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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
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Volume 11, issue 4, 1917

The Prussian Theory of Monarchy pp. 621-642 Downloads
W. W. Willoughby
Legislatures and Foreign Relations pp. 643-684 Downloads
Denys P. Myers
Our Bungling Electoral System pp. 685-710 Downloads
Joseph Cady Allen
Distributive Justice. The Right and Wrong of Our Present Distribution of Wealth. By John A. RyanD.D. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1916. Pp. xviii, 442.) pp. 766-770 Downloads
Carlton J. H. Hayes
An Introduction to Social Psychology. By Charles A. Ellwood. (New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1917.) - Social Diagnosis. By Mary E. Richmond. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1917.) - Criminal Sociology. By Enrico Ferri, translated by Joseph I. Kelly and John Lisle. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1917.) pp. 770-772 Downloads
Wm. B. Bailey
Community: A Sociological Study. By R. M. Maciver. (London: Macmillan and Company, Ltd. 1917. Pp. xvi, 437.) pp. 772-774 Downloads
L. L. Bernard
A Political History of Japan during the Meija Era, 1867–1912. By W. W. McLarenPh.D. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1916.) pp. 774-777 Downloads
Stanley K. Hornbeck
International Conventions and Third States. By Ronald F. Roxburgh. (New York: Longmans, Green and Company. 1917. Pp. xvi, 199.) pp. 777-779 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
Japan in World Politics. By K. K. Kawakami. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1917.) pp. 777-777 Downloads
W. W. McLaren
A Guide to Diplomatic Practice. By the Rt. Hon. Sir Ernest SatowG.C.M.G., LL.D., D.C.L. Two volumes. (London: Longmans, Green and Company. 1917. Pp. xxii, 407; ix, 405.) pp. 779-780 Downloads
Lawrence B. Evans
The Constitution of Canada in its History and Practical Working. By William Renwick Riddell. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1917. Pp. 170.) pp. 781-782 Downloads
William Bennett Munro
The Teaching of Government. Report to the American Political Science Association by the Committee on Instruction. Charles Grove HainesChairman. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1916. Pp. xi, 284.) pp. 782-783 Downloads
W. F. Dodd
Unfair Competition. By W. H. S. StevensPh.D. (Chicago: Chicago University Press. 1917.) pp. 783-784 Downloads
James T. Young
Oregon Minimum Wage Cases. Brief for the Oregon Industrial Welfare Commission, Defendants in Error, before the Supreme Court of the United States. By Felix Frankfurter and Josephine Goldmark. (New York: National Consumers' League. 1917. Pp. vi, 837.) pp. 784-785 Downloads
Robert E. Cushman
Jewish Philanthropy. By Dr.Boris D. Bogen. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1917.) pp. 785-787 Downloads
Alfred A. Benesch
Town Planning for Small Communities. By Walpole Town Planning Committee, Charles S. BirdJr., Chairman. (New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1917. Pp. xvii, 492.) pp. 787-787 Downloads
Charles Mulford Robinson
The Psychology of Special Abilities and Disabilities. By Augusta F. BronnerPh.D. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1917. Pp. vi, 269.) pp. 788-788 Downloads
Erville B. Woods

Volume 11, issue 3, 1917

Spain and the War pp. 421-447 Downloads
Charles H. Cunningham
Opposition to Home Rule1 pp. 448-460 Downloads
Edward Raymond Turner
The Merit System and the Higher Offices pp. 461-472 Downloads
John A. McIlhenny
The Veto Power of the State Governor1 pp. 473-493 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
The Direct Primary in New York State pp. 494-518 Downloads
H. Feldman
The Military Unpreparedness of the United States. By Frederick Louis Huidekoper. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1915. Pp. xx, 735.) pp. 569-573 Downloads
William A. Schaper
American World Policies. By Walter E. Weyl. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1917.) pp. 573-574 Downloads
Roland G. Usher
The Hague Arbitration Cases. By George Grafton Wilson. (Boston: Ginn and Company. 1915. Pp. x, 525.) - The Hague Court Reports. Published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Edited with an introduction by James Brown Scott. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1916. Pp. cxi, 664.) pp. 574-577 Downloads
Henry F. Munro
Breaches of Anglo-American Treaties. By Major John Bigelow. (New York: Sturgis and Walton Company. 1917. Pp. xi, 248, with three maps.) pp. 577-578 Downloads
Philip Marshall Brown
The System of Financial Administration of Great Britain. By W. F. Willoughby, W. W. Willoughby and Samuel McCune Lindsay. Published for the Institute for Government Research. Introduction by A. Lawrence Lowell. (New York: D. Appelton and Company. 1917. Pp. xvi, 392.) pp. 578-580 Downloads
Edward Porritt
Standards of American Legislation. By Ernst Freund. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1917. Pp. xx, 327.) pp. 580-582 Downloads
A. N. Holcombe
Studies in the Problem of Sovereignty. By Harold J. Laski. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1917. Pp. 297.) pp. 582-584 Downloads
Walter James Shepard
The Leveller Movement. A study in the History and Political Theory of the English Great Civil War. A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature, University of Chicago. By Theodore Calvin Pease. (Washington: American Historical Association. 1916. Pp. x, 406.) pp. 584-585 Downloads
C. H. McIlwain
Public Opinion in Massachusetts during the Civil War and Reconstruction. By Edith Ellen Ware. (Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. 1916. Pp. 219.) pp. 586-587 Downloads
Ernest Kimball
The County—The “Dark Continent” of American Politics. By H. S. Gilbertson. (New York: The National Short Ballot Organization. 1917. Pp. vi, 297.) pp. 587-588 Downloads
Orren Chalmer Hormell
Essays in the Earlier History of American Corporations. By Joseph Stancliffe DavisPhD. Two volumes. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1917. Pp. 546, 419.) pp. 589-590 Downloads
J. A. F.
The Rule Making Authority in the English Supreme Court. By Samuel Rosenbaum. (Boston: Boston Book Company. 1917. Pp. xiv, 321.) pp. 590-591 Downloads
Chester Lloyd Jones
Business Competition and the Law. By Gilbert H. Montague. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1917. Pp. 309.) pp. 591-592 Downloads
Albert M. Kales
The Man in Court. By Frederick DeWitt Wells. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1917.) pp. 592-592 Downloads
W. S. McNeill

Volume 11, issue 2, 1917

Pan-American Coöperation in Pan-American Affairs1 pp. 217-230 Downloads
F. Alfonso Pezet
The Monroe Doctrine and the Government of Chile1 pp. 231-238 Downloads
Carlos Castro-Ruiz
Lending our Financial Machinery to Latin America1 pp. 239-251 Downloads
F. C. Schwedtman
Four Years of Congress pp. 252-283 Downloads
James Miller Leake
Woman Suffrage in Parliament: A Test for Cabinet Autocracy pp. 284-309 Downloads
Evans Clark
La Liberté politique en Allemagne et la Dynastie des Hohenzollern. By F. de Visscher. (Paris. 1916.) - Belgium's Case. A Judicial Enquiry. By Ch. de Visscher. (London. 1916.) - Belgium and the Great Powers. Her Neutrality Explained and Vindicated. By Emile Waxweiler. (New York and London: G. F. Putnam's Sons. 1916. 186 pp.) pp. 336-340 Downloads
Léon Dupriéz
The Chartist Movement in its Social and Economic Aspects. By Frank F. Rosenblatt. Pp. 248. (New York: The Columbia University Press. 1916.) - The Decline of the Chartist Movement. By Preston William Slosson. Pp. 216. (New York: The Columbia University Press. 1916.) - Chartism and the Churches. A study in Democracy. By Harold Underwood Faulkner. Pp. 152. (New York: The Columbia University Press. 1916.) - Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University. Whole Numbers 171, 172 and 173. (New York: The Columbia University Press. 1916.) pp. 340-342 Downloads
Edward Porritt
Political Thought in England: The Utilitarians. From Bentham to J. S. Mill. By William L. Davidson. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1913. Pp. 256.) - Political Thought in England: From Herbert Spencer to the Present Day. By Ernest Barker. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1915. Pp. 256.) pp. 342-344 Downloads
Raymond Garfield Gettell
State Government in the United States. By Arthur N. Holcombe. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1916. Pp. xiii, 498.) pp. 344-346 Downloads
John A. Fairlie
Principles of American State Administration. By John M. Mathews. (New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1917. Pp. xiv, 534.) pp. 346-347 Downloads
A. N. Holcombe
Statute Law-Making in Iowa. Edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Applied History, volume III. (Iowa City, Iowa. 1916. The State Historical Society of Iowa. Pp. xviii, 718.) pp. 348-349 Downloads
Russell McCulloch Story
The Mississippi Valley in British Politics. A Study of the Trade, Land Speculation, and Experiments in Imperialism Culminating in the American Revolution. By Clarence W. Alvord. Two volumes. (Cleveland: The Arthur H. Clark Company. 1917. Pp. 358, 396.) pp. 349-351 Downloads
Frederic Austin Ogg
Jeffersonian Democracy in New England. By William A. RobinsonPh.D. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1916. Pp. vi, 170.) pp. 351-352 Downloads
Lois Kimball Mathews
The Government of the Philippine Islands: Its Development and Fundamentals. By George A. Malcolm, Professor of Public Law and Dean of the College of Law in the University of the Philippines. (Rochester, N. Y.: The Lawyers Coöperative Publishing Company. 1916.) pp. 352-353 Downloads
Alleyne Ireland
Political Frontiers and Boundary Making. By Col. SirThomas H. Holdich. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1916. Pp. xi, 307.) pp. 354-355 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
A Political and Social History of Modern Europe. By Carlton J. H. Hayes, Associate Professor of History in Columbia University, two volumes. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1916.) pp. 355-356 Downloads
W. Roy Smith
Modern Currency Reforms. By Edwin Walter Kemmerer. (New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. xxi, 564.) pp. 356-356 Downloads
George Ray Wicker
Government Telephones, The Experience of Manitoba, Canada. By James Mavor. (New York: Moffatt, Yard and Company. 1916. Pp. viii, 176.) pp. 357-359 Downloads
A. N. Holcombe

Volume 11, issue 1, 1917

The Scientific Spirit in Politics1 pp. 1-11 Downloads
Jesse Macy
Pan-Turanism pp. 12-23 Downloads
T. Lothrop Stoddard
The Control of Foreign Relations pp. 24-58 Downloads
Denys P. Myers
The Department of the Navy1 pp. 59-75 Downloads
Robert W. Neeser
Obstacles to Municipal Progress1 pp. 76-87 Downloads
Henry T. Hunt
Politics. By Heinrich von Treitschke. Translated from the German by Blanche Dugdale and Torben De Bille, with an introduction by the Right Hon. Arthur James Balfour, and a foreword by A. Lawrence Lowell. In two volumes. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916. Pp., Vol. I, xliv, 406; Vol. II, vi, 643.) pp. 132-137 Downloads
Walter James Shepard
Modern French Legal Philosophy. Translated by Mrs.F. W. Scott and J. P. Chamberlain. Edited by A. W. Spencer. (Boston: Boston Book Company, 1916. Pp. lxvi, 578.) pp. 137-139 Downloads
Morris R. Cohen
A History of Continental Criminal Law. By Carl Ludwig von Bar. Translated by Thomas S. Bell. Continental Legal History Series. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1916. Pp. lvi, 561.) pp. 139-142 Downloads
Edward Lindsey
Le Droit des Gens, ou Principes de la Loi Naturelle Appliqués à la Conduite et aux affaires des Nationes et des Souverains. Par M. de Vattel. With an introduction by Albert de Lapradelle. English translation by Charles G. FenwickPh.D., Three volumes. (Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1916. Pp. xxxv, 644; 501; 463.) pp. 142-143 Downloads
James W. Garner
The Enforcement of International Law through Municipal Law in the United States. By Philip Quincy WrightPh.D., (University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, March, 1916. Pp. 264.) pp. 143-146 Downloads
Philip Marshall Brown
International Cases: Arbitrations and Incidents Illustrative of International Law as Practised by Independent States. Volume 1, Peace. Volume 2, War and Neutrality. By Ellery C. Stowell and Henry F. Munro. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1916. Pp. xxxvi, 496; xvii, 662.) pp. 146-148 Downloads
John H. Latané
Nationalism, War and Society. A study of nationalism and its concomitant, war, in their relation to civilization; and of the fundamentals and the progress of the opposition to war. By Edward Krehbiel. With an introduction by Norman Angell. (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1916. Pp. xxxv, 276.) pp. 149-150 Downloads
Philip Marshall Brown
Contemporary Politics in the Far East. By Stanley K. HornbeckB.A. (Oxon.), Ph.D., (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916. Pp. xiv, 466.) pp. 150-153 Downloads
Bernadotte E. Schmitt
England and Germany: 1740–1914. By Bernadotte Everly Schmitt. (Princeton University Press, 1916. Pp. ix, 524.) pp. 153-154 Downloads
William A. Frayer
French Policy and the American Alliance of 1778. By Edward S. CorwinPh.D., (Princeton University Press, 1916. Pp. 430.) pp. 154-156 Downloads
Frank A. Updyke
America's Foreign Relations. By Willis Fletcher Johnson. (New York: The Century Company, 1916. Two volumes: Pp. xii, 551; vii, 485.) pp. 156-159 Downloads
Ralston Hayden
Caribbean Interests of the United States. By Chester Lloyd Jones. (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916. Pp. viii, 379.) pp. 159-162 Downloads
James Morton Callahan
Principles of Constitutional Government. By Frank J. Goodnow. (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1916. Pp. 396.) pp. 162-163 Downloads
C. G. Fenwick
Form and Functions of American Government. By Thomas Harrison Reed. (Yonkers-on-Hudson: World Book Company, 1916. Pp. xv, 549.) pp. 164-166 Downloads
Frank Abbott Magruder
The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina. By Chauncey Samuel Boucher. (The University of Chicago Press, 1916. Pp. xii, 399.) pp. 166-167 Downloads
W. Roy Smith
Life of Henry Winter Davis. By Bernard C. Steiner. (Baltimore: John Murphy Company, 1916. Pp. 416.) pp. 167-168 Downloads
W. Roy Smith
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