber
Politics and the Military in Jordan: A Study of the Arab Legion 1921-1957. By P. J. Vatikiotis. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger1967. Pp. 169. $7.50.) pp. 1375-1377 Downloads
Richard H. Dekmejian
The Latin American Tradition. By Charles Wagley. (New York; Columbia University Press, 1968. Pp. 225, $6.75.) pp. 1377-1378 Downloads
Carroll Hawkins
1867: Disraeli, Gladstone and Revolution: The Passing of the Second Reform Bill. By Maurice Cowling. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967. Pp. 451. $13.50.) - The Making of the Second Reform Bill. By F. B. Smith. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966. Pp. 297. $10.50.) pp. 1378-1379 Downloads
James B. Christoph
Huaylas: Au Andean District in Search of Progress. By Paul L. Doughty. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1968, pp. 284. $12.50.) pp. 1379-1380 Downloads
Marvin Alisky
Disraeli. By Robert Blake. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1967, pp. 819. $12.50.) pp. 1380-1381 Downloads
Lewis J. Edinger
Mauritania. By Alfred O. Gerteiny. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. 243. $6.00.) pp. 1381-1382 Downloads
Bruce B. Mason
Justice in Communist China. By Shao-Chuan Leng. (Dobbs Ferry: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1967. Pp. 196. $6.50.) pp. 1382-1383 Downloads
Chan Lien
Nationalists Without Nations: The Oligarchy Versus the People in Latin America. By Victor Alba. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968. Pp. 248. $7.00.) pp. 1383-1385 Downloads
Peter Ranis
Prospects for Soviet Society. Ed. By Allen Kassof, (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1968. Pp. 586. $10.00.) - Soviet Politics Since Khrushchev. Ed. By Alexander Dallin and Thomas B. Larson. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1968. Pp. 181. $4.95.) pp. 1385-1386 Downloads
William Parbnte
Population and Political Systems in Tropical Africa. By Robert F. Stevenson. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. Pp. 306, $10.00.) pp. 1386-1388 Downloads
Victor A. Olorunsola
The Dynamic of Mexican Nationalism. By Frederick C. Turner. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1968. Pp. 350. $8.50.) pp. 1386-1386 Downloads
Robert E. Scott
Friends Not Masters: A Political Autobiography. By Mohammad Ayub Khan. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. 275. $7.50.) - Pakistan's Development: Social Goals and Private Incentives. By Gustav P. Papanek. (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. 354. $8.95.) pp. 1388-1389 Downloads
Khald B. Sayeed
The Administration of the White Australia Policy. BY A. C. Palfreeman. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1967. Pp. 184.) pp. 1389-1390 Downloads
D. W. Rawson
Thailand: The War That Is, The War That Will Be. By Louis E. Lomax. (New York: Random House, 1967. Pp. 175, $4.95.) pp. 1390-1391 Downloads
Robert O. Tilman
Arms Control and the Atlantic Alliance: Europe Faces Coming Policy Decisions. By Deutsch Karl W.. (New York: John Wileu & Sons, 1967. Pp. 167. $5.95.) pp. 1391-1392 Downloads
Steven Brams
Propaganda and World Public Order: The Legal Regulation of the Ideological Instrument of Coercion. By B. S. Murty. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968. Pp. 310. $10.00.) pp. 1392-1393 Downloads
Anthony A. D'amato,
The Common Aid Effort. By Milton J. Esman and Daniel S. Cheever. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1967. Pp. 421. $7.50.) pp. 1393-1395 Downloads
William R. Kintner
Defense of the Realm: British Strategy in the Nuclear Epoch. By R. N. Rosecrance. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1968. Pp. 308 $750.) pp. 1395-1396 Downloads
Avid W. Tarr
Nuclear Weapons Safety and the Common Defense. By Joel Larus. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1967. Pp. 171. $6.50.) pp. 1396-1397 Downloads
Timothy Alden Williams
The Insecurity of Nations: International Relations in the Twentieth Century. By Charles Yost. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger for the Council on Foreign Relations, 1968. Pp. 276. $6.50.) pp. 1397-1398 Downloads
Keith R. Legg
Elite Images and Foreign Policy Outcomes: A Study of Norway. By Philip M. Burgess. (Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 1967. Pp. 179. $655.) pp. 1398-1399 Downloads
Olb R. Holsti
Cyprus: Conflict and Conciliation, 1954-1968. By Stephen G. Xydis. (Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 1967. Pp. 704. $15.00.) pp. 1399-1400 Downloads
Robert R. Wilson
U. S. Policy and the Security of Asia. By Feed Greene. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968. Pp. 429. $9.95.) pp. 1400-1401 Downloads
Norman D. Palmer
The Art of Diplomacy. By Thomas A. Bailey. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968. Pp. 303. $2.50.) pp. 1401-1402 Downloads
Leslie H. Gelb
Enemies in Politics. By David J. Finlay, Ole R. Holsti, and Richard R. Fagan. (Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1967. Pp. 257. $7.50.) pp. 1402-1403 Downloads
Sheldon Appleton
The Road to Jerusalem. By Walter Laqueuh. (New York: Macmillan, 1968. Pp. 368. $6.95.) pp. 1403-1404 Downloads
Malcolm H. Kerb
The Politics of the Common Market. By W. Hartley Clark. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967. Pp. 180. $4.95.) pp. 1404-1405 Downloads
Robert L. Peterson
Economic Development and American Foreign Policy, 1943-62. By David A. Baldwin. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966. Pp. 291. $7.95.) - Atlantic Economic Co-operation. The Case of the O.E.C.D. By Henry G. Aubrey. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. 214. $6.00.) pp. 1405-1407 Downloads
Maurice Waters
Australia Faces Southeast Asia: The Emergence of a Foreign Policy. By Amry and Mary Belle Vandenbosch. (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1967. Pp. 175. $5.75.) pp. 1407-1407 Downloads
Henry S. Albinski

Volume 62, issue 3, 1968

The Repeal of Fair Housing in California: An Analysis of Referendum Voting* pp. 753-769 Downloads
Raymond E. Wolfinger and Fred I. Greenstein
Factions and Coalitions in One-Party Japan: An Interpretation Based on the Theory of Games pp. 770-787 Downloads
Michael Leiserson
A Comparative Analysis of State and Federal Judicial Behavior: The Reapportionment Cases* pp. 788-795 Downloads
Edward N. Beiser
Voting Turnout in American Cities* pp. 796-813 Downloads
Robert R. Alford and Eugene C. Lee
Soviet Elections as a Measure of Dissent: The Missing One Percent* pp. 814-826 Downloads
Jerome M. Gilison
Soviet Elite Participatory Attitudes in the Post-Stalin Period* pp. 827-839 Downloads
Milton Lodge
Group Influence and the Policy Process in the Soviet Union* pp. 840-851 Downloads
Joel J. Schwartz and William R. Keech
Political Socialization and the High School Civics Curriculum in the United States* pp. 852-867 Downloads
Kenneth P. Langton and M. Kent Jennings
Conservatism, Personality and Political Extremism* pp. 868-877 Downloads
Robert A. Schoenberger
A Salience Dimension of Politics for the Study of Political Culture pp. 878-888 Downloads
Moshe M. Czudnowski
Political Development and Socioeconomic Development: The Case of Latin America* pp. 889-897 Downloads
Martin C. Needler
Locke's State of Nature: Historical Fact or Moral Fiction? pp. 898-915 Downloads
Richard Ashcraft
National Attributes as Predictors of Delegate Attitudes at the United Nations1 pp. 916-931 Downloads
Jack E. Vincent
National Political Units in the Twentieth Century: A Standardized List* pp. 932-951 Downloads
Bruce M. Russet, J. David Singer and Melvin Small
[no title] pp. 952-952 Downloads
Michael Haas
[no title] pp. 952-955 Downloads
George Modelski and Jean-Luc Vellut
[no title] pp. 955-956 Downloads
Gerald H. Kramer
[no title] pp. 955-955 Downloads
Bruce M. Russett, David J. Singer and Melvin Small
Beyond Ideology: The Revival of Political Theory. By Dante Germino. (New York: Harper & Row, 1967. Pp. ix, 254. $5.00.) pp. 958-960 Downloads
Harry Girvetz
Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives. Edited by Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan. (New York: The Free Press, 1967. Pp. xvi, 554. $9.95.) pp. 960-961 Downloads
Robert C. Fried
Strategic Persuasion: Arms Limitations through Dialogue. By Jeremy J. Stone. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1967, Pp. xiii, 176. $6.95.) - Prospects for Peacekeeping. By Arthur M. Cox. (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1967, Pp. xii, 178. $3.95.) - World Order and Local Disorder: The United Nations and Internal Conflicts. By Linda B. Miller. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967, Pp. 234. $6.50.) pp. 961-963 Downloads
Lawrence S. Kaplan
Cadres, Bureaucracy, and Political Power in Communist China. By A. Doak Barnett, with a contribution by Ezra Vogel. (New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1967. Pp. xxix, 563, $12.00.) pp. 963-965 Downloads
Bruce D. Larkin
Canada's Changing Defense Policy, 1957–1963: The Problems of a Middle Power in Alliance. By Jon B. McLin. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. xii, 251. $8.50) - The Canadian Economy and Disarmament. By Gideon Rosenbluth. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1967. Pp. x, 189. $5.50.) pp. 965-966 Downloads
Gilbert R. Winham
Imperial Japan's Higher Civil Service Examinations, By Robert M. SpauldingJr. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967. Pp. xiv, 416. $10.00.) pp. 966-967 Downloads
Edwin O. Reischauer
Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. By Friedrich A. Hayek. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1967. Pp. x, 356. $6.50.) pp. 968-969 Downloads
William C. Mitchell
International Political Communication. By W. Phillips Davison. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1965, Pp. xii, 404. $7.50.) pp. 969-970 Downloads
Karl W. Deutsch
International Regions and the International System: A Study in Political Ecology. By Bruce M. Russett. (Chicago: Rand, McNally & Company, 1967. Pp. xvi, 252. $8.50.) pp. 970-971 Downloads
Michael K. O'Leary
Islamic Reform: The Political and Legal Theories of Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida. By Malcolm H. Kerr. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. Pp. vii, 249. $6.95.) pp. 972-973 Downloads
Fauzi M. Najjar
The Nature of Political Inquiry. By Fred M. Frohock. (Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1967. Pp. vii, 218. $5.00.) pp. 973-974 Downloads
Edwin Fogelman
Marxism: A Re-Examination. By Irving M. Zeitlin. (Princeton: D. Van Nostrand and Co., 1967. Pp. v, 170. $1.95.) pp. 974-975 Downloads
Samuel Hendel
Politics and Social Science. By W. J. M. Mackenzie. (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967. pp. 392, $1.95.) pp. 975-977 Downloads
Homas Wm. Madron
Political Theory and The Rights of Man. Edited by D. Raphael. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1967. Pp. viii, 151. $5.75.) pp. 977-978 Downloads
John Rawls
A Theory of Political Integration. By Claude Ake. (Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, Inc., 1967. Pp. ix, 164. $5.00.) pp. 978-979 Downloads
Henry Teune
The Political and Social Ideas of St. Augustine. By Herbert A. Deane. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1966. Pp. xix, 356. $2.45.) pp. 979-980 Downloads
David G. Smith
Private Politics: A Study of Five Political Outlooks. By A. F. Davies. (Carlton: Melbourne University Press 1966. Pp ix, 267. $13.50.) pp. 980-980 Downloads
Karl Beaithwaite
Every Second Year: Congressional Behavior and the Two-Year Term. By Charles O. Jones. (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1967. Pp. ix, 118. $6.00, cloth; $2.25, paper.) pp. 980-981 Downloads
Roger H. Davidson
Contracting For Atoms. By Harold Orlans. (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1967. Pp. xvii, 242. $6.00.) pp. 981-982 Downloads
Don E. Kash
The American Far Right: A Case Study of Billy James Hargis and Christian Crusade. By John H. Redekop. (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1968. Pp. 232. $4.50.) pp. 982-983 Downloads
Robert A. Schoenberger
Trial Courts in Urban Politics: State Court Policy Impact and Functions in a Local Political System. By Kenneth M. Dolbeare. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1967. pp. xi, 137. $6.95.) pp. 983-984 Downloads
Irvin H. Bromall
The Democrats And Labor In Rhode Island, 1952–1962: Changes In the Old Alliance. By Jay S. Goodman. (Providence: Brown University Press, 1967. Pp. xi, 154. $5.00.) pp. 984-985 Downloads
Vernon M. Goetcheus
Knowledge and Power: Essays on Science and Government. Ed. By Sanford A. Lakoff. (New York: The Free Press, 1966. Pp. x, 502. $10.95.) pp. 985-986 Downloads
Bernard Barber
Congress and the Constitution: A Study of Responsibility. Donald G. Morgan. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966). Pp. xv, 465. $8.95.) pp. 986-987 Downloads
Dale Vinyard
The Politics of Provincialism: The Democratic Party in Transition, 1918–1981. By David Bubnek. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968. Pp. xiii, Pp. 293. $6.95.) pp. 987-988 Downloads
Jay S. Goodman
Congressional Insurgents and the Party System, 1909–1916. By James Holt. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. ix, 188. S5.50.) pp. 988-989 Downloads
Delmer Dunn
Labor and Liberty: The LaFollette Committee and the New Deal. By Jerold S. Auerbach. (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1966. Pp. ix, 246. $6.50.) pp. 989-990 Downloads
Douglas Camp Chaffey
Congressional Ethics: The Conflict of Interest Issue. By Robert S. Getz. (Princeton: D. Van Noatrand Company, Inc., 1966. Pp. vi, 202. $1.95.) pp. 990-991 Downloads
Irwin N. Gertzog
W. J. Cash: Southern Prophet: A Biography and Reader. By Joseph L. Morrison. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967. Pp. xiii, 309. $6.95.) pp. 991-992 Downloads
David M. Abshire
Public Management at the Bargaining Table. By Kenneth O. Warner and Mary L. Hennessy. (Chicago: Public Personnel Association, 1967 pp. 992-993 Downloads
Donald P. Sprengel
Economic Evaluation Of Urban Renewal: Conceptual Foundation Of Benefit-Cost Analysis. Jerome Rothenberg. (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1967. Pp. xiii, 277. $6.75.) pp. 993-994 Downloads
David J. Olson
Food and Fiber in the Nation's Politics. By Charles M. Hardin. (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. Pp. xi, 236.) pp. 994-995 Downloads
H. George Frederickson
Political Participation in Communist China. By James R. Townsend. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967, Pp. x, 233. $5,50.) pp. 995-996 Downloads
John E. Rue
Colombia: The Political Dimensions of Change. By Robert H. Dix. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967. Pp. xi, 452. $10.00.) pp. 996-997 Downloads
Kenneth F. Johnson
Canadian Legislative Behavior: A Study of the 25th Parliament. By Allan Kornberg. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. Pp. vii, 161. $2.95.) pp. 997-998 Downloads
Dean L. Yarwood
The Development of Modern Nigeria. Okei Arikpo. (Baltimore: Penguin African Library, Pp. 176. $1.25.) pp. 998-999 Downloads
David B. Abebnethy
The Prime Minister's Policy Speech: A Case Study in Televised Politics. By Colin A. Hughes and John S. Western. (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1966. Pp. xvi, 227. $4.50 (Aust.), paper.) pp. 999-1000 Downloads
Kenneth H. Thompson
Parliament Factions and Parties: The First 30 Years of Responsible Government in New South Wales, 1856–1889. By P. Loveday and A. W. Martin. (Melbourne University Press. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1967. Pp. xiii, 207. $10.50.) pp. 1000-1000 Downloads
John Orbell
The Commonwealth Bureaucracy. By Gerald E. Caiden. (Melbourne University Press. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1967. Pp. xiii, 445. $16.50.) pp. 1000-1001 Downloads
Henry J. Steck
Lenin: The Man, The Theorist, The Leader A Reappraisal. Ed. By Leonard Schapiro and Peter Reddaway. (New York: Frederick A. Prager, 1967. Pp. x, 317. $7.50.) pp. 1001-1002 Downloads
Alfred G. Meyer
Islam in the Soviet Union. By Alexandre Bennigsen and Chantal Lemercier-Quelquejay. (New York: Frederick A. Prager, 1967. Pp. xiii, 272. $7.00.) pp. 1002-1003 Downloads
Robert A. Rupen
Resistance: The Political Autobiography of Georges Bidault. By Georges Bidault. trans. by Marianne Sinclair. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967, Pp. xx, 348 $6.95.) pp. 1003-1004 Downloads
Michael R. Gordon
Maxime Weygand and Civil-Military Relations in Modern France. By Philip C. F. Bankwitz. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. xiii, 445. $10.00.) pp. 1004-1005 Downloads
John N. Colas
The Social Programs of Sweden, A Search for Security in a Free Society. By Albert H. Rosenthal. With a Foreword by Marquis Childs. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1967. Pp. xvi, 193. $6.00.) pp. 1005-1006 Downloads
Arne J. Stokke
The Kingdom of Quito in the Seventeenth Century. By John Lebdy Phelan. (Madison: Universiy of Wisconsin Press, 1967. Pp. xvi, 41 $10.) pp. 1006-1007 Downloads
Robert G. Wesson
The Genesis of German Conservatism. By Klaus Epstein. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1966. Pp. xiv, 733. $17.50.) pp. 1007-1008 Downloads
John Rodman
The Foundations of Indian Federalism By K. R. Bombwall. (New York: Asia Publishing House, 1967. Pp. xiii, 348., $6.50.) Distributed by Taplinger Publishing Company, Inc., New York pp. 1008-1009 Downloads
Baljit Singh
Laissez-faire-Pluralismus: Demokratie und Wirtschaft des gegenwärtigen Zeitalters. Ed. By Goetz Bkiefs. (Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1966, Pp. xiv, 532. 59.60 DM.) pp. 1009-1010 Downloads
Gerard Braunthal
An Essay on Marxian Economics. By Joan Robinson. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1966. Pp. xxiv. 104, $3.50.). - Aims and Methods of Soviet Planning. By Mikhail Bor. (New York: International Publishers, 1967. Pp. 255. $6.95.) pp. 1010-1011 Downloads
George R. Feiwel
The Politics of Conformity in Latin America. Ed. By Claudio Veliz. (London: Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. x, 291. $7.00.) pp. 1011-1012 Downloads
Kenneth N. Walkeh
Force, Order and Justice. By Robert E. Osgood and Robert W. Tucker. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. viii, 374. $10.00.) pp. 1012-1013 Downloads
Philip Green
The Trial of the Germans. By Eugene Davidson. (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1967. Pp. vii, 636. $12.50.) pp. 1013-1014 Downloads
Elke Frank
The Years of Opportunity: The League of Nations, 1920-1926. By Byron Dexter. (New York: Viking Press, 1967. Pp. xxiii, 264. $8.50.) - Politics and Diplomacy of Peacemaking: Containment and Counterrevolution at Versailles, 1918-1919. By Arno J. Mayer. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967. Pp. viii, 918. xx. $15.00.) pp. 1014-1015 Downloads
Whitney T. Perkins
The Functioning of the International Political System. By Andrew M. Scott. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967. Pp. x, 244. $3.95.) pp. 1016-1016 Downloads
Frederic Wurzburg
The Politics of the Third World. By J. D. B. Miller. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. xiv, 126. $3.75.) pp. 1017-1018 Downloads
Jack C. Plano
The Intermediaries: Third Parties in International Crises. By Oran R. Young. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967. Pp. viii, 427. $10.00.) pp. 1018-1018 Downloads
David W. Wainhouse
French Foreign Policy Under de Gaulle. By Alfred Grosser. (Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1967. Pp. xiv, 175. $5.00, $2.50 paper.) pp. 1018-1019 Downloads
William G. Andrews
The Sea in Modern Strategy. By L. W. Martin. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. 190, $5.00.) pp. 1019-1020 Downloads
Bernard Brodie
The European Common Market and the World. By Werner Feld. (Englewood Cliffs. Prentice Hall, Inc., 1967. Pp. vii, 184. $4.95.) pp. 1020-1021 Downloads
Vernon C. Wafren
The Foreign Aid Programs of the Soviet Bloc and Communist China: An Analysis. By Kurt Muller. (New York, Walker and Co. 1967. Pp. xiii, 331. $15.00.) pp. 1021-1023 Downloads
Marshall I. Goldman
Insurgent Era: New Patterns of Political, Economic and Social Revolution. By Richard H. Sanger. (Washington: Potomac Books, 1967. Pp. 231. $6.95.) pp. 1023-1023 Downloads
Paul F. Power

Volume 62, issue 2, 1968

Political Science and the Uses of Functional Analysis* pp. 425-439 Downloads
A. James Gregor
Pareto and Pluto-Democracy: The Retreat to Galapagos pp. 440-450 Downloads
S. E. Finer
On the Neo-Elitist Critique of Community Power1 pp. 451-460 Downloads
Richard M. Merelman
Measuring the Concentration of Power in Political Systems pp. 461-475 Downloads
Steven Brams
Probabilism and the Number of Units Affected: Measuring Influence Concentration1 pp. 476-480 Downloads
Bruce M. Russett
The Minority Party and Policy-Making in the House of Representatives* pp. 481-493 Downloads
Charles O. Jones
The House and the Federal Role: A Computer Simulation of Roll-Call Voting* pp. 494-517 Downloads
Michael J. Shapiro
Organization Theory and the Explanation of Important Characteristics of Congress* pp. 518-526 Downloads
Lewis A. Froman
If, as Verba Says, the State Functions as a Religion, What Are We to Do Then to Save our Souls?* pp. 527-535 Downloads
Lewis Lipsitz
Some Thoughts on the Relation of Political Theory to Anthropology* pp. 536-545 Downloads
Carl J. Friedrich and Morton Horwitz
A Nonlinear Model for the Analysis of Judicial Decisions* pp. 546-555 Downloads
Fred Kort
Decision Costs in Coalition Formation* pp. 556-563 Downloads
Charles R. Adrian and Charles Press
The Malevolent Leader: Political Socialization in an American Sub-Culture* pp. 564-575 Downloads
Dean Jaros, Herbert Hirsch and Frederic J. Fleron
If, As Lipsitz Thinks, Political Science Is To Save Our Souls, God Help Us! pp. 576-577 Downloads
Sidney Verba
[no title] pp. 577-578 Downloads
Lewis Lipsitz
[no title] pp. 578-578 Downloads
Sandra Powell
[no title] pp. 578-581 Downloads
Phillips Cutright
[no title] pp. 581-581 Downloads
Deane E. Neubauer
The Political Basis of Economic Development: An Exploration In Comparative Political Analysis. By Robert T. Holt and John E. Turner. (Princeton, New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand & Company, 1966. Pp. iii, 410. $4.50, paper.) pp. 583-584 Downloads
Gerald A. Weiner
Party Building in a New Nation: The Indian National Congress. By Myron Weiner. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967. Pp. viii, 509, $12.50.) pp. 584-586 Downloads
Avery Leiserson
International Peace Observation: A History and Forecast. By David W. Wainhouse and Associates. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. Pp. xvii, 663. $10.00.) - The United Nations: Peace and Progress. By Alf Ross. (Totowa, New Jersey: The Bedminster Press, 1966. Pp. xi, 443. $8.00.) pp. 586-587 Downloads
Lincoln P. Bloomfield
Perspectives of a Moroccan Nationalist. By Douglas E. Ashford. (Totowa, New Jersey: The Bedminister Press, 1964. Pp. xiii, 171. $6.00.) - Morocco-Tunisia: Politics and Planning. By Douglas E. Ashford. (Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 1965. Pp. xx, 65. $2.75 paper.) - National Development and Local Reform: Political Participation in Morocco, Tunisia, and Pakistan. By Douglas E. Ashford. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1967. Pp. xi, 439. $10.00.) pp. 587-588 Downloads
George Lenczowski
China After Mao. By A. Doak Barnett. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1967. Pp. 287. $6.00.) - China Looks at the World. By Francois Geoffroy-Dechaume. (New York: Random House, 1967. Pp. 237. $4.95.) - Literary Dissent in Communist China. By Merle Goldman. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. xvii, 343. $7.95.) - The Red Guard. By Hans Granqvist. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. ix, 159. $5.95.) pp. 588-590 Downloads
Roger W. Benjamin
Prelude to Downfall: Hitler and the United States, 1939–1941. By Saul Friedlander. (New York: Alfred E. Knopf, 1967. Pp. xi, 328. $6.95.) - The German Army and the Nazi Party, 1933–39. By Robert O'Neill. (New York: J. H. Heinemann, 1966. Pp. xiii, 286. $8.50.) - Charisma and Factionalism in the Nazi Party. By Joseph Nyomarkay.(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1967. Pp. 161. $5.00.) pp. 590-593 Downloads
H. P. Secher
The Eurocrats. By Altiero Spinelli. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. Pp. xi, 229, $5.95.) pp. 593-594 Downloads
Ronald Inglehart
The Democratic Republicans of New York: The Origins, 1763–1797. By Alfred F. Young. (Chapel Hill: Institute of Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg, Virginia, by The University of North Carolina Press, 1967. Pp. xv, 636. $12.25.) - New Jersey's Jeffersonian Republicans: The Genesis of an Early Party Machine. By Carl F. Prince. (Chapel Hill: Institute of Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg, Virginia, by The University of North Carolina Press, 1967. Pp. xvi, 266. $7.50.) pp. 594-596 Downloads
Manning J. Dauer
The American Occupational Structure. By Peter Blau and Otis Dudley Duncan. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1967. Pp.xi, 520. $14.95.) pp. 596-597 Downloads
M. Kent Jennings
The Garden and the Wilderness: Religion and Government in American Constitutional History. By Mark De Wolfe Howe. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. Pp. 180. $4.50.) pp. 597-599 Downloads
Thomas S. Schrock
Political Science and Ideology. By William E. Connolly. (New York: Atherton Press, 1967. Pp. viii, 179. $5.95.) pp. 599-600 Downloads
Peter Bachrach
The Concept of Ideology and Other Essays. By George Lichtheim. (New York: Random House, 1967. Pp. xviii, 327. $5.95.) pp. 600-601 Downloads
George Kateb
The Study of Total Societies. Ed. By Samuel Z. Klausner. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. xx, 220. $6.00.) pp. 601-603 Downloads
C. P. Wolf
The Elite in the Welfare State. By Piet Thoenes. Ed. by J. A. Banks. Translated from the Dutch by J. E. Bingham. (New York: The Free Press, 1966. Pp. 236. $6.95.) pp. 603-604 Downloads
Dwaine Marvick
The Technological Society. By Jacques Ellul. (New York: Random House, 1967. Pp. xxxvi, 449. $2.45.) pp. 603-603 Downloads
William R. Nelson
The Revolutionary Personality: Lenin, Trotsky, Gandhi. By E. Victor Wolfenstein. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1967. Pp. x, 330. $7.50.) pp. 604-606 Downloads
Arnold A. Rogow
The Political Consequences of Electoral Laws. By Douglas W. Rae. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1967. Pp. xii, 173. $5.00.) pp. 606-607 Downloads
John Sprague
Politics and Communication. By Richard R. Fagen. (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1966. Pp. x, 156.) - Content Analysis of Communications. By Richard W. Budd, Robert K. Thorp, and Lewis Donohew. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967. Pp. x. 142. $5.95.) pp. 607-608 Downloads
Ellen B. Pirro
Political Representation in England and the Origins of the American Republic. By J. R. Pole. (London: The Macmillan Company, 1966. Pp. xvii, 606. $16.50.) pp. 608-609 Downloads
Harold F. Gosnell
The Moral and Political Tradition of Rome. By Donald Earl. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1967. Pp. 1, 167. $4.95.) pp. 609-610 Downloads
Deane E. Neubauer
Peter and Caesar: The Catholic Church and Political Authority. By E. A. Georner. (New York: Herder and Herder, 1965. Pp. 282. $5.95.) pp. 610-611 Downloads
Glenn Tinder
History of Indian Social and Political Ideas—From Rammohun to Dayananda. By Bimanbehari Majumdar. (Calcutta: Bookland Private Ltd., 1967. Pp. xi, 332. Thirty rupees.) pp. 611-612 Downloads
D. Mackenzie Brown
Russian Political Thought: An Introduction. By Thornton Anderson. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1967. Pp. xiii, 444. $9.75.) pp. 612-613 Downloads
R.V. Daniels
Marx in the Mid-Twentieth Century: A Yugoslav Philosopher Reconsiders Karl Marx's Writings. By Gajo Petrovic. (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1967, Pp. 237. $1.25.) pp. 613-614 Downloads
Edward D. Wilde
Two Tracts on Government. By John Locke. Edited, with an introduction, notes, and translation by Philip Abrams. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967, Pp. x, 264. $7.50.) pp. 614-614 Downloads
Fred H. Willhoite
The Phenomenology of the Social World. By Alfred Schutz. Translated By George Walsh and Frederick Lehnert. (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1967. Pp. xxxvi 255. $9.00.) pp. 614-616 Downloads
Hwa Yol Jung
Mathematical Applications in Political Science, II. Ed. By Joseph L. Bernd. (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1966. Pp. 208. $4.95.) pp. 616-617 Downloads
Alden E. Lind
Theory and Methods of Social Research. By Johan Galtung. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1967. Pp. 534. $10.00.) pp. 617-618 Downloads
Fred M. Feohock
Divisiveness and Social Conflict. By Alan R. Beals and Bernard J. Siegel. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1966. Pp. xi, 185. $6.00.) pp. 618-619 Downloads
Roger D. Masters
Prestige and Association in an Urban Community: An Analysis of an Urban Stratification System. By Edward O. Laumann. (Indianapolis, Indiana: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1966. Pp. vii, 218. $2.95.) - Cities in a Race With Time: Progress and Poverty in America's Renewing Cities. By Jeanne R. Lowe. (New York: Random House, 1967. Pp. x, 601. $10.00.) - The Regional City: An Anglo-American Discussion of Metropolitan Planning. Ed. By Derek Senior. (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, Pp. viii, 192.) pp. 619-620 Downloads
Frank Smallwood
Urban Research and Policy Planning. Ed. By Leo F. Schnore and Henry Fagin. (Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, 1967. Pp. 638. $20.00.) pp. 620-621 Downloads
Frank Smallwood
Metropolitan America: Fiscal Patterns and Governmental Systems. By Alan K. Campbell and Seymour Sacks. (New York: The Free Press, 1967. Pp. xvi, 239. $7.95.) pp. 621-623 Downloads
Robert L. Lineberry
Metropolitan America: Challenge To Federalism. By Bernard J. Frieden. (Washington: Advisory Commission On Intergovernmental Relations, 1966. Pp. x, 176.) pp. 623-624 Downloads
Thomas J. Anton
American Federalism in Perspective. Ed. By Aaron Wildavsky. (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1967. Pp. ix, 277.) pp. 624-624 Downloads
Roscoe C. Martin
Corporate Management in a World of Politics; The Public, Political and Governmental Problems of Business. By Harold Brayman. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967. Pp. xii, 272. $7.95.) pp. 625-626 Downloads
Oliver Garceau
Behind the Shield: The Police in Urban Society. By Arthur Niederhoffer. (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1967. Pp. vi, 242. $5.95.) pp. 625-625 Downloads
Neal Milner
The American Chief Executive: The Presidency and the Governorship. By Joseph E. Kallenbach. (New York: Harper & Row, 1966. Pp. xii, 622.) pp. 626-627 Downloads
Leslie Lipson
Reorganizing Roosevelt's Government: The Controversy Over Executive Reorganization 1936-1939. By Richard Polenberg. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1966. Pp. viii, 275. $5.95.) pp. 627-628 Downloads
Malcolm B. Parsons
Presidential Vetoes: 1792-1945. By Carlton Jackson. (Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1967. Pp. x, 254. $8.00.) pp. 628-629 Downloads
Robert J. Kulisheck
The Truman-MacArthur Controversy and the Korean War. By John W. Spanier. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1965. Pp. viii, 311. $1.85.) pp. 629-630 Downloads
Felix Rackow
Charles Evans Hughes: Politics and Reform in New York, 1905-1910. By Robert F. Wesser. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1967. Pp. ix, 366. $8.50.) pp. 630-631 Downloads
Frederick H. Schapsmeier
Back to Back: The Duel between FDR and the Supreme Court. By Leonard Baker. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967. Pp. 311. $6.95.) pp. 631-631 Downloads
C. Herman Pritchett
Earl Warren: A Political Biography. By Leo Katcher. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1967. Pp. 502. $8.50.) pp. 631-632 Downloads
Clifford M. Lytle
The Roots of Isolationism: Congressional Voting and Presidential Leadership in Foreign Policy. By Leroy N. Rieselbach. (Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1966. Pp. xvi, 240, $2.95.) pp. 632-633 Downloads
John H. Kessel
Sectional Stress and Party Strength: A Study of Roll-Call Voting Patterns in the U. S. House of Representatives, 1836-1860. By Thomas B. Alexander. (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1967. Pp. xvii, 284. $10.00.) pp. 633-634 Downloads
James J. Best
Water Research. Ed. By Allen V. Kneese and Stephen C. Smith. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. Pp. 508. $12.50.) - Northern California's Water Industry. By Joe S. Bain, Richard E. Caves and Julius Margolis. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. Pp. xvii, 729. $15.00.) pp. 634-635 Downloads
Ashley L. Schiff
The Politics of Federal Aid to Education in 1965: A Study in Political Innovation. By Philip Meranto. (Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, 1967. Pp. xiii, 144. $3.25.) pp. 635-636 Downloads
Lawrence K. Pettit
The Politics of Poverty. By John C. Donovan. (New York: Pegasus Press, 1967. Pp. 157. $5.75.) pp. 636-637 Downloads
John H. Strange
The Negro in Federal Employment. By Samuel Krislov. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1967. Pp. 157. $5.00.) pp. 637-638 Downloads
Richard Claude
The Negro in Virginia Politics, 1902-1965. By Andrew Buni. (Charlottesville, Virginia: The University Press of Virginia, 1967. Pp. 285. $6.00.) pp. 638-639 Downloads
Lewis Bowman
Race and the News Media. Ed. By Paul L. Fisher and Ralph L. Lowenstein. (New York: Frederick A., Praeger, 1967. Pp. x, 158. $4.95.) - Electronic Journalism. By William A. Wood. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1967. Pp. xi, 175. $5.00.) pp. 639-640 Downloads
David L. Paletz
A Body Incorporate: City-County Separation in Virginia. By Chester W. Bain. (Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia, 1967. Pp. x, 142. $4.50.) pp. 640-641 Downloads
Wendell Bedichek
Politics in New Mexico. By Jack E. Holmes. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1967. Pp. 335. $10.00.) pp. 641-642 Downloads
Roy D. Morey
A Stripe of Tammany's Tiger. By Louis Eisenstein and Elliot Rosenberg. (New York: Robert Speller & Sons, 1966. Pp. xii, 300. $5.95.) pp. 642-643 Downloads
Theodore J. Lowi
Urban Political Systems: A Functional Analysis of Metro Toronto. By Harold Kaplan. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1967. Pp. 320. $8.50.) pp. 643-644 Downloads
James L. Cox
Political Leadership in Industrialized Societies: Studies in Comparative Analysis. Ed. By Lewis J. Edinger. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1967. Pp. vii, 376.) pp. 644-645 Downloads
Thomas A. Bayus
The Communist Movement in Iran. By Sepbhr Zabih. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. Pp. xiii, 277. $6.00.) - Planning and Development in Iran. By George B. Baldwin. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. xv, 212. $6.95.) pp. 645-647 Downloads
Marvin Zonis
Public Opinion and Constitution Making in Pakistan, 1958-1962. By A. Edgar and Kathryn R. Schuler. (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1967. Pp. 286. $6.00.) pp. 647-648 Downloads
Richard N. Blue
Modern Yemen, 1918-1966. By Manfred W. Wenner. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. 257. $6.95.) pp. 647-647 Downloads
George Kirk
The Origins of Malay Nationalism. By William R. Roff. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968. Pp. xx, 297. $8.50.) pp. 648-649 Downloads
James F. Guyot
The Emergence of Pakistan. By Chaudhri Muhammad Ali (New York: Columbia University Press, 1967. Pp. ix, 418. $11.00.) pp. 649-650 Downloads
Ralph Braibanti
Minority Politics in the Punjab. By Baldev Raj Nayar. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1966. Pp. ix, 360. $9.00.) pp. 650-651 Downloads
Theodore P. Wright
Panditji: A Portrait of Jawaharlal Nehru. By Marie Seton. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, 1967. Pp. 515. $13.95.) pp. 651-652 Downloads
Joseph P. Harris
The Political Economy of South Africa. By Ralph Horwitz. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. 427. $10.00.) pp. 652-653 Downloads
David Gugin
Tanzania: Party Transformation and Economic Development. By Henry Bienen. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1967. Pp. 446. $11.50.) pp. 653-654 Downloads
Paul Saenz
Planning Without Facts: Lessons in Resource Allocation from Nigeria's Development. By Wolfgang F. Stolper. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1966. Pp. 348. $7.95.) pp. 654-655 Downloads
Alvin Magid
Planning and the Market in the U.S.S.R.: the 1960's. By Alexander Balinsky, Abram Bergson, John N. Hazard, and Peter Wiles. (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1967. Pp. vi, 132. $4.00.) pp. 655-656 Downloads
Arthur W. Wright
Planning Reforms in the Soviet Union, 1962-1966. By Eugene Zaleski. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1967. Pp. viii, 203. $6.00.) pp. 656-657 Downloads
Robert Campbell
Soviet Institutions, The Individual and Society. By Karel Hulicka and Irene M. Hulicka. (Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1967. Pp. xviii, 680. $12.00.) pp. 657-658 Downloads
Ellen Mickiewicz
Juggernaut: The Russian Forces, 1918-1966. By Malcolm Mackintosh. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1967. Pp. 320. $6.95.) pp. 658-659 Downloads
Roman Kolkowicz
The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre. (New York: Howard Fertig, 1967. Pp. 180. $6.50.) - The Case of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyite Centre. (New York: Howard Fertig, 1967. Pp. 580. $11.00.) pp. 659-660 Downloads
Stephen P. Cohen
Soviet and Russian Newspapers at the Hoover Institution: A Catalog. Compiled by Karol Maichel. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, Hoover Institution Publications, 1966. Pp. x, 235. $6.50.) - German Periodical Publications. Prepared by Gabor Erdelyi in Collaboration with Agnes F. Peterson. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, Hoover Institution Publications, 1967. Pp. viii, 175. $5.00.) pp. 660-661 Downloads
Fritz T. Epstein
Soviet Empire: The Turks of Central Asia and Stalinism. By Olaf Caroe. 2d ed. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1967. Pp. xxxv, 308. $7.00.) pp. 661-662 Downloads
Richard F. Rosser
The Unfinished Revolution: Russia 1917-1967. By Issac Deutscher. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967. Pp. 115. $3.75.) pp. 662-663 Downloads
Donald D. Barry
The Politics of the European Communist States. By Ghita Ionescu. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. viii, 303. $6.75.) pp. 663-664 Downloads
Robert A. Rupen
The Federation of German Industry in Politics. By Gerard Braunthal. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1965. Pp. xx, 389. $7.50.) pp. 664-665 Downloads
George K. Romoser
Staat, Wirtschaft und Politik in der Weimarer Republik, Festschrift für Heinrich Brüning. Ed. By Ferdinand A. Hermens and Theodor Schibder. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1967. Pp. vii, 507.) pp. 665-666 Downloads
Andreas Dorpalen
Annuaire Suisse de Science Politique—Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Politische Wissenschaft. (Lausanne: Association suisse de science politique, 1967. Volume VII. Pp. 151. $4.14.) pp. 666-667 Downloads
William R. Keech
The Politics of Futility: The General Jewish Workers Bund of Poland, 1917-1943. By Bernard K. Johnpoll. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1967. Pp. xix, 298. $8.75.) pp. 667-668 Downloads
Joseph Dunner
A Liberal Slate At War: English Politics and Economics During the Crimean War. By Olive Anderson. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1967. Pp. xi, 306. $8.50.) pp. 668-669 Downloads
Charles Mark
Mao Tse-tung in Opposition 1927-1985. By John E. Rue. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, Hoover Institution Publications, 1966. Pp. viii, 387. $10.00.) pp. 669-670 Downloads
Donald G. Gillin
The Fall of Sukarno. By Tarzie Vittachi. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. 192. $4.95.) - Indonesia. By Bruce Grant. (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967. Pp. xi, 247. $1.65.) pp. 670-671 Downloads
R. William Liddle
International Politics, Law, and Organization - The Islamic Law of Nations. By Shaybani Siyar. Translated, with an introduction, notes, and appendices by Majid Kadduri. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1966. Pp. xviii, 311. $8.00.) pp. 671-673 Downloads
Moshe Perlmann
Formosa, China, and the United Nations—Formosa in the World Community. By Lung-Chu Chen and Harold Lasswell. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1967. Pp. xi, 428. $8.95.) pp. 673-674 Downloads
Douglas Mendel
The Quest for a United Germany. By Ferenc A. Váli. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. xii, 318. $8.50.) pp. 674-675 Downloads
James H. Wolfe
Deutschlands Beziehungen zu Frankreich, Grossbritannien, Belgien sowie deutsche Entwaffung, Reparalionen, Völkerbund und Internationale Abrüstung, Dezember 1925 bis Juli 1926, Akten zur deutschen auswartigen Politik, 1918-1945, Serie B: 1925-1933, Band I, 1. Ed. By Hans Rothfels et al. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1966. Pp. lxix, 799.) pp. 675-676 Downloads
Stanley Suval
Germany and the Atlantic Alliance: The Integration of Strategy and Politics. By James L. Richardson. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966. Pp. vii, 403, $8.95.) pp. 676-677 Downloads
Charles B. Robson
The Politics of the Common Market. By W. Hartley Clark. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1067. Pp. xi, 180. $4.95.) pp. 677-678 Downloads
Robert L. Peterson
Arms Control for the Late Sixties. Ed. By James E. Dougherty and J. P. LehmanJr. (Princeton, New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1967. Pp. xlvii, 265. $8.50.) pp. 678-679 Downloads
William P. Gerberding
The Quest for Peace Through Diplomacy. By Stephen D. Kertesz. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967. Pp. x, 182. $4.95.) pp. 679-679 Downloads
Louis F. Brakeman
Diplomatic Investigations: Essays in the Theory of International Politics. Ed. By Herbert Butterfield and Martin Wight. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1966. Pp. 227. $6.25.) pp. 679-680 Downloads
Don C. Piper
The Politics of American Foreign Aid. By Michael Kent O'Leary. (New York: Atherton Press, 1967. Pp. 172. $5.95.) pp. 680-681 Downloads
Vincent Davis
Imperial America: The International Politics of Primacy. By George Liska. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1967. Pp. 115. $2.25.) pp. 681-682 Downloads
Clifton E. Wilson
Economic Policies Toward Less Developed Countries. By Harry G. Johnson. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1967. Pp. xvi, 279. $6.75.) pp. 682-683 Downloads
George M. Platt
American Foreign Policy Beyond Utopianism and Realism. By Donald Brandon. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966. Pp. 295. Paper, $2.95.) pp. 683-684 Downloads
John T. Holden
Between Two Worlds. By John Hohenberg. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Published for the Council on Foreign Relations. Pp. xiii, 507. $8.95.) pp. 684-685 Downloads
Marian D. Irish
Hacia America Latina Democratica e Integrada. By Romulo Betancourt. (Caracas, Venezuela: Editorial Senderos, 1967. Pp. 212.) pp. 685-685 Downloads
Robert J. Alexander
Beyond Vietnam: The United States and Asia. By Edwin O. Reischauer. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1967. Pp. 242. $4.95.) - Vietnam Triangle: Moscow, Peking, Hanoi. By Donald S. Zagokia. (New York: Pegasus Press, 1967. Pp. xiv. 278.) pp. 685-686 Downloads
George G. Bauroth
Abuse of Power. By Theodore Draper. (New York: The Viking Press, 1966. Pp. vii, 244. $4.95.) pp. 686-687 Downloads
Gilbert R. Winham
Arms Control Arrangements for the Far East. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, Hoover Institution Publications, 1967. Pp. xi, 215. $5.00.) pp. 687-688 Downloads
Dale Pontius
Harry S. Truman and the Russians 1945-1953. By Herbert Druks. (New York: Robert Speller & Sons, 1966. Pp. xii, 219. $7.50.) pp. 688-689 Downloads
Lee Denson
Soviet Foreign Aid. By Marshall I. Goldman. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1967. Pp. xiv, 265. $850.) pp. 689-690 Downloads
Leon M. Herman
The Soviet Union in the World Communist System. By Vernon V. Aspaturian. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, Hoover Institution Publications, 1966. Pp. 96. $1.50.) pp. 690-691 Downloads
Nish Jamgotch
Israel on the Road to Sinai, 1949-1956. By Ernest Stock. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1967. Pp. x, 284. $6.50.) pp. 691-692 Downloads
George Kirk
Trade Liberalization Among Industrial Countries: Objectives and Alternatives. By Bela Balassa. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, for the Council on Foreign Relations, 1967. Pp. 246. $7.95.) pp. 692-692 Downloads
David S. Ball
The Legal Significance of the Declarations of the General Assembly of the United Nations. By Obed Y. Asamoah. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966. Pp. 274.) pp. 692-694 Downloads
A. R. Headley
World Politics: The Global System. Herbert J. Spiro. (Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1966. Pp. xx, 345. $6.75.) pp. 694-694 Downloads
Morton A. Kaplan
Erratum pp. 696-696 Downloads

Volume 62, issue 1, 1968

The “Intensity” Problem and Democratic Theory* pp. 5-24 Downloads
Willmoore Kendall and George W. Carey
A Theory of the Calculus of Voting* pp. 25-42 Downloads
William H. Riker and Peter C. Ordeshook
A Theory of the Calculus of Voting* pp. 25-42 Downloads
William H. Riker and Peter C. Ordeshook
On the Fluidity of Judicial Choice* pp. 43-56 Downloads
J. Woodford Howard
A Functional Analysis of Defense Department Decision-Making in the McNamara Administration pp. 57-69 Downloads
Paul Y. Hammond
The Structure of Political Conflict in the New States of Tropical Africa pp. 70-87 Downloads
Aristide R. Zolberg
Majority vs. Opposition in the French National Assembly, 1956–1965: A Guttman Scale Analysis* pp. 88-109 Downloads
David M. Wood
Communism and Economic Development* pp. 110-123 Downloads
Roger W. Benjamin and John H. Kautsky
Policy Maps of City Councils and Policy Outcomes: A Developmental Analysis* pp. 124-143 Downloads
Heinz Eulau and Robert Eyestone
The Institutionalization of the U.S. House of Representatives* pp. 144-168 Downloads
Nelson W. Polsby
The Institutionalization of the U.S. House of Representatives* pp. 144-168 Downloads
Nelson W. Polsby
The Transmission of Political Values from Parent to Child* pp. 169-184 Downloads
M. Kent Jennings and Richard G. Niemi
A Theorem About Voting* pp. 205-207 Downloads
Thomas W. Casstevens
A Measure of the Population Quality of Legislative Apportionment* pp. 208-215 Downloads
Henry F. Kaiser
Image of a President: Some Insights into the Political Views of School Children* pp. 216-226 Downloads
Roberta S. Sigel
Book Reviews and Notes - Correspondance d'Alexis de Tocqueville et de Gustave de Beaumont. Texte établi, annoté et preéfacé par André Jardin. (3 volumes; Paris: Gallimard, 1967. Pp. 621, 470, 644. 120 F.) Tome VIII, Oeuvres Complètes d'Alexis de Tocqueville, Edition définitive publiée sous la direction de J. P. Mayer pp. 234-236 Downloads
Melvin Richter
Book Reviews and Notes - The Art of Conjecture. By Bertrand de Jouvenel; translated by Nikita Lary. (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1967. Pp. x, 307. $7.50.) pp. 236-237 Downloads
James A. Robinson
Book Reviews and Notes - Scandinavian Political Studies. Ed. By Pertti Pesonen. A Yearbook Published by the Political Science Associations in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Vol. I. (Helsinki: Academic Bookstore, and New York: Columbia University Press, 1966. Pp. 341. $7.00.) pp. 237-239 Downloads
Christian Bay
Book Reviews and Notes - The Western Alliance: Its Status and Prospects. Ed. By Edgar S. FurnissJr., (Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1965. Pp. vii, 182. $4.75.) - Last Chance in Europe: Bases for a New American Policy. By Charles O. LercheJr., (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1967. Pp. 221. $5.95.) pp. 239-240 Downloads
Frederick H. Hartmann
Book Reviews and Notes - France, Germany, and the Western Alliance; A Study of Elite Attitudes on European Integration and World Politics. By Karl W. Deutsch, Lewis J. Edinger, Roy C. Macridis, and Richard L. Merritt. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1967. Pp. xi, 314. $6.95.) pp. 240-241 Downloads
Donald D. Searing
Book Reviews and Notes - The Conflicted Relationship: The West and the Transformation of Asia, Africa and Latin America. By Theodore Geiger. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1967. Pp. xiv, 297. $7.95.) - Trade, Aid And Development: The Rich and Poor Nations. By John Pincus. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1967. Pp. xv, 396. $10.00.) pp. 242-243 Downloads
H. Bradford Westerfield
Book Reviews and Notes - Issues of Political Development. Ed. by Charles W. Anderson, Fred R. von der Mehden and Crawford Young. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967. Pp. 248. $3.95 paper.) - United States Policy and the Third World: Problems and Analysis. By Charles WolfJr., (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1967. Pp. 204.) pp. 243-245 Downloads
Arpad von Lazar
Book Reviews and Notes - Brazilian Planning: Development Politics and Administration. By Robert T. Daland. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1967. Pp. viii. 231. $6.00.) pp. 245-246 Downloads
John T. Dorsey
Book Reviews and Notes - Organizations in Action. By James D. Thompson. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1967. Pp. 192. $7.95.) - Methods of Organizational Research. Ed. by Victor H. Vroom. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1967. Pp xii, 211, $3.95.) pp. 246-248 Downloads
Todd La Porte
Book Reviews and Notes - New Dimensions of Political Economy. By Walter W. Heller. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1966. Pp. viii, 203. $3.50.) pp. 248-249 Downloads
Harvey C. Mansfield
Book Reviews and Notes - Psychiatry and Public Affairs. Reports and Symposia of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1966. Pp. xi, 465. $8.95.) pp. 249-250 Downloads
Harold D. Lasswell
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