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American Political Science Review

1906 - 2025

From Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK.

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Volume 117, issue 4, 2023

What Do “Left Behind Communities” Want? A Qualitative Study in the United Kingdom using Photo Elicitation pp. 1173-1187 Downloads
Matthew Wood, Ivanka Antova, Mark Flear and Tamara Hervey
Hobbes and Hats pp. 1188-1201 Downloads
Teresa M. Bejan
Slavery and Oratory: Frederick Douglass in the History of Rhetoric pp. 1202-1214 Downloads
Rob Goodman
Ideology Critique without Morality: A Radical Realist Approach pp. 1215-1227 Downloads
Ugur Aytac and Enzo Rossi
Which Markets, Whose Rationality? Markets as Polyvalent Political Devices pp. 1228-1240 Downloads
Robert Reamer
Emotional Sensibility: Exploring the Methodological and Ethical Implications of Research Participants’ Emotions pp. 1241-1254 Downloads
Wendy Pearlman
Embedding Regression: Models for Context-Specific Description and Inference pp. 1255-1274 Downloads
Pedro L. Rodriguez, Arthur Spirling and Brandon M. Stewart
Statistically Valid Inferences from Privacy-Protected Data pp. 1275-1290 Downloads
Georgina Evans, Gary King, Margaret Schwenzfeier and Abhradeep Thakurta
Strategic Reporting: A Formal Model of Biases in Conflict Data pp. 1291-1307 Downloads
Michael Gibilisco and Jessica Steinberg
UN Peacekeeping and Democratization in Conflict-Affected Countries pp. 1308-1326 Downloads
Robert A. Blair, Jessica Di Salvatore and Hannah M. Smidt
Locking Down Violence: The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Non-State Actor Violence pp. 1327-1343 Downloads
Dawn Brancati, Jóhanna Birnir and Qutaiba Idlbi
Revolutionary Violence and Counterrevolution pp. 1344-1360 Downloads
Killian Clarke
How Exile Shapes Online Opposition: Evidence from Venezuela pp. 1361-1378 Downloads
Jane Esberg and Alexandra A. Siegel
Participation, Development, and Accountability: A Survey Experiment on Democratic Decision-Making in Kenya pp. 1379-1394 Downloads
Michael Touchton and Brian Wampler
State Support for Religion and Government Legitimacy in Christian-Majority Countries pp. 1395-1409 Downloads
Jonathan Fox and Jori Breslawski
Antidote to Backsliding: Ethnic Politics and Democratic Resilience pp. 1410-1428 Downloads
Jan Rovny
How Do Politicians Bargain? Evidence from Ultimatum Games with Legislators in Five Countries pp. 1429-1447 Downloads
Lior Sheffer, Peter John Loewen, Stefaan Walgrave, Stefanie Bailer, Christian Breunig, Luzia Helfer, Jean-Benoit Pilet, Frédéric Varone and Rens Vliegenthart
The Politics of Respectability and Black Americans’ Punitive Attitudes pp. 1448-1464 Downloads
Hakeem Jefferson
Women Grab Back: Exclusion, Policy Threat, and Women’s Political Ambition pp. 1465-1485 Downloads
Amanda Clayton, O’brien, Diana Z. and Jennifer M. Piscopo
The “Need for Chaos” and Motivations to Share Hostile Political Rumors pp. 1486-1505 Downloads
Michael Bang Petersen, Mathias Osmundsen and Kevin Arceneaux
Rule Significance and Interbranch Competition in Rulemaking Processes pp. 1506-1521 Downloads
Fang-Yi Chiou and Jonathan Klingler
Do Women Make More Protectionist Trade Policy? pp. 1522-1530 Downloads
Timm Betz, David Fortunato and O’brien, Diana Z.
In the Mood for Democracy? Democratic Support as Thermostatic Opinion-CORRIGENDUM pp. 1531-1538 Downloads
Christopher Claassen

Volume 117, issue 3, 2023

Language, Skin Tone, and Attitudes toward Puerto Rico in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria pp. 789-804 Downloads
Viviana Rivera-Burgos
Equality, Reciprocity, or Need? Bolstering Welfare Policy Support for Marginalized Groups with Distributive Fairness pp. 805-821 Downloads
Andrej Findor, Matej Hruška, Roman Hlatky, Tomáš Hrustič and Zuzana Bošeľová
Ticketing and Turnout: The Participatory Consequences of Low-Level Police Contact pp. 822-834 Downloads
Jonathan Ben-Menachem and Kevin T. Morris
Outsourcing Bureaucracy to Evade Accountability: How Public Servants Build Shadow State Capacity pp. 835-850 Downloads
Jessica A. J. Rich
Collective Remembrance and Private Choice: German–Greek Conflict and Behavior in Times of Crisis pp. 851-870 Downloads
Vasiliki Fouka and Hans-Joachim Voth
Complements or Substitutes? How Institutional Arrangements Bind Traditional Authorities and the State in Africa pp. 871-890 Downloads
Soeren J. Henn
Failing the Test: The Countervailing Attitudinal Effects of Civil Service Examinations pp. 891-908 Downloads
Nicholas Kuipers
International Sports Events and Repression in Autocracies: Evidence from the 1978 FIFA World Cup pp. 909-926 Downloads
Adam Scharpf, Christian GLÄßEL and Pearce Edwards
Capture or Empowerment: Governing Citizens and the Environment in the European Renewable Energy Transition pp. 927-939 Downloads
Kellan Anfinson
Fukuzawa Yukichi’s Liberal Nationalism pp. 940-952 Downloads
Kei Hiruta
Realism and Responsible Parties pp. 953-966 Downloads
Emilee Booth Chapman
Laboratories of Democratic Backsliding pp. 967-984 Downloads
Jacob M. Grumbach
Privatizing Financial Protection: Regulatory Feedback and the Politics of Financial Reform pp. 985-1003 Downloads
Mallory E. Sorelle
The Perpetuity of the Past: Transmission of Political Inequality across Multiple Generations pp. 1004-1018 Downloads
Karl-Oskar Lindgren and Sven Oskarsson
The President Will See Whom Now? Presidential Engagement with Organized Interests pp. 1019-1035 Downloads
David Ryan Miller
Trauma and Turnout: The Political Consequences of Traumatic Events pp. 1036-1052 Downloads
Wayde Z. C. Marsh
Relaxing Assumptions, Improving Inference: Integrating Machine Learning and the Linear Regression pp. 1053-1069 Downloads
Marc Ratkovic
Elements of External Validity: Framework, Design, and Analysis pp. 1070-1088 Downloads
Naoki Egami and Erin Hartman
Ideology for the Future pp. 1089-1104 Downloads
Federica Izzo
Government Rhetoric and the Representation of Public Opinion in International Negotiations pp. 1105-1122 Downloads
Christopher Wratil, Jens Wäckerle and Sven-Oliver Proksch
Misperceptions about Refugee Policy pp. 1123-1129 Downloads
Emily Thorson and Lamis Abdelaaty
Can Stakeholders Mobilize Businesses for the Protection of Democracy? Evidence from the U.S. Capitol Insurrection pp. 1130-1136 Downloads
Zhao Li and Richard W. Disalvo
Automatic Voter Reregistration as a Housewarming Gift: Quantifying Causal Effects on Turnout Using Movers pp. 1137-1144 Downloads
Seo-Young Silvia Kim
Local News and the Electoral Incentive to Invest in Infrastructure pp. 1145-1150 Downloads
Megan Mullin and Katy Hansen
Do Violent Protests Affect Expressions of Party Identity? Evidence from the Capitol Insurrection pp. 1151-1157 Downloads
Gregory Eady, Frederik Hjorth and Peter Thisted Dinesen
Making the List: Reevaluating Political Trust and Social Desirability in China pp. 1158-1165 Downloads
Stephen P. Nicholson and Haifeng Huang
Sanctuary after Asylum: Addressing a Gap in the Political Theory of Refuge pp. 1166-1171 Downloads
Samuel Ritholtz and Rebecca Buxton
The Tragedy of the Nomenklatura: Career Incentives and Political Radicalism during China’s Great Leap Famine – Expression of Concern pp. 1172-1172 Downloads

Volume 117, issue 2, 2023

The Democratic State and Redistribution: Whose Interests Are Served? pp. 391-406 Downloads
Mads Andreas Elkjær and Torben Iversen
Weak, Despotic, or Inclusive? How State Type Emerges from State versus Civil Society Competition pp. 407-420 Downloads
Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson
When Do Männerparteien Elect Women? Radical Right Populist Parties and Strategic Descriptive Representation pp. 421-438 Downloads
Ana Catalano Weeks, Bonnie M. Meguid, Miki Caul Kittilson and Hilde Coffé
Armed Violence and Patriarchal Values: A Survey of Young Men in Thailand and Their Military Experiences pp. 439-453 Downloads
Elin Bjarnegård, Anders Engvall, Srisompob Jitpiromsri and Erik Melander
Symbolic Refugee Protection: Explaining Latin America’s Liberal Refugee Laws pp. 454-473 Downloads
Omar Hammoud-Gallego and Luisa Feline Freier
Rationalizing Democracy: The Perceptual Bias and (Un)Democratic Behavior pp. 474-496 Downloads
Suthan Krishnarajan
Can Elections Motivate Responsiveness in a Single-Party Regime? Experimental Evidence from Vietnam pp. 497-517 Downloads
Edmund J. Malesky, Jason Douglas Todd and Anh Tran
Foundations of a New Democracy: Schooling, Inequality, and Voting in the Early Republic pp. 518-536 Downloads
Tine Paulsen, Kenneth Scheve and David Stasavage
Does Political Representation Increase Participation? Evidence from Party Candidate Lotteries in Mexico pp. 537-556 Downloads
Mathias Poertner
The German Trade Shock and the Rise of the Neo-Welfare State in Early Twentieth-Century Britain pp. 557-574 Downloads
Kenneth Scheve and Theo Serlin
Electoral Systems and Gender Inequality in Political News: Analyzing the News Visibility of Members of Parliament in Norway and the UK pp. 575-590 Downloads
Gunnar Thesen and Tevfik Murat Yildirim
Facing Change: Gender and Climate Change Attitudes Worldwide pp. 591-608 Downloads
Sarah Sunn Bush and Amanda Clayton
The Domestic Sources of International Reputation pp. 609-628 Downloads
Michael A. Goldfien, Michael F. Joseph and Roseanne W. McManus
Settler Empire and the United States: Francis Lieber on the Laws of War pp. 629-642 Downloads
Helen M. Kinsella
Moderates pp. 643-660 Downloads
Anthony Fowler, Seth J. Hill, Jeffrey B. Lewis, Chris Tausanovitch, Lynn Vavreck and Christopher Warshaw
The Supreme Court as an Agent of Policy Drift: The Case of the NLRA pp. 661-674 Downloads
Warren Snead
Competition in Congressional Elections: Money versus Votes pp. 675-691 Downloads
Danielle M. Thomsen
Structural Domination and Freedom in the Labor Market: From Voluntariness to Independence pp. 692-704 Downloads
Alexander Bryan
Whitman’s Undemocratic Vistas: Mortal Anxiety, National Glory, White Supremacy pp. 705-718 Downloads
Jack Turner
Political Solutions to Discriminatory Behavior pp. 719-733 Downloads
Thorbjørn Sejr Guul
Rebel Motivations and Repression pp. 734-750 Downloads
Ethan Bueno de Mesquita and Mehdi Shadmehr
Affluence and Influence in a Social Democracy pp. 751-758 Downloads
Ruben B. Mathisen
Gender and the Influence of Proportional Representation: A Comment on the Peripheral Voting Thesis pp. 759-766 Downloads
Dawn Langan Teele
Analytical Democratic Theory: A Microfoundational Approach pp. 767-772 Downloads
Henry Farrell, Hugo Mercier and Melissa Schwartzberg
White Americans’ Reactions to Racial Disparities in COVID-19 pp. 773-780 Downloads
Lafleur Stephens-Dougan
How Much is Majority Status in the U.S. Congress Worth? — CORRIGENDUM pp. 781-781 Downloads
Gary W. Cox and Eric Magar
White Americans’ Reactions to Racial Disparities in COVID-19 — CORRIGENDUM pp. 782-784 Downloads
Lafleur Stephens-Dougan
BARP: Improving Mister P Using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees — CORRIGENDUM pp. 785-787 Downloads
Max Goplerud and James Bisbee

Volume 117, issue 1, 2023

Canvassing the Gatekeepers: A Field Experiment to Increase Women Voters’ Turnout in Pakistan pp. 1-21 Downloads
Ali Cheema, Sarah Khan, Asad Liaqat and Shandana Khan Mohmand
Intrinsic Social Incentives in State and Non-State Armed Groups pp. 22-41 Downloads
Michael J. Gilligan, Prabin Khadka and Cyrus Samii
Land and Legibility: When Do Citizens Expect Secure Property Rights in Weak States? pp. 42-58 Downloads
Karen E. Ferree, Lauren Honig, Ellen Lust and Melanie L. Phillips
STADL Up! The Spatiotemporal Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model for TSCS Data Analysis pp. 59-79 Downloads
Scott J. Cook, Jude C. Hays and Robert J. Franzese
Measuring Misperceptions? pp. 80-102 Downloads
Matthew H. Graham
The Effect of Gender on Interruptions at Congressional Hearings pp. 103-121 Downloads
Michael G. Miller and Joseph L. Sutherland
How Are Politicians Informed? Witnesses and Information Provision in Congress pp. 122-139 Downloads
Pamela Ban, Ju Yeon Park and Hye Young You
The Marketplace of Ideas and the Agora: Herodotus on the Power of Isegoria pp. 140-152 Downloads
Lindsay Mahon Rathnam
“This Hearing Should Be Flipped”: Democratic Spectatorship, Social Media, and the Problem of Demagogic Candor pp. 153-167 Downloads
Boris Litvin
Prejudiced When Climbing Up or When Falling Down? Why Some People of Color Express Anti-Black Racism pp. 168-183 Downloads
Efrén Pérez, Crystal Robertson and Bianca Vicuña
“It’s Like Shouting to a Brick Wall”: Normative Whiteness and Racism in the European Parliament pp. 184-199 Downloads
Johanna Kantola, Anna Elomäki, Barbara Gaweda, Cherry Miller, Petra Ahrens and Valentine Berthet
The Representational Consequences of Municipal Civil Service Reform pp. 200-216 Downloads
Nicholas Kuipers and Alexander Sahn
Greed, Envy, and Admiration: The Distinct Nature of Public Opinion about Redistribution from the Rich pp. 217-234 Downloads
Kristina Jessen Hansen
Development in Decolonization: Walter Rodney, Third World Developmentalism, and “Decolonizing Political Theory” pp. 235-248 Downloads
David Myer Temin
Liberal Plebeianism: John Stuart Mill on Democracy, Oligarchy, and Working-Class Mobilization pp. 249-262 Downloads
Gordon Arlen
Policing, Democratic Participation, and the Reproduction of Asymmetric Citizenship pp. 263-279 Downloads
Yanilda González and Lindsay Mayka
The Politics of Police Data: State Legislative Capacity and the Transparency of State and Substate Agencies pp. 280-295 Downloads
Scott J. Cook and David Fortunato
Policy Threat, Partisanship, and the Case of the Affordable Care Act pp. 296-310 Downloads
Suzanne Mettler, Lawrence R. Jacobs and Ling Zhu
The Effect of Pregnancy on Engagement with Politics. Toward a Model of the Political Consequences of the Earliest Stages of Parenthood pp. 311-317 Downloads
Elin Naurin, Dietlind Stolle and Elias Markstedt
Can’t We All Just Get Along? How Women MPs Can Ameliorate Affective Polarization in Western Publics pp. 318-324 Downloads
James Adams, David Bracken, Noam Gidron, Will Horne, O’brien, Diana Z. and Kaitlin Senk
Does the International Criminal Court Target the American Military? pp. 325-331 Downloads
Daniel Krcmaric
Survey Nonresponse and Mass Polarization: The Consequences of Declining Contact and Cooperation Rates pp. 332-339 Downloads
Amnon Cavari and Guy Freedman
Campaign Contributions and Roll-Call Voting in the U.S. House of Representatives: The Case of the Sugar Industry pp. 340-346 Downloads
Kevin Grier, Robin Grier and Gor Mkrtchian
Learning to Dislike Your Opponents: Political Socialization in the Era of Polarization pp. 347-354 Downloads
Matthew Tyler and Shanto Iyengar
Temporary Disenfranchisement: Negative Side Effects of Lowering the Voting Age pp. 355-361 Downloads
Arndt Leininger, Marie-Lou Sohnius, Thorsten Faas, Sigrid Roßteutscher and Armin Schäfer
STADL Up! The Spatio-Temporal Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model for TSCS Data Analysis—CORRIGENDUM pp. 362-364 Downloads
Scott J. Cook, Jude C. Hays and Robert J. Franzese
Page updated 2025-03-25