American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 76, issue 4, 1982
- The Two-party System and Duverger's Law: An Essay on the History of Political Science pp. 753-766

- William H. Riker
- Defense Expenditures and National Well-being pp. 767-777

- Bruce Russett
- The Party in Uniform: Toward a Theory of Civil-Military Relations in Communist Political Systems pp. 778-789

- Amos Perlmutter and William M. LeoGrande
- Public Choice Theory and Natural Resources: Methodological Explication and Critique pp. 790-804

- Mark Sproule-Jones
- A Note on the Meaning of ‘Constitution’ pp. 805-809

- Graham Maddox
- Poliatrics: Physicians and the Physician Analogy within Fourth-century Athens pp. 810-824

- Blair Campbell
- Love of Glory and the Common Good pp. 825-836

- Michael Palmer
- Hobbes's Behemoth and the Argument for Absolutism pp. 837-847

- Robert P. Kraynak
- Experimental Demonstrations of the “Not-So-Minimal” Consequences of Television News Programs pp. 848-858

- Shanto Iyengar, Mark D. Peters and Donald R. Kinder
- “Stability” and “Competition” in Budgetary Theory pp. 859-872

- John R. Gist
- Economic Conditions and National Elections, Post-Sample Forecasts of the Kramer Equations pp. 873-875

- H. Sonmez Atesoglu and Roger Congleton
- Comment on Beck and Alford (Vol. 74, September 1980, pp. 745–56) pp. 876-878

- Jon Nelson and George P. Neumann
- Errata pp. 878-878

- Anonymous
- The Geography of Public Finance: Welfare under Fiscal Federalism and Local Government Finance. By R. J. Bennet. (New York: Methuen, 1980. Pp. x + 498. $39.95.) - Political Studies from Spatial Perspectives: Anglo-American Essays on Political Geography. Edited By Alan D. Burnett and Peter J. Taylor. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981. Pp. xv + 519. $35.95.) - Geography of Elections. By Peter J. Taylor and Ronald J. Johnston. (New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1979. Pp. 526. $42.00.) pp. 883-885

- Bernard Grofman
- The Politics of Informal Justice: Vol. 1, The American Experience; Vol. 2, Comparative Studies. Edited By Richard L. Abel. (New York: Academic Press, 1981 and 1982. Pp. ix + 335 and x + 338. $29.50 each.) - The Passive Judiciary: Prosecutorial Discretion and the Guilty Plea. By Abraham Goldstein. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1981. Pp. 104. $12.95.) pp. 885-888

- David M. O'Brien
- Human Rights and State Sovereignty. By Richard Falk. (New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1981. Pp. x + 251. $26.00, cloth; $9.50, paper.) - The International Bill of Rights: The Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Edited By Louis Henkin. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 523. $35.00.) - The International Bill of Human Rights. Edited By Paul Williams. (Glen Ellen, Calif.: Entwhistle Books, 1981. Pp. xlvii + 108. $9.95, cloth; $3.25, paper.) pp. 888-889

- Vernon Van Dyke
- How Taxes Affect Economic Behavior. Edited By Henry J. Aaron and Joseph A. Pechman. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. vii + 446. $28.95, cloth; $11.95, paper.) pp. 890-891

- Elaine M. Wolfson
- The Growing Power of Congress. Edited By David M. Abshire and Ralph D. Nurnberger. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 328. $20.00.) - The Tethered Presidency: Congressional Restraints on Executive Power. Edited By Thomas M. Franck. (New York: New York University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 299. $28.50.) pp. 891-892

- Merlin Gustafson
- Compromised Compliance: Implementation of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. By Howard Ball, Dale Krane, and Thomas P. Lauth. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982. Pp. xv + 301. $27.50.) pp. 892-893

- William J. Daniels
- Electing the President. By Adam C. Breckenridge. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1982. Pp. v + 157. $19.50, cloth; $9.25, paper.) - The Presidential Game: The Origins of American Presidential Politics. By Richard P. McCormick. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Pp. 279. $19.95.) pp. 893-893

- Larry Berman
- School Desegregation and Defended Neighborhoods: The Boston Controversy. By Emmett H. BuellJr. with Richard A. BrisbinJr. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1982. Pp. xiv + 203. $22.95.) pp. 894-895

- Nicholas P. Lovrich
- The Business Response to Keynes, 1929–1964. By Robert M. Collins. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 293. $20.00.) pp. 895-896

- Philip H. Burch
- Urban Policy Analysis: Directions for Future Research. Edited By Terry Nichols Clark. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. i + 296. $22.50, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 895-895

- John S. Robey
- The House at Work. Edited By Joseph Cooper and G. Calvin Mackenzie. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 368. $27.50.) pp. 896-897

- Robert Zwier
- Books: The Culture and Commerce of Publishing. By Lewis A. Coser, Charles Kadushin, and Walter W. Powell. (New York: Basic Books, 1982. Pp. xiii + 411. $19.00.) pp. 897-898

- Lewis A. Dexter
- Public Lands Politics: Interest Group Influence on the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. By Paul J. Culhane. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 398. $29.50, cloth; $11.95, paper.) pp. 898-899

- Kathleen O. Jackson
- Neighborhoods and Urban Development. By Anthony Downs. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. 189. $22.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 899-900

- Robert J. Waste
- Insuring the Nation's Health: Market Competition: Catastrophic and Comprehensive Approaches. By Judith Feder, Jack Hadley, and John Holahan. (Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1981. Pp. xix + 227. $9.95, paper.) pp. 900-901

- Mark Burns
- The Hidden Election: Politics and Economics in the 1980 Presidential Campaign. Edited By Thomas Ferguson and Joel Rogers. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1981. Pp. ix + 342. $16.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 901-902

- Charles W. Dunn
- After Daley: Chicago Politics in Transition. Edited By Samuel K. Gove and Louis H. Masotti. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982. Pp. xvii + 244. $19.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 902-902

- Robert C. Smith
- Supreme Court Activism and Restraint. Edited By Stephen C. Halpern and Charles M. Lamb. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1982. Pp. xi + 436. $32.95.) pp. 903-903

- Paul Lermack
- The Politics of Clean Air: EPA Standards for Coal-Burning Power Plants. By Elizabeth H. Haskell. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1982. Pp. xviii + 206. $23.95.) pp. 903-904

- Sheldon Kamieniecki
- Making Ocean Policy: The Politics of Government Organization and Management. Edited By Francis W. Hoole, Robert L. Friedheim, and Timothy M. Hennessey. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xix + 291. $23.75.) pp. 904-905

- Tsuneo Akaha
- American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony. By Samuel P. Huntington. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 303. $25.00.) pp. 905-906

- Edward A. Kolodziej
- Congressional Spending: A Twentieth Century Fund Report. By Dennis S. Ippolito. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1981. Pp. 286. $22.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 906-907

- John W. Randall
- The Political Economy of Organizational Change: Urban Institutional Response to the War on Poverty. By Bruce Jacobs. (New York: Academic Press, 1981. Pp. x + 196. $19.50.) pp. 907-908

- Bradley Moody
- The Network of Control: State Supreme Courts and State Security Statutes, 1920–1970. By Carol E. Jenson. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982. Pp. xiv + 205. $27.50.) pp. 908-908

- Jesse C. Brown
- The Administrative Behavior of Federal Bureau Chiefs. By Herbert Kaufman. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. xii + 220. $22.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 909-909

- Raymond L. Chambers
- The President's Agenda: Domestic Policy Choice from Kennedy to Carter (with Notes on Ronald Reagan). By Paul C. Light. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. Pp. vii + 246. $17.95.) pp. 909-910

- James George Smith
- Managing the Public's Business: The Job of the Government Executive. By Laurence E. LynnJr. (New York: Basic Books, 1981. Pp. 211. $14.95.) pp. 910-911

- Thomas Vocino
- Regulation in Perspective: Historical Essays. Edited By Thomas K. McCraw. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 246. $14.95.) pp. 911-912

- Dan A. Cothran
- Airline Deregulation: The Early Experience. Edited By John R. Meyer and Clinton V. OsterJr. (Boston: Auburn House Publishing, 1981. Pp. xx + 287. $19.95.) pp. 912-913

- Craig Ramsay
- The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices. By Bruce Allen Murphy. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Pp. x + 473. $18.95.) pp. 913-914

- Gary L. McDowell
- America's Struggle against Poverty 1900–1980. By James T. Patterson. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 268. $17.50.) pp. 914-915

- Joseph F. Wilson
- Press, Party, and Presidency. By Richard L. Rubin. (New York: W.W. Norton, 1981. Pp. x + 246. $18.95.) pp. 915-916

- Robert G. Meadow
- Imprisonment in America: Choosing the Future. By Michael Sherman and Gordon Hawkins. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982. Pp. xi + 146. $15.00.) pp. 916-916

- James E. Robertson
- Markets and Minorities. By Thomas Sowell. (New York: Basic Books, 1981. Pp. xi + 127. $13.50, cloth; $6.00, paper.) pp. 917-917

- Howard Ross
- The Long Default: New York City and the Urban Fiscal Crisis. By William K. Tabb, (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1982. Pp. 154. $16.00.) pp. 918-919

- Martin Shefter
- Neighborhood Justice: Assessment of an Emerging Idea. Edited By Roman Tomasic and Malcolm Feeley. (New York: Longman, 1982. Pp. xviii + 286. $27.50.) pp. 919-920

- Timothy S. Bynum
- New Rules: Searching for Self-Fulfillment in a World Turned Upside Down. By Daniel Yankelovich. (New York: Random House,, 1981. Pp. xxi + 278. $15.95.) pp. 920-921

- Bernard Hennessy
- Essays in Nigerian Foreign Policy. By Olajide Aluko. (Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. 227. $28.50.) pp. 921-921

- Gerald L. Gordon
- Development Strategies and Basic Needs in Latin America: Challenges for the 1980s. Edited By Claes Brundenius and Mats Lundahl. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1982. Pp. xii + 180. $17.50.) pp. 922-923

- Philip L. Shepherd
- Domination and Power in Guyana: A Study of the Police in a Third World Context. By George K. Danns. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1982. Pp. xiv + 193. $29.95.) pp. 923-924

- Otwin Marenin
- Catastrophe or Cornucopia: The Environment, Politics and the Future. By Stephen Cotgrove. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982. Pp. xi + 154. $35.95, cloth; $19.95, paper.) pp. 923-923

- Henry B. Sirgo
- The Third Indochina Conflict. Edited By David W. P. Elliott. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 247. $18.50.) pp. 924-925

- John James MacDougall
- West Germany and the European Community: Changing Interests and Competing Policy Objectives. By Werner J. Feld. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. x + 151. $19.95.) pp. 925-926

- Richard J. Willey
- Nordic Democracy: Ideas, Issues, and Institutions in Politics, Economy, Education, Social and Cultural Affairs of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Edited By Erik J. Friis, Folmer Wisti, et al. (Copenhagen: Det Danske Selskab, 1981. Pp. iv + 780. D.kr. 200.) - Participation and Democracy in Norway: The Distant Democracy Revisited. By William M. Lafferty. (Oslo: Universitetsförlaget, and New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. 193. $16.00, paper.) pp. 926-927

- James L. Waite
- Post-Revolutionary Peru: The Politics of Transformation. Edited By Stephen M. Gorman. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1982. Pp. xix + 252. $25.00, cloth; $12.00, paper.) pp. 928-929

- Philip L. Shepherd
- Malaysia: Economic Expansion and National Unity. By John Gullick. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 290. $30.00.) pp. 929-930

- Warren S. Hunsberger
- Military Government and the Movement toward Democracy in South America. Edited By Howard Handelman and Thomas G. Sanders. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 388. $29.95, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 930-930

- Robert H. Dix
- Parties and Their Environments: Limits to Reform? By Robert Harmel and Kenneth Janda. (New York: Longman, 1982. Pp. x + 176. $20,00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) - The Battle for the Labour Party. By David Kogan and Maurice Kogan. (London: Fontana Paperbacks, 1982. Pp. 160. £1.75.) pp. 930-931

- Thomas P. Wolf
- The Politics of Ethnicity in Eastern Europe. Edited by George Klein and Milan J. Reban. (Boulder, Colo.: East European Monographs, 1981. Pp. 279. $20.00.) - Ethnopolitics: A Conceptual Framework. By Joseph Rothschild. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 290. $22.50.) pp. 932-933

- Rasma Karklins
- Countdown: The Polish Upheavals of 1956, 1968, 1970, 1976, 1980…. By Jakub Karpiński. Translated from Polish By Olga Amsterdamski and Gene M. Moore. (New York: Karz-Cohl Publishers, 1982. Pp. vi + 214. $29.95, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 932-932

- Roger E. Kanet
- The Bureaucracy of Truth: How Communist Governments Manage the News. By Paul Lendvai. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. 285. $26.00.) pp. 934-934

- James P. McGregor
- University and Government in Mexico: Autonomy in an Authoritarian System. By Daniel C. Levy. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. Pp. 190. $20.95.) pp. 934-935

- John J. Bailey
- Revolution and Economic Development in Cuba: Moving Towards Socialism. By Arthur MacEwan. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 265. $22.50.) - Peasant Cooperatives and Political Change in Peru. By Cynthia McClintock. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xvii + 481. $32.50, cloth; $15.00, paper.) pp. 935-936

- Brian F. Wallace
- The Knesset: Parliament in the Israeli Political System. By Gregory S. Mahler. (Rutherford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1981. Pp. 254. $24.50.) pp. 936-937

- Donna Robinson Divine
- Administering Foreign-Worker Programs: Lessons from Europe. By Mark J. Miller and Philip L. Martin. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1981. Pp. xviii + 194. $21.95.) - Foreign Workers in Western Europe: An Emerging Political Force. By Mark J. Miller. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. xx + 228. $26.95.) pp. 937-938

- David Brian Robertson
- Ideologies in Quebec: The Historical Development. By Denis Monière. Translated By Richard Howard. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981. Pp. x + 328. $30.00, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 938-939

- Jon Alexander
- Global Human Rights: Public Policies, Comparative Measures, and NGO Strategies. Edited By Ned P. Nanda, James R. Scarritt, and George W. ShepherdJr. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 318. $30.00.) pp. 939-940

- John R. Vile
- Modernization and Its Impact upon Korean Law. By Pyong-ho Pak et al. (Berkeley, Calif.: Institute of East Asian Studies, 1981. Pp. vii + 155. $12.50, paper.) pp. 940-941

- Wayne Patterson
- Indira Gandhi: Her Road to Power. By Nayantara Sahgal. (New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1982. Ppl xv + 241. $15.95.) pp. 941-942

- Navin Sinha
- The United States and the Philippines: A Study of Neocolonialism. By Stephen Rosskamm Shalom. (Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1981. Pp. xvii + 302. $19.50.) pp. 942-942

- Linda K. Richter
- The Church and Politics in Chile: Challenges to Modern Catholicism. By Brian H. Smith. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1982. Pp. xiii + 383. $30.00, cloth; $9.75, paper.) pp. 943-943

- Ernest Evans
- Class Conflict and Collection Action. Edited By Louise A. Tilly and Charles Tilly. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 260. $22.50, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 943-944

- J. Samuel Valenzuela
- The Middle East in World Politics. Edited By Mohammed Ayoob. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. 217. $25.00.) pp. 945-946

- Shawky S. Zeidan
- The Future of Strategic Deterrence. Edited By Christoph Bertram. (Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1981. Pp. 108. $19.50.) - Strategic Deterrence in a Changing Environment. Edited By Christoph Bertram. (Montclair, N.J.: Allenheld, Osmun, 1981. Pp. 194. $28.50.) pp. 946-947

- Philip Dyer
- East-West Relations and the Future of Eastern Europe: Politics and Economics. Edited By Morris Bornstein, Zvi Gitelman, and William Zimmerman. (Boston: George Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. x + 301. $28.50.) pp. 947-948

- Charles Bukowski
- American-Soviet Relations: From 1947 to the Nixon-Kissinger Grand Design. By Dan Caldwell. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 283. $27.50.) pp. 948-948

- Patrick Drinan
- Solvency: The Price of Survival. An Essay on American Foreign Policy. By James Chace. (New York: Random House, 1981. Pp. 115. $9.95.) pp. 949-950

- Paul Y. Watanabe
- War and Change in World Politics. By Robert Gilpin. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 272. $19.95.) pp. 950-951

- David A. Lake
- Security in the Persian Gulf 1: Domestic Political Factors. Edited by Shahram Chubin. (Montclair, N.J.: Allanheld, Osmun, 1981. Pp. vix + 90. $10.00, paper.) - Security in the Persian Gulf 2: Sources of Interstate Conflict. By Robert Litwak. (Montclair, N.J.: Allanheld, Osmun, 1981. Pp. x + 105. $10.00, paper.) pp. 950-950

- Tawfic E. Farah
- The Political Role of the United Nations: Advancing the World Community. By John W. Halderman. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. xii + 217. $24.95.) - Non-Governmental Organizations at the United Nations: Identity, Role, and Function. By Chiang Pei-heng. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. x + 355. $31.95.) pp. 951-952

- Keith S. Petersen
- The Reluctant Ally: France and Atlantic Security. By Michael M. Harrison. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 304. $24.00.) pp. 953-953

- William K. Domke
- The Common Security Interests of Japan, the United States, and NATO. By U. Alexis Johnson and George R. Packard. (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing, 1981. Pp. xxiii + 232. $19.50.) pp. 953-954

- Thomas J. Bellows
- Soviet Influence in Eastern Europe: Political Autonomy and the Warsaw Pact. By Christopher D. Jones. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. x + 322. $29.95, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 954-955

- Mark A. Cichock
- A Political History of the Olympic Games. By David B. Kanin. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 161. $17.00.) pp. 955-955

- John Orman
- From National Development to Global Community: Essays in Honor of Karl W. Deutsch. Edited By Richard L. Merritt and Bruce M. Russett. Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. 480. $37.50, cloth; $16.95, paper.) pp. 956-956

- Bruce D. Berkowitz
- New Directions in Strategic Thinking. Edited By Robert O'Neill and D. M. Homer. (Boston: George Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. xiv + 318. $28.50.) - U.S. Policy and Low-Intensity Conflict: Potentials for Military Struggles in the 1980s. Edited By Sam C. Sarkesian and William L. Scully. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1981. Pp. viii + 221. $14.95, paper.) pp. 957-958

- Robert Mandel
- The United States and the Soviet Union: The Decision to Recognize. By John Richman. (Raleigh, N.C.: Camberleigh & Hall, Publishers, 1980. Pp. xi + 287. $11.95.) pp. 958-958

- Patrick Drinan
- Understanding Conflict and War: Vol. V, The Just Peace. By R. J. Rummel. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 320. $22.50.) pp. 959-959

- John A. Vasquez
- The Future of US-China Relations. Edited By John Bryan Starr. (New York: New York University Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 270. $25.00.) pp. 959-960

- Samuel S. Kim
- From Embargo to Ostpolitik: The Political Economy of West German-Soviet Relations. By Angela Stent. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 328. $39.50.) pp. 960-961

- Wolfram F. Hanrieder
- The Logic of Imperialism. By Albert Szymanski. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. xviii + 598. $39.95, cloth; $14.95, paper.) pp. 961-962

- Raymond F. Wylie
- New Liberalism: The Political Economy of J. A. Hobson. By John Allett. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 275. $25.00.) pp. 962-963

- Emily R. Gill
- The National Charity Company: Jeremy Bentham's Silent Revolution. By Charles F. Bahmueller. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982. Pp. xi + 272. $25.00.) pp. 963-964

- Gerald L. Houseman
- Conflicting Ideologies in Political Economy: A Synthesis. By Philip L. Beardsley. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, Sage Library of Social Research, No. 118, 1981. Pp. 174. $20.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 964-964

- L. L. Wade
- Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Social and Political Thought. By Jean Bethke Elshtain. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xviii + 378. $25.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 964-965

- Milda K. Hedblom
- The Impossible Dream: The Rise and Demise of the American Left. By Bernard K. Johnpoll with Lillian Johnpoll. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 373. $29.95.) pp. 965-966

- Darryl Baskin
- The Radical Persuasion 1890–1917: Aspects of the Intellectual History and the Historiography of Three American Radical Organizations. By Aileen S. Kraditor. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana University Press, 1981. Pp. ii + 381. $37.50, cloth; $12.95, paper.) pp. 966-967

- Robert Booth Fowler
- The Political Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty. By Sonia Kruks. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, and Sussex, Great Britain: Harvester Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 149. $27.50.) pp. 967-967

- Kerry Whiteside
- Michael Bakunin: Roots of Apocalypse. By Arthur P. Mendel. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. x + 517. $35.00.) pp. 968-969

- Curtis Stokes
- The Crisis in Marxism. By Jack Lindsay. (Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble Books, 1981. Pp. 183. $22.50.) pp. 968-968

- James C. Foster
- Marx's Theory of Ideology. By Bhikhu Parekh. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1982. Pp. iv + 247. $24.50.) pp. 969-970

- Edward S. Malecki
- The Voegelinian Revolution: A Biographical Introduction. By Ellis Sandoz. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 371. $19.95.) pp. 970-971

- Ronald E. Puhek
- Against Fate: An Essay on Personal Dignity. By Glenn Tinder. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1981. Pp. 192. $16.95.) pp. 971-971

- Jo Renee Formicola
- Sociologie politique comparative: Problèmes et perspectives. By Mattei Dogan and Dominique Pelassy. (Paris: Economica, 1982. Pp. 218. FF55.) pp. 972-973

- Joseph LaPalombara
- Theories of Comparative Politics: The Search for a Paradigm. By Ronald H. Chilcote. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xxiii + 480. $35.00, cloth; $15.00, paper.) pp. 972-972

- Martin Slann
- The Bureaucratization of Socialism. By Donald C. Hodges. (Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 210. $15.00.) pp. 973-974

- André Liebich
- The Politics of Social Theory: Habermas, Freud and the Critique of Positivism. By Russel Keat. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 245. $25.00, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 974-975

- Zoltan Tar
- Advice and Planning. By Martin H. Krieger. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 241. $18.95.) pp. 975-976

- Dale Rogers Marshall
- Semantics and Social Science. By Graham Macdonald and Philip Pettit. (Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. vi + 194. $22.50, cloth; $11.50, paper.) pp. 976-977

- Robert Q. Parks
- Man, Mind, and Morality: The Ethics of Behavior Control. By Ruth Macklin. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1982. Pp. x + 130. $7.50, paper.) pp. 977-978

- C. R. Jeffery
- Handbook of Political Communication. Edited By Dan D. Nimmo and Keith R. Sanders. (Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 732. $45.00.) pp. 978-979

- Daniel C. Hallin
- Social Science Information and Public Policy Making. By Robert F. Rich. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1981. Pp. xxiv + 205. $15.95.) pp. 979-980

- Mark Oromaner
- Organizations: Rational, Natural, and Open Systems. By W. Richard Scott. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1981. Pp. xviii + 381. $18.95.) pp. 980-980

- James E. Swiss
- The Voice and the Eye: An Analysis of Social Movements. By Alain Touraine. Translated By Alan Duff. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 225. $37.50, cloth; $12.95, paper.) pp. 980-981

- W. Rand Smith
- The Economic Prerequisite to Democracy. By Dan Usher. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. xv + 160. $22.50.) pp. 981-982

- Henry L. Bretton
- A Guide for Selecting Statistical Techniques for Analyzing Social Science Data. By Frank M. Andrews et al. (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Institute for Social Research, 1981. Pp. xv + 70. $8.00, paper.) pp. 982-983

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United States 1951: Vol. 3, Part 1 and Part 2: European Security and the German Question. Edited by Fredrick Aandahl. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981. Pp. xxxiv + 2065. Part 1, $21.00; Part 2, $16.00.) pp. 982-982

- Anonymous
- Research Guide to Current Military and Strategic Affairs. By William M. Arkin. (Washington, D.C.: Institute for Policy Studies, 1981. Pp. xiv + 232. $15.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 983-983

- Anonymous
- Ethnicity and Nationality: A Bibliographic Guide. By G. Carter Bentley. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982. Pp. xxii + 456. $37.00.) pp. 983-983

- Anonymous
- The World Economy in the 1980s: Selected Papers of C. Fred Bergsten, 1980. By C. Fred Bergsten. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1981. Pp. x + 178. $17.95.) pp. 983-983

- Anonymous
- Setting Municipal Priorities, 1982. Edited by Charles Brecher and Raymond D. Horton. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1981. Pp. xx + 444. $29.95.) pp. 983-983

- Anonymous
- The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union. Edited by Archie Brown et al. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. 492. $35.00.) pp. 983-983

- Anonymous
- The Diary of James A. Garfield: Vol. 4, 1878-1881. Edited by Harry James Brown and Frederick D. Williams. (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1981. Pp. 689. $40.00.) pp. 984-984

- Anonymous
- The Uses of Social Research: Social Investigation in Public Policy-Making. By Martin Bulmer. (Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1982. Pp. xiv + 184. $28.50, cloth; $12.50, paper.) - Social Measurement and Social Indicators: Issues of Policy and Theory. By Michael Carley. (Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. x + 195. $28.50, cloth; $12.50, paper.) - Modelling Society: An Introduction to Loglinear Analysis for Social Researchers. By G. Nigel Gilbert. (Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. xii + 131. $28.50, cloth; $12.50, paper.) pp. 984-984

- Anonymous
- Radical Priorities. By Noam Chomsky. Edited by Carlos P. Otero. (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1981. Pp. 270. $19.95, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 984-984

- Anonymous
- An End to Silence: Uncensored Opinion in the Soviet Union. Edited by Stephen F. Cohen. Translated by George Saunders. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1982. Pp. 375. $19.95.) pp. 984-984

- Anonymous
- The Guide to the Federal Budget: Fiscal 1983 Edition. By Stanley E. Collender. (Washington, D.C.: Northeast-Midwest Institute, 1982. Pp. xviii + 163. $8.00, paper.) pp. 984-985

- Anonymous
- In Italy: Postwar Political Life. Edited by Furio Colombo. Translated by Carlo Kostka. (New York: Karz Publishers, 1982. Pp. xvii + 220. $29.95.) pp. 985-985

- Anonymous
- Issues before the 36th General Assembly of the United Nations 1981-1982. Edited by Frederick Eckhard and Donald J. Puchala. (New York: New York University Press, 1981. Pp. 150. $17.50.) pp. 985-985

- Anonymous
- Experimentation in the Law: Report of the Federal Judicial Center Advisory Committee on Experimentation in the Law. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981. Pp. vii + 134. $4.25.) pp. 985-985

- Anonymous
- Latin America: International Relations: A Guide to Information Sources. Edited by John J. Finan and John Child. (Detroit: Gale Research, 1981. Pp. xviii + 236. $38.00.) pp. 985-985

- Anonymous
- The United States Congress: A Bibliography. By Robert U. Goehlert and John R. Sayre. (New York: Free Press, 1982. Pp. v + 376. $50.00.) pp. 986-987

- Anonymous
- The Autobiography and Other Writings. By Benjamin Franklin. Edited by Peter Shaw. (New York: Bantam Books, 1982. Pp. xiii + 282. $2.50, paper.) pp. 986-986

- Anonymous
- The Presidential Press Conference: Its History and Role in the American Political System. By Blaire Atherton French. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1982. Pp. v + 47. $5.50, paper.) pp. 986-986

- Anonymous
- Documents on the Foreign Policy of Israel: Vol. 1, 14 May-30 September 1948. Edited by Yehoshua Freundlich. (Jerusalem: Israel State Archives, 1981. Pp. 711 and lxix + 214. $69.50 includes companion volume.) pp. 986-986

- Anonymous
- Rural America in Passage: Statistics for Policy. Edited by Dorothy M. Gilford, Glenn L. Nelson, and Linda Ingram. (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 529. $14.95, paper.) pp. 986-986

- Anonymous
- The Soviet Union. Edited by Michael Glennon and John L. Moore. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1982. Pp. 280. $8.95, paper.) pp. 986-986

- Anonymous
- Latin American Laws and Institutions. By Albert S. Golbert and Yenny Nun. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1982. Pp. xiv + 573. $35.95.) pp. 987-987

- Anonymous
- Budgeting for America: The Politics and Process of Federal Spending. Edited by Martha V. Gottron. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1982. Pp. 227. $8.75, paper.) pp. 987-987

- Anonymous
- Romania: A Developing Socialist State. By Lawrence S. Graham. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1982. Pp. xvii + 136. $17.00.) - Hungary: A Nation of Contradictions. By Ivan Volgyes. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 113. $16.50.) pp. 987-987

- Anonymous
- Biographical Dictionary of British Radicals in the Seventeenth Century: Vol. 1, A-F. Edited by Richard L. Greaves and Robert Zaller. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1982. Pp. xxxiv + 308. $75.00.) pp. 987-987

- Anonymous
- The Federalist Papers. By Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. (New York: Bantam Books, 1982. Pp. xxviii + 477. $2.95, paper.) pp. 987-987

- Anonymous
- Witnesses to the Origins of the Cold War. Edited by Thomas T. Hammond. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982. Pp. 328. $22.50.) pp. 987-988

- Anonymous
- Washington Information Directory 1982-83. Edited by Sari Horwitz. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1982. Pp. xxxi + 912. $27.50.) pp. 988-989

- Anonymous
- Handbook of the Nations/1981: A Brief Guide to the Economy, Government, Land, Demographics, Communications, and National Defense Establishment of 188 Nations and Other Political Entities. (Detroit: Grand River Books, 1981. Pp. xvi + 225. $32.00.) pp. 988-988

- Anonymous
- The Papers of Henry Clay: Vol. 6, Secretary of State, 1827. Edited by Mary W. M. Hargreaves and James F. Hopkins. (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1981. Pp. viii + 1448. $35.00.) pp. 988-988

- Anonymous
- United Nations Peacekeeping: Documents and Commentary: Vol. 4, Europe 1946-1979. By Rosalyn Higgins. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 419. $89.00.) pp. 988-988

- Anonymous
- Biographical Dictionary of American Mayors, 1820-1980: Big City Mayors. Edited by Melvin G. Holli and Peter d'A. Jones. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. x + 451. $69.50.) pp. 988-988

- Anonymous
- Thomas Jefferson: A Reference Guide. By Eugene L. Huddleston. (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. Pp. xxiii + 374. $30.00.) pp. 989-989

- Anonymous
- National Party Platforms of 1980: Supplement to National Party Platforms, 1840-1976. Compiled by Donald Bruce Johnson. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982. Pp. 234. $14.95, paper.) pp. 989-989

- Anonymous
- The Balance of Military Power. By William V. Kennedy. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. Pp. 208. $24.95.) pp. 989-989

- Anonymous
- The Legal Aspects of the Palestine Problem: With Special Regard to the Question of Jerusalem. Edited by Hans Köchler. (Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1981. Pp. 299. ÖS 350.) pp. 989-989

- Anonymous
- International Relations of South Asia, 1947-80: A Guide to Information Sources. Edited by Richard J. Kozicki. (Detroit: Gale Research, 1981. Pp. xiv + 166. $38.00.) pp. 989-989

- Anonymous
- The 1981 Dow Jones-Irwin Business Almanac. Edited by Sumner N. Levine. (Homewood, Ill.: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1981. Pp. 551. $16.95, paper.) pp. 989-990

- Anonymous
- Environment and Health. Edited by Mary McNeil. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1981. Pp. 227. $8.95, paper.) pp. 990-991

- Anonymous
- Magnitude Scaling: Quantitative Measurement of Opinions. By Milton Lodge. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 87. $4.00, paper.) - Unidimensional Scaling. By John P. Mclver and Edward G. Carmines. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 96. $4.00, paper.) - Research Designs. By Paul E. Spector. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 80. $4.00, paper.) pp. 990-990

- Anonymous
- The Arab World, Turkey, and the Balkans (1878-1914): A Handbook of Historical Statistics. By Justin McCarthy. (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982. Pp. xxx + 309. $75.00.) pp. 990-990

- Anonymous
- Husserl: Shorter Works. Edited by Peter McCormick and Frederick Elliston. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1982. Pp. xix + 440. $30.00, cloth; $11.95, paper.) pp. 990-990

- Anonymous
- State Politics and Redistricting, 1982: Part I. Edited by Lynda McNeil. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1982. Pp. 199. $16.00, paper.) pp. 990-990

- Anonymous
- Canada and the Constitution 1979-1982: Patriation and the Charter of Rights. By Edward McWhinney. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982. Pp. xii + 227. $29.50, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 991-991

- Anonymous
- American Politics Yearbook 1982-83. By Jarol B. Manheim. (New York: Longman, 1982. Pp. xxiii + 242. $6.95, paper.) pp. 991-991

- Anonymous
- Capital: A Critique of Political Economy: Volume 3. By Karl Marx. Translated by David Fernbach. (New York: Random House, 1981. Pp. 1,081. $9.95, paper.) pp. 991-991

- Anonymous
- Political Redistricting and Geographic Theory. By Richard L. Morrill. (Washington, D.C.: Association of American Geographers, 1981. Pp. vii + 76. $5.00, paper.) pp. 991-991

- Anonymous
- President and Congress: Assessing Reagan's First Year. Edited by Norman J. Ornstein. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1982. Pp. 107. $6.95, paper.) pp. 991-991

- Anonymous
- Setting National Priorities: The 1983 Budget. Edited by Joseph A. Pechman. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1982. Pp. xii + 268. $22.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 991-991

- Anonymous
- Independent Social Movements in Poland. By Peter Raina. (London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1981. Pp. 631. £15.) pp. 992-992

- Anonymous
- The Referendum Device. Edited by Austin Ranney. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981. Pp. xiv + 191. $5.00, paper.) pp. 992-992

- Anonymous
- The New Bilingualism: An American Dilemma. Edited by Martin Ridge. (Los Angeles: University of Southern California Press, 1982. Pp. 272. $20.00.) pp. 992-992

- Anonymous
- Science and Technology in a Changing International Order: The United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development. Edited by Volker Rittberger. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1982. Pp. xiii + 263. $27.50.) pp. 992-992

- Anonymous
- Documents on the Laws of War. Edited by Adam Roberts and Richard Guelff. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Pp. xi + 497. $34.50, cloth; $17.95, paper.) pp. 992-992

- Anonymous
- The Kennedy Family of Massachusetts: A Bibliography. Compiled by Dorothy Ryan and Louis J. Ryan. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xv + 200. $25.00.) pp. 992-993

- Anonymous
- Social Experiments: Methods for Design and Evaluation. By Leonard Saxe and Michelle Fine. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 267. $20.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 993-993

- Anonymous
- Reconciliation and the Congressional Budget Process. By Allen Schick. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981. Pp. 47. $4.25, paper.) pp. 993-993

- Anonymous
- Cuba: A Handbook of Historical Statistics. By Susan Schroeder. (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. Pp. xlii + 589. $85.00.) pp. 993-993

- Anonymous
- Energy from the West: A Technology Assessment of Western Energy Resource Development. By the Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1981. Pp. xvii + 362. $25.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 993-993

- Anonymous
- The Soviet Art of War Doctrine, Strategy, and Tactics. Edited by Harriet Fast Scott and William F. Scott. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1982. Pp. x + 323. $26.50, cloth; $13.00, paper.) pp. 993-993

- Anonymous
- The American Road to Nuremberg: The Documentary Record 1944-1945. By Bradley F. Smith. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1982. Pp. 271. $24.95.) pp. 994-994

- Anonymous
- Data Entry without Keypunching: Improved Preparation for Social-Data Analysis. By Martin D. Sorin. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1982. Pp. xviii + 270. $27.95.) pp. 994-994

- Anonymous
- The Real World of Liberalism. By David Spitz. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982. Pp. xi + 232. $20.00.) pp. 994-994

- Anonymous
- Yearbook on International Communist Affairs 1982: Parties and Revolutionary Movements. Edited by Richard F. Staar. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1982. Pp. xiv + 576. $39.95.) pp. 994-994

- Anonymous
- Korean Communism 1945-1980: A Reference Guide to the Political System. By Dae-Sook Suh. (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1981. Pp. xv + 592. $20.00.) pp. 994-994

- Anonymous
- The Middle East. Edited by Michael D. Wormser. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1981. Pp. 275. $8.95, paper.) pp. 995-996

- Anonymous
- Southeast Asian Affairs 1981. Edited by Leo Suryadinata and Ng Shu Meng. (Exeter, N.H.: Heinemann Educational Books, 1982. Pp. 362. $30.95.) pp. 995-995

- Anonymous
- The Current History Encyclopedia of Developing Nations. Edited by Carol L. Thompson, Mary M. Anderberg, and Joan B. Antell. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982. Pp. 395. $45.00.) pp. 995-995

- Anonymous
- Essays in Economics: Theory and Policy. By James Tobin. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1982. Pp. x + 685. $45.00.) pp. 995-995

- Anonymous
- Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research: Volume 3. Edited by Michael Tonry and Norval Morris. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 353. $22.50.) pp. 995-995

- Anonymous
- The Principles of Social Order Selected Essays of Lon L. Fuller. Edited by Kenneth I. Winston. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1981. Pp. 313. $19.75.) pp. 995-995

- Anonymous
- Cities of the World: A Compilation of Current Information on Cultural, Geographical, and Political Conditions in the Countries and Cities of Six Continents, Based on the Department of State's “Post Reports”: Vol. 1, Africa; Vol. 2, The Western Hemisphere; Vol. 3, Europe and the Mediterranean Middle East; Vol. 4, Asia, the Pacific and the Asiatic Middle East. Edited by Margaret Walsh Young. (Detroit: Gale Research, 1982. Pp. 371, 317, 363, 377. $150.00 the set.) pp. 996-996

- Anonymous
- Measurement in the Social Sciences: The Link between Theory and Data. By Richard A. Zeller and Edward G. Carmines. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1980. Pp. x + 198. $26.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 996-996

- Anonymous
Volume 76, issue 3, 1982
- Ideology, Issues, and the Spatial Theory of Elections pp. 493-501

- James M. Enelow and Melvin J. Hinich
- The Decline of Electoral Participation in America pp. 502-521

- Paul R. Abramson and John H. Aldrich
- Partisan Dealignment in the American Electorate: Itemizing the Deductions since 1964 pp. 522-537

- Helmut Norpoth and Jerrold G. Rusk
- Political Attitudes during an Election Year: A Report on the 1980 NES Panel Study pp. 538-560

- Gregory B. Markus
- Universalism in Experimental Committees pp. 561-574

- Gary J. Miller and Joe A. Oppenheimer
- Some Properties of Divisor Methods for Legislative Apportionment and Proportional Representation pp. 575-584

- Cyril Carter
- Political Ideology and Subjective Culture: Conceptualization and Empirical Assessment pp. 585-602

- Lorand B. Szalay and Rita Mae Kelly
- On the Conceptualization and Measurement of Political Tolerance pp. 603-620

- James L. Gibson and Richard D. Bingham
- Defending Liberalism pp. 621-629

- William Galston
- Dante and the Setting for Machiavellianism pp. 630-644

- Larry Peterman
- Comment on Eisinger: Black Employment in Municipal Jobs (Vol. 76, June 1982, pp. 380-392 pp. 645-647

- Kenneth R. Mladenka
- Reply: A Response to Kenneth R. Mladenka pp. 647-648

- Peter Eisinger
- [No Title] pp. 648-648

- James M. Rhodes
- Reply pp. 648-648

- Dietrich Orlow
- What's News: The Media in American Society. Edited By Elie Abel. (San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1981. Pp. x + 290. $7.95, paper.) pp. 649-650

- Robert Locander
- The New Urban America: Growth and Politics in Sunbelt Cities. By Carl Abbott. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1981. Pp. 317. $19.95, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 649-649

- Darryl Paulson
- Do Housing Allowances Work? Edited By Katharine L. Bradbury and Anthony Downs. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. xiv + 419. $26.95, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 650-651

- Richard Hula
- Working the Street: Police Discretion and the Dilemmas of Reform. By Michael K. Brown. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1981. Pp. xvii + 338. $18.00.) pp. 651-652

- Hindy Lauer Schachter
- The Federal Trade Commission since 1970: Economic Regulation and Bureaucratic Behavior. Edited By Kenneth W. Clarkson and Timothy J. Muris. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 379. $37.50.) pp. 652-653

- Laurence J. O'Toole
- Energy Policy and Forecasting: Economic, Financial, and Technical Dimensions. By Glenn R. DeSouza. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1981. Pp. xv + 218. $23.95.) pp. 653-654

- John Heilman
- Justice William O. Douglas. By James C. Duram. (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1981. Pp. 159. $12.95.) pp. 654-655

- John W. Epperson
- The Politics of Shared Power: Congress and the Executive. By Louis Fisher. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 217. $7.95, paper.) pp. 655-655

- Michael E. Kraft
- Public Duties: The Moral Obligations of Government Officials. Edited By Joel L. Fleishman, Lance Liebman, and Mark H. Moore. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 316. $22.50.) pp. 656-656

- Richard E. Hartwig
- The Public Encounter: Where State and Citizen Meet. Edited By Charles T. Goodsell. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 267. $22.50.) pp. 656-657

- Phillip C. Wall
- The Politics of Federal Grants. By George E. Hale and Marian Lief Palley. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 178. $7.50, paper.) pp. 657-658

- Gerald W. Johnson
- The Illusion of Presidential Government. Edited By Hugh Heclo and Lester M. Salamon. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 359. $32.50, cloth; $11.50, paper.) pp. 658-659

- John R. Johannes
- City Trenches: Urban Politics and the Patterning of Class in the United States. By Ira Katznelson. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1981. Pp. xv + 267. $17.50.) pp. 659-660

- Ronald Kahn
- Organized for Action: Commitment in Voluntary Associations. By David Knoke and James R. Wood. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1981. Pp. xvii + 263. $19.50.) pp. 660-661

- George S. Blair
- Representative Bureaucracy and the American Political System. By Samuel Krislov and David H. Rosenbloom. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. xii + 209. $24.95, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 661-662

- Luther F. Carter
- Representation and Presidential Primaries: The Democratic Party in the Post-Reform Era. By James I. Lengle. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. 131. $27.50.) pp. 662-663

- David H. Everson
- Crisis in the Making: The Political Economy of New York State since 1945. By Peter D. McClelland and Alan L. Magdovitz. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 522. $24.95.) pp. 663-664

- Stephen David
- In the Running: The New Woman Candidate. By Ruth B. Mandel. (New Haven, Conn.: Ticknor and Fields, 1981. Pp. xxi + 280. $12.95.) pp. 664-665

- Kathleen L. Barber
- The New Congress. Edited By Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981. Pp. 400. $17.25, cloth; $9.25, paper.) pp. 665-665

- Lawrence C. Dodd
- The Supreme Court and the Living Constitution. By Kenneth F. Mott. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1981. Pp. iii + 274. $20.75, cloth; $10.00, paper.) pp. 666-667

- Rodney A. Grunes
- Shaping Legislative Decisions: Education Policy and the Social Sciences. By Douglas E. Mitchell. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1981. Pp. xvi + 201. $24.95.) pp. 666-666

- Jack R. Van Der Slik
- How Courts Govern America. By Richard Neely. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1981. Pp. xvii + 233. $15.00.) pp. 667-668

- David J. Garrow
- The Congressional Budget Process after Five Years. Edited By Rudolph G. Penner. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981. Pp. xiii + 199. $14.25, cloth; $6.25, paper.) pp. 668-669

- Steven E. Schier
- Instead of Regulation: Alternatives to Federal Regulatory Agencies. Edited By Robert W. PooleJr. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Health, 1982. Pp. xi + 402. ¢25.95.) pp. 669-670

- David G. Lawrence
- Industry Influence in Federal Regulatory Agencies. By Paul J. Quirk. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 260. $25.00 cloth; $6.95 paper.) pp. 670-671

- John T. Scholz
- Organizing the Executive Branch: The Johnson Presidency. By Emmette S. Redford and Marlan Blissett. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. x + 277. $21.00) pp. 671-672

- Carl Grafton
- Conservatives in an Age of Change: The Nixon and Ford Administrations. By A. James Reichley. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp xiv + 482. $29.95, cloth; $13.95, paper.) pp. 672-673

- W. Wesley McDonald
- Bureaucracy and Policy Implementation. By Randall B. Ripley and Grace A. Franklin. (Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey Press, 1982. Pp. xii + 226. $8.95, paper.) pp. 673-673

- James S. Larson
- The Rise of Political Consultants: New Ways of Winning Elections. By Larry J. Sabato. (New York: Basic Books, 1981. Pp. xvi + 376. $20.95.) pp. 673-674

- Anne Permaloff
- Ethnic America: A History. By Thomas Sowell. (New York: Basic Books, 1981. Pp. 353. $16.95.) pp. 674-675

- Brian F. Rader
- Professionals versus the Public: Attitudes, Communications, and Response in School Districts. By Harvey J. Tucker and L. Harmon Zeigler. (New York: Longman, 1980. Pp. 242. $25.00.) pp. 675-676

- Edward P. Morgan
- Bring Me Men and Women: Mandated Change at the U.S. Air Force Academy. By Judith Hicks Stiehm. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. 348. $19.95.) pp. 675-675

- Judith A. Baer
- Woodrow Wilson: A Medical and Psychological Biography. By Edwin A. Weinstein, (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 399. $18.50) pp. 676-677

- Robert S. Robins
- Judge Frank Johnson and Human Rights in Alabama. By Tinsley E. Yarbrough. (University: University of Alabama Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 270. $19.95.) pp. 678-679

- David Adamany
- Our Stagflation Malaise: Ending Inflation and Unemployment. By Sidney Weintraub. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 209. $22.50.) pp. 678-678

- David Menninger
- Police and Community in Japan. By Walter L. Ames. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 245. $22.50.) pp. 679-680

- Wesley G. Skogan
- The Contribution of the Courts to Government: A West African View. By A. N. E. Amissah. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 382. $55.00.) pp. 680-681

- Daniel C. Kramer
- The Making of Modern Zionism: The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State. By Shlomo Avineri. (New York: Basic Books, 1981. Pp. x + 244. $15.50.) pp. 681-682

- Norman L. Zucker
- Tradition and Change in Postindustrial Japan: The Role of Political Parties. By Roger Benjamin and Kan Ori. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. iv + 187. $21.95.) pp. 682-683

- L. Jerold Adams
- The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Nigeria. Edited By Henry Bienen and V. P. Diejomaoh. (New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1981. Pp. viii + 520. $49.50.) pp. 683-684

- Lawrence P. Frank
- The People and the Party System: The Referendum and Electoral Reform in British Politics. By Vernon Bogdanor. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 285. $39.50, cloth; $14.95, paper.) pp. 684-685

- William D. Muller
- Democracy at the Polls: A Comparative Study of Competitive National Elections. Edited by David Butler, Howard R. Penniman, and Austin Ranney. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1981. Pp.. x + 367. $8.25, paper.) pp. 685-686

- M. Stephen Weatherford
- Thailand: Society and Politics. By John L. S. Girling. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1981. Pp. 306. $24.50.) pp. 686-687

- Frank C. Darling
- Religion and Politics in the Middle East. Edited by Michael Curtis. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp.. x + 406. $25.25.) pp. 686-686

- Sandra C. Danforth
- Automatic Poverty: The Ricardo Phenomenon. By Bill Jordan. (Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. x + 197. $22.50, cloth; $12.95, paper.) pp. 688-689

- Jeffrey Freyman
- Competence and Power in Managerial Decision-Making. By Frank A. Heller, Bernhard Wilpert et al. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981. Pp. xiv + 242. $39.95.) pp. 688-688

- David L. Martin
- Tribesmen and Patriots: Political Culture in a Poly-Ethnic African State. By Ndiva Kofele-Kale. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1981. Pp. xvi + 359. $22.00, cloth; $12.75, paper.) pp. 690-690

- Minion KC Morrison
- Terrorism: A Challenge to the State. Edited By Juliet Lodge. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 247. $25.00.) pp. 691-692

- William L. Waugh
- Class Conflict in Chinese Socialism. By Richard Curt Kraus. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 243. $22.50.) pp. 691-691

- Anne Freedman
- The Politics of the Second Electorate: Women and Public Participation. Edited By Joni Lovenduski and Jill Hills. (Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. xvii + 332. $15.95, paper) pp. 692-693

- Margaret V. Moody
- Decision Making in Soviet Politics. By John Löwenhardt. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. x + 238. $25.00.) pp. 693-694

- Robert M. Cutler
- International Housing Policies: A Comparative Analysis. By Chester C. McGuire. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Health, 1981. Pp. xv + 251. $24.95.) pp. 694-695

- Joyce Marie Mushaben
- Environmental Protest and Citizen Politics in Japan. By Margaret A. McKean. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 291. $28.50.) pp. 695-696

- Ross Marlay
- The Absorptive Capacity of Kuwait: Domestic and International Perspectives. By Ragaei El Mallakh and Jacob K. Atta. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1981. Pp. xvii + 204. $21.95.) pp. 696-697

- J. E. Peterson
- Urban Political Economy. Edited By Kenneth Newton. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. 223. $25.00.) pp. 697-697

- Jill Clark
- Social Service Politics in the United States and Britain. By Willard C. Richan. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 276. $19.95.) pp. 698-698

- William D. Muller
- Industrial Innovation and Public Policy: Preparing for the 1980s and the 1990s. By Roy Rothwell and Walter Zegveld. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. 251. $35.00.) pp. 699-700

- Elizabeth Crump Hanson
- The Arab States and the Palestine Conflict. By Barry Rubin. (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1981. Pp. xvii + 298. $22.00, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 700-700

- Joseph Haberer
- The Local Fiscal Crisis in Western Europe: Myths and Realities. Edited By L. J. Sharpe. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 272. $20.00.) pp. 701-701

- John W. Critzer
- The Ethnic Revival in the Modern World. By Anthony D. Smith. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 240. $29.50, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 701-702

- Robert Melson
- Science and Technology Policy: Priorities of Government. By C. A. Tisdell. (New York: Chapman and Hall, 1981. Pp. xii + 222. $25.00.) pp. 702-703

- Eric J. Novotny
- Communism in Southeast Asia. By Justus M. Van der Kroef. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 342. $32.50.) pp. 703-704

- William S. Turley
- The Logic of Diplomacy. By Alan S. Alexandroff. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, Sage Library of Social Research, Vol. 120, 1981. Pp. 199. $20.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 704-705

- Robert Mandel
- International Regulation of Internal Resources: A Study of Law and Policy. By Mahnoush H. Arsanjani. (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1981. Pp. 558. $37.50.) pp. 705-706

- Michael G. Schechter
- Internationale Politik: Ein Konfliktmodell. By Ernst-Otto Czempiel. (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, 1981. Pp. 268. DM19.80, paper.) pp. 706-707

- Manfred Grote
- Latin American Foreign Policies: Global and Regional Dimensions. Edited By Elizabeth G. Ferris and Jennie K. Lincoln. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xvii + 300. $26.50, cloth; $14.00, paper.) pp. 707-708

- Michael A. Morris
- The Soviet Union and the Third World. Edited By E. J. Feuchtwanger and Peter Nailor. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. 229. $25.00.) pp. 708-709

- Deborah Anne Palmieri
- Britain and Nuclear Weapons. By Lawrence Freedman. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1980. Pp. xv + 160. $27.50.) pp. 709-709

- Roy Licklider
- Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy. By John Lewis Gaddis. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. vii + 432. $25.00.) pp. 709-710

- Robert H. Puckett
- The Diplomacy of Surprise: Hitler, Nixon, Sadat. By Michael I. Handel. (Cambridge, Mass.: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 369. $22.50, cloth; $11.95, paper.) pp. 710-711

- Linda P. Brady
- U.S. Foreign Policy and the Law of the Sea. By Ann L. Hollick. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. 496. $32.50, cloth; $15.00, paper.) pp. 711-712

- Jack C. Plano
- The USSR and Japan: 1945–1980. By Rajendra K. Jain. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanties Press, 1981. Pp. xx + 397. $24.75.) pp. 712-713

- John M. Carfora
- China in the Global Community. Edited By James C. Hsiung and Samuel S. Kim. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980. Pp. xiii + 271. $29.95.) pp. 712-712

- Alan P. L. Liu
- Czechoslovakia's Role in Soviet Strategy. By Josef Kalvoda. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1981. Pp. ix + $12.75, paper.) pp. 713-714

- Anthony T. Bouscaren
- Between Peace and War: The Nature of International Crisis. By Richard Ned Lebow. (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 350. $24.50.) pp. 714-715

- Jerel A. Rosati
- The East-West Strategic Balance. By T. B. Miller. (Boston: George Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. xxx + 199. $28.50, cloth; $12.50 paper.) pp. 715-716

- Robert W. Clawson
- U.S. Foreign Policy and the New International Economic Order: Negotiating, Global Problems, 1974–1981. By Robert K. Olson (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xviii + 168. $22.50.) pp. 716-717

- James P. O'Leary
- Romania in the 1980s. Edited By Daniel N. Nelson. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 313. $24.00.) pp. 716-716

- Lawrence S. Graham
- The Pattern of Imperialism: The United States, Great Britain, and the Late-Industrializing World since 1815. By Tony Smith. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 308. $29.50, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 718-719

- Peter J. Fliess
- Intelligence Policy and National Security. Edited By Robert L. PfaltzgraffJr., Uri Ra'anan, and Warren Milberg. (Hamden, Conn.: Shoestring Press, 1981. Pp. x + 318. $32.50.) pp. 718-718

- William P. Snyder
- The China Factor: Sino-American Relations and the Global Scene. Edited By Richard H. Solomon. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1981. Pp. vii + 323. $13.95, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 719-720

- John W. Garver
- The International Politics of Surplus Capacity: Competition for Market Shares in the World Recession. Edited By Susan Strange and Roger Tooze. (Winchester, Mass.: Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. xiii + 229. $28.50.) pp. 720-721

- John M. Rothgeb
- International Cooperation in Nuclear Energy. By Joseph A. Yager with the assistance of Ralph T. MabryJr. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. xii + 226. $19.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 721-722

- Donald L. Hafner
- The Family on Trial: Special Relationships in Modern Political Thought. By Philip Abbott. (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 230. $16.75.) - The Family in Political Thought. Edited By Jean Bethke Elshtain. (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1982. Pp. 352. $22.50, cloth; $10.00, paper.) pp. 723-724

- Morris Davis
- Shakespeare as Political Thinker. Edited By John Alvis and Thomas G. West. (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 306. $19.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 724-725

- Robert Sutherland
- Biblical Games: A Strategic Analysis of Stories in the Old Testament. By Steven J. Brams. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1980. Pp. xi + 195. $15.00.) pp. 725-726

- Jeffrey A. Hart
- The Concept of Ideology and Political Analysis: A Critical Examination of Its Usage by Marx, Lenin and Mannheim. By Walter Carlsnaes. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 274. $32.50.) pp. 726-726

- James L. Wiser
- Communication, Speech and Politics: Habermas and Political Analysis. By Steven D. Ealy. (Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1981. Pp. x + 245. $19.25, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 727-728

- Charles J. Helm
- In the Shadow of Organization. By Robert B. Denhardt. (Lawrence, Kans.: Regents Press of Kansas, 1981. Pp. viii + 157. $17.50.) pp. 727-727

- Robert W. Kweit
- Richard Hooker and the Politics of a Christian England. By Robert K. Faulkner. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. x + 190. $22.50.) pp. 728-729

- Elisha Greifer
- Thomas Hill Green and the Development of Liberal-Democratic Thought. By I. M. Greengarten. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981. Pp. x + 151. $20.00.) pp. 729-730

- Ethan M. Fishman
- Liberal Democracy: A Critique of Its Theory. By Andrew Levine. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. 216. $25.00.) pp. 730-731

- Steven M. DeLue
- The Corporation: A Theological Inquiry. Edited By Michael Novak and John W. Cooper. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981. Pp. xii + 234. $15.25, cloth; $7.25, paper.) pp. 731-732

- James D. Fairbanks
- Equalities. By Douglas Rae et al. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 210. $19.50.) pp. 732-733

- Karol Sołtan
- The Political Animal: Studies in Political Philosophy from Machiavelli to Marx. By Leo Rauch. (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 250. $22.50.) pp. 733-734

- Peter Mayer
- The American Founding: Politics, Statesmanship, and the Constitution. Edited By Ralph A. Rossum and Gary L. McDowell. (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1981. Pp. 190. $17.50.) - What the Anti-Federalists Were For. By Herbert J. Storing. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. vii + 111. $4.95, paper.) pp. 734-735

- Stephen A. Graham
- Language and Political Understanding: The Politics of Discursive Practices. By Michael J. Shapiro. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 253. $26.00.) pp. 735-736

- Terence Ball
- Existence and Utopia: The Social and Political Thought of Martin Buber. By Bernard Susser. (East Brunswick, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 218. $19.50.) pp. 736-737

- Kathy E. Ferguson
- Right-Wing Authoritarianism. By Bob Altemeyer. (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1981. Pp. 352. $30.00.) pp. 737-738

- Dana Ward
- The War Trap. By Bruce Bueno de Mesquita. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 223. $24.00.) pp. 738-739

- Frank C. Zagare
- More than News: Media Power in Public Affairs. By Michael Bruce MacKuen and Steven Lane Coombs. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 231. $20.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 739-740

- Margaret K. Latimer
- Bureaucratic Failure and Public Expenditure. By William Spangar Pierce. (New York: Academic Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 318. $29.50.) pp. 740-741

- Irene S. Rubin
- The New Science of Organizations: A Reconceptualization of the Wealth of Nations. By Alberto Guerreiro Ramos. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 210. $25.00.) pp. 741-741

- James W. Fesler
- The Rise of Western Rationalism: Max Weber's Developmental History. By Wolfgang Schluchter. Translated By Guenther Roth. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xxvii + 178. $20.00.) pp. 742-742

- Susan Hekman
- Sociobiology and Human Politics. Edited By Elliott White. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1981. Pp. xxiii + 290. $23.95.) pp. 743-744

- Steven A. Peterson
- The Political Involvement of Adolescents. By Roberta S. Sigel and Marilyn B. Hoskin. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 353. $25.00.) pp. 743-743

- Timothy E. Cook
- The Economic Theory of the State. By David K. Whynes and Roger A. Bowles. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. xv + 236. $27.50.) pp. 744-745

- Deborah Anne Palmieri
Volume 76, issue 2, 1982
- The Structure of Class Conflict in Democratic Capitalist Societies pp. 215-238

- Adam Przeworski and Michael Wallerstein
- Rules of the Game in Britain: Can the Politicians Be Trusted? pp. 239-258

- Donald D. Searing
- Economic Outcomes and Political Support for British Governments among Occupational Classes: A Dynamic Analysis pp. 259-279

- Douglas A. Hibbs
- Of Honeymoons and Economic Performance: Comment on Hibbs pp. 280-281

- William R. Keech
- More on Economic Performance and Political Support in Britain: A Reply to William R. Keech pp. 282-284

- Douglas A. Hibbs
- The Nazi Vote: A National Ecological Study pp. 285-302

- Courtney Brown
- Human Rights and Human Dignity: An Analytic Critique of Non-Western Conceptions of Human Rights pp. 303-316

- Jack Donnelly
- Interpretation and the History of Political Theory: Apology and Epistemology pp. 317-327

- John G. Gunnell
- An Ambiguity in Marx's and Engels's Account of Justice and Equality 1 pp. 328-346

- Alan Gilbert
- Baby Books and Ballots: The Impact of Congressional Mail on Constituent Opinion pp. 347-359

- Albert D. Cover and Bruce S. Brumberg
- Estimating the Degree of Mobilization and Conversion in the 1890s: An Inquiry into the Nature of Electoral Change pp. 360-370

- John Wanat and Karen Burke
- The Intracity Distribution of Services: A Multivariate Analysis pp. 371-379

- John Boyle and David Jacobs
- Black Employment in Municipal Jobs: The Impact of Black Political Power pp. 380-392

- Peter K. Eisinger
- [no title] pp. 393-396

- Robert Axelrod
- Erratum pp. 396-396

- Anonymous
- Bureaucracy and Innovation: An Ethnography of Policy Change. By Gerald M. Britan. (Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Sage Library of Social Research No. 115, 1981. Pp. 168. $18.00 cloth; $8.95, paper.) - Bureaucratic Policy Making in a Technological Society. By Gerald S. Gryski. (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman, 1981. Pp. 243. $18.95, cloth; $8.95, paper.) - Implementing Public Policy. Edited By Dennis J. Palumbo and Marvin A. Harder. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1981. Pp. xvi + 169. $19.95.) pp. 398-399

- David A. Caputo
- Economic Divergence in the European Community. Edited By Michael Hodges and William Wallace. (Boston: George Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. x + 227. $28.50.) - The EEC and the Third World. Edited By K. B. Lall and H. S. Chopra. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1981. Pp. xx + 452. $31.50.) - Harmonisation in the EEC. Edited By Carol Cosgrove Twitchett. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 144. $27.50.) pp. 399-401

- Claudio Cioffi-Revilla
- The Election of 1980: Reports and Interpretations. By Gerald Pomper et al. (Chatham, N.J.: Chatham House Publishers, 1981. Pp. viii + 199. $15.00, cloth; $7.95, paper.) - The American Elections of 1980. Edited By Austin Ranney. (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1981. Pp. xiii + 391. $16.25 cloth; $8.25 paper.) - A Tide of Discontent: The 1980 Elections and Their Meaning. Edited By Ellis Sandoz and Cecil V. CrabbJr. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 254. $7.50 paper.) pp. 401-402

- William Claggett
- The Impact of New Military Technology. Edited by Jonathan Alford (London: Published for the International Institute for Strategic Studies By Gower and Allanheld, Osmun, 1981. Pp. vi + 132. $28.50.) - The Origin of the Strategic Cruise Missile. By Ronald Huisken. (New York: Praeger, 1981. Pp. xiv + 202. $23.95.) - The Nuclear Revolution: International Politics before and after Hiroshima. By Michael Mandelbaum. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 283. $8.95, paper.) pp. 403-404

- Edward A. Kolodziej
- Handbook of Organizational Design: Vol. 1, Adapting Organizations to Their Environments; Vol. 2, Remodeling Organizations and Their Environments. Edited By Paul C. Nystrom and William H. Starbuck. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. xxii + 560 and vi + 551. $29.95 each; $55.00 the set.) pp. 404-406

- Lawrence B. Mohr
- Women, Politics, and Change: The Kaum Ibu UMNO, Malaysia, 1945–1972. By Lenore Manderson. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. Pp. xi + 294. $34.95.) - Political Women in Japan: The Search for a Place in Political Life. By Susan J. Pharr. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 239. $25.00.) - European Women on the Left: Socialism, Feminism, and the Problems Faced by Political Women, 1880 to the Present. Edited By Jane Slaughter and Robert Kern. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. 245. $27.50.) pp. 407-409

- Roberta S. Sigel
- Environment, Energy, Public Policy: Toward a Rational Future. Edited By Regina S. Axelrod. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1981. Pp. xiv + 175. $19.95.) pp. 409-410

- Beverly A. Cigler
- Urban Government Finance: Emerging Trends. Edited By Roy Bahl. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 287. $20.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 410-411

- Duane Windsor
- The U.S. Steel Industry in Recurrent Crisis: Policy Options in a Competitive World. By Robert W. Crandall. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. xiii + 184. $19.95 cloth; $7.95 paper.) pp. 411-411

- Edward Greer
- Local Government Reform and Reorganization: An International Perspective. Edited By Arthur B. Gunlicks. (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kinnicat Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 243. $17.50.) pp. 412-413

- Gerald Benjamin
- Health and Air Quality: Evaluating the Effects of Policy. By Philip E. Graves and Ronald J. Krumm. (Washington and London: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981. Pp. xv + 156. $14.25 cloth; $6.25 paper.) pp. 412-412

- John H. Romani
- All the President's Kin. By Barbara Kellerman. (New York: Free Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 288. $17.95.) pp. 414-415

- Alana Northrop
- Prevention Through Political Action and Social Change. Edited By Justin M. Joffe and George W. Albee. (Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1981. Pp. x + 366. $20.00.) pp. 414-414

- Gayle R. Avant
- The Strategy of Social Regulation: Decision Frameworks for Policy. By Lester B. Lave. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. x + 166. $19.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 415-416

- Eugene Lewis
- PL 94–142: An Act of Congress. By Erwin L. Levine and Elizabeth M. Wexler. (New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1981. Pp. xi + 214. $8.95, paper.) pp. 416-417

- Robert J. Spitzer
- Democratic Dictatorship: The Emergent Constitution of Control. By Arthur Selwyn Miller. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 268. $29.95.) pp. 417-418

- Frederick P. Lewis
- State Politics, Parties and Policy. By Sarah McCally Morehouse. (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981. Pp. x + 527. $15.95.) pp. 418-418

- Raymond E. Owen
- The Public's Right to Know: The Supreme Court and the First Amendment. By David M. O'Brien. (New York: Praeger, 1981. Pp. x + 205. $21.95.) pp. 419-419

- Bruce E. Altschuler
- Nuclear Reactor Safety: On the History of the Regulatory Process. By David Okrent. (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1981. Pp. vii + 370. $29.50.) pp. 420-420

- Richard T. Sylves
- War Powers of the President and Congress: Who Holds the Arrows and Olive Branch? By W. Taylor ReveleyIII. (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1981. Pp. xi + 400. $15.95.) pp. 421-422

- Michael A. Genovese
- City Limits. By Paul E. Peterson. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 286. $27.50, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 421-421

- Emmett H. Buell
- Energy, Politics and Public Policy. By Walter A. Rosenbaum. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1981. Pp. vii + 229. $7.50, paper.) pp. 422-423

- Patrick W. Hamlett
- Housing Vouchers for the Poor: Lessons from a National Experiment. Edited By Raymond J. Struyk and Marc BendickJr. (Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1981. Pp. xxii + 424. $25.00.) pp. 423-424

- Clarence N. Stone
- The Decline and Resurgence of Congress. By James L. Sundquist. (Washington: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. xii + 500. $32.95, cloth; $15.95, paper.) pp. 424-425

- Kenneth Kofmehl
- Federal Reorganization: What Have We Learned? Edited By Peter Szanton. (Chatham, N.J.: Chatham House Publishers, 1981. Pp. x + 170. $12.95, paper.) pp. 425-426

- John E. Rouse
- Not Weil Advised. By Peter Szanton. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1981. Pp. 185. $11.95.) pp. 426-427

- Frank T. Colon
- The President and the Public Philosophy. By Kenneth W. Thompson. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1981. Pp. 219. $15.95.) pp. 427-428

- Robert E. Gilbert
- Private Churches and Public Money: Church-Government Fiscal Relations. By Paul J. Weber and Dennis A. Gilbert. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xx + 260. $27.95.) pp. 428-428

- Walfred H. Peterson
- China's Economy in Global Perspective. By A. Doak Barnett. (Washington: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. ix + 739. $32.95, cloth; $16.95, paper.) pp. 429-430

- Wayne Bert
- The Arab Predicament: Arab Political Thought and Practice Since 1967. By Fouad Ajami. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 220. $19.95.) pp. 429-429

- Jerrold D. Green
- Jerusalem. By Henry Cattan. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. 229. $25.00.) pp. 430-431

- Sanford R. Silverburg
- World Inflation and the Developing Countries. By William R. Cline and associates. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. xvi + 266. $15.95, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 431-432

- Young W. Kihl
- Parliaments and Economic Affairs. Edited By David Coombes and S. A. Walkland. (London: Heinemann, 1980. Pp. x + 238. $42.00.) pp. 432-433

- Craig E. Hartzer
- Reform in Soviet Politics: Lessons of Recent Policies on Land and Water. By Thane Gustafson. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 218. $27.50.) pp. 433-434

- Gordon B. Smith
- Industrial Democracy in Europe. By the Industrial Democracy in Europe International Research Group. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. vii + 449. $59.00.) pp. 434-435

- Ronald M. Mason
- Tribe and State in Bahrain: The Transformation of Social and Political Authority in an Arab State. By Faud I. Khuri. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 289. $16.00.) pp. 435-436

- Roy E. Thoman
- Voluntary Agencies in the Welfare State. By Ralph M. Kramer. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xxix + 364. $24.95.) pp. 436-437

- Bette Hill Hughes
- Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis. A History of Austrian National Socialism. By Bruce F. Pauley. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1981. Pp. xxi + 292. $19.00.) pp. 437-438

- William D. Pederson
- Political Roles and Military Rulers. By Amos Perlmutter. (Totowa, N.J.: Frank Cass, 1981. Pp. vi + 313. $25.00.) pp. 438-438

- Dale R. Herspring
- Cyprus: Conflict and Negotiation 1960–1980. By Polyvios G. Polyviou. (New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1980. Pp. ix + 246. $44.50.) pp. 438-439

- Paschalis M. Kitromilides
- The Soviet Worker: Illusions and Realities. Edited By Leonard Schapiro and Joseph Godson. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 291. $27.50.) pp. 439-440

- Aron G. Tannenbaum
- The Futility of Family Policy. By Gilbert Y. Steiner. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. 221. $15.95 cloth; $5.95 paper.) pp. 440-441

- Robert Agranoff
- Germany East & West: Conflicts, Collaboration, and Confrontation. By Lawrence L. Whetten. (New York: New York University Press, 1980. Pp. xiv + 215. $17.50.) pp. 441-442

- Richard H. Bald
- Corporatism and National Development in Latin America. By Howard J. Wiarda. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 382. $28.25.) pp. 442-442

- Brian H. Smith
- PLO Strategy and Tactics. By Aryeh Y. Yodfat and Yuval Arnon-Ohanna. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. 225. $27.50.) pp. 443-443

- Stephen Sloan
- The Security of the Persian Gulf. Edited by Hossein Amirsadeghi. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. iv + 294. $32.50.) pp. 443-444

- Kamal Ali Beyoghlow
- Equality, the Third World and Economic Delusion. By P. T. Bauer. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 293. $17.50.) pp. 444-445

- Vincent A. Mahler
- People, States, and World Order. By Louis René Beres. Itasca, Ill.: F.E. Peacock Publishers, 1981. Pp. vii + 237. $7.95, paper.) pp. 445-446

- Michael M. Gunter
- International Organization and the Conservation of Nature. By Robert Boardman. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 215. $22.50.) pp. 446-447

- Keith S. Petersen
- World Power Trends and U.S. Foreign Policy for the 1980s. By Ray S. Cline. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. 228. $20.00, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 447-448

- Ilan Peleg
- Soviet-East European Dilemmas: Coercion, Competition, and Consent. Edited By Karen Dawisha and Philip Hanson. (New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1981. Pp. xiii + 226. $27.50, cloth; $11.50, paper.) pp. 448-449

- Nish Jamgotch
- Failed Multinational Ventures: The Political Economy of International Divestments. By Leon Grunberg. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1981. Pp. xi + 176. $23.95.) pp. 449-450

- Allen Hershkowitz
- Diplomacy of Power: Soviet Armed Forces as a Political Instrument. By Stephen S. Kaplan. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. 733. $29.95, cloth; $14.95, paper.) pp. 450-451

- Joseph L. Nogee
- Peacemaking and the Consultant's Role. By C. R. Mitchell. (New York: Nichols Publishing, 1981. Pp. xvii + 169. $27.50.) pp. 451-452

- Abbott A. Brayton
- Dynamics of World Development. Edited By Richard Rubinson. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, Political Economy of the World-System Annuals Vol. 4, 1981. Pp. 264. $22.50, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 452-453

- Kevin J. Middlebrook
- Marxism and the Science of War. Edited By Bernard Semmel. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 302. $18.95.) pp. 453-453

- John M. Caravelli
- Charter 77 and Human Rights in Czechoslovakia. By H. Gordon Skilling. (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. xv + 363. $37.50.) pp. 454-454

- Josef Kalvoda
- Crisis Management and the Super-Powers in the Middle East. Edited By Gregory Treverton. (Montclair, N.J.: Allanheld, Osmun, 1981. Pp. 183. $28.50.) pp. 454-455

- James A. Sundberg
- Energy and Security. Edited By Gregory Treverton. Montclair, N.J.: Allanheld, Osmun, 1980. Pp. vii + 165. $28.50.) pp. 455-456

- Mohammed E. Ahrari
- Strategies of Political Emancipation. By Christian Bay. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 240. $18.95.) pp. 456-457

- Robert Booth Fowler
- Marxism and the Good Society. Edited By John P. Burke, Lawrence Crocker, and Lyman Legters. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 225. $29.95.) pp. 457-458

- Charles E. Ellison
- Equality, Moral Incentives, and the Market: An Essay in Utopian Politico-Economic Theory. By Joseph H. Carens. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 252. $19.00, paper.) pp. 458-459

- Robert E. Goodin
- Twilight of Subjectivity: Contributions to a Post-Individualist Theory of Politics. By Fred R. Dallmayr (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 360. $20.00, cloth; $10.00, paper.) pp. 459-460

- Edwin Fogelman
- Three Faces of Pluralism: Political, Ethnic and Religious. Edited By Stanislaw Ehrlich and Graham Wootton. (Westmead, Farnborough, Hants: Gower Publishing, 1980. Pp. ix + 219. $18.95.) pp. 460-461

- Walker Connor
- Two Worlds of Liberalism: Religion and Politics in Hobbes, Locke, and Mill. By Eldon J. Eisenach. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. x + 262. $20.00, paper.) pp. 461-462

- Sheldon Pollack
- Lukács, Marx and the Sources of Critical Theory. By Andrew Feenberg. (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1981. Pp. xiv + 286. $24.50.) pp. 462-463

- John Bokina
- Marx's Politics: Communists and Citizens. By Alan Gilbert. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 326. $21.00.) pp. 463-464

- Arthur DiQuattro
- Leninism: A Sociological Interpretation. By David Lane. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 150. $29.95, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 464-465

- Alan Whitehorn
- On the Autonomy of the Democratic State. By Eric A. Nordlinger. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 239. $20.00.) pp. 465-466

- Otwin Marenin
- The American Ideal of Equality: From Jefferson's Declaration to the Burger Court. By Charles Redenius. (New York: Kennikat Press, 1981. Pp. iii + 166. $17.00.) pp. 466-466

- M. Susan Power
- For Weber: Essays on the Sociology of Fate. By Bryan S. Turner. (Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. x + 408. $30.00.) pp. 466-467

- Robert Eden
- The Anatomy of Capitalist Societies: The Economy, Civil Society and the State. By John Urry. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 178. $32.50, cloth; $17.50, paper.) pp. 467-468

- Sanford N. Greenberg
- The State and Socialism: Political Essays. By Mihaly Vajda. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. 150. $20.00.) pp. 468-469

- E. Gene DeFelice
- Organizing Crime. By Alan A. Block and William J. Chambliss. (New York: Elsevier, 1981. Pp. 238. $23.95.) pp. 469-470

- James C. Beachell
- Historical Social Research: The Use of Historical and Process-Produced Data. Edited By Jerome M. Clubb and Erwin K. Scheuch. (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1980. Pp. 538.) pp. 470-471

- Samuel P. Hays
- Retrospective Voting in American National Elections. By Morris P. Fiorina. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 249. $35.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 471-472

- Richard S. Katz
- Public Service Employment: A Field Evaluation. By Richard P. Nathan et al. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. xv + 121. $5.95, paper.) pp. 472-473

- Clifford J. Wirth
- World Hunger: A Guide to the Economic and Political Dimensions. By Nicole Ball. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: American Bibliographical Center, Clio Press, War/Peace Bibliography Series No. 15, 1981. Pp. xv + 386. $46.50.) pp. 473-473

- Anonymous
- Economic Handbook of the World: 1981. Edited by Arthur S. Banks et al (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981. Pp. xi + 585. $39.95.) - The Europa Year Book 1981: A World Survey: Vol. 1, International Organizations, Europe, Afghanistan-Burundi; Vol. 2, Cameroon-Zimbabwe. (London: Europa Publications, 1981. Pp. xxii + 1789 and xv + 1856. $180.00 the set.) - Political Handbook of the World: 1981. Edited by Arthur S. Banks and William Overstreet (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981. Pp. x + 694. $39.95.) pp. 473-474

- Anonymous
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects of Atomic Bombings. By the Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Translated by Eisei Ishikawa and David L. Swain. (New York: Basic Books, 1981. Pp. xlv + 706. $37.50.) pp. 474-474

- Anonymous
- Mathematical Models in Social Science. By David J. Bartholomew. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981. Pp. ix + 153. $26.50, cloth; $14.50, paper.) pp. 474-474

- Anonymous
- Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of Theory and Research. Edited by Bernard M. Bass. (New York: Free Press, 1981. Pp. xviii + 856. $39.95.) pp. 474-474

- Anonymous
- The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: Vol. 1, The Soldierly Spirit, December 1880-June 1939. Edited by Larry I. Bland. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981. Pp. xxx + 742. $30.00.) pp. 474-474

- Anonymous
- Agreements of the People's Republic of China: A Calendar of Events, 1966-1980. By Hungdah Chiu. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. xvii + 329. $32.95.) pp. 474-474

- Anonymous
- The Catholic Left in Latin America: A Comprehensive Bibliography. By Therrin C. Dahlin, Gary P. Gillum, and Mark L. Grover. (Boston: G. K. Hall, 1981. Pp. xlvi + 410. $35.00.) pp. 474-475

- Anonymous
- The Condition of Education, 1981 Edition: Statistical Report, National Center for Education Statistics. By Nancy B. Dearman and Valena White Plisko. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981. Pp. xiii + 333. $9.00, paper.) - The Condition of Education Part 2,1981 Edition: NCES Programs and Plans. By O. Jean Brandes. (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981. Pp. iv + 39. $3.75, paper.) pp. 475-475

- Anonymous
- Scholars' Guide to Washington, D.C. for Middle Eastern Studies. By Steven R. Dorr. (Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 540. $27.50, cloth; $12.50, paper.) pp. 475-475

- Anonymous
- Politics in America: Members of Congress in Washington and at Home. Edited by Alan Ehrenhalt. (Washington, D.C: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1981. Pp. xxi + 1382. $29.50.) pp. 475-475

- Anonymous
- Arsenal of Democracy II, American Military Power in the 1980s and the Origins of the New Cold War. By Tom Gervasi. (New York: Grove Press, 1981. Pp. 300. $10.95, paper.) pp. 475-475

- Anonymous
- Foreign Relations of the United States 1950: Vol. 4, Central and Eastern Europe; the Soviet Union. Edited by S. Everett Gleason and Fredrick Aandahl. (Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980. Pp. xi + 1548. $23.00.) Vol. 16,1952-1954, The Geneva Conference. Edited by John P. Glennon. (Washington, D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981. Pp. xxii + 1597. $22.00.) pp. 475-476

- Anonymous
- China-South Asian Relations, 1947-1980: Vol. 1, India; Vol. 2, Pakistan 1947-1965, the Kutch Conflict, Indo-Pak Conflict of 1965, Pakistan 1966-1980, Bangladesh Crises and Indo-Pak War of 1971, Bangladesh 1972-1980, Nepal 1950-1980, Sri Lanka 1951-1980. Edited by R. K. Jain. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1981. Pp. xxxix + 599 and xxxvii + 690. $56.25 each.) pp. 476-477

- Anonymous
- Congress and the Nation: Vol. 5, 1977-1980. Edited by Martha V. Gottron. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1981. Pp. xx + 1240. $85.00.) pp. 476-476

- Anonymous
- War Through Children's Eyes: The Soviet Occupation of Poland and the Deportations, 1939-1941. Edited and compiled by Irena Grudzinska-Gross and Jan Tomasz Gross. Translated by Ronald Strom and Dan Rivers. (Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1981. Pp. xxviii + 260. $21.95.) pp. 476-476

- Anonymous
- Information Sources of Political Science, Third Edition. By Frederick L. Holler. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: American Bibliogrpahical Center, Clio Press, 1981. Pp. x + 278. $65.00.) pp. 476-476

- Anonymous
- Cumulations in International Relations Research. Vol. 18, Book 3. Edited by P. Terrence Hopmann, Dina A. Zinnes, and J. David Singer. (Denver: Monograph Series in World Affairs, 1981. Pp. xi + 136. $5.00, paper.) pp. 476-476

- Anonymous
- Karl Marx: Interviews and Recollections. Edited by David McLellan. (Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble Books, 1981. Pp. xxi + 186. $26.50.) pp. 477-478

- Anonymous
- Historical Research on Social Mobility: Western Europe and the USA in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. By Hartmut Kaelble. Translated by Ingrid Noakes. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. 160. $22.50.) pp. 477-477

- Anonymous
- The Year Book of World Affairs, 1981. Edited by George W. Keeton and Georg Schwarzenberger. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 288. $41.25.) pp. 477-477

- Anonymous
- The Papers of Woodrow Wilson: Vol. 37, May 9-August 7,1916. Edited by Arthur S. Link et al. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xxiv + 566. $50.00.) pp. 477-477

- Anonymous
- Ujamaa Villages in Tanzania: A Bibliography. By Dean E. McHenryJr. (Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1981. Pp. 69. SEK 20, paper.) pp. 477-477

- Anonymous
- The McNamara Years at the World Bank: Major Policy Addresses of Robert S. McNamara, 1968-1981. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981. Pp. xv + 675. $30.00.) pp. 478-478

- Anonymous
- The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Vol. 5, India: Madras and Bengal, 1774-1785. Edited by P. J. Marshall. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. xv + 667. $125.00.) pp. 478-478

- Anonymous
- Sourcebook of Harris National Surveys: Repeated Questions, 1963-1976. By Elizabeth Martin, Diana McDuffee, and Stanley Presser. (Chapel Hill, N.C.: Institute for Research in Social Science, IRSS Technical Papers 6, 1981. Pp. xxi + 470. $18.00, paper.) pp. 478-478

- Anonymous
- The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham: Vol. 4, October 1788 to December 1793; Vol. 5, January 1794 to December 1797. Edited by Alexander Taylor Milne. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1981. Pp. xlii + 506 and xviii + 403. $48.00 each.) pp. 478-478

- Anonymous
- The Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia. By Mark E. NeelyJr. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982. Pp. xii + 356. $45.00.) pp. 478-478

- Anonymous
- Washington Information Directory, 1981-82. Edited by Mary M. Neumann. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1981. Pp. xxxii + 930. $25.00.) - Federal Regulatory Directory, 1981-82. Edited by Lynda McNeil. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1981. Pp. xi + 875. $25.00.) pp. 478-479

- Anonymous
- Public Administration in American Society: A Guide to Information Sources. By John E. RouseJr. (Detroit: Gale Research, American Government and History Information Guide Series, Vol. 11, 1980. Pp. xx + 553. $36.00.) - Public Policy: A Guide to Information Services. By William J. Murin, Gerald Michael Greenfield, and John D. Buenker. (Detroit: Gale Research, American Government and History Information Guide Series, Vol. 13, 1981. Pp. x + 283. $36.00.) pp. 479-480

- Anonymous
- Washington Despatches 1941-1945: Weekly Political Reports from the British Embassy. Edited by H. G. Nicholas. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. xviii + 700. $40.00.) pp. 479-479

- Anonymous
- Setting National Priorities: The 1982 Budget. Edited by Joseph A. Pechman. (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1981. Pp. xii + 269. $19.95, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 479-479

- Anonymous
- The People's President: The Electoral College in American History and the Direct Vote Alternative. By Neal Peirce and Lawrence Longley. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 340. $40.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 479-479

- Anonymous
- The Briefs on the American Revolution. Edited by John Phillip Reid. (New York: New York University Press, 1981. Pp. 194. $22.50.) pp. 479-479

- Anonymous
- Political Parties and Civic Action Groups. By Edward L. Schapsmeier and Frederick H. Schapsmeier. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xxxiii + 554. $49.50.) pp. 480-480

- Anonymous
- The East European and Soviet Data Handbook: Political, Social, and Developmental Indicators, 1945-1975. By Paul S. Shoup. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. xv + 482. $40.00.) pp. 480-480

- Anonymous
- The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton, Vol. 5. Edited by Joseph H. Smith and Julius GoebelJr. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 754. $75.00.) pp. 480-480

- Anonymous
- The Secret Wars: Vol. 1, Intelligence, Propaganda and Psychological Warfare, Resistance Movements and Secret Operations, 1939-1945; Vol. 3, International Terrorism, 1968-1980. By Myron J. SmithJr. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: American Bibliographical Center, Clio Press, 1980. Pp. xii + 250 and xxxvi + 237. $42.50 and $37.50.) pp. 480-480

- Anonymous
- The Soviet Air and Strategic Rocket Forces, 1939-1980: A Guide to Sources in English. By Myron J. SmithJr. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: American Bibliogral Center, Clio Press, War/Peace Bibliography Series No. 10. Pp. xliv + 321. $45.00.) pp. 480-481

- Anonymous
- The Non-Aligned in Havana: Documents of the Sixth Summit Conference and An Analysis of Their Significance for the Global Political System. By Peter Willetts. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. xvii + 283. $27.50.) pp. 481-482

- Anonymous
- The Supreme Court and the American Public. By D. Grier StephensonJr. (New York: Garland Publishing, 1981. Pp. xiv + 281. $25.00.) pp. 481-481

- Anonymous
- Marxist Governments: A World Survey: Vol. 1, Albania-The Congo; Vol. 2, Cuba-Mongolia; Vol. 3, Mozambique-Yugoslavia. By Bogan Szajcowski. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. xix + 236, xx + 289, and cxvii + 295. $27.50 each.) pp. 481-481

- Anonymous
- Facts and Figures on Government Finance, 21st Biennial Edition. By Tax Foundation Inc. (Washington, D.C.: Tax Foundation Inc., 1981. Pp. 329. $15.00, paper.) pp. 481-481

- Anonymous
- UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies, 1980. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xxix + 311. $30.00.) pp. 481-481

- Anonymous
- The Dutch Member of Parliament: 1979-1980. By M. P. C. M. van Schendelen. (Rotterdam: Erasmus University Press, 1981. Pp. 391. Hfl. 62.50, paper.) pp. 481-481

- Anonymous
Volume 76, issue 1, 1982
- Another State of Mind pp. 9-21

- Charles E. Lindblom
- Justice and the Oresteia pp. 22-33

- J. Peter Euben
- Bonding Word and Polity: The Logic of American Constitutionalism pp. 34-45

- William F. Harris
- “The Benevolent Leviathan”: Political Consciousness among Urban Workers under State Corporatism pp. 46-59

- Youssef Cohen
- The Post-Coup Military Spending Question: A Pooled Cross-Sectional Time Series Analysis pp. 60-74

- Gary Zuk and William R. Thompson
- Organizational Involvement and Representative Bureaucracy: Can We Have It Both Ways? pp. 75-82

- Barbara S. Romzek and J. Stephen Hendricks
- Parties, Administrations, and American Macroeconomic Outcomes pp. 83-93

- Nathaniel Beck
- Pathways to Participation pp. 94-108

- Paul Allen Beck and M. Kent Jennings
- Citizen-Initiated Contacting of Government Officials and Socioeconomic Status: Determining the Relationship and Accounting for It pp. 109-115

- Elaine B. Sharp
- The Philosopher in the City: The Moral Dimensions of Urban Politics. By Hadley Arkes. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 465. $27.50, cloth; $6.95, paper.) pp. 118-119

- Peter J. Steinberger
- Ethics, Politics and Epistemology: A Study in the Unity of Hume's Thought By Aryeh Botwinick. (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1980. Pp. xii + 185. $17.50, cloth; $9.00, paper.) pp. 119-120

- Frederick G. Whelan
- Politics, Values, and Public Policy: The Problem of Methodology. By Frank Fischer. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. 230. $23.50.) pp. 120-121

- Fred Kramer
- Handbook of Political Conflict: Theory and Practice. Edited By Ted Robert Gurr. (New York: Free Press. Pp. ix + 566. $39.95.) pp. 121-123

- Henry Teune
- Norms, Deviance, and Social Control: Conceptual Matters. By Jack P. Gibbs. (New York: Elsevier, 1981. Pp. xii + 190. $19.95.) pp. 121-121

- Ina A. Jeffery
- The Politics of Private Desires: The Guide to the Politics of Rational Choice. By Michael Laver. (New York: Penguin Books, 1981. Pp. 186. $4.95, paper.) pp. 123-124

- William C. Mitchell
- The Philosophy of Order: Essays on History, Consciousness and Politics. Edited By Peter J. Opitz and Gregor Sebba. (Stuttgart, West Germany: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1981. Pp. 491. DM 100.) pp. 124-125

- Dante Germino
- The Quest for Self-Determination. By Dov Ronen. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. xiv + 144. $15.00.) pp. 125-126

- Kenneth McRoberts
- Quantification in the History of Political Thought: Toward a Qualitative Approach. (Contributions in Political Science, No. 55.) By Robert Schware. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. 168. $25.00.) pp. 126-127

- Morris Davis
- Annales de la Société Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1972–1977. Vol. 39. Edited By Charles Wirz. (Geneva: A. Jullien, 1980. Pp. 640.) pp. 127-128

- Patrick Riley
- Mill on Liberty. By C. L. Ten. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. Pp. x + 195. $36.00, cloth; $14.95, paper.) pp. 127-127

- J. Patrick Dobel
- The Presidency in the Constitutional Order. Edited By Joseph M. Bessette and Jeffrey Tulis. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 349. $30.00, cloth; $8.98, paper.) pp. 129-130

- Richard C. Cortner
- Clear Coal/Dirty Air: Or How the Clean Air Act Became a Multibillion-Dollar-Bail Out for High-Sulfur Coal Producers and What Should Be Done about It. By Bruce A. Ackerman and William T. Hassler. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1981. Pp. x + 193. $20.00, cloth; $5.95, paper.) pp. 129-129

- Dieter Matthes
- The Political Implications of Human Genetic Technology. By Robert H. Blank. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. vii + 255. $25.25 cloth; $12.00 paper.) pp. 130-131

- Ira H. Carmen
- Woman and Temperance: The Quest for Power and Liberty, 1873–1900. By Ruth Bordin. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981. Pp. xviii + 221. $17.50.) pp. 131-132

- Mary L. Bellhouse
- Politics in the Rural States: People, Parties, and Progress. By Frank M. Bryan. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. xvi + 307. $28.50, cloth; $10.95, paper.) pp. 132-133

- W. B. Stouffer
- Partisan Realignment: Voters, Parties, and Government in American History. By Jerome M. Clubb, William H. Flanigan, and Nancy H. Zingale. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Library of Social Research, Vol. 108, 1980. Pp. 311. $18.00, cloth; $8.95, paper.) pp. 133-134

- Kenneth Janda
- The Social Control of Technology. By David Collingridge. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. Pp. i + 200. $22.50.) pp. 134-135

- Richard Worthington
- Computers in Welfare: The MIS-Match. By David Dery. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 260, $18.95.) pp. 135-136

- Merlin A. Taber
- The Policy Dilemma: Federal Crime Policy and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 1968–1978. By Malcom M. Feeley and Austin D. Sarat. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1980. Pp. vii + 172. $17.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.) pp. 136-137

- David W. Neubauer
- The Nationalizaton of State Government. Edited by Jerome J. Hanus. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1981. Pp. xiii + 169. $19.95.) pp. 137-138

- Timothy G. O'Rourke
- American Political History as Social Analysis: Essays by Samuel P. Hays. By Samuel P. Hays. (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1980. Pp. viii + 459. $25.00.) pp. 138-140

- Howard W. Allen
- The Enigma of Felix Frankfurter. By H. N. Hirsch. (New York: Basic Books, 1981. Pp. 253. $14.95.) pp. 140-141

- David J. Danelski
- Courts of Appeals in the Federal Judicial System: A Study of the Second, Fifth, and District of Columbia Circuits. By J. Woodford Howard. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xxvi + 415. $32.50, cloth; $12.50, paper.) pp. 141-142

- Burton Atkins
- Water Resources Planning in New England. By Stuart G. Koch. (Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1980. Pp. ix + 185. $12.00.) pp. 142-143

- Hanna J. Cortner
- The Management of Information Systems. By Kenneth L. Kraemer. William H. Dutton, and Alana Northrop. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. xvii + 416. $25.00.) pp. 143-144

- David Weimer
- Fiscal Stress and Public Policy. Edited By Charles H. Levine and Irene Rubin. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1980. Pp. 314. $9.95, paper.) pp. 144-145

- Bruce Wallin
- Street-Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services. By Michael Lipsky. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1980. Pp. xviii + 211. $10.00.) pp. 145-146

- Douglas Yates
- Dollars for Reform: The OEO Neighborhood Health Care Centers. By Isabel Marcus. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1981. Pp. xxii + 178. $22.95.) pp. 146-147

- Robert B. Albritton
- Cities by Contract: The Politics of Municipal Incorporation. By Gary J. Miller. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1981. Pp. 242. $22.50.) pp. 147-148

- R. Robert Huckfeldt
- Media Power Politics. By David L. Paletz and Robert M. Entman. (New York: Free Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 308. $16.95.) pp. 148-149

- Herbert Waltzer
- Legislative Life: People, Process, and Performance in the States. By Alan Rosenthal. (New York: Harper & Row, 1981. Pp. vii + 354. $10.95, paper.) pp. 149-150

- Sarah McCally Morehouse
- Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis. By Martin Shapiro. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 245. $20.00.) pp. 150-152

- James Lester Elston
- Crime and Punishment: Changing Attitudes in America. Arthur L. Stinchcombe et al. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1980. Pp. xviii + 171. $15.95.) pp. 152-152

- William C. Louthan
- Postal Reorganization: Managing the Public's Business. By John T. Tierny. (Boston: Auburn House Publishing, 1981. Pp. xix + 191. $19.95.) pp. 152-153

- Mark W. Huddleston
- Health Policy and the Bureaucracy: Politics and Implementation. By Frank J. Thompson. (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1981. Pp. xl, + 334. $27.00.) pp. 153-154

- Phillip Monypenny
- The Politics of Mistrust: Estimating American Oil and Gas Resources. By Aaron Wildavsky and Ellen Tenenbaum. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 363. $22.50, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 154-155

- Jon R. Bond
- Explaining America: The Federalist. By Gary Wills. (Garden City N.Y.: Doubleday and Company, 1981. Pp. xii + 286. $16.95.) pp. 155-156

- Walter Nicgorski
- The Victims of Democracy: Malcolm X and the Black Revolution. By Eugene Victor Wolfenstein. (Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xi + 422. $16.95.) pp. 156-157

- Stuart C. Gilman
- Administered Politics: Elite Political Culture in Sweden. By Thomas J. Anton. (Hingham, Mass.: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, 1980. Pp. vii + 203. $19.95.) pp. 157-158

- M. Donald Hancock
- The Rise of the Gulag: Intellectual Origins of Leninism. By Alain Besançon. Translated By Sarah Matthews. (New York: Seabury Press, 1981. Pp. 329. $19.50.) pp. 158-160

- David G. Smith
- Populism. By Margaret Canovan. (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981. Pp. 351. $17.95.) pp. 160-161

- Francis M. Wilhoit
- The Soviet Economy: Continuity and Change. Edited By Morris Bornstein. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981. Pp. vii + 381. $26.50, cloth; $12.00, paper.) pp. 160-160

- John D. Robertson
- French Politics and Public Policy. Edited By Philip G. Cerny and Martin A. Schain. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980. Pp. xxii + 300. $25.00.) pp. 161-162

- John S. Ambler
- The Political Economy of Botswana: A Study of Growth and Distribution. By Christopher L. Colclough and Stephen J. McCarthy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. Pp x + 298. $34.50.) pp. 162-163

- Richard Dale
- Insurrection or Loyalty: The Breakdown of the Spanish American Empire. By Jorge I. Domínguez. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980. Pp. xi + 306. $29.50.) pp. 163-164

- Richard Graham
- Miles to Go: European and American Transportation Policies. By James A. DunnJr. (Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 202. $19.95.) pp. 164-165

- Andrew T. Cowart
- Power and Party in an English City: An Account of Single-Party Rule. By David G. Green. (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. xii + 230. $34.00.) pp. 165-166

- Andrew D. Glassberg
- The State as Defendant: Governmental Accountability and the Redress of Individual Grievances. By Leon Hurwitz. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xvii + 211. $27.50.) pp. 166-167

- Larry B. Hill
- Iran: Essays on a Revolution in the Making. Edited By Ahmad Jabbari and Robert Olson. (Lexington, Ky.: Mazda Publishers, 1981. Pp. viii + 205. $4.95, paper.) pp. 167-169

- Martin Quinn
- Child Care, Family Benefits, and Working Parents: A Study in Comparative Policy. By Sheila B. Kamerman and Alfred J. Kahn. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 327. $25.00.) pp. 169-169

- Jill Norgren
- Regulating America, Regulating Sweden: A Comparative Study of Occupational Safety and Health Policy. By Steven Kelman. (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1981. Pp. 270. $19.95.) pp. 170-171

- Lennart J. Lundqvist
- A Theory of Parties and Electoral Systems. By Richard S. Katz. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980. Pp. xii + 151. $12.95.) pp. 170-170

- Herbert F. Weisberg
- Class and Economic Change in Kenya: The Making of an African Petite Bourgeoisie, 1905–1970. By Gavin Kitching. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980. Pp. xx + 479. $35.00.) pp. 171-172

- Dennis L. Dresang
- Revolution and Tradition in Tientsin, 1949–1952. By Kenneth G. Lieberthal. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1980. Pp. 231. $18.50.) pp. 172-173

- Ilpyong J. Kim
- The Bangladesh Revolution and Its Aftermath. By Talukder Maniruzzaman. (Dacca: Bangladesh Books International, 1980. Pp. xvi + 259. $10.00, cloth; $8.00, paper.) pp. 173-174

- Harry Blair
- African Socialism in Two Countries. By Ahmed Mohiddin. (Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble Books, 1981, Pp. 231, $25.00.) pp. 174-175

- Frank Holmquist
- Political Parties and System Flexibility. By Charles J. Nagy. (Washington, D.C.: University Presses of American, 1981. Pp. viii + 188. $18.00 cloth; $9.00 paper.) pp. 175-176

- Lawrence C. Mayer
- The Atom Besieged; Extraparliamentary Dissent in France and Germany. By Dorothy Nelkin and Michael Pollak. (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1981. Pp. 235. $17.50.) pp. 176-177

- Larry L. Wade
- The Making of Conservative Party Policy: The Conservative Research Department Since 1929. By John Ramsden. (New York: Longman, 1980. Pp. ii + 324. $50.00.) pp. 177-178

- Elizabeth Crighton
- Britain at the Polls, 1979: A Study of the General Election. Edited By Howard R. Penniman. (Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1981. Pp. xvii + 345. $16.25, cloth; $8.25, paper.) pp. 178-179

- William G. Andrews
- Electoral Participation: A Comparative Analysis. Edited By Richard Rose (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Publications, 1980. Pp. 358. $20.00, cloth; $9.95, paper.) pp. 179-180

- Bruce A. Campbell
- Agrarian Populism and the Mexican State: The Struggle for Land in Sonora. By Steven E. Sanderson. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xx + 310. $22.75.) pp. 180-181

- Merilee S. Grindle
- Democracy and Clientelism in Jamaica. By Carl Stone. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1980. Pp. 262. $16.95.) pp. 181-182

- Pedro A. Cabán
- The Western Saharans: Background to Conflict. By Virginia Thompson and Richard Adloff. (Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble, 1980. Pp. 358. $27.50.) pp. 182-183

- I. William Zartman
- Arab Nationalism, A Critical Enquiry. By Bassam Tibi. Translated By Marion Farouk-Sluglett and Peter Sluglett. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. xiv + 286. $20.00.) pp. 183-184

- George N. Atiyeh
- Vietnamese Communism in Comparative Perspective. Edited By William S. Turley. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1980. Pp. xiii + 271. $22.50.) pp. 184-185

- Carlyle A. Thayer
- Russia's Failed Revolutions: From the Decembrists to the Dissidents. By Adam B. Ulam. (New York: Basic Books, 1981, Pp. vii + 453. $18.95.) pp. 185-186

- R. Judson Mitchell
- From Ploughshare to Ballotbox: The Politics of Agrarian Defense in Europe. By Derek W. Urwin. (Oslo, Bergen, Tromso: Universitetsforlaget, 1980, and New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. 368. $30.00, paper.) pp. 186-187

- David M. Wood
- The Patrimonial Foundations of the Brazilian Bureaucratic State. By Fernando Uricoechea. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1980. Pp. xvii + 233. $16.50.) pp. 187-188

- James M. Malloy
- The International Energy Relations of China. By Kim Woodard. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1980. Pp. xii + 717. $50.00.) pp. 188-189

- Samuel S. Kim
- The Israeli-Egyptian War of Attrition, 1969–1970: A Case Study of Limited Local War. By Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. pp. xi + 248. $17.50.) pp. 189-190

- Michael C. Hudson
- Decisions in Crisis: Israel 1967 and 1973. By Michael Brecher with Benjamin Geist. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1980. Pp. xvii + 479. $24.95.) pp. 190-191

- Raymond Tanter
- Chinese Foreign Policy: The Maoist Era and Its Aftermath. By Josepf Camilleri. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 313. $25.00.) pp. 192-193

- William Pang-yu Ting
- The Diplomacy of Silence: The American Foreign Service, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War, 1933–1947. By Hugh De Santis. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. x + 270. $23.00.) pp. 193-194

- Nicholas O. Berry
- Aid and Influence: The Case of Bangladesh. Edited By Just Faaland. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. 202. $25.00.) pp. 194-195

- Norman K. Nicholson
- Simulated International Processes: Theories and Research in Global Modeling. Edited By Harold Guetzkow and Joseph J. Valadez. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1981. Pp. 400. $29.95.) pp. 195-196

- Stephen J. Majeski
- Not by War Alone: Security and Arms Control in the Middle East By Paul Jabber. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xii + 212. $18.50.) pp. 196-197

- Alan K. Dowty
- Creating the Entangling Alliance: The Origins of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. By Timothy P. Ireland. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. x + 245. $27.00.) pp. 196-196

- Paul Gordon Lauren
- The Future of International Organization. Edited By Rüdiger Jütte and Annemarie Grosse-Jütte. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. x + 288. $22.50.) pp. 197-198

- Robert G. Leh
- In Search of Theory: A New Paradigm for Global Politics. By Richard W. Mansbach and John A. Vasquez. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. xxv + 599. $25.00.) pp. 198-200

- Eugene R. Wittkopf
- Forces et enjeux dans les relations internationales. By Marcel Merle. (Paris: Economica, 1981. Pp. 416. FFrs 79.45, paper.) pp. 200-201

- Ivo D. Duchacek
- The World of States: Connected Essays. By J. D. B. Miller. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. 179. $27.50.) pp. 201-202

- James A. Stegenga
- Soviet Political and Military Conduct in the Middle East. By Ammon Sella. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. Pp. xiii + 211. $25.00.) pp. 202-203

- Ronald H. Linden
- The Nation at War. By Arthur A. Stein. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980. Pp. xii + 151. $12.95.) pp. 203-204

- Davis B. Bobrow
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