American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 44, issue 4, 1950
- The Mainsprings of American Foreign Policy: The National Interest vs. Moral Abstractions pp. 833-854

- Hans J. Morgenthau
- The Parliamentary Labor Party in Great Britain pp. 855-871

- James Macgregor Burns
- Political Activity of American Citizens pp. 872-885

- Julian L. Woodward and Elmo Roper
- Interviewing Southern Politicians pp. 886-896

- Alexander Heard
- Certain Personality Factors of State Legislators in South Carolina pp. 897-903

- John B. Mcconaughy
- The Study of Political Leadership pp. 904-915

- Lester G. Seligman
- Public Opinion Research—An Opportunity for Political Parties pp. 916-923

- Frederick C. Irion
- Political Science in Sweden pp. 977-990

- Sarah Scott Thorelli
- Bureaucracy in a Democracy - Bureaucracy in a Democracy. By Charles S. Hyneman. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1950. Pp. xv, 586. $4.50.) pp. 990-1004

- Chester I. Barnard
- The Authoritarian Personality. By T. W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel J. Levinson, R. Nevitt Sanford. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1950. Pp. xxxiii, 990. $7.50.) pp. 1005-1006

- Alfred de Grazia
- Backwoods Utopias. By Arthur Eugene BestorJr., (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1950. Pp. x, 288. $3.50.) - The Utopian Communist; A Biography of Wilhelm Weitling, Nineteenth-Century Reformer. By Carl Wittke. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1950. Pp. vii, 327. $4.50.) pp. 1006-1009

- Wiley E. Hodges
- The Economic Role of the State. By William A. Orton. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1950. Pp. x, 192. $3.00.) pp. 1010-1011

- Francis G. Wilson
- Presidential Agency OWMR; The Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion. By Herman Miles Somers. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 238. $4.50.) pp. 1011-1014

- Harvey C. Mansfield
- The Regulatory Process in OPA Rationing. By Victor A. Thompson. (New York: King's Crown Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 466. $5.75.) pp. 1014-1016

- Joseph A. Kershaw
- Federal Reserve Policy-Making; A Study in Government Economic Policy Formation. By G. L. Bach. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1950. Pp. xvii, 282, V. $3.00.) pp. 1016-1017

- Lester V. Chandler
- Transforming Public Utility Regulation; A Definite Administrative Program. By John Bauer. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1950. Pp. xi, 367. $5.00.) pp. 1017-1019

- Marver Bernstein
- John L. Lewis; An Unauthorized Biography. By Saul Alinsky. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1949. Pp. 387. $4.00.) pp. 1019-1021

- Gustav Peck
- Labor Relations in the New York Rapid Transit Systems, 1904–1944. By James J. McGinley. (New York: Kings Crown Press, Columbia University. 1949. Pp. xxiii, 635. $6.50.) pp. 1021-1022

- Sterling D. Spero
- The Growth of American Law; The Law Makers. By James Willard Hurst. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1950. Pp. xiii, 502. $5.50.) pp. 1022-1024

- Albert S. Abel
- The American Tradition in Religion and Education. By R. Freeman Butts. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1950. Pp. xiv, 230. $3.00.) pp. 1024-1026

- David Fellman
- The Education of Free Men; An Essay Toward a Philosophy of Education for Americans. By Horace M. Kallen. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Company. 1949. Pp. xix, 332. $5.00.) pp. 1026-1028

- John D. Lewis
- Moral Aspects of Dishonesty in Public Office. By William Joseph King. (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press. 1949. Pp. xiii, 225. $2.50.) pp. 1028-1029

- Paul P. Van Riper
- The German Catastrophe. By Friedrich Meinecke. Translated by Sidney B. Fay. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. viii, 121. $3.00.) pp. 1029-1031

- Gordon A. Craig
- Korea Today. By George M. McCune in collaboration with Arthur L. GreyJr.,(Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xxi, 372. $5.00.) pp. 1031-1034

- George E. Taylor
- The United States and Japan. By Edwin O. Reischauer. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xviii, 357. $4.00.) pp. 1034-1035

- Harold S. Quigley
- I Was There. By Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy. (Whittlesey House: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1950. Pp. 527. $5.00.) pp. 1035-1037

- Bernard Brodie
- Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy. By Edward O. Guerrant. (Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press. 1950. Pp. x, 235. $3.50.) pp. 1037-1038

- Arthur P. Whitaker
- Roosevelt in Retrospect; A Profile in History. By John Gunther. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1950. Pp. xii, 410. $3.75.) pp. 1039-1039

- Egbert S. Wengert
- The Gilmer-Aikin Bills; A Study in the Legislative Process. By Rae Files Still. (Austin, Texas: The Steck Company. 1950. Pp. x, 198. $2.50.) pp. 1039-1040

- York Willbern
- State-City Relationships in Highway Affairs. By Norman Hebden and Wilbur S. Smith. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1950. Pp. xvi, 230. $4.00.) - Highways in Our National Life; A Symposium. Edited by Jean Labatut and Wheaton J. Lane. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1950. Pp. xvi, 506. $7.50.) pp. 1040-1041

- Lashley G. Harvey
- Radio, Television and Society. By Charles A. Siepmann. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1950. Pp. vii, 410. $4.75.) pp. 1041-1042

- Elmer E. Smead
- The Licensing of Radio Services in the United States, 1927 to 1947; A Study in Administrative Formulation of Policy. By Murray Edelman. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 229. $3.00 cloth, $2.00 paper.) pp. 1041-1041

- Elmer E. Smead
- Government and Business. By Vernon A. Mund. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1950. Pp. x, 659. $4.75.) pp. 1042-1043

- Charles B. Hagan
- The New Deal Collective Bargaining Policy. By Irving Bernstein. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 178. $3.00.) pp. 1042-1042

- Allan R. Richards
- The American System of Government. By John H. Ferguson and Dean E. McHenry. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1950. Pp. xii, 1042. $5.00.) - Readings in American National and State Government. Edited by David Fellman, Lane W. Lancaster and A. C. Breckenridge. (New York: Rinehart & Co., Inc. 1950. Pp. xi, 399; ix, 347. $2.40.) - American Government; Basic Documents and Materials. By Robert G. Dixon and Elmer Plischke. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. 1950. Pp. xx, 420. $2.90.) - American Constitutional Decisions. By Charles Fairman. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1950. Pp. xiv, 489. $2.75.) - An Introduction to Administrative Law with Selected Cases. By James Hart. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1950. Pp. xxviii, 819. $7.00.) - Public Personnel Administration. By William E. Mosher, J. Donald Kingsley and O. Glenn Stahl. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1950. Pp. xi, 652. $5.00.) - The Mid-Term Battle. By Louis H. Bean. (Washington, D. C.: Cantillon Books. 1950. Pp. vi, 98. Paper, $1.00; cloth, $2.50.) - The Municipal Year Book 1950; The Authoritative Résumé of Activities and Statistical Data of American Cities. Edited by Clarence E. Ridley, Orin F. Nolting and Frederick C. Peitzsch. (Chicago: International City Managers' Association. 1950. Pp. x, 598. $10.00.) - Transit Modernization and Street Traffic Control; A Program of Municipal Responsibility. By John Bauer and Peter Costello. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1950. Pp. xiii, 271. $5.00.) - Scientific Research; Its Administration and Organization. Edited by George P. Bush and Lowell H. Hattery. (Washington, D. C.: American University Press. 1950. Pp. viii, 190. $3.25.) - The Initiative and Referendum in California. By Winston W. Crouch. (Los Angeles: The Haynes Foundation. 1950. Pp. iv, 56. Paper. $.50.) - Administration of Old Age Security in California. By Margaret Greenfield. (Berkeley: Bureau of Public Administration, University of California. 1950. Pp. iv, 92. $1.25.) - County Finances in Mississippi. By Gordon K. Bryan. (Mississippi State College: Social Science Research Center. 1950. Pp. iv, 65.) - Power and Politics; The Price of Security in the Atomic Age. By Hanson W. Baldwin with preface by David P. Barrows. (Claremont: Claremont College. 1950. Pp. xv, 117. $2.75.) - History of United States Naval Aviation. By Archibald D. Turnbull and Clifford L. Lord. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1949. Pp. xii, 345. $5.00.) - The American Century. By Ralph E. Flanders. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. 101. $2.50.) - Trade and Agriculture; A Study of Inconsistent Policies. By D. Gale Johnson. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1950. Pp. vii, 198. $2.50.) - Taxes and Economic Incentives. By Lewis H. Kimmel. (Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution. 1950. Pp. x, 217. $2.50.) - Ordeal by Slander. By Owen Lattimore. (Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1950. Pp. viii, 236. $2.75.) pp. 1043-1045

- Anonymous
- A Primer of Public Administration. By S. E. Finer. (London: Frederick Muller, Ltd. 1950. Pp. 160. 6s.) pp. 1049-1050

- Philip W. Buck
- The Progressive Party in Canada. By W. L. Morton. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 331. $4.75.) - The Winnipeg General Strike. By D. C. Masters. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1950. Pp. xv, 159. $3.50.) pp. 1050-1050

- H. Gordon Skilling
- Scandinavia; Between East and West. Edited by Henning Friis. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 388. $4.50.) pp. 1051-1052

- Åke Sandler
- Constitutions of Nations. Vol. I, Afghanistan to England; Vol. II, France to Poland; Vol. III, Portugal to Yugoslavia. By Amos J. Peaslee. (Concord, N. H.: The Rumford Press. 1950. Pp. xxiv, 807; ix, 823; vii, 839. $22.50 per set.) pp. 1051-1051

- Russell H. Fitzgibbon
- New Constitutions in the Soviet Sphere. By Samuel L. Sharp. (Washington, D. C.: Foundation for Foreign Affairs. 1950. Pp. vi, 114. $1.00.) - Soviet Literary Theory and Practice during the First Five-Year Plan 1928–32. By Harriet Borland. (New York: King's Crown Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 256. $3.50.) - A Guide to Japanese Reference and Research Materials in the Field of Political Science. By Robert E. Ward. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1950. Pp. x, 104. $3.00.) - Manual of Government Publications; United States and Foreign. By Everett S. Brown. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1950. Pp. ix, 121. $2.00.) pp. 1052-1052

- Anonymous
- L'Organisation Européenne de Cooperation Économique; Étude d'Administration Internationale et de Droit des Gens. By H. T. Adam. (Paris: Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence. 1949. Pp. 292. Ffrs. 750.) pp. 1054-1055

- Jaroslav Mayda
- The Customs Union Issue. By Jacob Viner. (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1950. Pp. viii, 221. $2.50.) pp. 1055-1055

- Howard S. Piquet
- Journey to the “Missouri.” By Toshikazu Kase. Edited with an introduction by David Nelson Rowe. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1950. Pp. xiv, 282. $4.00.) pp. 1055-1056

- Dale Pontius
- Reprieve from War; A Manual for Realists. By Lionel Gelber. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. xi, 196. $3.00.) - France and the Saar, 1680–1948. By Laing Gray Cowan. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. 247. $3.50.) - The New Federalist. By Publius II —Owen J. Roberts, John F. Schmidt and Clarence K. Streit with an introduction by John Foster Dulles. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1950. Pp. xvii, 109. $1.50.) - Yearbook on Human Rights of 1948. (Lake Success, New York: United Nations. 1950. Pp. xiv, 535. $6.00.) - These Rights and Freedoms. (Lake Success, New York: United Nations. 1950. Pp. iii, 214. $1.50.) pp. 1056-1058

- E. T. Parks
- The Recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. Edited, with an introduction, by J. P. Mayer. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. xxvi, 332. $5.00.) pp. 1065-1066

- Phillips Bradley
- Science and Rationalism in the Government of Louis XIV, 1661–1683. By James E. King. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1949. Pp. 313, xiv, $3.75.) pp. 1066-1066

- Lynton K. Caldwell
- East and West; As Face to Face and Side by Side. By Mary Burt Messer. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. Pp. 66. $3.00.) - American Influences Abroad; An Exploration. Edited by Richard H. Heindel. (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1950. Pp. iv, 51.) - Reader in Public Opinion and Communication. Edited by Bernard Berelson and Morris Janowitz. (Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 505. $4.50.) - Voluntary Action; Mainstay of a Free Society. Edited by Floyd A. Bond and John A. Vieg. (Claremont, California: Pomona College. 1950. Pp. 96. Paper, $1.50.) - The Democratic Revolution. By Louis Meltzer. (New York: The William-Frederick Press. 1950. Pp. 68. $1.50.) - Ideas They Cannot Jail. By Eugene Dennis with an introduction by William Z. Foster. (New York: International Publishers. 1950. Pp. 192. $1.25.) pp. 1067-1067

- Anonymous
Volume 44, issue 3, 1950
- Is the British Commonwealth Withering Away? pp. 545-555

- K. C. Wheare
- State Legislatures and Communism: The Current Scene pp. 556-574

- William B. Prendergast
- Introduction pp. 575-576

- James W. Fesler
- National Executive Organization for Water Resources pp. 593-607

- Gilbert P. White
- The Valley Authority and its Alternatives pp. 607-631

- Charles McKinley
- Water Resources and American Federalism pp. 631-649

- Albert Lepawsky
- The Process of Government; A Study of Social Pressures. By Arthur F. Bentley. (Bloomington, Indiana: The Principia Press, Inc.1949. First Publication 1908 by University of Chicago Press. First reissue 1935 by the Principia Press. Pp. xv, 501. $6.00.) pp. 742-748

- Bertram M. Gross
- The Theory and Practice of Communism; An Introduction. By R. N. Carew Hunt. (London: Geoffrey Bles; and New York: The Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. viii, 232. 12s 6d; $2.75.) - The Coming Defeat of Communism. By James Burnham. (New York: The John Day Co.1950. Pp. viii, 278. $3.50.) pp. 748-751

- George S. Pettee
- War or Peace. By John Foster Dulles. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. vi, 274. $1.00.) pp. 751-753

- William T. R. Fox
- The Papers of Thomas Jefferson; Volume I, 1760–1776. Edited by Julian P. Boyd. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1950. Pp. lviii, 679. $10.00.) pp. 753-755

- Charles M. Wiltse
- James Madison; Father of the Constitution, 1787–1800. By Irving Brant. (New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.1950. Pp. 520. $6.00.) pp. 755-756

- James Hart
- The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt: 1941, The Call to Battle Stations; 1942, Humanity on the Defensive; 1943, The Tide Turns; 1944–45, Victory and the Threshold of Peace. Edited by Samuel I. Rosenman. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1950. Pp. 632, 552, 593, 634. $40.00.) pp. 756-757

- C. Herman Pritchett
- The American People and Foreign Policy. By Gabriel A. Almond. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1950. Pp. x, 269. $3.75.) pp. 757-760

- Robert Strausz-Hupé
- Sykewar; Psychological Warfare Against Germany, D-Day to V-E Day. By Daniel Lerner. (New York: George W. Stewart. 1949. Pp. xviii, 463. $6.50.) pp. 760-761

- Claude E. Hawley
- Nationalism and Internationalism; Essays Inscribed to Carlton J. H. Hayes. Edited by Edward Mead Earle. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. xvii, 510. $5.75.) pp. 761-763

- H. Arthur Steiner
- The New World of Southeast Asia. By Lennox A. Mills and Associates. (Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press. 1949. Pp. ix, 445. $5.00.) pp. 763-764

- Philip H. Taylor
- The Parliamentary Government of the Commonwealth of Australia. By L. F. Crisp. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1949. Pp. 336. $5.00.) pp. 764-765

- Louise Overacker
- The United States and Scandinavia. By Franklin D. Scott. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 359. $4.00.) pp. 765-767

- James J. Robbins
- John Locke's Political Philosophy. By J. W. Gough. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1950. Pp. vii, 204. $2.50.) pp. 767-770

- Leo Strauss
- A Hook in Leviathan; A Critical Interpretation of the Hoover Commission Report. By Bradley D. Nash and Cornelius Lynde. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. xix, 234. $3.00.) pp. 771-772

- Emmette S. Redford
- Special American Issue of Parliamentary Affairs. The Journal of the Hansard Society. Vol. III, No. 1. Edited by Sydney D. Bailey. (London. 1949. Pp. 278. $1.00.) pp. 771-771

- J. B. Shannon
- Understanding Politics; A Practical Guide for Women. By Louise M. Young. (New York: Pellegrini and Cudahy. 1950. Pp. 330. $3.50. ) pp. 772-772

- Hugh A. Bone
- Public Opinion and Propaganda. By Frederick C. Irion. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1950. Pp. xvi, 782. $5.00.) - Surveys, Polls, and Samples; Practical Procedures. By Mildred B. Parten. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1950. Pp. xii, 624. $5.00.) pp. 772-773

- Norton E. Long
- Heritage of Conflict; Labor Relations in the Nonferrous Metal Industry up to 1930. By Vernon H. Jensen. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 495. $4.75.) pp. 773-773

- Joseph E. Kallenbach
- Puerto Rico's Economic Future; A Study in Planned Development. By Harvey S. Perlopf. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1950. Pp. xviii, 435. $4.75) pp. 774-774

- Henry Wells
- Conduct of American Diplomacy. By Elmer Plischke. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.1950. Pp. xiv, 542. $4.85.) - The Future of Democratic Capitalism. By Thurman W. Arnold, Morris L. Ernst, Adolf A. BerleJr., Lloyd K. Garrison and Alfred Zimmern. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1950. Pp. x, 112. $2.00.) - Rural America and the Extension Service. By Edmund deS. Brunner and E. Hsin Pao Yang. (New York: Teachers College, Columbia University. 1949. Pp. xii, 210. $3.00.) - Forgotten Patriot; Robert Morris. By Eleanor Young. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. xii, 280. $4.00.) - John C. Calhoun; American Portrait. By Margaret L. Coit. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1950. Pp. xii, 593. $5.00.) - John Bell of Tennessee. By Joseph Howard Parks. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1950. Pp. xi, 435. $5.00.) - The Confederate States of America, 1861–1865. By E. Merton Coulter. Volume VII of A History of the South series. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1950. Pp. xiv, 644. $7.00.) - Leading Constitutional Decisions. By Robert Eugene Cushman. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.1950. Pp. xix, 410. $2.50.) - Modern Republic; How the U. S. Can Maintain both Security and Freedom. By Spencer Pinkham. (New York: Corwin. 1950. Pp. 137. $2.50.) - Sources for the Study of the Administration of Criminal Justice. By Dorothy Campbell Tompkins. (Sacramento: Special Crime Study Commissions and the California State Board of Corrections. 1949. Pp. 3, 294. $1.28.) - Crusaders for American Liberalism. By Louis Filler. (Yellow Springs, Ohio: The Antioch Press. 1950. Pp. xvi, 422. $4.00.) - Elements of American Government. By John H. Ferguson and Dean E. McHenry. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1950. Pp. x, 803. $4.25.) - Essentials of American Government. By Frederic A. Ogg and P. Orman Ray. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.1950. Pp. viii, 732. $4.50.) - The People, Politics, and the Politician; An Anthology of American Politics in Action. By A. N. Christensen and Evron M. Kirkpatrick. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1950. Pp. xiv, 1042. $4.50.) - Catalog of United States Census Publications, 1790–1945. By Henry J. Dubester. (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office. 1950. Pp. x, 320. $1.50.) pp. 774-781

- Richard H. Heindel
- The Structure of Local Government in England and Wales. By W. Eric Jackson. (New York: Longmans, Green and Co.1950. Pp. xix, 261. $2.50.) pp. 781-782

- Edward W. Weidner
- Administrative Tribunals at Work; A Symposium. Edited by Robert S. W. Pollard. (London: Stevens and Sons Ltd.1950. Pp. xx, 154. 17s 6d.) pp. 782-782

- W. Hardy Wickwar
- The Government of the Soviet Union. By Samuel N. Harper and Ronald Thompson. (New York: D. van Nostrand Co., Inc.1949. Pp. xiv, 369. $5.00.) pp. 783-784

- Vladimir Gsovski
- Staten och Organisationerna. By Gunnar Heckscher. (Stockholm: Kooperativa förbundets bokförlag. 1946. Pp. 267. Kr. 7: 50.) pp. 784-785

- James J. Robbins
- New Light on the History of the Taiping Rebellion. By Ssu-yu Teng. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. ii, 132. $1.75.) pp. 784-784

- Francis R. Valeo
- Industrial Management in the USSR. By A. Arakelian. Translated by Ellsworth L. Raymond. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press. 1950. Pp. 168. $3.00.) pp. 784-784

- Harry Schwartz
- British Broadcasting; A Study in Monopoly. By R. H. Coase. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. ix, 206. $2.75.) - Canada. Edited by George W. Brown. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1950. Pp. xxi, 621, $6.50.) - The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada. By Catherine Lyle Cleverdon. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 324. $4.50.) - Britain's Crisis of Empire. By R. Palme Dutt. (New York: International Publishers. 1950. Pp. 168. $1.25.) - The British Approach to Politics. By Michael Stewart. (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.1949. Pp. viii, 336. $3.50.) - Tito. By George Bilainkin. (New York: Philosophical Library, Inc.1950. Pp. 287. $3.75.) - Israel in Crisis. By A. B. Magil. (New York: International Publishers. 1950. Pp. 224. $2.50.) - The Governments of Foreign Powers. By Philip W. Buck and John W. Maslan (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1950. Pp. xi, 948. $4.00.) - Notes on Educational Problems in Communist China; 1941–1947. By Michael Lindsay. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1950. Pp. iii, 194. $2.50.) - The Development of Upland Areas in the Far East. By Pierre Gourou, Joseph E. Spencer and Glenn T. Trehartha. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1949. Pp. iii, 82. $1.00.) - An Encyclopedia of Modern World Politics. By Walter Theimer. (New York and Toronto: Rinehart & Company, Inc., 1950. Pp. 696. $5.00.) pp. 785-791

- Anonymous
- International Relations; In the Age of the Conflict between Democracy and Dictatorship. By Robert Strausz-Hupé and Stefan T. Possony. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.1950. Pp. xiii, 947. $6.00.) pp. 791-793

- Norman J. Padelford
- Roosevelt; From Munich to Pearl Harbor. By Basil Rauch. (New York: Creative Age Press. 1950. Pp. xiv, 527. $4.50.) pp. 793-794

- Ruhl Bartlett
- A Decade of American Foreign Policy; Basic Documents, 1941–1949. By U. S. Department of State and Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. (Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office. 1950. Pp. xix, 1381.) pp. 793-793

- Leland M. Goodrich
- Cases and other Materials of World Law. Edited by Louis B. Sohn. (Brooklyn: The Foundation Press Inc.1950. Pp. 1363. $8.00.) pp. 794-795

- Gerhart Niemeyer
- Soviet Imperialism; Russia's Drive Toward World Domination. By E. Day Carman. (Washington, D. C.: Public Affairs Press, 1950. Pp. 175. $3.25.) - Soviet Expansion and the West. By Anthony Trawick Bouscaren. (San Francisco: Pacific States Printing Company. 1949. Pp. xvi, 199. $3.00.) pp. 795-796

- Philip E. Mosely
- American-Russian Relations in the Far East. By Pauline Tompkins. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1949. Pp. xiv., 426. $5.00.) - National Air Power and International Politics; A Select Bibliography. By Eugene Emme. (Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama: Studies and Research Branch, Historical Division. 1950. Pp. v, 191.) - Geo-Economic Regionalism and World Federation. By Maurice Parmalee. (New York: Exposition Press. 1949. Pp. xi, 137. $2.50.) - Internationalism and Democracy; Essays: Personal, Historical and Political in Memory of Charles E. Payne. Edited by Stuart Gerry Brown. (Syracuse: Published by Syracuse University Press for Grinnell College. 1950. Pp. vii, 185. $3.50.) - Half of One World. By Foster Hailey. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. x, 207. $3.00.) - A Diplomatic History of the American People. By Thomas A. Bailey. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.1950. Pp. xxix, 986. $5.00.) - A Diplomatic History of the United States. By Samuel Flagg Bemis. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1950. Pp. xiii, 994. $5.75.) pp. 796-802

- Anonymous
- The Crisis of the Constitution; An Essay in Constitutional and Political Thought in England, 1608–1645. By Margaret Atwood Judson. (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 1949. Pp. xi, 444. $5.00.) pp. 802-802

- Francis D. Wormuth
- Living Law of Democratic Society. By Jerome Hall. (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.1949. Pp. 146. $2.50.) pp. 803-803

- Willard Hurst
- Political Science and Economics in Western Germany; A Postwar Survey. By Ernst Wilhelm Meyer. (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, European Affairs Division. 1950. Pp. 23.) pp. 803-804

- C. B. Robson
- Anglophobia in France, 1763–1789; An Essay in the History of Constitutionalism and Nationalism. By Frances Acomb. (Durham: Duke University Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 167. $4.50.) - Leopold Ranke; The Formative Years. By Theodore H. Von Laue. (Princeton: University Press. 1950. Pp. ix. 230. $4.00.) - A History of Political Theory. By George H. Sabine. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1950. Pp. xxi, 934. $4.60.) - Politics; Who Gets What, When, How. By Harold D. Lasswell. (New York: Peter Smith. 1950. Pp. ix, 264. $3.25.) - Intellectual Capitalism By Johannes Alasco. (New York: World University Press. 1950. Pp. xviii, 140. $3.00.) - Out of My Later Years. By Albert Einstein. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. Pp. viii, 282. $4.75.) - The Social Costs of Private Enterprise. By K. William Kapp. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1950. Pp. xiii, 287. $4.50.) - Twentieth Century Economic Thought. Edited by Glen Hoover. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1950. Pp. xiii, 819. $12.00.) - Human Ecology; A Theory of Community Structure. By Amos H. Hawley. (New York: The Ronald Press Company. 1950. Pp. xvi, 456. $5.00.) - The Forty-Eighters; Political Refugees of the German Revolution of 1848. Edited by A. E. Zucker. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. xviii, 379. $4.50.) pp. 804-807

- Anonymous
Volume 44, issue 2, 1950
- The Growth of the American Political Science Review, 1926–1949 pp. 257-265

- Harold Zink
- Controls and Tensions in the Soviet System* pp. 266-282

- Merle Fainsod
- The Value of the Hoover Commission Reports to the Educator* pp. 283-298

- E. S. Redford
- Nationalised Industries in Britain and France pp. 299-322

- William A. Robson
- Business Organized as Power: The New Imperium in Imperio pp. 323-342

- Alpheus T. Mason
- The Nuremberg Trials as Sources of Recent German Political and Historical Materials pp. 343-357

- Jacques Maritain
- Generalists Versus Specialists in Social Science: An Economist's View 1 pp. 358-379

- J. J. Spengler
- Discussion pp. 380-393

- Stuart A. Rice, Francis G. Wilson and Thomas I. Cook
- The Semantics of Political Science pp. 394-406

- Charner Perry
- Discussion pp. 407-425

- Hebbert A. Simon, Max Radin, George A. Lundberg and Harold D. Lasswell
- The Pre-Election Polls of 1948. By Frederick Mosteller, Herbert Hyman, Philip J. McCarthy, Eli S. Marks, David B. Truman. (New York: Social Science Research Council. 1949. Pp. xx, 391. $2.50.) - The Polls and Public Opinion. Edited by Norman C. Meier and Harold W. Saunders. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1949. Pp. x, 346. $2.75.) pp. 459-464

- Peter Odegard
- British War Economy. By W. K. Hancock and M. M. Gowing. (London: His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1949. Pp. xvii, 583. 21 s. or $4.75 from British Information Services, New York.) pp. 464-468

- James W. Fesler
- Congress Makes A Law; The Story Behind the Employment Act of 1946. By Stephen Kemp Bailey. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. 282. $3.75.) pp. 468-470

- Belle Zeller
- A Communist Party in Action; An Account of the Organization and Operations in France. By Angelo Rossi. Translated and edited, with an introduction, By Willmoore Kendall. (Yale University Press. 1949. Pp. xxiv, 301. $4.00.) pp. 470-473

- Herman Finer
- Cases and Readings on Law and Society. By Sidney Post Simpson and Julius Stone, with the collaboration of M. Magdalena Schoch. Vol. I, Law and Society in Evolution; Vol. II, Law in Modern Democratic Society; Vol. III, Law, Totalitarianism and Democracy. (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co. 1948–1949. Pp. xlvii, xliii, xlii, 2389. $7, $8, $7.) pp. 473-476

- David Fellman
- Western Political Heritage. By William Y. Elliott and Neil A. McDonald. (New York: Prentice-Hall. 1949. Pp. 1027. $6.75.) pp. 476-478

- Walter H. Bennett
- The Ramparts We Guard. By R. M. MacIver. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1950. Pp. 152. $3.00.) - The Design of Democracy. By Laurence Stapleton. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1949. Pp. 301. $4.00.) pp. 478-480

- David Spitz
- Authoritarianism and the Individual. By Harold Metz and C. A. H. Thompson. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1950. Pp. xi, 371. $3.50.) - The Individual and Society. By Evan L. Lewis. (New York: Exposition Press. 1949. Pp. ii, 111. $3.00.) pp. 480-482

- August O. Spain
- American Democracy and Natural Law. By Cornelia G. Le Boutillier (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. vi, 204. $3.00.) pp. 482-483

- Manning J. Dauer
- The Study of Comparative Government; An Appraisal of Contemporary Trends. Edited by Jasper Shannon. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1949. Pp. viii, 338. $4.00.) pp. 483-484

- Stephen K. Bailey
- My Three Years in Moscow. By Lt. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith. (Philadelphia: Lippincott Publishing Company. 1950. Pp. 376, $3.75.) pp. 484-486

- P. E. Corbett
- Roosevelt and the Russians; the Yalta Conference. By Edward R. StettiniusJr., and Edited by Walter Johnson. (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1949. Pp. xvi, 367. $4.00.) pp. 486-488

- William B. Ballis
- National Transportation Policy. By Charles L. Dearing and Wilfred Owen. (Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution. 1949. Pp. xiv, 459. $4.00.) - Issues Involved in a Unified and Coordinated Federal Program for Transportation. A Report to the President from the Secretary of Commerce. (Washington, D. C.: United States Government Printing Office. 1949. Pp. 49. $.20.) pp. 488-490

- Charles Aikin
- Wartime Economic Planning in Agriculture; A Study in the Allocation of Resources. By Bela Gold. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 594. $6.75.) pp. 490-492

- Norman Wengert
- Relations Between the Federal and State Courts. By Mitchell Wendell. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 298. $4.00.) pp. 492-494

- Rodney L. Mott
- On Understanding the Supreme Court. By Paul A. Freund. (Boston: Little, Brown & Company. 1949. Pp. 130. $3.00.) pp. 494-495

- Alpheus T. Mason
- Discontent at the Polls. By Murray S. StedmanJr., and Susan W. Stedman. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. x, 190. $2.75.) pp. 495-496

- Cortez A. M. Ewing
- This I Remember. By Eleanor Roosevelt. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1949. Pp. x, 387. $4.50.) pp. 496-497

- Harold F. Gosnell
- The Relativity of War and Peace; A Study in Law, History, and Politics. By Fritz Grob. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1949. Pp. xviii, 402. $5.00.) pp. 497-498

- Charles Fairman
- Public Administration in A Democratic Society. By W. Brooke Graves. (Boston: D. C. Heath and Company. 1950. Pp. xvi, 759. $6.00.) pp. 499-500

- Joseph M. Ray
- American Politics and the Party System. By Hugh A. Bone. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1949. Pp. viii, 777. $5.50.) pp. 499-499

- Oliver Garceau
- Introduction to Municipal Government and Administration. By Arthur W. Bromage. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1950. Pp. vii, 693. $5.00.) pp. 500-500

- Joseph M. Ray
- American City Government. By William Anderson and Edward W. Weidner. (New York: Henry Holt and Co. Rev. ed. 1950. Pp. xiii, 625. $4.25.) pp. 500-500

- Weldon Cooper
- Government, Politics and Administration in Missouri. By Carl A. McCandless. (Educational Publishers. 1949. Pp. 261, 49. $3.00.) pp. 501-502

- J. Alton Burdine
- 27 Masters of Politics. By Raymond Moley. (New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company. 1949. Pp. xii, 276. $3.50.) pp. 501-501

- James Mac-Gregor Burns
- Minimum Standards of Judicial Administration. By Arthur T. Vanderbilt. (New York: Law Center of New York University. 1949. Pp. xxxii, 752. $7.50.) pp. 502-502

- Alden L. Powell
- Metropolitan Los Angeles; One Community. By Mel Scott. (Los Angeles: The Haynes Foundation. 1949. Pp. 192. $5.00.) - Metropolitan Los Angeles; Its Governments. By Helen L. Jones and Robert F. Wilcox. (Los Angeles: The Haynes Foundation. 1949. Pp. 224. $5.00.) pp. 502-502

- Victor Jones
- Government Publications for the Citizen. By James L. McCamy. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 139. $2.50.) - The Public Library in the Political Process. By Oliver Garceau. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 254. $3.75.) pp. 503-503

- Harold F. Gosnell
- Wartime Experiences of the National Labor Relations Board, 1941–1945. By Fred Witney. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1949. Pp. 309. $2.50 [paper]. $3.50 [cloth]) pp. 503-504

- Harold W. Davey
- Airline Competition. By Frederick W. Gill and Gilbert L. Bates. (Boston: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University. 1949. Pp. 691. $5.75.) pp. 504-504

- Burton N. Behling
- History of the American Newspaper Publishers Association. By Edwin Emery. (Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press. 1950. Pp. 263. $3.50.) pp. 504-505

- Howard C. Perkins
- The Strengthening of American Political Institutions. By A. S. Mike Monroney et al. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1949. Pp. ix, 134. $2.00.) - American Government under the Constitution. By Paul C. Bartholomew. (Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown. 1949. Pp. viii, 369. $3.25.) - History of California State Correctional Administration from 1930 to 1948. By Lloyd L. Voigt. (San Rafael, California: Published by author. 1949. Pp. 126. $2.00.) - California Government; Politics and Administration. By Winston W. Crouch and Dean E. McHenry. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1949. Pp. ix, 407. $5.00.) - Records of the Court of Chancery of South Carolina, 1671–1779. Edited by Anne King Gregorie. (Washington, D.C.: The American Historical Association. 1950. Pp. 676. $10.00.) - Virginia's State Government During the Second World War. By Francis Howard Heller. (Richmond: Virginia State Library. 1949. Pp. xvii, 203. $2.00.) - American State Government and Administration. By Austin F. MacDonald. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1950. Pp. xiii, 722. $4.00.) - State and Local Government. By Claudius O. Johnson. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1950. Pp. ix, 289. $2.50.) - Readings in American State Government. By Lane W. Lancaster and A. C. Breckenridge. (New York: Rinehart and Company, Inc. 1950. Pp. ix, 347. $1.50.) - Our Sovereign State. Edited by Robert S. Allen. (New York: The Vanguard Press, Inc. 1949. Pp. xxxviii, 413. $5.00.) - Digest of County Manager Charters and Laws. (New York: National Municipal League. $3.00.) - Silas Wright. By John Arthur Garraty. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 426. $5.00.) - The Corporation in New Jersey; Business and Politics, 1791–1875. By John William CadmanJr., (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1949. Pp. xvi, 462. $6.00.) - Government and Business. By Ford P. Hall. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1949. Pp. xi, 594. $5.00.) - Readings on Agricultural Policy. Edited by O. B. Jesness. (Philadelphia: The Blakiston Company. 1949. Pp. xi, 470. $4.75.) - State Government. By Oliver P. Field, Pressly S. Sikes and John E. Stoner. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1949. Pp. ix, 692. $4.50.) pp. 505-507

- Anonymous
- The German Social Democratic Party, 1914–1921. By A. Joseph Berlau. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 374. $4.75.) pp. 507-508

- Wolfgang H. Kraus
- Democratic Government in Canada. By R. MacGregor Dawson. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1950. Pp. 188. $2.75.) pp. 508-508

- George M. Hougham
- The Elizabethan House of Commons. By J. E. Neale. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1950. Pp. 455. $5.00.) - Sale of Offices in the Seventeenth Century. By K. W. Swart. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. 1949. Pp. 165.) - The Law and the Commonwealth. By R. T. E. Latham. (London: Oxford University Press. 1949. Pp. viii, 510–633. $1.75.) - Germany Under Occupation; Illustrative Materials and Documents. By James K. Pollock, James H. Meisel and Heney L. Bretton. (Ann Arbor: George Wahr Publishing Co. 1949. Pp. 305.) - Contrôle de l'Allemagne. Control of Germany. By Louis F. Aubert, William Diebold, Michael Zvegintzovet al., (Paris: Marcel Rivière et Cie. Distributed in the U. S. by Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 144. $1.25.) - Education in Occupied Germany. L'Education de l'Allemagne Occupée. By Helen Liddell, Edmund Vermeil, Bogdan Suchodolski. (Paris: Marcel Rivière et Cie. Distributed in the U. S. by Columbia University Press. 1948. Pp. 148. $1.25.) - The Austrian Electoral Reform of 1907. By William Alexander Jenks. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. 227. $3.25.) - Whirlwind; Tito's Rise to Power. By Stephen Clissold. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1949. Pp. 245. $3.75.) - The Cardinal's Story; The Life and Work of Joseph, Cardinal Mindszenty, Archbishop of Esztergom, Primate of Hungary. By Stephen K. Swift. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1949. Pp. x, 328. $3.75.) - Leaves from a Russian Diary—and Thirty Years After. By Pitirim A. Sorokin. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1950. Pp. ix, 346. $3.50.) - India, Pakistan, and the West. By Percival Spear. (London: Oxford University Press. 1949. Pp. 232. $2.00.) pp. 508-509

- Anonymous
- Making the Peace—1941–1945. By William L. Neuman. (Washington, D.C.: Foundation for Foreign Affairs. 1950. Pp. 101. $1.00.) - International Monetary and Financial Conferences in the Interwar Period. By Dean E. Traynor. (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. 1949. Pp. ix, 196. $2.25.) - Contemporary International Relations; 1949–1950. Edited by Norman J. Padelford. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1949. Pp. xii, 397. $2.50.) - The European Press Today. By European Affairs Division, Library of Congress. (Washington, D.C.: 1949. Pp. 152. [Multilith.] $1.00. For sale by Card Division, Library of Congress.) - The United States and Europe; a Bibliographical Examination of Thought Expressed in American Publications during 1949. By European Affairs Division, Library of Congress. (Washington, D.C. 1949. Pp. 192. [Multilith.] $1.30. For sale by Card Division, Library of Congress.) - 1949 Annual Review of United Nations Affairs. Edited by Clyde Eagleton. (New York: New York University Press. 1950. Pp. ix, 322. $5.00.) - How Can We the People Achieve a Just Peace? Selected Speeches, Second Annual Session, Mount Holyoke College Institute on The United Nations, June 26-July 23, 1949. Edited by Ruth C. Lawson, Director. (Holyoke, Mass.: Mount Holyoke College. 1949. Pp. viii, 254. $2.00.) - Non-Self-Governing Territories; Summaries and Analyses of Information Transmitted to the Secretary-General during 1948. By The United Nations. (Lake Success, New York: United Nations Publications. 1949. Pp. vii, 686.) - African Dependencies; A Challenge to Western Democracy. By Nwankwo Chukuwemeka. (New York: The William-Frederick Press. 1950. Pp. 210. $3.50.) - Historical Survey of the Question of International Criminal Jurisdiction. Memorandum Submitted by The Secretary-General. (Lake Success, New York: United Nations Publication. 1949. Pp. vii, 147. $1.00.) - Documents on European Recovery and Defence; March 1947-April 1949. (London and New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1949. Pp. vii, 150. $2.50.) - The Evolution of Our Latin-American Policy; A Documentary Record. Edited by James W. Gantenbein. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1950. Pp. xxvii, 979. $12.50.) - Berlin Command. By Brigadier General Frank Howley. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1950. Pp. 276. $3.50.) - The People Don't Know; The American Press and the Cold War. By George Seldes. (New York: Gaer Associates. 1949. Pp. 342. $3.00.) pp. 510-512

- Anonymous
- Russia and the West in Iran, 1918–1948. By George Lenczowski. (New York: Cornell University Press. 1949. Pp. xv, 393. $4.50.) pp. 510-510

- William B. Ballis
- Respublica Helveticorum. By Ernst Reibstein. (Bern: Verlag Haupt. 1949. Pp. 101.) pp. 512-513

- Carl J. Friedrich
- Industrialisation et Technocratie. Edited by George Gurvitch, with an introduction by Lucien Febvre. (Paris: Librarie Armand Colin. 1949. Pp. xii, 214.) - The Idea of Progress; A Collection of Readings. By Frederick J. Teggart and George H. Hildebrand. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1949. Pp. xi, 457. $6.00.) - On World Government or De Monarchia. By Dante Alighieri. Translated by Herbert W. Schneider with an Introduction by Dino Bigongiari. (New York: The Little Library of Liberal Arts. The Liberal Arts Press. 1949. Pp. xiv, 61. $0.40.) - Human Rights; Comments and Interpretations. Edited by UNESCO. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 288. $3.75.) - Primer of Intellectual Freedom. Edited by Howard Mumford Jones. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1949. Pp. xv, 191. $2.75.) - English Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century. By Crane Brinton. 1949. Pp. vii, 312. $3.50.) - The Debate on the American Revolution, 1761–1783. Edited by Max Beloff. (London: Nicholas Kaye. 1949. Pp. xi. 304. 12s. 6d.) - St. Thomas and the World State. By Robert M. Hutchins. (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press. 1949. Pp. 53. $1.50.) - The Driving Power of Western Civilization; The Christian Revolution of the Middle Ages. By Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1949. Pp. xiv, 126. $2.50.) pp. 513-514

- Anonymous
- Our Eminent Friend Edmund Burke. By Thomas W. Copeland. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1949. Pp. ix, 251. $4.00.) - Burke's Politics: Selected Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke. Edited by Ross J. S. Hoffman and Paul Levack. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1949. Pp. xxxvii, 536. $4.75.) pp. 513-513

- Lawrence C. Wanlass
Volume 44, issue 1, 1950
- Political Science and World Stabilization* pp. 1-13

- Quincy Wright
- British Ideas of a Social Parliament pp. 14-22

- Ernest Barker
- Constitutional Law in 1948–1949 pp. 23-46

- Robert J. Harris
- Chinese Communist Urban Policy* pp. 47-63

- H. Arthur Steiner
- The Kremlin's Professional Staff: The “Apparatus” of the Central Committee, Communist Party of the Soviet Union pp. 64-85

- Louis Nemzer
- The Lodge-Gossett Resolution: A Critical Analysis pp. 86-99

- Ruth C. Silva
- Introduction pp. 100-101

- W. W. Pierson
- A Historian's Point of View pp. 101-118

- Arthur P. Whitaker
- A Political Scientist's Point of View pp. 118-129

- Russell H. Fitzgibbon
- An Economist's Point of View pp. 129-142

- Sanford A. Mosk
- Discussion: A Sociologist's Point of View pp. 143-149

- W. Rex Crawford
- Southern Politics in State and Nation. By V. O. KeyJr., (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1949. Pp. xxvi, 675. $6.00.) pp. 192-194

- Arthur N. Holcombe
- The Department of State; A History of its Organization, Procedure, and Personnel. By Graham H. Stuart. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1949. Pp. 517. $7.50.) pp. 194-196

- John Gange
- Law and the Executive in Britain; A Comparative Study. By Bernard Schwartz. (New York: New York University Press. 1949. Pp. viii, 388. $5.50.) pp. 196-198

- J. Roland Pennock
- The President and the Presidency. By Louis Brownlow. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1949. Pp. xiv, 137. $2.75.) pp. 198-198

- V. O. Key
- A Grammar of American Politics; The National Government. By Wilfred E. Binkley and Malcolm C. Moos. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1949. Pp. x, 760 + xviii. $4.50.) pp. 199-200

- Harold M. Dorr
- Administration; The Art and Science of Organization and Management. By Albert Lepawsky. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1949. Pp. xii, 669. $4.75.) pp. 200-201

- Dwight Waldo
- Courts on Trial. By Jerome Frank. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1949. Pp. xii, 441. $5.00.) pp. 201-203

- K. C. Cole
- Authority and the Individual. By Bertrand Russell. (New York: Simon and Schuster. 1949. Pp. 79. $2.00.) pp. 203-204

- John H. Hallowell
- Freedom and Welfare in the Caribbean; A Colonial Dilemma. By Annette Baker Fox. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1949. Pp. x, 272. $3.50.) pp. 204-206

- Rupert Emerson
- Labor in Norway. By Walter Galenson. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1949. Pp. xii, 373. $5.00.) pp. 206-207

- John H. Ferguson
- Social Background of Indian Nationalism. By A. R. Desai. (Bombay: Oxford University Press [Indian Branch]. 1949. Pp. 398. $7.50.) pp. 207-208

- Richard L. Park
- China, the Far East, and the Future. By George W. Keeton. (London: Stevens and Sons, Ltd.1949. Pp. xi, 511. 21s.) pp. 208-209

- Harold M. Vinacke
- Modern Foreign Governments. By Frederic A. Ogg and Harold Zink. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1949. Pp. xi, 1004. $6.00.) pp. 209-211

- Edward G. Lewis
- The United States in World Affairs, 1948–1949. By John C. Campbell and the Research Staff of the Council on Foreign Relations. (New York: Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers. 1949. Pp. xvii, 604. $5.00.) pp. 211-212

- Halford L. Hoskins
- Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. By Lester Markel and Others. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1949. Pp. xii, 227. $3.50.) pp. 212-213

- Richard H. Heindel
- Promise and Fulfilment; Palestine 1917–1949. By Arthur Koestler. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1949. Pp. ix, 335. $4.00.) pp. 213-214

- William Reitzel
- Most of the World. Edited by Ralph Linton. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1949. Pp. 917. $5.50.) pp. 214-215

- Carl M. Frasure
- Latin American Politics and Government. By Austin F. Macdonald. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. 1949. Pp. vii, 620. $4.50.) pp. 215-216

- Edgar B. Cale
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