American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 110, issue 4, 2016
- Notes from the Editors pp. v-xi

- Anonymous
- Turnout, Status, and Identity: Mobilizing Latinos to Vote with Group Appeals pp. 615-630

- Ali A. Valenzuela and Melissa R. Michelson
- Fast Estimation of Ideal Points with Massive Data pp. 631-656

- Kosuke Imai, James Lo and Jonathan Olmsted
- Constitutions Unentrenched: Toward an Alternative Theory of Constitutional Design pp. 657-674

- Mila Versteeg and Emily Zackin
- The Historical Origins of Territorial Disputes pp. 675-698

- Scott F. Abramson and David B. Carter
- Does Paying Politicians More Promote Economic Diversity in Legislatures? pp. 699-716

- Nicholas Carnes and Eric R. Hansen
- When Public Reason Fails Us: Convergence Discourse as Blood Oath pp. 717-730

- Brian Kogelmann and Stephen G. W. Stich
- Aid as a Tool against Insurgency: Evidence from Contested and Controlled Territory in Afghanistan pp. 731-749

- Renard Sexton
- The Democratic Effect of Direct Democracy pp. 750-762

- Lucas Leemann and Fabio Wasserfallen
- Do Politicians Use Policy to Make Politics? The Case of Public-Sector Labor Laws pp. 763-777

- Sarah F. Anzia and Terry M. Moe
- Are Supreme Court Nominations a Move-the-Median Game? pp. 778-797

- Charles M. Cameron and Jonathan P. Kastellec
- Tongue-Tied: Rawls, Political Philosophy and Metalinguistic Awareness pp. 798-811

- Yael Peled and Matteo Bonotti
- Jurisdiction Size and Local Government Policy Expenditure: Assessing the Effect of Municipal Amalgamation pp. 812-831

- Jens Blom-Hansen, Kurt Houlberg, Søren Serritzlew and Daniel Treisman
- Do Voters Dislike Working-Class Candidates? Voter Biases and the Descriptive Underrepresentation of the Working Class pp. 832-844

- Nicholas Carnes and Noam Lupu
- Covenants without the Sword? Comparing Prison Self-Governance Globally pp. 845-862

- David Skarbek
- The Poor Man's Machiavelli: Saul Alinsky and the Morality of Power pp. 863-875

- Vijay Phulwani
- What Makes a Utopia Inconvenient? On the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Realist Orientation to Politics pp. 876-888

- Benjamin L. McKean
- Domination and Care in Rousseau's Emile pp. 889-900

- Shawn Fraistat
Volume 110, issue 3, 2016
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-ix

- Anonymous
- Collective Threat Framing and Mobilization in Civil War pp. 411-427

- Anastasia Shesterinina
- On the Rights of Warlords: Legitimate Authority and Basic Protection in War-Torn Societies pp. 428-440

- Robert A. Blair and Pablo Kalmanovitz
- Electoral Rules and Legislative Particularism: Evidence from U.S. State Legislatures pp. 441-456

- Tanya Bagashka and Jennifer Hayes Clark
- Language Policy and Human Development pp. 457-480

- David D. Laitin and Rajesh Ramachandran
- “Of Darkness from Vain Philosophy”: Hobbes's Critique of the Classical Tradition pp. 481-494

- Devin Stauffer
- Testing Civics: State-Level Civic Education Requirements and Political Knowledge pp. 495-511

- David E. Campbell and Richard G. Niemi
- Explaining Causal Findings Without Bias: Detecting and Assessing Direct Effects pp. 512-529

- Avidit Acharya, Matthew Blackwell and Maya Sen
- Reaching the Individual: EU Accession, NGOs, and Human Rights pp. 530-546

- Ana Bracic
- “Contesting the Empire of Habit”: Habituation and Liberty in Lockean Education pp. 547-558

- Rita Koganzon
- The Primary Effect: Preference Votes and Political Promotions pp. 559-578

- Olle Folke, Torsten Persson and Johanna Rickne
- Deliberate Disengagement: How Education Can Decrease Political Participation in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes pp. 579-600

- Kevin Croke, Guy Grossman, Horacio Larreguy and John Marshall
- Political Commitment and the Value of Partisanship pp. 601-613

- Lea Ypi
Volume 110, issue 2, 2016
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-ix

- Anonymous
- Crafting Counterrevolution: How Reactionaries Learned to Combat Change in 1848 pp. 215-231

- Kurt Weyland
- Forbearance pp. 232-246

- Alisha C. Holland
- Ordinary People, Extraordinary Risks: Participation in an Ethnic Rebellion pp. 247-264

- Güneş Murat Tezcür
- Political Characterology: On the Method of Theorizing in Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism pp. 265-277

- Hans-Jörg Sigwart
- Crowd-sourced Text Analysis: Reproducible and Agile Production of Political Data pp. 278-295

- Kenneth Benoit, Drew Conway, Benjamin E. Lauderdale, Michael Laver and Slava Mikhaylov
- The Organizational Roots of Political Activism: Field Experiments on Creating a Relational Context pp. 296-307

- Hahrie Han
- Systemic Representation: Democracy, Deliberation, and Nonelectoral Representatives pp. 308-324

- Jonathan W. Kuyper
- Presidential Influence in an Era of Congressional Dominance pp. 325-341

- Jon C. Rogowski
- Adam Smith on What Is Wrong with Economic Inequality pp. 342-352

- Dennis C. Rasmussen
- Left Behind? Citizen Responsiveness to Government Performance Information pp. 353-368

- John Holbein
- Two Concepts of Religious Liberty: The Natural Rights and Moral Autonomy Approaches to the Free Exercise of Religion pp. 369-381

- Vincent Phillip Muñoz
- The Limits of Political Representation pp. 382-396

- Howard Schweber
- Party Policy Diffusion pp. 397-410

- Tobias Böhmelt, Lawrence Ezrow, Roni Lehrer and Hugh Ward
Volume 110, issue 1, 2016
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-ix

- Anonymous
- Can Employment Reduce Lawlessness and Rebellion? A Field Experiment with High-Risk Men in a Fragile State pp. 1-17

- Christopher Blattman and Jeannie Annan
- Nondomination or Practices of Freedom? French Muslim Women, Foucault, and The Full Veil Ban pp. 18-30

- Inés Valdez
- Under One Roof: Supply Chains and the Protection of Foreign Investment pp. 31-51

- Leslie Johns and Rachel L. Wellhausen
- Beyond Black and White: Biracial Attitudes in Contemporary U.S. Politics pp. 52-67

- Lauren D. Davenport
- Experimentation and Persuasion in Political Organizations pp. 68-84

- Alexander V. Hirsch
- Preventing and Responding to Dissent: The Observational Challenges of Explaining Strategic Repression pp. 85-99

- Emily Hencken Ritter and Courtenay R. Conrad
- The Rhetoric of Sincerity: Cicero and Smith on Propriety and Political Context pp. 100-111

- Daniel J. Kapust and Michelle A. Schwarze
- Gender Quotas and Women's Political Leadership pp. 112-126

- O’brien, Diana Z. and Johanna Rickne
- Religious Minorities and Resistance to Genocide: The Collective Rescue of Jews in the Netherlands during the Holocaust pp. 127-147

- Robert Braun
- Liberal Integrity and Foreign Entanglement pp. 148-159

- Shmuel Nili
- Parties, Brokers, and Voter Mobilization: How Turnout Buying Depends Upon the Party’s Capacity to Monitor Brokers pp. 160-179

- Horacio Larreguy, John Marshall and Pablo Querubin
- Deliver the Vote! Micromotives and Macrobehavior in Electoral Fraud pp. 180-197

- Ashlea Rundlett and Milan W. Svolik
- Targeted for Diffusion? How the Use and Acceptance of Stereotypes Shape the Diffusion of Criminal Justice Policy Innovations in the American States pp. 198-214

- Graeme Boushey