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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 4, issue 4, 1910

Constitutional Law in 1909-1910: The Constitutional Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in the October Term, 19091 pp. 483-497 Downloads
Eugene Wambaugh
The Union of South Africa pp. 498-507 Downloads
Stephen Leacock
Causes of the Lack of Political Cohesion in Spanish America pp. 508-515 Downloads
Hiram Bingham
The Extraordinary Session of the Philippine Legislature, and the Work of the Philippine Assembly pp. 516-536 Downloads
James Alexander Robertson
The Railroad Bill and the Court of Commerce pp. 537-554 Downloads
James Wallace Bryan
A History of Mediœval Political Theory in the West. By R. W. Carlyle and A. J. Carlyle. Vol. II, The Political Theory of the Roman Lawyers and the Canonists, from the Tenth Century to the Thirteenth Century. By A. J. Carlyle. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons. 1909. Pp. ix, 274.) pp. 601-607 Downloads
William C. Morey
Through Afro-America. An English Reading of the Race Problem. By William Archer. (New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.1910. Pp. xvi, 295.) pp. 607-609 Downloads
The Southern South. By Albert Bushnell Hart. (New York and London: D. Appleton & Co.1910. Pp. 444.) pp. 609-614 Downloads
Alfred Holt Stone
The Promise of American Life. By Herbert Croly. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1909. Pp. 468.) pp. 614-616 Downloads
Henry Jones Ford
The Transitional Period, 1788–1789, in the Government of the United States. By Frank Fletcher Stephens. (University of Missouri Studies, Vol. II, No. 4; 1909. Pp. viii, 126.) pp. 616-618 Downloads
William Starr Myers
The Social Evil in New York City. A Study of Law Enforcement by the Research Committee of the Committee of Fourteen. (New York: Andrew H. Kellogg. Pp. xxxvi, 268.) pp. 618-619 Downloads
Edward C. Hayes
Responsibility for Crime. By Philip A. Parsons. (New York: Longmans, Green & Company. 1909. Pp. 194.) pp. 619-620 Downloads
J. M. Mathews
A History of the Irish Parliamentary Party. By F. Hugh O'Donnell. (London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1910. 2 volumes. Pp. xiii, 508, and viii, 494.) pp. 620-622 Downloads
T. F. Moran
A Century of Empire. By SirHerbert Maxwell. Volume ii, (1833–1868), pp. xiii 364. Octavo. Longmans. 1910 pp. 622-623 Downloads
The Essentials of Self-Government. By Ellis T. Powell. (London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1909. Pp. vii, 309.) pp. 623-624 Downloads
T. F. Moran
The Condition of England. By C. F. G. Masterman. (London: Methuen and Company, 1909. Pp. xi, 309.) pp. 624-625 Downloads
T. F. Moran
The Hague Peace Conferences and Other International Conferences Concerning the Laws and Usages of War: Texts of Conventions, with Commentaries. By A. Pearce Higgins. (Cambridge: University Press, 1909. Pp. xiv, 632.) pp. 625-627 Downloads
Percy Bordwell
La Teoria dei Are Pateri nel Diritto Constituzionale del Nord-America. By G. B. Klein. (Florence, 1909.) pp. 627-628 Downloads
J. M. Mathews
Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Sozialismus. By Dr.Otto Warschauer. (Berlin: 1909. xvi–402.) pp. 628-630 Downloads
B. E. H.,
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia. Second Edition. By W. Harrison Moore. (Melbourne: Charles F. Maxwell. London: Sweet and Maxwell. Pp. xxviii, 789. 1910.) pp. 631-631 Downloads

Volume 4, issue 3, 1910

Constitutional Developments in Foreign Countries During 1908 and 19091 pp. 325-349 Downloads
W. F. Dood
Finland pp. 350-364 Downloads
Why The Chinese Oppose Foreign Railway Loans pp. 365-373 Downloads
Ching-Chun Wang
The Control of Immigration as an Administrative Problem pp. 374-389 Downloads
Paul S. Peirce
The Relations of United States and Spain: Diplomacy. By French Ensor Chadwick, Rear-Admiral U. S. Navy. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1909. Pp. 610.) pp. 431-435 Downloads
J. G. McDonald
International Law. By T. Baty. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company. Pp. 364. 1909.) pp. 436-437 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
Le Nouveau Cynée—The New Cyneas of Emeric Crucé. Edited with an introduction and translated into English from the original French text of 1623. By Thomas William Balch. (Philadelphia: Allen, Lane and Scott. 1909.) pp. 438-440 Downloads
Charles Noble Gregory
Das Staatsrecht des Königreichs Sachsen. Von Otto Mayer, Professor des Oeffentlichen Rechts an der Universität Leipzig. (Tübingen: Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1909.) pp. 441-443 Downloads
B. E. H.,
Consular Cases and Opinions from the Decisions of the English and American Courts and the Opinions of the Attorneys-General. By Ellery C. Stowell, Docteur en Droit (Paris). (Washington, D. C.: J. Byrne and Company. 1909. Pp. xxxvi, 811.) pp. 441-441 Downloads
Jesse S. Reeves
The Civil Code of the German Empire. Translated by Walter Loewy, under the auspices and annotated by a special committee of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania (Boston: Boston Book Co., 1909. lxxi, 689 pp.) pp. 444-445 Downloads
E. F.,
Select Essays in Anglo-American Legal History. By various authors. Volume III. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1909. Pp. 862.) pp. 445-446 Downloads
The History of Caste in India. Volume I. Evidence of the Laws of Manu on the Social Conditions in India during the Third Century A.D., Interpreted and Examined; with an Appendix on Radical Defects in Ethnology. By Shridhar V. Ketkar. (Ithaca: Taylor and Carpenter, 1909.) pp. 446-448 Downloads
Franklin Edgerton
The Crisis of Liberalism: New Issues of Democracy. By J. A. Hobson. (London: P. S. King & Son. 1909. Pp. 284.) pp. 448-450 Downloads
Charles C. Williamson
A Century of Empire. By SirHerbert Maxwell. (London: Edward Arnold, 1909. Vol. I. 1801–1832. Pp. 352.) pp. 451-451 Downloads
B. C. Steiner
The Life of W. J. Fox, Public Teacher and Social Reformer. 1786–1864. By Richard Garnett. Concluded by Edward Garnett. (New York: John Land Company. 1909. Pp. xiii, 339.) pp. 452-453 Downloads
A History of Canada 1763–1812. By C. P. Lucas. With two Appendices and 8 Maps. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1909. Pp. 320.) pp. 453-454 Downloads
Stephen Leacock
Retrospections of an Active Life. By John Bigelow. (New York: The Baker & Taylor Company. 1909. Three volumes. Pp. xiv., 645; 607; 684 including Index. Illustrated.) pp. 454-457 Downloads
James Morton Callahan
The Cameralists. The Pioneers of German Social Policy. By Albion W. Small. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. London: T. Fisher Unwin. 1909. Pp. xxv + 596.) pp. 457-459 Downloads
George Elliott Howard
Privilege and Democracy in America. By Frederic C. Howe, Ph.D.(New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1910. Pp. xii, 315.) pp. 459-460 Downloads
J. Wallace Bryan
A Memoir of the Rt. Hon. William Edward Hartpole Lecky. By his Wife. (Longmans Green and Company. New York and London: 1909. Pp. xvii, 432.) pp. 461-462 Downloads
Gathorne Hardy, First Earl of Cranbrook. A Memoir. With Extracts from His Diary and Correspondence. Edited by Hon.Alfred E. Gathorne-Hardy. 2 volumes. New York: Longmans Green & Co. Pp. xi, 381; vii, 408.) pp. 462-464 Downloads
A. G. Porritt
The People's Law or Popular Participation in Law-making, from ancient Folk-moot to modern Referendum. A Study in the Evolution of Democracy and Direct Legislation. By Charles Sumner Lobingier. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1909. Pp. xxi, 429.) pp. 464-466 Downloads
W. F. Dodd
The Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. By P. Orman Ray. (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company. 1909. Pp. 315.) pp. 467-467 Downloads
J. M. Mathews
Du Combustible en Temps de Guerre. By Jean C. Pilidi. (Paris: A. Pedone, 1909. Pp. 410.) pp. 468-470 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
Roman Law in Mediœval Europe. By Paul Vinogradoff. (London and New York: Harper & Brothers. 1909. Pp. ix, 135.) pp. 470-473 Downloads
J. Wallace Bryan

Volume 4, issue 2, 1910

A Review of Labor Legislation in the United States for the year 1909 pp. 163-179 Downloads
Irene Osgood
Citizenship for the Porto Ricans pp. 180-195 Downloads
Roland P. Falkner
Recent and Pending Constitutional Changes in England pp. 196-206 Downloads
Edward Porritt
L'Europe et la Politique Britannique (1882–1909). By Ernest Lémonon. (Paris: Félix Alcan, éditeur, 1910. Pp. 555.) pp. 287-289 Downloads
George Frederick Andrews
Jahrbuch des Oeffentlichen Rechts. Band III, 1909. (Tübingen: Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1909. Pp. 646) pp. 289-291 Downloads
B. E. H,
Diplomatic Memoirs. By John W. Foster. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1909. Two volumes. Pp. 333; 322) pp. 292-295 Downloads
James Morton Callahan
Le droit international américain. Son fondement, sa nature, d'après l'histoire diplomatique des états du nouveau monde et leur vie politique et economique. Par Alexandre Alvarez. (ParisA. Pedone. 1910. Pp. 392) pp. 295-296 Downloads
E. M. Borchardt
L'Evolution de l'Arbitrage International. Par Thomas Willing Balch. (Philadelphia: Allen, Lane & Scott, 1909. Pp. 122.) pp. 296-297 Downloads
Jesse S. Reeves
Municipal Government. By Frank J. Goodnow. (New York: The Century Company. 1909. Pp. ix, 401.) pp. 297-298 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
The Government of the District of Columbia: A Study of Federal and Municipal Administration. By W. F. Dodd. (Washington: John Byrne and Company. 1909. Pp. 298.) pp. 298-299 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Chapters on Municipal Administration and Accounting. By Frederick A. Cleveland, Ph.D., Director of the Bureau of Municipal Research. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1909. Pp. xvi, 361.) pp. 299-301 Downloads
W. F. Willoughby
Divorce: A Study in Social Causation. Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, vol. xxxv, No. 3. By James P. Lichtenberger. (New York: Columbia University: Longmans, Green and Company. 1909. Pp. 230.) pp. 302-305 Downloads
George Elliott Howard
Joseph Cowen's Speeches on the Near Eastern Question: Foreign and Imperial Affairs: and on the British Empire. Revised by His Daughter. (London: Longmans, Green and Company. Pp. 249.) pp. 305-306 Downloads
The Early History of the Tories from the Accession of Charles II to the Death of William III. (1660–1702). By C. B. Roylance Kent, M.A. (London: Smith Elder and Company. Pp. xv, 481.) pp. 306-306 Downloads
E. P.,
George Canning and His Friends. Containing Hitherto Unpublished Letters, Jeux d'Esprit, etc. Edited by Josceline Bagot. (London: John Murray; New York: E. P. Dutton. 1909. Two volumes. Pp. xiii, 423; ix, 463.) pp. 307-310 Downloads
A. G. P.,
The Speakers of the House. By Herbert Bruce Fuller. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1909. Pp. 311.) pp. 310-311 Downloads
History of the Bank of England. By A. Andreades. Translated by Christabel Meredith, with a preface by H. S. Foxwell. (London: P. S. King and Son, 1809. Pp. xxvi, 443 pp.) pp. 311-312 Downloads
G. E. B.,

Volume 4, issue 1, 1910

The Physiology of Politics: Presidential Address, Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association pp. 1-15 Downloads
A. Lawrence Lowell
Diplomatic Affairs and International Law, 19091 pp. 16-51 Downloads
Paul S. Reinsch
The German Doctrine of the Budget pp. 52-62 Downloads
Walter James Shepard
America and the Far Eastern Question. By Thomas F. Millard. (New York: Moffat, Yard and Company. 1909. Pp. xxiv, 576.) pp. 124-126 Downloads
E. G. Elliott
Our Foreign Service. By Frederick Van Dyne. (Rochester: The Lawyers Coöperative Company. 1909. Pp. 284.) pp. 126-127 Downloads
Effects of War on Property: Being Studies in International Law and Policy. With a Note on Belligerent Rights at Sea by John Westlake. By Alma Latifi. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1909. Pp. x, 155.) pp. 127-129 Downloads
Elbert J. Benton
Die Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft Beiträge zur Systematik und Methodik der Rechtswissenschaften. By Dr.Ludwig Spiegel. (Leipzig: Duncker and Humblot. 1909. Pp. viii, 222.) pp. 129-132 Downloads
Thomas Reed Powell
An Introduction to the History of the Development of Law. By Hon.M. F. Morris, Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia (Washington, D. C.: John Byrne and Company, 1909. Pp. 315.) pp. 132-135 Downloads
George Elliott Howard
The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and other Organic Laws of the States, Territories, and Colonies now or heretofore forming the United States of America. Compiled and edited under the act of Congress of June 30, 1906, by Francis Newton Thorpe, Ph.D., LL.D. (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1909. 7 vols.) pp. 135-138 Downloads
W. F. Dodd
Legal and Historical Status of the Dred Scott Decision. By Elbert William R. Ewing. (Washington, D. C.: Cobden Publishing Company. 1909. Pp. 228.) pp. 138-139 Downloads
John B. Sanborn
The New Encyclopedia of Social Reform, etc. Edited by William D. P. Bliss and Rudolph M. Binder, Ph.D., with the coöperation of many specialists, etc. New Edition. (New York and London: Funk and Wagnalls Company. 1908. Pp. vi, 1321.) pp. 139-141 Downloads
C. W. A. Veditz
A Modern City: Providence, Rhode Island, and its activities. Edited by William Kirk, Assistant Professor of Economics in Brown University. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1909. Pp. ix, 363.) pp. 141-141 Downloads
The American People: A Study in National Psychology. By A. Maurice Low. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1909. Pp. 446.) pp. 141-143 Downloads
William Starr Myers
Chinese Immigration. By Mary Roberts Coolidge. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1909. Pp. 531.) pp. 143-146 Downloads
Ernest Bruncken
The Conflict over Judicial Powers in the United States to 1870. By Charles Grove Haines. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1909. Pp. 180.) pp. 146-147 Downloads
John B. Sanborn
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