American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 48, issue 4, 1954
- Presidential Address pp. 961-971

- Ralph J. Bunche
- The Ryukyu Islands: Pawn of the Pacific* pp. 972-998

- Ralph Braibanti
- Hume and Conservatism pp. 999-1016

- Sheldon S. Wolin
- The Conservative Dilemma: Reflections on the Political Thought of Metternich pp. 1017-1030

- Henry A. Kissinger
- The Contemporary Doctrine of the Soviet State and its Philosophical Foundations pp. 1031-1057

- Vernon V. Aspaturian
- The Logical and the Real in Political Theory: Plato, Aristotle, and Marx pp. 1058-1066

- Charles N. R. McCoy
- The People of the State Department and Foreign Service pp. 1067-1082

- James L. McCamy and Alessandro Corradini
- Charisma in the 1952 Campaign* pp. 1083-1102

- James C. Davies
- The Protection of the Public Interest with Special Reference to Administrative Regulation* pp. 1103-1113

- Emmette S. Redford
- Co-determination in Germany* pp. 1114-1127

- Herbert J. Spiro
- An Interpretation of the Philippine Election of 1953* pp. 1128-1138

- Harold F. Gosnell
- The Future of Cities and Urban Redevelopment. Edited by Coleman Woodbury. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. xix, 764. $9.00.) - Urban Redevelopment: Problems and Practices. Edited by Coleman Woodbury. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 525. $7.50.) pp. 1153-1155

- John C. Bollens
- Program Budgeting: Theory and Practice with Particular Reference to the U. S. Department of the Army. By Frederick C. Mosher. (Chicago: Public Administration Service. 1954. Pp. xiii, 258. $5.00.) pp. 1155-1156

- Harvey C. Mansfield
- Tito's Promised Land. By Alex N. Dragnich. (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 1954. Pp. 333. $5.75.) pp. 1157-1158

- Louis Nemzer
- Terror and Progress USSR: Some Sources of Change and Stability in the Soviet Dictatorship. By Barrington MooreJr., (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1954. Pp. xvii, 261. $4.50.) pp. 1159-1160

- Julian Towster
- The Threat of Soviet Imperialism. Edited by C. Grove Haines. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1954. Pp. xvi, 402. $5.00.) pp. 1160-1162

- Alfred G. Meyer
- The Struggle for Indochina. By Ellen J. Hammer with a Preface by Rupert Emerson. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1954. Published under the Auspices of the Institute of Pacific Relations. Pp. xvii, 332. $5.00.) pp. 1162-1164

- William W. Lockwood
- Totalitarianism: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, March 1953. Edited by Carl J. Friedrich. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1954. Pp. viii, 386. $6.50.) pp. 1164-1165

- John S. Reshetar
- Supreme Court and Supreme Law. Edited by Edmond Cahn. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1954. Pp. ix, 250. $4.00.) pp. 1165-1167

- Robert J. Harris
- Robert M. LaFollette: June 14, 1855–June 18, 1925. By Bella Case LaFollette and Fola LaFollette. (New York: Macmillan Co.1953. 2 vols. Pp. xx, 730; vii, 731–1305. $15.00.) pp. 1167-1168

- Wallace S. Sayre
- A Court for Children: A Study of the New York City Children's Court. By Alfred J. Kahn. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1953. Pp. xxii, 359. $4.50.) pp. 1169-1170

- Alan Keith-Lucas
- The Regulation of Businessmen. By Robert E. Lane. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. 1954. Pp. xiii, 144. $3.75.) pp. 1170-1171

- Francis D. Wormuth
- Federal-State-Local Tax Correlation: Symposium. (Princeton: Tax Institute. 1954. Pp. viii, 248. $5.00.) pp. 1170-1170

- Weldon Cooper
- Letters on Public Administration: From a Dean to His Graduates. By Lent D. Upson. (Detroit: Citizens Research Council of Michigan. 1954. Pp. xi, 178.) pp. 1171-1172

- Roscoe C. Martin
- Is There a Republican Majority? Political Trends, 1952–1956. By Louis Harris. (New York: Harper & Bros.1954. Pp. xviii, 231. $3.50.) pp. 1171-1171

- Harold F. Gosnell
- A Descriptive Catalogue of Government Publications of the United States, September 5, 1774–March 4, 1881. By Ben: Perley Poore. (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1885. Ann Arbor, Mich.: J. W. Edwards, reprinted, 1953. Pp. 1392. $14.40.) pp. 1172-1172

- J.B.C.,
- Party Politics in the Golden State. By Dean R. Cresap. (Los Angeles: The Haynes Foundation. 1954. Pp. xi, 126. $2.50 cloth, $2.00 paper.) pp. 1172-1172

- Anonymous
- Local Government and Administration: Principles and Problems. By James E. Pate. (New York: American Book Co.1954. Pp. ix, 595. $5.75.) pp. 1173-1174

- Anonymous
- Civil-Military Relations: An Annotated Bibliography. 1940–1952. By Committee on Civil-Military Relations Research of the Social Science Research Council. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1954. Pp. x, 140. $2.00.) pp. 1173-1173

- Anonymous
- Management in the Public Service: The Quest for Effective Performance. By John D. Millett. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.1954. Pp. xi, 417. $5.50.) pp. 1173-1173

- Anonymous
- Ford: The Times, the Man, the Company. By Allan Nevins. With The Collaboration of Frank Ernest Hill. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1954. Pp. xx, 688. $6.75.) pp. 1173-1173

- Anonymous
- Le Système Constitutionnel des États-Unis d'Amérique: Histoire Constitutionnelle. By André Tunc and Suzanne Tunc. Preface by René David. (Paris: Éditions Domat Montchrestien. 1954. Pp. viii, 507.) pp. 1173-1173

- Anonymous
- The American Government: Democracy in Action. By Charles E. Merriam and Robert E. Merriam. (Boston: Ginn & Co.1954. Pp. xi, 944. $6.25.) pp. 1173-1173

- Anonymous
- I Protest. By G. Bromley Oxnam. (New York: Harper & Bros.1954. Pp. 186. $2.50.) pp. 1173-1173

- Anonymous
- Newton D. Baker and His Books. By Willis Thornton. (Cleveland: The Press of Western Reserve University. 1954. Pp. 85.) pp. 1174-1174

- Anonymous
- Building a Better Home Town: A Program of Community Self-Analysis and Self-Help. By H. Clay Tate. (New York: Harper & Bros.1954. Pp. xvi, 236. $3.50.) pp. 1174-1174

- Anonymous
- The Future of the House of Lords. Edited by Sydney D. Bailey. (London: The Hansard Society. 1954. Pp. 180. 10/6.) pp. 1180-1181

- John R. Williams
- Uruguay: Portrait of a Democracy. By Russell H. Fitzgibbon. (New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press. 1954. Pp. xiv, 301. $5.75.) pp. 1181-1181

- Robert E. Scott
- Interpretación de la Historia de Sudamerica. By Arturo Vilela. (La Paz, Bolivia: Biblioteca Pacena. 1953. Pp. 230.) pp. 1181-1182

- William S. Stokes
- The Dynamics of Democratic Government. By John P. Roche and Murray S. StedmanJr.,(New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.1954. Pp. ix, 445. $5.00.) pp. 1182-1182

- Anonymous
- Why Dictators? The Causes and Forms of Tyrannical Rule since 600 B.C. By George W. F. Hallgarten. (New York: The Macmillan Co.1954. Pp. xiii, 379. $5.50.) pp. 1182-1182

- Anonymous
- Art under a Dictatorship. By Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1954. Pp. xv, 277. $5.50.) pp. 1182-1182

- Anonymous
- The Home Office. By SirFrank Newsam. (London: Allen & Unwin; New York: Oxford University Press. 1954. Pp. 224. New Whitehall Series. 15s.) pp. 1183-1183

- J.B.C.,
- Consolidated Index to Government Publications, 1946–1950. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1954. Pp. 162. 6s.) pp. 1183-1183

- J.B.C.,
- Catalogue of Papers Printed by Order of the House of Commons, 1731–1800. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1953. Pp. ix, 101. £1 1s. 0d.) pp. 1183-1183

- J.B.C.,
- Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations. By Kjeld Philip. (Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard. 1954. Pp. 171.) pp. 1183-1183

- Anonymous
- Public Administration Organizations: A Directory of Unofficial Organizations in the Field of Public Administration in the United States and Canada. (Chicago: Public Administration Clearing House. 1954. Pp. xi, 150. $2.50.) pp. 1183-1183

- Anonymous
- Members of the Long Parliament. By D. Brunton and D. H. Pennington. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1954. Pp. xxi, 256, $4.25.) - The Long Parliament, 1640–1641: A Biographical Study of Its Members. By Mary Frear Keeler. (Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society. 1954. Pp. ix, 410. $6.00.) pp. 1183-1183

- Anonymous
- A Short History of Parliament: 1295–1642. By Faith Thompson. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1953. Pp. x, 280. $4.50.) pp. 1183-1183

- Anonymous
- British Politics and the American Revolution. By Charles R. Ritcheson. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 1954. Pp. xv, 320. $4.00.) pp. 1183-1184

- Anonymous
- The Federal Constitution of Switzerland: With German Texts. Translation and Commentary by Christopher Hughes. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1954. Pp. 223. $4.00.) pp. 1184-1185

- Anonymous
- The Constitution of Sweden. Translated by Sarah V. Thorelli with an Introduction by Elias Håstad. (Stockholm: Ivar Haeggströms Boktryckeri. 1954. Pp. 110. Documents published by the Royal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, New Series, II: 4. 7 Sw. crowns.) pp. 1184-1184

- Anonymous
- French Institutions: Values and Politics. By Saul K. Padover with the Collaboration of François Goguel, Louis Rosenstock-Franck and Eric Weil. (Stanford: University Press. 1954. Pp. vi, 102.) - Themes In French Culture: A Preface to a Study of French Community. By Rhoda Métraux and Margaret Mead. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1954. Pp. xi, 120. $1.50.) pp. 1184-1184

- Anonymous
- Protestantism and Politics in France. By Stuart R. Schram. (Alençon, France: Imprimerie Corbière & Jugain. 1954. Pp. viii, 272. $2.50.) pp. 1184-1184

- Anonymous
- Handbuch für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1958. By the Bundesministerium des Innern, et al. (Köln-Berlin: C. Heymanns Verlag K. G.1953. Pp. 247.) pp. 1184-1184

- Anonymous
- Administration et Politique en Allemagne Occidentale. By Alfred Grosser, et al. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. 1954. Pp. xxi, 247.) pp. 1184-1184

- Anonymous
- Toward Understanding Germany. By Robert H. Lowie. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1954. Pp. ix, 396. $6.00.) pp. 1184-1184

- Anonymous
- Jawaharlal Nehru's Speeches, 1949–1953. (Delhi: Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. 1954. Pp. x, 586. $2.50.) pp. 1185-1185

- J.B.C.,
- The Ideology and Program of the Peruvian A prista Movement. By Harry Kantor. (Berkeley: University of California. 1953. Pp. v, 163. Paper, $2.00; cloth, $3.00.) pp. 1185-1185

- Anonymous
- Some Characteristics of the Indian Constitution: Being Lectures Given in the University of Madras during March 1952 under the Sir Alladi Krishnaswami Aieyr Shashtiabdapoorthi Endowment. By Sir Ivor Jennings. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1954. Pp. 86. $1.25.) pp. 1185-1185

- Anonymous
- The Viet-Minh Regime; Government and Administration in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. By Bernard B. Fall. (Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. 1954. Pp. ix, 143. $1.75.) pp. 1185-1185

- Anonymous
- Far Eastern Governments and Politics: China and Japan. By Paul M. A. Linebarger, Djang Chu, Ardath W. Burks. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co. 1954. Pp. x, 630. $6.50.) pp. 1185-1185

- Anonymous
- A Selected List of Books and Articles on Japan in English, French and German. Compiled by Hugh Borton, Serge Elisseeff, William W. Lockwood and John C. Pelzel. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1954. Pp. xi, 272. $5.00.) pp. 1185-1185

- Anonymous
- A Survey of Local Government in the Philippines. By John H. Romani and M. Ladd Thomas. (Manila: University of the Philippines, Institute of Public Administration. 1954. Pp. iii, 151.) pp. 1185-1185

- Anonymous
- Colonial Development and Population in Taiwan. By George W. Barclay. (Princeton, Princeton University Press. 1954. Pp. xviii, 273. $5.00.) pp. 1185-1185

- Anonymous
- Le Droit Soviétique: Tome I. Les Données Fondamentales du Droit Soviétique. Tome II. Le Droit et L'Évolution de la Société Dans L'U.R.S.S. By René David and John N. Hazard. (Paris: Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence. 1954. Pp. viii, 366; 409.) pp. 1186-1186

- Anonymous
- Challenge in Eastern Europe. Edited by C. E. Black. (New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press. 1954. Pp. xviii, 276. $4.00.) pp. 1186-1186

- Anonymous
- A Study of the Philosophy of International Law as Seen in Works of Latin American Writers. By H. B. Jacobini. (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. 1954. Pp. viii, 158.) pp. 1192-1192

- Manuel R. García-Mora
- Benjamin Franklin and American Foreign Policy. By Gerald Stourzh. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1954. Pp. xvii, 335. $4.50.) pp. 1192-1193

- S. Grover Rich
- Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: A Critical Examination of the Foreign Policy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Its Aftermath. Edited by Harry Elmer Barnes. (Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd.1953. Pp. xiii, 679. $6.00.) pp. 1193-1194

- Bernard C. Cohen
- Japan: From Surrender to Peace. By Baron E. J. Lewe Van Aduard. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1954. Pp. xv, 351. $7.50.) pp. 1194-1194

- Ralph Braibanti
- Bibliografía de las Conferencias Americanas. By the Columbus Memorial Library of the Pan American Union. (Washington, D.C.: Pan American Union. 1954. Pp. x, 277. Bibliographic Series No. 41. $1.50.) pp. 1195-1196

- J.B.C.,
- Introduction to International Relations. By Charles P. Schleicher. (New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1954. Pp. xvi, 941. $6.75.) pp. 1196-1197

- Anonymous
- Doubleday Short Studies in Political Science: Political Community at the International Level: Problems of Definition and Measurement. By Karl W. Deutsch. (Pp. x, 70.) - The Revolution in American Foreign Policy, 1945–1954. By William G. Carleton. (Pp. x, 94.) - France: Keystone of Western Defense. By Edgar S. FurnissJr., (Pp. xvii, 77.) - The Problem of Internal Security in Great Britain, 1948–1953. By H. H. Wilson and Harvey Glickman. (Pp. x, 86.) - Germany: Dilemma for American Foreign Policy. By Otto Butz. (Pp. x, 69.) - Democratic Rights versus Communist Activity. By Thomas I. Cook. (Pp. viii, 56.) (New York: Doubleday & Co.1954. $.95 each for Studies 1–5, $.85 for sixth.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- L'Internationalisation des Constitutions. By Yves L. Auguste. (Madrid: Industrias Graficas España. N.D. Pp. 226.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- NATO and Its Prospects. By J. D. Warne. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1954. Pp. vii, 110. $3.00.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- Freedom of Information as a Project of International Legislation: A Study of International Law in Making. By Hilding Eek. (Uppsala: A.-B. Lundequistska Bokhandeln and Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. 1953. Pp. 176. 12 kr.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- Organizing for Peace: International Organization in World Affairs. By Daniel S. Cheever and H. Field HavilandJr., (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.1954. Pp. x, 917. $7.00.) pp. 1196-1196

- Anonymous
- China's Response to the West: A Documentary Survey, 1839-1923. By Ssu-yü Teng and John K. Fairbank. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1954. Pp. vi, 296. $6.75.) pp. 1197-1198

- Anonymous
- International Relations: In the Age of the Conflict between Democracy and Dictatorship. By Robert Strausz-Hupé and Stefan T. Possony. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.1954. 2nd ed. Pp. xiv, 826. $6.50.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Documents on American Foreign Relations, 1953. Edited By Peter V. Curl. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1954. Pp. xxii, 458. $5.00.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1936. Vol. II: Europe. (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1954. Pp. xcv, 853. $4.25.) - Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1936. Vol. IV. The Far East. (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1954. Pp. xci, 1012. $4.50.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1936. Vol. V. The American Republics. (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1954. Pp. xcv, 992. $4.50.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Documents on German Foreign Policy: 1918–1945. Series D (1937–1945). Vol. VIII. The War Years: September 4, 1989-March 18 1940. (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1954. Pp. lxxvi, 974. $4.00.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Russland, die Westmachte und Deutschland: Die Sowjetische Deutschlandpolitik 1943–1953. By Boris Meissner. (Hamburg: H. H. Nölke Verlag. 1954. Pp. 372.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Oil in the Middle East: Its Discovery and Development. By Stephen Hemsley Longrigg. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1954. Issued under the Auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Pp. xiii, 305. $4.00.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Security and the Middle East: The Problem and Its Solution. (New York: The Nation Associates. 1954. Pp. xiv, 159.) pp. 1197-1197

- Anonymous
- Japan's Decision to Surrender. By Robert J. C. Butow. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1954. Pp. xi, 259. $4.00.) pp. 1198-1198

- Anonymous
- Typhoon in Tokyo. By Harry Emerson Wildes. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1954. Pp. v, 356. $4.50.) pp. 1198-1198

- Anonymous
- The Question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. By Ernst Cassirer. Translated and Edited with an Introduction by Peter Gay. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1954. Pp. vii, 129. $2.75.) pp. 1204-1205

- Harvey Wheeler
- Notre Maître, M. Sorel. By Pierre Andreu. (Paris: Bernard Grasset. 1953. Pp. 338.) pp. 1205-1206

- James H. Meisel
- Individualism Reconsidered and Other Essays. By David Riesman. (Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press. 1954. Pp. 529. $6.00.) pp. 1206-1207

- Anonymous
- Principia Politica. By Leonard Woolf. (London: Hogarth Press. 1953. Pp. 315. 25/–.) - The Vocabulary of Politics. BY T. D. Weldon. (Baltimore: Penguin Books. 1953. Pp. 199. 2/–.) pp. 1206-1206

- George Catlin
- The Political Ideas of Alexander von Humboldt: A Brief Preliminary Study. By E. R. Brann. (Madison, Wisconsin: E. R. Brann. 1954. Pp. V, 50.) pp. 1206-1206

- Anonymous
- Experiment in Education: What We Can Learn from Teaching Germany. By William Ernest Hocking. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Co.1954. Pp. xvi, 303. $5.00.) pp. 1207-1208

- Anonymous
- American Thought: A Critical Sketch. By Morris R. Cohen. (Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press. 1954. Pp. 360. $5.00.) pp. 1207-1207

- Anonymous
- French Thought in the Eighteenth Century: Rousseau, Voltaire, Diderot. By Romain Rolland, André Maurois and Edouard Herriot. With an Introduction by Geoffrey Brereton. (New York: David McKay Co.1953. Pp. xxiii, 428. $3.00.) pp. 1207-1207

- Anonymous
- The Great Issues of Politics: An Introduction to Political Science. By Leslie Lipson. (New York: Prentice-Hall. 1954. Pp. xvi, 431. $7.00.) pp. 1207-1207

- Anonymous
- Communism: Challenge to Americans. By Carroll Hawkins. (East Lansing: Michigan State College Press. 1953. Pp. 76. $1.00.) pp. 1207-1207

- Anonymous
- Mao Tse-Tung: Selected Works. Vol. 1: 1926–1936. (New York: International Publishers. 1954. Pp. 336. $3.00.) pp. 1207-1207

- Anonymous
- The State the Enemy. By Ernest Benn. (London: Ernest Benn Ltd.1953. Distributed by the British Book Centre, New York. Pp. 175. $3.00.) pp. 1207-1207

- Anonymous
- Contemporary British Conservatism: Its Nature and Content. By Luigi Savastano. (New York: Vantage Press. 1953. Pp. V, 63. $2.50.) pp. 1207-1207

- Anonymous
- Wirtschaftssysteme und Gesellschaftssysteme. By Eduard Heimann. (Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr Paul Siebeck. 1954. Pp. xiv, 250.) pp. 1207-1207

- Anonymous
Volume 48, issue 3, 1954
- Presidency and Legislation: The Growth of Central Clearance pp. 641-671

- Richard E. Neustadt
- A Pressure Group and the Pressured: A Case Report* pp. 672-691

- Oliver Garceau and Corinne Silverman
- Extra-Legal Political Parties in Wisconsin pp. 692-704

- Frank J. Sorauf
- The Politics of Collective Bargaining: The Postwar Record in Steel pp. 705-720

- Frederick H. Harbison and Robert C. Spencer
- State Cooperation in Enforcement of the Federal Wage-Hour Law pp. 721-737

- Virginia G. Cook
- Military Assistance for Pakistan pp. 738-751

- James W. Spain
- Mass Organizations in Mainland China* pp. 752-765

- Chao Kuo-Chün
- Revisionist Opinion in Post-Treaty Japan* pp. 766-774

- Douglas H. Mendel
- Capital and Carbuncles: The “Great Books” Reappraised pp. 775-786

- Andrew Hacker
- A Method for Evaluating the Distribution of Power in a Committee System pp. 787-792

- L. S. Shapley and Martin Shubik
- Civil Liberties and the Vinson Court. By C. Herman Pritchett. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1954. Pp. xi, 297. $5.00.) pp. 849-851

- Jack W. Peltason
- Law and Politics in the World Community: Essays on Hans Kelsen's Pure Theory and Related Problems in International Law. Edited by George A. Lipsky. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1953. Pp. xx, 373. $6.00.) pp. 851-853

- Oliver J. Lissitzyn
- The Future of Underdeveloped Countries: Political Implications of Development. By Eugene Staley. (New York: Harper and Bros.1954. Pp. xiv, 410. $5.00.) pp. 853-854

- Rupert Emerson
- Cultural Patterns and Technical Change. Edited by Margaret Mead. (Paris: UNESCO. 1953. Pp. 348. $1.75.) pp. 854-856

- Walter H. C. Laves
- The Adams Federalists. By Manning J. Dauer. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1953. Pp. xxiii, 381. $6.00.) pp. 856-857

- Frank Grace
- The Rise and Decline of Liberalism. By Thomas P. Neill. (Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co.1953. Pp. xi, 321. $5.50.) pp. 857-859

- Currin V. Shields
- Plato's Modern Enemies and the Theory of Natural Law. By John Wild. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1953. Pp. xi, 259. $5.50.) - In Defense of Plato. By Ronald B. Levinson. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 674. $10.00.) pp. 859-862

- Eric Voegelin
- Introduction to French Local Government. By Brian Chapman. (London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.1953. Pp. 238. 18 s.) pp. 862-864

- Henry W. Ehrmann
- The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation; Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952. By the Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress. Edward S. Corwin, Editor. (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1953. Pp. xxiv, 1361. $6.25.) pp. 864-865

- J. A. C. Grant
- American State Legislatures: Report of the Committee on American Legislatures, American Political Science Association. Edited by Belle Zeller. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.1954. Pp. ix, 294. $3.50.) pp. 865-868

- Charles S. Hyneman
- Modern China's Foreign Policy. By Werner Levi. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1953. Pp. 399. $5.50.) pp. 868-870

- Alfred Fernbach
- War Labor Boards in the Field. By Allan R. Richards. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1953. Pp. vii, 281. $1.25.) pp. 870-871

- Byron R. Abernethy
- Hidden Threads of History: Wilson through Roosevelt. By Louis B. Wehle. With an Introduction by Allan Nevins. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1953. Pp. xix, 300. $4.00.) pp. 872-873

- E. Allen Helms
- The American President. By Sidney Hyman. (New York: Harper & Bros.1954. Pp. 342. $4.00.) pp. 872-872

- Cortez A. M. Ewing
- Race, Jobs, and Politics: The Story of FEPC. By Louis Ruchames (New York: Columbia University Press. 1953. Pp. x, 255. $3.75.) pp. 873-874

- Felix Rackow
- The Test of Freedom. By Norman Thomas. (New York: W. W. Norton & Co. 1954. Pp. 211. $3.00.) pp. 874-875

- Anonymous
- Index to Congressional Committee Hearings in the Library of the United States House of Representatives Prior to January 1, 1951. Compiled by Russell Saville. (Washington: Government Printing Office. 1954. Pp. 485.) pp. 874-874

- J.B.C.,
- The History of Voting in New Jersey: A Study of Election Machinery, 1664–1911. By Richard P. McCormick. (New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 228. $5.00.) pp. 874-874

- Anonymous
- Public Opinion and Propaganda: A Book of Readings. Edited by Daniel Katz, Dorwin Cartwright, Samuel Eldersveld and Alfred McClung Lee. (New York: The Dryden Press. 1954. Pp. xx, 779. $6.25.) pp. 874-874

- Anonymous
- Metropolitan Los Angeles: A Study in Integration. VIII. Water Supply. By Vincent Ostrom. (Los Angeles: The Haynes Foundation. 1953. Pp. xii, 177. Cloth, $2.75; paper, $2.25.) pp. 874-874

- Anonymous
- Era of the Oath: Northern Loyalty Tests during the Civil War and Reconstruction. By Harold Melvin Hyman. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1954. Pp. xiv, 229. $5.00.) pp. 874-874

- Anonymous
- From the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution: The Roots of American Constitutionalism. Edited with an Introduction by Carl J. Friedrich and Robert G. McCloskey. (New York: The Liberal Arts Press. 1954. Pp. lxviii, 71. $.75.) pp. 875-875

- Anonymous
- Elihu Root and the Conservative Tradition. By Richard W. Leopold. Edited by Oscar Handlin. (Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1954. Pp. x, 222. $3.00.) pp. 875-875

- Anonymous
- Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Ordeal. By Frank Friedel. (Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1954. Pp. 320. $6.00.) pp. 875-875

- Anonymous
- The Republican Roosevelt. By John Morton Blum. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1954. Pp. viii, 170. $3.50.) pp. 875-875

- Anonymous
- Review and Reflection: A Half-Century of Labor Relations. By Cyrus S. Ching. (New York: B. C. Forbes and Sons Publishing Co. 1953. Pp. vi, 204. $3.95.) pp. 875-875

- Anonymous
- American Planning and Civic Annual. Edited by James Harlean. (Washington: American Planning and Civic Assoc. 1953. Pp. xii, 162.) pp. 875-875

- Anonymous
- The Doctrine of Responsible Party Government: Its Origins and Present State. By Austin Ranney. (Urbana: The University of Illinois Press. 1954. Pp. xi, 176. Paper, $3.00; cloth, $4.00.) pp. 882-883

- J. Roland Pennock
- Democracy in Alberta: The Theory and Practice of a Quasi-Party System. By C. B. Macpherson. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 258. $5.50.) pp. 883-883

- Alexander Heard
- Evolution of Provincial Autonomy in India, 1858 to 1950, with Special Reference to Uttar Pradesh. By P. N. Masaldan. (Bombay: Hind Kitabs Ltd. 1953. Pp. viii, 215. Rs. 10–0.) pp. 883-884

- Gene D. Overstreet
- Russia: What Next? By Isaac Deutscher. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. vii, 230. $3.00.) pp. 884-885

- Herbert McClosky
- Zaibatsu Dissolution in Japan. By T. A. Bisson. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1954. Pp. xi, 314. $5.00.) pp. 885-885

- Paul S. Dull
- Forteckning över statliga utredningar 1904–1945. By Riksdagsbiblioteket. (Norrköping: Ostergötlands dagblads tryckeri. 1953. Pp. vi, 1405. Kr. 40.) pp. 885-886

- J.B.C.,
- L'Evolution récente des institutions politiques dans les territoires d'Outre-Mer et territoires associés. By the Direction de la Documentation of the Présidence du Conseil and by the Direction des Affaires Politiques of the Ministére de la France d'Outre-Mer. (Paris: La Documentation Française. 1954. Pp. 40. Notes et études documentaires, no. 1, 847. 100 francs.) pp. 886-887

- J.B.C.,
- De ontwikkeling van het Minister-presidentschap. By Dr.E. van Raalte. (Leiden: Universitaire Pers. 1954. Pp. xi, 226.) pp. 886-886

- J.B.C.,
- Kanchō kankō—butsu sōgō mokuroku. By Branch Libraries Division, National Diet Library. (Tokyo. 1952. Pp. 650. Yen 1400.) pp. 886-886

- J.B.C.,
- Sveriges officiella statistik. Allmänna val. Riksdaesmannavalen, oren, 1949–1952. By Statistiska Centralbyran. (Stockholm: Kungl, Boktryckeriet P. A. Norstedt & Söner. 1953. Pp. 246.) pp. 886-886

- J.B.C.,
- The Growth of Scandinavian Law. By Lester Bernhardt Orfield. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press for Temple University Publications. 1953. Pp. xx, 363. $8.50.) pp. 886-886

- Anonymous
- The Persian Gulf Gazette. Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct. 1, 1953. (Bahrain: Her Majesty's Political Resident in the Persian Gulf. 1953. 9d, or 8 annas a no. with supplements separately priced.) pp. 887-887

- J.B.C.,
- Annuaire des États Associés: Cambodge–Laos–Vietnam. 1953. (Paris: Editions Diloutremer et Havas. 1953. Pp. 578.) pp. 887-887

- J.B.C.,
- Interpretación de la Historia de Sudamérica. By Arturo Vilela. (La Paz: Biblioteca Pacena, Alcaldia Municipal. 1953. Pp. 224.) pp. 887-887

- Anonymous
- Those Perplexing Argentines. By James Bruce. (New York: Longmans, Green, & Co. 1953. Pp. xi, 362. $5.00.) pp. 887-887

- Anonymous
- Governments of Latin America. By Miguel Jorrín. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co. 1953. Pp. xii, 385. $4.50.) pp. 887-887

- Anonymous
- Handbook of Latin American Studies: 1949. Edited by Francisco Aguilera. (Gainesville: University of Florida Press. 1952. Pp. xii, 289. $7.00.) pp. 887-887

- Anonymous
- Latin American Politics and Government. By Austin F. Macdonald. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co. 1954. 2nd ed. Pp. viii, 712. $6.00.) pp. 887-887

- Anonymous
- Bolivia: A Land Divided. By Harold Osborne. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1954. Pp. ix, 144. $2.50.) - Ecuador: Country of Contrasts. By Lilo Linke. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1954. Pp. ix, 173. $2.50.) - Paraguay: A Riverside Nation. By George Pendle. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1954. Pp. vi, 115. $2.50.) pp. 887-888

- Anonymous
- Planen und Bauen in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone und im Sowjetsektor von Berlin. By Dr.Bartho Plönees. (Bonn: Bundesministerium für gesamtdeutschen Fragen. 1953. Pp. 126.) pp. 888-888

- J.B.C.,
- Statistisches Taschenbuch über die Heimatvertriebenen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in West-Berlin. (Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt. 1953. Pp. xii, 163.) pp. 888-888

- J.B.C.,
- Soviet Military Doctrine. By Raymond L. Garthoff. (Glencoe, lll.: The Free Press. 1953. Pp. xviii, 587. $7.50.) pp. 888-888

- Anonymous
- Imperial Communism. By Anthony T. Bouscaren. (Washington: Public Affairs Press. 1953. Pp. vii, 256. $3.75.) pp. 888-888

- Anonymous
- The Men Who Ruled India: The Founders of Modern India. By Philip Woodruff. (New York: St. Martin's Press. 1954. Pp. 402. $5.00.) pp. 888-888

- Anonymous
- Naissance de Nouvelles Démocraties: Introduction et développement des institutions parlementaires dans les pays de l'Asie du Sud et dans les territoires coloniaux. By Sidney D. Bailey. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. 1953. Pp. xiii, 200. 650 Fr.) pp. 888-888

- Anonymous
- Erlebte Weltgeschichte 1869–1953. Memoiren. By Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster. (Nürnberg: Gluck & Lutz. 1953. Pp. 719.) pp. 888-888

- Anonymous
- Die Drei Ringe: Lebensgeschichte eines Industrieunternehmens. By Gert von Klass. (Tübingen, Germany: Rainer Wunderlich Verlag Hermann Leins. 1953. Pp. 487.) pp. 888-889

- Anonymous
- Greece: A Political and Economic Survey, 1939-1953. By Bickham Sweet-Escott. (New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs. 1954. Pp. vii, 207. $4.00.) pp. 889-889

- Anonymous
- The Origins of the Labour Party: 1880–1900. By Henry Pelling. (New York: St. Martin's Press. 1954. Pp. ix, 258. $4.00.) pp. 889-889

- Anonymous
- Stresemann and the Revision of Versailles: A Fight for Reason. By Henry L. Bretton. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 199. $3.00.) pp. 895-895

- Elton Atwater
- Problems of Stability and Progress in International Relations. By Quincy Wright. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1954. Pp. xiv, 378. $5.00.) pp. 896-896

- Norman D. Palmer
- A Short History of International Organization. By Gerard J. Mangone. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1954. Pp. ix, 326. $5.00.) pp. 896-897

- Richard N. Swift
- Foundations of the World Republic. By. G. A. Borgese. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 328. $6.50.) pp. 897-897

- Anonymous
- Empire by Mandate: A History of the Relations of Great Britain with the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations. By Campbell L. Upthegrove. (New York: Bookman Associates. 1954. Pp. 239. $3.50.) pp. 897-897

- Anonymous
- Survey of International Affairs, 1951. By Peter Calvocoressi. Assisted by Konstanze Isepp. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1954. Pp. viii, 505. $10.50.) pp. 897-897

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1936. Vol. I: General; The British Commonwealth. (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1953. Pp. lxxvi, 892. $4.25.) pp. 897-897

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1936. Vol. III: The Near East and Africa. (Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office. 1953. Pp. lxi, 542. $3.00.) pp. 897-897

- Anonymous
- Advance to Barbarism: How the Reversion to Barbarism in Warfare and War-Trials Menaces Our Futures. By F. J. P. Veale. (Appleton, Wis.: C. C. Nelson Publishing Co. 1953. Pp. xvii, 305.) pp. 897-897

- Anonymous
- The Origins of the War of 1914. Volume II: The Crisis of July 1914. From the Sarajevo Outrage to the Austro-Hungarian General Mobilization. Edited and Translated by Luigi Albertini. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 727. $11.00.) pp. 897-897

- Anonymous
- Hungarian Premier: A Personal Account of a Nation's Struggle in the Second World War. By Nicholas Kállay. With a foreword by C. A. Macartney. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1954. Pp. xxxvii, 518. $6.00.) pp. 897-897

- Anonymous
- The Century of Total War. By Raymond Aron. (New York: Doubleday & Co. 1954. Pp. 379. $5.00.) pp. 898-898

- Anonymous
- South Africa in a Changing World. By Edgar H. Brookes. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1954. Pp. 151. $3.00.) pp. 898-898

- Anonymous
- A History of the School of International Affairs and Associated Area Institutes, Columbia University. By L. Gray Cowan. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1954. Pp. vi, 105. $2.25.) pp. 898-898

- Anonymous
- La Pensée Politique et Constitutionelle de Montesquieu: Bicentenaire de L'Esprit des Lois, 1748–1948. A Symposium. (Paris: Sirey. 1952. Pp. 328.) pp. 905-905

- Peter J. Fliess
- La Politique des États et leur Géographie. By Jean Gottmann. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. 1952. Pp. xi, 228.) pp. 905-906

- James L. Busey
- Gettell's History of Political Thought. By Lawrence C. Wanlass. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1953. 2nd ed. Pp. xii, 418. $5.00.) pp. 906-907

- Anonymous
- Political Thought in England: Tyndale to Hooker. By Christopher Morris. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. x, 220. $2.00.) pp. 906-906

- Roy C. Macridis
- Les Socialismes Français el Allemand et le Problème de la Guerre: 1870–1914. By Milorad M. Drachkovitch. (Geneva: Librairie E. Droz. 1953. Pp. xii, 385.) pp. 906-906

- Anonymous
- Theory and Method in the Social Sciences. By Arnold M. Rose. (Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press. 1954. Pp. xii, 351. $5.00.) pp. 907-908

- Henry,
- Freedom, Loyalty, Dissent. By Henry Steele Commager. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1954. Pp. ix, 155. $2.50.) pp. 907-907

- Anonymous
- Le Syndicalisme en France. By Georges Lefranc. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1953. Pp. 125.) pp. 907-907

- Anonymous
- Robert Owen of New Lanark. By Margaret Cole. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. vi, 231. $3.50.) pp. 907-907

- Anonymous
- Brownson on Democracy and the Trend toward Socialism. By Lawrence Roemer. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1953. Pp. xvi, 173. $3.75.) pp. 907-907

- Anonymous
- Julius Bahnsen; Eine Untersuchung zur Vorgeschichte der modernen Existenz. By Heinz-Joachim Heydorn. (Göttingen-Frankfurt a.M.: Verlag “Öffentliches Leben” G.m.b.H. 1952. Pp. 287.) pp. 907-907

- Anonymous
- Les Idées Politiques et Sociales de la Résistance (Documents Clandestins–1940–1944). Texts Chosen and Introductions by Henri Michel and Boris Mirkine-Guetzévitch. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 1954. Pp. xi, 410.) pp. 907-907

- Anonymous
- Relation of the State to Industrial Action and Economics and Jurisprudence. By Henry Carter Adams. Edited by Joseph Dorfman. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1954. Pp. viii, 182. $3.00.)" pp. 908-908

- Anonymous
- Correspondence Concerning the Treatment of Administrative Law in Public Administration Textbooks pp. 936-943

- Anonymous
Volume 48, issue 2, 1954
- Public Opinion and the Intellectuals* pp. 321-339

- Francis G. Wilson
- The Congressional Committee: A Case Study* pp. 340-365

- Ralph K. Huitt
- The Accountability of the British Nationalized Industries* pp. 366-385

- Eldon L. Johnson
- Democracy and the Problem of Civil Disobedience* pp. 386-403

- David Spitz
- Nationalism in Tropical Africa* pp. 404-426

- James S. Coleman
- World Trends in Political Science Research* pp. 427-449

- C. B. Macpherson
- Parties, Partisanship, and Public Policy in the Pennsylvania Legislature pp. 450-464

- William J. Keefe
- Florida's New Campaign Expense Law and the 1952 Democratic Gubernatorial Primaries* pp. 465-476

- Elston E. Roady
- The American Party Systems* pp. 477-485

- Austin Ranney and Willmoore Kendall
- Age as a Factor in the Recruitment of Communist Leadership* pp. 486-499

- Robert T. Holt
- Uruguay Introduces Government by Committee* pp. 500-513

- Milton I. Vanger
- Natural Right and History. By Leo Strauss. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. x, 327. $5.00.) pp. 538-541

- John H. Hallowell
- How Russia is Ruled. By Merle Fainsod. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 575. $7.50.) - The Dynamics of Soviet Society. By W. W. Rostow in Collaboration with Alfred Levin. (New York: W. W. Norton and Co.1953. Pp. xvi, 282. $3.95.) - Law and Social Change in the U.S.S.R. By John N. Hazard. (Toronto: The Carswell Co.1953. Published under the Auspices of the London Institute of World Affairs. Pp. xxiv, 310. $4.50.) pp. 541-544

- W. W. Kulski
- Ideals and Self-Interest in America's Foreign Relations: The Great Transformation of the Twentieth Century. By Robert Endicott Osgood. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 491. $6.50.) pp. 544-546

- Norman J. Padelford
- Moscow and the Chinese Communists. By Robert C. North. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1954. Pp. 306. $5.00.) pp. 546-548

- Anonymous
- American Foreign Assistance. By William Adams Brown and Redvers Opie. (Washington: The Brookings Institution. 1953. Pp. xii, 615. $6.00.) - Raising the World's Standard of Living: The Coordination and Effectiveness of Point Four, United Nations Technical Assistance, and Related Programs. By Robert T. MackJr., (New York: The Citadel Press. 1953. Pp. xviii, 285. $4.00.) pp. 548-551

- Walter R. Sharp
- Administration in Foreign Affairs. By Arthur W. Macmahon. (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. 1953. Pp. v, 275. $3.50.) pp. 551-553

- John A. Vieg
- The Advice and Consent of the Senate: A Study of the Confirmation of Appointments by the United States Senate. By Joseph P. Harris. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 457. $5.00.) pp. 553-554

- V. O. Key
- Nationalism and Social Communication: An Inquiry into the Foundations of Nationality. By Karl W. Deutsch. (Cambridge: The Technology Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pp. x, 292. $5.00.) pp. 554-556

- Harold D. Lasswell
- Church, State, and Freedom. By Leo Pfeffer. (Boston: Beacon Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 675. $10.00.) pp. 556-558

- Mulford Q. Sibley
- Politics, Economics, and Welfare. By Robert A. Dahl and Charles E. Lindblom. (New York: Harper & Bros. 1953. Pp. 526. $5.00.) pp. 558-560

- Bertram M. Gross
- Flood Control Politics: The Connecticut River Valley Problem, 1927–1950. By William Edward Leuchtenberg. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. vi, 339. $5.00.) pp. 560-562

- Charles D. Curran
- Public Policy: A Yearbook of the Graduate School of Public Administration, Harvard University, 1953. Edited by C. J. Friedrich and J. K. Galbraith. (Cambridge: Graduate School of Public Administration, Harvard. 1953. Pp. xi, 292. $4.75.) pp. 562-563

- C. Herman Pritchett
- The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1918–1945. By John W. Wheeler-Bennett. (London: Macmillan & Co.; and New York: St. Martin's Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 829. $12.00.) pp. 563-564

- Henry L. Bretton
- Federal Examiners and the Conflict of Law and Administration. By Lloyd D. Musolf. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 203. $3.00.) pp. 565-566

- Vincent M. Barnett
- Henry Cabot Lodge: A Biography. By John A. Garraty. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1953. Pp. xxiv, 433. $6.00.) pp. 565-565

- Denys P. Myers
- The Legislative Process in Congress. By George B. Galloway. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co. 1953. Pp. xii, 689. $6.00.) pp. 566-567

- O. Douglas Weeks
- American Constitutional Custom: A Forgotten Factor in the Founding. By Burleigh Cushing Rodick. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1953. Pp. xx, 244. $4.75.) pp. 567-568

- Frank Grace
- Civil Rights in Immigration. By Milton R. Konvitz. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 216. $3.50.) pp. 567-567

- L. V. Howard
- Texas Presidential Politics in 1952. By O. Douglas Weeks. (Austin: Institute of Public Affairs, The University of Texas. 1953. Pp. x, 116. Paper, $1.25; cloth, $2.00.) pp. 568-569

- Donald S. Strong
- The Decline of Agrarian Democracy. By Grant McConnell. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1953. Pp. 226. $3.75.) pp. 568-568

- Ralph K. Huitt
- Congressional Quarterly: Almanac, 83rd Congress, 1st Session–1953. Vol. IX. (Washington: Congressional Quarterly News Features. 1954. Pp. 663. $17.50.) pp. 569-570

- Anonymous
- Renewing Our Cities. By Miles L. Colean. (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund. 1953. Pp. x, 181. $2.50.) pp. 569-569

- Robert T. Daland
- The Forging of American Socialism: Origins of the Modern Movement. By Howard H. Quint. (Columbia, S. C.: University of South Carolina Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 409. $6.00.) pp. 570-570

- Anonymous
- Farm Policies of the United States, 1790–1950: A Study of Their Origins and Development. By Murray R. Benedict. (New York: Twentieth Century Fund. 1953. Pp. xv, 548. $5.00.) pp. 570-570

- Anonymous
- Resource Conservation: Economics and Policies. By S. V. Ciriacy-Wantrup. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1952. Pp. xi, 395. $6.50.) pp. 570-570

- Anonymous
- American Life: Dream and Reality. By W. Lloyd Warner. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. xv, 268. $3.75.) pp. 570-570

- Anonymous
- The Political Liberalism of the New York Nation: 1865–1932. By Alan Pendleton Grimes. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 133.) pp. 570-570

- Anonymous
- Olson's New Deal for California. By Robert E. Burke. (Berkeley: University of California Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 279. $4.00.) pp. 570-570

- Anonymous
- Impatient Crusader: Florence Kelley's Life Story. By Josephine Goldmark. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 217. $3.50.) pp. 570-570

- Anonymous
- Propaganda Handbook. By D. Lincoln Harter and John Sullivan. (Philadelphia: Twentieth Century Publishing Co. 1953. Pp. 440. $5.00.) pp. 570-570

- Anonymous
- The Administrative Reforms of Frederick William I of Prussia. By Reinhold August Dorwart. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. xvii, 250. $4.00.) pp. 576-577

- Dwight Waldo
- Governmental Liability: A Comparative Study. By H. Street. (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 1953. Pp. iv, 223. $5.00.) pp. 576-576

- J. Roland Pennock
- European Political Systems. Edited by Taylor Cole. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1953. Pp. xxxiii, 699. $6.00.) pp. 577-578

- Anonymous
- Courts, Lawyers and Trials under the Last Three Tsars. By Samuel Kucherov. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1953. Pp. xii, 339. $6.00.) pp. 577-577

- Michael T. Florinsky
- Interdepartment Committee on Social and Economic Research. Guides to Official Sources, No. 3: Local Government Statistics. (London: H. M. Stationery Office. 1953. Pp. v, 34. Is. 6d.) pp. 578-578

- J.B.C.,
- Canadian Government Publications Consolidated Annual Catalogue 1953. By Office of Supervisor of Government Publications. (Ottawa: Queen's Printer. 1954. Pp. xvi, 578. $1.00.) pp. 578-578

- J.B.C.,
- Etat des périodiques officiels français. Liste des revues, journaux et bulletins statistiques des assemblées parlementaires et des administrations centrales à la date du 1er janvier 1952. (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale. 1953. Pp. 39.) pp. 578-578

- J.B.C.,
- Villes et Campagnes: Civilisation urbaine et Civilisation rurale en France. Assembled by Georges Friedmann. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. 1953. Pp. xxiv, 480. 1200 fr.) pp. 578-578

- Anonymous
- Le Parti Liberal dans le Système Constitutionnel Britannique. By Albert Mabileau. (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin. 1953. Pp. vii, 349. 1100 fr.) pp. 578-579

- Anonymous
- Amtliches Behördenverzeichnis. Stand Juni 1953. Herausgegeben vom Statistischen Amt des Saarlandes. (Saarbrücken: Einzelschriften zur Statistik des Saarlandes, No. 8. 1953. Pp. 54. 200 fr.) pp. 579-579

- J.B.C.,
- Deutschland Heute. Mit einem Geleitwort von BundeskanzlerDr.Konrad Adenauer. Herausgegeben vom Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung. (Wiesbaden: Wiesbadener Graphische Betriebe. 1953. Pp. 416. DM 12.50.) pp. 579-579

- J.B.C.,
- The Passing of Parliament. By G. W. Keeton (New York: Ernest Benn, Ltd. John de Graff, Inc., Distributor. 1952. Pp. vii. 208. $4.50.) pp. 579-579

- Anonymous
- The Machinery of Justice in England. By R. M. Jackson. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 372. $8.50.) pp. 579-579

- Anonymous
- The Government of the Swiss Republic. By Ramesh Chandra Ghosh. (Calcutta: The World Press, Ltd. 1953. Pp. ix, 192. 10s. 6d. net.) pp. 579-579

- Anonymous
- Constitutions, Electoral Laws, Treaties of States in the Near and Middle East. By Helen Miller Davis. (Durham: Duke University Press. 1953. Pp. xxii, 541. $7.50.) pp. 579-579

- Anonymous
- Central European Democracy and Its Background: Economic and Political Group Organization. By Rudolf Schlesinger. (New York: Grove Press. 1953. Pp. xiv, 402. $5.00.) pp. 579-579

- Anonymous
- The Rebirth of Austria. By Richard Hiscocks. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 263. $3.50.) pp. 579-580

- Anonymous
- Federal Government Gazette, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Vol. 1, No. 1, 4th September, 1953. (Salisbury: Government Printer.) pp. 580-580

- J.B.C.,
- Current Soviet Policies: The Documentary Record of the Nineteenth Communist Party Congress and the Reorganization after Stalin's Death. Edited by Leo Ghuliow. (New York: Frederick R. Praeger. 1953. Pp. xiv, 269. $6.00.) pp. 580-580

- Anonymous
- The Peoples of the Soviet Far East. By Walter Kolarz. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1954. Pp. xii, 194. $4.50.) pp. 580-580

- Anonymous
- Beyond Containment. By William Henry Chamberlin. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company. 1953. Pp. vi, 406. $5.00.) pp. 586-587

- William G. Carleton
- Japan's Role in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements, 1940–45. By Willard H. Elsbree. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Issued under the Auspices of the Institute of Pacific Relations. Pp. v., 182. $3.25.) pp. 587-588

- Tatsuji Takeuchi
- Contemporary World Politics. By Norman Hill. (New York: Harper and Bros. 1954. Pp. xvi, 714. $6.00.) pp. 588-589

- Anonymous
- Canada and the Far East: 1940–1953. By H. F. Angus. (New York: Institute of Pacific Relations. 1954. Pp. x, 129. $3.50.) pp. 588-588

- A.R.M.,
- Les Publications Officielles des Institutions Européennes. Bibliographie établie par Michel Roussier … avec la collaboration de Maryvonne Stephan. (Paris: Dotation Carnegie pour la Paix Internationale. 1954. Pp. 73.) pp. 588-588

- J.B.C.,
- The Multi-state System of Ancient China. By Richard Louis Walker. (Hamden, Conn.: The Shoe String Press. 1954. Pp. xii, 135. $3.50.) pp. 588-588

- Anonymous
- Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast: The Opening of the Treaty Ports, 1842–1854. By John King Fairbank. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Vols. I and II. Pp. xiii, 489; 88. $7.50.) pp. 588-588

- Anonymous
- A Concise History of the Law of Nations. By Arthur Nussbaum. (New York: The Macmillan Co. 1954. Pp. xiii, 376. $5.00.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- Survey of International Affairs: 1938. Vol. III. By R. G. D. Laffan et al. Edited by Veronica M. Toynbee. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. xiv, 622. $9.50.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- The World the Dollar Built. By Gunther Stein. (New York: Monthly Review Press. 1953. Pp. 288. $4.00.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- American Economic Policy toward the Philippines. By Shirley Jenkins. With an Introduction by Claude A. Buss. (Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1954. Pp. viii, 181. $4.00.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- Japan and America: From Earliest Times to the Present. By Lawrence H. Battistini. (New York: The John Day Co. 1954. Pp. x, 198. $3.00.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- The Decline of Neutrality, 1914–1941: With Special Reference to the United States and the Northern Neutrals. By Nils Örvik. (Oslo: Johan Grundt Tanum Forlag. 1953. Pp. 294.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- America Faces World Communism. By Anthony Trawick Bouscaren. (New York: Vantage Press. 1954. Pp. viii, 196. $5.00.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- Nationalism and Communism in East Asia. By W. Macmahon Ball. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press; New York: Cambridge University Press. 1953. Pp. viii, 210. $4.50.) pp. 589-589

- Anonymous
- The Dutch Colonial System in the East Indies. By J. J. van Klaveren. (The Hague: J. J. van Klaveren. 1953. Pp. 230. $4.00.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- The Struggle for Kashmir. By Michael Brecher. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Published under the auspices of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs and the Institute of Pacific Relations. Pp. xii, 211. $5.00.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- The Refugee in the Post-War World. By Jacques Vernant. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 827. $6.00.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- Austria's International Position, 1938–1953: The Re-establishment of an Independent Austria. By Cary Travers GraysonJr. (Genève: Librairie E. Droz. 1953. Pp. xvi, 316. 15 fr.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- The Price of Freedom: Greece in World Affairs, 1939–1953. By Dimitrios G. Kousoulas. (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 210. $4.00.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy: Volume III. 1933–1941. Edited by Jane Degras. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. xxii, 500. $8.50.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- The Incompatible Allies: A Memoir-History of German-Soviet Relations, 1918–1941. By Gustav Hilger and Alfred G. Meyer. (New York: Macmillan Co. 1953. Pp. xiii, 350. $5.00.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- Soviet Economic Policy in Postwar Germany: A Collection of Papers by Former Soviet Officials. Edited by Robert Slusser. (New York: Research Program on the U.S.S.R. 1953. Pp. xx, 184.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- Diplomacy in a Whirlpool: Hungary between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. By Stephen D. Kertesz. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press. 1953. Pp. xvi, 273. $4.75.) pp. 590-590

- Anonymous
- The Struggle for Poland. By H. Peter Stern. (Washington: Public Affairs Press. 1953. Pp. 79. $2.00.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- Ukraine under the Soviets. By Clarence A. Manning. (New York: Bookman Associates. 1953. Pp. 223. $3.50.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- Ukrainian Communism and Soviet Russian Policy toward the Ukraine: An Annotated Bibliography, 1917–1953. By Jurij Lawrynenko. (New York: Research Program on the U.S.S.R. 1953. Pp. xxviii, 454.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- Soviet Empire: The Turks of Central Asia and Stalinism. By Olaf Caroe. (London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd.; New York: St. Martin's Press. 1953. Pp. x, 300. $5.00.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- The Allies and the Russian Revolution: From the Fall of the Monarchy to the Peace of Brest-Litovsk. By Robert D. Warth. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press. 1954. Pp. vi, 294. $4.50.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- The Great Powers and Eastern Europe. By John A. Lukacs. (New York: American Book Co. 1953. Pp. xii, 878. $7.50.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- Institutes of International Affairs. (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1954. Pp. vi, 131. $1.25.) pp. 591-591

- Anonymous
- The White Umbrella: Indian Political Thought from Manu to Gandhi. By D. Mackenzie Brown. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1953. Pp. xv, 205. $3.75.) pp. 598-598

- Werner Levi
- French Corporative Theory, 1789–1948: A Chapter in the History of Ideas. By Matthew H. Elbow. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1953. Pp. 222. $3.75.) pp. 598-599

- James H. Meisel
- Heresy, Yes; Conspiracy, No. By Sidney Hook. (New York: The John Day Co. 1953. Pp. 283. $3.75.) pp. 599-600

- Vern Countryman
- Communication and Persuasion: Psychological Studies of Opinion Change. By Carl I. Hovland, Irving L. Janis and Harold H. Kelley. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1953. Pp. xii, 315. $4.50.) pp. 600-600

- George M. Belknap
- Man and Modern Society: Conflict and Choice in the Industrial Era. By Karl de SchweinitzJr. and Kenneth W. Thompson. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1953. Pp. xii, 849. $5.25.) pp. 601-602

- Anonymous
- World List of Social Science Periodicals. (Paris: UNESCO. 1954. Pp. 161.) - A Register of Legal Documentation in the World. (Paris: UNESCO. 1954. Pp. 362.) pp. 601-601

- Anonymous
- Political Science in India. By S. V. Kogekar and A. Appadorai. (Delhi, India: Premier Publishing Co. 1953. Pp. iii, 110. Rs. 5/.) pp. 601-601

- Anonymous
- Reason in History: A General Introduction to the Philosophy of History. By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Trans. and edited by R. S. Hartman. (New York: The Liberal Arts Press. 1953. Pp. 95. $.75.) pp. 601-601

- Anonymous
- David Hume's Political Essays. Edited, with an Introduction, by Charles W. Hendel. (New York: The Liberal Arts Press. 1953. Pp. lxiv, 166. $.75.) pp. 601-601

- Anonymous
- The Pursuit of Happiness. By Howard Mumford Jones. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 168. $3.50.) pp. 601-601

- Anonymous
- Essay in Politics. By Scott Buchanan. (New York: Philosophical Library. 1953. Pp. xiii, 236. $3.75.) pp. 601-601

- Anonymous
- The Present as History: Essays and Reviews on Capitalism and Socialism. By Paul M. Sweezy. (New York: Monthly Review Press. 1953. Pp. viii, 376. $5.00.) pp. 601-601

- Anonymous
Volume 48, issue 1, 1954
- The Direct Primary and Party Structure: A Study of State Legislative Nominations pp. 1-26

- V. O. Key
- Politics of British Conservatism* pp. 27-48

- Leon D. Epstein
- “Neutralism” in Asia* pp. 49-62

- Robert A. Scalapino
- Constitutional Law in 1952–1953 pp. 63-113

- David Fellman
- The President's Economic Staff during the Truman Administration pp. 114-130

- Bertram M. Gross and John P. Lewis
- The Federal Bureaucracy and the Change of Administration* pp. 131-151

- Herman Miles Somers
- Representation of the Region in Missouri Basin Organization pp. 152-165

- Frederick L. Zimmermann and Mitchell Wendell
- Legislative Politics in Connecticut pp. 166-173

- W. Duane Lockard
- “Reflections of a Law Professor on Instruction and Research in Public Administration”: An Exchange pp. 174-185

- Joseph P. Harris and Kenneth Culp Davis
- Seedtime of the Republic: The Origin of the American Tradition of Political Liberty. By Clinton Rossiter. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1953. Pp. xiv, 558. $7.50.) pp. 212-214

- Cecelia M. Kenyon
- The Electoral System in Britain, 1918–1951. By D. E. Butler. (London: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. xiv, 222. $4.25.) - The Party System in Great Britian. By Ivor Bulmer-Thomas. (London: Phoenix House Ltd. Distributed by the Macmillan Co. 1953. Pp. vii, 328. $5.00.) pp. 214-216

- William S. Livingston
- The China Tangle: The American Effort in China from Pearl Harbor to the Marshall Mission. By Herbert Feis. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1953. Pp. x, 445. $6.00.) pp. 216-218

- Kenneth Scott Latourette
- Asian Nationalism and the West: A Symposium Based on Documents and Reports of the Eleventh Conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations. Edited by William L. Holland; George McT. Kahin, Philippe Devillers, T. H. Silcock, and Ungku A. Aziz, Contributors. (New York: The Macmillan Co. 1953. Pp. viii, 449. $5.00.) pp. 218-220

- John E. Turner
- Governing Postwar Germany. By Edward H. Litchfield and Associates. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1953. Pp. xvii, 661.) pp. 220-221

- Harold Zink
- The Diplomats: 1919–1939. Edited by Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert. (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1953. Pp. xiv, 700. $9.00.) pp. 222-223

- H. Field Haviland
- Sociology and Psychology of Communism. By Jules Monnerot. Translated by Jane Degras and Richard Rees. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1953. Pp. 339. $6.00.) - European Communism. By Franz Borkenau. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1953. Pp. 564. $6.00.) pp. 223-224

- Ossip K. Flechtheim
- The Federal Loyalty-Security Program. By Eleanor Bontecou. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 377. $5.00.) pp. 225-226

- Egbert S. Wengert
- The Constitutional Principles of Thomas Jefferson. By Caleb Perry Patterson. (Austin: University of Texas Press. 1953. Pp. x, 211. $4.00.) pp. 227-228

- Wilfred E. Binkley
- American Capitalism: The Concept of Countervailing Power. By John Kenneth Galbraith. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1952. Pp. xi, 217. $3.00.) - Big Business: A New Era. By David E. Lilienthal. (New York: Harper & Brothers. 1952. Pp. xii, 209. $2.75.) - Giant Business: Threat to Democracy. By T. K. Quinn. (New York: Exposition Press. 1952. Pp. 321. $3.75.) pp. 228-234

- George W. Stocking
- Economics in the Public Service: Administrative Aspects of the Employment Act. By Edwin G. Nourse. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1953. Pp. xi, 511. $6.00.) pp. 234-235

- Charles B. Hagan
- Community Power Structure: A Study of Decision Makers. By Floyd Hunter. (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 1953. Pp. xiv, 297. $5.00.) pp. 235-237

- Donald S. Strong
- Income Stabilization for a Developing Democracy: A Study of the Politics and Economics of High Employment without Inflation. Edited by Max Millikan. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1953. Pp. xxi, 730. $5.00.) pp. 238-239

- Marver Bernstein
- The Legislative Struggle: A Study in Social Combat. By Bertram M. Gross. (New York: McGraw-Hill Co. 1953. Pp. xviii, 472. $6.50.) pp. 238-238

- Belle Zeller
- The Supreme Court: Vehicle of Revealed Truth or Power Group, 1930–1937. By Alpheus Thomas Mason. (Boston: Boston University Press. 1953. Pp. 58. $2.50.) pp. 239-240

- Anonymous
- The Tidelands Oil Controversy: A Legal and Historical Analysis. By Ernest R. Bartley (Austin: The University of Texas Press. 1953. Pp. viii, 312. $5.00.) pp. 239-239

- J.H. Leek
- The States and the Nation. By Leonard D. White. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1953. Pp. x, 103. $2.75.) pp. 240-240

- Anonymous
- American State Government. By W. Brooke Graves. (Boston: D. C. Heath and Co. 4th edition. 1953. Pp. xi, 946. $6.25.) pp. 240-240

- Anonymous
- Readings in Municipal Government and Administration. By Charles M. Kneier and Guy Fox. (New York: Rinehart & Co. 1953. Pp. xix, 486. $3.90.) pp. 240-240

- Anonymous
- Public Administration. By Marshall Edward Dimock and Gladys Ogden Dimock. (New York and Toronto: Rinehart & Co. 1953. Pp. xix, 531. $5.00.) pp. 240-240

- Anonymous
- Public Administration. By John M. Pfiffner and R. Vance Presthus. (New York: Ronald Press. 3rd edition. 1953. Pp. viii, 626. $6.00.) pp. 240-240

- Anonymous
- Bibliography on Public Administration: Annotated. By Catheryn Seckler-Hudson. (Washington: The American University Press. 1953. Pp. vii, 131.) pp. 240-240

- Anonymous
- Limited-Term and Excepted Appointments in the Civil Service: A Study of the Legal Provisions by Which They Are Regulated in Fifty-nine Jurisdictions in the United States. By William C. Beyer. (Philadelphia: William C. Beyer. 1953. Pp. iv, 186. $3.00.) pp. 240-241

- Anonymous
- Jurisprudence: Men and Ideas of the Law. By Edwin W. Patterson. (Brooklyn: The Foundation Press. 1953. Pp. xiii, 649. $7.50.) pp. 241-241

- Anonymous
- The Federal Courts and the Federal System. By Henry M. HartJr. and Herbert Wechsler. (Brooklyn: The Foundation Press. 1953. Pp. lvii, 1445. $11.00.) - The Judicial Code and Rules of Procedure in the Federal Courts with Excerpts from the Criminal Code. Compiled by Henry M. HartJr. and Herbert Wechsler. (Brooklyn: The Foundation Press. 1949. Pp. v, 454.) pp. 241-241

- Anonymous
- American Life: Dream and Reality. By W. Lloyd Warner. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1953. Pp. xv, 268. $3.75.) pp. 241-241

- Anonymous
- Aid, Trade and the Tariff: Including a Handbook of Major Dutiable United States Imports. By Howard S. Piquet. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co. 1953. Pp. vii, 358. $3.75.) pp. 241-241

- Anonymous
- The Political Economy of Monopoly: Business, Labor and Government Policies. By Fritz Machlup. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1952. Pp. xvi, 544. $5.50.) pp. 241-241

- Anonymous
- The Statesmanship of the Civil War. By Allan Nevins. (New York: Macmillan Co. 1953. Pp. vii, 82. $2.25.) pp. 241-241

- Anonymous
- Law and Social Change in Contemporary Britain. By W. Friedmann. (London: Stevens & Sons, Ltd. 1951. Pp. xxiv, 322. 37s. 6d.) pp. 247-248

- Vincent M. Barnett
- History of the German General Staff: 1657–1945. By Walter Goerlitz. Translated by Brian Battershaw. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1953. Pp. xviii, 508. $7.50.) pp. 248-249

- H. Malcolm Macdonald
- Printer to the House: The Story of Hansard. By J. C. Trewin and E. M. King. (London: Methuen & Co. 1952. Pp. xv, 272. 22/6.) - Hansard's Catalogue and Breviate of Parliamntary Papers: 1696–1834. Reprinted in facsimile. With an Introduction by P. Ford and G. Ford. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1953. Distributed in U. S. by Macmillan Co. Pp. xv, viii, 220. $6.50.) - Select List of British Parliamentary Papers: 1833–1899. By P. Ford and G. Ford. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1953. Distributed in U.S. by Macmillan Co. Pp. xxii, 165. $4.50.) pp. 249-249

- James B. Childs
- English Historical Documents: Volume VIII, 1660–1714. Edited by Andrew Browning. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. xxxii, 966. $17.50.) pp. 249-249

- Anonymous
- The Concept of Empire: Burke to Attlee, 1774–1947. Edited by George Bennett. (London: Adam and Charles Black. 1953. Distributed by The British Book Centre, New York. Pp. xix, 434. $4.00.) pp. 249-250

- Anonymous
- Politics in the Age of Peel: A Study in the Technique of Parliamentary Representation, 1830–1850. By Norman Gash. (New York: Longmans, Green and Co. 1953. Pp. xxi, 496. $8.75.) pp. 250-250

- Anonymous
- The Navy as an Instrument of Policy: 1558–1727. By Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond. Edited by E. A. Hughes. (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1953. Pp. 404. $12.00.) pp. 250-250

- Anonymous
- The Temper of Western Europe. By Crane Brinton. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 118. $2.50.) pp. 250-250

- Anonymous
- The Government of the Soviet Union. By S. L. Katare. (Jabalpur: The Indian Book House. 1952. Pp. xii, 235. $2.50.) pp. 250-250

- Anonymous
- The Impact of Russian Culture on Soviet Communism. By Dinko Tomasic. (Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press. 1953. Pp. 285. $4.50.) pp. 250-250

- Anonymous
- Germany in Power and Eclipse: The Background of German Development. By James K. Pollock and Homer Thomas with the Assistance and Collaboration of Willett F. Ramsdell, Wm. Clark Trow, and Manfred C. Vernon. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Company. 1952. Pp. viii, 661. $10.00.) pp. 250-250

- Anonymous
- State and Local Government in West Germany, 1945–1953, with Special Reference to the U.S. Zone and Bremen. By J. F. J. Gillen. (Berlin: Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. 1953. Pp. ix, 131.) pp. 250-251

- Anonymous
- Civil Service in Early Sung China: 960–1067. By E. A. KrackeJr., (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. xv, 262. $6.50.) pp. 251-252

- Anonymous
- India, a Reference Annual, 1953. By Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. (Delhi: Publications Division, M.I.B. 1953. Pp. 423. Rs. 5.) pp. 251-251

- J.B.C.,
- Manual do deputado: Regimento interno da Câmara dos deputados e Constituiçao da República. (Rio de Janeiro: Depto. de Imprensa Nacional. 1953. Pp. 188.) pp. 251-251

- J.B.C.,
- Asamblea nacional constituyente de 1949. Tomo I: Antecedentes, Proyecto, Reglamento, Actas. (San Jose, Costa Rica: Imprenta Nacional. 1953. Pp. 675.) pp. 251-251

- J.B.C.,
- Almanak nasional. 1953. Tahun ke—III. (Djakarta, Gapura: N. V. 1952. Pp. 400. Rp. $8.50.) pp. 251-251

- J.B.C.,
- Anais de Câmara dos deputados. Organizados pela Diretoria de publicidade. 1946, Vols. I–VIII; 1951, Vols. I–VII; 1952 (Convocão), Vols. I–VII. (Rio de Janeiro. 1951–1953.) pp. 251-251

- J.B.C.,
- Democratic Bulwark in the Middle East: A Review and Analysis of Israel's Social, Economic, and Political Problems during the Period from 1948 to 1953. By Joseph Dunner. (Grinnell, Iowa: Grinnell College Press. 1953. Pp. v, 37. $1.35.) - The Republic of Israel: Its History and Its Promise. By Joseph Dunner. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1953. Pp. xvi, 269.) pp. 251-251

- Anonymous
- Reader in Bureaucracy. Edited by Robert K. Merton, Ailsa P. Gray, Barbara Hockey, and Hanan C. Selvin. (Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press. 1953. Pp. 464. $5.00.) pp. 252-252

- Anonymous
- Truth is Our Weapon. By Edward W. Barrett. (New York: Funk and Wagnalls. 1953. Pp. xviii, 355. $4.00.) pp. 257-259

- Herbert Garfinkel
- Challenge to the Kremlin. By Harry Hodgkinson. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1953. Pp. 190. $2.75.) pp. 259-259

- Carroll Hawkins
- Who Speaks for Man? By Norman Cousins. (New York: Macmillan Company. 1953. Pp. x, 318. $3.50.) pp. 259-260

- D.F. Fleming
- Documents and Speeches on British Commonwealth Affairs: 1931–1952. Edited By Nicholas Mansergh. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1952. 2 vols. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Pp. xli, 604; xvii, 605–1308. 84s. net.) pp. 260-261

- Anonymous
- The Ultimate Weapon. By Oleg Anisimov. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Co. 1953. Pp. xvii, 163. $3.50.) pp. 260-260

- Eduard Taborsky
- Der Diplomatische Dienst: seine Geschichte und Organisation in Frankreich, Gross britannien, und den Vereinigten Staaten. By Richard Sallet. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Austaet. 1953. Pp. 368.) pp. 261-261

- P.B.P.,
- World Population and Production: Trends and Outlook. By W. S. Woytinski and E. S. Woytinski. (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund. 1953. Pp. lxxii, 1268. $12.00.) pp. 261-261

- Anonymous
- Ventures in Diplomacy. By William Phillips. (Boston: The Beacon Press. 1953. Pp. xxv, 477. $5.50.) pp. 261-261

- Anonymous
- The United States in World Affairs: 1952. By Richard P. Stebbins. (New York: Harper & Bros. 1953. Pp. xiv, 492. $5.00.) - Documents on American Foreign Relations: 1952. Edited by Clarence W. Baier and Richard P. Stebbins. (New York: Harper & Bros. 1953. Pp. xv, 391. $5.00.) pp. 261-261

- Anonymous
- International Relations: Basic Documents. By Elmer Plischke. (New York: D. Van Nostrand Co. 1953. Pp. xii, 194. $2.95.) pp. 261-262

- Anonymous
- Year Book of the United Nations. 1952. (New York: Columbia University Press in cooperation with the United Nations. 1953. Pp. ix, 981. $12.50.) pp. 262-262

- Anonymous
- How Nations See Each Other: A Study in Public Opinion. By William Buchanan and Hadley Cantril. (Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press. 1953. Pp. ix, 220. $5.00.) pp. 262-262

- Anonymous
- Fédération Internationale: Idées D'hier—Possibilités de demain. By Laszlo Ledermann. (Neuchatel, Suisse: Editions de la Baconniere. 1950. Pp. 174.) pp. 262-262

- Anonymous
- The United States and Italy. By H. Stuart Hughes. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. xi, 256. $4.00.) pp. 262-262

- Anonymous
- The South Seas in Transition: A Study of Post-War Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in Three British Pacific Dependencies. By W. E. H. Stanner. (Sydney, Wellington, London: Australasian Publishing Co. 1953. Pp. xiv, 448. $6.00.) pp. 262-262

- Anonymous
- Soviet Policy in the Far East: 1944–1951. By Max Beloff. (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press. 1953. Pp. vii, 278. $4.00.) pp. 262-262

- Anonymous
- What Price Israel. By Alfred M. Lilienthal. (Chicago: Henry Regnery Co. 1953. Pp. viii, 274. $3.95.) pp. 262-262

- Anonymous
- Struggle for Africa. By Vernon Bartlett. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger. 1953. Pp. ix, 246. $3.95.) pp. 262-262

- Anonymous
- The Economic Impact on Under-Developed Societies: Essays on International Investment and Social Change. By S. Herbert Frankel. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1953. Pp. vii, 179. $3.25.) pp. 262-262

- Anonymous
- Les idées politiques en France sous la Restauration. By Dominique Bagge. (Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France. 1952. Pp. xiv, 462. Fr. 1,500.) pp. 268-268

- André R. Bernstein
- Politik als Wissenschaft. By Ossip K. Flechtheim. (Berlin: Deutsche Hochschule für Politik. 1953. Pp. 42.) pp. 269-269

- John H. Herz
- Political Science in Western Germany: Thoughts and Writings, 1950–1952. By A. R. L. Gurland. (Washington: Library of Congress, Reference Department, European Affairs Division. 1952. Pp. viii, 118. $1.00.) pp. 269-269

- Anonymous
- Das Studium der Politischen Wissenschaften im In- und Ausland. By Günter Olzog. (Müchen: Isar Verlag. 1953. Pp. 156.) pp. 269-269

- Anonymous
- Thorstein Veblen: A Critical Interpretation. By David Riesman. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1953. Pp. xiii, 221. $3.00.) pp. 269-269

- Anonymous
- The Economics of Sellers' Competition: Model Analysis of Sellers' Conduct. By Fritz Machlup. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1953. Pp. xx, 582. $6.50.) pp. 269-269

- Anonymous
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