American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
From Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Kirk Stebbing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 112, issue 4, 2018
- When Do the Advantaged See the Disadvantages of Others? A Quasi-Experimental Study of National Service pp. 721-741

- Cecilia Hyunjung Mo and Katharine M. Conn
- Exclusion and Cooperation in Diverse Societies: Experimental Evidence from Israel pp. 742-757

- Ryan D. Enos and Noam Gidron
- When the Money Stops: Fluctuations in Financial Remittances and Incumbent Approval in Central Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia pp. 758-774

- Katerina Tertytchnaya, Catherine E. de Vries, Hector Solaz and David Doyle
- How Clients Select Brokers: Competition and Choice in India's Slums pp. 775-791

- Adam Michael Auerbach and Tariq Thachil
- How Internal Constraints Shape Interest Group Activities: Evidence from Access-Seeking PACs pp. 792-808

- Zhao Li
- Political Competition in Legislative Elections pp. 809-825

- Stefan Krasa and Mattias K Polborn
- Primaries and Candidate Polarization: Behavioral Theory and Experimental Evidence pp. 826-843

- Jonathan Woon
- Leadership with Trustworthy Associates pp. 844-859

- Torun Dewan and Francesco Squintani
- On the Limits of Officials’ Ability to Change Citizens’ Priorities: A Field Experiment in Local Politics pp. 860-873

- Daniel M. Butler and Hans J.G. Hassell
- Who Polices the Administrative State? pp. 874-890

- Kenneth Lowande
- The Power of the Multitude: Answering Epistemic Challenges to Democracy pp. 891-904

- Samuel Bagg
- The Right to Strike: A Radical View pp. 905-917

- Alex Gourevitch
- Technological Change and Political Turnover: The Democratizing Effects of the Green Revolution in India pp. 918-938

- Aditya Dasgupta
- Cabinet Durability and Fiscal Discipline pp. 939-953

- David Fortunato and Matt W. Loftis
- Media Bias against Foreign Firms as a Veiled Trade Barrier: Evidence from Chinese Newspapers pp. 954-970

- Sung Eun Kim
- Office-Selling, Corruption, and Long-Term Development in Peru pp. 971-995

- Jenny Guardado
- Endogenous Taxation in Ongoing Internal Conflict: The Case of Colombia pp. 996-1015

- Rafael Ch, Jacob Shapiro, Abbey Steele and Juan Vargas
- Reelection and Renegotiation: International Agreements in the Shadow of the Polls pp. 1016-1035

- Peter Buisseret and Dan Bernhardt
- Between Presumption and Despair: Augustine's Hope for the Commonwealth pp. 1036-1049

- Michael Lamb
- Examining a Most Likely Case for Strong Campaign Effects: Hitler’s Speeches and the Rise of the Nazi Party, 1927–1933 pp. 1050-1066

- Peter Selb and Simon Munzert
- How to Make Causal Inferences with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data under Selection on Observables pp. 1067-1082

- Matthew Blackwell and Adam N. Glynn
- Are Human Rights Practices Improving? pp. 1083-1089

- David Cingranelli and Mikhail Filippov
- Quantifying Political Relationships pp. 1090-1095

- Simon Weschle
- Ethnoracial Homogeneity and Public Outcomes: The (Non)effects of Diversity pp. 1096-1103

- Alexander Kustov and Giuliana Pardelli
- Protecting the Right to Discriminate: The Second Great Migration and Racial Threat in the American West pp. 1104-1110

- Tyler T. Reny and Benjamin J. Newman
- Distributive Politics with Vote and Turnout Buying pp. 1111-1119

- Agustin Casas
- Exit, Voice, and Public Reason pp. 1120-1124

- Kevin Vallier
- What Makes a Good Neighbor? Race, Place, and Norms of Political Participation – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1125-1125

- Allison P. Anoll
Volume 112, issue 3, 2018
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-v

- Anonymous
- The Politics of International Oversight: Strategic Monitoring and Legal Compliance in the European Union pp. 429-445

- Joshua C. Fjelstul and Clifford J. Carrubba
- Justifying the Jury: Reconciling Justice, Equality, and Democracy pp. 446-458

- Melissa Schwartzberg
- Anonymity and Democracy: Absence as Presence in the Public Sphere pp. 459-472

- Hans Asenbaum
- When Do Renters Behave Like Homeowners? High Rent, Price Anxiety, and NIMBYism pp. 473-493

- Michael Hankinson
- What Makes a Good Neighbor? Race, Place, and Norms of Political Participation pp. 494-508

- Allison P. Anoll
- Who Punishes Extremist Nominees? Candidate Ideology and Turning Out the Base in US Elections pp. 509-524

- Andrew B. Hall and Daniel M. Thompson
- The Ties That Double Bind: Social Roles and Women's Underrepresentation in Politics pp. 525-541

- Dawn Langan Teele, Joshua Kalla and Frances Rosenbluth
- Bias in Perceptions of Public Opinion among Political Elites pp. 542-563

- David E. Broockman and Christopher Skovron
- The Birth of Pork: Local Appropriations in America’s First Century pp. 564-579

- Sanford C. Gordon and Hannah K. Simpson
- Dynamic Pivotal Politics pp. 580-601

- Wioletta Dziuda and Antoine Loeper
- Concealing Corruption: How Chinese Officials Distort Upward Reporting of Online Grievances pp. 602-620

- Jennifer Pan and Kaiping Chen
- How Sudden Censorship Can Increase Access to Information pp. 621-636

- William R. Hobbs and Margaret E. Roberts
- Ethnic Segregation and Public Goods: Evidence from Indonesia pp. 637-653

- Yuhki Tajima, Krislert Samphantharak and Kai Ostwald
- Can Social Contact Reduce Prejudice and Discrimination? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Nigeria pp. 654-677

- Alexandra Scacco and Shana S. Warren
- Independent Candidates and Political Representation in India pp. 678-697

- Sacha Kapoor and Arvind Magesan
- Trickle-Up Political Socialization: The Causal Effect on Turnout of Parenting a Newly Enfranchised Voter pp. 698-705

- Jens Olav Dahlgaard
- Political Dynasties and the Incumbency Advantage in Party-Centered Environments pp. 706-712

- Jon Fiva and Daniel M. Smith
- Candidate Sexual Orientation Didn't Matter (in the Way You Might Think) in the 2015 UK General Election pp. 713-720

- Gabriele Magni and Andrew Reynolds
Volume 112, issue 2, 2018
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-v

- Anonymous
- Global Competition and Brexit pp. 201-218

- Italo Colantone and Piero Stanig
- Whither Parties? Hume on Partisanship and Political Legitimacy pp. 219-230

- Joel E. Landis
- Agency Problems in Political Campaigns: Media Buying and Consulting pp. 231-248

- Gregory J. Martin and Zachary Peskowitz
- Policy Preferences and Policy Change: Dynamic Responsiveness in the American States, 1936–2014 pp. 249-266

- Devin Caughey and Christopher Warshaw
- The Deliberative Sublime: Edmund Burke on Disruptive Speech and Imaginative Judgment pp. 267-279

- Rob Goodman
- Information Dissemination, Competitive Pressure, and Politician Performance between Elections: A Field Experiment in Uganda pp. 280-301

- Guy Grossman and Kristin Michelitch
- Nonrepresentative Representatives: An Experimental Study of the Decision Making of Elected Politicians pp. 302-321

- Lior Sheffer, Peter John Loewen, Stuart Soroka, Stefaan Walgrave and Tamir Sheafer
- Businesspeople in Elected Office: Identifying Private Benefits from Firm-Level Returns pp. 322-338

- David Szakonyi
- Elite Competition and State Capacity Development: Theory and Evidence from Post-Revolutionary Mexico pp. 339-357

- Francisco Garfias
- Reading Between the Lines: Prediction of Political Violence Using Newspaper Text pp. 358-375

- Hannes Mueller and Christopher Rauh
- Social and Institutional Origins of Political Islam pp. 376-394

- Steven Brooke and Neil Ketchley
- The Index of Emancipative Values: Measurement Model Misspecifications pp. 395-408

- Boris Sokolov
- Pragmatism and Prophecy: H. G. Wells and the Metaphysics of Socialism pp. 409-422

- Duncan Bell
- Convergence's Democracy Problem: A Critique of Kogelmann and Stich pp. 423-427

- Benjamin R. Hertzberg
- Nonrepresentative Representatives: An Experimental Study of the Decision Making of Elected Politicians - CORRIGENDUM pp. 428-428

- Lior Sheffer, Peter John Loewen, Stuart Soroka, Stefaan Walgrave and Tamir Sheafer
Volume 112, issue 1, 2018
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-v

- Anonymous
- Limited Obstruction pp. 1-14

- Christian Fong and Keith Krehbiel
- Ideology, Grandstanding, and Strategic Party Disloyalty in the British Parliament pp. 15-30

- Jonathan B. Slapin, Justin H. Kirkland, Joseph A. Lazzaro, Patrick A. Leslie and O’grady, Tom
- Positioning under Alternative Electoral Systems: Evidence from Japanese Candidate Election Manifestos pp. 31-48

- Amy Catalinac
- Secular Party Rule and Religious Violence in Pakistan pp. 49-67

- Gareth Nellis and Niloufer Siddiqui
- Public Employees as Politicians: Evidence from Close Elections pp. 68-81

- Ari Hyytinen, Jaakko Meriläinen, Tuukka Saarimaa, Otto Toivanen and Janne Tukiainen
- When Order Affects Performance: Culture, Behavioral Spillovers, and Institutional Path Dependence pp. 82-98

- Jenna Bednar and Scott E. Page
- Democratic Citizenship and Denationalization pp. 99-111

- Patti Tamara Lenard
- Durkheim on Social Justice: The Argument from “Organic Solidarity” pp. 112-124

- Lisa Herzog
- Collective Action and Representation in Autocracies: Evidence from Russia’s Great Reforms pp. 125-147

- Paul Castañeda Dower, Evgeny Finkel, Scott Gehlbach and Steven Nafziger
- The Minimal Persuasive Effects of Campaign Contact in General Elections: Evidence from 49 Field Experiments pp. 148-166

- Joshua L. Kalla and David E. Broockman
- The Politics of Policy: The Initial Mass Political Effects of Medicaid Expansion in the States pp. 167-185

- Joshua D. Clinton and Michael W. Sances
- Seeing the World Through the Other's Eye: An Online Intervention Reducing Ethnic Prejudice pp. 186-193

- Gábor Simonovits, Gabor Kezdi and Péter Kardos
- Democratic Citizenship and Denationalization-CORRIGENDUM pp. 194-194

- Patti Tamara Lenard
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