American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 56, issue 4, 1962
- Free Speech: At What Price?* pp. 847-852

- Charles S. Hyneman
- Constitutionalism: A Preliminary Discussion* pp. 853-864

- Giovanni Sartori
- The Threat of Violence and Social Change pp. 865-873

- H. L. Nieburg
- Reinhold Niebuhr: New Orthodoxy for Old Liberalism pp. 874-885

- Wilson Carey McWilliams
- Communism, Nationalism and the Growth of the Communist Community of Nations After World War II pp. 886-898

- Paul Shoup
- The German Party System and the 1961 Federal Election 1 pp. 899-914

- Samuel H. Barnes, Frank Grace, James K. Pollock and Peter W. Sperlich
- President Sukarno and the Communists: The Politics of Domestication pp. 915-926

- Donald Hindley
- The Dialectics of Supranational Unification* pp. 927-935

- Amitai Etzioni
- Game Theory and Cumulative Voting in Illinois: 1902–1954* pp. 936-946

- Jack Sawyer and Duncan MacRae
- Two Faces of Power1 pp. 947-952

- Peter Bachrach and Morton S. Baratz
- Influence and Interaction in a State Legislative Body pp. 953-960

- Wayne L. Francis
- Civil Service and Managing Work: Some Unintended Consequences pp. 961-973

- Robert T. Golembiewski
- On Parsons on Florida Politics pp. 974-975

- Hugh Douglas Price
- Instrumental Values and Ultimate Goals pp. 975-976

- Felix E. Oppenheim
- Politics, Personality, and Nation Building: Burma's Search for Identity. By Lucian W. Pye. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. Pp. 307. $7.50.) pp. 978-979

- William W. Lockwood
- Mastery of the Metropolis. By Webb S. Fiser. (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962, Pp. 168. $1.95.) pp. 979-980

- James G. Coke
- African Political Parties: An Introductory Guide. By Thomas Hodgkin. (Baltimore: Penguin Books, Inc., 1961. Pp. 217. $0.95.) pp. 980-982

- Frank Untermyer
- The Common Defense: Strategic Programs in National Politics. By Samuel P. Huntington. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. Pp. 500. $8.75.) pp. 982-983

- Laurence I. Radway
- The Nature of International Society. By C. A. W. Manning. (London: G. Bell and Sons Ltd., 1962. Pp. xi, 220. 30 s.) pp. 983-984

- Charles A. McClelland
- Congress and Foreign Policy-Making: A Study in Legislative Influence and Initiative. By James A. Robinson. (Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, Inc., 1962. Pp. 262. $5.50.) pp. 984-985

- Donald E. Stokes
- A Theory of Public Opinion. By Francis Graham Wilson. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. Pp. xii, 295. $7.00.) pp. 985-986

- Samuel Krislov
- The British Cabinet. By John P. Mackintosh. (London: Stevens & Sons Limited, 1962. Pp. xi, 546.) - British Parliamentary Democracy. By Lord Morrison of Lambeth. (London: Asia Publishing House, 1962. Pp. vii, 99.) pp. 986-987

- Roland Young
- Political Control of Literature in the USSR, 1946–1959. By Harold Swayze. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1962. Pp. ix, 301. $5.95.) pp. 988-989

- Maurice Friedberg
- Tocqueville and the Old Regime. By Richard Here. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1962. Pp. 142. $3.50.) pp. 988-988

- Jack Lively
- Russian Classics in Soviet Jackets. By Maurice Friedberg. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. Pp. xiv, 228. $4.75) pp. 989-990

- Harold Swayze
- The Nationalist Movement: Indian Political Thought from Ranade to Bhave. By D. Mackenzie Brown. (Berkeley: University of California, 1961. $1.50, paper) pp. 990-991

- Irene Tinker
- Groups in Theory and Practice. By Peter Loveday and Ian Campbell. (Melbourne C-1: F. W. Cheshire, 1962. Pp. 98. 15 shillings.) pp. 990-990

- Charles B. Hagan
- Local Political Surveys. By E. E. Schattschneider and Victor Jones. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962. Pp. v, 229, appendix. $3.75.) pp. 991-992

- Deil S. Wright
- Undergraduate Education in Foreign Affairs. By Percy W. Bidwell. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. Pp. vi, 215. $5.00.) pp. 991-991

- James A. Burkhart
- Studies on the Civilization of Islam. By Sir Hamilton A. R. Gibb. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1962. Pp. iii, 344. $7.50.) pp. 992-992

- Anonymous
- Urban Social Structure. By James M. Beshers. (New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc., 1962. Pp. 207, $5.50.) pp. 1000-1000

- Maurice E. O'Donnell
- The Metropolitan Problem and American Ideas. By Luther Halsey Gulick. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962. Pp. 167.) pp. 1000-1000

- James L. McCamy
- Boss Cermak of Chicago: A Study of Political Leadership. By Alex Gottfried. (University of Washington Press, 1962. Pp. xiii, 459. $7.50.) pp. 1001-1002

- Joseph D. McGoldrick
- The Economics of the Political Parties. By Seymour L. Harris. (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1962. Pp. 349. $7.00.) pp. 1002-1003

- Sidney Wise
- Design of Water-Resource Systems: New Techniques for Relating Economic Objectives, Engineering Analysis, and Governmental Planning. By Arthur Maass, Maynard M. Hufschmidt, Robert Dorfman, Harold A. ThomasJr., Stephen A. Marglin, Gordon Maskew Fair, and Others, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1962, Pp. xviii, 620, $12.50.) pp. 1003-1004

- Frank Munger
- Render Unto Caesar. The Flag-Salute Controversy. By David R. Manwaring. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962. Pp. viii, 321. $5.50.) pp. 1004-1005

- Gerald Rigby
- The Contours of American History. By William Appleman Williams. (World Publishing Co. 513 pp. $7.50.) pp. 1005-1006

- John Braeman
- Morale in the Civil Service: A Study of the Desk Worker. By Nigel Walker, (Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1961. Pp. viii, 302.) pp. 1006-1007

- Louis L. Friedland
- City Managers in Politics: An Analysis of Manager Tenure and Termination. By Gladys M. Kammerer, Charles M. Farris, John M. DeGrove, Alfred B. Clubok. (University of Florida Monographs, No. 13, Winter, 1962, U. of Florida Press, Gainesville. $2.50, 93 pp.) pp. 1007-1008

- Kenneth Prewitt
- The Government of Missouri, 7th ed. By Robert F. Karsch. (Columbia, Missouri: Lucas Brothers Publishers, 1961. Pp. 199.) pp. 1008-1008

- Henry J. Schmandt
- La IVe République et sa Politique Extérieure. By Alfred Grosser. (Librairie Armand Colin, Paris, 1961. Pp. 438.) pp. 1017-1018

- O. H. Kirchheimer
- Democracy and the Cost of Politics in Britain. By Wlliam B. Gwyn. (London: The Athlone Press, 1962. Pp. 256. 35 s net.) pp. 1018-1019

- Jasper B. Shannon
- The States in West German Federalism: A Study in Federal-State Relations. By Roger Hewes Wells. (New York: Bookmann Associates, 1961. Pp. 148. $4.00.) pp. 1018-1018

- Arnold J. Heiden-Heimer
- The Role of The Military in Underdeveloped Countries. By John J. Johnson (ed.) (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962.) pp. 1019-1021

- J. David Singer
- Genocide in Satellite Croatia, 1941–1945. By Edmond Paris. (Chicago, American Institute for Balkan Affairs, 1961. Pp. 306. Price $5.00.) pp. 1021-1022

- John Clinton Adams
- The British Parliament. By Roland Young. (London: Faber and Faber, 1962. Pp. 259. $4.20.) pp. 1022-1023

- John P. Mackintosh
- South Africa 1906–1961: The Price of Magnanimity. By Nicholas Mansergh. (New York: Praeger, 1962. Pp. 104. $3.50.) pp. 1023-1023

- Harm Jan de Blij
- Portugal's Stand in Africa. By Adriano Moreira. (New York. University Publishers. 265 pp. $3.95.) pp. 1023-1024

- Thomas Okuma
- Africa South. By Harm J. de Blij. (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1962. Pp. vii, 399. $5.95.) pp. 1024-1024

- Richard W. Taylor
- The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. By Sir Harry Melville. (London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.; New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 1962. Pp. 200. $4.00.) - Her Majesty's Customs and Excise. By Sir James Crombie. (London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.; New York: Oxford University Press, Inc., 1962. Pp. 224. $4.80.) pp. 1024-1025

- Anonymous
- European elections by direct suffrage, a comparative study of the electoral systems used in Western Europe and their utility for the direct election of a European parliament. By Wolfgang Birke. (Leyden: A. W. Sythoff, 1961. Pp. 124. European aspects, series C. Studies on politics, no. 5.) pp. 1025-1025

- J.B.C.,
- Wir sind die stärkste der Partei'N! Eine Bibliographie zum 15. Jahrestag der Gründung der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands. By the Institut für Marxismus-Leninismus beim ZK der SED. (Leipzig, Verlag für Buch und Bibliothekswesen, 1961. Pp. 67.) pp. 1025-1025

- J.B.C.,
- Modern Swedish government. By Nile Andrén. (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1961. Pp. 252. Sw.kr. 19.50.) pp. 1025-1025

- J. B. C.,
- Senegal, A Study in French Assimilation Policy. By Michael Crowder. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1962. Pp. x, 104. $1.25.) pp. 1025-1025

- Anonymous
- What Price Coexistence? A Policy for the Western Alliance. By Sir John Slessor. (Frederick A. Praeger, New York, 1961. 153 Pp. $4.50.) pp. 1029-1030

- Alfred Fernbach
- The Eternal Triangle? Communist China, the United States and the United Nations. By Sheldon Appleton. (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. 1961. xiv, 274 pp. $5.95.) pp. 1030-1031

- Richard L. Walker
- Southeast Asia Today—And Tomorrow. A Political Analysis. By Richard Butwell. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. Pp. x, 176. $4.25 cloth, $1.75 paper.) pp. 1031-1032

- Daniel S. Lev
- Latin America between the Eagle and the Bear. By Salvador de Madariaga. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1962. Pp. xiv, 192. $4.50.) pp. 1032-1032

- Hollis W. Barber
- The United States and Inter-American Security, 1889–1960. By J. Lloyd Mecham. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1961. Pp. xii, 514. $7.50.) pp. 1032-1033

- John J. Kennedy
- Urbanization in Latin America: A UNESCO Survey. Philip M. Hauser, ed., (New York: International Documents Service. 1961. Pp. 331. $4.50.) pp. 1033-1034

- K. H. Silvert
- Yugoslavia and The New Communism. By George W. Hoffman and Fred Warner Neal. (New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1962. Pp. xvi, 546. $8.00.) pp. 1034-1035

- Alex N. Dragnich
- International Protection of Human Rights. By Manouchehr Ganji, (Geneva: Droz, 1962, pp. xvi, 317.) pp. 1035-1036

- Jean A. Laponce
- Foreign Affairs and You! By Andrew Berding (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday and Company, 1962. Pp. 264. $4.50.) pp. 1036-1036

- Cecil V. Crabb
- The Imperialism Reader. Edited by Louis L. Synder. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1962. Pp. xvii, 619. $8.50.) pp. 1036-1037

- Anonymous
Volume 56, issue 3, 1962
- How Can We Justify Democracy? pp. 555-566

- H. B. Mayo
- Values and Interests* pp. 567-576

- Vernon Van Dyke
- Comparative Politics: A Comprehensive Approach pp. 577-595

- Herbert J. Spiro
- Subcommittees: The Miniature Legislatures of Congress1 pp. 596-604

- George Goodwin
- Quasi-Partisan Conflict in a One-Party Legislative System: The Florida Senate, 1947–1961* pp. 605-614

- Malcolm B. Parsons
- Governmental Structure and Political Environment: A Statistical Note about American Cities pp. 615-620

- John H. Kessel
- “Responsible Government,” Separated Powers, and Special Interests: Agricultural Subsidies in Britain and America1 pp. 621-633

- J. Roland Pennock
- Equilibrium, Structure of Interests and Leadership: Adenauer's Survival as Chancellor1 pp. 634-650

- Peter H. Merkl
- Haggling for the Equilibrium: The Renegotiation of the Austrian Coalition, 1959* pp. 651-662

- Frederick C. Engelmann
- The Pedagogy of Democracy: Coercive Public Protest in India pp. 663-672

- David H. Bayley
- Experimental Approaches to Vote-Counting Theory in Nominating Choice pp. 673-676

- Paul T. David
- On Brzezinski's Use of History pp. 676-679

- Ewart Lewis
- On Method, Analogy, and Determinism pp. 680-682

- Ewart Lewis and Zbigniew Brzezinski
- Rejoinder to Cropsey pp. 682-686

- Stanley Rothman and James M. Roherty
- The Sino-Soviet Conflict 1956–1961. By Donald S. Zagoria. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962. Pp. xii, 484. $8.50.) - Communist China's Strategy in the Nuclear Era. By Alice Langley Hsieh. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. Pp. xx, 204. $4.50 (Cloth); $2.25 (Paper.) - The Sino-Soviet Dispute. Documented and Analyzed by G. F. Hudson, Richard Lowenthal, and Roderick MacFarquhar (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. Pp. ix, 227. $5.00.) pp. 688-690

- H. Arthur Steiner
- Pricing Power and the Public Interest, A Study Based on Steel. By Gardiner C. Means. (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1962. Pp. xxi, 359. $7.50.) pp. 690-692

- Earl Latham
- Changing Patterns of Military Politics. Edited by Samuel P. Huntington (Volume 3, International Year Book of Political Behavior Research. The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc., 1962. Pp. 272. $7.50.) - Total War and Cold War: Problems in Civilian Control of the Military. Edited by Harry L. Coles. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1962. Pp. 300. $7.00.) pp. 692-694

- Lewis J. Edinger
- Civil Liberties and the Constitution. By Paul G. Kauper. (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1962. Pp. xii, 237. $6.00.) pp. 694-695

- Robert J. Steamer
- The Politics of Oil. By Robert Engler (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961, Pp. viii, 565. $7.50.) pp. 695-696

- Henry A. Turner
- Megalopolis: The Urbanized Northeastern Seaboard of the United States. By Jean Gottmann. (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1961. Pp. xii, 810. $10.00.) pp. 696-698

- Robert H. Connery
- Genesis and Structure of Society. By Giovanni Gentile. Translated, with an Introduction. By H. S. Harris. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1960. Pp. 228. $4.50.) pp. 698-699

- Joseph LaPalombara
- Beitraege zur Staatssoziologie. By Karl Loewenstein. (Tuebingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1961. Pp. 485.) pp. 700-701

- Otto Kirchheimer
- A Theory of Foreign Policy. By George Modelski. (Princeton Studies in World Politics, No. 2. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1962. Pp. xi, 152. $5.00.) pp. 700-700

- Gabriel A. Almond
- The Herzl Paradox: Political, Social and Economic Theories of a Realist. By Joseph Adler. (New York: Hadrian Press and Herzl Press, 1962. Pp. 178. $5.50.) pp. 701-702

- Noah Lucatz
- The Measurement of Social Welfare. By Jerome Rothenberg. (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1961, Pp. XII 357, $7.95) pp. 702-703

- Charles E. Lindblom
- Neo-Freudian Social Philosophy. By Martin Birnbach. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1961. Pp. viii, 283. $6.00.) pp. 703-704

- Frank A. Pinner
- Modern Government. By Dell G. Hitchner and William H. Harbold. (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1962. Pp. xviii, 718. $7.50.) pp. 704-705

- Paul G. Steinbicker
- Latin American Social Thought. By Harold Eugene Davis. (Washington, D. C.: The University Press, 1961. Pp. iv, 557. $7.00.) pp. 705-706

- Willard F. Barber
- Political Ideas in the Modern World. By D. B. Heater. (New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1962. Pp. 208. $3.00.) pp. 706-707

- William A. Ritchie
- Courts, Judges, and Politics: An Introduction to the Judicial Process. Edited by Walter F. Murphy and C. Herman Pritchett. (New York: Random House, 1961. Pp. xviii, 707. $4.95.) pp. 717-718

- Clement E. Vose
- A Century of Civil Rights. By Milton R. Konvitz—with a study of State Law Against Discrimination by Theodore Leskes. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. Pp. VIII, 272. $6.00.) pp. 718-719

- Glenn G. Wiltsey
- Congress and Foreign Policy-Making: A Study in Legislative Influence and Initiative. By James A. Robinson. (Homewood, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, Inc., 1962, Pp. x, 262. $5.50.) pp. 719-720

- Samuel C. Patterson
- History of the House of Representatives. By George B. Galloway. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1962. Pp. xii, 333. Price $7.50.) pp. 720-721

- Lois B. Moreland
- Dixon-Yates: A Study in Power Politics. By Aaron Wildavsky. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1962. Pp. x, 351. $6.75.) pp. 721-721

- Owen Stratton
- The Political World of American Zionism. By Samuel Halperin. (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1961. Pp. IX, 431. $8.00.) pp. 721-722

- Bernard Rubin
- The Farmer's Dilemma. By Stanley Andrews. (Washington D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. Pp. vii, 184. Price $4.50.) pp. 722-723

- Ross B. Talbot
- The Development of the Social Security Act. By Edwin E. Witte with a foreword by Frances Perkins. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1962. Pp. xix, 220. $5.75.) pp. 723-724

- Avery Leiserson
- Conservatism in America: The Thankless Persuasion. By Clinton Rossiter. (New York: Vintage Books, 1962. Second Edition, Revised. Pp. xii, 306. $1.45.) pp. 724-725

- Michael McGiffert
- Six Crises. By Richard M. Nixon. (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday and Company, 1962. Pp. 460. $5.95.) pp. 725-726

- Stanley Kelley
- The La Guardia Years: Machine and Reform Politics in New York City. By Charles Garrett. (New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961. Pp. ix, 423. $8.50.) - Thirty Explosive Years in Los Angeles County. By John Anson Ford. (San Marino, California: The Huntington Library, 1961. Pp. xv, 232. $6.00.) pp. 726-727

- Ross R. Rice
- Hawaii Pono: A Social History. By Lawrence H. Fuchs. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1961. Pp. ix, 501. $6.95) pp. 727-729

- Robert Horwitz
- National Party Platforms: 1840–1960. Compiled by Kirk Porter and Donald Bruce Johnson. (Urbana: The University of Illinois Press, 1961. Pp. 640. $10.) pp. 729-729

- William Nisbet Chambers
- The Antifederalists: Critics of the Constitution, 1781–1788. By Jackson Turner Main. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press for The Institute of Early American History and Culture at Williamsburg, 1961. Pp. xv, 308. Price: $7.50.) pp. 729-730

- Eldon Bowman
- Design of Regional Accounts: Papers presented at the Conference on Regional Accounts, 1960. Edited by Werner Hochwald. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1961. Pp. xx, 281. $6.00.) pp. 730-731

- Norman Wengert
- The Role of the Federal Government in Financing Higher Education. By Alice M. Rivlin. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1961. Pp. xii, 179. Price $3.00, cloth; $2.00, paper.) pp. 731-732

- Frank C. Abbott
- Constraint by Copyright. By M. B. Schnapper. (Washington: Public Affairs Press. 1960. Pp. 154. $3.75.) pp. 732-732

- Irving Dilliard
- Parties and Politics in Contemporary Japan. By Robert A. Scalapino and Junnosuke Masumi. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1962. Pp. ix, 190. Price $3.75.) pp. 742-743

- Kazuo Kawai
- The Japanese People and Foreign Policy: A Study of Public Opinion in Post-Treaty Japan. By Douglas H. MendelJr., With a foreword by Edwin O. Reischauer. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. Pp. xv, 269. $6.50.) pp. 743-744

- Theodore McNelly
- The Chinese Anarchist Movement. By Robert A. Scalapino and George T. Yu. (Berkeley. Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, 1961. pp. v + 81. Paper.) pp. 744-745

- Michael Lindsay
- Central Authority and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia: A Study in Local Administration, 1950–1960. By J. D. Legge. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1961. Pp. xiii, 291. $5.00.) pp. 745-746

- Edward W. Mill
- Venezuela. By Edwin Lieuwen. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. Pp. x, 193. $4.00.) pp. 746-746

- Richard D. Baker
- Politics in Africa: Prospects South of the Sahara. By Herbert J. Spiro. (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Pp. vi, 185. $1.95.) pp. 747-748

- Thomas R. Adam
- Government and Politics of Uruguay. By Philip B. TaylorJr., (New Orleans: Tulane University, Department of Political Science, 1960. Pp. 285. $3.00.) pp. 747-747

- L. Vincent Padgett
- Egypt in Search of Political Community: An Analysis of the Intellectual and Political Evolution of Egypt 1804–1952. By Nadav Safran. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961. Pp. 298. $6.75.) pp. 748-749

- Alfred G. Gerteinty
- Comparative Politics: Notes and Readings. By Roy C. Macridis and Bernard E. Brown. (Homewood: The Dorsey Press, Inc.1961. Pp. xiii, 577. $5.25, paper.) pp. 749-750

- George A. Lanyi
- The Art of the Possible: Government and Foreign Policy in Canada. By James Eayrs. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1961. Pp. viii, 232. $6.95.) pp. 750-751

- John R. Williams
- Green Belts and Urban Growth: English Town and Country Planning in Action. By Daniel R. Mandelker. (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1962. Pp. 172. $5.00.) pp. 751-752

- G. Ross Stephens
- Parliament and Public Ownership. By A. H. Hanson. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. Pp. 248. Price $4.80.) pp. 752-753

- Arthur Butler Dugan
- Party Politics (Volume III): The Stuff of Politics. By SirIvor Jennings. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1962. Pp. x, 493. $8.50.) pp. 753-754

- Richard Rose
- Questions in Parliament. By D. N. Chester and Nona Bowring. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962. Pp. vi, 335. $5.60.) pp. 753-753

- John H. Millett
- The Administration of British Foreign Relations. By Donald G. Bishop. (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1961. Pp. 410. $7.00.) pp. 754-755

- John S. Harris
- British Broadcasting in Transition. By Burton Paulu. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1961, Pp. viii, 250, $5.00.) pp. 755-756

- R. J. Alperin
- The Making of the Good Neighbor Policy. By Bryce Wood (New York and London: Columbia University Press. 1961. Pp. x, 438. $7.50.) pp. 759-760

- John J. Kennedy
- Pan America in Crisis. By William Manger. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. Pp. vii, 104. Price $3.25.) pp. 760-761

- Russell H. Fitzgibbon
- Middle Eastern Affairs: Number Two (St. Antony's Papers No. 11). Albert Hourani, editor. (U. S. Publisher, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, Illinois). 167 pages, price: $3.75 pp. 761-762

- Elie Salem
- Ambassadors Ordinary and Extraordinary. By E. Wilder Spaulding. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. Pp. 302. $4.50.) pp. 762-763

- Hubert S. Gibbs
- Perspectives on Peace, 1910–1960. Published under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Foreword by Joseph E. Johnson and Bernard Bush. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.; London: Stevens & Sons, 1960. Pp. viii, 202. $3.00.) pp. 763-764

- John H. E. Fried
- Studies in World Public Order. By Myres S. McDougal and Associates. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. Pp. xx, 1058. Price $15.00.) pp. 764-765

- Don C. Piper
- World Polity II. A Yearbook of Studies in International Law and Organization.—(Washington, D. C.: The Institute of World Polity, Georgetown University; Utrecht and Antwerp Spectrum Publishers, 1960. Pp. 414.) pp. 765-766

- Metin Tamko
- Geschichte der Internationale. By Julius Braunthal. (Hannover, West Germany: J. H. W. Dietz Nachf. Gmbh, Hannover, 1961. Vol. I. Pp. 404.) pp. 766-767

- Adolf Sturmthal
- The Position of the Individual in International Law according to Grotius and Vattel. By Peter P. Remec. Preface by Quincy Wright. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1960. Pp. xii, 260. $4.70.) pp. 767-768

- Salo Engel
Volume 56, issue 2, 1962
- Scientists, Foreign Policy, and Politics pp. 287-300

- Warner R. Schilling
- A Political Theory of Foreign Aid* pp. 301-309

- Hans Morgenthau
- The House Appropriations Committee as a Political System: The Problem of Integration pp. 310-324

- Richard F. Fenno
- Supreme Court Behavior in Racial Exclusion Cases: 1935–1960 pp. 325-330

- S. Sidney Ulmer
- Kant, Liberalism, and War* pp. 331-340

- Kenneth N. Waltz
- The Revival of Classical Political Philosophy: A Critique* pp. 341-352

- Stanley Rothman
- A Reply to Rothman pp. 353-359

- Joseph Cropsey
- The Political Ideas of English Party Activists* pp. 360-371

- Richard Rose
- The Italian Socialist Party: A Case Study in Factional Conflict* pp. 372-390

- Raphael Zariski
- The Sources of Protest in Japan pp. 391-403

- Herbert Passin
- The Limits of Self-Determination: The Case of the Katanga Secession pp. 404-416

- René Lemarchand
- Political Science as a Discipline: A Statement by the Committee on Standards of Instruction of the American Political Science Association pp. 417-421

- Gabriel A. Almond, Eric C. Bellquist, Joseph M. Ray, John P. Roche, Irvin Stewart, Richard W. van Wagenen and John D. Millett
- Errata pp. 422-422

- Glendon Schubert
- [no title] pp. 422-422

- Richard T. Frost
- The Manipulation of Human Behavior. Edited by Albert D. Biderman and Herbert Zimmer. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1961. Pp. 323. $7.95.) pp. 424-425

- Arnold A. Rogow
- Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control. By Bernhard G. Bechhoefer. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1961. Pp. xiv, 641. $8.75.) - The Control of the Arms Race. By Hedley Bull. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1961. Pp. xiv, 215. $3.95.) - Disarmament: The Challenge of the Nineteen Sixties. By James P. Warburg. (Garden City: Doubleday & Co., 1961. Pp. 288, $4.50.) pp. 425-427

- John Gange
- The Supreme Court Review. Edited by Philip B. Kurland. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. Pp. 332. $6.50.) pp. 427-428

- Harold W. Chase
- Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach. By Peter M. Blau and Richard W. Scott. (San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Co., 1962. Pp. x, 312. $5.25.) pp. 428-429

- Harold Guetzkow
- Africa: The Politics of Independence. By Immanuel Wallerstein. (New York: Vintage Books, 1961. Pp. vi, 174. $1.25.) pp. 429-431

- William Hanna
- International Politics and Foreign Policy: A Reader in Research and Theory. Edited by James N. Rosenau. (New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc., 1961. Pp. xiv, 511. $8.50.) pp. 431-432

- E. Raymond Platig
- The Papers of Alexander Hamilton. Vol. I., 1768–1778. Vol. II., 1779–1781. Edited by Harold C. Syrett; Jacob E. Cooke, Associate Editor. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. Pp. 1337. Single vols. $12.50.) pp. 432-434

- Patricia Barrett
- The Structure of Local Government Throughout the World. By Samuel Humes and Eileen M. Martin. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. Pp. 449. Guilders 36.) pp. 434-435

- Fred G. Burke
- The Cold War and Its Origins: The Eloquent and Indelible Record of The Great Conflict of Our Time. By D. F. Fleming. (Garden City: Doubleday & Company, 1961. Two volumes. Pp. xx, 540, Vol. I. Pp. 615, Vol. II. $15.00.) pp. 435-437

- Theodore P. Wright
- Political Justice: The Use of Legal Procedure for Political Ends. By Otto Kirchheimer. (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press. 1961. Pp. xiv, 452. $8.50.) pp. 438-439

- John Paul Duncan
- Justice and Social Policy. Edited by Frederick A. Olafson, (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1961, Pp. viii, 150. $1.95, paper.) pp. 438-438

- Julius Paul
- Radicalism and the Revolt against Reason: The Social Theories of Georges Sorel; with a translation of his essay on The Decomposition of Marxism. By Irving Louis Horowitz. (New York: The Humanities Press, 1961. Pp. viii, 264. $6.00.) pp. 439-440

- William D. S. Witter
- Political Decision-makers: Recruitment and Performance. Edited by Dwaine Marvick. (New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1961. Pp. 347. $7.50.) pp. 440-441

- Sidney Verba
- Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. By James N. Rosenau. (New York: Random House, 1961. Pp. 118. Paper-bound, $1.35.) pp. 441-442

- Bruce Lannes Smith
- Philosophy and Myth in Karl Marx. By Robert C. Tucker. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1961. Pp. 263. Cloth $5.50. Paper $1.75.) pp. 442-443

- Douglas McCallum
- Alexander Herzen and the Birth of Russian Socialism, 1812–1855. By Martin Malia. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961. pp. 486. $10.00.) pp. 443-444

- Darrell P. Hammer
- Politics of Cultural Despair. By Fritz Stern. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. Pp. 367. $8.00.) pp. 444-445

- Otto Kirchheimer
- Montesquieu: a Critical Biography. By Robert Shackleton. (London: Oxford University Press, 1961. Pp. xv, 432. 45/-.) pp. 445-446

- J. Roland Pennock
- Sociology: The Progress of a Decade. By Seymour Martin Lipset and Neil J. Smelser. (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1961. Pp. xi, 635. $7.50.) pp. 446-447

- Fred Cottrell
- Free Minds: A Venture in the Philosophy of Democracy. By Ralph W. Nelson. (Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1961. Pp. xv, 291. $4.50.) pp. 447-447

- F. Donald Zucker
- Principles of Government and Politics in the Middle Ages. By Walter Ullmann. (New York: Barnes and Noble. 1961. Pp. 320. $6.00.) pp. 447-448

- Peter Riesenberg
- The Presidential Election and Transition 1960–1961. Edited by Paul T. David. (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1961. Pp. ix, 353. $3.75.) pp. 459-460

- Lawrence H. Chamberlain
- Freedom and Protection: The Bill of Rights. By Andrew D. Weinberger. (San Francisco: The Chandler Publishing Co., 1961. Pp. xix, 180. Paper $1.75, cloth $3.50.) - Courts and Rights: The American Judiciary in Action. By John P. Roche. (New York: Random House, 1961. Pp. xiii, 117. $1.35.) pp. 460-461

- S. Sydney Ulmer
- The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. By David N. Farnsworth. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. Pp. vi, 189. $4.00, cloth. $3.00, paper.) pp. 461-462

- Robert E. Elder
- Outlawing The Spoils: A History of the Civil Service Reform Movement 1865–1883. By Ari Hoogenboom. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1961. Pp. xi, 306. $6.50.) pp. 462-463

- Robert J. McNeill
- Presidential Delegation of Authority in Wartime. By Nathan D. Grundstein. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1961. Pp. 106. $1.60 paper.) pp. 462-462

- Felix Rackow
- United States Fiscal Policy 1945–1959. By A. E. Holmans. (New York. Oxford University Press, 1961. Pp. xiv, 342. $6.40.) pp. 463-464

- Orville F. Poland
- Federal Censorship: Obscenity in the Mail. By James C. N. Paul and Murray L. Schwartz. (New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc., 1961. Pp. 368. $7.50.) pp. 464-465

- Richard P. Longaker
- The Government of Kansas. By James W. Drury and Associates. (Lawrence, Kan.: University of Kansas Press, 1961. Pp. 393. $7.50.) pp. 465-466

- Robert B. Dishman
- The Structure of American Federalism. By M. J. C. Vile. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. Pp. 206. $4.00.) pp. 465-465

- David G. Farrelly
- Texas: Its Government and Politics. By Wilbourn E. Benton. (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1961. Pp. ix, 662. $5.95.) pp. 466-466

- Coleman B. Ransone
- Decisions in Syracuse. By Roscoe C. Martin, Frank J. Munger and Others. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1961. Pp. xvi, 368. $6.95.) pp. 466-467

- William R. Monat
- The Man in the Middle—The Inside Story of the Hot and Cold Wars Between Labor and Management. By Nathan W. Shefferman, with Dale Kramer. (New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1961. Pp. xi, 292. $4.50.) pp. 467-468

- C. Edwin Gilmour
- Religion, Government, and Education. Edited by William W. Brickman and Stanley Lehrer. (New York: Society for the Advancement of Education, 1961. Pp. 292. $5.25.) pp. 468-469

- George R. LaNoue
- Conscience in Politics: Adlai E. Stevenson in the 1950's. By Stuart Gerry Brown. (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1961. Pp. xi, 313. $4.50.) pp. 469-470

- John P. Mallan
- Biographical Directory of the American Congress, 1774–1961. (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1961. Pp. 1853. $11.75.) pp. 470-471

- James B. Childs
- The Robe and the Sword: The Methodist Church and the Rise of American Imperialism. By Kenneth M. MacKenzie. (Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1961. Pp. v, 128. $3.25.) pp. 470-470

- Ralph E. Morrow
- Select list of publications issued by Senate and House committees. Committee prints, staff studies, reports, and documents, 80th–86th Congresses (1947–60, inclusive). Prepared by the Senate Committee on Government Operations. (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1961. Pp. 427.) pp. 471-471

- James B. Childs
- Parliamentary Reform 1933–1960. By The Hansard Society. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. Pp. ix, 193. $4.00.) pp. 479-480

- Lucian C. Marquis
- The Failure of Union: Central America, 1824–1960. By Thomas L. Karnes. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1961. Pp. xii, 277. $6.00.) pp. 480-481

- Carl C. Moses
- Prophets of the Revolution: Profiles of Latin American Leaders. By Robert J. Alexander. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962. Pp. viii, 322. $4.95.) pp. 481-482

- Ben G. Burnett
- Social and Economic Frontiers in Latin America. By Harry Stark. (Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown, Company, 1961. Pp. xx, 421. $7.25.) pp. 482-483

- John N. Plank
- The Conflict Society: Reaction and Revolution in Latin America. By Kalman H. Silvert. (New Orleans: The Hauser Press, 1961. Pp. xi, 280. $7.50.) pp. 482-482

- Philip B. Taylor
- Falange: A History of Spanish Fascism. By Stanley G. Payne. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1961. Pp. ix, 316. $6.00.) pp. 483-484

- Larman C. Wilson
- The Kenyatta Election: Kenya 1960–1961. By George Bennett and Carl Rosberg. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. Pp. 230. $4.80.) pp. 484-485

- Grant McConnell
- I Speak of Freedom. By Kwame Nkrumah. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger Inc., 1961. Pp. xiv, 291. $4.95; paper, $1.95.) pp. 485-486

- Margaret L. Bates
- The Emerging States of French Equatorial Africa. By Virginia Thompson and Earl Adloff. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1960. Pp. xii, 595. $8.75.) pp. 486-486

- Victor T. Le Vine
- African Affairs: Number One. St. Antony's Papers: Number 10. Edited by Kenneth Kirkwood. (Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1961. Pp. 164. $3.75.) pp. 486-487

- James C. Davies
- The Edge of Freedom. By John B. Oakes. (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. Pp. xiv, 129. $3.50.) pp. 487-488

- Immanuel Wallerstein
- South African Predicament: The Economics of Apartheid. By F. P. Spooner. (New York; Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1960. Pp. 288, $5.00.) pp. 487-487

- Channing B. Richardson
- The Changing Patterns of the Middle East. By Pierre Rondot. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1961. 221. $5.00.) pp. 488-489

- Noah Lucatz
- Rift and Revolt in Hungary: Nationalism Versus Communism. By Ferenc A. Váli. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1961. Pp. xvii, 590. $9.75.) pp. 489-490

- Andrew Gyorgy
- Our Fundamental Rights: Their Nature and Extent (As Judicially Determined). By D. N. Banerjee. (Calcutta: 1960. Pp. ix, 483. 37s. 6d.) pp. 490-491

- Edward McWhinney
- Parliaments and Electoral Systems: A World Handbook. Pp. 128. 15s. (London: The Institute of Electoral Research, Ltd. 1962.) pp. 491-491

- Avery Leiserson
- America in Britain's Place: The Leadership of the West and Anglo-American Unity. By Lionel Gelber. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.1961. Pp. x, 356. $5.00.) pp. 496-497

- C. B. Joynt
- Around the Edge of War. By John Forth Amory. (New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. Pp. 185. $4.50.) pp. 497-498

- Frank C. Darling
- When Nations Disagree: A Handbook on Peace through Law. By Arthur Larson. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 1961. Pp. ix, 251. $3.95.) pp. 498-499

- Ronald J. Yalem
- Legal Problems of the European Economic Community and the European Free Trade Association. With a Foreword By SirKenneth Diplock. Published under the Auspices of The British Institute of International and Comparative Law. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1961. Pp. 110 $3.95.) pp. 499-500

- Henry Reiff
- The United States and the United Nations. Ed. by Francis O. Wilcox and H. Field HavilandJr., (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1961. Pp. x, 188. $4.50.) pp. 500-500

- John G. Stoessinger
- The United Nations: Constitutional Developments, Growth and Possibilities. By Benjamin V. Cohen. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1961. Pp. 106. $2.75.) pp. 501-502

- Durward V. Sandifer
- International Immunities. By C. Wilfred Jenks. (London: Stevens & Sons Limited; New York: Oceana Publications, 1961. Pp. xxxviii, 178. $6.00.) pp. 502-503

- Peter P. Remec
- The Grand Camouflage: The Communist Conspiracy in the Spanish Civil War. By Burnett Bolloten. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1961. Pp. 350. $6.50.) pp. 503-504

- Thomas W. Nagle
- The Backward Society. By Raymond Frost. (New York: St. Martin's Press. 1961. Pp. 246. $5.00.) pp. 504-505

- Donald S. Rothchild
- The United States and the Treaty Law of the Sea By Henry Reiff. (University of Minnesota Press, 1959. Pp. 451. $8.00.) pp. 505-506

- Linden A. Mander
- Food, Land, and Manpower in Western Europe. By P. Lamartine Yates. (New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc.1961. Pp. xiii, 294. $7.00.) pp. 506-506

- Stanley Rothman
- Soviet Policy towards International Control of Atomic Energy. By Joseph L. Nogee. (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1961. Pp. xiv, 306. $6.50.) pp. 506-507

- John S. Reshetar
- Strategy for the 60's, Edited by Jay H. Cerf and Walter Pozen. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1960. Pp. 155. $4.00, cloth, $1.50, paper) pp. 507-508

- Chadwick F. Alger
- National Character in Action. By Washington Platt. (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1961. Pp. xix, 250. $6.00.) pp. 508-509

- R. N. Rosecrance
Volume 56, issue 1, 1962
- Deviation Control: A Study in the Dynamics of Doctrinal Conflict pp. 5-22

- Zbigniew Brzezinski
- The Market for Strategic Ideas in Britain: The “Sandys Era” pp. 23-41

- Laurence W. Martin
- Congressional Innovation and Intervention in Defense Policy: Legislative Authorization of Weapons Systems* pp. 42-57

- Raymond H. Dawson
- The Stability of Coalitions on Roll Calls in the House of Representatives* pp. 58-65

- William H. Riker and Donald Niemi
- Religious Influence on Wisconsin Voting, 1928–1960 pp. 66-70

- Andrew R. Baggaley
- Deeds Without Doctrines: Civil Rights in the 1960 Term of the Supreme Court1 pp. 71-89

- Robert G. McCloskey
- The 1960 Term of the Supreme Court: A Psychological Analysis* pp. 90-107

- Glendon Schubert
- Two Theorems on Ceteris Paribus in the Analysis of Dynamic Systems pp. 108-113

- Franklin M. Fisher and Albert Ando
- Positive Liberty, 1880–1914 pp. 114-128

- David Nicholls
- Toward a Definition of Editorial Policy for the Review* pp. 129-138

- Harvey C. Mansfield
- Toward a Definition of Book Review Policy* pp. 139-141

- Avery Leiserson
- Communications to the Editor pp. 141-142

- John Lukacs and John A. Armstrong
- On Norms, Roles and Folkways pp. 142-142

- Ralph K. Huitt
- Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City. By Robert A. Dahl. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1961. Pp. vii, 355. $7.50.) pp. 144-145

- Heinz Eulau
- Recognition of Communist China? By Robert P. Newman. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1961. Pp. ix, 318. Cloth, $4.95; paper, $1.95.) pp. 145-146

- Robert B. Stauffer
- The Cuban Story. By Herbert L. Matthews. (New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1961. Pp. 318. $4.50.) pp. 146-148

- James L. Busey
- Russia and The West Under Lenin and Stalin. By George F. Kennan. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1960, 1961. Pp. x, 411. $5.75.) pp. 148-149

- Andrew Gyorgy
- A Report on Social Security Programs in the Soviet Union. Prepared by the U. S. Team that Visited the U.S.S.R. Under the East-West Exchange Program in August-September 1958. U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1961. Pp. 157. $1.00.) pp. 149-151

- Herman M. Somers
- Political Influence. By Edward C. Banfield. (Glencoe: The Free Press, 1961. Pp. vi, 354. $6.00.) pp. 151-152

- Harry M. Scoble
- Exploring the Metropolitan Community. Edited by John C. Bollens. Contributors: John C. Bollens, Scott Greer, Werner Z. Hirsch, Carl A. McCandless, Henry J. Schmandt. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. Pp. xvii, 492. $7.50.) pp. 152-153

- Lee S. Greene
- Graduate Education in the United States. By Bernard Berelson. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1960. Pp. vi, 346. $6.95.) pp. 153-155

- Lynton K. Caldwell
- The Predicament of Democratic Man. By Edmond Cahn. (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1961. Pp. 164. $3.95.) pp. 156-157

- Donald K. McKee
- Tradition, Values, and Socio-Economic Development. Edited By Ralph Braibanti and Joseph J. Spengler. (Durham: Duke University Press and London: Cambridge University Press, 1961. Pp. viii, 305. $6.00.) pp. 157-158

- Julian R. Friedman
- Marxism, an Historical and Critical Study. By George Lichtheim. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1961. Pp. 412, $8.50.) pp. 158-159

- George E. G. Catlin
- The Religious Factor. By Gerhard Lenski. (New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1961. Pp. xvi, 381. $5.95.) pp. 159-160

- Harry R. Davis
- H. G. Wells and the World State. By W. Warren Wagar. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961. Pp. 301. $6.00.) pp. 160-161

- John H. Schaar
- The Political Context of Sociology. By Leon Bramson. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961. Pp. v, 164. $4.00.) pp. 161-162

- Seymour Scher
- The Russian Revolution. By Nicolas Berdyaev. (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1961, pp. 91. $1.75.) - Terrorism and Communism. By Leon Trotsky. (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1961, pp. 193. $1.95.) - The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism? By Rosa Luxemburg. (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1961, pp. 109. $1.65.) pp. 162-163

- John H. Kautsky
- Justice Frankfurter and Civil Liberties. By Clyde E. Jacobs. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. Pp. viii, 265. $5.00.) pp. 172-173

- Joseph B. Kallenbach
- Presidential Transitions. By Laurin L. Henry. (Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1960. Pp. 755. $7.50.) pp. 173-174

- Richard P. Longaker
- Problems of American Economic Growth. By Bruce R. Morris. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1961. Pp. viii, 279. $2.50.) pp. 174-175

- Michael D. Reagan
- Secrecy and Publicity Dilemmas of Democracy. By Francis E. Rourke. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1961. Pp. x, 236. $5.00.) pp. 175-176

- Howard Penniman
- An Uncertain Tradition: American Secretaries of State in the Twentieth Century. Edited by Norman A. Graebner. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1961. Pp. 341. $6.95.) pp. 176-177

- Bernard C. Cohen
- Professional Diplomacy in the United States: 1779–1939. By Warren Frederick Ilchman. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961. Pp. 254. $6.00.) pp. 177-178

- Cecil V. Crabb
- Cases in State and Local Government. Richard T. Frost, ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1961. Pp. xii, 361. $3.95.) pp. 178-179

- Alan Altshuler
- American Perspectives. Edited by Robert E. Spiller and Eric Larrabee. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961. Pp. vii, 216. $4.75.) pp. 179-180

- Charles H. Backstrom
- Preprimary Endorsements in California Politics. By Leonard Rowe. (Berkeley: University of California, Bureau of Public Administration, 1961. Pp. ix, 85. $2.00.) pp. 179-179

- Avery Leiserson
- Collective Bargaining in the Federal Civil Service: A Study of Labor-Management Relations in United States Government. By Wilson R. Hart. (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. Pp. xi, 302. $6.50.) pp. 180-181

- Robert J. McNeill
- The New America: Politics and Society in the Age of the Smooth Deal. By Karl E. Meyer. (New York: Basic Books, 1961. Pp. 206. $4.50.) pp. 180-180

- William Nisbet Chambers
- The Strategy of Truth: The Story of the U. S. Information Service. By Wilson P. Dizard. (Washington D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1961. Pp. viii, 213. $4.50.) pp. 181-182

- David S. McLellan
- A History of the United States Weather Bureau. By Donald R. Whitnah. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961. Pp. vii & ix, 240. $6.00.) pp. 182-183

- Lashley G. Harvey
- The Red Phoenix: Russia Since World War II. By Harry Schwartz. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1961. Pp. xii, 427. $6.00.) pp. 191-192

- John N. Hazard
- Power and Policy in the U.S.S.R.: The Study of Soviet Dynasties. By R. Conquest. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1961. Pp. x, 485. $7.95.) pp. 192-193

- L. Gerald Bursey
- Communism in Czechoslovakia, 1948–1960. By Edward Taborsky. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961. Pp. xii, 628. $12.50.) pp. 193-194

- Ivo K. Feierabend
- Growth of Public Expenditures in the United Kingdom. By Alan T. Peacock and Jack Wiseman assisted by Jindrich Veverka. A Study by the National Bureau of Economic Research. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961. Pp. xxxi, 213. $5.00.) pp. 194-195

- Philip W. Buck
- London's Newcomers: The West Indian Migrants. By Ruth Glass, assisted by Harold Pollins. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961. Pp. xiii, 278. $4.00.) pp. 195-196

- James Q. Dealey
- A Short Introduction to the Economy of Latin America. By F. Benham and H. A. Holley. (London: Oxford University Press for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1960. Pp. x, 169. $2.90.) pp. 196-197

- Frank M. Lewis
- Sun Yat-sen and Communism. By Shao Chuan Leng and Norman D. Palmer. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1960. Pp. viii, 234. $6.00.) pp. 197-198

- Jeffrey Y. Mao
- Congo Disaster. By Colin Legum. (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1961. Pp. 174. 85c̸.) pp. 198-199

- William Hanna
- Political Change in Morocco. By Douglas E. Ashford. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961. Pp. xi, 432. $8.50.) pp. 198-198

- Majid Khadduri
- Contemporary Arab Politics: A Concise History. By George E. Kirk. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1961. Pp. 231. $1.95.) pp. 199-200

- George Lenczowski
- The Political Kingdom in Uganda. By David E. Apter. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961. Pp. 498. $10.00.) pp. 199-199

- Eugene P. Dvorin
- History of the Islamic Peoples. By Carl Brockelmann. Translated by Joel Carmichael and Moshe Perlmann. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1960. Pp. v, 582. $1.95.) pp. 200-201

- John A. Fitzgerald
- Storm Over Laos—A Contemporary History. By Sisouk Na Champassak. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1961. Pp. x, 202. $5.00.) pp. 201-202

- Bernard B. Fall
- A Comparative Study of the Indian Constitution, Volume One: General Principles of Organization. By Sirdar D. K. Sen. (Calcutta: Orient Longmans. 1960. Pp. xxiii, 382. $7.50.) pp. 202-203

- Ralph H. Retzlaff
- Modern Swedish Government. By Nils Andrén. (Stockholm: Haeggström, 1961. Pp. 252. Paperback: 15 Sw.kr.; bound: 19.50 Sw.kr.) - Danmarks Folketing: om dets hus og historie. By Svend Thorsen. (Copenhagen: Schultz, 1961. Pp. 189. 65 D.kr.) - Stortinget på naert hold. By Per Øisang. (Oslo: Fabritius, 1961. Pp. 56. 7.50 N.kr.) pp. 203-203

- Stanley V. Anderson
- Europe's Needs and Resources. By J. Frederic Dewhurst, John O. Coppock, P. Lamartine Yates and Associates. (New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1961. Pp. xxvi, 1198. $12.00.) pp. 208-209

- William A. Ritchie
- The International Status of the United Nations. By Guenter Weissberg. (New York: Oceana Publications, and London: Stevens and Sons Ltd., 1961. Pp. xii, 228. $7.50.) pp. 209-209

- Inis L. Claude
- Financing International Organization: The United Nations Budget Process. By J. David Singer. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1961. Pp. xvi, 185. 14.50 guilders.) pp. 209-210

- Chase Kimball
- A Forward Strategy for America. By Robert Strausz-Hupe, William R. Kintner, and Stefan T. Possony. (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. Pp. xii, 450. $5.95.) pp. 210-211

- H. Rowland Ludden
- Strategic Intelligence and the Shape of Tomorrow. By William M. McGovern. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1961. Pp. vi., 191. $4.00.) pp. 211-212

- Gordon L. Shull
- Military Policy and Economic Aid: The Korean Case, 1950–1953. By Gene M. Lyons. (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1961. Pp. 298. $4.50.) pp. 212-213

- Glenn D. Paige
- Grants, Loans, and Local Currencies: Their Role in Foreign Aid, By Robert E. Asher. (Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution, 1961. Pp. ix, 142. Paper $1.50; cloth $2.50.) pp. 213-214

- Edward H. Buehrig
- The St. Lawrence Waterway: A Study in Politics and Diplomacy. By William R. Willoughby. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1961. Pp. xiv, 381. $6.00.) pp. 214-215

- J. E. Hodgetts
- France, Europe, and the Two World Wars. By René Albrecht-Carrié, (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1961. Pp. 346. $7.00.) pp. 215-216

- Robert G. Neumann
- Population Control—The Imminent World Crisis. Edited by Melvin G. Schimm. New York: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1961. Pp. 253 pp. 216-218

- Sioma Kagan
- Mr. Europe, A Political Biography of Henri Spaak. By J. H. Huizinga. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1961. Pp. 248. $6.50.) pp. 216-216

- Arno J. Mayer
- The Relation Between International Law and Municipal Law in the Netherlands and in the United States. By L. Erades and Wesley L. Gould. (New York: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1961. Pp. 510. $11.00.) pp. 218-218

- David A. Booth
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