American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 1, issue 4, 1907
- Growth of American Theories of Popular Government pp. 531-560

- Albert Bushnell Hart
- The Executive Council of Porto Rico pp. 561-582

- William Franklin Willoughby
- Conclusiveness of Administrative Determinations in the Federal Government pp. 583-607

- Thomas Reed Powell
- De l'organisation du Conseil Municipal de Paris. Par Henri Chrétien. (Paris: Giard & Brière. 1906. Pp. 232.) - Le problème du mode d'élection des conseillers municipaux de Paris. Par Dominique Pénard. (Paris: Imprimerie Jouve. 1905. Pp. 144.) - La préfecture de police. Par Edmond Mouneyrat. (Paris: Bonvalot-Jouve. 1906. Pp. 194.) - Les secrétaires de mairie. Par R. Martineau. (Paris: Bonvalot-Jouve. 1906. Pp. 188.) - Les exploitations municipales, commerciales, et industrielles en France. Par Pierre Mercier. (Paris: Roustan: 1905. Pp. 310.) - Études sur l'œuvre économique des municipalités. Par Maurice Gaucheron. (Paris: Bonvalot-Jouve. 1906. Pp. 211.) pp. 646-649

- William Bennett Munro
- The New Far East. By Thomas F. Millard. (New York: Charles Scribners' Sons. 1906. Pp. xii, 319.) - Paix Japonaise. By Louis Aubert. (Paris: A. Colin, 1906. Pp. 351.) - The International Position of Japan as a Great Power. By Seigi G. Hishida. (New York: Columbia University Press. 1905. Pp. 289.) pp. 650-653

- Paul S. Reinsch
- Liberty, Union and Democracy. By Barrett Wendell. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1906. Pp. 327.) pp. 653-656

- Henry Jones Ford
- The National Liberal Federation: From its Commencement to the General Election of 1906. By Robert Spence Watson, LL.D. With an Introduction by the Rt. Hon.Augustine Birrell, K.C., M.P. (London: Fisher Unwin. 1907. Pp. xii, 318.) pp. 656-658

- Edward Porritt
- The Electoral System of the United States. By. J. Hampden Dougherty. (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1906. Pp. iv, 425.) pp. 658-661

- James Albert Woodburn
- Spanish-American Diplomatic Relations Preceding the War of 1898. By Horace Edgar Flack. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1906. Pp. 95.) pp. 661-662

- Elbert J. Benton
- Early Diplomatic Negotiations of the United States with Russia. By John C. Hildt. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1906. Pp. 195.) pp. 662-664

- Elbert J. Benton
- China and Her People: Being the Observations, Reminiscences and Conclusions of an American Diplomat. By the Hon.Charles Denby, LL.D., Thirteen years United States minister to China. (Boston: L. C. Page and Company. 1906. 2 vols.) pp. 664-666

- Archibald Cary Coolidge
- A Decade of Civic Development. By Charles Zueblin. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1905. Pp. vii, 188.) pp. 666-666

- J. A. F.,
Volume 1, issue 3, 1907
- Responsible Government in the British Colonial System pp. 355-392

- Stephen Leacock
- The Japanese School Question and the Treaty-Making Power pp. 393-409

- Amos S. Hershey
- The Recent Controversy as to the British Jurisdiction Over Foreign Fishermen More than Three Miles from Shore: Mortensen V. Peters pp. 410-437

- Charles Noble Gregory
- Centralization and the Law. Scientific Legal Education. An Illustration with an Introduction by Melville M. Bigelow, Dean of the Boston University Law School. (Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1906. Pp. 296) pp. 468-470

- Eulin McClain
- International Law. By L. Oppenheim, LL.D. Lecturer on International Law, University of London. (London: Longmans, Green and Company. Vol. I. 1905. Pp. xxxvi, 610. Vol. II. 1906. Pp. xxxiv, 595.) pp. 470-471

- Edwin Maxey
- La colonisation et les colonies allemandes. Par André Chéradame. (Paris: Plon-Nourrit. 1905. Pp. 485.) pp. 472-474

- Burt Estes Howard
- Municipal Ownership in Great Britain. By Hugo Richard Meyer. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1906. Pp. 339.) pp. 474-479

- Frederic C. Howe
- The City: The Hope of Democracy. By Frederick C. Howe, Ph.D. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1906. Pp. 319.) pp. 479-481

- Clinton Rogers Woodruff
- The Election of Senators. By George H. Haynes, Ph.D. (New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1906. Pp. 295.) pp. 482-488

- Henry Loomis Nelson
- The Arbiter in Council. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1906. Pp. vi, 567.) pp. 488-488

- Horace E. Flack
Volume 1, issue 2, 1907
- Presidential Address: Third Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association pp. 177-186

- Albert Shaw
- The Third International Conference of American States pp. 187-199

- Paul S. Reinsch
- General Tendencies in State Constitutions1 pp. 200-212

- James Quayle Dealey
- Amendment of State Constitutions pp. 213-247

- James Wilford Garner
- The Constitutional History of New York, from the Beginning of the Colonial Period to the Year 1905, Showing the Origin, Development, and Judicial Construction of the Constitution. By Charles Z. Lincoln. (Rochester, N. Y.: Lawyers' Coöperative Publishing Company. 5 vols. 1906.) pp. 270-277

- Frank B. Gilbert
- English Local Government from the Revolution to the Municipal Corporations Act: The Parish and the County. By Sidney and Beatrice Webb. (New York and London: Longmans, Green and Company. 1906. Pp. xxv, 664.) pp. 277-282

- Edward Porritt
- Reconstruction in South Carolina, 1865–1877. By John S. Reynolds. (Columbia, S. C.: The State Company. 1906. Pp. 522.) pp. 282-285

- David Y. Thomas
- Notes on Current Legislation - Constitutional Law of England. By Edward Wavell Ridges, (London: Stevens and Sons; and Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1905. Pp. xxxii, 459.) pp. 285-288

- T. F. Moran
- A Treatise on American Citizenship. By John S. Wise. (Northport, Long Island: Edward Thompson Company. 1906. Pp. 340.) pp. 288-292

- John C. Rose
- War Government. Federal and State, in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Indiana, 1861–1865. By William B. Weeden. (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company. 1906. Pp. xxv, 379.) pp. 292-297

- Jesse Macy
- The Legislative History of Naturalization in the United States from the Revolutionary War to 1861. By Frank George Franklin, Ph.D. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1906. Pp. 330.) pp. 297-300

- William Bondy
- A History of Modern Liberty. By James Mackinnon, Ph.D. (London: New York and Bombay: Longmans, Green and Company. 1906. Volumes I and II Pp. xxii, 398; xi, 490.) pp. 300-302

- Isidor Loeb
- The Congress of Arts and Science, Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904. Edited by Howard J. Rogers, A.M, LL.D., Director of Congresses. Volume II. History of Politics and Economics, History of Law, History of Religion. (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company. 1906. Pp. x, 662.) pp. 302-306

- George Elliott Howard
- The Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists. Official Report of the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists held at St. Louis, Missouri, U. S. A., September 28, 29 and 30, 1904, under the auspices of the Universal Exposition and the American Bar Association. Edited by the Secretary of the Congress. (St. Louis: Published by the Executive Committee. 1905. Pp. xix, 423.) pp. 307-310

- Arthur K. Kuhn
- Traité de droit public international; première partie. Par A. Mérignhac. (Paris: Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence. 1905. Pp. 580.) pp. 310-312

- Simeon E. Baldwin
- Elements of Political Science. By Stephen Leacock, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science, McGill University. (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Company. 1906. Pp. ix, 417.) pp. 313-314

- Harold M. Bowman
- National Administration of the United States. By John A. Fairlie, Ph.D. (New York: The Macmillan Co.1905. Pp. 274.) - Local Government in the Counties, Towns and Villages. By John A. Fairlie, Ph.D. (New York: The Century Company. The American State Series. 1906. Pp. 279.) pp. 314-316

- W. A. Schaper
- Selected Cases on Government and Administration. By Frank J. Goodnow. (Chicago: Callahan and Company. 1906. Pp. 250.) - Selected Cases on the Law of Officers, including Extraordinary Legal Remedies. By Frank J. Goodnow. (Chicago: Callahan and Company. 1906. Pp. 709.) pp. 317-317

- J. A. F.,
Volume 1, issue 1, 1906
- The Usurped Powers of the Senate pp. 1-16

- A. Maurice Low
- Negro Suffrage: The Constitutional Point of View pp. 17-43

- John C. Rose
- Racial Distinctions in Southern Law pp. 44-61

- Gilbert Thomas Stephenson
- An Index of Comparative Legislation pp. 62-75

- W. F. Dodd
- Recht und Technik des englischen Parlamentarismus. Die Geschaftsordnung des House of Commons in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung und gegenwärtigen Gestalt. VonDr.Josef Redlich. (Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 1905. Pp. xx, 881.) pp. 123-128

- A. G. Porritt
- Roman Private Law: Founded on the “Institutes” of Gaius and Justinian. By R. W. League, M.A., B.C.L., Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford. (London: Macmillan and Company; New York: The Macmillan Co. 1906. Pp. ix, 429.) pp. 128-135

- William C. Morey
- A Short History of Roman Law. By Paul Frederic Girard, Professor of Roman Law in the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris. Being the first part of his Manuel de Droit Romain. Translated (with the consent of the author and with his special additions and corrections) by Augustus Henry Frazer Lefroy, M.A. (Axon), Barrister-at-Law, Professor of Roman Law and General Jurisprudence in the University of Toronto, and John Home Cameron, M.A., Associate Professor of French in University College, Toronto. (Toronto: Canada Law Book Company. 1906. Pp. vi, 220.) pp. 135-136

- George Elliott Howard
- The Principles of the Administrative Law of the United States. By Frank J. Goodnow, LL.D. (New York: G. P. Putman's Sons. 1905. Pp. xxvii, 480.) Le droit administratif; edition française par l'auteur. Otto Mayer. 4 vols. Bibliothèque internationale de droit public. (Paris: Giard et Brière, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906.) pp. 136-141

- Ernest Freund
- Lectures on the Relation Between Law and Public Opinion in England During the Nineteenth Century. By A. V. Dicey K.C., B.C.L., LL.D. (London: Macmillan and Company. 1905. Pp. xx, 503.) pp. 142-145

- John A. Fairlie
- Le Droit International: Les Principes, Les Théories, Les Faits. Par Ernest Nys, Conseiller à la Cour d'Appel, Professeur à l'Université de Bruxelles. (Bruxelles: Alfred Castaigne. Paris; Albert Fontemoing. Tome I, pp. 546. 1904. Tome II, pp. 432. 1905.) pp. 145-148

- John Holladay Latané
- International Law with Illustrative Cases. By Edwin Maxey, M.Dip., D.C.L., LL.D. (St. Louis: F. H. Thomas Law Book Company. 1906. Pp. 797.) pp. 148-151

- Amos S. Hershey
- China in Law and Commerce. By T. R. Jernigan. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1905. Pp. vii, 408.) pp. 152-155

- F. W. Williams
- Les droits legislatifs du President des États-Unis d'Amerique. Par Henri Bosc. (Paris: Arthur Rousseau. 1906. Pp. viii, 286.) pp. 155-157

- J. W. Garner
- American Railroad Rates. By Walter C. Noyes. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1905. Pp. 277.) pp. 157-161

- F. N. Judson
- The Heart of the Railroad Problem: The History of Railway Discriminations in the United States, the Chief Efforts at Control and the Remedies Proposed, with Hints from Other Countries. By ProfessorFrank Parsons Ph.D. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1906. Pp. 364.) pp. 161-164

- F. N. Judson
- The Law of Interstate Commerce and its Federal Regulation. By Frederick N. Judson. (Chicago: T. H. Flood and Company. 1905. Pp. xix, 509.) pp. 164-165

- Walter Wheeler Cook
- The Old Colonial System. By G. B. Hertz, M.A., B.C.L. (Publication of the University of Manchester, Historical Series, No. III. Manchester. At the University Press. 1905. Pp. xi, 232.) pp. 165-169

- George Leakin Sioussat
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