American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 114, issue 4, 2020
- Which Identity Frames Boost Support for and Mobilization in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement? An Experimental Test pp. 947-962

- Tabitha Bonilla and Alvin B. Tillery
- The Distinctive Political Status of Dissident Minorities pp. 963-975

- David Schraub
- Representing Silence in Politics pp. 976-988

- Mónica Brito Vieira
- Women’s Representation and the Gendered Pipeline to Power pp. 989-1000

- Danielle M. Thomsen and Aaron S. King
- Respect for Subjects in the Ethics of Causal and Interpretive Social Explanation pp. 1001-1012

- Michael L. Frazer
- Institutionalized Police Brutality: Torture, the Militarization of Security, and the Reform of Inquisitorial Criminal Justice in Mexico pp. 1013-1034

- Beatriz Magaloni and Luis Rodriguez
- Gender, Law Enforcement, and Access to Justice: Evidence from All-Women Police Stations in India pp. 1035-1054

- Nirvikar Jassal
- Party Competition and Coalitional Stability: Evidence from American Local Government pp. 1055-1070

- Peter Bucchianeri
- The Quality of Vote Tallies: Causes and Consequences pp. 1071-1085

- Cristian Challú, Enrique Seira and Alberto Simpser
- Buying Power: Electoral Strategy before the Secret Vote pp. 1086-1102

- Daniel W. Gingerich
- Carving Out: Isolating the True Effect of Self-Interest on Policy Attitudes pp. 1103-1116

- Jake Haselswerdt
- Polarized Pluralism: Organizational Preferences and Biases in the American Pressure System pp. 1117-1137

- Jesse M. Crosson, Alexander C. Furnas and Geoffrey M. Lorenz
- What You See Is Not Always What You Get: Bargaining before an Audience under Multiparty Government pp. 1138-1154

- Lanny W. Martin and Georg Vanberg
- Deterrence with Imperfect Attribution pp. 1155-1178

- Sandeep Baliga, Ethan Bueno de Mesquita and Alexander Wolitzky
- How Much is One American Worth? How Competition Affects Trade Preferences pp. 1179-1194

- Diana C. Mutz and Amber Hye-Yon Lee
- Learning about Growth and Democracy pp. 1195-1212

- Scott F. Abramson and Sergio Montero
- Does Property Ownership Lead to Participation in Local Politics? Evidence from Property Records and Meeting Minutes pp. 1213-1229

- Jesse Yoder
- Does Political Affirmative Action Work, and for Whom? Theory and Evidence on India’s Scheduled Areas pp. 1230-1246

- Saad Gulzar, Nicholas Haas and Benjamin Pasquale
- Autocratic Stability in the Shadow of Foreign Threats pp. 1247-1265

- Livio Di Lonardo, Jessica S. Sun and Scott A. Tyson
- From Tyrannicide to Revolution: Aristotle on the Politics of Comradeship pp. 1266-1279

- Jordan Jochim
- Bridges between Wedges and Frames: Outreach and Compromise in American Political Discourse pp. 1280-1296

- Andrew Stark
- When to Worry about Sensitivity Bias: A Social Reference Theory and Evidence from 30 Years of List Experiments pp. 1297-1315

- Graeme Blair, Alexander Coppock and Margaret Moor
- The Political Economy of Bureaucratic Overload: Evidence from Rural Development Officials in India pp. 1316-1334

- Aditya Dasgupta and Devesh Kapur
- Does Aid Reduce Anti-refugee Violence? Evidence from Syrian Refugees in Lebanon pp. 1335-1342

- M. Christian Lehmann and Daniel T. R. Masterson
- News and Geolocated Social Media Accurately Measure Protest Size Variation pp. 1343-1351

- Anton Sobolev, M. Keith Chen, Jungseock Joo and Zachary C. Steinert-Threlkeld
- A Framework for Measuring Leaders’ Willingness to Use Force pp. 1352-1358

- Jeff Carter and Charles E. Smith
- Wildfire Exposure Increases Pro-Environment Voting within Democratic but Not Republican Areas pp. 1359-1365

- Chad Hazlett and Matto Mildenberger
- Who Governs? A New Global Dataset on Members of Cabinets pp. 1366-1374

- Jacob Nyrup and Stuart Bramwell
- Mobilize for Our Lives? School Shootings and Democratic Accountability in U.S. Elections pp. 1375-1385

- Hans J. G. Hassell, John B. Holbein and Matthew Baldwin
- Can Charter Schools Boost Civic Participation? The Impact of Democracy Prep Public Schools on Voting Behavior pp. 1386-1392

- Brian Gill, Emilyn Ruble Whitesell, Sean Corcoran, Charles Tilley, Mariel Finucane and Liz Potamites
- Censorship as Reward: Evidence from Pop Culture Censorship in Chile—CORRIGENDUM pp. 1393-1393

- Jane Esberg
- Administrative Records Mask Racially Biased Policing—CORRIGENDUM pp. 1394-1394

- Dean Knox, Will Lowe and Jonathan Mummolo
Volume 114, issue 3, 2020
- Administrative Records Mask Racially Biased Policing pp. 619-637

- Dean Knox, Will Lowe and Jonathan Mummolo
- Agenda Seeding: How 1960s Black Protests Moved Elites, Public Opinion and Voting pp. 638-659

- Omar Wasow
- Accountability for the Local Economy at All Levels of Government in United States Elections pp. 660-676

- Justin de Benedictis-Kessner and Christopher Warshaw
- The Partisan Logic of City Mobilization: Evidence from State Lobbying Disclosures pp. 677-690

- Julia A. Payson
- Roll-Call Vote Selection: Implications for the Study of Legislative Politics pp. 691-706

- Caitlin Ainsley, Clifford J. Carrubba, Brian F. Crisp, Betul Demirkaya, Matthew J. Gabel and Dino Hadzic
- Political Secularism and Muslim Integration in the West: Assessing the Effects of the French Headscarf Ban pp. 707-723

- Aala Abdelgadir and Vasiliki Fouka
- I Don’t Know pp. 724-743

- Matthew Backus and Andrew T. Little
- The Electoral System, the Party System and Accountability in Parliamentary Government pp. 744-760

- Christopher Kam, Anthony M. Bertelli and Alexander Held
- Corruption Information and Vote Share: A Meta-Analysis and Lessons for Experimental Design pp. 761-774

- Trevor Incerti
- Negativity Biases and Political Ideology: A Comparative Test across 17 Countries pp. 775-791

- Patrick Fournier, Stuart Soroka and Lilach Nir
- Democracy by Mistake: How the Errors of Autocrats Trigger Transitions to Freer Government pp. 792-810

- Daniel Treisman
- Constraining Governments: New Indices of Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal Accountability pp. 811-820

- Anna Lührmann, Kyle L. Marquardt and Valeriya Mechkova
- Censorship as Reward: Evidence from Pop Culture Censorship in Chile pp. 821-836

- Jane Esberg
- #No2Sectarianism: Experimental Approaches to Reducing Sectarian Hate Speech Online pp. 837-855

- Alexandra A. Siegel and Vivienne Badaan
- Public Opinion and Foreign Electoral Intervention pp. 856-873

- Michael Tomz and Jessica L. P. Weeks
- The Logic of Violence in Drug War pp. 874-887

- Juan Castillo and Dorothy Kronick
- Human Rights are (Increasingly) Plural: Learning the Changing Taxonomy of Human Rights from Large-scale Text Reveals Information Effects pp. 888-910

- Baekkwan Park, Kevin Greene and Michael Colaresi
- Gender, Education, and Enlightened Politics in Plato’s Laws pp. 911-922

- Linda R. Rabieh
- Impassioned Democracy: The Roles of Emotion in Deliberative Theory pp. 923-927

- Michael A. Neblo
- The Rise and Fall of Social Democracy, 1918–2017 pp. 928-939

- Giacomo Benedetto, Simon Hix and Nicola Mastrorocco
- How Parties React to Voter Transitions pp. 940-945

- Tarik Abou-Chadi and Lukas F. Stoetzer
Volume 114, issue 2, 2020
- Social Isolation and Repertoires of Resistance pp. 309-325

- Emily Kalah Gade
- Outside the Wire: U.S. Military Deployments and Public Opinion in Host States pp. 326-341

- Michael A. Allen, Michael E. Flynn, Carla Martinez Machain and Andrew Stravers
- Why Arms Control Is So Rare pp. 342-355

- Andrew J. Coe and Jane Vaynman
- When the Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: On the Conceptualization and Measurement of Populist Attitudes and Other Multidimensional Constructs pp. 356-374

- Alexander Wuttke, Christian Schimpf and Harald Schoen
- The Commensurability Problem: Conceptual Difficulties in Estimating the Effect of Behavior on Behavior pp. 375-391

- Ethan Bueno de Mesquita and Scott A. Tyson
- Democracy in America? Partisanship, Polarization, and the Robustness of Support for Democracy in the United States pp. 392-409

- Matthew H. Graham and Milan W. Svolik
- Reducing Exclusionary Attitudes through Interpersonal Conversation: Evidence from Three Field Experiments pp. 410-425

- Joshua L. Kalla and David E. Broockman
- The Desire for Social Status and Economic Conservatism among Affluent Americans pp. 426-442

- Adam Thal
- The Geography of Inequality: How Land Use Regulation Produces Segregation pp. 443-455

- Jessica Trounstine
- One Person, One Vote: Estimating the Prevalence of Double Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections pp. 456-469

- Sharad Goel, Marc Meredith, Michael Morse, David Rothschild and Houshmand Shirani-Mehr
- Who Votes More Strategically? pp. 470-485

- Andrew C. Eggers and Nick Vivyan
- Social Network Structures and the Politics of Public Goods Provision: Evidence from the Philippines pp. 486-501

- Cesi Cruz, Julien Labonne and Pablo Querubin
- Origins of Early Democracy pp. 502-518

- Ali T. Ahmed and David Stasavage
- From Islamists to Muslim Democrats: The Case of Tunisia’s Ennahda pp. 519-535

- Sharan Grewal
- Relational State Building in Areas of Limited Statehood: Experimental Evidence on the Attitudes of the Police pp. 536-551

- Sabrina Karim
- Killing in the Slums: Social Order, Criminal Governance, and Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro pp. 552-572

- Beatriz Magaloni, Edgar Franco-Vivanco and Vanessa Melo
- Legacies of the Third Reich: Concentration Camps and Out-group Intolerance pp. 573-590

- Jonathan Homola, Miguel M. Pereira and Margit Tavits
- Independent Agencies, Distribution, and Legitimacy: The Case of Central Banks pp. 591-595

- Peter Dietsch
- Does Trust in Government Increase Support for Redistribution? Evidence from Randomized Survey Experiments pp. 596-602

- Kyle Peyton
- Measuring the Influence of Political Actors on the Federal Budget pp. 603-608

- Ben Hammond and Leah Rosenstiel
- Human Capital and Voting Behavior across Generations: Evidence from an Income Intervention pp. 609-616

- Randall Akee, William Copeland, John B. Holbein and Emilia Simeonova
- Exit Strategy: Career Concerns and Revolving Doors in Congress – CORRIGENDUM pp. 617-618

- Michael E. Shepherd and Hye Young You
Volume 114, issue 1, 2020
- Representative Democracy as Defensible Epistocracy pp. 1-13

- Dimitri Landa and Ryan Pevnick
- A Formal Theory of Democratic Deliberation pp. 14-35

- Hun Chung and John Duggan
- In the Mood for Democracy? Democratic Support as Thermostatic Opinion pp. 36-53

- Christopher Claassen
- Plato’s Myth of Er and the Reconfiguration of Nature pp. 54-67

- Tae-Yeoun Keum
- What Is Spontaneous Order? pp. 68-80

- Daniel Luban
- Self-Rule and the Problem of Peoplehood in Colonial India pp. 81-94

- Nazmul S. Sultan
- Reconceiving Immigration Politics: Walter Benjamin, Violence, and Labor pp. 95-108

- Inés Valdez
- How Saudi Crackdowns Fail to Silence Online Dissent pp. 109-125

- Jennifer Pan and Alexandra A. Siegel
- Can Economic Assistance Shape Combatant Support in Wartime? Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan pp. 126-143

- Jason Lyall, Yang-Yang Zhou and Kosuke Imai
- Does Public Support for Judicial Power Depend on Who is in Political Power? Testing a Theory of Partisan Alignment in Africa pp. 144-163

- Brandon L. Bartels and Eric Kramon
- Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Evaluations of Partisan Fairness in District-Based Democracies pp. 164-178

- Jonathan Katz, Gary King and Elizabeth Rosenblatt
- Strategic Legislative Subsidies: Informational Lobbying and the Cost of Policy pp. 179-205

- Christopher J. Ellis and Thomas Groll
- Race and Representation in Campaign Finance pp. 206-221

- Jacob M. Grumbach and Alexander Sahn
- How Partisan Is Local Law Enforcement? Evidence from Sheriff Cooperation with Immigration Authorities pp. 222-236

- Daniel M. Thompson
- Noisy Retrospection: The Effect of Party Control on Policy Outcomes pp. 237-257

- Adam M. Dynes and John B. Holbein
- How Empathic Concern Fuels Political Polarization pp. 258-269

- Elizabeth N. Simas, Scott Clifford and Justin H. Kirkland
- Exit Strategy: Career Concerns and Revolving Doors in Congress pp. 270-284

- Michael E. Shepherd and Hye Young You
- Spatial Voting Meets Spatial Policy Positions: An Experimental Appraisal pp. 285-290

- Tanja Artiga Gonzalez and Georg Granic
- Understanding Delegation Through Machine Learning: A Method and Application to the European Union pp. 291-301

- L. Jason Anastasopoulos and Anthony M. Bertelli
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