American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 102, issue 4, 2008
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-viii

- Anonymous
- What Is a “Right to Have Rights”? Three Images of the Politics of Human Rights pp. 401-416

- James D. Ingram
- The Impartiality of International Judges: Evidence from the European Court of Human Rights pp. 417-433

- Erik Voeten
- Judicial Behavior under Political Constraints: Evidence from the European Court of Justice pp. 435-452

- Clifford J. Carrubba, Matthew Gabel and Charles Hankla
- The New Unitary Executive and Democratic Theory: The Problem of Alexander Hamilton pp. 453-465

- Jeremy D. Bailey
- Punishment, Property, and the Limits of Altruism: Locke's International Asymmetry pp. 467-479

- Alex Tuckness
- Discursive Representation pp. 481-493

- John S. Dryzek and Simon Niemeyer
- The Role of Parties' Past Behavior in Coalition Formation pp. 495-507

- Margit Tavits
- Governmental Centralization and Party Affiliation: Legislator Strategies in Brazil and Japan pp. 509-524

- Scott Desposato and Ethan Scheiner
- Errata to American Political Science Review 102(3) pp. 525-525

- Anonymous
Volume 102, issue 3, 2008
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-viii

- Anonymous
- Are Voters Sensitive to Terrorism? Direct Evidence from the Israeli Electorate pp. 279-301

- Claude Berrebi and Esteban Klor
- Candidate Positioning and Voter Choice pp. 303-318

- Michael Tomz and Robert P. van Houweling
- A Formal Model of Learning and Policy Diffusion pp. 319-332

- Craig Volden, Michael M. Ting and Daniel P. Carpenter
- Delegating Direct Democracy: Interparty Legislative Competition and the Adoption of the Initiative in the American States pp. 333-350

- Daniel A. Smith and Dustin Fridkin
- The Qualities of Leadership: Direction, Communication, and Obfuscation pp. 351-368

- Torun Dewan and David Myatt
- Does Legal Doctrine Matter? Unpacking Law and Policy Preferences on the U.S. Supreme Court pp. 369-384

- Michael A. Bailey and Forrest Maltzman
- Erratum to “Bargaining in Legislatures over Particularistic and Collective Goods” American Political Science Review 101(1): 79–92 pp. 385-386

- Craig Volden and Alan E. Wiseman
- Democracy and the Logic of Political Survival pp. 387-392

- Kevin A. Clarke and Randall W. Stone
- Retesting Selectorate Theory: Separating the Effects of W from Other Elements of Democracy pp. 393-400

- James D. Morrow, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Randolph M. Siverson and Alastair Smith
Volume 102, issue 2, 2008
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-viii

- Anonymous
- Authoritarian Reversals and Democratic Consolidation pp. 153-168

- Milan Svolik
- Replacing Cabinet Ministers: Patterns of Ministerial Stability in Parliamentary Democracies pp. 169-180

- John D. Huber and Cecilia Martinez-Gallardo
- The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism: Business Organizations, Party Systems, and State Structure in the Age of Innocence pp. 181-198

- Cathie Jo Martin and Duane Swank
- Mill, Political Economy, and Women's Work pp. 199-213

- Nancy J. Hirschmann
- The Strength of Issues: Using Multiple Measures to Gauge Preference Stability, Ideological Constraint, and Issue Voting pp. 215-232

- Stephen Ansolabehere, Jonathan Rodden and James M. Snyder
- Genetic Variation in Political Participation pp. 233-248

- James H. Fowler, Laura A. Baker and Christopher T. Dawes
- Whistleblowing pp. 249-267

- Michael M. Ting
- Design, Inference, and the Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism pp. 269-273

- Scott Ashworth, Joshua D. Clinton, Adam Meirowitz and Kristopher W. Ramsay
- Methods and Findings in the Study of Suicide Terrorism pp. 275-277

- Robert A. Pape
Volume 102, issue 1, 2008
- Notes from the Editors pp. iii-x

- Anonymous
- Cycles in American National Electoral Politics, 1854–2006: Statistical Evidence and an Explanatory Model pp. 1-17

- Samuel Merrill, Bernard Grofman and Thomas L. Brunell
- Vote Buying or Turnout Buying? Machine Politics and the Secret Ballot pp. 19-31

- Simeon Nichter
- Social Pressure and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment pp. 33-48

- Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green and Christopher W. Larimer
- Is Voting Contagious? Evidence from Two Field Experiments pp. 49-57

- David W. Nickerson
- Challenges to the Impartiality of State Supreme Courts: Legitimacy Theory and “New-Style” Judicial Campaigns pp. 59-75

- James L. Gibson
- Systemic Politics and the Origins of Great Power Conflict pp. 77-93

- Bear Braumoeller
- The Multiple Effects of Casualties on Public Support for War: An Experimental Approach pp. 95-106

- Scott Sigmund Gartner
- Oil, Islam, and Women pp. 107-123

- Michael L. Ross
- The Autocrat's Credibility Problem and Foundations of the Constitutional State pp. 125-139

- Roger Myerson
- Plato's Critique of Hedonism in the Philebus pp. 141-151

- Robert C. Bartlett
Volume 101, issue 4, 2007
- Effects of “In-Your-Face” Television Discourse on Perceptions of a Legitimate Opposition pp. 621-635

- Diana C. Mutz
- Framing Public Opinion in Competitive Democracies pp. 637-655

- Dennis Chong and James N. Druckman
- The Law of k/n: The Effect of Chamber Size on Government Spending in Bicameral Legislatures pp. 657-676

- Jowei Chen and Neil Malhotra
- Partition as a Solution to Wars of Nationalism: The Importance of Institutions pp. 677-691

- Thomas Chapman and Philip G. Roeder
- Can Institutions Build Unity in Multiethnic States? pp. 693-708

- Zachary Elkins and John Sides
- Why Does Ethnic Diversity Undermine Public Goods Provision? pp. 709-725

- James Habyarimana, Macartan Humphreys, Daniel N. Posner and Jeremy M. Weinstein
- Rousseau's Discriminating Defense of Compassion pp. 727-739

- Jonathan Marks
- “What Does Heaven Ever Say?” A Methods-centered Approach to Cross-cultural Engagement pp. 741-755

- Leigh Kathryn Jenco
- Pax Asiatica versus Bella Levantina: The Foundations of War and Peace in East Asia and the Middle East pp. 757-780

- Etel Solingen
- Strikes and Labor Organization in Hybrid Regimes pp. 781-798

- Graeme B. Robertson
- Allocating Defensive Resources with Private Information about Vulnerability pp. 799-809

- Robert Powell
- Institutions and Equilibrium in the United States Supreme Court pp. 811-825

- Robert Anderson Iv and Alexander M. Tahk
- Leading the Party: Coordination, Direction, and Communication pp. 827-845

- Torun Dewan and David Myatt
- Demand Commitment in Legislative Bargaining pp. 847-850

- Maria Montero and Juan Vidal-Puga
- Demand Commitment and Legislative Bargaining: A Response pp. 851-851

- Massimo Morelli
Volume 101, issue 3, 2007
- Economic Interests and the Origins of Electoral Systems pp. 373-391

- Thomas R. Cusack, Torben Iversen and David Soskice
- Vote Choice in Suburban Elections pp. 393-408

- J. Eric Oliver and Shang E. Ha
- Efficiency, Equity, and Timing of Voting Mechanisms pp. 409-424

- Marco Battaglini, Rebecca Morton and Thomas Palfrey
- İSí Se Puede! Latino Candidates and the Mobilization of Latino Voters pp. 425-441

- Matt A. Barreto
- Democratic Theory and Political Science: A Pragmatic Method of Constructive Engagement pp. 443-458

- Archon Fung
- Federalism, Liberalism, and the Separation of Loyalties pp. 459-477

- Jacob T. Levy
- A Portrait of the Artist in Politics: Justice and Self-Interest in Aristophanes' Acharnians pp. 479-492

- Paul W. Ludwig
- The Struggle between “Religion and Nonreligion”: Jefferson, Backus, and the Dissonance of America's Founding Principles pp. 493-503

- J. Judd Owen
- Explaining the Political Ambivalence of Religion pp. 505-525

- Daniel Philpott
- Defending against Terrorist Attacks with Limited Resources pp. 527-541

- Robert Powell
- Efficient Secrecy: Public versus Private Threats in Crisis Diplomacy pp. 543-558

- Shuhei Kurizaki
- When Do States Follow the Laws of War? pp. 559-572

- James D. Morrow
- Who Keeps International Commitments and Why? The International Criminal Court and Bilateral Nonsurrender Agreements pp. 573-589

- Judith Kelley
- Constructing Legal Rules on Appellate Courts pp. 591-604

- Jeffrey R. Lax
- Regulatory Quality Under Imperfect Oversight pp. 605-620

- Ethan Bueno de Mesquita and Matthew C. Stephenson
Volume 101, issue 2, 2007
- Pericles at Gettysburg and Ground Zero: Tragedy, Patriotism, and Public Mourning pp. 195-208

- Simon Stow
- Can the Prince Really Be Tamed? Executive Prerogative, Popular Apathy, and the Constitutional Frame in Locke's Second Treatise pp. 209-222

- Benjamin A. Kleinerman
- Reopening the Quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns: Leo Strauss's Critique of Hobbes's “New Political Science” pp. 223-233

- Devin Stauffer
- Islamic Foundations for a Social Contract in non-Muslim Liberal Democracies pp. 235-252

- Andrew F. March
- What's at Stake in the American Empire Debate pp. 253-271

- Daniel H. Nexon and Thomas Wright
- When Do Elections Encourage Ideological Rigidity? pp. 273-288

- Brandice Canes-Wrone and Kenneth W. Shotts
- Candidate Quality, the Personal Vote, and the Incumbency Advantage in Congress pp. 289-301

- Jamie L. Carson, Erik J. Engstrom and Jason M. Roberts
- Challenger Entry and Voter Learning pp. 303-320

- Sanford C. Gordon, Gregory A. Huber and Dimitri Landa
- Party, Policy, or Duty: Why Does the Supreme Court Invalidate Federal Statutes? pp. 321-338

- Thomas M. Keck
- When Race Matters and When It Doesn't: Racial Group Differences in Response to Racial Cues pp. 339-354

- Ismail K. White
- Solidary Groups, Informal Accountability, and Local Public Goods Provision in Rural China pp. 355-372

- Lily L. Tsai
Volume 101, issue 1, 2007
- Between Decision and Deliberation: Political Paradox in Democratic Theory pp. 1-17

- Bonnie Honig
- The Politics of the Personal: A Liberal Approach pp. 19-31

- Corey Brettschneider
- The Genders of Citizenship pp. 33-46

- Stephen T. Leonard and Joan C. Tronto
- The Priority of Democracy: A Pragmatist Approach to Political-Economic Institutions and the Burden of Justification pp. 47-61

- Jack Knight and James Johnson
- Scandal, Protection, and Recovery in the Cabinet pp. 63-77

- Torun Dewan and David Myatt
- Bargaining in Legislatures over Particularistic and Collective Goods pp. 79-92

- Craig Volden and Alan E. Wiseman
- Buying Expertise: Campaign Contributions and Attention to Policy Analysis in Congressional Committees pp. 93-109

- Kevin M. Esterling
- A Public Transformed? Welfare Reform as Policy Feedback pp. 111-127

- Joe Soss and Sanford F. Schram
- Explaining Bureaucratic Optimism: Theory and Evidence from U.S. Executive Agency Macroeconomic Forecasts pp. 129-142

- George A. Krause and J. Kevin Corder
- The Paradox of Voter Participation? A Laboratory Study pp. 143-158

- David Levine and Thomas R. Palfrey
- Tax Me If You Can: Ethnic Geography, Democracy, and the Taxation of Agriculture in Africa pp. 159-172

- Kimuli Kasara
- Beyond Fractionalization: Mapping Ethnicity onto Nationalist Insurgencies pp. 173-185

- Lars-Erik Cederman and Luc Girardin
- Ethnic Minority Rule and Civil War Onset pp. 187-193

- James Fearon, Kimuli Kasara and David D. Laitin
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