American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 106, issue 4, 2012
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-ix

- Anonymous
- Unemployment and the Democratic Electoral Advantage pp. 685-702

- John R. Wright
- How Words and Money Cultivate a Personal Vote: The Effect of Legislator Credit Claiming on Constituent Credit Allocation pp. 703-719

- Justin Grimmer, Solomon Messing and Sean J. Westwood
- Sources of Bias in Retrospective Decision Making: Experimental Evidence on Voters’ Limitations in Controlling Incumbents pp. 720-741

- Gregory A. Huber, Seth J. Hill and Gabriel S. Lenz
- Tying Your Enemy's Hands in Close Races: The Politics of Federal Transfers in Brazil pp. 742-761

- Fernanda Brollo and Tommaso Nannicini
- The Adverse Effects of Sunshine: A Field Experiment on Legislative Transparency in an Authoritarian Assembly pp. 762-786

- Edmund Malesky, Paul Schuler and Anh Tran
- Borrowed Power: Debt Finance and the Resort to Arms pp. 787-809

- Branislav L. Slantchev
- “Writing a Name in the Sky”: Rancière, Cavell, and the Possibility of Egalitarian Inscription pp. 810-826

- Aletta J. Norval
- Democracy's Dignity pp. 827-846

- Josiah Ober
- The Supreme Court's Many Median Justices pp. 847-866

- Benjamin E. Lauderdale and Tom S. Clark
- On the Demos and Its Kin: Nationalism, Democracy, and the Boundary Problem pp. 867-882

- Arash Abizadeh
- Does Combat Experience Foster Organizational Skill? Evidence from Ethnic Cleansing during the Partition of South Asia pp. 883-907

- Saumitra Jha and Steven Wilkinson
- Legislative Bargaining and the Dynamics of Public Investment pp. 908-909

- Marco Battaglini, Salvatore Nunnari and Thomas R. Palfrey
Volume 106, issue 3, 2012
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-x

- Anonymous
- The Autocratic Legacy of Early Statehood pp. 471-494

- Jacob Gerner Hariri
- Inequality and Regime Change: Democratic Transitions and the Stability of Democratic Rule pp. 495-516

- Stephan Haggard and Robert R. Kaufman
- Putting Inequality in Its Place: Rural Consciousness and the Power of Perspective pp. 517-532

- Katherine Cramer Walsh
- Gender Inequality in Deliberative Participation pp. 533-547

- Christopher F. Karpowitz, Tali Mendelberg and Lee Shaker
- The Civic Origins of Progressive Policy Change: Combating Violence against Women in Global Perspective, 1975–2005 pp. 548-569

- Mala Htun and S. Laurel Weldon
- Crime Victimization and Political Participation pp. 570-587

- Regina Bateson
- Collective Action, Clientelism, and Connectivity pp. 588-606

- Mahvish Shami
- Competing for Liberty: The Republican Critique of Democracy pp. 607-621

- Nadia Urbinati
- Rule Creation in a Political Hierarchy pp. 622-643

- Clifford J. Carrubba and Tom S. Clark
- Socratic Method and Political Science pp. 644-660

- Christopher Meckstroth
- Benchmarking across Borders: Electoral Accountability and the Necessity of Comparison pp. 661-684

- Mark Andreas Kayser and Michael Peress
Volume 106, issue 2, 2012
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-ix

- Anonymous
- Elite Competition, Religiosity, and Anti-Americanism in the Islamic World pp. 225-243

- Lisa Blaydes and Drew A. Linzer
- The Missionary Roots of Liberal Democracy pp. 244-274

- Robert D. Woodberry
- Between Polis and Empire: Aristotle's Politics pp. 275-293

- Mary G. Dietz
- Does the Leader's Ethnicity Matter? Ethnic Favoritism, Education, and Health in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 294-325

- Raphael Franck and Ilia Rainer
- Strongmen and Straw Men: Authoritarian Regimes and the Initiation of International Conflict pp. 326-347

- Jessica L. Weeks
- The Influence of Federal Spending on Presidential Elections pp. 348-366

- Douglas L. Kriner and Andrew Reeves
- Legislatures, Bureaucracies, and Distributive Spending pp. 367-385

- Michael M. Ting
- Insecure Alliances: Risk, Inequality, and Support for the Welfare State pp. 386-406

- Philipp Rehm, Jacob S. Hacker and Mark Schlesinger
- Legislative Bargaining and the Dynamics of Public Investment pp. 407-429

- Marco Battaglini, Salvatore Nunnari and Thomas R. Palfrey
- A Source of Bias in Public Opinion Stability pp. 430-454

- James N. Druckman, Jordan Fein and Thomas J. Leeper
- Another Realism: The Politics of Gandhian Nonviolence pp. 455-470

- Karuna Mantena
Volume 106, issue 1, 2012
- Notes from the Editors pp. v-xi

- Anonymous
- Candidate Genes and Political Behavior pp. 1-34

- Evan Charney and William English
- When Natural Experiments Are Neither Natural nor Experiments pp. 35-57

- Jasjeet S. Sekhon and Rocio Titiunik
- The Economic Origins of Democracy Reconsidered pp. 58-80

- John R. Freeman and Dennis P. Quinn
- Democracy, War, and Wealth: Lessons from Two Centuries of Inheritance Taxation pp. 81-102

- Kenneth Scheve and David Stasavage
- Electoral Business Cycles in OECD Countries pp. 103-122

- Brandice Canes-Wrone and Jee-Kwang Park
- Dynamic Government Performance: Honeymoons and Crises of Confidence pp. 123-145

- Torun Dewan and David Myatt
- The Perils of Unearned Foreign Income: Aid, Remittances, and Government Survival pp. 146-165

- Faisal Z. Ahmed
- Getting Ahead in the Communist Party: Explaining the Advancement of Central Committee Members in China pp. 166-187

- Victor Shih, Christopher Adolph and Mingxing Liu
- The People, Rhetoric, and Affect: On the Political Force of Du Bois's The Souls of Black Folk pp. 188-203

- Melvin L. Rogers
- The European Court of Justice, State Noncompliance, and the Politics of Override pp. 204-213

- Alec Stone Sweet and Thomas Brunell
- Understanding the Role of the European Court of Justice in European Integration pp. 214-223

- Clifford J. Carruba, Matthew Gabel and Charles Hankla
Volume 105, issue 4, 2011
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-ix

- Anonymous
- Searching for Good Policies pp. 643-662

- Steven Callander
- Expertise and Scale of Conflict: Governments as Advocates in American Indian Politics pp. 663-682

- Laura E. Evans
- Voting with Your Feet: Exit-based Empowerment in Democratic Theory pp. 683-701

- Mark E. Warren
- Governance and Prison Gangs pp. 702-716

- David Skarbek
- Politicizing Agency Spending Authority: Lessons from a Bush-era Scandal pp. 717-734

- Sanford C. Gordon
- Rethinking Culture: The Social Lineage Account pp. 735-749

- Alan Patten
- “From This Far Place”: On Justice and Absence pp. 750-764

- W. James Booth
- Unpacking the Black Box of Causality: Learning about Causal Mechanisms from Experimental and Observational Studies pp. 765-789

- Kosuke Imai, Luke Keele, Dustin Tingley and Teppei Yamamoto
- Newspapers and Parties: How Advertising Revenues Created an Independent Press pp. 790-808

- Maria Petrova
- Democracy, Development, and the International System pp. 809-828

- Carles Boix
- Collective Action with Uncertain Payoffs: Coordination, Public Signals, and Punishment Dilemmas pp. 829-851

- Mehdi Shadmehr and Dan Bernhardt
Volume 105, issue 3, 2011
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-ix

- Anonymous
- The Cost of Empty Threats: A Penny, Not a Pound pp. 437-456

- Jack Snyder and Erica D. Borghard
- The Decider's Dilemma: Leader Culpability, War Outcomes, and Domestic Punishment pp. 457-477

- Sarah E. Croco
- Horizontal Inequalities and Ethnonationalist Civil War: A Global Comparison pp. 478-495

- Lars-Erik Cederman, Nils B. Weidmann and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch
- Elite Influence on Public Opinion in an Informed Electorate pp. 496-515

- John G. Bullock
- Deliberation with Evidence pp. 516-529

- Jérôme Mathis
- The Ideological Mapping of American Legislatures pp. 530-551

- Boris Shor and Nolan McCARTY
- Do Democracies Select More Educated Leaders? pp. 552-566

- Timothy Besley and Marta Reynal-Querol
- Patronage and Elections in U.S. States pp. 567-585

- Olle Folke, Shigeo Hirano and James M. Snyder
- Making Outsiders' Votes Count: Detecting Electoral Fraud through a Natural Experiment pp. 586-603

- Kentaro Fukumoto and Yusaku Horiuchi
- Intersectionality, Quotas, and Minority Women's Political Representation Worldwide pp. 604-620

- Melanie M. Hughes
- Clarifying the Concept of Representation pp. 621-630

- Jane Mansbridge
- The Concepts of Representation pp. 631-641

- Andrew Rehfeld
Volume 105, issue 2, 2011
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-x

- Anonymous
- Caught in the Draft: The Effects of Vietnam Draft Lottery Status on Political Attitudes pp. 221-237

- Robert S. Erikson and Laura Stoker
- Jurisdiction Size and Local Democracy: Evidence on Internal Political Efficacy from Large-scale Municipal Reform pp. 238-258

- David Lassen and Søren Serritzlew
- Deliberation, Democracy, and the Rule of Reason in Aristotle's Politics pp. 259-274

- James Lindley Wilson
- Divide and Conquer or Divide and Concede: How Do States Respond to Internally Divided Separatists? pp. 275-297

- Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham
- Hobbes on the Causes of War: A Disagreement Theory pp. 298-315

- Arash Abizadeh
- The Structure of Inequality and the Politics of Redistribution pp. 316-336

- Noam Lupu and Jonas Pontusson
- Strategic Opposition and Government Cohesion in Westminster Democracies pp. 337-358

- Torun Dewan and Arthur Spirling
- Parties, Coalitions, and the Internal Organization of Legislatures pp. 359-380

- Daniel Diermeier and Razvan Vlaicu
- On Partisan Political Justification pp. 381-396

- Jonathan White and Lea Ypi
- Judicial Review as a Response to Political Posturing pp. 397-414

- Justin Fox and Matthew C. Stephenson
- Does International Law Promote the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes? Evidence from the Study of Territorial Conflicts since 1945 pp. 415-436

- Paul K. Huth, Sarah E. Croco and Benjamin J. Appel
Volume 105, issue 1, 2011
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-ix

- Anonymous
- Do Natural Resources Fuel Authoritarianism? A Reappraisal of the Resource Curse pp. 1-26

- Stephen Haber and Victor Menaldo
- The Tragedy of the Nomenklatura: Career Incentives and Political Radicalism during China's Great Leap Famine pp. 27-45

- James Kung and Shuo Chen
- Bribes, Lobbying, and Development pp. 46-63

- Bård Harstad and Jakob Svensson
- Is There a Trade-off between Security and Liberty? Executive Bias, Privacy Protections, and Terrorism Prevention pp. 64-78

- Tiberiu Dragu
- Competing on Good Politicians pp. 79-99

- Vincenzo Galasso and Tommaso Nannicini
- Toward a Mobilization Conception of Democratic Representation pp. 100-114

- Lisa Disch
- Turning Out to Vote: The Costs of Finding and Getting to the Polling Place pp. 115-134

- Henry E. Brady and John E. McNulty
- How Large and Long-lasting Are the Persuasive Effects of Televised Campaign Ads? Results from a Randomized Field Experiment pp. 135-150

- Alan S. Gerber, James G. Gimpel, Donald P. Green and Daron R. Shaw
- Parties, Pivots, and Policy: The Status Quo Test pp. 151-165

- Jesse Richman
- Costly Jobs: Trade-related Layoffs, Government Compensation, and Voting in U.S. Elections pp. 166-188

- Yotam Margalit
- Hobbes, Savagery, and International Anarchy pp. 189-204

- Pat Moloney
- Coercion and (Global) Justice pp. 205-220

- Laura Valentini
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