American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
From Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Kirk Stebbing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 100, issue 4, 2006
- The Coevolution of American Political Science and the American Political Science Review pp. 463-478

- Lee Sigelman
- The Founding of the American Political Science Association: Discipline, Profession, Political Theory, and Politics pp. 479-486

- John G. Gunnell
- Revolutions Without Enemies: Key Transformations in Political Science pp. 487-492

- John S. Dryzek
- Great Punctuations: Prediction, Randomness, and the Evolution of Comparative Political Science pp. 493-498

- Mark Blyth
- Patricians, Professionals, and Political Science pp. 499-505

- Michael Parenti
- “Far from Ideal:” The Gender Politics of Political Science pp. 507-513

- Sue Tolleson-Rinehart and Susan J. Carroll
- Su Casa Es Nuestra Casa: Latino Politics Research and the Development of American Political Science pp. 515-521

- Luis R. Fraga, John A. Garcia, Rodney E. Hero, Michael Jones-Correa, Valerie Martinez-Ebers and Gary M. Segura
- Getting Religion: Has Political Science Rediscovered the Faith Factor? pp. 523-529

- Kenneth D. Wald and Clyde Wilcox
- The Political Theory Question in Political Science, 1956–1967 pp. 531-537

- David Kettler
- The Politics of Political Science: “Value-free” Theory and the Wolin–Strauss Dust-Up of 1963 pp. 539-545

- Benjamin R. Barber
- History and Dissent: Bernard Crick's The American Science of Politics pp. 547-553

- Michael Kenny
- The Forgotten Lindsay Rogers and the Development of American Political Science pp. 555-561

- Amy Fried
- Hermeneutics, Political Inquiry, and Practical Reason: An Evolving Challenge to Political Science pp. 563-571

- Michael T. Gibbons
- Wilson's Failure: Roots of Contention about the Meaning of a Science of Politics pp. 573-578

- Peter N. Ubertaccio and Brian J. Cook
- The Policy Scientist of Democracy: The Discipline of Harold D. Lasswell pp. 579-587

- James Farr, Jacob S. Hacker and Nicole Kazee
- Building the Chicago School pp. 589-596

- Michael T. Heaney and John Mark Hansen
- The Influence of European Émigré Scholars on Comparative Politics, 1925–1965 pp. 597-604

- Gerhard Loewenberg
- Researching Electoral Politics pp. 605-612

- Philip E. Converse
- The Study of Political Parties, 1906–2005: The View from the Journals pp. 613-618

- Howard L. Reiter
- Transformations of the Concept of Ideology in the Twentieth Century pp. 619-626

- Kathleen Knight
- The Growth and Development of Experimental Research in Political Science pp. 627-635

- James N. Druckman, Donald P. Green, James H. Kuklinski and Arthur Lupia
- Game Theory, Political Economy, and the Evolving Study of War and Peace pp. 637-642

- Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
- From Opposition to Accommodation: How Rockefeller Foundation Grants Redefined Relations between Political Theory and Social Science in the 1950s pp. 643-649

- Emily Hauptmann
- The Review's Evolving Relevance for U.S. Foreign Policy 1906–2006 pp. 651-658

- Andrew Bennett and G. John Ikenberry
- A Century of Continuity and (Little) Change in the Undergraduate Political Science Curriculum pp. 659-665

- John Ishiyama, Marijke Breuning and Linda Lopez
Volume 100, issue 3, 2006
- Does “Bettering Our Condition” Really Make Us Better Off? Adam Smith on Progress and Happiness pp. 309-318

- Dennis C. Rasmussen
- Fantasy, Irony, and Economic Justice in Aristophanes' Assemblywomen and Wealth pp. 319-333

- John Zumbrunnen
- The Experiences and Effects of Economic Status Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities pp. 335-351

- Dennis Chong and Dukhong Kim
- Presidentialism, Electoral Identifiability, and Budget Balances in Democratic Systems pp. 353-368

- José Antonio Cheibub
- Optimal Obfuscation: Democracy and Trade Policy Transparency pp. 369-384

- Daniel Y. Kono
- The Reassociation of Ideas and Purposes: Racism, Liberalism, and the American Political Tradition pp. 385-401

- Stephen Skowronek
- Why Small, Centrist Third Parties Motivate Policy Divergence by Major Parties pp. 403-417

- James Adams and Samuel Merrill
- Stacking the States, Stacking the House: The Partisan Consequences of Congressional Redistricting in the 19th Century pp. 419-427

- Erik J. Engstrom
- Handling and Manhandling Civilians in Civil War pp. 429-447

- Macartan Humphreys and Jeremy M. Weinstein
- When Can Mediators Build Trust? pp. 449-462

- Andrew H. Kydd
Volume 100, issue 2, 2006
- Contain the Wealthy and Patrol the Magistrates: Restoring Elite Accountability to Popular Government pp. 147-163

- Electoral Institutions and the Politics of Coalitions: Why Some Democracies Redistribute More Than Others pp. 165-181

- Torben Iversen and David Soskice
- Electoral Incentives in Mixed-Member Systems: Party, Posts, and Zombie Politicians in Japan pp. 183-193

- Robert Pekkanen, Benjamin Nyblade and Ellis S. Krauss
- When to Risk It? Institutions, Ambitions, and the Decision to Run for the U.S. House pp. 195-208

- Cherie D. Maestas, Sarah Fulton, L. Sandy Maisel and Walter J. Stone
- Deliberation, Preference Uncertainty, and Voting Rules pp. 209-217

- David Austen-Smith and Timothy J. Feddersen
- Legitimizing Dispute Settlement: International Legal Rulings as Domestic Political Cover pp. 219-234

- Todd L. Allee and Paul K. Huth
- Neighborhood Information Exchange and Voter Participation: An Experimental Study pp. 235-248

- Jens GROßER and Arthur Schram
- Competing Visions of Parental Roles and Ideological Constraint pp. 249-263

- David C. Barker and James D. Tinnick
- “Drawing the Line of Equality”: Hannah Mather Crocker on Women's Rights pp. 265-278

- Eileen Hunt Botting and Sarah L. Houser
- Esotericism and the Critique of Historicism pp. 279-295

- Arthur M. Melzer
- A Pivotal Voter from a Pivotal State: Roger Sherman at the Constitutional Convention pp. 297-302

- Keith L. Dougherty and Jac C. Heckelman
- A Pivotal Politician and Constitutional Design pp. 303-308

- David Brian Robertson
Volume 100, issue 1, 2006
- The Rule of the People: Arendt, Archê, and Democracy pp. 1-14

- Patchen Markell
- Reforming Reformed Religion: J. S. Mill's Critique of the Enlightenment's Natural Religion pp. 15-27

- Robert Devigne
- Ethics and Incentives: A Political Approach pp. 29-39

- Ruth W. Grant
- “Plata o Plomo?”: Bribe and Punishment in a Theory of Political Influence pp. 41-53

- Ernesto Dal Bó, Pedro Dal Bó and Rafael Di Tella
- Campaign Finance and Voter Welfare with Entrenched Incumbents pp. 55-68

- Scott Ashworth
- Lobbying as Legislative Subsidy pp. 69-84

- Richard L. Hall and Alan Deardorff
- Judicial Lobbying: The Politics of Labor Law Constitutional Interpretation pp. 85-97

- Matias Iaryczower, Pablo T. Spiller and Mariano Tommasi
- The Influence of Oral Arguments on the U.S. Supreme Court pp. 99-113

- Timothy R. Johnson, Paul J. Wahlbeck and James F. Spriggs
- Economic Backwardness in Political Perspective pp. 115-131

- Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson
- Wage Arrears and Economic Voting in Russia pp. 133-145

- Kaspar Richter
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