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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

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Volume 74, issue 4, 1980

Moral Responsibility of Public Officials: The Problem of Many Hands pp. 905-916 Downloads
Dennis F. Thompson
An Expected Utility Theory of International Conflict pp. 917-931 Downloads
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
Diffusion, Reinforcement, Geopolitics, and the Spread of War pp. 932-946 Downloads
Benjamin A. Most and Harvey Starr
War and the Cycle of Relative Power pp. 947-965 Downloads
Charles F. Doran and Wes Parsons
The Succession Connection: Policy Cycles and Political Change in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe pp. 966-977 Downloads
Valerie Jane Bunce
Systemic Power in Community Decision Making: A Restatement of Stratification Theory pp. 978-990 Downloads
Clarence N. Stone
The Urban Bureaucracy and the Chicago Political Machine: Who Gets What and the Limits to Political Control pp. 991-998 Downloads
Kenneth R. Mladenka
Urban Policy: Does Political Structure Matter? pp. 999-1006 Downloads
David R. Morgan and John P. Pelissero
Reason and Authority in Habermas: A Critique of the Critics pp. 1007-1017 Downloads
Stephen K. White
Rousseau and the Problem of Bourgeois Society pp. 1018-1033 Downloads
Arthur M. Melzer
Rousseau's Inhibited Radicalism: An Analysis of His Political Thought in Light of His Economic Ideas pp. 1034-1045 Downloads
Yoav Peled
Comment on Salkever (Vol. 74, March 1980, pp. 70–77) pp. 1046-1047 Downloads
Robert S. Hill
Reply pp. 1047-1048 Downloads
Stephen G. Salkever
Comment on Fishkin's Review (Vol. 74, March 1980, pp. 176–77) pp. 1048-1049 Downloads
David Lewis Schaefer
Comment on Spegele (Vol 74, March 1980, pp. 104–22) pp. 1048-1048 Downloads
Philip A. Schrodt
Reply pp. 1049-1049 Downloads
James Fishkin
Comment on Fishkin's Review (Vol. 74, March 1980, pp. 176–77) pp. 1050-1050 Downloads
Michael Zuckert
Erratum pp. 1051-1051 Downloads
Furious Fancies: American Political Thought in the Post-Liberal Era. By Philip Abbot. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1980, Pp. x + 265. $23.95.) pp. 1052-1053 Downloads
Darryl Baskin
Sartre: The Arguments of the Philosophers. By Peter Caws. (Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979. Pp. xiii + 210. $22.50.) pp. 1053-1053 Downloads
William S. Corlett
Images of Conflict. By Albert F. Eldridge. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 229. $12.95, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 1054-1055 Downloads
Betty A. Nesvold
Human Nature in American Thought: A History. By Merle Curti. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1980. Pp. xvii + 453. $25.00.) pp. 1054-1054 Downloads
Alan P. Grimes
Central Problems in Social Theory: Action, Structure and Contradiction in Social Analysis. By Anthony Giddens. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. x + 294. $20.00, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 1055-1056 Downloads
James Miller
Justice: Ideas and Ideologies. Edited by Eugene Kamenka and Alice Erh-Soon Tay. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. Pp. viii + 184. $19.95) pp. 1056-1057 Downloads
John G. Gunnell
Viable Democracy. By Michael Margolis. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. 211. $18.50; New York: Penguin Books, 1979. Pp. 208. $3.95, paper.) pp. 1057-1058 Downloads
Stuart A. Lilie
The Organization of Interests: Incentives and the Internal Dynamics of Political Interest Groups. By Terry M. Moe. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. Pp. x + 282. $21.00.) pp. 1058-1059 Downloads
David B. Truman
Gramsci and Marxist Theory. Edited by Chantal Mouffe. (Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. Pp. vii + 288. $24.50, cloth; $12.95, paper.) pp. 1059-1060 Downloads
Mark E. Kann
Democratic Political Theory. By J. Roland Pennock. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xxii + 573. $32.50, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 1060-1061 Downloads
Giovanni Sartori
Constitutionalism: Nomos XX. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. (New York: New York University Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 398. $17.50.) pp. 1061-1063 Downloads
Harvey Wheeler
The Cult of Violence: Sorel and the Sorelians. By Jack J. Roth. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. Pp. xi + 359. $25.00.) pp. 1063-1064 Downloads
Mark N. Hagopian
Theories of Underdevelopment. By Ian Roxborough. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 175. $22.50.) pp. 1064-1065 Downloads
Mark B. Rosenberg
From Rationality to Liberation: The Evolution of Feminist Ideology. By Judith A. Sabrosky. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1980. Pp. viii + 175. $17.95.) pp. 1065-1065 Downloads
Mary Lyndon Shanley
Moral Principles and Political Obligations. By A. John Simmons. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1980. Pp. xi + 236. $16.50.) pp. 1066-1066 Downloads
Karen Johnson
The City and Social Theory. By Michael P. Smith. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 315. $12.95, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 1066-1067 Downloads
Elinor R. Bowen
Continuing the Revolution: The Political Thought of Mao. By John Bryan Starr. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 366. $20.00, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 1067-1068 Downloads
Raymond F. Wylie
Political Philosophy as Therapy: Marcuse Reconsidered. By Gertrude A. Steuernagel. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 147. $15.95.) pp. 1068-1070 Downloads
Jean Bethke Elshtain
Bringing the Left Back Home: A Critique of American Social Criticism. By Gary Thom. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. x + 303. $17.50.) pp. 1070-1071 Downloads
Paul Peterson
From Mobilization to Revolution. By Charles Tilly. (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1978. Pp. xiii + 349. No price given.) pp. 1071-1073 Downloads
Edward N. Muller
Natural Rights Theories: Their Origin and Development. By Richard Tuck. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 185. $24.50.) pp. 1073-1073 Downloads
Gary L. Jones
Symbol, Myth and Culture: Essays and Lectures of Ernst Cassirer, 1935–1945. Edited by Donald P. Verene. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 304. $22.50.) pp. 1073-1075 Downloads
Patrick Riley
The Road: Indian Tribes and Political Liberty. By Russel Lawrence Barsh and James Youngblood Henderson. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. Pp. vii + 301. $14.95.) pp. 1075-1076 Downloads
Janna Merrick
The Politics of Opposition: Antifederalists and the Acceptance of the Constitution. By Steven R. Boyd. (Millwood, N.Y.: KTO Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 178. $18.95.) pp. 1076-1077 Downloads
Gordon Lloyd
Making Foreign Economic Policy. By I. M. Destler. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1980. Pp. xii + 244. $11.95, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 1077-1078 Downloads
R. Harrison Wagner
Rules and Racial Equality. By Edwin Dorn. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 158. $14.00.) pp. 1078-1079 Downloads
Robert H. Stern
Presidential Influence in Congress. By George C. EdwardsIII. (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co., 1980. Pp. x + 216. $13.95, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 1079-1080 Downloads
David C. Kozak
Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review. By John Hart Ely. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980. Pp. vii + 268. $15.00.) pp. 1080-1081 Downloads
Tinsley E. Yarbrough
Judicial Review and the Reasonable Doubt Test. By Sanford Byron Gabin. (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1980. Pp. 125. $15.00.) pp. 1081-1082 Downloads
Neil D. McFeeley
Presidential Decisionmaking in Foreign Policy: The Effective Use of Information and Advice. By Alexander L. George. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. xviii + 267. $24.00, cloth; $10.00, paper.) pp. 1082-1083 Downloads
David S. McLellan
Toward the Endless Frontier: History of the Committee on Science and Technology, 1959–79. By Ken Hechler. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1980. Pp. xxxvi + 1073. $11.00, paper.) pp. 1083-1084 Downloads
Charles O. Jones
Mashpee: The Story of Cape Cod's Indian Town. By Francis G. Hutchins. (West Franklin, N.H.: Amarta Press, 1979. Pp. 202. $12.50.) pp. 1084-1085 Downloads
Vine Deloria
Voting in Indiana: A Century of Persistence and Change. By Charles S. Hyneman, C. Richard Hofstetter, and Patrick F. O'Connor. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980. Pp. x + 298. $18.50.) pp. 1085-1086 Downloads
Austin Ranney
The National Interest and the Human Interest: An Analysis of U.S. Foreign Policy. By Robert C. Johansen. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1980. Pp. xxviii + 517. $32.50, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 1086-1088 Downloads
Cecil V. Crabb
Money in Congressional Elections. By Gary C. Jacobson. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1980. Pp. xv + 251. $15.00.) pp. 1086-1086 Downloads
Robert J. Huckshorn
United States Foreign Policy Toward Yugoslavia, 1943–1963. By David L. Larson. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1979. Pp. vi + 380. $11.75, paper.) pp. 1088-1089 Downloads
Paul E. Zinner
Silent Hattie Speaks: The Personal Journal of Senator Hattie Caraway. Edited by Diane D. Kincaid. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 151. $16.95.) pp. 1088-1088 Downloads
Virginia Gray
Reasoning About Discrimination: The Analysis of Professional and Executive Work in Federal Antibias Programs. By Richard A. Lester. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1980. Pp. xv + 384. $17.50.) pp. 1089-1090 Downloads
Robert S. Friedman
The Third Century: America as a Post-Industrial Society. Edited by Seymour Martin Lipset. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1980. Pp. 471. $14.95.) pp. 1090-1091 Downloads
Anthony King
Parties, Interest Groups, and Campaign Finance Laws. Edited by Michael J. Malbin. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1980. Pp. xiv + 384. $11.75, cloth; $5.75, paper.) pp. 1092-1092 Downloads
Linda L. Fowler
Urban Policy Making. Edited by Dale Rogers Marshall. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1979. Pp. 283. $18.50, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 1093-1094 Downloads
W. E. Lyons
The Nuclear Question: The United States and Nuclear Weapons, 1946–1976. By Michael Mandelbaum. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. x + 277. $14.95.) pp. 1093-1093 Downloads
Gary L. Guertner
World War I and the Origin of Civil Liberties in the United States. By Paul L. Murphy. (New York: W.W. Norton, 1979. Pp. 285. $16.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 1094-1095 Downloads
Robert J. Steamer
Setting National Priorities: Agenda for the 1980s. Edited by Joseph A. Pechman. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1980. Pp. xiii + 563. $18.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 1095-1096 Downloads
Randall B. Ripley
We Don't Want Nobody Nobody Sent: An Oral History of the Daley Years. By Milton L. Rakove. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 404. $12.95.) pp. 1096-1097 Downloads
Charles R. Adrian
The Seventy-sixth Congress and World War II, 1939–1940. By David L. Porter. (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1979. Pp. x + 236. $19.50.) pp. 1096-1096 Downloads
Leroy N. Rieselbach
Interest and Ideology: The Foreign Policy Beliefs of American Businessmen. By Bruce M. Russett and Elizabeth C. Hanson. (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1975. Pp. xiv + 296. $13.00, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 1097-1098 Downloads
David H. Blake
Crusaders and Pragmatists: Movers of Modern American Foreign Policy. By John G. Stoessinger. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1979. Pp. xvii + 334. $16.95, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 1098-1099 Downloads
Stephen G. Walker
Rhetoric and Reality: Presidential Commissions and the Making of Public Policy. By Terrence R. Tutchings. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 164. $18.50.) pp. 1099-1099 Downloads
Dorothy B. James
The National Planning Idea in U.S. Public Policy: Five Alternative Approaches. By David E. Wilson. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. xv + 359. $28.50.) pp. 1099-1100 Downloads
Russ Smith
Decision on Palestine: How the U.S. Came to Recognize Israel. By Evan M. Wilson. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 244. $14.95.) pp. 1100-1101 Downloads
H. Field Haviland
Poverty, Politics and Policy: Britain in the 1960's. By Keith G. Banting. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979. Pp. x + 187. $30.00.) pp. 1102-1103 Downloads
Paul Kantor
Ethnic Power Mobilized: Can South Africa Change? By Heribert Adam and Hermann Giliomee. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 308. $22.50, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 1102-1102 Downloads
Richard Dale
The Limits of Politics: Collective Goods and Political Change in Postindustrial Societies. By Roger Benjamin. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. Pp. xiii + 148. $13.00.) pp. 1104-1104 Downloads
Garry D. Brewer
Politics of Compromise: Coalition Government in Colombia. Edited by R. Albert Berry, Ronald G. Hellman and Mauricio Solaún. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1980. Pp. xii + 488. $29.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 1104-1105 Downloads
John D. Martz
South Africa into the 1980s. Edited by Richard E. Bissell and Chester A. Crocker. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 254. $22.00.) pp. 1105-1107 Downloads
Gwendolen M. Carter
The New Authoritarianism in Latin America. Edited by David Collier. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. 456. $25.00, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 1107-1108 Downloads
Mitchell A. Seligson
Workers' Control Under Plan and Market: Implications of Yugoslav Self-Management. By Ellen Turkish Comisso. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. x + 285. $22.50.) pp. 1109-1110 Downloads
Fedor I. Cicak
Decisions, Politics and Change: A Study of Norwegian Urban Budgeting. By Andrew T. Cowart and Karl Erik Brofoss. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. 149. $11.00, paper.) pp. 1110-1110 Downloads
Bertil L. Hanson
The Changing British Party System, 1945–1979. By S. E. Finer. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1980. Pp. xviii + 244. $7.25, paper.) pp. 1110-1111 Downloads
C. F. Poke
India's Rural Development: An Assessment of Alternatives. By Marcus Franda. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980. Pp. xi + 306. $17.50.) pp. 1111-1112 Downloads
Manindra Kumar Mohapatra
Technology, Defense, and External Relations in China, 1975–1978. By Harry G. Gelber. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 236. $18.50.) pp. 1112-1113 Downloads
Ikua Chou
Marginality. By Gino Germani. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1980. Pp. vii + 98. $5.95.) pp. 1113-1114 Downloads
Wilber A. Chaffee
Young Mussolini and the Intellectual Origins of Fascism. By A. James Gregor. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 271. $16.50.) - Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship. By A. James Gregor. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1980. Pp. xv + 427. $27.50, cloth; $9.75, paper.) pp. 1114-1115 Downloads
Charles F. Delzell
Ein schwieriges Vaterland; Zur Politischen Kultur Deutschlands. By Martin and Sylvia Greiffenhagen. (Munich: List Verlag, 1979. Pp. 484. DM 39.80.) pp. 1115-1117 Downloads
Kai Hildebrandt
State and Society in Contemporary Europe. Edited by J. E. S. Hayward and R. N. Berki. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. x + 269. $22.50.) pp. 1117-1118 Downloads
Valerie Bunce
Parteienwettbewerb im Bundesstaat. By Gerhard Lehmbruch. (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag, 1976. Pp. 187. DM 6.50.) pp. 1118-1119 Downloads
David P. Conradt
An African Experiment in Nation Building: The Bilingual Cameroon Republic Since Reunification. Edited by Ndiva Kofele-Kale. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. lii + 369. $26.50.) pp. 1118-1118 Downloads
Christian P. Potholm
US and UK Educational Policy: A Decade of Reform. By Edgar Litt and Michael Parkinson. (New York: Praeger Publications, 1979. Pp. x + 161. $19.95.) pp. 1119-1120 Downloads
Edward P. Morgan
Tanzania's Ujamaa Villages: The Implementation of a Rural Development Strategy. By Dean E. McHenryJr. (Berkeley: University of California Institute of International Studies, Research Series No. 39, 1979. Pp. xi + 268. $5.95, paper.) pp. 1120-1121 Downloads
Joel Samoff
Chinese Communist Power and Policy in Xinjiang, 1949–1977. By Donald H. McMillen. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xix + 373. $23.00.) pp. 1121-1122 Downloads
Hong Yung Lee
Western European Party Systems: Trends and Prospects. Edited by Peter H. Merkl. (New York: Free Press, 1980. Pp. xi + 676. $39.95.) pp. 1122-1123 Downloads
Elijah Ben-Zion Kaminsky
Towards Total Revolution: Vol. 1, Search for an Ideology; Vol. 2, Politics in India; Vol. 3, India and her Problems; Vol. 4, Total Revolution. By Jayaprakash Narayan. Edited by Brahmanand. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1980. Pp. 1,148. $50.00, the set.) pp. 1123-1124 Downloads
Leo E. Rose
Nigerian Government and Politics under Military Rule, 1966–79. Edited by Oyeleye Oyediran. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. Pp. xii + 319. $22.00.) pp. 1124-1125 Downloads
Mark W. DeLancey
The Australian National Elections of 1977. Edited by Howard R. Penniman. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1979. Pp. 367. $8.25, paper.) pp. 1125-1126 Downloads
Henry S. Albinski
Socialism in Sub-Saharan Africa: A New Assessment. Edited by Carl G. Rosberg and Thomas M. Callaghy. (Berkeley: University of California Institute of International Studies, 1979. Pp. x + 426. $8.50, paper.) pp. 1126-1127 Downloads
Frances Hill
The Foreign Policies of the French Left. Edited by Simon Serfaty. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 124. $13.50.) pp. 1127-1128 Downloads
Frank L. Wilson
Democracy in Western Germany: Parties and Politics in the Federal Republic. By Gordon Smith. (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1980. Pp. x + 225. $17.50, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 1128-1128 Downloads
Jutta A. Helm
Legislatures in Development: Dynamics of Change in New and Old States. Edited by Joel Smith and Lloyd D. Musolf. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 407. $19.75.) pp. 1128-1130 Downloads
Marvin G. Weinbaum
Scientists in Power. By Spencer R. Weart. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 343. $17.50.) pp. 1130-1130 Downloads
Joseph Haberer
After Mussolini: Italian Neo-Fascism and the Nature of Fascism. By Leonard B. Weinberg. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1979. Pp. iii + 88. $6.75, paper.) pp. 1130-1131 Downloads
Anthony James Joes
The Continuing Struggle for Democracy in Latin America. Edited by Howard J. Wiarda. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. xvi + 313. $24.50.) pp. 1131-1133 Downloads
Robert J. Alexander
The Politics of Faction: Christian Democratic Rule in Italy. By Alan S. Zuckerman. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 251. $18.50.) pp. 1133-1134 Downloads
Ernest E. Rossi
Threat Perception in International Crisis. By Raymond Cohen. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1979. Pp. vii + 229. $17.50.) pp. 1134-1135 Downloads
Charles Lockhart
Capitalism and the State in U.S.-Latin American Relations. Edited by Richard R. Fagen. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 446. $22.50, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 1135-1136 Downloads
Douglas A. Chalmers
Psychological Models of International Politics. Edited by Lawrence S. Falkowski. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 312. $22.50.) pp. 1136-1137 Downloads
Robert Mandel
West German Foreign Policy: 1949–1979. Edited by Wolfram F. Hanrieder. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. xii + 245. $22.50.) pp. 1137-1138 Downloads
Richard D. Partch
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Psychological Obstacles to Peace. By Daniel Heradstveit. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. 233. $17.00, paper.) pp. 1138-1139 Downloads
Noel Kaplowitz
Arab Politics in Palestine, 1917–1939; The Frustration of a Nationalist Movement. By Ann Mosely Lesch. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1979. Pp. 294. $20.00, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 1139-1141 Downloads
Richard Hrair Dekmejian
Dependency Approaches to International Political Economy: A Cross-National Study. By Vincent A. Mahler. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. Pp. viii + 218. $17.50.) pp. 1141-1142 Downloads
Arthur S. Banks
The Global Predicament: Ecological Perspectives on World Order. Edited by David W. Orr and Marvin S. Soroos. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 398. $19.00, cloth; $9.00, paper.) pp. 1142-1143 Downloads
Michael E. Kraft
Diplomatic Dispute: U.S. Conflict With Iran, Japan, and Mexico. Edited by Robert L. Paarlberg, with Eul Y. Park and Donald L. Wyman. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Center for International Affairs, 1979. Pp. 173. $11.95, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 1143-1143 Downloads
Charles A. Raith
Understanding Conflict and War: Vol. 4, War, Power, Peace. By R. J. Rummel. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1979. Pp. 447. $27.50.) pp. 1144-1145 Downloads
Harvey Starr
The Correlates of War: Vol. 1, Research Origins and Rationale; Vol. 2, Testing Some Realpolitik Models. Edited by J. David Singer. (New York: Free Press, 1979, 1980. Pp. xix + 405, xxxviii + 328. $17.95, $25.00.) pp. 1145-1148 Downloads
Harold Guetzkow

Volume 74, issue 3, 1980

Candidates and Parties in Congressional Elections pp. 617-632 Downloads
Thomas E. Mann and Raymond E. Wolfinger
A Comparison of Voting for U.S. Senator and Representative in 1978 pp. 633-640 Downloads
Alan I. Abramowitz
The American Voter in Congressional Elections pp. 641-650 Downloads
Barbara Hinckley
A Dynamic Model of Presidential Nomination Campaigns pp. 651-669 Downloads
John H. Aldrich
Self-Interest vs. Symbolic Politics in Policy Attitudes and Presidential Voting pp. 670-684 Downloads
David O. Sears, Richard R. Lau, Tom R. Tyler and Harris M. Allen
The Levels of Conceptualization: False Measures of Ideological Sophistication pp. 685-696 Downloads
Eric R. A. N. Smith
The Effects of Charges of Corruption on Voting Behavior in Congressional Elections pp. 697-708 Downloads
John G. Peters and Susan Welch
The Rationality of Hegel's Concept of Monarchy pp. 709-720 Downloads
Bernard Yack
Motive and Goal in Hannah Arendt's Concept of Political Action pp. 721-733 Downloads
James T Knauer
Creating the Statutory State: The Implications of a Rule of Law Standard in American Politics pp. 734-744 Downloads
Richard F. Bensel
Can Government Regulate Safety? The Coal Mine Example pp. 745-756 Downloads
Michael S. Lewis-Beck and John R. Alford
The Emergence of Political Parties in Congress, 1789–1803 pp. 757-779 Downloads
John F. Hoadley
Comments on Sullivan, Piereson, and Marcus (Vol. 73, September 1979, pp. 781–94) pp. 780-781 Downloads
Paul R. Abramson
[No Title] pp. 781-783 Downloads
John Immerwahr
Reply pp. 783-784 Downloads
James Piereson, John Sullivan and George Marcus
Comment on Ostrom (Vol. 72, September 1978, 941–57) pp. 784-786 Downloads
John Wanat
Reply pp. 786-788 Downloads
Charles W. Ostrom
Comment on Tufte (Vol. 69, September 1975, pp. 821–26) pp. 788-789 Downloads
Thomas W. Casstevens and Allison M. Swem
Comment on Frohlich, Oppenheimer, Smith and Young (Vol. 72, March 1978, pp. 178–97) pp. 789-791 Downloads
William R. Shaffer
Reply pp. 791-793 Downloads
Norman Frohlich, Joe Oppenheimer, Jeffrey Smith and Oran Young
Comment on Spegele (Vol. 74, March 1980, pp. 104–22) pp. 793-793 Downloads
Kenneth N. Waltz
Political Theory and International Relations. By Charles R. Beitz. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 212. $16.50, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 795-796 Downloads
Terry Nardin
The Biology of Peace and War: Men, Animals, and Aggression (Krieg und Frieden aus der Sicht der Verhaltensforschung). By Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt. Translated by Eric Mosbacher. (New York: Viking Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 294. $15.00.) pp. 796-797 Downloads
James Chowning Davies
Through the Looking-glass: Epistemology and the Conduct of Inquiry–An Anthology. Edited by Maria J. Falco. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1979. Pp. viii + 409. $13.75, paper.) pp. 797-799 Downloads
Eugene F. Miller
Main Currents of Marxism: Its Rise, Growth, and Dissolution: Vol. 1, The Founders; Vol. 2, The Golden Age; Vol. 3, The Breakdown. By Leszek Kolakowsky. Translated by P. S. Falla. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Pp. xiii + 434; viii + 542; xii + 548. $19.95, each.) pp. 799-801 Downloads
Theodore Mills Norton
Political, Electoral, and Spatial Systems: An Essay in Political Geography. By R. J. Johnston. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 221. $19.95, cloth; $11.95, paper.) pp. 799-799 Downloads
John C. Blydenburgh
Philosophy, Politics and Society, 5th ser. Edited by Peter Laslett and James S. Fishkin. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. 312. $19.50.) - Tyranny and Legitimacy: A Critique of Political Theories. By James S. Fishkin. (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 158. $12.95, cloth; $4.50, paper.) pp. 801-803 Downloads
Paul F. Kress
Usable Knowledge: Social Science and Social Problem Solving. By Charles E. Lindblom and David K. Cohen. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 129. $10.00, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 803-804 Downloads
Robert F. Rich
Psychopolitical Analysis: Selected Writings of Nathan Leites. Edited by Elizabeth Wirth Marvick. (New York: John Wiley, 1977. Pp. 384. $21.95.) pp. 804-805 Downloads
Fred I. Greenstein
Systémismes et Politique. By Anastase-Jean Metaxas. (Paris: Editions Anthropos, 1979. Pp. 248. Price not listed.) pp. 805-805 Downloads
Albert A. Mavrinac
Methodological Approaches to Social Sciences. By Ian I. Mitroff and Ralph H. Kilmann. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978. Pp. xv + 150. $11.95.) pp. 805-806 Downloads
Henry Teune
Women in Western Political Thought. By Susan Moller Okin. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. 371. $22.50, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 806-807 Downloads
Alan Ritter
Compromise in Ethics, Law, and Politics: Nomos XXI. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. (New York: New York University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv + 212. $17.50.) pp. 807-808 Downloads
D. A. Strickland
The Reveries of the Solitary Walker. By Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Translated by Charles E. Butterworth. (New York: New York University Press, 1979. Pp. xix + 268. $17.50.) pp. 808-810 Downloads
Mary L. Bellhouse
The Idea of Freedom: Essays in Honour of Isaiah Berlin. Edited by Alan Ryan. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Pp. vi + 297. $15.95.) pp. 810-811 Downloads
Robert A. Kocis
Quest for Equality in Freedom. By Francis M. Wilhoit. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1979. Pp. xii + 281. $12.95.) pp. 811-812 Downloads
Klaus H. Heberle
Financing the 1976 Election. By Herbert E. Alexander. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, Inc., 1979. Pp. xxii + 871. $35.00.) pp. 812-813 Downloads
Michael Margolis
Fiscal Retrenchment and Urban Policy. Edited by John P. Blair and David Nachmias. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1979. Pp. 310. $25.00, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 813-814 Downloads
Timothy G. O'Rourke
The Presidential Election Game. By Steven J. Brams. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1978. Pp. xix + 242. $15.00, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 814-816 Downloads
Bert A. Rockman
The Crises of Power: An Interpretation of United States Foreign Policy During the Kissinger Years. By Seyom Brown. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. xi+ 170. $10.95.) pp. 816-816 Downloads
Roy M. Melbourne
Presidential Selection: Theory and Development. By James W. Ceaser. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv + 371. $20.00, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 817-817 Downloads
William Crotty
Politics of Arms Control: The Role and Effectiveness of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. By Duncan L. Clarke. (New York: Free Press, 1979. Pp. x + 277. $15.95.) pp. 818-819 Downloads
John H. Esterline
Circular Letters of Congressmen to Their Constituents 1789–1829, 3 vols. Edited by Noble CunninghamJr. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1978. Pp. lxiii + 1634. $75.00, set.) pp. 819-820 Downloads
Samuel Kernell
The Process is the Punishment: Handling Cases in a Lower Criminal Court. By Malcolm M. Feeley. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1979. Pp. xxii + 323. $10.00, paper.) pp. 820-822 Downloads
Burton M. Atkins
Foreign Policy By Congress. By Thomas M. Franck and Edward Weisband. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 357. $15.95.) pp. 822-823 Downloads
Christopher J. Deering
Catholics and American Politics. By Mary T. Hanna. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 262. $15.00.) pp. 823-824 Downloads
John Fenton
Dimensions in Urban History: Historical and Social Science Perspectives on Middle-Size American Cities. By J. Rogers Hollingsworth and Ellen Jane Hollingsworth. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 184. $19.50.) pp. 824-825 Downloads
Harvey Boulay
The Right of Mobility. By Gerald L. Houseman. (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1979. Pp. x + 111. $12.50.) pp. 825-826 Downloads
William C. Louthan
The Private World of Congress. By Rochelle Jones and Peter Woll. (New York: Free Press, 1979. Pp. vii + 264. $14.95.) pp. 826-827 Downloads
Sidney Wise
Repealing National Prohibition. By David E. Kyvig. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. Pp. xix + 274. $21.00.) pp. 828-828 Downloads
Harry R. Mahood
Fair Game? Inequality and Affirmative Action. By John C. Livingston. (San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co., 1979. Pp. xvi + 281. $12.95.) pp. 828-829 Downloads
Richard A. Brisbin
Civil Rights and the Crisis of Liberalism: The Democratic Party 1945–1976. By John Frederick Martin. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 301. $20.00.) pp. 829-830 Downloads
Raymond H. Gusteson
Change in Public Bureaucracies. By Marshall W. Meyer. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 251. $19.95.) pp. 830-831 Downloads
John L. Foster
The President, the Budget, and Congress: Impoundment and the 1974 Budget Act. By James P. Pfiffner. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 165. $17.50, cloth; $8.00, paper.) pp. 831-832 Downloads
Harvey C. Mansfield
The United States, The United Nations, and Human Rights. By A. Glenn MowerJr. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 215. $17.50.) pp. 831-831 Downloads
James A. Stegenga
Injury to Insult: Unemployment, Class and Political Response. By Kay Lehman Schlozman and Sidney Verba. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 393. $20.00.) pp. 832-833 Downloads
Richard A. Brody
Letters of Louis D. Brandeis: Vol. 4, 1916–1921: Mr. Justice Brandeis; Vol. 5, 1921–1941: Elder Statesman. Edited by Melvin I. Urofsky and David W. Levy. (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1975, 1979. Pp. xxiii + 587; xxix + 770. $35.00, each.) pp. 833-834 Downloads
Robert G. Seddig
Unions in American National Politics. Graham K. Wilson. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. xii+ 168. $18.50.) pp. 834-835 Downloads
Abraham Holtzman
Suburban Tokyo: A Comparative Study in Politics and Social Change. By Gary D. Allinson. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 258. $18.75.) pp. 835-836 Downloads
John Creighton Campbell
Fluidità Elettorale e Classi Sociali in Italia: 1968–1976. By M. Barbagli, P. Corbetta, A. Parisi, and H. M. A. Schadee. (Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino, 1979. Pp. 182. Lire 5000, paper.) pp. 836-837 Downloads
Raymond Seidelman
Politics in the Middle East. By James A. Bill and Carl Leiden. (Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown, 1979. Pp. xv + 416. $7.95, paper.) pp. 837-838 Downloads
Don Peretz
Soviet Law After Stalin: Vol. 1, The Citizen and the State in Contemporary Soviet Law; Vol. 2, Social Engineering Through Law. Edited by Donald D. Barry, George Ginsburgs, and Peter Maggs. (The Netherlands: Sijthoff and Noordhoff Publishers, 1977 and 1978. Pp. xv + 303; xiv + 335. $48.00, each.) pp. 837-837 Downloads
Peter Vanneman
Moving a Mountain: Cultural Change in China. Edited by Godwin C. Chu and Francis L. K. Hsu. (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1979. Pp. ix + 446. $17.50.) pp. 838-839 Downloads
Alan P. L. Liu
Die Planungszelle. By Peter C. Dienel. (Opladen, West Germany: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1978. Pp. 276. DM 23.) pp. 839-840 Downloads
Charles R. Foster
Doctrine and Ethos in the Labour Party. By H. M. Drucker. (Boston: George Allen and Unwin, 1979. Pp. viii + 134. $17.50, cloth; $7.50, paper.) pp. 840-841 Downloads
Bruce E. Cain
Politics and Policy in Australia. By Geoffrey Hawker, R. F. I. Smith and Patrick Weller. (St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia: University of Queensland Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 313. $24.25, cloth; $14.50, paper.) pp. 841-842 Downloads
Lawrence Mayer
The Christian Democratic Parties of Western Europe. By R. E. M. Irving. (Winchester, Mass.: George Allen & Unwin, 1979. Pp. xxii + 338. $35.00.) pp. 842-843 Downloads
Arthur B. Gunlicks
Ethnicity and Equality: The Shiv Sena Party and Preferential Policies in Bombay. By Mary Fainsod Katzenstein. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1979. Pp. 237. $15.00.) pp. 843-844 Downloads
Daniel R. Graves
Doing Good by Doing Little: Race and Schooling in Britain. By David L. Kirp. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 164. $11.95.) pp. 844-845 Downloads
Elizabeth H. Crighton
The United Arab Emirates: Unity in Fragmentation. By Ali Mohammed Khalifa. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 235. $24.50.) pp. 844-844 Downloads
Roy E. Thoman
Citizen Politicians-Canada: Party Officials in a Democratic Society. By Allan Kornberg, Joel Smith, and Harold D. Clarke. (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 243. $15.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 845-846 Downloads
Ronald G. Landes
Is Britain Dying? Perspectives on the Current Crisis. Edited by Isaac Kramnick. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1979. Pp. 286. $15.00.) pp. 846-847 Downloads
Joel D. Wolfe
Local Government in Britain and France: Problems and Prospects. Edited by Jacques Lagroye and Vincent Wright. (Boston: Allen and Unwin, Inc., 1979. Pp. viii + 244. $19.95.) - The Reorganization of British Local Government: Old Orthodoxies and a Political Perspective. By John Dearlove. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 308. $34.50, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 847-849 Downloads
Jerry A. Webman
The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes. Edited by Juan J. Linz and Alfred Stepan. (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. Pp. 718. $35.00, cloth; 4 vols. paper, $2.95 and $3.95 each.) pp. 849-852 Downloads
Philippe C. Schmitter
Marxism-Leninism in the German Democratic Republic: The Socialist Unity Party (SED). By Martin McCauley. (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1979. Pp. xix + 267. $23.50.) pp. 852-853 Downloads
Fred H. Eidlin
Governmental Instability in Indian States: West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. By Subrata Kumar Mitra. (Delhi: Adjanta Publications, 1978. Pp. 150. Rs. 40.) pp. 853-854 Downloads
Richard Sisson
Marcos and Martial Law in the Philippines. Edited by David A. Rosenberg. (Ithaca, N.Y. and London: Cornell University Press, 1979. Pp. 315. $17.50.) pp. 854-855 Downloads
Robert L. Youngblood
Chile: The State and Revolution. By Ian Roxborough, Phil O'Brien and Jackie Roddick. (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1977. Pp. x + 304. $20.00.) - The Overthrow of Allende and the Politics of Chile, 1946–1976. By Paul E. Sigmund. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1977. Pp. xiii + 326. $14.95.) pp. 855-857 Downloads
Arturo Valenzuela
The Arab Press: News Media and Political Process in the Arab World. By William A. Rugh. (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 205. $18.00, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 857-858 Downloads
Ibrahim Abu-Lughod
Local Politics and Nation-States: Case Studies in Politics and Policy. By Ann Schulz. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Clio Books, 1979. Pp. xii + 234. $21.50.) pp. 858-859 Downloads
Donald B. Rosenthal
Wither the State? Politics and Public Enterprise in Three Countries. By Ira Sharkansky. (Chatham, N.J.: Chatham House Publishers, 1979. Pp. xii + 177. $9.95, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 859-860 Downloads
Gary Freeman
Protest Movements in Two Indian States: A Study of the Gujarat and Bihar Movements. By Ghanshyam Shah. (Delhi, India: Ajanta Publications, 1977. Pp. xi + 171. $8.00.) pp. 859-859 Downloads
Kul B. Rai
The Politics of Africa: Dependence and Development. Edited by Timothy M. Shaw and Kenneth A. Heard. (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1979. Pp. xii + 400. $23.95, cloth; $14.75, paper.) pp. 860-862 Downloads
Rodger Yeager
The Democratic Process in a Developing Society. By A. H. Somjee. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 168. $19.95.) pp. 862-862 Downloads
Marcus Franda
Class Conflict and Economic Development in Chile, 1958–1873. By Barbara Stallings. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1978. Pp. xviii + 295. $18.50.) pp. 862-864 Downloads
Brian Loveman
The State and Society: Peru in Comparative Perspective. By Alfred Stepan. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1978. Pp. xix + 348. $18.50, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 864-866 Downloads
Robert A. Packenham
Opposition in Eastern Europe. Edited by Rudolf L. Tökés. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. Pp. xxiv + 306. $22.50.) pp. 866-867 Downloads
James P. McGregor
The Catholic Church, Dissent and Nationality in Soviet Lithuania. By V. Stanley Vardys. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1978. Pp. xiii+ 336. $22.50.) pp. 867-868 Downloads
Vasyl Markus
Soviet Intervention in Czechoslovakia, 1968: Anatomy of a Decision. By Jiri Valenta. (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 208. $12.95.) pp. 867-867 Downloads
Edward Taborsky
The House of Commons in the Twentieth Century: Essays by Members of the Study of Parliament Group. Edited by S. A. Walkland. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Pp. vi + 649. $55.00.) pp. 868-869 Downloads
Harris N. Miller
G. D. H. Cole and Socialist Democracy. By A. W. Wright. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979. Pp. 301. $36.00.) pp. 870-871 Downloads
G. David Garson
Conflict and Consensus in France. Edited by Vincent Wright. (Totowa, N.J.: Frank Cass, 1979. Pp. 150. $19.50.) pp. 871-872 Downloads
Roy Pierce
Tariffs, Quotas and Trade: The Politics of Protectionism. By Walter Adams et al. (San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1979. Pp. xiii+ 330. $6.95, paper.) pp. 873-873 Downloads
Wayne Lewis
Understanding Foreign Policy Decisions: The Chinese Case. By Davis B. Bobrow, Steve Chan, and John A. Kringen. (New York: Free Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 242. $16.95.) pp. 873-874 Downloads
Thomas J. Price
Calling a Truce to Terror: The American Response to International Terrorism. By Ernest Evans. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. x + 180. $19.95.) pp. 874-876 Downloads
Edward Mickolus
Strategy and Security in Northeast Asia. Edited by Richard B. Foster, James E. DornanJr., and William M. Carpenter. (New York: Crane, Russak, 1979. Pp. xv + 315. $19.50.) pp. 876-877 Downloads
Hong N. Kim
Global Inequality: Political and Socioeconomic Perspectives. Edited by D. John Grove. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 236. $18.75.) pp. 877-878 Downloads
Walker Connor
Israel-Latin American Relations. By Edy Kaufman, Yoram Shapira, and Joel Barromi. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1979. Pp. xvii + 256. $19.95.) pp. 878-878 Downloads
Edward Bernard Glick
A Continent Astray: Europe 1970–1978. By Walter Laqueur. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Pp. vii + 293. $15.00.) pp. 879-880 Downloads
Martin O. Heisler
Diplomacy: New Approaches in History, Theory, and Policy. Edited by Paul Gordon Lauren. (New York: Free Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 286. $25.00.) pp. 880-881 Downloads
Joan Krueger Wadlow
Human Migration: Patterns and Policies. Edited by William H. McNeill and Ruth S. Adams. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978. Pp. xviii + 442. $22.50.) pp. 881-882 Downloads
Rosemarie Rogers
India: A Rising Middle Power. Edited by John W. Mellor. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 374. $20.00.) pp. 882-883 Downloads
Theodore P. Wright
Pollution, Politics, and International Law: Tankers at Sea. By R. Michael M'Gonigle and Mark W. Zacher. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 394. $15.95.) pp. 883-884 Downloads
Louis Rene Beres
Limited War Revisited. By Robert E. Osgood. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 124. $15.00.) pp. 884-885 Downloads
Abbott A. Brayton
Critical Perspectives on Imperialism and Social Class in the Third World. By James Petras. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1979. Pp.314. $15.00.) pp. 885-886 Downloads
Eldon Kenworthy
The Middle East in China's Foreign Policy 1949–1977. By Yitzhak Shichor. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 268. $25.00.) pp. 886-888 Downloads
Peter Van Ness
La France à l'ONU: Premiers Rôles et Second Rang. By Marie-Claude Smouts. (Paris: Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1979. Pp. 392. FF 180.) pp. 888-889 Downloads
Robert S. Wood
China-Watch: Toward Sino-American Reconciliation. By Robert G. Sutter. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978. Pp. xiii + 155. $10.95.) pp. 889-890 Downloads
William F. Dorrill
Transnational Capitalism and National Development: New Perspectives on Dependence. Edited by José J. Villamil. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 325. $37.50.) pp. 890-891 Downloads
Pedro A. Cabán
Der Kleinstaat in der Weltpolitik: Aspekte der schweizerischen Aussenbeziehungen im internationalen Vergleich. By Hans Vogel. (Frauenfeld: Verlag Huber, 1979. Pp. 186. SFr. 28.00.) pp. 891-892 Downloads
Jürg Steiner
International Trade and Industrial Policies: Government Intervention and an Open World Economy. Edited by Steven J. Warnecke. (New York: Holmes and Heier, 1978. Pp. xi + 245. $33.25.) pp. 892-893 Downloads
John Zysman
Hydropolitics of the Nile Valley. By John Waterbury. (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 301. $20.00.) pp. 893-893 Downloads
Carl Leiden
Political Handbook of the World: 1979. Edited by Arthur S. Banks. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979. Pp. x + 630. $29.95.) pp. 894-894 Downloads
The Constitutions of the USSR and the Union Republics: Analyses, Texts, Reports. Edited by F. J. M. Feldbrugge. (The Netherlands: Sijthoff and Noordhoff, 1979. Pp. xv + 366. Price not given.) pp. 894-894 Downloads
Five Constitutions. Edited by S. E. Finer. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979. Pp. 349. $28.75.) pp. 894-894 Downloads
Words and Arms: A Dictionary of Security and Defense Terms. By Wolfram F. Hanrieder and Larry V. Beal. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 265. $24.00.) pp. 894-894 Downloads
Britain in Context. By John D. Hey. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. 189. $22.50.) pp. 894-894 Downloads
Southeast Asian Affairs 1979. By the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. (Singapore: Heinemann International Books [Asia] Ltd., 1979. Pp. xi + 363. $37.50.) pp. 895-895 Downloads
Scholars' Guide to Washington D.C. for East Asian Studies. By Hong N. Kim. (Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979. Pp. xiv + 413. $19.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) - Scholars' Guide to Washington D.C. for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. By Michael Grow. (Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 346. $19.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 895-895 Downloads
International Encyclopedia of Statistics, 2 vols. Edited by William H. Kruskal and Judith M. Tanur. (New York: Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, 1978. Pp. xxi + 666 + 1350. $100.00.) pp. 895-895 Downloads
Middle East Contemporary Survey, Vol. 2: 1977–1978. Edited by Colin Legum with Haim Shaked. (New York and London: Holmes and Meier, 1979. Pp. xxxv + 824. $75.00.) pp. 895-895 Downloads
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson - The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Vols. 27–32. Edited by Arthur Link. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1978–1980.) pp. 896-896 Downloads
America Votes 13: A Handbook of Contemporary American Election Statistics, Vol. 13. Elections Research Center. Edited by Richard M. Scammon and Alice V. McGillivray. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, Inc., 1979. Pp. iv + 384. $46.50.) pp. 896-896 Downloads
Congressional Quarterly's Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court. Edited by Elder Witt. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1979. Pp. xxii + 1022. $65.00.) pp. 896-896 Downloads

Volume 74, issue 2, 1980

Democratic Politics and the Culture of American Education pp. 319-332 Downloads
Richard M. Merelman
Comment on Richard Merelman's “Democratic Politics and the Culture of American Education” pp. 333-337 Downloads
M. Kent Jennings
A Reply to Jennings pp. 338-341 Downloads
Richard M. Merelman
Explaining the Variable Utility of Disjointed Incrementalism: Four Propositions pp. 342-353 Downloads
Ian Lustick
Bounded Rationality in Budgetary Research pp. 354-372 Downloads
John F. Padgett
Rationality, Morality, and Impossibility Theorems pp. 373-384 Downloads
Fred M. Frohock
Aristotle, Kant and Rawls on Moral Motivation in a Just Society pp. 385-393 Downloads
Steven M. DeLue
Policy Choices and Regional Equality among the Soviet Republics pp. 394-405 Downloads
Jack Bielasiak
Turnout and the Vote: The Joke's on the Democrats pp. 406-420 Downloads
James DeNardo
Reassessing Parental Socialization: Indicator Unreliability Versus Generational Transfer pp. 421-431 Downloads
Russell J. Dalton
Implications from the Disequilibrium of Majority Rule for the Study of Institutions pp. 432-446 Downloads
William H. Riker
Political Disequilibrium and Scientific Inquiry: A Comment on William Riker's “Implications from the Disequilibrium of Majority Rule for the Study of Institutions” pp. 447-450 Downloads
Peter C. Ordeshook
An Altimeter for Mr. Escher's Stairway: A Comment on William H. Riker's “Implications from the Disequilibrium of Majority Rule for the Study of Institutions” pp. 451-455 Downloads
Douglas Rae
A Reply to Ordeshook and Rae pp. 456-458 Downloads
William H. Riker
Comment on Nelson and on Baloyra (Vol. 73, December 1979, pp. 1024–38,987–1002) pp. 459-460 Downloads
Stanley Presser
Comment on Franklin and Mughan (Vol. 72, June 1978, pp. 523–34) pp. 460-462 Downloads
M. Stephen Weatherford
Reply pp. 462-465 Downloads
Mark N. Franklin and Anthony Mughan
Comment on Gow (Vol. 73, June 1979, pp. 430–41) pp. 465-466 Downloads
Robert A. Voorhis
Reply pp. 467-468 Downloads
Glendon Schubert
Comment on Ranney's Review (Vol. 73, December 1979, pp. 1145–47) pp. 468-468 Downloads
William Crotty
Errata pp. 469-469 Downloads
The State as a Firm: Economic Forces in Political Development. By Richard D. Auster and Morris Silver. (Boston: Martinus Nijhoff, 1979. Pp. x + 178. $14.95.) pp. 470-470 Downloads
Gerald Strom
For Capital Punishment: Crime and the Morality of the Death Penalty. By Walter Berns. (New York: Basic Books, 1979. Pp. x + 214. $10.95.) pp. 470-471 Downloads
Ernest van den Haag
Paradoxes of Education in a Republic. By Eva T. H. Brann. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979. Pp. vi + 172. $12.95.) pp. 471-472 Downloads
Walter Nicgorski
Why Nations Act: Theoretical Perspectives for Comparative Foreign Policy Studies. Edited by Maurice A. East, Stephen A. Salmore, and Charles F. Hermann. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1978. Pp. 256. $15.00, cloth; $7.50, paper.) pp. 473-473 Downloads
William Pang-yu Ting
The Politics of Representation: Continuities in Theory and Research. Edited by Heinz Eulau and John C. Wahlke. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1978. Pp. 312. $17.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 474-474 Downloads
James A. Stimson
The Anarchist Way to Socialism: Elisee Reclus and Nineteenth-Century European Anarchism. By Marie Fleming. (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1979. Pp. 299. $26.50.) pp. 474-475 Downloads
Gary Prevost
Recent Conservative Political Thought: American Perspectives. By Russell G. Fryer. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1979. Pp. iv + 429. $10.00, paper.) pp. 475-476 Downloads
Donald J. Devine
Group Theories of Politics. By G. David Garson. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1978. Pp. 216. $14.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 477-478 Downloads
Harmon Zeigler
Justice and Reverse Discrimination. By Alan H. Goldman. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. x + 251. $16.50, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 478-479 Downloads
Lane Davis
The Crisis of Political Understanding: A Phenomenological Perspective in the Conduct of Political Inquiry. By Hwa Yol Jung. (Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 256. $18.00.) pp. 479-480 Downloads
Horst Mewes
The Signature of Power: Buildings, Communication, and Policy. Harold D. Lasswell with Merritt B. Fox. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1979. Pp. xiv + 234. $29.95.) pp. 480-482 Downloads
Linda Louise Schluter
Locke, Hobbes, and the Federalist Papers: An Essay on the Genesis of the American Political Heritage. By George Mace. (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 162. $12.50.) pp. 482-483 Downloads
George J. Graham
Marx's Theory of Politics. By John M. Maguire. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. vii.+ 251. $28.50.) pp. 483-484 Downloads
Dante Germino
Utopian Thought in the Western World. By Frank E. Manuel and Fritzie P. Manuel. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979. Pp. vi + 896. $25.00.) pp. 484-485 Downloads
Robert Booth Fowler
Injustice: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt. By Barrington MooreJr. (White Plains, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1978. Pp. xviii + 540. $17.50.) pp. 485-486 Downloads
John Wahlke
Aggressive Political Participation. By Edward N. Muller. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. 305. $17.50.) pp. 486-487 Downloads
Kendall L. Baker
John Locke. Edited by Geraint Parry. (Winchester, Mass.: Allen & Unwin, 1978. Pp. xii + 171. $18.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 487-488 Downloads
Richard Ashcraft
The Problem of Political Obligation: A Critical Analysis of Liberal Theory. By Carole Pateman. (New York: John Wiley, 1979. Pp. xi + 205. $21.95.) pp. 488-490 Downloads
Jane Mansbridge
Marx's Method: Ideology, Science and Critique in Capital. By Derek Sayer. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 197. $20.00.) pp. 490-491 Downloads
Arpad Kadarkay
Émile or On Education. By Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Translated by Allan Bloom. (New York: Basic Books, 1979. Pp. ix + 501. $18.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 490-490 Downloads
Terrence E. Cook
Nationalism in the Twentieth Century. By Anthony D. S. Smith. (New York: New York University Press, 1979. Pp. x + 257. $17.50, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 491-492 Downloads
Richard W. Cottam
Theory of International Politics. By Kenneth N. Waltz. (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1979. Pp. iv + 251. $7.95, paper.) pp. 492-493 Downloads
William T. R. Fox
A History of American City Government: The Formation of Traditions, 1775–1870. By Charles R. Adrian and Ernest S. Griffith. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1976. Pp. v + 233. $10.00.) pp. 494-494 Downloads
Raymond E. Owen
Congress and the Bureaucracy: A Theory of Influence. By R. Douglas Arnold. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 235. $17.50.) pp. 494-495 Downloads
Charles O. Jones
Race for the Presidency: The Media and the Nominating Process. Edited by James David Barber. (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1978. Pp. vii + 205. $10.95, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 495-496 Downloads
Cliff Zukin
The Office of Management and Budget and the Presidency, 1921–1979. By Larry Berman. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 180. $15.00, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 496-497 Downloads
John R. Gist
Force without War: U.S. Armed Forces as a Political Instrument. By Barry M. Blechman and Stephen S. Kaplan et al. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1978. Pp. xviii + 584. $19.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 497-498 Downloads
Robert Lyle Butterworth
Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932–1945. By Robert Dallek. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 657. $19.95.) pp. 498-500 Downloads
Bruce Russett
Policymaking for Social Security. By Martha Derthick. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1979. Pp. xiv + 446. $11.95, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 500-501 Downloads
Joyce M. Mitchell
The Reform of FBI Intelligence Operations. By John T. Elliff. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 248. $14.50.) pp. 501-502 Downloads
Richard E. Morgan
The Politics of Benevolence: Revival Religion and American Voting Behavior. By John L. Hammond. (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1979. Pp. xi + 243. $16.50.) pp. 502-503 Downloads
Paul Kleppner
Political Ideologies of Organized Labor: The New Deal Era. By Ruth L. Horowitz. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1978, Pp. 260. $19.95.) pp. 503-504 Downloads
Jong Oh Ra
Communist Cadre: The Social Background of the American Communist Party Elite. By Harvey E. Klehr. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1978. Pp. xvi + 141. $9.95.) pp. 504-505 Downloads
Paul A. Smith
Energy: The Next Twenty Years. By Hans H. Landsberg et al. (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1979. Pp. xxvii + 628. $25.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) - Energy in America's Future. By Sam Schurr et al. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. Pp. xxvii + 555. $30.00, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 505-506 Downloads
David Howard Davis
Technology Transfer to Cities: Process of Choice at the Local Level. By W. Henry Lambright. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 188. $16.50.) pp. 505-505 Downloads
Michael L. Vasu
New Dimensions to Energy Policy. Edited by Robert Lawrence. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1979. Pp. xiv + 233. $21.95.) pp. 506-508 Downloads
Pietro S. Nivola
Neither Athens nor Sparta? The American Service Academies in Transition. By John P. Lovell. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 362. $17.50.) pp. 508-509 Downloads
Peter Karsten
The Art Museum: Power, Money, Ethics. By Karl E. Meyer. (New York: William Morrow and Co., 1979. Pp. 352. $15.00.) - The Subsidized Muse: Public Support for the Arts in the United States. By Dick Netzer. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 289. $14.95.) pp. 509-510 Downloads
Douglas M. Fox
The GAO: The Quest for Accountability in American Government. By Frederick C. Mosher. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xx + 387. $24.00, cloth; $12.00, paper.) - Cases in Accountability: The Work of the GAO. Edited by Erasmus H. Kloman. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. x + 254. $15.00, cloth; $7.50, paper.) pp. 510-511 Downloads
Joseph Pois
Collective Insecurity: The United States and the League of Nations During the Early Thirties. By Gary B. Ostrower. (Cranbury, N.J.: Bucknell University Press, 1979. Pp. 287. $17.50.) pp. 512-512 Downloads
Thomas R. Hensley
Watchdog on the Potomac: A Study of the Comptroller General of the United States. By Joseph Pois. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1979. Pp. viii + 377. $11.50, paper.) pp. 512-513 Downloads
Kenneth Kofmehl
The Past and Future of Presidential Debates. Edited by Austin Ranney. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1979. Pp. 226. $5.75, paper.) pp. 513-514 Downloads
Robert Agranoff
Folded Lies: Bribery, Crusades, and Reforms. By W. Michael Reisman. (New York: Free Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 277. $12.95.) pp. 514-515 Downloads
David J. Olson
Legislative Reform: The Policy Impact. Edited by Leroy N. Rieselbach. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1978. Pp. vii + 253. $17.00.) pp. 515-516 Downloads
Norman J. Ornstein
Defense Policy and the Presidency: Carter's First Years. Edited by Sam C. Sarkesian. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 341. $18.00.) pp. 516-517 Downloads
William P. Snyder
Energy Future: Report of the Energy Project at The Harvard Business School. Edited by Robert Stobaugh and Daniel Yergin. (New York: Random House, 1979. Pp. x + 353. $12.95.) pp. 517-518 Downloads
Eugene Bardach
City and Suburb: The Political Fragmentation of Metropolitan America, 1850–1970. By Jon C. Teaford. (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. Pp. vii + 231. $15.00.) pp. 518-519 Downloads
David G. Temple
The Changing Structure of the City: What Happened to the Urban Crisis. Edited by Gary A. Tobin. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1979. Pp. 320. $18.50, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 519-520 Downloads
Benjamin Baker
The Social Gamble: Determining Acceptable Levels of Air Quality. By Richard J. Tobin. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, 1979. Pp. xvi + 174. $17.00.) pp. 521-521 Downloads
Terry D. Edgmon
Politics and Planning: A National Study of American Planners. By Michael Lee Vasu. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 235. $17.00.) pp. 521-522 Downloads
Kenneth J. Meier
Speaking Truth to Power: The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis. By Aaron Wildavsky. (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979. Pp. xiv + 431. $13.95.) pp. 522-523 Downloads
Richard P. Nathan
The Declining Significance of Race: Blacks and Changing American Institutions. By William Julius Wilson. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. Pp. xii + 204. $12.50.) pp. 523-524 Downloads
Robert E. Martin
Shattered Peace: The Origins of the Cold War and the National Security State. By Daniel Yergin. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1977. Pp. x + 526. $15.00, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 524-525 Downloads
James R. Kurth
Communism and Political Systems in Western Europe. Edited by David E. Albright. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xx + 379. $21.00.) pp. 526-527 Downloads
Richard Gunther
Comparing Public Policies: New Concepts and Methods. Edited by Douglas E. Ashford. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1978. Pp. 256. $17.50, cloth; $7.50, paper.) pp. 527-528 Downloads
Alberta Sbragia
Political Attitudes in Venezuela: Societal Cleavages and Political Opinion. By Enrique A. Baloyra and John D. Martz. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979. Pp. xix + 300. $19.95.) pp. 528-529 Downloads
David Eugene Blank
The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements in Iraq: A Study of Iraq's Old Landed and Commercial Classes and of its Communists, Ba'thists, and Free Officers. By Hanna Batatu. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xxiv + 1283. $75.00.) pp. 529-530 Downloads
James A. Bill
Biographical Dictionary of Modern British Radicals: Vol. 1, 1770–1830. Edited by Joseph O. Baylen and Norbert J. Grossman. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979. Pp. 565. $91.00.) pp. 530-531 Downloads
Jorgen S. Rasmussen
Constitutionalism in Asia: Asian Views of the American Influence. Edited by Lawrence Ward Beer. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. x + 210. $18.75.) pp. 531-532 Downloads
Willard H. Elsbree
Algeria 1960: The Disenchantment of the World, The Sense of Honour, The Kabyle House or The World Reversed. By Pierre Bourdieu. Translated by Richard Nice. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 158. $19.95.) pp. 532-533 Downloads
Clement Henry Moore
The Super-Bureaucrats: Structure and Behaviour in Central Agencies. By Colin Campbell and George J. Szablowski. (New York: New York University Press, 1979. Pp. x + 286. $9.95, paper.) pp. 533-534 Downloads
Bert A. Rockman
Indira Gandhi in the Crucible of Leadership: A Political Biography. By Mary C. Carras. (Boston: Beacon Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 289. $13.95.) pp. 534-535 Downloads
William L. Richter
Ideology and Politics: The Socialist Party of France. By George A. CoddingJr. and William Safran. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 280. $18.50.) pp. 535-536 Downloads
Sue Ellen M. Charlton
Class Conflict and the Industrial Relations Crisis: Compromise and Corporatism in the Policies of the British State. By Colin Crouch. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1977. Pp. xvii + 302. $15.00.) pp. 536-537 Downloads
B. Guy Peters
China after the Cultural Revolution: Politics between Two Party Congresses. By Jǖrgen Domes. Translated by Annette Berg and David Goodman. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. Pp. viii + 283. $15.00.) pp. 537-538 Downloads
Lowell Dittmer
Cuba: Order and Revolution. By Jorge I. Domínguez. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978. Pp. xix + 683. $25.00.) pp. 538-540 Downloads
Richard R. Fagen
Germany in World Politics. Edited by Viola Herms Drath. (New York: Cyrco Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 282. $15.95, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 540-541 Downloads
Wayne C. Thompson
The Future of North America: Canada, the United States, and Quebec Nationalism. Edited by Elliot J. Feldman and Neil Nevitte. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Center for International Affairs, and Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1979. Pp. 378. $13.95, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 541-542 Downloads
Lawrence LeDuc
War Will Not Take Place: The French Parliamentary Elections, March 1978. By J. R. Frears and Jean-Luc Parodi. (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1979. Pp. x + 147. $17.50.) pp. 542-543 Downloads
John S. Ambler
Political Participation in the USSR. By Theodore H. Friedgut. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 353. $18.50.) pp. 544-544 Downloads
Thomas Remington
Land Tenure and Peasant in South Asia. Edited by Robert Eric Frykenberg. (New Delhi: Orient Longman, by arrangement with the Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, 1977. Pp. x + 312. Price not given.) pp. 545-546 Downloads
Mary Fainsod Katzenstein
Crises of Political Development in Europe and the United States. Edited by Raymond Grew. Social Science Research Council Committee on Comparative Politics, Studies in Political Development 9. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1978. Pp. xi + 434. $27.50, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 546-547 Downloads
Craig McCaughrin
The Ostpolitik of the Federal Republic of Germany. By William E. Griffith. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1978. Pp. 325. $25.00.) pp. 547-549 Downloads
Wolfram F. Hanrieder
Die Wahlen in den Schweizerischen Nationalrat 1848–1919: Wahlrecht, Wahlsystem, Wahlbeteiligung, Verhalten von Wählern und Parteien, Wahlthemen und Wahlkämpfe; Les Ëlections au Conseil national suisse 1848–1919: Droit et système électoral, Participation au scrutin, Comportement de l'électorat et des partis, Thèmes dominants et données majeures des campagnes électorales, 3 vols. By Erich Gruner et al. (Berne: Francke Verlag, 1978. Pp. 1189 + 300 + 540. Price not given.) pp. 549-549 Downloads
Arend Lijphart
Directing Technology: Policies for Promotion and Control. Edited by Ron Johnston and Philip Gummett. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. 271. $22.50.) pp. 549-550 Downloads
Jerome E. Milch
Sri Lanka: Third World Democracy. By James Jupp. (Totowa, N.J.: Frank Cass, 1978. Pp. xxi + 423. $29.50.) pp. 550-551 Downloads
George H. Gadbois
Uruguay in Transition: From Civilian to Military Rule. By Edy Kaufman. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1979. Pp. xv + 126. $9.95.) pp. 551-552 Downloads
Ronald McDonald
Economic Response: Comparative Studies in Trade, Finance, and Growth. By Charles P. Kindleberger. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978. Pp. vii + 308. $16.50.) pp. 552-553 Downloads
Leonard Hochberg
Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands since the First World War. Edited by William S. Livingston and William Roger Louis. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979. Pp. x + 249. $17.95.) pp. 553-554 Downloads
Charles Kunsman
Political Values and the Educated Class in Africa. By Ali A. Mazrui. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. Pp. xiv + 392. $18.50.) pp. 554-555 Downloads
William J. Foltz
The Urban Origins of Rural Revolution: Elites and the Masses in Hunan Province, China, 1911–1927. By Angus W. McDonaldJr. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 369. $17.50.) pp. 555-556 Downloads
John R. Handelman
Southeast Asian Transitions; Approaches Through Social History. Edited by Ruth T. McVey with Adrienne Suddard. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 242. $17.50.) pp. 556-557 Downloads
Donald E. Weatherbee
Comparative Legislatures. By Michael L. Mezey. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv + 317. $17.75.) pp. 557-558 Downloads
John E. Schwarz
Queen's Rebels: Ulster Loyalism in Historical Perspective. By David W. Miller. (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1979. Pp. xiii + 194. $22.00.) pp. 558-560 Downloads
Robert St.-Cyr
Politics and Government in Malaysia. By R. S. Milne and Diane K. Mauzy. (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 406. $15.00.) pp. 560-561 Downloads
Karl von Vorys
Política, Vivienda Popular y el Proceso de Toma de Decisiones en Colombia: Análisis de la Coyuntura Actual y Viabilidad de las Soluciones Propuestas Durante el Frente National. By C. Gabriel Murillo and B. Elisabeth Ungar (Bogotá: Editora Guadalupe Ltda., 1978. Pp. 367. Price not given.) pp. 561-562 Downloads
Reid Reading
Towards Socialism in Tanzania. Edited by Bismarck U. Mwansasu and Cranford Pratt. (Buffalo, N.J.: University of Toronto Press, 1979. Pp. x + 243. $20.00.) pp. 562-563 Downloads
Frank Holmquist
Waehlerverhalten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Studien zu ausgewaehlten Problemen der Wahlforschung aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 1976 [Voter Behavior in the Federal Republic of Germany: Studies on Selected Problems of Electoral Research in Connection with the 1976 Federal Elections]. Edited by Dieter Oberndoerfer. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1978. Pp. 531. DM 128.) pp. 563-564 Downloads
Lutz Erbring
History of Vietnamese Communism, 1925–1976. By Douglas Pike. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1978. Pp. xiv + 181. $5.95, paper.) pp. 564-565 Downloads
Clark D. Neher
The Rational Peasant: The Political Economy of Rural Society in Vietnam. By Samuel L. Popkin. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. xxi + 306. $14.95, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 565-566 Downloads
Ronald J. Herring
Perspectives on Revolution and Evolution. Edited by Richard A. Preston. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv + 300. $14.75.) pp. 566-567 Downloads
J. Paul Grayson
Can Government Go Bankrupt? By Richard Rose and Guy Peters. (New York: Basic Books, 1978. Pp. xv + 283. $12.50.) pp. 567-568 Downloads
Edward R. Tufte
Administrative Secrecy in Developed Countries. Edited by Donald C. Rowat. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. xxiv + 364. $20.00.) pp. 568-569 Downloads
Herbert G. Wilcox
The Jewish Minority in the Soviet Union. By Thomas E. Sawyer. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xxii + 353. $22.50.) pp. 569-570 Downloads
Zvi Gitelman
Political Participation in Latin America, Vol. 2: Politics and the Poor. Edited by Mitchell A. Seligson and John A. Booth. (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1979. Pp. viii + 262. $24.50, cloth; $9.50, paper.) pp. 570-571 Downloads
John Duncan Powell
States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China. By Theda Skocpol. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. xvii + 407. $29.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 571-572 Downloads
C. W. Cassinelli
Television and Political Life: Studies in Six European Countries. Edited by Anthony Smith. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. x + 261. $22.50.) pp. 572-573 Downloads
Lowell G. Noonan
Soviet Criminologists and Criminal Policy: Specialists in Policy-Making. By Peter H. SolomonJr. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1978. Pp. x + 253. $15.00.) pp. 573-574 Downloads
David L. Williams
Transkei's Half Loaf: Race Separatism in South Africa. By Newell M. Stultz. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 183. $16.00.) pp. 574-575 Downloads
M. Crawford Young
The Communist Parties of Western Europe: A Comparative Study. By R. Neal Tannahill. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978. Pp. xvi + 299. $18.95.) pp. 575-576 Downloads
David M. Wood
Nasser and His Generation. By P. J. Vatikiotis. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. Pp. 375. $22.50.) pp. 576-577 Downloads
J. C. Hurewitz
Terrorism: Theory and Practice. Edited by Yonah Alexander, David Carlton, and Paul Wilkinson. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 280. $20.00.) pp. 577-578 Downloads
Michael Stohl
Strategy and Ethnocentrism. By Ken Booth. (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1979. Pp. 191. $21.50.) pp. 578-579 Downloads
Richard Smoke
Studies in Crisis Behavior. Edited by Michael Brecher. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1979. Pp. 384. $12.95.) pp. 579-580 Downloads
Robert C. North
Europe Between the Super-Powers: The Enduring Balance. By A. W. DePorte. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv + 256. $18.50.) pp. 580-581 Downloads
Dennis L. Bark
The Enclosure of Ocean Resources: Economics and the Law of the Sea. By Ross D. Eckert. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 390. $16.95.) pp. 581-582 Downloads
Charles L. Cochran
Beyond the North-South Stalemate. By Roger D. Hansen. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979. Pp. xv + 329. $12.00.) pp. 582-583 Downloads
Bahgat Korany
Contemporary International Relations of the Caribbean. Edited by Basil A. Ince. (St. Augustine, Trinidad/Tobago: Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies, 1979. Pp. iv + 358. Price not given.) pp. 583-584 Downloads
Harold Molineu
Political Leadership in NATO: A Study in Multinational Diplomacy. By Robert S. Jordan with Michael W. Bloome. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 316. $20.00.) pp. 584-585 Downloads
Edward A. Kolodziej
Towards Professionalism in International Theory: Macrosystem Analysis. By Morton A. Kaplan. (New York: Free Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 182. $15.95.) pp. 585-586 Downloads
Andrew K. Semmel
China, the United Nations and World Order. By Samuel S. Kim. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 581. $32.50, cloth; $12.50, paper.) pp. 586-587 Downloads
Sheldon W. Simon
Nuclear Arms in the Third World: U.S. Policy Dilemma. By Ernest W. Lefever. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1979. Pp. xii + 154. $9.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 587-589 Downloads
Michael J. Sullivan
The Arab-African Connection: Political and Economic Realities. By Victor T. Le Vine and Timothy W. Luke. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xvii + 155. $20.00.) pp. 589-590 Downloads
Brian Weinstein
Bear and Foxes: The International Relations of the East European States, 1965–1969. By Ronald Haly Linden. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. vii + 328. $17.50.) pp. 590-591 Downloads
Cal Clark
International Economic Sanctions: The Cases of Cuba, Israel, and Rhodesia. By Donald L. Losman. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 156. $12.95.) pp. 591-591 Downloads
Neil R. Richardson
The Angolan Revolution: Vol. 2, Exile Politics and Guerrilla Warfare (1962–1976). By John A. Marcum. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1978. Pp. xiv + 473. $25.00.) pp. 592-593 Downloads
Herbert F. Weiss
East Germany and the Warsaw Alliance: The Politics of Detente. By N. Edwina Moreton. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 267. $18.00.) pp. 593-594 Downloads
C. Bradley Scharf
Why War? Ideology, Theory, and History. By Keith L. Nelson and Spencer C. OlinJr. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. 201. $10.95.) pp. 594-595 Downloads
Cynthia Cannizzo
Arms and Politics, 1958–1978: Arms Control in a Changing Political Context. By Robin Ranger. (New York: New York University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 280. $19.95.) pp. 595-596 Downloads
Lloyd Jensen
Beyond Functionalism: Attitudes toward International Organization in Norway and the United States. By Robert E. Riggs and I. Jostein Mykletun. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1979. Pp. 224. $19.50.) pp. 596-597 Downloads
Lawrence S. Finkelstein
Plutonium, Power, and Politics: International Arrangements for the Disposition of Spent Nuclear Fuel. By Gene I. Rochlin. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 397. $22.95.) pp. 597-598 Downloads
Harold Sprout
The Limits to Power: Soviet Policy in the Middle East. Edited by Yaacov Ro'i. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. 376. $22.50.) pp. 598-599 Downloads
Alvin Z. Rubinstein
The Nordic Council and Scandinavian Integration. By Erik Solem. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977. Pp. xi + 197. $19.95.) - Managing Transnationalism in Northern Europe. By Bengt Sundelius. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1979. Pp. xii + 127. $14.50.) - Nordisk Raad 1952–1978. By Frantz Wendt. (Stockholm: Norstedt, 1979. Pp. 370. 240; $60.00.) pp. 599-602 Downloads
Stanley Anderson
Poverty: Wealth of Mankind. By Albert Tévoédjrè. (New York and London: Pergamon Press, 1979. Pp. iv + 182. $22.00, cloth; $11.00, paper.) pp. 602-603 Downloads
David J. Gould
Studying Boundary Conflicts: A Theoretical Framework. By Sven Tägil, Kristian Gerner, Göran Henrikson, Rune Johansson, Ingmar Oldberg and Kim Salomon. (Lund, Sweden: Esselte Studium, 1977. Pp. 215. Price not listed.) pp. 602-602 Downloads
Randolph M. Siverson
View from the UN: The Memoirs of U Thant. By U Thant. (New York: Doubleday, 1978. Pp. xix + 508. $10.00.) pp. 603-605 Downloads
James Barros
Eurocommunism and Détente. Edited by Rudolf L. Tökés. (New York: New York University Press, 1978. Pp. x + 578. $24.50, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 605-606 Downloads
Robert Leonardi
The SALT Experience. By Thomas W. Wolfe. (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1979. Pp. xvi + 405. $18.50.) pp. 606-607 Downloads
Eugene J. Rosi
China's Role in World Affairs. By Michael B. Yahuda. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. Pp. 298. $18.50.) pp. 607-608 Downloads
Gavin Boyd

Volume 74, issue 1, 1980

What Happened to the British Party Model? pp. 9-22 Downloads
Leon D. Epstein
Exploring a New Role in Policy Making: The British House of Commons in the 1970s pp. 23-37 Downloads
John E. Schwarz
Reason, Development, and the Conflicts of Human Ends: Sir Isaiah Berlin's Vision of Politics pp. 38-52 Downloads
Robert A. Kocis
John Locke: From Absolutism to Toleration pp. 53-69 Downloads
Robert P. Kraynak
“Cool Reflexion” and the Criticism of Values: Is, Ought, and Objectivity in Hume's Social Science pp. 70-77 Downloads
Stephen G. Salkever
The Two Faces of Issue Voting pp. 78-91 Downloads
Edward G. Carmines and James A. Stimson
Opinion Representation versus Social Representation; or, Why Women Can't Run as Women and Win pp. 92-103 Downloads
Jerry Perkins and Diane L. Fowlkes
Deconstructing Methodological Falsificationism in International Relations pp. 104-122 Downloads
Roger D. Spegele
Temporal and Spatial Diffusion in the Comparative Analysis of Social Change pp. 123-137 Downloads
David Klingman
Comment on LaPalombara's Review (Vol. 70, December 1976, pp. 1356–58) pp. 138-139 Downloads
Robert A. Packenham
Reply pp. 139-139 Downloads
Joseph LaPalombara
Comment on Cannizzo's Review (Vol. 72, December 1978, pp. 1533–34) pp. 140-140 Downloads
Dina A. Zinnes
Erratum pp. 140-140 Downloads
Being Intelligent about Secret Intelligence Agencies pp. 141-148 Downloads
Harry Howe Ransom
Political Theory and Praxis: New Perspectives. Edited by Terence Ball. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977. Pp. vii + 281. $16.75.) pp. 149-151 Downloads
Tracy Strong
Idealism and Revolution: New Ideologies of Liberation in Britain and the United States. By David Bouchier. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 190. $19.95.) pp. 151-151 Downloads
Larry D. Spence
The War Game: A Critique of Military Problem Solving. By Garry D. Brewer and Martin Shubik. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 385. $18.50.) pp. 152-153 Downloads
Davis B. Bobrow
Leadership. By James MacGregor Burns. (New York: Harper and Row, 1978. Pp. ix + 530. $15.00.) pp. 153-156 Downloads
Lester G. Seligman
Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defense. By G. A. Cohen. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 369. $18.50.) pp. 156-158 Downloads
Alan Gilbert
Individuality and Community: The Social and Political Thought of John Dewey. By Alfonso J. Damico. (Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1978. Pp. vi + 137. $10.50.) pp. 158-158 Downloads
John D. Lewis
Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy: A Reexamination of the Foundations of Social Science. By John W. Danford. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. Pp. xiv + 265. $17.00.) pp. 159-160 Downloads
David D. Laitin
The Correspondence of John Locke: Vol. 3, Letters Nos. 849–1241; Vol. 4, Letters Nos. 1242–1701. Edited by E. S. de Beer. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978, 1979. Pp. vii + 801; ix + 801. $75.00, each.) pp. 160-161 Downloads
Robert H. Horwitz
Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future. By John Dunn. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 120. $17.95, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 161-161 Downloads
Lyman Tower Sargent
Rousseau and Representation: A Study of the Development of His Concept of Political Institutions. By Richard Fralin. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1978. Pp. 251. $15.00.) pp. 161-162 Downloads
Roger D. Masters
Marx and History: From Primitive Society to the Communist Future. By D. Ross Gandy. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 190. $14.95.) pp. 163-163 Downloads
Ronald J. Hunt
Authoritarianism, Fascism, and National Populism. By Gino Germani. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1978. Pp. ix + 292. $17.95, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 163-165 Downloads
A. James Gregor
Law, Legislation, and Liberty, Vol. 3: The Political Order of a Free People. By F. A. Hayek. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 244. $14.00.) pp. 165-166 Downloads
David Lewis Schaefer
Body Politics: Power, Sex, and Nonverbal Communication. By Nancy M. Henley. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1977. Pp. ix + 214. $9.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.) pp. 166-167 Downloads
Bernard Grofman
Evaluation Research and Development Activities. By Francis W. Hoole. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1978. Pp. 205. $14.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 168-169 Downloads
David Nachmias
Politics as Friendship: The Origins of Classical Notions of Politics in the Theory and Practice of Friendship. By Horst Hutter. (Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1979. Pp. vii + 204. $7.50.) pp. 169-169 Downloads
James M. Rhodes
The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky. By Baruch Knei-Paz. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. Pp. xxi + 629. $34.95.) pp. 170-171 Downloads
Ladis K. D. Kristof
The Anti-Authoritarian Personality. By William P. Kreml. (New York: Pergamon Press, 1977. Pp. xi + 118. $16.00.) pp. 171-172 Downloads
C. Anthony Broh
Liberalism and the Modern Polity: Essays in Contemporary Political Theory. Edited by Michael J. Gargas McGrath. (New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1978. Pp. ix + 305. $12.50, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 172-173 Downloads
Harvey C. Mansfield
Treason, Tradition, and the Intellectual: Julien Benda and Political Discourse. By Ray Nichols. (Lawrence: Regents Press of Kansas, 1978. Pp. x + 270. $16.00.) pp. 173-174 Downloads
Robert J. Pranger
Orientalism. By Edward W. Said. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1978. Pp. xiii + 369. $15.00.) - Marx and the End of Orientalism. By Bryan S. Turner. (Boston: George Allen & Unwin, 1979. Pp. x + 98. $21.00, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 174-176 Downloads
Charles E. Butterworth
Justice or Tyranny: A Critique of John Rawls's “A Theory of Justice.” By David Lewis Schaefer. (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 137. $12.50.) pp. 176-177 Downloads
James Fishkin
Plow Women Rather Than Reapers: An Intellectual History of Feminism in the United States. By Sarah Slavin Schramm. (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 441. $ 17.50.) pp. 177-178 Downloads
Nannerl O. Keohane
The Ideology of Form: The Influence of Organizations in America. By David Schuman. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, 1978. Pp. x + 196. $17.95.) pp. 178-179 Downloads
Vincent Ostrom
Karl Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge. By A. P. Simonds. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. Pp. viii + 205. $14.95.) pp. 179-181 Downloads
Arthur Lennart Kalleberg
The Political Economy of Distribution: Equality versus Inequality. By Michael Don Ward. (New York: Elsevier, 1978. Pp. 188. $16.95.) pp. 181-182 Downloads
Robert W. Jackman
The Limits of Legitimacy: Political Contradictions of Contemporary Capitalism. By Alan Wolfe. (New York: Free Press, 1977. Pp. xv + 432. $14.95.) pp. 182-183 Downloads
Edward J. Harpham
Class Ideology and Ancient Political Theory: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle in Social Context. By Ellen Meiksins Wood and Neal Wood. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Pp. x + 275. $17.95.) pp. 183-185 Downloads
Mary Pollingue Nichols
The Creation of a Democratic Majority, 1928–1936. By Kristi Andersen. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979. Pp. xv + 160. $13.00.) pp. 185-186 Downloads
Paul Allen Beck
Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity: Action, Inaction, Reaction. By Nijole V. Benokraitis and Joe R. Feagin. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. xix + 255. $17.50.) pp. 186-187 Downloads
Allan P. Sindler
A Measure of Justice: An Empirical Study of Changes in the California Penal Code, 1955–1971. By Richard A. Berk, Harold Brackman and Selma Lesser. (New York: Academic Press, 1977. Pp. xix + 312. $19.50.) pp. 187-188 Downloads
Larry L. Berg
The Control of Oil. By John M. Blair. (New York: Vintage Books, 1978. Pp. xxii + 441. $3.95, paper.) - The Brotherhood of Oil: Energy Policy and the Public Interest. By Robert Engler. (New York: New American Library, 1977. Pp. xi + 338. $2.50, paper.) pp. 188-189 Downloads
Charles F. Doran
The Politics of the Equal Rights Amendment: Conflict and the Decision Process. By Janet K. Boles. (New York: Longman, 1979. Pp. x + 214. $6.95, paper.) pp. 190-191 Downloads
Irene Diamond
Rockefeller of New York: Executive Power in the Statehouse. By Robert H. Connery and Gerald Benjamin. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1979. Pp. 480. $15.00.) pp. 191-192 Downloads
Sarah McCally Morehouse
A World of Men: The Private Sources of American Foreign Policy. By Lloyd S. Etheredge. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1978. Pp. xv + 178. $12.50.) pp. 192-193 Downloads
David Garnham
Crisis and Legitimacy: The Administrative Process and American Government. By James O. Freedman. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978. Pp. xi + 324. $15.95.) pp. 193-194 Downloads
Paul P. Van Riper
Deciding What's News: A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek, and Time. By Herbert J. Gans. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1979. Pp. xvii + 393. $12.95.) pp. 194-195 Downloads
Michael J. Robinson
Search for Consensus: The Story of the Democratic Party. By Ralph M. Goldman. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 417. $17.50.) pp. 195-196 Downloads
M. Margaret Conway
Understanding Modern Government: The Rise and Decline of the American Political Economy. By Edward S. Greenberg. (New York: John Wiley, 1979. Pp. vi + 197. $11.95.) $11.95.) pp. 196-197 Downloads
Benjamin Ginsberg
Accountability in Urban Society: Public Agencies Under Fire. Edited by Scott Greer, Ronald Hedlund, and James L. Gibson. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1978. Pp. 304. $18.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 197-198 Downloads
Robert T. Golembiewski
Poverty and Social Change. By Kirsten Grøndbjerg, David Street, and Gerald D. Suttles. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. Pp. vii + 248. $16.00.) pp. 198-199 Downloads
Edgar Litt
The Legislature as an Organization: A Study of the Kansas Legislature. By Marvin A. Harder and Raymond G. Davis. (Lawrence: Regents Press of Kansas, 1979. Pp. x + 183. $11.50, paper.) pp. 199-200 Downloads
John G. Grumm
In the Matter of Color: Race and the American Legal Process, The Colonial Period. By A. Leon HigginbothamJr. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Pp. xiv + 512. $15.00.) pp. 200-201 Downloads
A. E. Keir Nash
Defense Politics: A Budgetary Perspective. By Arnold Kanter. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 152. $12.50.) pp. 202-203 Downloads
Aaron Wildavsky
President Eisenhower and Strategic Management: A Study in Defense Politics. By Douglas Kinnard. (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1977. Pp. xi + 169. $13.75.) pp. 203-204 Downloads
Paul Y. Hammond
Evaluating Public Programs: The Impact of General Revenue Sharing on Municipal Government. By Patrick D. Larkey. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xvii + 264. $18.50.) pp. 204-205 Downloads
Richard L. Cole
Emerging Coalitions in American Politics. Edited by Seymour Martin Lipset. (San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1978. Pp. vii + 524. $10.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 205-206 Downloads
Richard F. Schier
The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States, 2nd ed. By Theodore J. Lowi. (New York: W.W. Norton, 1979. Pp. xvii + 331. $ 15.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 206-207 Downloads
Norman C. Thomas
Liberty's Chosen Home: The Politics of Violence in Boston. By Alan Lupo. (Boston: Little, Brown, 1977. Pp. vii + 334. $12.50.) pp. 207-208 Downloads
John F. Stack
The Changing World of the American Military. Edited by Franklin D. Margiotta. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xxii + 488. $22.00, cloth; $10.75, paper.) pp. 209-210 Downloads
Lawrence J. Korb
Can Organizations Change?: Environmental Protection, Citizen Participation, and the Corps of Engineers. By Daniel A. Mazmanian and Jeanne Nienaber. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1979. Pp. x + 220. $11.95, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 210-211 Downloads
Walter A. Rosenbaum
Must We Bus? Segregated Schools and National Policy. By Gary Orfield. (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1978. Pp. xiv + 470. $16.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 211-212 Downloads
Willis D. Hawley
Choices and Echoes in Presidential Elections: Rational Man and Electoral Democracy. By Benjamin I. Page. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. Pp. xv + 336. $ 17.50 pp. 212-213 Downloads
John H. Aldrich
The U.S. Senate and Strategic Arms Policy 1969–1977. By Alan Platt. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. xiv + 129. $13.00.) - Congress and Arms Control. Edited by Alan Platt and Lawrence D. Weiler. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. xv + 227. $18.50.) pp. 213-215 Downloads
Robert L. Pfaltzgraff
Ideological Coalitions in Congress. By Jerrold E. Schneider. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 270. $22.50.) pp. 215-216 Downloads
Aage R. Clausen
The History of American Electoral Behavior. Edited by Joel H. Sibley, Allan G. Bogue and William H. Flanigan. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1978. Pp. xv + 384. $27.50, cloth; $12.50, paper.) pp. 216-217 Downloads
Everett C. Ladd
Supreme Court Policy Making: Explanation and Prediction. By Harold J. Spaeth. (San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1979. Pp. xiii + 224. $11.95, cloth; $6.50, paper.) pp. 217-218 Downloads
John R. Schmidhauser
The Judiciary in a Democratic Society. Edited by Leonard J. Theberge. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, 1979. Pp. xv + 217. $15.00.) pp. 218-219 Downloads
Philip L. Dubois
Privileged Communication and the Press: The Citizen's Right to Know versus the Law's Right to Confidential News Source Evidence. By Maurice Van Gerpen. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. 239. $22.95.) pp. 219-219 Downloads
Martin Shapiro
The Ungovernable City. By Douglas Yates. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1977. Pp. xvi + 219. $15.00, cloth; $4.95, paper.) pp. 219-220 Downloads
Martin Shefter
Transition in Spain: From Franco to Democracy. By Victor Alba. Translated by Barbara Lotito. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1978. Pp. vii + 333. $14.95.) pp. 221-221 Downloads
Goldie Shabad
Juan Domingo Perón: A History. By Robert J. Alexander. (Boulder, Colo: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 177. $15.00.) pp. 222-222 Downloads
George I. Blanksten
Nationality Group Survival in Multi-Ethnic States: Shifting Support Patterns in the Soviet Baltic Region. Edited by Edward Allworth. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977. Pp. xiv + 299. $23.95.) pp. 222-223 Downloads
Ihor Kamenetsky
Huadong: The Story of a Chinese People's Commune. By Gordon Bennett, with Ken Kieke and Ken Yoffy. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 197. $15.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 224-225 Downloads
David M. Lampton
Egypt's Uncertain Revolution Under Nasser and Sadat. By Raymond William Baker. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978. Pp. x + 290. $16.00.) pp. 224-224 Downloads
Louis J. Cantori
Cuba in the World. Edited by Cole Blasier and Carmelo Mesa-Lago. (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1979. Pp. vii + 343. $21.95, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 225-226 Downloads
Andres Suarez
The National Movement in Scotland. By Jack Brand. (Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978. Pp. ix + 330. $23.75.) pp. 226-227 Downloads
Charles Lewis Taylor
The Communist States in the Era of Detente, 1971–1977. Edited by Adam Bromke and Deny Novak. (Oakville, Ontario: Mosaic Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 306. $7.95, paper.) pp. 227-228 Downloads
Donald R. Kelley
Referendums: A Comparative Study of Practice and Theory. Edited by David Butler and Austin Ranney. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Policy Research, 1978. Pp. 250. $4.75, paper.) pp. 228-229 Downloads
Hugh A. Bone
The Textile Wrangle: Conflict in Japanese-American Relations, 1969–1971. By I. M. Destler, Huaruhiro Fukui, and Hideo Sato. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1979. Pp. 394. $19.50.) pp. 229-231 Downloads
Charles Lipson
The Communists of Poland: An Historical Outline. By Jan B. de Weydenthal. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 217. $7.95, paper.) pp. 231-232 Downloads
Andrzej Korbonski
West African States: Failure and Promise: A Study in Comparative Politics. Edited by John Dunn. (New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 1978. Pp. viii + 259. $27.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 232-233 Downloads
Richard L. Sklar
Citizens and Politics: Mass Political Behavior in India. By Samuel J. Eldersveld and Bashiruddin Ahmed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. Pp. xii + 351. $26.00.) pp. 233-234 Downloads
Aruna Nayyar Michie
Dependent Development: The Alliance of Multinational, State, and Local Capital in Brazil. By Peter Evans. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 362. $20.00, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 234-235 Downloads
Peter McDonough
Immigrant Labor and Racial Conflict in Industrial Societies: The French and British Experience, 1945–1975. By Gary P. Freeman. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv + 362. $20.00.) pp. 235-236 Downloads
Donley T. Studlar
Government Secrecy in Democracies. Edited by Itzhak Galnoor. (New York: Harper and Row, 1977. Pp. xviii + 317. $5.95, paper.) pp. 236-237 Downloads
Leon V. Sigal
The Dominican Crisis: The 1965 Constitutionalist Revolt and American Intervention. By Piero Gleijeses. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978. Pp. xiii + 460. $22.50.) pp. 238-240 Downloads
Jerome Slater
“Eurocommunism”: Implications for East and West. By Roy Godson and Stephen Haseler. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 144. $16.95, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 240-241 Downloads
R. Neal Tannahill
Innovation in Communist Systems. Edited by Andrew Gyorgy and James A. Kuhlman. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. viii + 224. $17.50.) pp. 241-242 Downloads
Roy F. Grow
Res Publica: Studien zum Verfassungswesen. Edited by Peter Haungs. (Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1977. Pp. 481. DM 90.) pp. 242-243 Downloads
Donald P. Kommers
Federalism: Failure and Success. A Comparative Study. By Ursula K. Hicks. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Pp. ix + 205. $19.50.) pp. 243-244 Downloads
Richard H. Leach
Leadership in the Soviet National Republics: A Quantitative Study of Recruitment Policy. By Grey Hodnett. (Oakville, Ontario: Mosaic Press, 1978. Pp. 410. $15.00, cloth; $7.50, paper.) pp. 245-246 Downloads
Valerie Bunce
Revolutionary Terrorism: The FLN in Algeria, 1954–1962. By Martha Crenshaw Hutchinson. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1978. Pp. xvi + 178. $10.95.) pp. 246-246 Downloads
Peter R. Knauss
Women under Communism. By Barbara Wolfe Jancar. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978. Pp. x + 291. $16.00.) pp. 247-248 Downloads
Ellen Mickiewicz
Nationalism and Human Rights: Processes of Modernization in the USSR. Edited by Ihor Kanenetsky. (Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1977. Pp. 246. $15.00.) pp. 248-249 Downloads
Steven L. Burg
Resistance in Vichy France: A Study of Ideas and Motivation in the Southern Zone 1940–1942. By H. R. Kedward. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 311. $21.00.) pp. 249-250 Downloads
John F. Sweets
Taiwan's Politics: The Provincial Assemblyman's World. By Arthur J. Lerman. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1978. Pp. x + 298. $10.00, paper.) pp. 250-250 Downloads
Sheldon Appleton
The Letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb: Vol. 1, Apprenticeships, 1873–1892; Vol. 2 Partnership, 1892–1912; Vol. 3, Pilgrimage, 1912–1947. Edited by Norman MacKenzie. (New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 1978. Pp. xx + 453; xv + 405; xxii + 482. $47.50, each; $125.00, the set.) pp. 251-253 Downloads
George Feaver
Reflections from Captivity: Phan Boi Chau's “Prison Notes” and Ho Chi Minh's “Prison Diary.” Edited by David G. Marr. Translated by Christopher Jenkins, Tran Khanh Tuyet, and Huynh Sanh Thong. (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1978. Pp. x + 113. $12.00, cloth; $5.00, paper.) pp. 253-254 Downloads
Benedict J. Kerkvliet
The Soviet Union and East Europe into the 1980's: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Edited by Simon McInnes, William Mcgrath and Peter J. Potichnyj. (Oakville, Ontario: Mosaic Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 340. $7.95, paper.) pp. 254-255 Downloads
Richard C. Gripp
The British MP: A Socio-economic Study of the House of Commons. By Colin Mellors. (Westmead, Farnborough, England: Saxon House, 1978. Pp. vii + 146. $16.00.) pp. 255-256 Downloads
Harold D. Clarke
Social Security in Latin America: Pressure Groups, Stratification, and Inequality. By Carmelo Mesa-Lago. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978. Pp. xix + 351. $19.95.) pp. 256-257 Downloads
Henry Dietz
Electoral Dynamics in Britain since 1918. By William L. Miller. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. Pp. xiv + 242. $18.95.) pp. 257-258 Downloads
W. Phillips Shively
Nachtfrost: Erfahrungen auf dem Weg vom realen zum menschlichen Sozialismus. By Zdeněk Mlynář. (Köln: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1978. Pp. 366. DM 34.) pp. 258-260 Downloads
Jiri Valenta
Bureaucratic Culture: Citizens and Administrators in Israel. By David Nachmias and David H. Rosenbloom. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. Pp. 212. $15.95.) pp. 260-261 Downloads
Dennis L. Dresang
Controversy: The Politics of Technical Decisions. Edited by Dorothy Nelkin. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1979. Pp. 256. $16.00, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 261-262 Downloads
I. C. Bupp
Military Politics in Nigeria: Economic Development and Political Stability. By Theophilus Olatunde Odetola. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1978. Pp. xxvi + 179. $14.95.) pp. 262-263 Downloads
Sam C. Sarkesian
The Future of Brazil. Edited by William H. Overholt. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. xxii + 289. $19.50.) pp. 263-264 Downloads
Ronald M. Schneider
The Cultural Limits of Revolutionary Politics: Change and Continuity in Socialist Czechoslovakia. By David W. Paul. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. x + 361. $18.50.) pp. 264-265 Downloads
Otto Ulč
Patterns of Japanese Policymaking: Experiences from Higher Education. By T. J. Pempel. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. xiii + 248. $16.00.) pp. 265-266 Downloads
Haruhiro Fukui
The Development of the Modern State: A Sociological Introduction. By Gianfranco Poggi. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1978. Pp. xiii + 175. $10.95.) pp. 266-267 Downloads
Charles Tilly
Perspectives for Change in Communist Societies. Edited by Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xii + 194. $16.75.) pp. 267-268 Downloads
Roger E. Kanet
Scandinavian Political Studies, Volume 12/77. Edited by Stein Rokkan. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1978. Pp. 288. $18.50.) pp. 268-269 Downloads
Eric S. Einhorn
Political Order: Rewards, Punishments and Political Stability. By Uriel Rosenthal. (Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Sijthoff & Noordhoff, 1978. Pp. xi + 286. Dfl. 57.00; $27.00.) pp. 269-270 Downloads
Leon Hurwitz
Labyrinths of Power: Political Recruitment in Twentieth-Century Mexico. By Peter H. Smith. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 384. $25.00, cloth; $9.75, paper.) pp. 270-271 Downloads
Harold Sims
The French Stake in Algeria, 1945–1962. By Tony Smith. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1978. Pp. 199. $15.00.) pp. 272-272 Downloads
John Waterbury
Ombudsmen Compared. By Frank Stacey. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. Pp. x + 256. $26.00.) pp. 272-273 Downloads
John E. Moore
Industrielle Gesellschaft und politisches System: Beiträge zur politischen Sozialgeschichte. Edited by Dirk Stegmann, Bernd-Jürgen Wendt, and Peter-Christian Witt. (Bonn: Verlag Neue Gesellschaft GmbH, 1978. Pp. xiv + 464. DM 28.) pp. 273-274 Downloads
Gordon R. Mork
The French Communist Party in Transition: PCF-CPSU Relations and the Challenge to Soviet Authority. By Annette Eisenberg Stiefbold. (New York: Praeger, 1977. Pp. ix + 155. $17.50.) pp. 274-275 Downloads
Roy C. Macridis
Elites in French Society: The Politics of Survival. By Ezra N. Suleiman. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1978. Pp. xiii + 299. $20.00, cloth; $9.75, paper.) pp. 276-277 Downloads
Bernard E. Brown
The Supreme Soviet: Politics and the Legislative Process in the Soviet Political System. By Peter Vanneman. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1977. Pp. xii + 256. $11.75.) pp. 277-278 Downloads
Richard C. Gripp
Participation and Political Equality: A Seven Nation Comparison. By Sidney Verba, Norman H. Nie, and Jae-On Kim. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978. Pp. xxi + 394. $19.95.) pp. 278-280 Downloads
Jack Citrin
Japan as Number One: Lessons for America. By Ezra F. Vogel. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 272. $12.50.) pp. 280-281 Downloads
Nobutaka Ike
Lenin's Legacy: The Story of the CPSU. By Robert G. Wesson. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1978. Pp. xvii + 318. $7.50, paper.) pp. 281-282 Downloads
Peter H. Juviler
Argentina in the Postwar Era: Politics and Economic Policy Making in a Divided Society. By Gary W. Wynia. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1978. Pp. x + 289. $15.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 282-283 Downloads
Lars Schoultz
Money and Power: Banks and the World Monetary System. By Jonathan David Aronson. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1978. Pp. 224. $14.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 284-284 Downloads
Robert W. Russell
Conflict and Bargaining in the Middle East: An Israeli Perspective. By Shlomo Aronson. (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 448. $18.95.) pp. 285-285 Downloads
Alan Dowty
American Multinationals and American Interests. By C. Fred Bergsten, Thomas Horst, and Theodore Moran. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1978. Pp. xiii + 535. $18.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 286-288 Downloads
Michael Doyle
A Balance Sheet of the Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin: Evaluation and Documentation. By Honoré M. CatudalJr. (Berlin: Berlin Verlag, 1978. Pp. 303. DM 32, paper.) pp. 288-288 Downloads
Gerard Braunthal
What Are Human Rights? By Maurice Cranston. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Co., Inc., 1973. Pp. 170. $4.95, paper.) pp. 289-290 Downloads
Richard Pierre Claude
The Lost Peace: America's Search for a Negotiated Settlement of the Vietnam War. By Allan E. Goodman. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1978. Pp. xviii + 298. $22.50.) pp. 290-291 Downloads
MacAlister Brown
Scientists and World Order: The Uses of Technical Knowledge in International Organizations. By Ernest B. Haas, Mary Pat Williams, and Don Babai. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. Pp. x + 368. $17.50.) pp. 291-292 Downloads
Victor Ferkiss
Soviet Foreign Policy: Its social and economic conditions. Edited by Egbert Jahn. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. Pp. 160. $16.95.) pp. 292-293 Downloads
Joseph L. Nogee
Soviet Bargaining Behavior: The Nuclear Test Ban Case. By Christer Jönsson. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. 266. $13.50.) pp. 293-294 Downloads
Herbert S. Dinerstein
Theory and Reality in World Politics. By Carey B. Joynt and Percy E. Corbett. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 147. $10.95.) pp. 294-295 Downloads
Kenneth W. Thompson
America and Western Europe: Problems and Prospects. Edited by Karl Kaiser and Hans Peter Schwarz. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1977. Pp. 447. $13.50.) pp. 295-296 Downloads
David P. Calleo
Defending the National Interest: Raw Materials Investments and U.S. Foreign Policy. By Stephen D. Krasner. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1978. Pp. xiii + 402. $20.00, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 296-299 Downloads
John Gerard Ruggie
Bargaining in International Conflicts. By Charles Lockhart. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. viii + 205. $12.50.) pp. 299-300 Downloads
Charles S. Gochman
Systems Theory and Regional Integration: The “Market Model” of International Politics. By James P. O'Leary. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1978. Pp. iv+ 270. $9.75, paper.) pp. 300-301 Downloads
Werner J. Feld
Offense and Defense in the International System. By George H. Quester. (New York: John Wiley, 1977. Pp. xii + 219. $7.25, paper.) pp. 301-302 Downloads
Manus I. Midlarsky
Foreign Policy and Economic Dependence, By Neil R. Richardson. (Austin and London: University of Texas Press, 1978. Pp. xii + 214. $12.95.) pp. 302-303 Downloads
James A. Caporaso
The Military and Security in the Third World: Domestic and International Impacts. Edited by Sheldon W. Simon. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 348. $22.50.) pp. 303-305 Downloads
Ellen Stern and Miles D. Wolpin
The Soviet Union and Postwar Japan: Escalating Challenge and Response. By Rodger Swearingen. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1978. Pp. xxv + 340. $14.95.) pp. 305-306 Downloads
Young C. Kim
The Capitalist World-Economy: Essays by Immanuel Wallerstein. (New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv + 305. $36.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 306-307 Downloads
Peter Cocks
The Middle East in the Coming Decade: From Wellhead to Well-being? By John Waterbury and Ragaei El Mallakh. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978. Pp. xii + 219. $5.95, paper.) pp. 307-308 Downloads
Frederic S. Pearson
Quaker Experiences in International Conciliation. By C. H. Mike Yarrow. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978. Pp. xxvii + 308. $10.00.) pp. 308-310 Downloads
Darril Hudson
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